PROPERTY - Euro Weekly News Spain

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PROPERTY - Euro Weekly News Spain
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 Apace in the sun!
            By Matt Ford                                                                                                              “France has traditionally been the
                                              Brits lead surge in foreign buyers                                                    second biggest market, and a decline

              RITISH buyers have                                                                                                    of 10 per cent is noteworthy,” he said. “I
              shrugged off Brexit fears to   the most after sales soared by 16 per       in buyer numbers can deliver a high        suspect the answer has something to
              lead a new surge of prop-      cent, with Morocco and the Ukraine also     percentage change and we can’t read        do with the constitutional crisis in Cat-
              erty sales to foreigners in    demonstrating sharp growth.                 too much into one quarterly decline,       alonia, a Spanish region that borders
Spain. It comes as the first quarter of        But the number of buyers from             though generally speaking sales are        with France, where the French have
2018 saw the most deals completed            Switzerland plummeted by 15 per cent,       about 10 per cent down from 2016           long been the biggest group of foreign
since 2014.                                  and those from France 10 per cent.          when the Swiss Franc was incredibly        buyers, with 43 per cent of the foreign
  New data from the national Land Reg-       Mark Stucklin of Spanish Property In-       strong against the Euro,” he added.        market for second homes, according to
istry shows that sales shot up by 13.4       sight said that the Swiss plunge is not       But he believes the French nosedive      the latest figures from the Association of
per cent from January to the end of          significant since the country only serves   could be of importance and blames the      Spanish Notaries.”
March, with revenue rising to the high-      up around 150 sales per quarter.                 Catalan independence crisis for the     The expert does not expect British
est quarterly total since late 2008.           “A small change                                                slump.                expatriate strongholds to be affected,
  And the number of overseas buyers                                                                                                 though, with the outlook generally
rocketed by 13.2 per cent, according to                                                                                             positive since the figures do not map
the latest report by Spanish property                                                                                               out where foreign buyers are concen-
registrars. British shoppers headed the                                                                                             trated.
ranking as they accounted for 14 per                                                                                                   “It is likely that all regions have seen
cent of foreign sales, with German and                                                                                                 an increase in buyers from abroad,
French nationals each representing                                                                                                       with the possible exception of
8 per cent.                                                                                                                                Cataluña,” he concluded.
  Belgians were responsible for 7
per cent of overseas purchases,
Swedes and Italians 6 per cent,
Chinese 4 per cent and Russians 3                                                                                                           ON THE SPEND: The first
per cent.                                                                                                                                   quarter of 2018 was the busiest
  Demand from Bulgaria increased                                                                                                            in a decade for overseas sales.
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  Property gladder
   Malaga leads new build surge
       By Gregory Kirby                      more populous Madrid,
                                             where 14,967 new pads
                                             were        sold      and
             ALAGA is the leading            Barcelona which sold

M            province in Spain for the
             sale of new homes.
               There were 3.39 proper-
ties sold per 1,000 residents last year,
                                                But deals in Malaga
                                             surpassed other expatri-
                                             ate hot spots including
making the Costa del Sol the star of the     Alicante, Valencia and
post-crisis new build recovery, accord-      the Balearic Islands.
ing to the latest figures from the body         The figures are still well
of registrars.                               below those constructors
   Building ground to a halt in the crisis   enjoyed during the boom
years because low demand from buy-           but do show a clear real
ers scared constructors off investing.       estate market resur-
   The second-hand property market           gence.
picked up a lot of the slack left by the        Coastal plots including Marbella and          UP AND UP: New
bricks and mortar void.                      other Costa del Sol settings are benefit-        build sales are
   Construction companies have started       ting most from the return in demand,             soaring.
to build again only recently due to a        while inland construction still struggles
hike in demand. And Malaga is leading        to take off.                                  Only Alicante had a higher rate
the way in the upward trend.                    The second-hand market still domi-       of used house purchases than Malaga,
   In total 5,588 new builds were sold       nates property transactions. Some           which sold 15 properties per thousand     held from 2014 to 2016. It
last year, a 22.4 per cent increase          24,712 used dwellings were pur-             residents.                                finished 2017 in second place with
compared to 2016.                            chased last year out of 30,300 in total,      In the overall count - including both   18.39 purchases per 1,000 residents,
   The city came third nationally in ab-     this makes up 81.5 per cent of all trans-   new and used sales - Malaga lost its      double the national average. Again, it
solute terms, only beaten by much            actions.                                    position as national leader, which it     was just pipped by Alicante.
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                                   Living the dream
            ALES of homes

