Growing from Strength to Strength - Celebrating 50 years 26 Nurturing future - Keppel Corporation

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Growing from Strength to Strength - Celebrating 50 years 26 Nurturing future - Keppel Corporation
Issue 4 / 2018

                          50 years 26

                      Nurturing future
                 leaders 42

         Doing well,
     doing good 46

                                               Growing from
                                         Strength to Strength
MCI (P) 042/01/2018
Growing from Strength to Strength - Celebrating 50 years 26 Nurturing future - Keppel Corporation

      26                                                                                              34

      45                                                                                              52

    SUSTAINING GROWTH                                               Keeping it cool                                        20       Topping off The Podium West Tower 40
    Seeding growth                                          4
                                                                    Keppel O&M secures new contracts                       21       In memory of Lim Kei Hin
    Delivering on strategy                                  8
                                                                    Strengthening proposition                              22       EMPOWERING LIVES
    In conversation                                        11                                                                       Enhancing competencies                                 41
                                                                    Pooling expertise                                      23
    Expanding portfolio                                    13                                                                       Nurturing future leaders                               42
                                                                    Extending track record                                 24
    Driving operational excellence                                                                                                  Keppelites Around the World
                                                                    Seizing opportunities                                           Growing with an urbanising China                       44
    Stable distributions                                   14
                                                                    Advancing LNG solutions                                25       Majulah Singapura                                      45
    Growing footprint in Sydney
                                                                    SPECIAL FOCUS                                                   NURTURING COMMUNITIES
    Pursuing growth                                        15       Celebrating 50 years                                   26       Keppel Volunteers
                                                                                                                                    Doing well, doing good                                 46
    Deepening partnership                                  16       Making a difference in China                           32
    Engaging retail shareholders                                                                                                    GETTING TO KNOW YOU
                                                                    Celebrating Tianjin Eco-City’s                         34       Spotlight on: Louis Lim                                50
    Keppel Corporation bolsters                            17       10th year milestone
    leadership                                                                                                                      BACK PAGE
                                                                    Hallmarks of excellence                                36       Strategic initiatives                                  52
    First commercial development for                       18
    Keppel Land in India                                            Green pioneer                                          37
    Expanding into Nanjing                                          HSEMATTERS
                                                                    Taking Innovation in HSE to                            38
    At the helm                                            19       the next level
Growing from Strength to Strength - Celebrating 50 years 26 Nurturing future - Keppel Corporation
Sustaining Growth 3

Editor’s Note
                                                                                               Editorial Team

Dear Readers,                                                                                  Editorial Advisor
                                                                                               Ho Tong Yen

Keppel Corporation has grown from strength to strength over the last 50 years – regularly      Editor
transforming ourselves to meet changing needs, while remaining focused on creating             Sue-Ann Huang
value for all our stakeholders. The company celebrated its Golden Jubilee with over
                                                                                               Copy Editors
600 stakeholders at an anniversary Gala Dinner at Shangri-La Hotel on 3 August 2018.           Guo Xiaorong, Kevin Ho
Singapore’s Prime Minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong, was the Guest-of-Honour at the Gala
                                                                                               Editorial Team
Dinner. In his speech, Prime Minister Lee commended Keppel for turning adversity into          Ana Luisa Cruz, Ang Lai Lee,
opportunity, looking outward and breaking new ground in external markets, businesses           Ariel Tee, Brian Lee, Casey Chiang,
                                                                                               Donald Sng, Eileen Tan,
and technologies. Prime Minister Lee also expressed confidence in Keppel’s ability to thrive
                                                                                               Elizabeth Widjaja, Emmeline Khoo,
in a rapidly changing world (see pages 26 to 31).                                              Fiona Aw, Frances Teh,
                                                                                               Glenda Yang, Grace Chia,
                                                                                               Han Sufen, Hoo Yao Lin,
The company also held a commemorative dinner in Beijing on 31 August 2018, which               Ivana Chua, Lee Wan Jun,
was attended by government officials, business partners, customers, senior management          Liang Hui Hui, Ong Wen Qi,
                                                                                               Razali Maulod, Roy Tan,
and staff in China (see pages 32 and 33).
                                                                                               Serena Toh, Tang Yibing,
                                                                                               Tay Jia Wei, Teri Liew, Tracy Pham,
As we celebrate this milestone, it is timely for Keppelites to reflect on what Keppel must     Woon Pek Yong, Yolanda Guo

do to build on our track record and achieve the company’s mission to deliver solutions
for sustainable urbanisation profitably, safely and responsibly.                               Please mail your correspondence to:
                                                                                               Group Corporate Communications
                                                                                               – Keppelite Editor
In this issue of Keppelite, we share new developments at Keppel, as well as ways in which      Keppel Corporation Limited
the company is taking steps to evolve and stay relevant - be it expanding into new sectors,    1 HarbourFront Ave, #18-01
                                                                                               Keppel Bay Tower
such as senior living, or embracing innovations in various fields, including harnessing        Singapore 098632
technology for green buildings and safety solutions (see pages 37 to 39).
Keppel recognises that good corporate citizenry is essential to success and is committed
to make a positive impact in the communities where it operates. To commemorate its             Keppelite is a publication of Keppel
                                                                                               Corporation, and is published
anniversary, Keppel made a $10 million donation to the Institute of Technical Education        quarterly by the Group Corporate
to promote education for financially disadvantaged students (see page 28). The company         Communications Division. All
                                                                                               rights reserved. Permission from
also launched a new partnership with the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (see
                                                                                               the publisher is required for
page 32), while Keppelites across the Group rallied behind a range of worthy causes            reproduction by any means in
during Keppel Community Month in August (see pages 46 to 49).                                  whole or in part.

We hope that this issue of Keppelite will inspire you and seed ideas on how you can            Printed in Singapore by
                                                                                               Image Printers Pte Ltd.
contribute to Keppel’s growth story. We wish you an enjoyable read.

Keppelite Editor

                                                                                                        Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Growing from Strength to Strength - Celebrating 50 years 26 Nurturing future - Keppel Corporation
Sustaining Growth
4 Sustaining Growth

  Seeding growth
  Keppel continued to deepen its value proposition as a solutions provider for
  sustainable urbanisation as it develops new growth engines. Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO
  of Keppel Corporation discussed the Group’s strategic initiatives and long-term
  growth plans at the Company’s 3Q & 9M 2018 results webcast. Keppelite reproduces
  his speech.

