Guide 2019 SUMMER 2019 - Pam Golding Properties

Page created by Todd Wong
Guide 2019 SUMMER 2019 - Pam Golding Properties
Commuter Belt
Guide 2019
                                    SUMMER 2019

   S T AY A H E A D O F T H E M A R K E T
Guide 2019 SUMMER 2019 - Pam Golding Properties


1                             2
                              London Prices Bear The
Introduction                  Brunt Of Uncertainty

Market Trends Across
                              Slough’s Continued
The Commuter Belt             Growth

An Emerging Market            Summary

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Guide 2019 SUMMER 2019 - Pam Golding Properties
CO M M U T E R B E LT G U I DE 2 0 1 9

   Following on from where they left off
in 2018, London prices have continued
to level out since the delay of Brexit.                           A more affordable market offers
Affordability still plagues the capital,
amplified by a ‘wait-and-see’ approach                            better yields and the opportunity
caused by political uncertainty. Despite the
potential for growth if the market bounces                        for capital growth.
back, there’s no doubt London property is
stalling. Prices have fallen by nearly 15%
in the inner core1, providing top commuter
belt destinations with a key opportunity.

   The tech corridor is continuing to
perform, with smaller commuter towns
utilising increasing demand, a talented
workforce and more affordable property
prices to deliver growth. Emerging markets
such as Slough and Bracknell are using the
momentum of huge commercial occupiers
to drive investment, regenerating key areas
and building new residential, commercial
and leisure spaces.

   While London will always be a property
hotspot, in 2019 the savvy investor will
be looking at both the traditional and
‘contemporary’ outer commuter belts
surrounding London, where a more
affordable market offers better yields and
the opportunity for fantastic capital growth.


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Guide 2019 SUMMER 2019 - Pam Golding Properties
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London Prices Bear
Brunt of Uncertainty
  Investors need only look back to pre-                   finalised, amounting to 14% growth after
2016 to see that London has been affected                 being stifled for the last three years.3 They
by the political uncertainty ushered in by                also predict this will be over a period of
the Referendum. Immediately after the                     incremental, positive steps rather than a
recession and leading up to 2016, London                  quick burst of growth.
led the way for recovery, increasing
property prices by nearly 52% in just three                  “Once we have confirmation of a deal                                                                     PROPERTY PRICE INCREASE FROM 2009 RECESSION - 2019*
years at its peak.2 This ‘bounce-back’                    and a reasonable transition period, people                                                                  *Source Zoopla

paved the way for Cambridge and Oxford,                   will start to feel more confident and this
which helped form the early stages of what                will encourage homeowners and investors
is now known as the Golden Triangle.                      to buy again,” says Adam Challis, Head of
                                                          Residential Research at JLL.
   London’s slowdown started around
the same time as the Referendum, which                      Commuter towns, on the other hand, have
significantly slowed growth amongst                       seen tremendous growth across nearly all
political uncertainty. London has since                   sectors, developing large scale investment
suffered its first decline since 2009, with               plans to drive and accommodate the                                                                             40%
property prices stagnating due to the ‘wait-              increased tenant demand. Crossrail is an
and-see’ approach that many investors                     example of a huge infrastructure project,
have taken. The decline is also impacted                  increasing prices by nearly 66% for every
by the ‘London exodus’, renters leaving the               property within a mile in the last five years.4
capital for more affordable markets and
thus accelerating the growth of commuter                    In the meantime, London looks like it will
towns at an unprecedented rate.                           continue to undergo a disruptive market
                                                          cycle. Forecasters maintain their prediction
  JLL predicts that London and the wider                  of a slow start after Brexit, with prices                                                                      20%
market will experience a second ‘bounce-                  gaining traction around 2020/2021.
back’ once the Brexit vote has been

     JLL predicts that London and the wider market will
     experience a second ‘bounce-back’ once the Brexit vote
     has been finalised, amounting to 14% growth





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Market Trends across
the Commuter Belt
  London’s downfall continues to drive            is having a knock-on effect on property
the expansion of the second commuter              prices. Bracknell and Basingstoke are two
belt, stretching as far as Brighton and           particular examples of how a strong digital
Oxford where prices are increasing quickly.       and creative economy is signposting them
Towards the end of 2018 and now in                to investors as potential opportunities.
early-2019, it’s apparent that workers in
the capital are willing to commute further
because of financial realities, the rise of the
outer commuter belt running contrary to                “There certainly seems to be a wider
the national trend.
                                                        acceptance of longer commuting
   For BTL investors in the London
commuter belt, this represents a                        times but compensated by larger
generational shift in thinking. Alex
Reynolds, an advisor at Advies Private                  properties and/or lower rents.”
Clients, believes it can benefit current and
future BTL investors:                                   ALEX REYNOLDS, ADVIES PRIVATE CLIENTS

   “I think that Buy-to-Let investors are
rightly looking at both the yield and capital
growth potential in different areas and             During 2018, the South-East had the
deciding to look further afield.                  second-highest employment rate, second
                                                  only to the South-West. As employment
  “There certainly seems to be a wider            opportunities continue to thrive and
acceptance of longer commuting times but          Crossrail becomes operational, this figure
compensated by larger properties and/or           can be expected to rise throughout 2019
lower rents.”                                     with increased accessibility ensuring a
                                                  wide variety of roles are available for the
   If London prices continue on the same          UK’s professionals.
trajectory, this trend will continue for the
foreseeable future, at least until prices and
rents stabilise.

