Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED

Page created by Virgil Henry
Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED
                                                                 NUMBER 3

                           Global spotlight on
                            Australian fishing
                             and aquaculture

        SAFETY                AQUACULTURE           FOR FUTURE
       STRATEGY                 ADVANCES             HARVESTS
Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED
GRA N T S R  O U N D  T  W   O

Applications are now open
for Round 2 of the Stay Afloat
Community Resilience Grants.
25 grants of up to $2,000 are available to support initiative and
events designed to improve the mental health and wellbeing of
commercial seafood communities around the country.

The grants are available for seafood communities around
Australia to host community-led events that support discussions
on mental health, well-being and connectedness. Short on ideas?
Think about adding a BBQ and speaker to your next AGM or
meeting. In lockdown? Use the funds to support a book or movie
club coupled with a video catch-up.

Applications close on September 30, contact program
manager Jo Marshall on or
0408 008 344 to help develop your ideas or to submit an application.

        For more information visit

           Stay Afloat Australia is the national mental health pilot program for the Australian seafood industry, run by Seafood Industry Australia and supported with funding
                                                     from the Australian Government Department of Health’s Mental Health Program
Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED
                                                                                           FRDC wel    K
                                                                                          your com
                                                                                         frdc@frdc                               FRDC FISH magazine
                                           WWW.FRDC.COM.AU                                                                      is available as an app.
                                           SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                              Download from
                                                                                                                                    Google Play or the
                                           CONTENTS                                                                                         App Store.

FISH is published by the                   FEATURES
The FRDC plans, invests in
and manages fisheries research,
development and extension
activities throughout Australia.
It is a statutory authority within
the portfolio of the Federal Minister
for Agriculture, jointly funded by
the Australian Government
and the fishing industry.
Fisheries Research House,
25 Geils Court, Deakin, ACT 2600;
Locked Bag 222, Deakin West,
                                                      04                       14                               27                                  36
ACT 2600                                    COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT        CUSTOMARY FISHING              RECREATIONAL FISHING                       AWARDS
T 02 6122 2100                                                             Recognition               Gone Fishing Day focuses             Outstanding marine
                                            Recognising the power
W                             of citizen science        on the world stage              on mental health                   science students
To contact individual staff
members see:
frdc-staff                                            09                        16                              28
FISH is available free.                     CONSUMER INFORMATION            INNOVATION                       AQUACULTURE
To subscribe, contact the FRDC:              Nutritional details for   Pioneering technology           Raising rock lobsters,
T 02 6122 2100                              popular seafood species       saves Southern                  from hatchery
FISH is online at                                          Bluefin Tuna                     to sea rafts
Information in this edition may be
reproduced freely as long as it is
not for commercial benefit and                                                 20
the FRDC’s FISH is acknowledged
as the source. Reproduction
of the material is encouraged.                                            The benefits of                                                           38
Otherwise reproduction is forbidden
                                                                          under-catching                                                          PROFILE
without the written permission
of the Fisheries Research and                                                                                                                  Line fisher
Development Corporation. Material
in FISH is copyright.
                                                                                                                                           Ross Casey reflects
                                                                                                                                            on the ‘good life’
Information in FISH is not intended                   10
as professional advice.
                                           WORLD FISHERIES CONGRESS
The FRDC will not accept
responsibility for any liability arising    Bringing international                                              31
from reliance on the contents.
                                              science to fisheries                                     INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT
FISH is written and produced by
the FRDC and Coretext Pty Ltd.                   stakeholders                                            Seaweed peak body
FRDC editor: Annabel Boyer                                                                              to help drive growth
Coretext editor: Catherine Norwood
Senior designer: Fiona James
Coretext: PO Box 12542,
Melbourne, Vic 8006
                                              OCEAN STEWARDSHIP
                                                                               22                               32
T 03 9670 1168 F 03 9670 1127
E                   Reflections on two            REPORTING
                                                                                                        WILDCATCH FISHERIES
W                         decades of progress         Global fisheries
ISSN: 1833-4784 (Print)
                                                                                                      How harvest strategies        REGULAR
ISSN: 2202-7122 (Digital)                                                                               are guiding good
Cover: Coretext                                                                                           management
Photo: Unsplash/Shutterstock
                                                                                                                                    In brief                     07
The FRDC acknowledges the
traditional custodians of the
                                                                               24                                                   Science briefs               08
lands on which FISH magazine is                                               SAFETY                                                New projects                 40
produced, and pay our respects
to their Elders past and present.
We acknowledge the special                                              approach needed                                             Final reports                41
relationship that Indigenous                                             to tackle risks
Australians have with their                                                                                                         Calendar/Movers...           43
traditional lands and waters.

F I SH S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 |
Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED

Keen amateurs prove
a major force in
scientific discovery

                                                                                                                                         Tidal pool volunteers.
Words Gio Braidotti                                                                                                                      Photo: Earthwatch

Fisheries are a major                                Helping the discovery process                               Past efforts to prevent contaminated fish
                                                                                                            from reaching consumers included a maximum
beneficiary as science                               Roger stresses that the projects are the real
                                                     deal and not a coy subterfuge to promote or            size limit of 10 kilograms imposed by the
employs the value and                                communicate science. In fact, public participation     Sydney Fish Market. This was based on the
                                                                                                            premise that larger Spanish Mackerel would be
power of citizen scientists                          can be crucial to the discovery process.
                                                         This proved to be the case for Shauna Murray       more likely to have accumulated the toxins.
                                                     at the University of Technology Sydney. She runs a          Murray’s preliminary analysis in 2019

                                                     project to better detect ciguatera toxins in Spanish   indicated this proposition was not necessarily
             aced with major restrictions            Mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) caught in           true, but she needed a larger study to identify
             on activities during COVID-19           New South Wales waters and has established             fish characteristics that properly indicate risk.
             lockdowns during the past year,         the state’s first ciguatera-testing facility as part        When neither the scientists nor the Sydney
             and a renewed focus on local            of efforts to prevent it reaching consumers.           Fish Market were in a position to generate the
             environments, more people than              Ciguatera are tasteless, heat-stable toxins        samples needed, she reached out to commercial
ever have joined up to participate in scientific     that cause serious illness, sometimes with             and recreational fishers directly for help.
discovery through citizen science activities.        long-lasting neurological symptoms. They                    “We got a great sector-wide response,” she
     These typically involve monitoring or           are produced by tropical microalgae and                says. “The partnership operates quite simply. We
sampling the environment, classifying scientific     accumulate up the marine food chain.                   reach out to fishers, open up a dialogue and send
data or analysing it, either in partnership with         “We have known about the danger of                 out sample packs containing pre-labelled tubes,
researchers or within a community group. And         ciguatera in Australia since colonisation, but         instructions and what information to record.”
fisheries have been a particular beneficiary of      in the past 10 years we have seen increasing                Fishers provided about 100 samples of flesh
research activity undertaken by keen amateurs.       cases reach further south into NSW, possibly           and liver tissue during the most recent Spanish
     Chair of the Australian Citizen Science         as part of warming trends associated                   Mackerel season.
Association (ACSA) Erin Roger says                   with climate change,” says Murray.                          “We are now looking at running the same
engagement had been on an upward trend but               From one recorded case in NSW prior to             citizen science initiative for the next two seasons,”
it clearly accelerated with the pandemic.            2014, the numbers have increased: 31 incidents         says Murray, who is also looking to expand the
     “We saw a big uptake of citizen science         have been recorded since then, including among         ciguatera survey with the support of the NSW
activity with COVID-19 lockdowns, particularly       recreational fishers. Testing in recent years          Government’s Recreational Fishing Trusts .
projects that can be done on a computer or involve   detected the toxins in about five per cent of               The reliability and trustworthiness of citizen
observations of the local environment,” she says.    sampled Spanish Mackerel caught in NSW.                scientists’ contributions have often been open to