  This has been an eventful                 FINANCIAL                       net profit of $2 million in            2017, excluding the projects
  quarter for Keppel, as we                 PERFORMANCE                     3Q 2018, bucking three                 for Sete Brasil.
  launched several initiatives              For 9M 2018, we achieved        consecutive quarters of
  to grow our business as a                 a net profit of $809 million,   losses.                                Expanding its involvement
  provider of solutions for                 18% higher compared to                                                 in the LNG space, Keppel
  sustainable urbanisation.                 the same period in 2017,        H o w e v e r, t h e D i v i s i o n   O&M has signed a
  These include our entry                   underpinned by stronger         continued to suffer a net              Technical Assistance and
  into senior living,                       contributions from the          loss of $38 million for                License Agreement with
  expanding our assets                      Property and Infrastructure     9M 2018, mainly due to lower           Gaztransport & Technigaz
  under management into                     divisions, which more than      work volume and our share              (GTT) to jointly market LNG
  e d u c a t i o n - re l a t e d re a l   offset losses incurred by       of associated companies’               solutions leveraging GTT’s
  estate and the retail sector              the Offshore & Marine           losses. At the operating level,        membrane containment
  in Australia, extending our               (O&M) and Investments           the O&M Division achieved              s y s t e m s a n d K e p p e l ’s
  China property footprint                  divisions.                      a profit of $20 million for            expertise in specialised
  into Nanjing, among others.                                               9M 2018, on the back of                shipbuilding and LNG
                                            Economic Value Added            our rightsizing efforts and            solutions. Keppel O&M has
  I n S e p t e m b e r, w e a l s o        was $384 million. On an         reduced overheads.                     also delivered its second
  announced our pre-                        annualised basis, our Return                                           dual-fuel LNG tug, this time
  conditional voluntary                     on Equity was 9.3%. We          In 9M 2018, Keppel O&M                 to Maju Maritime, with a
  general offer, together with              achieved a free cash inflow     recognised revenues                    perfect safety record.
  Singapore Press Holdings                  of $828 million in 9M 2018.     amounting to $1.4 billion.
  (SPH), to gain majority                   Our net gearing was 0.41x       The Division is also working           We are seeing more enquiries
  control of M1. We also                    at end-September 2018,          hard to replenish its                  for scrubber retrofits which
  announced a scheme of                     only slightly higher than the   orderbook, and has secured             we anticipate will increase
  arrangement to privatise                  0.40x at end-June 2018. This    additional contracts totalling         as the IMO’s 2020 deadline
  Keppel Telecommunications                 was despite having paid out     $1.4 billion in the year to date,      for the implementation of
  & Transportation (Keppel                  $272 million in interim and     more than the $1.2 billion             the 0.5% sulphur cap on
  T&T), to further simplify                 special dividends in August,    of new orders secured in               marine fuels approaches.
  our corporate structure,                  and the one-off payment         the whole of 2017. These               Keppel Shipyard completed
  allow more efficient capital              of $251 million in fines to     include contracts for two              Singapore’s first Very Large
  allocation and better align               the Brazilian authorities as    newbuild Liquefied Natural             Crude Carrier (VLCC)
  Keppel T&T’s interests with               part of the global resolution   Gas (LNG) carriers and the             scrubber retrofit in 3Q 2018
  the rest of the Group’s.                  reached by Keppel Offshore      conversion of a LNG carrier            and we have more projects
                                            & Marine (Keppel O&M)           to a Floating Storage and              in the pipeline.
  These are long-term                       last year.                      Re-gasification Unit.
  initiatives, which would                                                                                         PROPERTY
  further expand and grow                   OFFSHORE & MARINE               As at 30 September 2018,               O u r P ro p e r t y b u s i n e s s
  the Group’s earnings and                  Despite the challenging         Keppel O&M’s net orderbook             performed well, achieving
  position us for long-term                 operating environment, our      was $4.4 billion, compared to          a net profit of $764 million
  growth.                                   O&M Division registered a       $3.9 billion at end-December           for 9M 2018, which is an

  Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Growing from Strength to Strength - Celebrating 50 years 26 Nurturing future - Keppel Corporation
Sustaining Growth 5

                                                                                             not include the 11,000 units                      Environmental Infrastructure
                                                                                             which were sold en bloc                           and Infrastructure Services.
                                                                                             when we sold our projects
                                                                                             in Zhongshan and Shenyang.                        The construction of Keppel
                                                                                                                                               Marina East Desalination
                                                                                             We expect to recognise profits                    Plant has been progressing
                                                                                             from the sale of some 7,240                       well with over 50%
                                                                                             units of overseas homes                           completed. The plant is on
                                                                                             worth about $2.4 billion,                         target to achieve commercial
                                                                                             to be recognised upon                             operation in early-2020.
                                                                                             completion, from 4Q 2018
                                                                                             through 2022.                                     In October 2018, Keppel
                                                                                                                                               Seghers secured a contract to
Keppel Land China’s collaboration with Gemdale Corporation marks the company’s first foray   In our residential landbank,                      supply technology solutions
into Nanjing and further expansion in the Yangtze River Delta Region
                                                                                             we have about 50,000                              worth over EUR 70 million
                                                                                             homes, of which about                             to Australia’s first waste-to-
increase of 110% year on                        l a r g e s t s h a re h o l d e r o f       15,000 units are ready for                        energy plant which is located
year, due mainly to the en                      Nam Long, a leading                          launch from now till end-                         in Kwinana. The facility will
bloc sales of development                       affordable housing                           2020.                                             feature Keppel Seghers’ air-
projects, the gain from                         developer in Ho Chi Minh                                                                       cooled grate and vertical
divestment of our stake                         City, with an increased stake                U n d e r o u r c o m m e rc i a l                boiler, which are designed
in a commercial project in                      of approximately 10%,                        portfolio, we now have about                      to achieve efficient energy
Beijing, as well as fair value                  following the conversion of                  1.5 million square metres of                      recovery and operational
gain on Nassim Woods.                           bonds issued by Nam Long.                    gross floor area (GFA), of                        reliability.
                                                                                             which about two thirds are
Keppel continues to                             In Bangalore, India, Keppel                  under development.                                As announced by Singapore’s
strengthen our collaboration                    Land has deepened its                                                                          Energy Market Authority,
with strategic partners to                      collaboration with reputable                 INFRASTRUCTURE                                    the nationwide launch of
capture growth opportunities                    Indian property developer                    Our Infrastructure Division                       Open Electricity Market will
in the region.                                  Puravankara by forming a                     achieved a net profit of                          be rolled out progressively in
                                                joint venture to acquire a                   $121 million, up 25%                              four zones from November
In China, Keppel Land China                     prime 3-hectare site for a                   y e a r o n y e a r, d u e t o
formed a joint venture with                     commercial development.                      steady contribution from                                          Continues on page 6...
leading Chinese developer,                      The site is located next to
Gemdale Corporation, to                         a mass rapid transit station
develop a residential project                   and a mixed-use precinct
in Nanjing. The collaboration                   comprising the World Trade
marks Keppel Land’s further                     Centre, a well-established
expansion in the Yangtze                        location that has attracted
River Delta as well as its                      many MNCs and technology
first foray into Nanjing, a                     firms.
promising market which
continues to see strong                         In 9M 2018, our Property
demand for premium                              Division sold about 3,180
housing. Phase One of the                       homes, achieving a total
project is expected to be                       sales value of about $1.4
launched for sale in the                        billion. These include 1,830
fourth quarter of this year.                    homes in China, 200 in
                                                Vietnam, 230 in Indonesia,
In Vietnam, Keppel Land                         740 in India and 150 in                      In 9M 2018, Infrastructure Services continued to contribute steadily to the Group’s recurring
will become the second                          Singapore. These figures do                  income

                                                                                                                                                            Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Growing from Strength to Strength - Celebrating 50 years 26 Nurturing future - Keppel Corporation
6 Sustaining Growth

  ...continued from page 5.

  2018 to May 2019. With
  17 years of experience in
  the Singapore electricity
  retailer market, Keppel
  Electric is well positioned
  to offer innovative and
  competitive electricity plans
  to consumers.

  We are also entering new
  markets for our data centre
  business. Keppel, through
  the Alpha Data Centre Fund
  (Alpha DC Fund) and Keppel
  Data Centres, has signed
  conditional agreements with
  the Salim Group to jointly
  develop and operate a high-
  availability data centre in
  Bogor, about 35 kilometres
                                             The Hacienda at the River (pictured) located in Tucson, Arizona is one of the 52 senior housing communities currently managed by Watermark
  from Jakarta.