 S          costing more than
            €4 million have in-
            creased in 2017
compared to the previous
year on the Costa del Sol.
   It comes after the release of
a report from Marbella’s
                                   Luxury home sales rocket
Panorama Properties.
   Many of the best located
homes built 20, 30 or more
years ago are being sold to
be demolished and rebuilt or
be completely reformed, the
firm’s representative Christo-
pher Clover said.
   Works are sometimes car-
ried out by specialised devel-
opers or otherwise by individ-
   Prices have spiked in Mar-
bella’s most sought-after loca-    SPANISH PROPERTIES:                                      selling for €825,000, showing
tions where demand out-                                                                     how in-demand these loca-
                                   Now is a good time to buy.
weighed supply.                                                                             tions are, he added.
   A concrete example is                                                                       The profile of the average
Puente Romana where prices                                                                  buyer is much lower than a
have doubled from rock bot-                                                                 decade ago at between 30
tom prices in 2011 to now,                                                                  and 40 years-old.
Clover said.                                                                                   There is a loyal market
   A typical two-bedroomed                                                                  among German and Middle
apartment       selling     for                                                             Eastern buyers
€600,000 in 2011 would now                                                                     And purchases from
go for €1.15 million on the so-                                                             French, Belgian and Nordic
called Golden Mile.                                                                         residents have also recovered
   And a €375,000 apartment                                                                 since the crisis, Clover
with one bedroom is currently                                                               added.
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                                                                                                                      PHOTO CREDITS WINKWORTH SPAIN
 LOFTY HEIGHTS: The decadent property’s pool is flanked by a luxuriant garden.

                                      Splash the cash
             NE of the                                                                                                                                                               views of the Mediter-

 O           most luxuri-
             ous man-
             sions on the
             Costa del
                                                                                                                                                                                       Outdoors, a tropical
                                                                                                                                                                                     garden awaits and a
                                                                                                                                                                                     pool sits overlooking the
Sol has gone on sale for                                                                                                                                                             sea.
€15.5 million.
  The           stunning
Guadalmina beachfront
                                  €15.5m mansion on sale                                                                                                                               The eight-bedroomed
                                                                                                                                                                                     mansion stands out from
                                                                                                                                                                                     other mega properties
property was built in            The garage fits eight        There is a lift if the     room.                                                        Sol,” Christopher Vent of      for “the quality of its
2016 and has never             cars, but more can be        lucky buyer is feeling too     The Ernest Palanco Ar-                                     Winkworth Spain said.          build, the size of the plot
been lived in.                 parked on the 1.25-acre      tipsy to stumble up the      quitectura villa construc-                                      The kitchen and main        and of the property,” the
  It boasts a Turkish          plot if it is not enough.    winding staircase with       tion firm built the man-                                     living area are on the first   agent said.
bath, indoor pool, a mo-         The constructors have      marble banisters.            sion in 2016.                                                floor. And the upper floor       It sits on 1.25 acres of
saic floored rooftop so-       made it easy for the new       And it could accom-          It has been building                                       stages the main bed-           land next to the sea and
larium, jacuzzi, sauna, a      owner to make the final      modate on-site staff in      luxurious properties in                                      room suite and four more       is only a five-minute dri-
games room, Italian mar-       instalments to a wine cel-   the adjacent guest           the Middle East for over                                     en-suite boudoirs. All of      ve to Puerto Banus, one
ble floors with underfloor     lar and cinema if they       house, which has two         a decade and “is well-                                       them open out onto an          of the world’s glitziest
heating and a fireplace.       please.                      bedrooms and a bath-         known on the Costa del                                       expansive terrace with         ports.
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                                        | Advertising feature by LineaDirecta |