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Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED

speculation, but there is now published evidence to     The review is freely available to the public
support the idea that these contributions are robust.   (
     For example, Zooniverse, a portal hosted by        gcb.15634).
Portsmouth and Oxford universities that links               “The data is also helping us to understand the
the public to about 200 active science projects,        ecosystem implications, with findings becoming
has achieved just under 600 million classifications     more relevant the longer the project runs,” she adds.
that contributed to over 100 peer-reviewed                  The value and importance of Redmap has been
scientific papers.                                      widely recognised. For example, it has twice been a
     While some scientists are surprised by the         finalist for the prestigious Australian Museum
quality and size of the impact of citizen               Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science.
contributions, Roger says there is a good reason for    However, with no long-term secure funding, the
it. “Science can look broadly or deeply at a problem,   project has once again turned to the public for help
but not both. Citizen science offers a way to achieve   by welcoming donations.
both depth and breadth.”
                                                        App engagement
Mapping change                                          Monitoring biodiversity and sampling are                A Victorian
This facet is particularly apparent with                key activities in fisheries-related citizen             recreational fisher
Redmap – the Range Extension Database and               science projects (see Table 1), and Rogers,             tags a rock lobster.
                                                                                                                Photo: Victorian
Mapping project. It was started by Gretta Pecl          from the ACSA, is impressed by the scope                Fisheries Authority
at the University of Tasmania and launched              of fisheries-related projects available.
in 2009. Redmap invites the Australian                       Fishers possess one type of data of immense
community to spot, log and map changes in               importance to fisheries: how much they catch and
the distribution of marine species as part of           keep. Yet when it comes to recreational fishers,
efforts to understand climate-driven impacts.           catch data is often lacking or unclear.
     “I started Redmap in recognition of the                 To help address this issue, fisheries managers
amount of knowledge held by fishers, divers and         and researchers around the world are looking at
people that are routinely out on the water, but         whether citizen science-style practices can help
that doesn’t make it into the scientific record,”       close the information gap using smartphone app
Pecl says. “So, Redmap both extends our ability to      technology as the reporting interface.                  Recreational fishers
                                                                                                                provide mandatory
monitor marine environments while incorporating              This approach combines mandated reporting in       tag data and can
industry knowledge that science typically omits.”       the recreational fishing area (where catch and size     volunteer extra
     First rolled out in Tasmania, but extended         limits can apply) with citizen science and the          information.
                                                                                                                Photo: Victorian
nationally with support from FRDC, Redmap               potential to make additional voluntary contributions.   Fisheries Authority
relies on volunteers submitting photos of species            While many voluntary projects have been
that are unusual for a particular area, with the        enthusiastically supported, catch-size reporting
species identification verified by experts. Pecl        projects in fisheries around the world have had         Australians are
says she was surprised and impressed by the             varied degrees of success.                              enthusiastic
level of knowledge in the community that proved              In Australia, the combined approach is being       contributors to citizen
                                                                                                                science projects.
capable of distinguishing species accurately and        analysed in an FRDC-funded project undertaken by        Photo: Port Philip
determining which did not belong to an area.            the University of Tasmania (UTAS) in partnership        EcoCentre
     Examples of anomalous sightings include            with the Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA).
Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus) in waters off                 UTAS project leader Karlie McDonald says the
Perth and Gloomy Octopus (Octopus tetricus)             VFA’s monitoring of recreational rock lobster
in Tasmania. These records are indicative of            catches provides the basis for the analysis, and
a greater global trend that is seeing tropical          combines mandated reporting and the opportunity
species extend into temperate zones over time.          for additional voluntary information.
     “Data from Redmap has contributed to                    Recreational fishers are required to tag the
25 journal articles and has helped establish that       rock lobsters they catch and report the tags they
species shift isn’t random but is associated with       use either online or through the VicRLTag app,
regions that are warming faster,” Pecl says.            which was launched three years ago. This provides
     In 2021, she published a continental-scale         an estimate of the annual recreational harvest.
review of climate-driven redistributions, and she            In addition to fishers reporting the mandatory
told FISH magazine that 20 per cent of the data         data (catch numbers, lobster size and catch
used in that analysis came from citizen science.        location), they can use the app to voluntarily

F I SH S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 |
Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED

report additional information. This might               Table 1: Examples of citizen science projects in the fisheries sector.
include the method used to make the catch,
location details, sex of rock lobsters caught,          Organisation                     Project
time spent fishing, instances when no catches           OzFish                           DNA sampling project in south-western Sydney, a partnership between fishing
were made and general observations of rock                                               conservation charity OzFish, Landcare NSW and Campbelltown City Council.
lobster abundance. This extra information                                                1800 431 308 or email OzFish at
provides much more sophisticated estimates              Redmap                           Monitoring range shift of marine and aquatic species.
of catch rates and fishers’ satisfaction.                                      
     McDonald says the launch of these                  Ciguatera survey                 Recruits recreational and commercial fishers to provide Spanish Mackerel
additional citizen science-style features in                                             samples for ciguatera toxin testing.
the app were initially greeted by fishers with                                 
enthusiasm. However, the VFA found the                  Australasian Fishes project      Led by the Australian Museum, it includes a platform to upload images and
number of citizen scientists signed up to                                                identify observations of fishes from Australia and New Zealand.
voluntarily provide additional information has
remained at about 10 per cent of recreational           Sharks and Rays Australia        Involves the general public in sawfish and shark research
                                                                                         and conservation work.
rock lobster recreational fishers annually.
     Surveys of fishers found the problem is
                                                        Recfishwest                      Reef Vision: Involves boat fishers in capturing footage of the state’s artificial
not due to flaws in the app design that make it
                                                                                         reefs using provided baited remote underwater video (BRUV) cameras to
difficult to use, or unwillingness to share data.                                        help map and monitor the growth and development of these fish structures
     “Fishers are more than willing to provide                                           in Esperance, Dunsborough, Busselton, Mandurah and Exmouth, Western
information as demonstrated by an 85 per cent                                            Australia.
                                                                                         Send Us Your Skeletons: Donated fish skeletons help with the long-term
response rate to our surveys,” McDonald says.
                                                                                         monitoring program of fish stocks and Western Australian fisheries science.
     Rather, fishers said the existing app failed to                           
provide any opportunity for them to review their
own data. This missed an important feedback
loop to help fishers understand what the collated      app and with functionality that allows fishers                     However, scientists behind leading citizen
data means and what was being learnt from it.          to review their personal catch data, create                  science initiatives, from the ACSA to Zooniverse,
     “In other words, the app was constructed          groups, add photos and share via social media.               agree that is not going to happen.
as a one-way conversation, which is unusual                                                                               They have observed there is something about
for citizen science initiatives,” McDonald             A national obsession                                         how humans observe that is driven by curiosity
says. “Citizen science projects thrive when            McDonald’s findings highlight that, given the                and allows them to spot and query the anomalies
information and conversations flow two ways.”          opportunity, Australians are more than happy to              and oddities that are often the precursor to
     She recommends more-interactive apps              be part of the discovery and learning process.               important findings. It is a skill that cannot readily
that offer feedback opportunities for both                  This is backed up by an analysis performed by           be taught to AI algorithms. On the contrary, data
fishers and managers to learn from each other,         the University of New South Wales, where Thomas              classified by the public (in the form of images
that report on the findings produced from the          Mesaglio and Corey Callaghan found that Australians          of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey)
volunteered data. The app could also offer features    are among the world’s most enthusiastic when it              have subsequently been used to help train AI
that incentivise participation in recreational         comes to volunteering biodiversity data to the               in image recognition.
fishing, such as weather information.                  popular global platform, iNaturalist.                              “There’s not going to be an AI takeover, not at
     “Ultimately, the optimum outcome is achieved           They found that globally 1.4 million users have         all,” Roger says. “Wherever science has a challenge
by an app design that fits a community of engaged      contributed over 54 million observations, with               to scale research spatially and temporally, there’s a
citizen scientists who are keen to learn within        Australia the top contributing nation in the Southern        role for the public. Besides, we see lessons flow both
a mandatory reporting system,” McDonald                Hemisphere. Australia was also in the top four               ways with citizen science projects, with science
says. “That means the apps should engender a           overall contributing nations, with more than 1.6             benefiting from local knowledge, industry
sense of community so that fishers feel they are       million observations of more than 36,000 identified          experience and novel insights.” f
contributing to the sustainable management             species, contributed by almost 27,000 users.
of the fishery. Fishers also need to understand             The platform includes a featured project called
why they are being asked certain questions.”           Australasian Fishes.                                           MORE INFORMATION
     A final report on her project is expected              With iNaturalist, artificial intelligence (AI) is         Australian Citizen Science Association
to be published in November 2021.                      used to help identify species from photos uploaded             Project Finder
     Meanwhile, the VFA plans to launch phase          by the public. Interestingly, the pattern-recognition
two of the recreational rock lobster tagging           capability of AI has actually raised the prospect that
                                                                                                                      FRDC RESEARCH CODES
program in September 2021. This includes a             citizen scientists may one day be usurped, at least            2019-060, 2019-213, 2019-075
new reporting interface under the GoFishVic            when it comes to classifying data.

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Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED
IN BRIEF             7

In brief
                                                                                Fisheries expert
                                                                                in leadership program
                                                                                The recently announced 28th cohort of the prestigious Australian Rural
                                                                                Leadership Program (ARLP) includes fisheries consultant from Mount
                                                                                Nelson, Tasmania, Andrew Sullivan, who is sponsored by the FRDC.
                                                                                    Sullivan is the director of Fish Focus Consulting and the
                                                                                executive officer of both the Commonwealth Fisheries Association
                                                                                and the Bass Strait Scallop Industry Association. He has extensive
                                                                                experience and knowledge of Australia’s commercial fishing sector.
                                                                                    The program gives participants valuable opportunities to enhance
                                                                                their capacity and create a network of like-minded leaders to positively
                                                                                influence their organisations, industries and communities. The ARLP is
                                                                                Australia’s longest and most in-depth experiential leadership program
                                                                                designed to build leadership capability in people in rural, regional and
                                                                                remote Australia. Participants attend 50 days of experiential learning
                                                                                and mentoring across four sessions over a 15-month period.
                                                                                    The program, commencing in June 2022, will bring together a
                                                                                diverse cohort of 25 to 30 leaders from across rural Australia. f
                                                                                More information

                                                                              INDUSTRY-LED EXPORT EXPANSION
  NEW FRDC DIRECTORS APPOINTED                                                An $888,000 grant from the                allow our producers to focus their
  Minister for Agriculture and             ■ Lyndal Thorburn, managing       Australian Government has been            time on delivering the world’s
  Northern Australia David                    director, Viria Pty Ltd, New    awarded to Seafood Industry Australia     greatest seafood to all corners of
  Littleproud has appointed seven             South Wales.                    (SIA) to develop and expand markets       the globe.
  non-executive directors to the           Assistant Minister for Forestry    for Australian seafood exports.              “Importantly, this funding will
  FRDC, five of whom are new to         and Fisheries Jonathon Duniam            The grant will be used to explore      support whole of industry,
  the board.                            says the FRDC’s mission is to         expanding Australia’s seafood             regardless of sector or location.
     Directors re-appointed are:        act as a national thought leader,     exports into new markets and              It will allow us to immediately put
  ■ Colin Buxton, Adjunct Professor,   facilitating knowledge creation,      markets with high growth potential,       boots on the ground to quickly
     Fisheries, Aquaculture and         collaboration and innovation to       such as North Asia, South Asia, the       deliver much-needed support
     Coasts Centre, Institute of        shape the future of fishing and       Pacific, Europe and the Americas.         to the sectors who need it most.”
     Marine and Antarctic Studies,      aquaculture in Australia for the      Rock lobster and abalone will be a           SIA will engage two trade export
     University of Tasmania; and        benefit of the Australian people.     key focus.                                managers to build capacity for
  ■ Saranne Cooke, director,              “Research and innovation will         Seafood Industry Australia CEO         seafood exporters across Australia.
     Leading Age Services Australia,    play a key role as the sector looks   Veronica Papacosta says a key piece       The grant will also go towards
     New South Wales                    to new opportunities and continues    of the program will be the creation       promoting the Great Australian
  New directors are:                    to recover from the impacts of the    of a ‘one-stop shop’ for seafood          Seafood brand under brand
  ■ Dr Chris Calogeras, director,      pandemic.                             exporters.                                Australia. By working in partnership
     C-AID Consultants, Queensland;        Outgoing directors are Kate           “There is a plethora of information,   with Austrade, SIA will help design
  ■ Suzanne (Suzi) Hullick, National   Brooks, Katina (Katie) Hodson         resources and databases out there         a promotion schedule for Australian
     Head of Indigenous Banking,        Thomas, Mark King, John Lloyd         for seafood exporters; however, it        seafood in export markets. f
     Westpac Bank, Northern             and Lesley MacLeod.                   can be difficult for producers to keep    More information
     Territory;                            Chair of the FRDC board,           track of them all and know how to         jessica@seafoodindustryaustralia.
  ■ Boris Musa, chief executive        appointed separately in March         find them,” Ms Papacosta says.  
     officer, Mainstream Aquaculture,   2020, is former Senator for NSW          “We are planning to create a digital
     Victoria;                          John Williams. f                      platform that will curate all the
  ■ Alex Ogg, manager, National        More information https://www.         resources in one place. This will
     Energy Resources Australia; and