   The rise of the UK’s Silicon Valley is
also continuing to have a major effect
on commuter belt property. As more
global companies move into the area,
tenant demand has continued to rise and

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CO M M U T E R B E LT G U I DE 2 0 1 9
                                                                                                                                                                    RELATIVE PERCENTAGE INCREASE IN PROPERTY
                                                                                                                                                                    OVER 20 YEARS

Slough’s Continued
Growth                                                                                                                                                                                LONDON                                            SLOUGH                                     BRACKNELL


     •     The ‘traditional Commuter Belt’ has                                           •     Slough Urban Renewal represents a wider
           experienced price growth of nearly                                                  plan to inject £1 billion into Slough.
           313% since 1999.
                                                                                         •     The largest concentration of global
     •     Slough witnessed price growth of 13.8%                                              businesses outside of London.
           during 2017.
                                                                                         •     Game-changing infrastructure projects
     •     JLL forecast a 35% increase in property                                             in Crossrail and Western Rail Access to
           prices by 2020.                                                                     Heathrow (WRatH).
                                                                                                                                                                                  285%                                                 313%                                            242%

  So far during 2019, Slough has                              Savills believe that affordability will                 Heathrow (WRAtH), these projects are
continued to solidify itself as a commercial               have more of an impact than Brexit on                      rejuvenating transport links, redeveloping
powerhouse, forecasting even stronger                      these prices going forward. While political                leisure facilities and creating iconic        EMPLOYMENT RATE BY REGION -
growth as larger infrastructure projects                   uncertainty will continue to affect London                 buildings amongst a thriving Slough           THE COMMUTER BELT IS OUTPERFORMING THE WIDER UK.
come to fruition. The ‘traditional’ commuter               and its commuter belt8, local market                       landscape.
belt, located much closer to the capital, has              affordability is expected to determine long-

                                                                                                                                                                     SOUTH WEST

                                                                                                                                                                                          SOUTH EAST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NORTH WEST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NORTH EAST






                                                                                                                                                                                                               EAST MIDLANDS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WEST MIDLANDS
experienced property price rises of around                 term price growth. In this regard, Slough’s                   Commercially, this provides a boost to
313% over the last 20 years5, representing                 value against the capital has put it in good               a location that is already established as a
a much more affordable market that still                   stead to drive price increases.                            business town, home to the largest trading
maintains the potential for incredible                                                                                estate in Europe under single ownership
growth.                                                       Slough has progressed even further                      and a number of global headquarters.
                                                           through an ambitious programme of                          According to the GVA’s Crossrail Property
  With prices currently around £394,142,                   investment and redevelopment. The Slough                   Impact Regeneration study, “the core
Slough is more affordable than the London                  Urban Renewal (SUR) project is pioneering                  influence of Crossrail in value terms
average of £651,033 but has witnessed                      game-changing developments such as The                     appears to be that it reinforces the
higher property price growth, rising by                    Centre and The Curve - vital aspects of the                strongest markets”.9
13.8% during 20176. Yields are much more                   wider masterplan that is injecting £1 billion
positive in the bustling commuter town and                 into the town.                                               Crossrail reinforces and enhances each
JLL forecast a rise in the average capital                                                                            successful aspect of Slough, from the
appreciation of 35%, clearly displaying the                  Coupled with the continued progress                      connectivity it shares with the capital to
potential these properties hold.7                          of Crossrail and Western Rail Access to                    the commercial impact it contributes to the
                                                                                                                      South East economy.