           LOCKED drains, burst
           pipes or even a broken
           boiler, accidents around
           the home can happen at
any time of the day or night.
                                        Urgent assistance                                 emergency service and is available
                                                                                          24 hours a day, seven days a week.
                                                                                            There’s no need to get your hands
  Whatever the minor emergency                                                            dirty. No need to get frustrated. No
they can often be daunting, and
cost valuable time and money to
sort out.
                                         for emergency                                    need to worry. With Línea Directa,
                                                                                          one of Spain’s leading insurance
                                                                                          providers, their Home Assistance
  Línea Directa knows that owning                                                         service will soon sort out any minor
and maintaining a home is a big re-
sponsibility and that extra protec-
tion against accidental damage of-
                                        household repairs                                 accidents around your home and
                                                                                            Línea Directa is definitely an intel-
fers customers peace of mind.                                                             ligent decision when it comes to
Accidentally drilling through a water                                                     making life in Spain a little bit easi-
pipe in order to hang a picture, can                                                      er.
disrupt what is probably already a                                                          Best price. Better cover.
busy day.
  Now they are offering customers                                                         We hope the information provided in
their Home Assistance service that                                                              this article is of interest.
covers a wide range of very useful                                                         If you would like to contact Linea
guarantees such as emergency                                                                       Directa please call
change of locks, TV and video tech-                                                                   902 123 309
nicians and home computer assis-                                                                 More information about
tance to help set-up reliable Wi-Fi.                                                             Linea Directa online at
  One call to our home helpline and                                                    
we’ll arrange for an authorised con-
tractor to resolve your problem as
fast and efficiently as possible. The
vast supplier network offers accred-
ited professionals with expert
knowledge on electrical, plumbing,
locksmith and appliances. Extreme-
ly convenient and designed to make
customers’ lives a little bit easier.
  The Home Assistance service is an      LINEA DIRECTA: Best price, better cover.
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| Advertising feature by Global G2 |

                                                                                                                                                                                  PHOTO CREDITS TWITTER/WSP IN THE UK
    One company can resolve
     all of your design and
      construction needs
               LOBAL G2 Arquitectura and         ceives an excellent personal service.

  G            Construccion is a Marbella-
               based company which has
                                                    Their mission statement is “We are here
                                                 to make our customers happy by making
                                                                                                 PILLOWS IN A POD: The jaw-dropping design.

                                                                                                Hotel of the
               more than 15 year’s experi-       their dream come true."
ence in architectural design and renova-            Without high overheads, the company
tion of commercial and residential proper-       aims to give the best value for money and
ty.                                              understands the absolute need to keep
   The company offers a complete turnkey         within an agreed budget and to meet
service from initial concept, through archi-     timescales.

tectural plans, construction and decoration         In order to discuss your needs, feel free
all to client specification.                     to contact Juan Diego de Haro, the man-
   Each project is unique and the company        ager responsible for customer service on
works closely with each client, advising as      +34 636 016 645 and although normal of-
to what will work and what may not so that       fice hours are from 9am to 7pm, they are
the final result is exactly what is required.    always happy to meet and discuss options       SPAIN is in the running to be the loca-
   Using their own staff, the company is         with new clients at any time, given ad-        tion for “the world’s most futuristic
properly registered with the Spanish au-         vance notice.                                  looking hotel.”                           Chelsea’s Stanford bridge stadium.
thorities and once appointed, will arrange                                                        Its modular design will feature 42        The Canadian firm hopes for the
to obtain all of the necessary licences in or-      For a first class renovation and con-       multi-floored suites in 19-metre-tall     space-age structures to be located in
der to ensure that the work is carried out in      struction service, from start to finish,     luxury triangular pods.                   geographically stunning locations in
accordance with local and national regula-       visit G2 Arquitectura and Construccion           Canada’s WSP group engineers are        keeping with their sustainable, car-
tions.                                              C/ Notario Luis Oliver nº 6, Edificio       working on the spaceship-like Tetra       bon-neutral compositions.
   As a well-established family company,          Liceo, 2º A, 29602 Marbella, call +34         hotel with design pioneers from Inno-       Sites in Cape Verde, Norway, Cana-
G2 are large enough to be able to offer a                    951 829 968, email                 vation Imperative architecture group.     da, New Zealand, Portugal, Andorra,
first class professional service, yet small or view their              WSP has also worked on London’s         Hungary and the UK are also compet-
enough to ensure that the customer re-                  website              highest skyscraper - the Shard - and      ing for the other-worldly hotel.
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 Spanish homes
 Unique quartet showcased by BBC                                                               TRANQUIL: Chef Fina Puigdevall’s
                                                                                               underground ‘Rural House.’
                                                                                                                                                                     BALANCING ACT: The Hemeroscopium
              OUR strange Spanish homes            The famous chef who cooks in the

  F           have made it onto the BBC’s
              The World’s Most Extraordi-
              nary Homes programme.
   The first property is the almost invisible
                                                 nearby city of Otlot said: “I think it’s a
                                                 great idea that you enter the house below
                                                 ground level. You never see cars, just na-
                                                 ture,” Puigdevall said.