  INVESTMENTS                                RMB 10,500 and RMB 6,700                        Retirement Communities,                         fund will seek to invest in
  Our Investments Division                   respectively. However, land                     as well as 50% of the                           preschool and early learning
  registered a net loss of                   is sold by SSTEC based                          minority interests held by                      real estate assets in the Asia
  $38 million in 9M 2018, due                on total land area, and                         the owners of Watermark                         Pacific region. These real
  to our share of losses from                the recent land prices of                       in some retirement                              estate assets will then be
  associated companies.                      RMB 105 million per hectare                     communities managed by                          leased to MindChamps or its
                                             and RMB 166 million per                         Watermark. With assets                          related entities under long-
  Keppel Capital continued                   hectare are comparable to                       under management (AUM)                          term leases.
  to contribute steadily to the              those of land plots sold in                     of US$2.7 billion, Watermark
  Group, although earnings                   the past two years. Profit                      is ranked among the top                         In Australia, Keppel Capital
  from our asset management                  from the sale of one plot                       15 largest senior living                        has entered into an MOU with
  business were slightly lower               has been recognised, while                      operators in the country. This                  Vicinity Centres, a leading
  due to higher expenses for                 the other will be recognised                    is a strategic move by Keppel                   Australian retail property
  growth initiatives and lower               later this year.                                to expand into this new                         group, to establish a new
  one-off performance fees.                                                                  growth sector, leveraging                       private fund. The proposed
                                             It has been an active quarter                   Watermark’s deep expertise                      fund intends to invest in
  In the Tianjin Eco-City, two               for Keppel Capital as our                       and agile business model.                       an initial portfolio of up to
  residential land plots were                t e a m s w o r k e d h a rd a t                                                                A$1 billion of Australian
  sold by our joint venture,                 expanding into new markets                      Keppel Capital is also looking                  retail properties currently
  S i n o - S i n g a p o re T I a n j i n   and asset classes under                         to expand into education real                   owned by Vicinity Centres,
  Eco-City Investment and                    management, harnessing                          estate assets, and has signed                   who has a fully integrated
  Development Co., Ltd.                      the capabilities of the Keppel                  a non-binding Memorandum                        asset management platform
  (SSTEC), in 3Q 2018. Due                   Group.                                          of Understanding (MOU)                          and A$26 billion in retail
  to the Tianjin government’s                                                                with MindChamps to                              assets under management.
  property market cooling                    We have entered into a                          establish a new private fund,
  measures, home prices have                 conditional equity purchase                     with an initial target fund size                Our listed REITs have also
  moderated, and the two                     agreement to acquire a 50%                      of $200 million. With Keppel                    been expanding their
  plots achieved per square                  stake in leading US senior                      Capital and MindChamps                          portfolios. In Australia,
  metre GFA prices of about                  living operator, Watermark                      as sponsors, the proposed                       Keppel DC REIT is enlarging

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Sustaining Growth 7

its data centre footprint with    gas, electricity and urban        Group. Keppel can leverage       In the meantime, subject
a new shell and core data         logistics. Incorporating M1’s     M1’s digital platform for        to the approval of the Info-
centre, which will be built in    capabilities and two million      services provided by Keppel’s    communications Media
the Macquarie Business Park       recurring subscribers in a        businesses.                      Development Authority, we
precinct in Sydney. Over in       combined digital platform                                          are offering a compelling
the US, Keppel KBS US REIT is     would provide opportunities       SPH has also spoken of           premium to minority
capitalising on strong leasing    for synergies and cross selling   opportunities to leverage        shareholders of M1, who
demand from the technology        of services. The transaction is   M1’s mobile platform to offer    are not prepared to wait
and professional services         earnings accretive, net of        on demand and ready digital      and bear the related risks,
sectors in Seattle, with the      financing costs, and will         content to better serve SPH      to realise their investment in
proposed maiden acquisition       expand Keppel’s earnings          customers, so there would        M1 upfront.
of the Westpark Portfolio         streams and base of recurring     also be opportunities for
business campus, comprising       income.                           collaboration and synergy        CONCLUSION
21 freehold buildings.                                              with the SPH Group.              We are moving ahead with
                                  To realise the potential of                                        strategic strides, with an
All these different initiatives   M1, we will work with             M1 is not a new business for     eye on the long-term future
will contribute to growing        its management to drive           Keppel. Keppel was one of        of the Company. Earlier
our AUM and building up           transformation. This would        the founding shareholders        generations of Keppelites
Keppel Capital to be a steady     include initiatives such as       in 1994, before its telephone    sowed many of the seeds that
pillar of recurring income for    digital transformation to         service was launched in          are driving Keppel’s growth
the Group.                        enhance M1’s offering by          1997, and the IPO (Initial       today. Similarly, we are now
                                  becoming a truly digital          Public Offering) in 2002. We     building and broadening the
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE TO           operator. Over time, M1           have worked with and             foundations that will shape
TRANSFORM M1                      can introduce new services        supported M1 for over 20         Keppel’s future growth
We see having majority            leveraging this digital           years, and it has yielded very   trajectory, as we harness the
control as being important        platform.                         good returns.                    synergies of being a multi-
to allow Keppel and SPH                                                                              business group and provide
to better support M1’s            We will seek more effective       Keppel has invested              solutions to meet the needs
management to transform           cost management of                $170 million over the years,     of sustainable urbanisation.
the business, against the         both front and back-end           and in retur n received          keppelite

backdrop of increasing            operations, and at the            $737 million of dividends
competition.                      same time, pursue growth          and proceeds from the
                                  opportunities.                    sale of some shares. In
M1 will complement the                                              addition, Keppel’s present
Keppel Group’s mission            We can also explore balance       19.33% stake, held through
as a solutions provider for       sheet optimisation initiatives    Keppel T&T, had a market
sustainable urbanisation,         with M1 to unlock value from      value of $291 million as at
which includes connectivity,      its underlying infrastructure,    21 September 2018, before
and can serve as a                for example by restructuring      we announced our offer.
consumer digital platform         the infrastructure assets.
for the Keppel Group and          We see this as an enabler         In short, M1 has been a
complement our solutions          to encourage sharing of           good investment for Keppel.
for smart cities.                 infrastructure assets with        We believe that with the
                                  other operators, which can        necessary transformation, it
Keppel has traditionally been     also result in further cost       can continue to be a valuable
involved more in the B-to-B       reduction.                        asset for the Group. But
space. However, we are                                              we have no illusion that
increasingly transforming         At a broader level, there are     the transformation journey
our B-to-B business to            synergies to be harnessed         will be quick or easy. It will
include retail customers in       between M1 and the Keppel         take at least a few years.

                                                                                                                  Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Growing from Strength to Strength - Celebrating 50 years 26 Nurturing future - Keppel Corporation
8 Sustaining Growth

  Delivering on strategy
  Mr Chan Hon Chew, CFO of Keppel Corporation, presented the Company’s financial
  performance and highlights at the 3Q & 9M 2018 results webcast. Keppelite
  reproduces his speech.

  In 3Q 2018, the Group              $m                            3Q 2018           3Q 2017          % Change 9M 2018                     9M 2017 % Change
  recorded a net profit of
                                     Revenue                          1,295            1,617               (20)             4,288            4,419                (3)
  $226 million, which was
  15% lower than the same            Operating Profit                    271              297               (9)                996              630               58
  quarter last year.
                                     Profit before Tax                   323              331               (2)             1,034               835               24
  Correspondingly, earnings          Net Profit                          226              265              (15)                809              688               18
  per share (EPS) decreased to       EPS (cents)                        12.4             14.6              (15)               44.6             37.9               18
  12.4 cents, while Economic
                                  * 3Q & 9M 2017 financial figures have been restated following the adoption of the new financial reporting framework, Singapore Financial
  Value Added (EVA) was           Reporting Standards (International)
  higher at $109 million.