F I SH S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 |
Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED
8              SCIENCE BRIEFS


    Coastal mangroves provide essential
    habitat for thousands of species and are
    fundamental to a productive ecosystem.
    Photo: Vishwasa Navada K/Unsplash

                                                       FOOD SCIENCE

                                                       SMART SOLUTION TO SEAFOOD SPOILAGE
                                                       A simple device that measures        easily applied to other seafood        adverse impact on human
                                                       the increasing level of vapour       and could enable “real-time”           health and can cause
                                                       coming from seafood as it            monitoring of spoilage in              food poisoning.
                                                       begins to deteriorate provides       seafood to ensure food safety             The research found
                                                       a new and simple way to              for consumers.                         that as spoilage in the
                                                       identify spoilage. Researchers          Spoilage is estimated to            salmon samples increased,
                                                       at Flinders University in South      account for at least 10 per            triggering more amine
                                                       Australia have developed a           cent of all seafood production.        vapours, so too did the
                                                       solid-state fluorescent sensor       The core of the new spoilage           intensity of the readings on
                                                       that is loaded onto filter papers,   analysis technology is the             the treated filter papers. The
    Engineering tides to                               which instantly and accurately       ability of the sensor to detect        research team is optimising
                                                       measured the rate of spoilage        vapours from biogenic amines,          its materials to develop more
    restore coastal wetlands                           in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo            which increase with rising             robust sensors for daily use
    University of New South Wales (UNSW)               salar) during trials.                levels of bacteria as seafood          in commercial applications.
    researchers have designed and built a                 Flinders University’s             begins to spoil.                       Results of the research were
    system that mimics tides to help restore           professor of aquaculture Jian           High levels of biogenic             published in the journal
    vital coastal wetlands, enhancing their            Qin says the technology can be       amines in seafood have an              Food Chemistry. f
    ability to sequester carbon and support                                                                                                                Photo: 123RF

    wildlife, including birds and fish.
         Over three years, a trial of the system at    TECHNOLOGY
    Kooragang Island, in the Hunter River estuary
                                                       FOLLOW YOUR FAVOURITE SHARKS IN REAL TIME
    north of Newcastle, saw saltmarsh vegetation
                                                       Anzac, Bindi and Sunny – these       by the OCEARCH Shark Tracker.          awareness into science, technology
    cover in the area rise from 0.2 per cent
                                                       are the names of just three sharks   OCEARCH is a US-based non-profit       engineering and maths subjects.
    in November 2017 to 45 per cent by
                                                       living in the waters off Western     organisation that aims to facilitate     Through the program, you can
    December 2020.
                                                       Australia that shark lovers and      research and education through         track a wide range of shark species
         The team from the Water Research              other marine enthusiasts can         public access to data and its global   around the world and see the
    Laboratory within UNSW Engineering has             follow in near real time as they     shark-tracking program. It also        patterns of their travel since being
    developed the ‘Tidal Replicate Method’, an         move along the coast. All three      provides curriculum materials          tagged. OCEARCH has more than
    artificial tidal regime calculated to create the   Tiger Sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier)     for students, with a focus on          400 tagged sharks in its global
    best ecological conditions for the specific        are part of an international cast    using its shark-tracking program       database, which can be followed at
    wetland area. It does this by controlling gates    of sharks tagged and monitored       to incorporate environmental  f
    on tidal channels that connect the wetlands to
    the river, regulating the amount of water
    flowing into the wetland.
         A similar project at the nearby Tomago        WORD-WISE                                                 ITEROPAROUS. Describes species that
    Wetlands site – a Ramsar-listed area spread                                                                  reproduce multiple times. They produce
    over 400 hectares – delivered similar outcomes     SEMELPAROUS. Describes species that                       offspring in successive cycles such as annual
    for saltmarsh growth, resulting in increased       reproduce only once and then die, such as                 or seasonal. Examples include perennial plants
    numbers of migratory shorebirds. f                 some arrow squid species.                                 and anchovies. f

                                                                                                                                            | SEPTEM B ER 2 0 2 1 FI SH
Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED
CONSUMER INFORMATION                          9

What seafood brings to the table
New nutritional information on popular seafood species will help fishers market their catch
and help consumers understand the benefits of their seafood selections as part of a healthy diet