                                                                                                                                            PHOTO CREDIT TWITTER
‘Rural House’ belonging to Michelin star           “The smell is very important to me and
chef Fina Puigdevall.                            the sound of the birds and when cows
   She wanted a refuge from her hectic           arrive in the morning you can hear them
working life so she took 11 specially            pulling up the grass in the field,” she
made steel boxes and buried them un-             added.
der a man-made ridge.                              The second building is a balancing act
                                                                                               THREE’S A CROWD: The ‘House for                                       BLING RING:
   And if concealing it was not enough to        called Hemeroscopium House on the             Three Sisters’ mini village.                                          Solo House 2.
evade peeking Toms, she put it metres            outskirts of Madrid.                         southern Spain. The ‘mini-village’ is made                           quickly join living spaces with outdoors.
from a farmer’s manure pit.                        It is made of seven giant concrete and     up of three identical and separate hous-                                Solo House 2 is located in Matarranam,
   The boxes are joined by a steel corri-        steel beams plonked on top of each oth-      es linked by a shared courtyard where                                an area of north west Spain almost un-
dor with the master suite at one end and         er in an upward spiral. Inside one of the    the families often dine together.                                    touched by holidaymakers.
three other bedrooms at the other.               hollowed-out beams is a swimming pool.         Maria, Rene and Manuka realised their                                 An arts project gave full creative con-
   BBC presenter Caroline Quinn said:              The only thing stopping it from tum-       dream of living together as one big family                           trol to the building’s architects, who were
“It’s aesthetically pleasing, but I imagine      bling down is a 20-tonne granite counter-    when they inherited their father’s land in                           set on the circular shape.
it can be a challenge to live with.”             weight.                                      the town of Bullas.                                                     The home is on a hilltop plateau which
   But the design was more popular with            “It reminds me a little of Stonehenge,”      The final residence is a ring-shaped                               gives owners of the 45-metre diameter
the Pritzker Architect Prize judges who          presenter Quinn said.                        dwelling nestled in a forest and looks like                          ring full panoramic views. Its owner,
awarded the property’s designer Rafael             Three sisters are close - but not too      a spy headquarters. Nature is always at                              Christian Bordais, wanted to ignore ideas
Aranda its prestigious gong.                     close - in the third creation on a plot in   hand thanks to sliding glass doors which                             of how people are supposed to live.

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        Brits’ boom time
            RITS are no longer scared                                                                 mans and Romanians with 8.4, 8.1 and

 B          by the Brexit effect as they
            buy more houses in Spain
            for the first time since the ref-
                                                 Buyers retur n as                                    6.8 per cent of the foreign buyers’ mar-
                                                                                                      ket respectively.
                                                                                                         There was a spike in Ecuadorians and
erendum.                                                                                              Portuguese buying up in Spain. They
  British demand for Spanish property
took a nose dive after compatriots voted
for the United Kingdom to leave the Eu-
                                                  fears subside                                       bought 250 per cent and 131.4 per cent
                                                                                                      more in 2016 than the year before.
                                                                                                         Cataluña’s illegal independence vote
ropean Union (EU) in 2016.                                                                            on October 1 also hurt foreign demand.
  House sales plummeted 23.6 per cent                                                                    Transactions grew just 2.5 per cent
in the second half of 2016 and another                                                                during the second half of 2017 - at the
16.1 per cent in the first semester of                                                                heart of the crisis - but they grew 19.8
2017.                                                                                                 per cent in the first half of the year.
  Potential buyers were scared of a de-                                                                  The Cataluña crisis was not enough to
valuing pound and political insecurity.                                                               stop foreign purchase growth at a na-
  The British have been Spain’s number                                                                tional level, which hit 14.1 per cent year-
one foreign real estate client for many                                                                on-year.
years. And now the notary ministry’s lat-                                                                  EU buyers bought two-thirds of the
est statistics show Brits are once again                                                                 49,553 dwellings sold in 2017, and the
eyeing up the Spanish market. Trading                                                                     remainder went to non-EU residents.
with them grew 7.8 per cent in the sec-                                                                      Foreigners are also upping their
ond half of 2017.                                                                                           budget and paying more per
  But the green shoots do not mean                                                                          square metre than previously. They
Brexit has not left its mark on the market.                                                                  paid 5.7 per cent more on average
The British bought almost a quarter of all                                                                    compared to 2016.
Spanish properties sold to foreigners in                                                                        And non-EU buyers are paying
2015.                                                                                                 over €500 more than their EU counter-
  The figure is now just 14.3 per cent.                                                               parts for the same sized plots.
  The United Kingdom still leads the for-                                                                The trend started in 2014 when the
eign pack, trailed by the French, Ger-          NO BREXIT BOO HOO: Housing demand has picked up.      ‘Golden Visa’ was introduced.
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ROUND HILL capital management
firm will build 135 homes on the Costa
del Sol in 2019 in a €250 million
                                                                                          Viva la revolution
   It will team up with Villarroel Torrico
architecture. The award-winning com-
                                                                                  New homes to feature nanotechnology
pany is a veteran on the coast having                                                                                                                                          tacular views” thanks to the
constructed three million metres                                                                                                                                               way the plots’ land lies, ac-
squared of real estate over the last 40                                                                                                                                        cording to the firm.
years.                                                                                                                                                                           “The designs’ modernity and
   The buildings will take 18 months to                                                                                                                                        state-of-the-art technologies
build and form the second phase of                                                                                                                                             make the apartments stand
the Palo Alto project in Marbella.                                                                                                                                             out,” it added.
   A total of 600 properties will be built                                                                                                                                       Villarroel Torrico will apply
                                             PHOTO CREDITS PALO ALTO MARBELLA