  The Group’s revenue for         After tax and non-controlling                   sold by December 2017,                           The Group recorded
  3Q 2018 was 20% or              interests, net profit was                       as well as lower revenue                         $323 million of pre-tax profit
  $322 million lower than         15% lower at $226 million,                      from Park Avenue Heights in                      for 3Q 2018, 2% lower than
  the same period last year.      translating to an EPS of                        Chengdu, China and Highline                      last year.
  Lower revenues from the         12.4 cents.                                     Residences in Singapore.
  Property and Investments                                                        These were partially offset                      The O&M Division’s pre-tax
  divisions were partially        3Q 2018 SEGMENTAL                               by higher revenue from                           profit was $10 million for
  offset by higher revenues       REVIEW                                          Waterfront Residences in                         3Q 2018, as compared
  from the Offshore & Marine      In 3Q 2018, the Group                           Wuxi, China.                                     to a pre-tax loss of
  (O&M) and Infrastructure        earned total revenues of                                                                         $0.4 million in 3Q 2017. This
  divisions.                      about $1.3 billion, 20%                         The Infrastructure Division                      was due mainly to higher
                                  lower than 3Q 2017.                             achieved an 8% growth in                         operating profits and net
  Operating profit for the                                                        revenue as a result of increased                 interest income, partially
  quarter decreased by 9% or      The O&M Division reported                       sales in the power and gas                       offset by share of associated
  $26 million, to $271 million.   a 9% increase in its top-line,                  businesses. This was partly                      companies’ losses.
  This was attributed to lower    as a result of higher revenue                   offset by lower progressive
  profits from the Investments    recognition from ongoing                        revenue recognition                              The Property Division
  Division, partly offset by      projects.                                       from Keppel Marina East                          registered a 4% increase
  higher profits from all the                                                     Desalination Plant project.                      in pre-tax profit arising
  other divisions.                Revenue from the Property                                                                        from the divestment gain
                                  Division saw a 67% decline                      The Investments Division                         of Beijing Aether, partly
  Profit before tax at            due to the absence of                           decrease in revenue was                          offset by lower contribution
  $323 million, decreased by a    revenue compared to                             due mainly to the absence                        from the property trading
  lower margin of 2%, mainly      3Q 2017, from Estella Heights                   of sale of equity investments                    segment, the absence of
  due to net interest income      in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,                   compared to the same                             gain from en bloc sale of
  as compared to net interest     which obtained occupation                       period last year, as well as                     Waterfront Residences in
  expense recorded in the         permit last year; The Glades,                   lower revenue from the asset                     Nantong, China and absence
  same period a year ago.         Singapore which were all                        management business.                             of gain on divestment of

  Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Growing from Strength to Strength - Celebrating 50 years 26 Nurturing future - Keppel Corporation
Sustaining Growth 9

Sedona Mandalay compared               $39 million, with the Property     mainly to the payment of                 Operating profit at
to last year.                          Division being the top             the fines to the United                  $996 million was 58% or
                                       contributor to the Group’s         States, Singapore and Brazil             $366 million higher than the
The Infrastructure Division            earnings, followed by the          authorities amounting to                 corresponding period last
reported a 30% increase                Infrastructure, Investments        $464 million arising from                year, boosted by en bloc sales
in pre-tax profit driven by            and O&M divisions.                 O&M’s global resolution.                 of development projects in
the gain arising from the                                                 E x c l u d i n g t h i s o n e - o ff   China and Vietnam.
sale of a stake in Keppel DC           9M 2018 FINANCIAL                  payment, the free cash
REIT and higher contribution           HIGHLIGHTS                         inflow would have been                   Profit before tax, however,
from Infrastructure Services,          Compared to the same               higher than last year.                   increased by a lower margin
p a r t l y o ff s e t b y l o w e r   period last year, net profit for                                            of 24% due mainly to
contribution from Energy               9M 2018 was 18% higher at          The Group’s net gearing                  lower share of profits from
and Environmental                      $809 million. Consequently,        improved from 0.46x at the               associates. In 9M 2017,
Infrastructure.                        EPS increased by the same          end of 2017 to 0.41x at the              the Group benefited from
                                       extent to 44.6 cents.              end of September 2018.                   the Sino-Singapore Tianjin
The Investments Division                                                                                           Eco-City’s (Tianjin Eco-City)
recorded a decrease of                 Annualised Return on Equity        The Group earned a total                 sale of three land parcels.
$40 million in pre-tax profit,         also increased to 9.3%,            revenue of $4.3 billion in               as compared to one parcel
due mainly to the absence              while EVA was higher at            9M 2018, a decrease of 3%                recognised to-date this year.
of sale of equity investments          $384 million.                      or $131 million compared to              In addition, O&M Division
and absence of contribution                                               9M 2017. Lower revenues                  also saw lower contribution
from k1 Ventures.                      Free cash inflow for the           from the Property and                    from associates this year.
                                       period was an inflow of            Investments divisions were
After tax and non-controlling          $828 million, as compared          partially offset by higher               After tax and non-controlling
interests, the Group’s net             to an inflow of $1 billion in      revenues from the O&M and                interests, net profit was 18%
profit decreased by 15% or             9M 2017. This was due              Infrastructure divisions.                higher at $809 million.
                                                                                                                   Similarly, EPS increased by
                                                                                                                   18% to 44.6 cents.

                                                                                                                   9M 2018 SEGMENTAL
                                                                                                                   For 9M 2018, the Group
                                                                                                                   earned total revenues of
                                                                                                                   about $4.3 billion, 3% lower
                                                                                                                   than 9M 2017.

                                                                                                                   The O&M Division recorded
                                                                                                                   an increase in revenue of
                                                                                                                   3%, due mainly to revenue
                                                                                                                   recognition in relation to
                                                                                                                   the jackup rigs sold to Borr
                                                                                                                   Drilling, partially offset by
                                                                                                                   lower volume of work.

                                                                                                                   Property Division’s revenue
                                                                                                                   dropped by 28%, due mainly
                                                                                                                   to lower revenue from
                                                                                                                   property trading segment.

                                                                                                                            Continues on page 10...

                                                                                                                           Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Growing from Strength to Strength - Celebrating 50 years 26 Nurturing future - Keppel Corporation
10 Sustaining Growth

   ...continued from page 9.

   Meanwhile, Infrastructure       Seasons in Shenyang,                         this year, as compared to                advances from associated
   Division’s revenue increased    H u n n a n To w n s h i p                   three land parcels last year.            companies of $179 million.
   by 17%, led by increased        Development in Shenyang                      In addition, the Division’s
   sales in the power and gas      and Quoc Loc Phat in                         profits for 9M 2017 also                 As a result, there was
   businesses, partly offset by    Ho Chi Minh City, as well                    benefited from write-back                an overall cash inflow of
   lower progressive revenue       as gains from divestment of                  of provision for impairment              $828 million for 9M 2018,
   recognition from the Keppel     Beijing Aether in China, and                 of investment and sale of                as compared to an inflow of
   Marina East Desalination        fair value gain on Nassim                    equity investments.                      $1 billion last year. keppelite
   Plant project.                  Woods in Singapore. The
                                   increase was partially offset                After tax and non-controlling
   Revenue from the                by lower contribution from                   i n t e r e s t s , t h e G r o u p ’s
   Investments Division            associated companies and                     earnings increased by 18%
   decreased by $62 million,       property trading projects.                   to $809 million, with the
   mainly due to the absence       In 9M 2017, the Property                     Property Division being
   of sale of equity investments   Division’s pre-tax profit                    the top contributor to the
   and lower contribution from     also benefited from en                       Group’s earnings, followed
   the asset management            bloc sale of Waterfront                      by the Infrastructure
   business.                       Residences in Nantong and                    Division.
                                   the divestment gain on
   The Group recorded a pre-       Sedona Mandalay.                             The Group’s net profit of
   tax profit of $1 billion for                                                 $809 million for 9M 2018
   9M 2018, 24% higher than        Pre-tax profit from the                      translated to an EPS of
   9M 2017.                        I n f r a s t r u c t u re D i v i s i o n   44.6 cents.
                                   increased by 14% to
   This was despite the O&M        $134 million. This was due                   FREE CASH FLOW
   Division registering pre-       mainly to the dilution gain                  Cash flow from operations
   tax losses of $16 million       following the change of                      was $459 million in
   as compared to pre-tax          interest in Keppel DC REIT,                  9M 2018, up from
   profits of $13 million last     gain arising from the sale of                $451 million in 9M 2017.
   year, arising from lower        units in Keppel DC REIT and
   operating profits and           higher contribution from                     After accounting for working
   lower contribution from         Environmental Infrastructure                 capital changes, interest and
   associated companies. The       and Infrastructure Services.                 tax, net cash inflow from
   O&M Division’s pre-tax profit   The increase was partly offset               operating activities was
   last year also benefited        by the absence of gain from                  $164 million, as compared
   from a $13 million gain         divestment of GE Keppel                      to an inflow of $811 million
   on divestment of Keppel         Energy Services and lower                    last year, due mainly to
   Verolme. The Division’s         contribution from Energy                     higher working capital
   operating margin for            Infrastructure.                              requirements in the Property
   9M 2018 was 1.8%,                                                            Division.
   compared to 2.7% in             The Investments Division
   9M 2017.                        registered pre-tax losses of                 Net cash generated
                                   $15 million as compared                      from investing activities
   In the Property Division,       t o a p re - t a x p ro f i t o f            amounted to $664 million,
   pre-tax profits more than       $245 million last year.                      comprising divestment
   doubled to $931 million,        This was a result of lower                   proceeds and dividend
   due mainly to en bloc sales     contribution from associated                 income from associated
   of development projects         companies, mainly due to the                 companies totalling
   in China and V ietnam,          sales recognition of one land                $969 million, partly offset
   namely Zhongshan, The           parcel in the Tianjin Eco-City               by net repayment of the

   Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Sustaining Growth 11

In conversation
Keppelite shares highlights of management’s responses to key questions from the
media and investment community at the Company’s 3Q & 9M 2018 results webcast.

Q: The Offshore &                               past two years is paying off.                    to Proceed by the end of        just been announced. Like
Marine (O&M) Division                           The team is working very                         this year.                      all developers, we will take
returned to profit in                           hard to make sure that the                                                       a look and factor that in
3Q 2018. Were there any                         profits are sustainable. As                      On the Gandria FLNG, Ophir      when we look at land sites
one-offs this quarter?                          we are starting to see more                      and Golar are looking for       in Singapore.
Are profits sustainable                         enquiries, we are cautiously                     alternate investors following
moving forward?                                 optimistic.                                      the exit of Schlumberger        While the Singapore market
CHC: The O&M Division                                                                            from the OneLNG joint           remains very important to
turned a profit in 3Q, mainly                   Q: Can you provide                               venture. The Notice to          Keppel, we have ventured
because the operating                           an update on the                                 Proceed has been extended       beyond Singapore in the past
profit has gone up. It was                      remaining Floating                               from mid-2018 to end-2018.      20 years, and developed very
also helped by an increase                      Liquefied Natural Gas                            We will monitor the situation   good property businesses
in interest income from                         (FLNG) vessel conversion                         closely with Golar.             in places like China,
shareholder loans to two                        projects with Golar?                                                             Vietnam, and Indonesia.
customers, some of which                        CO: We are in advanced                           Q: How would URA’s              We are therefore not entirely
was one-off due to the                          talks with Golar on the                          latest guidelines on            dependent on the market
catch-up recognition during                     development of the Tortue                        limiting the number of          in Singapore. Having said
the quarter.                                    Field in which the Gimi FLNG                     shoebox units offered           that, we would like to think
                                                is involved. The Front End                       in new projects affect          that the Singapore market
LCH: The hard work in                           Engineering Design (FEED)                        Keppel’s property               will continue to have good
reducing Keppel O&M’s                           has been completed and we                        business?                       opportunities for us.
fixed overheads over the                        are waiting for the Notice                       LCH: The guidelines have
                                                                                                                                 Q: China’s property
                                                                                                                                 market has not been
                                                                                                                                 doing very well after the
                                                                                                                                 government’s cooling
                                                                                                                                 measures. Why is Keppel
                                                                                                                                 buying land in Nanjing?
                                                                                                                                 How’s the market in
                                                                                                                                 LCH: It’s difficult to classify
                                                                                                                                 the Chinese market as one
                                                                                                                                 single market. The cooling
                                                                                                                                 measures are having an
                                                                                                                                 impact on sales but the
                                                                                                                                 impact differs from city to

                                                                                                                                 Keppel Land China’s target
                                                                                                                                 markets have generally
                                                                                                                                 exhibited very strong supply-

Keppel O&M turned a profit in 3Q 2018 on the back of its rightsizing efforts and reduced overheads                                        Continues on page 12...

                                                                                                                                         Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
12 Sustaining Growth

   ...continued from page 11.

   demand fundamentals.             services, sales and marketing    The ageing populations will      partners to optimise the
   One of these markets is          to the joint venture if a        be a long term megatrend all     profit we can achieve from
   Nanjing. The supply situation    project comes about.             over the world, whether it is    Tianjin Eco-City. We must not
   is relatively tight with less                                     in the US or China.              lose sight of the fact that, at
   than two years’ supply in the    The objective is to ultimately                                    the end of the day, it’s really
   residential market.              build new data centres           When I was in Vietnam, I         about bringing in vibrancy
                                    in China. We have to be          was surprised to find that       and residents into the
   Judging from other               mindful that Internet Data       Asian parents do put in a lot    Tianjin Eco-City. This is as
   developments launched in         Centre licences are restricted   of money into education.         important as trying to time
   recent times in Nanjing,         in China. Therefore we need      For kids that are seven years    the market cycles in our land
   we expect the sales of our       to rely on local partners to     old and below, the parents       sales. keppelite
   project to perform well when     make this happen.                are prepared to pay about
   the first phase is launched in                                    US$1,000 a month just for        LCH – Mr Loh Chin Hua,
   4Q 2018.                         Q: Are there any updates         education.                       CEO of Keppel Corporation
                                    on the Memorandum                                                 CHC – Mr Chan Hon Chew,
   Q: When do you expect            of Understanding with            So we believe that both          CFO of Keppel Corporation
   the underlying property          Vicinity? Why is Keppel          these sectors are indeed
   trading profit to                going into retail malls in       very scalable.                   CO – Mr Chris Ong,
   improve?                         Australia?                                                        CEO of Keppel Offshore &
   LCH: For the property trading    CT: While most people            Q: For the Tianjin               Marine
   business, we have sales          would say that retail malls      Eco-City, the land sale          CT – Ms Christina Tan,
   value of about $2.4 billion      are unloved at this point in     prices on a gross floor          CEO of Keppel Capital
   in our books, which will         time, I think that’s where       area (GFA) basis were
                                                                                                      TP – Mr Thomas Pang,
   be recognised when the           we find great opportunities      lower than last year’s.
                                                                                                      CEO of Keppel
   overseas projects are            of being able to select          Could you have waited
                                                                                                      Telecommunications &
   completed. We expect to          some of the most defensive       for a market recovery to
   see some completions in the      malls in this market and         achieve better prices?
   rest of 2018.                    getting in for quite an          LCH: The sale price on a per-
                                    attractive yield.                square-metre basis of GFA
   In 1H 2018, we had fewer                                          is lower as these plots have
   new launches in markets          We are looking at more           higher plot ratios. However,
   like Vietnam and China           of the sub-regional malls        on a per-square-metre of
   compared to last year. For       within this portfolio, which     land basis, it is actually
   2H 2018, we are in the           have long term stable            comparable to what was
   process of launching some        occupancies around 95%           achieved in the recent two
   new projects, which we           and above, supported by          years.
   believe would improve the        non-discretionary spending
   sales.                           by the consumers. We             Tianjin Eco-City is a major
                                    are also finding a lot of        G-to-G project, which we
   Q: Could you help us             opportunities to add value.      have been involved in for
   understand the recent                                             10 years. We have been
   cooperation with three           Q: How scalable are              profitable in the last two
   technology firms to              the senior living and            years and we expect that it
   develop more efficient           education real estate            will still take us a number of
   data centres? Is there a         sectors?                         years to get Tianjin Eco-City
   scope to plant a flag in         CT: Whenever we look at          fully developed.
   China?                           investments, we always look
   TP: The various partners will    at long-term trends and          During this period, there will
   contribute different services    fundamentals. Senior living      be market cycles. However,
   such as equipment, design        is a very scalable investment.   we will work with our

   Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Sustaining Growth 13

Expanding portfolio
Keppel Telecommunications
& Transportation (Keppel
T&T) registered a net profit of
$47.2 million for 9M 2018,
up 32% from $35.7 million
a year ago. The increase
was due mainly to a dilution
gain from Keppel DC REIT’s
private placement exercise
in May 2018, partly offset by
higher operating expenses
and absence of gain on
disposal of subsidiaries.

Net profit for 3Q 2018            During the quarter, Keppel T&T inked conditional agreements to embark on its first data centre development in Indonesia, in collaboration with
                                  Alpha Data Centre Fund and the Salim Group
was $11.8 million, 12%
lower than $13.5 million
for 3Q 2017, due mainly           a higher share of profits from                   compared to $1.52 per share                      and the Salim Group (see
to higher operating costs         associated companies and                         as at end-2017. During the                       page 24). UrbanFox’s online
which corresponded with           joint ventures.                                  quarter, Keppel T&T inked                        marketplace also expanded
higher revenue, as well as                                                         conditional agreements                           its channel management
the absence of gain from          Keppel T&T’s net asset value                     to embark on its first data                      solutions to over 260 brands
the partial disposal of Keppel    per ordinary share increased                     cen tre d evel o p men t i n                     from 110 at the end of
DC Singapore 4 in 3Q 2017.        to $1.56 per share as at                         Indonesia, in collaboration                      2Q 2018. keppelite
This was partially offset by      30 September 2018,                               with Alpha Data Centre Fund

Driving operational excellence
Keppel REIT has delivered         due in 2019. Aggregate                           about 0.16% of total issued                      Centre Tower 2, testifying
distributable income              leverage was 39.1% as                            units, pursuant to its unit                      to the asset’s quality and
of $142.9 million for             at end-3Q 2018 and all-                          buy-back programme.                              ability to attract established
9M 2018, higher than that of      in interest rate was 2.80%                                                                        tenants.
$142.5 million for 9M 2017.       per annum for 9M 2018.                           Portfolio committed
Distribution Per Unit (DPU)       To mitigate exposure to                          occupancy remained high                          HSBC Singapore will occupy
for 3Q 2018 was 1.36 cents,       interest rate volatility, 76% of                 at 98% and weighted                              approximately 140,000 sf
bringing DPU for 9M 2018          Keppel REIT’s total borrowings                   average lease expiry for the                     over the top floors on the
to 4.20 cents.                    are on fixed rates.                              portfolio was extended to                        50-storey building. Fit-
                                                                                   5.7 years as at 30 September                     out work is expected to
As part of proactive capital      In 3Q 2018, the Manager                          2018. During the quarter,                        commence in the second
management efforts, a facility    purchased and cancelled                          HSBC signed a lease for the                      half of 2019, with target
was obtained to refinance         approximately 5.3 million                        relocation of its headquarters                   occupation by April 2020.
a $64 million loan that is        issued units, amounting to                       to Marina Bay Financial                          keppelite

                                                                                                                                                 Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
14 Sustaining Growth

   Stable distributions
   Keppel Infrastructure            outage that occurred from                         compared to the previous                           flows for 9M 2018 was
   Trust (KIT) announced a          25 March to 5 June 2018, as                       year, was mainly due to                            $107 million, compared to
   Distribution per Unit (DPU)      a result of an incident caused                    lower contributions from                           $113.5 million for the same
   of 0.93 cents for 3Q 2018,       by a third party contractor.                      City Gas as a result of a time                     period in 2017.
   bringing total DPU to            The electricity interconnector                    lag in the adjustment of
   2.79 cents for 9M 2018.          has since returned to service                     gas tariffs to reflect actual                      As of 9M 2018, City Gas’
                                    on 5 June 2018. This was                          fuel cost, lower revenue at                        customer base grew by
   Group revenue for 9M 2018        partially offset by higher                        Basslink, and higher fair value                    3.7% to 836,000 customers
   was $465.2 million, 1.9%         revenue from City Gas.                            loss of financial derivative                       as compared to the same
   lower than 9M 2017, mainly                                                         instruments recognised.                            period in 2017. keppelite
   from lower fees earned at        Lower profit attributable to
   Basslink due to the service      Unitholders in 9M 2018,                           KIT’s distributable cash

   Growing footprint in Sydney
   Keppel DC REIT reported
   higher distributable income
   of $70 million for 9M
   2 0 1 8 , u p 1 2 . 7 % f ro m
   9M 2017. The increase
   was mainly contributed
   by the acquisitions of
   Keppel DC Singapore 5,
   maincubes Data Centre and
   Keppel DC Dublin 2, as well
   as higher variable income
   from other Singapore assets.

   The REIT’s 9M 2018 adjusted
   Distribution per Unit (DPU)
   was 5.47 cents, 4.8% higher
   than the 5.22 cents in the
   same period last year. Based     IC3 East DC (pictured) will feature a minimum of 86,000 sf of lettable area, increasing the portfolio aggregate lettable area to
                                    1,198,103 sf
   on 9M 2018’s market closing
   price of $1.37 per Unit,
   Keppel DC REIT’s adjusted        to construct the REIT’s fourth                    completion, the facility will                      IC3 East DC’s addition is
   annualised distribution yield    data centre in Australia –                        be fully-leased to Macquarie                       expected to be DPU-
   was also higher at 5.3%.         Intellicentre 3 East Data                         Telecom on a 20-year triple-                       accretive, and will strengthen
                                    Centre (IC3 East DC), on                          net master lease with built-in                     the REIT’s footprint in one of
   During the quarter, the          the vacant land within                            annual rental escalations and                      Asia Pacific’s fastest-growing
   Manager of Keppel DC REIT        the Intellicentre 2 Data                          renewal options, enhancing                         data centre markets. keppelite
   entered into an agreement        Centre site in Sydney. Upon                       the REIT’s income stability.

   Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Sustaining Growth 15

Pursuing growth
delivered stable performance
for 3Q 2018, supported by
strong leasing momentum,
positive rental reversion and
lower property expenses.
Distribution Per Unit (DPU)
for 3Q 2018 was 1.50 US
cents, bringing DPU for the
period from Listing Date
to 30 September 2018 to
5.32 US cents, in line with
the IPO forecast of 1.49 US
cents and 5.29 US cents

Capitalising on steady
demand, the quarter saw
                                The Westpark Portfolio, a business campus comprising 21 freehold buildings in the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue Metropolitan Statistical Area, will
strong leasing momentum         be Keppel-KBS US REIT’s maiden portfolio acquisition since its IPO
with approximately
134,000 sf (18 leases)
committed. As at                21 freehold buildings, will be                   market, with limited sites                        rental escalations. At the
30 September 2018,              Keppel-KBS US REIT’s third                       available for competitive new                     same time, the Manager
portfolio committed             asset in the Seattle-Tacoma-                     development. At the same                          will also actively pursue
occupancy was 90.1%. The        Bellevue Metropolitan                            time, Seattle, being one of                       o p p o r t u n i t i e s t h ro u g h
Manager continues to adopt      Statistical Area (MSA). The                      the strongest office markets                      accretive acquisitions, while
a prudent approach towards      maiden acquisition was                           in the US, will allow the REIT                    ensuring an optimal and
capital management. As at       approved by Unitholders                          to benefit from steady rent                       nimble capital structure for
30 September 2018, the          at an extraordinary general                      growth.                                           growth. keppelite
REIT has zero refinancing       meeting on 16 October
requirements until              2018.                                            “The acquisition is expected
November 2021.                                                                   to be value accretive, and is
                                Mr David Snyder, CEO and                         in line with our strategy to
In keeping with its aim to      CIO of the Manager, said,                        acquire distinctive assets in
create value for Unitholders,   “The acquisition of                              first choice submarkets and
the Manager announced           the Westpark Portfolio                           create long term value for
on 24 September 2018            will          strengthen                         our Unitholders.”
the proposed acquisition        K e p p e l - K B S U S R E I T ’s
of the Westpark Portfolio       foothold in the high growth                      Looking ahead, the REIT’s
in Redmond, a first             Seattle MSA. This will allow                     performance will continue
choice office submarket         the REIT to capitalise on                        to be supported by organic
in Eastside, Seattle, for a     strong leasing demand                            growth drivers including
purchase consideration of       from the technology and                          improved portfolio
US$169.4 million. The           professional services sectors                    occupancies, positive rental
property, which comprises       in a supply-constrained                          reversions and built-in

                                                                                                                                                Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
16 Sustaining Growth

   Deepening partnership
   Keppel Land, through its                         headroom in NLG for                          C o n c u r r e n t l y, K e p p e l     Mr Linson Lim, President,
   wholly-owned subsidiary, has                     Keppel Land to convert                       Land, through its wholly-                Keppel Land (Vietnam), said,
   entered into an agreement                        the remaining 49% of the                     owned subsidiary Portsville              “We are happy to further
   with third party investors                       Bonds that the company                       Pte Ltd, has entered into                extend our partnership with
   to divest 51% of its VND                         holds into shares, as NLG                    a conditional agreement,                 NLG. The early conversion
   500 billion (approximately                       has a foreign shareholding                   subject to due diligence                 of the convertible
   $29.4 million) convertible                       limit of 49%. Upon                           by NLG and the execution                 bonds demonstrates our
   bonds (the Bonds) issued                         completion of the bond                       of definitive agreements,                confidence in NLG’s growth
   by Nam Long Investment                           conversion by end-                           to divest a 70% interest in              and paves the way for future
   Corporation (NLG), a                             2018, Keppel Land will                       Dong Nai Waterfront City                 collaborations. We will also
   leading housing developer in                     become the second largest                    LLC (Dong Nai) to NLG,                   be able to enjoy future
   Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC),                         shareholder of NLG,                          for a total consideration of             upsides in the development
   for a consideration of VND                       increasing its shareholding                  VND 2,683 billion                        of the Dong Nai township
   393 billion (approximately                       from approximately 5%                        ( a p p ro x i m a t e l y $ 1 5 7 . 8   with our retained 30% stake
   $23.2 million).                                  to about 10%. The partial                    million). Keppel Land will               in the project, coupled with
                                                    divestment and conversion                    continue to hold a 30%                   our significant shareholding
   The divestment of the                            of the Bonds will enable                     interest in Dong Nai, which              in NLG.” keppelite
   Bonds, negotiated on a                           Keppel Land to recognise                     is developing a 170-ha
   willing-buyer willing-seller                     a gain of approximately                      township in the Dong Nai
   basis, will create sufficient                    $17.5 million.                               Province.

   Engaging retail shareholders
   Some 125 participants                            Corporation’s annual briefing                Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO of                  directions for the offshore &
   gathered at the Singapore                        to retail shareholders, hosted               Keppel Corporation and                   marine business in the face
   Exchange (SGX) Auditorium                        by the Securities Investors                  Mr Chan Hon Chew, CFO                    of the industry downturn,
   on the evening of                                Association (Singapore)                      of Keppel Corporation,                   infrastructure projects as well
   7 September 2018 for Keppel                      (SIAS).                                      delivered presentations on               as Keppel’s latest venture
                                                                                                 the Company’s strategy,                  into senior living.
                                                                                                 business developments
                                                                                                 and financial performance.               “This is the second year that
                                                                                                 The event culminated in                  we are working with SIAS
                                                                                                 a robust dialogue session                on this engagement event.
                                                                                                 between management and                   It was a suggestion made by
                                                                                                 shareholders, which was                  one of our shareholders at
                                                                                                 moderated by Mr David                    the AGM, who thought that
                                                                                                 Gerald, President and CEO                something like this would be
                                                                                                 of SIAS.                                 useful. We listen and respond
                                                                                                                                          to our shareholders,” said
                                                                                                 Topics of discussion included            Mr Loh, reassuring the
                                                                                                 Keppel’s business model, the             participants of Keppel’s
   Mr Loh Chin Hua (left), CEO of Keppel Corporation, Mr David Gerald (middle), President and
   CEO of SIAS, and Mr Chan Hon Chew (right), CFO of Keppel Corporation engaged retail
                                                                                                 impact of property market                commitment to shareholder
   shareholders at Keppel Corporation’s annual briefing to retail shareholders, hosted by SIAS   cooling measures, strategic              engagement. keppelite

   Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Sustaining Growth 17

Keppel Corporation bolsters leadership
                                                                                                              M r Ye o i s a C e r t i f i e d
                                                                                                              Compensation Professional
                                                                                                              and a Global Remuneration
                                                                                                              Professional with the
                                                                                                              American Compensation
                                                                                                              Association. He is also a
                                                                                                              Board Member of Singapore
                                                                                                              Corporation of Rehabilitative
                                                                                                              Enterprises and previously
                                                                                                              a Council Member of the
                                                                                                              Singapore Human Resources
Professor Jean-François Manzoni        Mr Yeo Meng Hin                       Mr Ho Kiam Kheong

New appointments were                  Prior to re-joining IMD in            was appointed to the Board       INDIA REPRESENTATIVE
made to Keppel Corporation’s           2016, he spent five years             of AACSB International,          To drive the Group’s efforts
Board of Directors and senior          a t I N S E A D ’s S i n g a p o re   the world’s largest business     to identify, evaluate and
management team as part                c a m p u s w h e re h e c o -        education alliance.              develop new business
of the Company’s ongoing               directed the International                                             o p p o rtu n i ti es i n India ,
efforts to ensure long-term            Directors Programme from              DIRECTOR, GHR                    Mr Ho Kiam Kheong was
growth.                                2014 to 2016. From 2004               M r Ye o M e n g H i n h a s     appointed as the Company’s
                                       to 2010, he served as                 joined Keppel Corporation        India Representative with
INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR                   Professor of Leadership and           as Director of Group Human       effect from 3 September
Professor Jean-François                Organisational Development            Resources (HR), effective        2018. Working with Group
Manzoni was appointed                  at IMD. Professor Manzoni             1 October 2018. Prior to his     Corporate Development,
as an Independent Director             has also spent 12 years               appointment, Mr Yeo was          Mr Ho will promote Group-
on Keppel Corporation’s                on the faculty of INSEAD              the Senior Vice President of     wide collaboration on
Board with effect from                 (Fontainebleau), where he             HR Asia Pacific at DHL Global    sustainable urbanisation in
1 October 2018. With the               founded and directed the              Forwarding Management            India.
addition, the Company’s                PwC Research Initiative               (Asia Pacific).
Board will comprise a total            on High Performance                                                    Mr Ho brings with him more
of ten directors, of whom              Organisations.                        An experienced HR                than 30 years of experience
e i g h t a re i n d e p e n d e n t                                         professional with deep           in business development,
directors.                             Professor Manzoni is                  foundations in Industrial        real estate investments,
                                       a member of several                   Relations, Compensation          project management as well
Professor Manzoni is                   International Advisory Panels,        & Rewards Management             as design and construction.
President (Dean) and Nestlé            including Digital Switzerland,        and Change Management,           Prior to joining Keppel, he
Professor at the International         Singapore’s Public Service            M r Ye o h a d a l s o h e l d   served as the ED and MD,
Institute for Management               Division and the Russian              senior positions at SMRT         Real Estate of Rowsley. Mr Ho
Development (IMD) in                   Presidential Academy of               Corporation and DFS              had also held various other
Switzerland, where he is               National Economy and Public           Group, and brings with           senior appointments in Reem
based. Professor Manzoni’s             Administration. He is a Fellow        him experience in various        Investments, CapitaLand
research, teaching, and                of the Singapore Institute of         human resource and               Residential, CapitaLand
consulting activities are              Directors, and served on              consultancy roles in a wide      Commercial and SembCorp
focused on leadership,                 the Board of Singapore’s              array of industries including    Engineers & Constructors.
the development of high-               Civil Service College from            hospitality, professional        keppelite