By Catherine Norwood

              he bank of detailed nutritional                     These panels are essential to labelling                   “These extra components are considered as
              information about Australia’s many             requirements under the Australia New                      general health claims under the Food Standards
              seafood species continues to grow,             Zealand Food Standards Code, when                         Code, as opposed to basic nutrition information,” he
              with analyses of 25 fish and three             seafood is packaged for retail sale.                      explains. “An example would be zinc content. Zinc is
              crustaceans added to the available data.            “If Australia’s consumption of seafood was           not required for a nutrition information panel, but it
    Senior food scientist at Queensland’s                    to increase, there would be improved health               can be added, and this would be considered a general
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries                      outcomes for consumers as well as a growth                health claim. Other examples of general health
Andrew Forrest has led the project for                       in the domestic market,” says Forrest.                    claims would be reporting of vitamin E content,
the FRDC. The new data brings the total                                                                                or omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid content.”
number of commercial wildcatch species                       Expanded analysis                                              He says the analysis confirmed Australian
with detailed nutritional profiles to 41.                    Forrest says the species initially identified for         seafood as a high-quality source of protein, with
    Previous research has provided a fat analysis            analysis changed as the project rolled out in             other health-supporting components. Many
of 250 species of Australian seafood, including              consultation with industry, adapting to seasonal          species had similar nutritional profiles, although
levels of the valued healthy omega-3 fatty acids.            availability and priority catches. Three prawn species    not similar enough for a common nutritional
However, more detailed analysis that includes                were added at the request of industry, and there was      labelling. The greatest variation was in fat
information about minerals and vitamins is                   strong interest in profiles for many other species        content – the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
required for nutritional information panels.                 that the existing project was unable to take on.               For those keen to develop nutritional
    Forrest says the new data will help remove                    For fishers or retailers keen to provide the basic   panels for packaged seafood products, the
a barrier to retail markets and could help                   nutritional information, Forrest says the costs of        (now closed) Australian Seafood Cooperative
increase consumption of seafood in Australia                 the required testing are in the order of $300 for a       Research Centre (ASCRC) published Industry
by allowing more products to be offered in pre-              single species. However, the FRDC project tested          Guidelines for Seafood Health and Nutrition
prepared consumer-ready portions, complete                   for a much larger range of nutritional elements,          Messages to work through the process.
with the required nutritional panels.                        beyond those required for basic compliance.                    The FRDC’s Fishfiles website (www.fishfiles.
                                                                                                              currently provides a central repository
                                                                                                                       for nutritional data and consumer information,
Table 1: Species sourced for nutritional profiling.
                                                                                                                       as a companion to the Status of Australian
Fish species                     Scientific name            Fish species              Scientific name
                                                                                                                       Fish Stocks Reports (SAFS) (
 Albacore                        Thunnus alalunga           Australian Sardine        Sardinops sagax                  au). This includes nutritional profiles for 21
 Amberjack                       Seriola dumerili           Sea Mullet                Mugil cephalus                   species previously developed by the ASCRC.
 Barcheek Coral Trout            Plectropomus maculatus     Snapper                   Chrysophrys auratus                   Forrest sees the growing database of
 Barramundi (wild)               Lates calcarifer           Spanish Mackerel          Scomberomorus commerson          nutritional information as a valuable resource
 Bight Redfish                   Centroberyx gerrardi       Spotted Mackerel          Scomberomorus munroi
                                                                                                                       for the sector as a whole. However, he points
                                                                                                                       out that SAFS identifies 148 species as
 Crimson Snapper                 Lutjanus erythropterus     Swordfish                 Xiphias gladius
                                                                                                                       commercially important in Australian fisheries,
 Dusky Flathead                  Platycephalus fuscus       Tailor                    Pomatomus saltatrix
                                                                                                                       which leaves many species still to be profiled.
 Eastern School Whiting          Sillago flindersi          West Australian Dhufish   Glaucosoma hebraicum                  The latest nutritional profiles are
 Goldband Snapper                Pristipomoides multidens   West Australian Salmon    Arripis truttaceus               available on the FRDC website at
 King Threadfin                  Polydactylus macrochir     Yellowfin Bream           Acanthopagrus australis f
 Luderick                        Girella tricuspidata       Prawn species
 Patagonian Toothfish            Dissostichus eleginoides   Banana prawn              Penaeus merguiensis                MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                         Andrew Forrest
 Red Emperor                     Lutjanus sebae             Blue Endeavour Prawn      Metapenaeus endeavouri
 Redthroat Emperor               Lethrinus miniatus         Brown Tiger Prawn         Penaeus esculentus                 FRDC RESEARCH CODES
 Saddletail Snapper              Lutjanus malabaricus                                                                    1994-136, ASCRC 2008-905, 2017-145

F I SH S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 |
Global spotlight on Australian fishing and aquaculture - MULTI-PRONGED

                                                                           he World Fisheries Congress 2021 is
                                                                           billed as the ‘Olympics for fisheries
                                                                           science’, but organisers of the

science with
                                                                           2021 event have worked hard to
                                                                           incorporate the fishing industry and
                                                             seafood supply chain into the Adelaide program.

                                                                  Congress chair Gavin Begg says this
                                                             marks a new direction for the congress, which
                                                             has traditionally focused on an audience
                                                             of scientists and fisheries managers.
                                                                  “There have always been implications
                                                             for industry from past events. But we
                                                             wanted to make industry a much more
                                                             prominent player. Whatever comes out of
                                                             the congress at the end of the day, industry
                                                             is affected by the impacts,” Begg says.
                                                                  The 8th World Fisheries Congress will run
                                                             from 20 to 24 September. Originally set to be
                                                             held at the Adelaide Convention Centre, the
                                                             organisers made the difficult decision to hold an
                                                             entirely virtual Congress in early August, due
                                                             to the worsening COVID-19 situation around
                                                             the country. They are now working on ways to
                                                             ensure the virtual congress will be every bit
Butterfly Perch
                                                             as engaging and memorable, utilising the full
Photo: Ocean Imaging                                         capacity of the virtual platform Touchpoint.
                                                                  Virtual lunchtime sessions from around
                                                             the country will showcase Australian fishing
                                                             and aquaculture for an international audience.
                                                             Competitions and other calls to action will
                                                             create opportunities for virtual engagement
                                                             beyond conference talks and Q&A sessions.
                                                             For example delegates will be able to share
                                                             their favourite seafood recipes, research
                                                             photos or share where in the world they are.
                                                                  Begg says the strength of interest in
                                                             participating in the event, particularly to
                                                             present research, management concepts
                                                             and innovations in industry, has remained
By Catherine Norwood                                         strong. There were 1400 abstracts for congress
                                                             presentations submitted for the originally
As stakeholders affected by new fisheries science and        scheduled event in 2020, and a similar number
management decisions, fishers and aquaculture operators      submitted for the rescheduled event this year.
                                                                  “About 900 of these are from
will be important participants in discussions generated at   international contributors, so the strength
the World Fisheries Congress 2021                            of interest is still there,” Begg says.