in the Palo Alto area. Works will be                                                                                                                                           nanotechnology paint to the
staged in two phases and the total in-                                                                                                                               inside walls, purifying the air, eliminat-
vestment is valued at €250 million.                                                                                                                                  ing bacteria and mould and repelling
   “The objective is to put maximum                                                                                                                                  dust.
quality properties on the market,”                                                                                                                                     It is the first time the ‘revolutionary
Round Hill said in a statement.                                                                                                                                      paint’ will have been used, project ar-
   The apartments will each be be-                                                                                                                                   chitects confirmed.
tween 100 and 180 metres square and                                                                                                                                    Prices will start at €400,000 and
have two to four bedrooms with “spec-                                           BREATHTAKING: Rolling hills provide spectacular views.                               reach €1 million.

  SPAIN’S economy minister has admit-
  ted to organising a ‘safer’ fixed-rate
  mortgage for himself ahead of a pre-
                                                                                         Lend of an era?                                                           repayments.
                                                                                                                                                                      But the ECB is expected to increase
                                                                                                                                                                   rates as early as next year now indus-
  dicted interest rate hike.                                                    decisions that anyone makes in their        pected rise in interest rates.         try is stronger.
    The comments were made during                                               life from a financial point of view,” the     The European Central Bank (ECB)         This could trouble millions of
  an interview on Spanish radio in which                                        official said.                              has been pumping money into mar-       Spaniards who owe around €500 bil-
  Roman Escolano told people to be                                                 “It’s a decision that affects you for    kets to lower rates and give a much-   lion overall, much of which is due in
  careful when taking out variable-rate                                         many years and precisely for that rea-      needed boost to the crisis-stricken    floating-rate mortgage repayments
  house loans.                                                                  son I would urge caution.”                  European economy, saving borrow-       racked up after the 2008 housing bub-
    “This is one of the most important                                             The advice comes ahead of an ex-         ers hundreds of Euros per month in     ble burst.
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           O R L D - F A -
           MOUS Catalan
           architect An-
           toni Gaudi’s
first residential building
                                    Right move!                                         Luxury
is now open to the pub-
   Six of the modernist’s
                                                                                      jobs boost
designs are already list-                                                             THE job market has been boost-
ed as UNESCO World                                                                    ed by strong luxury real estate
Heritage sites, and one,                                                              market growth in the ‘golden tri-
Casa Vicens, can be vis-                                                              angle’ of Marbella, Estepona and
ited for the first time                                                               Benahavis last year.
since it was built in 1885.                                                              The sector generated €350 mil-
   Fans regard the prop-                                                              lion in 2017 - an improvement on
erty, located on Carrer                                                               2016 - according to figures pub-
de les Carolines in the                                                               lished by the high-end property
Gracia neighbourhood of                                                               association D0M3.
Barcelona, as his first                                                                  A total of 800 stable jobs were
masterpiece.                                                                          created by luxury new-builds.
   Constructed as a sum-                                                                 An extra 4,000 posts stemmed
mer residence for the                                                                 directly from building projects
well-heeled Vicens fami-                                                              and another 12,000 were created
ly, it is described as a                                                              through knock-on effects.
“laboratory in which                                                                     It is not just the building
                                OH MY GAUD: The
Gaudi developed the vo-                                                               process itself which employs
cabulary of decorative
                                stunning Casa Vicens.                                 traders like bricklayers, architects
motifs and symbols he          nature of his style.                                   and designers, Pou said.
would use in his later           It has been lovingly re-                                Each residence employs an av-
works.”                        stored with a modern                                   erage of between two and four
   The then 30-year-old        staircase and lift in-                                 staff once finished, including gar-
was handed a blank can-        stalled to improve acces-                              deners, cleaners and cooks.
vas to design the house,       sibility, and can be con-                                 “Each luxury home is a small
and it is filled with wildly   sidered a must-visit for                               enterprise,” association presi-
colourful nature-inspired      visitors to the capital of                             dent, Laura Pou said.
forms that became a sig-       the northern region.
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    BENAL BEACH                   TORREMOLINOS                 BENALMADENA
  TERRACE, 2 MINUTE WALK       43 M2, IDEAL FOR INVESTORS             31 M2
        FROM BEACH
PRICE 165.000 EUROS            PRICE 99.000 EUROS           PRICE 75.000 EUROS

