Expression of Interest
                   18th December 2018


    1. Introduction
    The United Nations has designated every 31 of October as World Cities Day (WCD). UN-Habitat is
    the coordinating agency in the United Nations system to organize the annual global observation
    of the World Cities Day, together with the host city. UN-Habitat is inviting cities to express their
    interest in hosting the global observation of the 2019 World Cities Day.

    The World Cities Day was established on 27 December 2013 by the General Assembly in its
    resolution A/RES/68/239, in which the General Assembly “decides to designate 31 October,
    beginning in 2014, as World Cities Day, invites States, the United Nations system, in particular UN-
    Habitat, relevant international organizations, civil society and all relevant stakeholders to observe
    and raise awareness of the Day and stresses that the costs of all activities that may arise from
    observing the Day should be met from voluntary contributions”.

    The WCD has been strongly supported by the People’s Republic of China through the Ministry of
    Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Shanghai Municipality.

    2. Background
    The Day is expected to promote the international community’s interest in global urbanization,
    push forward cooperation among countries in meeting opportunities and addressing challenges
    of urbanization, and contributing to sustainable urban development around the world.

    The general theme of World Cities Day is Better City, Better Life, while each year a different
    sub-theme and a location for its global observance is selected, to either promote successes of
    urbanization, or address specific challenges resulting from urbanization.

    The first global celebration of the World Cities Day was in Shanghai, China on 31 October 2014,
    under the sub-theme Leading Urban Transformations. In 2015 it was celebrated under the sub-
    theme Designed to live together in Milan, Italy; in 2016 Inclusive Cities, Shared Development in Quito,
    Ecuador and last year in Guangzhou, China emphasizing the sub-theme Innovative Governance,
    Open Cities.

    The sub-theme for the World Cities Day 2018 was Building Sustainable and Resilient Cities in
    Liverpool, United Kingdom. This World Cities Day focused on galvanizing discussions at all levels
    of government and relevant stakeholders on how to implement concrete initiatives to improve
    urban governance in the context of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, as well as the
    achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Expression of Interest

    3. Concept
    The main objective of WCD is to raise the international awareness of urbanization trends,
    challenges and visions for sustainable urban development, to promote international cooperation
    and make contributions to the global efforts in building equitable, prosperous and sustainable
    cities and improving people’s living environment and quality.

    World Cities Day is an advocacy event for UN-Habitat and the host city/country. It is a public
    event to be held in an open space – if security allows – around the selected sub-theme to raise
    awareness with as wide a range of partners. Further, all efforts must be made to ensure that
    the public are involved through the media including TV, internet, radio, and banners placed in
    designated places.

    4. Participation
    UN-Habitat shall take the lead in inviting and mobilizing the United Nations system, relevant
    international organizations, civil society and all other relevant stakeholders to observe the WCD,
    with the assistance and volunteer financial contributions from the host of the global observance
    and other partners. The host may also invite other stakeholders in the region, such as Ministers
    and Mayors. For this purpose, the invitation letter could be signed jointly by UN-Habitat and the
    host city.

    5. Financial contribution
    To host the Global Observation of the WCD in 2019 a cash contribution of 300,000 USD to
    UN-Habitat is required. The contribution will serve for the planning, mobilizing stakeholders,
    travel, outreach activities, website, social media, design, communication, editing, programme,
    operations support, reporting and evaluation. Ultimately it will support the overall advocacy and
    communication of WCD in various regions of the world. The details on commitments, roles and
    responsibilities, will be outlined in a legal document which will be signed by all parties involved.

    Additionally, the host city is required to provide an in-kind contribution of: the venue with its facilities;
    exhibition space; services; security within the city, around and within the venue; interpretation
    from English to the local language or other languages of high-level speakers; operational and
    logistical needs with respective human resources and international travel and local costs for key
    delegates from least developed countries (for information see Annex 1).

    6. Selection Process and Criteria
    The selection will be made by a Committee comprising of Directors in UN-Habitat, led by the
    External Relations Director and in close cooperation with the World Cities Day Coordination
    Center in Shanghai. The selection of the global host for World Cities Day will be guided on the
    following basis:

       a. Demonstration of good practice in the overall theme and the sub-theme of World Cities Day

       b. Geographical balance

       c. Demonstration of ability and commitment to meet the conditions outlined in (5) above and
          provided in more detail in the attached World Cities Day hosting guide

       d. Cities hosting the World Expo will be given the opportunity to host WCD

Expression of Interest

    7. Theme
    The general theme of World Cities Day is Better City, Better Life, and the sub-theme will be agreed
    upon between UN-Habitat, the host city and relevant parties. The sub-theme is to promote or
    address issues on sustainable urbanization.

    8. Activities
    Activities to be undertaken in the global observation shall be developed on the availability of
    human and financial resources from the voluntary contributions. UN-Habitat will provide on the
    website advocacy tools and kits to maximize the outreach activities for other participating cities
    around the world in order to have a common branding and messaging of the theme and sub-
    theme for the 2019 WCD. Planned activities in other cities will be uploaded on the designated
    website as information becomes available. A detailed plan on responsibilities of UN-Habitat and
    the host will be provided well in advance.