                                                                                       | SEPTEM B ER 2 0 2 1 FI SH
WORLD FISHERIES CONGRESS                       11

Industry input
Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) and Seafood                                                                 WORLD FISHERIES CONGRESS 2021
New Zealand are both active members of the           The plenary speaker in the                              International fisheries science congress,
congress steering committee, which has tried         opening session on 22 September                         with the overarching theme ‘Sharing our
to establish an industry flavour to events.                                                                  oceans and rivers – a vision for the world’s
    “If industry people want to attend, even
                                                     will be Martin Exel from Austral                        fisheries’.
for one day, then we’ve tried to consolidate         Fisheries, who is also managing                         Monday 20 September to
the sessions we think will be of most interest       director of SeaBOS (Seafood                             Friday 24 September 2021
to them on Wednesday 22 September and                                                                        To view the official program, visit
Thursday 23 September,” Begg says.
                                                     Business for Ocean Stewardship).              
    The plenary speaker in the opening
session on 22 September will be Martin Exel                                                                  THE AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY FOR FISH
from Austral Fisheries, who is also managing                                                                 BIOLOGY VIRTUAL EVENTS
director of SeaBOS (Seafood Business for
Ocean Stewardship). This is a collaborative                                                                  Mentor/Mentee program:
venture between 10 of the world’s largest                                                                    The Australian Society for Fish Biology
seafood businesses and the Stockholm                                                                         (ASFB) will work before the congress to link
Resilience Centre in Sweden that aims to                                                                     up mentors with potential mentees. This
transform wild capture and aquaculture                                                                       mentorship will then be facilitated through
fisheries to sustainable seafood production                                                                  the congress’ virtual platform.
and promote a healthy ocean, globally.                                                                       Tuesday 21 September 6.30-8.30 pm
    Exel’s presentation will be followed
by sessions on topics that include                                                                           Student mixer:
resource allocation, co-management,                                                                          A student mixer will be open for all students
supply chains, traceability, marketing and                                                                   attending the World Fisheries Congress.
advances in fishing gears and vessels.                                                                       Introductions and mixing will be facilitated
                                                                                                             through the congress’ virtual platform.
Contingency plans
“We’ve worked closely with an international          Above Martin Exel                                       ASFB 50 event
committee on the program, and the feedback we        Photo: Supplied                                         All ASFB members will be invited to attend
have received about virtual events is that the Q&A                                                           a virtual event to celebrate the ASFB’s
sessions are what people are really interested in.        Delegates will also be able to submit questions    50th anniversary year – even if they are
     “More than 30 live-streamed sessions            to presenters via a discussion forum, from the          not attending the WFC (i.e. not registered
focused on key topics have been brought into the     time presentations become available in the week         delegates).
program to provide dedicated time to discuss,        prior to the congress until the end of the congress.
consider and debate issues relevant to the                Begg says the timing of some sessions during
fisheries community. This will provide both the      the five-day event has also been changed to cater
audience with an opportunity to ask the panel        for international audiences; there are now some
                                                                                                             MORE INFORMATION
questions during the 1.5 to two-hour sessions        early morning and evening presentations.      
that will include keynote presentations.”                 All presentations, including recordings of live-   FRDC RESEARCH CODES
     All congress presentations have also            streamed sessions, will be available on demand for      2018-059, 2019-152
been prerecorded, and delegates will have            delegates for several months after the congress.        INDIGENOUS HERITAGE
a chance to view recordings in the week              And those who register to attend in person but          The World Fisheries Congress will
                                                                                                             be hosted on the lands of the Kaurna
prior to the actual event. This will allow           find they need to swap to virtual participation
                                                                                                             people of the Adelaide region.
them to make more of Q&A sessions, which             due to COVID restrictions will be able to do so,
will be a major feature of the congress.             receiving a refund for the price difference. f

F I SH S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 |
strategy evaluation (MSE) methods, which

For all the fish
                                                                                               use computer simulations to ‘road test’ fishery
                                                                                               monitoring and management plans.
                                                                                                   A lot has happened since then, he

in the sea
                                                                                               says. “For example, evaluating fisheries
                                                                                               management by simulating and implementing
                                                                                               harvest strategies is now pretty much
                                                                                               standard practice, and there’s been a general
                                                                                               improvement in global fisheries standards.”
Words Chris Clark, Illustration Sonia Kretschmar                                                   This includes adopting ecosystem-based
                                                                                               fisheries management (EBFM) globally, with
                                                                                               varying degrees of success. EBFM is a holistic

                                                                                               approach that considers the health of all species,
As Australia prepares to                                  ince 1992, the World Fisheries       including inter-species interactions, the effects
                                                                                               of environmental changes, pollution and
host the World Fisheries                                  Congress has brought the global
                                                          fishing community together to        other stresses on habitat and water quality.
Congress 2021 in September,                               tackle problems through sharing          “We’ve made a lot of progress on single-
                                                                                               species fishery management, and we are
eminent marine ecologist                                  knowledge and solutions. Ahead
                                             of the 8th Wowrld Fisheries Congress, a virtual   improving ecosystem-based approaches to
Keith Sainsbury reflects on                  event coordinated from Adelaide from 20 to        management. But we’re not there yet,” Sainsbury
                                             24 September this year, FISH magazine asked       adds. The cost of data collection and the
key developments within                      marine ecologist Keith Sainsbury to compare       associated monitoring remain a challenge.
fisheries management since                   fisheries management now with 25 years ago,
                                             when the congress was last held in Australia.     Bycatch in focus
Australia hosted the second                      At the time of the 1996 congress in           At the 1996 Brisbane congress, the issue of
world congress 25 years ago                  Brisbane, Sainsbury had already spent             bycatch was unexpectedly highlighted when a
                                             years helping to develop management               protestor chained herself to the venue doors to

                                                                                                                        | SEPTEM B ER 2 0 2 1 FI SH
OCEAN STEWARDSHIP                   13

                                                      “The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) does
                                                        ecological risk assessments for more than 5000 bycatch species and
                                                        is able to manage high-risk species. The risk assessment methods
                                                        were not available back in 1996.”
                                                                                                                 Keith Sainsbury