performance organisations              2015 to 2017. In January              services, property, financial
and corporate governance.              2018, Professor Manzoni               services and retail.

                                                                                                                           Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
18 Sustaining Growth

   First commercial development for
   Keppel Land in India
   K e p p e l L a n d , t h ro u g h       KPDL will be developing a          Mr Sam Moon Thong,                                “We are pleased to further
   i t s s u b s i d i a r y, K e p p e l   Grade A office tower with a        President (Regional                               o u r co ll abo ration w ith
   Puravankara Development                  gross floor area of 1.02 million   Investments), Keppel Land,                        Puravankara who has a
   (KPDL), a 51:49 joint venture            sf as well as a 160,000 sf         said, “India is one of the                        strong network and keen
   company with a reputable                 retail-cum-office facility         f a s t e s t - g ro w i n g m a j o r            understanding of the
   Indian property developer,               on the land. KPDL will             economies in the world,                           local market. We believe
   Puravankara Limited                      manage the office tower            while Bangalore, as one                           this acquisition will further
   (Puravankara), has entered into          upon completion, while the         of the primary hubs for                           augment Keppel Land’s
   agreements to acquire a prime            retail-cum-office facility will    the technology industry,                          commercial portfolio and will
   3.09-ha site in Yeshwantpur,             be handed over to MCCIN.           is among the largest and                          position us well to meet the
   Bangalore, from Metro Cash               The total development              f a s t e s t - g ro w i n g o ff i c e           urbanisation needs for prime
   & Carry India (MCCIN) for                cost, inclusive of the land        markets in the country.                           office space in Bangalore.”
   a total consideration of                 cost, for the entire mixed-        Bangalore has recorded                            keppelite

   INR 4,050 million                        use development is                 the highest office space
   (approximately $81.0 million),           INR 10.4 billion (approximately    absorption in the Asia-Pacific
   subject to adjustments.                  $207.4 million).                   region in the past five years.

   Expanding into Nanjing
   Keppel Land China has                    will consist of 1,728 high-        The divestment is in line with                    in end-July 2018, yielding
   formed a 40:60 joint venture             rise apartment units and           Keppel Land’s strategy to                         a gain of approximately
   with Gemdale (Group) Co.,                50 street-front shop units.        recycle assets to seek higher                     $122 million. keppelite
   Ltd. (Gemdale Corporation),              Phase 1, comprising 787            returns. It was completed
   a leading developer in                   units, is expected to be
   China with over 30 years of              launched in 4Q 2018 and
   experience, to jointly develop           the entire development will
   an 8.8-ha prime residential              be completed in 2Q 2022.
   site in Nanjing City.
                                            Separately, through its
   The collaboration marks                  wholly-owned subsidiary,
   Keppel Land China’s first                Keppel Land China has
   foray into Nanjing and                   divested its 51% stake in
   further expansion in the                 Aether Limited, the holding
   Yangtze River Delta region.              company of Beijing Aether
                                            Property Development Ltd,
   The site is located at the core          which owns and is developing
   of the Nanjing Jiangbei New              a prime commercial site in
   Area, the only national-level            Chaoyang District, Beijing,
                                                                               Keppel Land China has formed a joint venture with Gemdale Corporation to jointly develop
   new area in Jiangsu Province.            for a consideration of             an 8.8-ha prime residential site in Nanjing comprising 1,728 units of high-rise apartments and
   The proposed development                 approximately $396 million.        50 units of street-front shops

   Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
Sustaining Growth 19

At the helm

Mr Tan Swee Yiow                           Mr Paul Tham                      Ms Tan Boon Ping                Ms Ang Sock Cheng

KEPPEL LAND                                Mr Loh said, “With close to       (WorldGBC) Board and a          consolidation, tax, financial
Mr Tan Swee Yiow, 58,                      30 years’ experience in the       Member of the WorldGBC’s        and management reporting,
CEO and ED of Keppel                       Keppel Group, Swee Yiow           Corporate Advisory Board.       forecasting and budgeting.
REIT Management, will be                   has played an instrumental        He also serves as Deputy        She started her career as an
appointed CEO of Keppel                    role in building up Keppel’s      Chairman of the Workplace       auditor with Ernst & Young
L a n d w i t h e ff e c t f ro m          property and REIT businesses.     Safety and Health Council       and PwC.
1 January 2019.                                                              (Construction and
                                           “Swee Yiow is widely              Landscape Committee) and        KEPPEL REIT
Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO of                    respected in the industry         is the Honorary Treasurer on    Mr Paul Tham, 36, currently
Keppel Corporation, and                    for his rich experience and       the Management Council          Deputy CEO of Keppel
c o n c u r re n t l y E x e c u t i v e   knowledge of the real estate      of Real Estate Developers’      REIT Management and
Chairman of Keppel                         sector and deep commitment        Association of Singapore        concurrently CFO of Keppel
Land, will re-assume his                   to sustainability.                (REDAS).                        Capital, will take over from
previous role as Chairman,                                                                                   Mr Tan as CEO of Keppel REIT
Keppel Land.                               “We are confident he will steer   Separately, Ms Tan Boon         Management with effect
                                           Keppel Land in a new growth       Ping, 44, has been appointed    from 1 January 2019.
M r Ta n h a s b een w ith                 phase as a multi-faceted          CFO for Keppel Land.
the Keppel Group since                     property company focused          Ms Tan joined Keppel Land in    Mr Tham has been with
1990. Prior to his current                 on returns, harnessing our        December 2008 as Financial      the Group since 2014 and
a p p o i n t m e n t , M r Ta n           strengths and capturing           Controller. In December         was part of Keppel’s Group
was President, Singapore,                  opportunities across key          2015, she was appointed as      Strategy and Development,
at Keppel Land, and                        markets in the region.”           CFO for Keppel Land China       where he played a key
concurrently Head,                                                           and relocated to Shanghai.      role in the formation of
Keppel Land Hospitality                    Beyond his roles in the Keppel                                    Keppel Capital. Prior to
Management. He was                         Group, Mr Tan is also the         Prior to joining Keppel Land,   Keppel, Mr Tham served as
the CEO of Keppel REIT                     President of the Singapore        Ms Tan was with Ascendas Pte    a management consultant
Management when Keppel                     Green Building Council,           Ltd and City Developments       f o r B a i n & C o m p a n y,
REIT was listed in April 2006,             a Director of the World           Limited, where she gained
a role that he held till 2009.             Green Building Council            experiences in group                       Continues on page 20...

                                                                                                                       Keppelite I Issue 4 / 2018
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