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                                                                                                “A huge contributing factor to the
                                                                                              increase in house prices is the recent                     “It seems that buyers are seeing now
                                                                                              regeneration of Bracknell town centre,
                                                                                              leading to better facilities and more                       is an excellent time to move, whether
                                                                                              employment opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                          they are first-time buyers, investors
                                                                                                “It seems that buyers are seeing now is
                                                                                              an excellent time to move, whether they                     or current homeowners.”
                                                                                              are first-time buyers, investors or current
                                                                                              homeowners.” - Antony Gibson, Romans                         ANTONY GIBSON, ROMANS

                                                                                                 Commercially, Bracknell is establishing
                                                                                              itself as a destination for major occupiers             and workplaces, particularly with the
                                                                                              and a hub at the forefront of technology.               ‘millennial’ generation. Bracknell Forest
                                                                                              Already home to some of the world’s                     Council is continuing to deliver an average
                                                                                              most forward-thinking tech, engineering                 of 370 dwellings a year but must scale to
                                                                                              and automotive giants including HP, Dell,               meet demand, creating quality residential
                                                                                              Honda, Hitachi, Fujitsu and 3M.                         space in an area that is surrounded by
                                                                                                                                                      amenities and the fantastic employment
                                                                                                As part of the UK’s Silicon Valley,                   opportunities that come with being a part
                                                                                              Bracknell is taking advantage of its position           of the growing tech corridor.
                                                                                              to develop a world-class selection of

Bracknell: An
                                                                                              global tech industries, addressing the                     Bracknell has an extensive network of
                                                                                              needs of a young, smart work-force that                 connections with the wider South East and
                                                                                              want affordability alongside exceptional                the capital, positioning itself as an ideal

Emerging Market
                                                                                              employment opportunities and excellent                  commuter town on top of the opportunities
                                                                                              connectivity.                                           it can offer domestically. The vision of
                                                                                                                                                      the town is to realise its potential as a
                                                                                                Demographic shifts have also led to                   destination, filled with ‘new town’ character
                                                                                              a desire for living near local amenities                while maintaining a deeper historical legacy.

    Bracknell represents a common trend             Initially built for 25,000 residents,     DRIVE TRAVEL TIMES FROM BRACKNELL
amongst both the ‘traditional’ and the           Bracknell is now home to a population of
outer commuter belts, the emergence of           over 120,000 and is predicted to grow by
a new market that is attracting incredible       10% in the next two years alone. Bracknell
commercial occupiers and driving huge            property prices currently sit at £387,118,
tenant demand with new leisure, retail and       which has seen an increase of 249% in the
lifestyle choices.                               last 20 years. London is nearly 70% more
                                                 expensive, with an average property price
  With a broad plan of regeneration leading      of £658,770 in March 2019.10
up until 2032, Bracknell is reinventing itself
over several phases - from a £6 million
Waitrose store in 2011 to the £240 million          Over the next three years, the South
‘The Lexicon’ development in 2017, which
features over 70 new retail, food and               East as a whole is set to outpace the
beverage outlets including two 80,000
sq.ft stores housing Fenwick and Marks              national average, growing by around
and Spencer. The town is investing in its                                                                 LONDON                                  WINDSOR                         SLOUGH               HEATHROW                   READING
residential future, with central living in          3% each year to make up a cumulative
Bracknell now a reality.                                                                                    66   mins                                50    mins                    26    mins              24    mins             23   mins
                                                    12% increase by 2022

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Guide Summary

    •    The Commuter Belt will remain popular                            •     46% of homes in Slough let to tenants from
         for investment with the growth of the                                  London.
         ‘outer commuter belt’.
                                                                          •     Heathrow expansion will deliver 40,000 jobs
    •    Private Rented Sector still estimated to                               for the Commuter Belt.
         make up 25% of the total market by 2021.
                                                                          •     Rise of UK’s Silicon Valley such as Bracknell
    •    London’s return to stability predicted for                             will become popular with commuters.
         2020 - 2021 post-Brexit decision.

   Commuter Towns will remain a popular          owning. This puts considerable pressure on
investment during 2019, riding a wave of         local authorities to create quality residential
affordability and new investment that offers     spaces, especially around investment
a true alternative to London. The ‘outer         hotspots. Undersupply looks to be more
Commuter Belt’ has grown into a fully-           of an issue looking ahead to 2020 and
fledged market, boosted by commercial            beyond, bad news for homebuyers but a
and infrastructure projects, separating          boost for investors that already have or are
it from the ‘traditional’ commuter belt          looking to invest in these key areas.
destination that has enjoyed growth over
the last 10 years.                                  According to the Royal Institution of
                                                 Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the lasting
   As the Brexit situation continues without     effects of Brexit will be felt throughout
a definitive answer, the impact on UK            the market well into 2020. Despite this,
property will be equally uncertain. A return     commuter towns can identify opportunities
to economic stability is predicted around        to take advantage, continuing to drive
2020 - 2021, although certain regional           growth while billing themselves as
areas (including commuter towns), can            pioneering destinations. For relatively new
mitigate this by continuing their rapid level    towns such as Bracknell, highlighting the
of growth and maintaining their affordability.   strength of their employment base is vital to
                                                 staying ahead and building opportunities.
  The Private Rented Sector is still on
course to grow to 25% by 2021, meaning
nearly one in four will be renting rather than

                                                                                                                   Theresa Fernandez
                                                                                                                  +27 (0)21 762 2617
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