raise awareness of seahorses and their increasingly        The MSC requires the fishery to achieve a         properly is how we get some indicator for the
precarious existence resulting from both targeted     good score on each of three principles –               sustainability of the ecosystem as a whole and
fishing and as bycatch of trawl fishing.              sustainability of the target species, ecosystem/       link that to management. That’s the big science
    “There are ways of tackling these bycatch         bycatch management and fishery governance –            challenge. Sustainable marine ecosystems go
issues now,” Sainsbury explains. “The Australian      and to have an auditable ‘chain of custody’            beyond how a fishery is managed,” he says.
Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)                 between fish capture and fish sale to the                   “Understanding and accommodating
does ecological risk assessments for more             consumer.                                              ecosystem impacts is becoming more
than 5000 bycatch species and is able to                   He says MSC certification is a transparent        difficult as major changes affect ecosystems
manage high-risk species. The risk assessment         third-party system. Many Australian fisheries          through climate change, pollution, coastal
methods were not available back in 1996.”             have achieved MSC certification, including             development, recreational fishing, aquaculture,
    As a commissioner of AFMA for 16 years,           the Western Rock Lobster (Panulirus cygnus),           shipping and introduced pest species.
Sainsbury supported bycatch management                the South Australian Pipis (Donax spp.)                     “Changes in a fishery must be
as part of the broader EBFM approach in               and Australian Sardine (Sardinops sagax),              managed in this wider context in which
Commonwealth fisheries. However, its application      several small pelagic species, Blue Grenadier          attribution of impacts is difficult.”
across all Australian jurisdictions has been          (Macruronus novaezelandiae), several prawn                  Sainsbury says the level of environmental
a “mixed bag”, he says, with some fisheries           fisheries, Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus          activism around global fisheries, and the need
applying it well and others hardly at all.            eleginoides) and pearl oyster, among others.           for social acceptability or social licence, also
    In Commonwealth fisheries, AFMA must                   “You can look at any of those with                remains high.
report its progress on managing bycatch,              MSC certification covering Commonwealth                     “There’s a broad, social interest in what
but not all other jurisdictions have clear            and state-managed fisheries and they all               happens in fisheries and the marine environment.
processes regarding bycatch and discarding,           demonstrate good practice,” Sainsbury adds.            How we include those interests in governance
and the reporting of these activities.                     Sainsbury also sits on the advisory               arrangements is going to be quite important. For
    “Western Australia also does a good               panel for Australia’s Status of Australian             example, the interactions between commercial
job of this,” says Sainsbury. “Some states            Fish Stocks Reports, the fifth edition of              and recreational fishing are big issues,” he says.
don’t do this well and some just report               which was released in June 2021. (The                       He argues that generally Australia has
bycatch they’re concerned about, but not              first reports were published in 2012.)                 done well in fisheries management over
other species. This is where you get people                While he acknowledges the value of                recent decades because of a good policy
chaining themselves to the door.”                     having the Commonwealth, state and territory           framework and science capability.
                                                      jurisdictions publish national status reports, he           However, Australia – and the world
Standard for sustainable fisheries                    is critical of the low threshold of ‘sustainability’   – now face different challenges.
Issues such as bycatch management, including the      applied – a sustainable rating typically requires           “I don’t think that management has
practice and impacts of discarding, are important     just 20 per cent of unfished stock abundance (or       kept up with the needs. Australia was early
to another initiative that has emerged during the     biomass) – rather than the higher international        to improve fishery policy and science,
past 25 years: the Marine Stewardship Council         definitions, such as maximum sustainable yield.        and that improved management.
(MSC). It was officially launched in 1997 as an                                                                   “The challenge now is twofold. At one
international, independent non-profit organisation    Future directions                                      end, the challenge is to bring the ecosystem-
with a mission to establish a sustainable fishing     Sainsbury also sees room for refining the              based approach more properly into focus and
standard. Today, 446 fisheries globally, including    ecosystem-based approaches to fishery                  application. At the other end, we’ve still got
20 in Australia, are certified as sustainable.        management and expects that to be a                    jurisdictions that just aren’t doing management
    Sainsbury was on the MSC Board of Trustees        big focus of the 2021 congress.                        very well, so we must lift that tail,” he says.
for 12 years and remains a member of the MSC              “We’ve developed good indicators around                 “The real, global challenge will be developing
Technical Advisory Board. He is well known for        target species, bycatch and habitats, which            new tools for effective ecosystem-based fishery
his championing of the Marine Stewardship             can help us understand parts of an ecosystem.          assessment and management, and it’s where
Council approach and certification process.           The thing we’ve never been able to pin down            I’m putting much of my effort now.” f

F I SH S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 |

The recognition of
Indigenous fishing in
Australia’s history is
growing, helping to bridge
cultural divides and
integrating more diverse
perspectives into the
sector’s future

Celebrating the story of Indigenous
fishing on a world stage
                                                                                                                            Aboriginal fishers from Maningrida
                                                                                                                            retrieving fish from a net.
Words Anne Crawford                                                                                                         Photo: Supplied by Matt Osborne

              his month, Matt Osborne will                 “It’s about resetting the relationship to      from the process, but nonetheless it’s a
              address the World Fisheries Congress     be collaborative and supporting in terms of        colourful, rich history worth celebrating.”
              to tell the story of customary and       recognising traditional owner views in fisheries       The historic trade in Sandfish (Holothuria
              Indigenous fishing in Australia.         management and not being overly fearful            scabra) – the Sea Cucumber, also known
                  Osborne, a Kaurna and Narungga       about what that might mean,” he says.              as Trepang – set up centuries ago with the
man with extensive experience in Indigenous                “This story is something that can add          Macassans (Indonesians) by Aboriginal people
fisheries, is the program leader for aquaculture and   a lot of value and historical connection           in northern Australia, is a well-documented
regional development, Department of Primary            and significance on the world stage. To say        example. It is now a lucrative export trade.
Industry and Resources, Northern Territory.            that our fisheries are sustainable and our             Osborne’s grandmother spoke of her
    In addressing the congress, he hopes to put        fisheries also sustain the oldest living culture   father and grandfather fishing on boats in the
a ‘new lens’ on the story, one that celebrates the     in the world – that’s how sustainable they         Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, helping local
history of Indigenous people in helping create         are and that’s a powerful message.”                settlers identify fishing grounds and lending
Australia’s commercial fishing industry and                                                               their knowledge of fish resources. They had
their successes today, rather than seeing access       Commercial pioneers                                commercial fishing licences and exclusive
to marine resources as a source of conflict.           Indigenous fishing in Australia was a              access to the area around Point Pearce.
    Recognising the instrumental role Indigenous       forgotten sector within the industry                   But then came a period when Aboriginal
people have played in the sector adds a ‘positive      for a long time, Osborne says.                     people were actively removed from the fishing
story’ about the Australian fishing industry               “It’s an important story that has examples     industry, says Osborne. A licence change affecting
that counteracts the often defensive nature            across Australia about the pioneering days         the Narungga people allowed them to fish in other
of discussion around fishing rights, fishing           and the roles Indigenous people played             areas, but also prevented that licence from being
allocations and the pressures of commercial            supporting commercial fisheries. Various           transferable – so when they died that licence
economies determining access, says Osborne.            government practices later removed them            no longer existed. Indigenous participation in

                                                                                                                                   | SEPTEM B ER 2 0 2 1 FI SH
CUSTOMARY FISHING                     15
Below Traditional fish trap built and operated
by Donald Bonson, Northern Territory.
Photo: Sam Nowland                                   Below Matt Osborne in New Zealand to present on
Bottom Matt Osborne takes his children Oliver        Indigenous fishing at the 2019 Maori Fisheries Conference.
and Laela fishing. Photo: Carrie Osborne             Photo: Delahey Miller

                                                                                                                      Osborne will appear as a plenary
                                                                                                                  speaker at the World Fisheries Congress on
                                                                                                                  23 September. His session will be live-streamed
                                                                                                                  for virtual attendees.
                                                                                                                      The eighth World Fisheries Congress will be
                                                                                                                  held in Adelaide and online from 20 to 24
                                                                                                                  September and has the theme ‘Sharing our oceans
                                                                                                                  and rivers – a vision for the world’s fisheries’. It is
                                                                                                                  the largest gathering of fisheries research, industry
                                                                                                                  and management sectors in the world.