    9. Timeframe
    The closing date for receiving the Expression of Interest is 15 February 2019. The table below
    outlines important milestones and dates.

     Milestones                                                                    Date
     Call for Expression of Interest open                                          18 December 2018

     Deadline for receiving Expressions of Interest                                15 February 2019

     Outcome of selection process is communicated to the cities                    1 March 2019

     Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)                              1 April 2019

     Formal announcement of the 2019 WCD Global Observance host city               27-31 May 2019
     with its sub-theme (after signing of MoU) and during the 27th session of      (GC27 dates to be
     the Governing Council                                                         confirmed)

    10. Expression of Interest to host the 2019
        WCD Global Observance
    A city wishing to express its interest to officially host the Global Observance in 2019 of the WCD
    is required to send an official communication (on letter head and with signature), reflecting
    within the commitment of the cash contribution of 300,000 USD to UN-Habitat, addressed to the
    UN-Habitat Executive Director, Mme. Maimunah Mohd Sharif.

    The official communication is be transmitted through the External Relations Director within the
    deadline via the following email addresses:, copying, External Relations Director.

    Kindly note that any submission for the call for Expression of Interest not on official letterhead and
    duly signed or is received after the deadline will not be considered.

Annex 1
    Hosting the World Cities Day 2019

    1. Main responsibilities of UN-Habitat

    UN-Habitat will designate a coordinator who will be working with the local organizing team. The main
    responsibilities will be:

      1.1    Advice and support to logistics

            - To give guidance to the host on the preparation of World Cities Day;

            - To assist with invitations of international guests;

            - To support logistics relating to international guests from outside the Host country;

            - To handle online registration of international participants;

            - To agree on venue and setting up of the same according to requirements;

            - To maintain the database and disseminate the invitations;

      1.2    Invitations

            - To invite high level representatives of the United Nations system; relevant international organizations;
              civil society; representative of Member States, Mayors and other relevant stakeholders;

            - To invite representatives of the diplomatic community in the host country.

      1.3    Publicity

            - To prepare on-line information kits and branding tools, World Cities Day concept note, Statements,
              design posters and banners, invitation letters, programme of the day;

            - To inform governments on theme and location of WCD by its Executive Director;

            - To advertise WCD, Global Celebration, events around the world through all its available means
              including targeted newsletters, social media and internet adverts;

            - To prepare and disseminate press releases, and bring the event to the attention of the international

            - To develop a dedicated WCD page on the UN-Habitat website in English;

    2. Main responsibilities of the Host

    The local host for the global observance of the WCD shall provide services and cover all local costs related with
    the preparation and organization of the WCD. The main responsibilities will be:

      2.1    Invitations

            - To identify the senior officials from the national and representatives of major local authorities,
              research institutions, universities and NGOs;

            - To identify ministers from the region;

- To identify, invite and secure a Master of Ceremony for the day;

          - To identify representatives of the diplomatic community in the host country.

    2.2   Publicity

          - To advertise the WCD in the country and region;

          - To sensitize the local and international media prior to the WCD (Radio, TV & News Papers);

          - To organize a press conference on the WCD day;

          - To produce programme for the day and other agreed publicity material

    2.3   Logistics

          - To provide an adequate venue with services and equipment;

          - To provide interpretation from English to the local language or another language spoken by high
            level guest speakers;

          - To provide assistance for hotel reservations for international (and local) participants;

          - To provide assistance for issuing visa invitations for international participants;

          - To handle and assist arrivals of international guests at the airport (visa);

          - To provide protocol and transport for high level participants including for UN-Habitat Executive

          - To provide local transport;

          - To handle on-site registration with issuance of branded badges;

          - To host a reception for all participants;

          - To provide other required services as communicated by UN-Habitat;

          - To host a special session for Scroll of Honour winners to report on their best practices.

    2.4   Security

          - To provide security at the venue and for high level participants;

    2.5   Other activities

          - To organize local celebration activities;

          - To organize exhibitions in and/or outside of the venue;

          - To organize technical site visits if there are specific requirements from delegates;

          - To set up street banners and other publicity means;

          - To organize cultural shows during and/or after the main session of the WCD.

    2.6   Elements of Host City cash contribution and in-kind by UN-Habitat

          - Communication and awareness raising activities;

          - Outreach activities for Urban October, starting from World Habitat Day to World Cities day;

- Promotion of World Cities Day through designated website (in English);

            - Translation of promotional documents into the 6 UN languages and if applicable into the host
              country language if this differs from the other languages;

            - Promotion through social media and advocacy campaign, videos, designed branded tools (t-shirts,
              caps, etc.) for outreach activities;

            - Cover international travel and local costs for key delegates from least developed countries;

            - Mobilization of high-level attendance and UN Secretary-General (video message);

            - Advocacy and communication support for the WCD preparation and implementation;

            - Field trip and official missions;

            - Staff to support adequate and timely preparations and activities;

            - Oversee on-site registration and issuance of badges on the day;

            - Reporting and evaluation of the World Cities Day.

    The cash contribution to UN-Habitat supports the overall advocacy and communication of WCD in various
    regions of the world. The above will be outlined in the overall Host Country Agreement as an Annex, reflecting
    also in-kind contribution by UN-Habitat and the host.

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