                                                                                                                  What is customary fishing?
                                                                                                                  “The definition of customary fishing needs
                                                                                                                  some work between how the Indigenous
                                                                                                                  community is happy for it to be represented
                                                                                                                  and what it means to them, versus how it’s
                                                                                                                  reflected within the regulations,” says Osborne.
                                                                                                                       “The standard definition is that customary
                                                                                                                  fishing is non-commercial and abides with laws
                                                                                                                  and customs of those people, but then different
                                                           The Ngarrindjeri people have been harvesting           jurisdictions [in Australia] treat that differently,”
                                                       Pipi (Donax deltoides), known as ‘kutis’ in                he says.
                                                       Ngarrindjeri, for thousands of years. They wholly               There is no consistent approach between
                                                       own the harvesting enterprise Kuti Co – majority           government, states and jurisdictions nor an
                                                       funded by the Indigenous Land and Sea                      agreement on a definition of customary fishing
                                                       Corporation – and are working with Goolwa                  and how that is represented in the regulations,
                                                       PipiCo in the Coorong, South Australia.                    he says.
                                                           Narungga nation people have negotiated a new                For example, a section within NT fisheries
                                                       Traditional Fishing Agreement – the first in the           legislation exempts customary fishing from aspects
                                                       country – and are making progress establishing an          such as size limits and gear. Other jurisdictions,
                                                       aquaculture business on the Yorke Peninsula (see           however, rely on Native Title and legal decisions,
                                                       ‘Narungga aspirations to bring benefits home’              and complex legal arrangements to access rights.
the Sandfish trade was prevented through               FISH magazine, June 2021).                                      To Indigenous people, fishing has a strong
regulation in the early nineteenth century.                Osborne credits some of these successes as             cultural meaning.
     However, the story of customary fishing is        part of recalibrating the narrative to both                     “To a lot of Indigenous groups, part of their
changing for the better and the conversation           recognise and celebrate Indigenous and customary           identity is in the ocean and waters – they call
around it growing, Osborne says.                       fishing. Cases of successful Indigenous                    themselves ‘saltwater’ or ‘freshwater’ people,”
     “In the Northern Territory, for example, we       participation in the sector are increasingly being         says Osborne.
have established a small-scale fishing licence – a     aired and celebrated.                                           Creation stories, songlines and ceremonies
low-cost entry to fishing that enables people to                                                                  are associated with the marine and freshwater
establish a business in remote communities –           Changing attitudes                                         environments, while archaeological sites
and a mentoring program.                               “I think it’s been an attitudinal and cultural             such as midden sites, burials and fish traps
     “As part of our program within fisheries,         change, particularly in some of the key                    demonstrate a visual and physical connection,
we’re out there teaching commercial fishing            organisations who really showed some                       the presence of families and forefathers. f
skills, safe fishing practices. That is resulting      leadership in early days. There have been a few
in an increase of fish for people in remote            ‘champions’ getting up at national fishery forums            MORE INFORMATION
communities to eat and in commercial fishing           in the past 10 or 15 years,” Osborne says.                   Matt Osborne,
activity in these communities as well. It’s                 Among these he counts organisations                     FRDC RESEARCH CODE 2015-205
also about offering people the chance to               including the FRDC, which established the
                                                                                                                    INDIGENOUS HERITAGE
reconnect and develop some opportunities               Indigenous Reference Group and funded research,              Matt Osborne will present on the topic
and pride in the work they’re doing in                 the biennial industry conference Seafood                     of Indigenous fisheries at the 8th World
situations that are pretty disadvantaged.”             Directions and magazines such as FISH. They                  Fisheries Congress held from 20-24 September
     This program is taking place in Wadeye,           have all helped communicate the importance                   2021, in Adelaide, South Australia, on the
                                                                                                                    traditional lands of the Kaurna people.
Maningrida, Tiwi and Elcho islands.                    of the sector and the experiences within it.

F I SH S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 |
16           INNOVATION                        R&D PLAN OUTCOME 2
                                               Best practices and
                                               production systems

Southern Bluefin Tuna.
Photo: Al McGlashan

making its mark

An idea lying dormant for years re-emerged
at the right time, helping to rebuild global
stocks of Southern Bluefin Tuna and
revolutionising fisheries stock assessments
Words Bianca Nogrady

                                                          | SEPTEM B ER 2 0 2 1 FI SH
INNOVATION               17

                                                         ark Bravington was attending a meeting at the
                                                         International Whaling Commission in the late 1990s when
                                                         he first heard of the idea of using genetic matches between
                                                         parent and offspring to calculate the size of a population.
                                                              Norway had amassed a significant database
                                     of DNA and tissue samples from whale hunting as a way to keep
                                     an eye on illegal whaling. Norwegian statistician Hans Skaug had
                                     twigged that this DNA database could be analysed for matches
                                     between parent minke whales and their offspring, and that the
                                     greater the number of these familial connections that turned
                                     up in the database, the smaller the population must be .
                                           “The idea struck me as completely brilliant,” says Bravington, a
                                     statistician at CSIRO in Hobart. The only problem was, it did not work.
                                           “It was the right idea but at the wrong time. Genetic technology
                                     wasn’t advanced enough to deliver on the potential. It was also the
                                     wrong species: it didn’t work in minke whales for a variety of reasons.”
                                           So that brilliant idea died, and Bravington forgot all about it.
                                           Five years later, he was working on Southern Bluefin Tuna
                                     (SBT) (Thunnus maccoyii), trying to assess just how healthy or
                                     unhealthy stocks were, and it was not going well. “It was just
                                     an awful mess and extremely contentious,” he recalls.
                                           Revelations of large, unreported catches had undermined the
                                     data used to assess the stock. There were also worrying signs that the
                                     spawning stock and recent year classes were the lowest on record.
                                           Bravington recalled the Norwegian minke whale study, and wondered
                                     if it might work in tuna. He took the idea to geneticist colleague Peter
                                     Grewe, and the two of them put forward a proposal to CSIRO to explore it.

                                     First steps
                                     With additional funds from the FRDC they undertook the first major
                                     survey of SBT using this approach. The study was based on about 14,000
                                     tissue samples taken from fish caught by commercial fishers. It took five
                                     years to complete and identified 45 parent–offspring pairs. The results
                                     showed the species was slightly more abundant than previously thought.
                                          That technique – now called close-kin mark-recapture – looks set to
                                     revolutionise the way the health and productivity of fisheries are assessed.
                                          “Close-kin mark-recapture is a census, and a very reliable and
                                     precise one if sufficient kin pairs are retrieved,” says Grewe.
                                          The beauty of this method lies in its simplicity. At its core
                                     is the genetic and mathematical truth that the greater the
                                     proportion of related individuals found in a random sample
                                     of a population, the smaller that population must be.
                                          “Every fish has two parents,” says Campbell Davies, who
                                     leads CSIRO’s international fisheries research. “And every fish
                                     genetically ‘marks’ or ‘tags’ its parents via its DNA.”
                                          Matching a parent to its offspring is genetically easy to do
                                     and very accurate. Researchers collect a predetermined number
                                     of tissue samples from a population of fish. The number of
                                     samples is decided based on available estimates of the size of
                                     that population and the species’ life history. Researchers then
                                     count how many parent–offspring matches they find.
                                          The more matches they find, the smaller the population,
                                     because the smaller the population, the higher the probability
                                     of both the parent and the offspring being in the sample.

F I SH S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 |
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