   PUERTO MARINA                     EL PINILLO              ARROYO DE LA MIEL
     APARTMENT, 51 M2
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   Batten down the hatches
              N Y O N E

  A           looking for
              on the high
seas may be interested
in a string of 19th centu-
ry forts that have re-                                                                                                                                  BON VOYAGE: No Man’s Fort has
cently gone on the mar-                                                                                                                                 impressive ocean views.
ket for £11 million
(€12.6 million).
   The three sea fortifica-
                                                                                                                                                            Pushing the
tions, lying in the Solent
between Portsmouth
                                                                                                                                                             boat out
and the Isle of Wight,                                                                                                                                  NO MAN’S FORT is the largest of
                              CREDIT: SOLENTFORTS.COM

are currently being                                                                                                                                     the three up for sale with a price tag
used as luxury hotels                                                                                                                                   of €5.7 million. It houses 22 rooms
while one of them is be-                                                                                                          FORTIFIED: Three      and suites which can sleep up to 44
coming a museum.                                                                                                               forts are up for sale.   guests and there is room for more
   They were built in the                                                                                                                               than 200 people for events.
late 18th century to                                                                                                                                      It also features its own onsite pub,
ward off potential invad-
ing forces from France’s
                                                                                               ‘Historical charm’                                       the Lord Nelson, as well as a
                                                                                                                                                        cabaret club, roof top fire pits and
Emperor Napoleon III, a                                                                   SPITBANK FORT boasts eight bedroom suites, as well as a       several tunnels currently used to
descendent               of                                                               bar, hot pool, sauna and a roof deck which the owners So-     play laser tag. Owners Solent Forts
Napoleon Bonaparte.                                                                       lent Forts said would be ideal for sunbathing.                said it was Britain’s most secluded
   They were later made                                                                     The owners added it was packed with “historical charm”      alternative venue.
part of an anti-subma-                                                                    and “intrigue,” all for a price of €5.7 million.                “With floor to ceiling windows for
rine barrier guarding                                                                       “The circular floor plan means you experience the world     an unrivalled panoramic view of the
the Solent from German                                                                    from a totally new perspective. With stunning panoramic       fierce beauty and dramatic
U-boats in the Second                                   SHIP SHAPE: Spitbank Fort costs   views across the Solent and passing yachts in your sight,     seascape, this really is the venue
World War.                                              €5.7 million.                     this is a tranquil setting,” they said on their website.      that pushes the boat out,” they said.
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   Rentals ramp up

                                                                                                                                                                                      PHOTO CREDITS ENGEL & VÖLKERS
              ALAGA City’s real es-      ket making buying a riskier option       creases would continue for the next

 M            tate prices continue to
              ‘grow intensely’ and
              rents are eating further
and further into household salaries.
                                         and more profitable tourists’ rentals.
                                         But increasing backlash from au-
                                         thorities on the latter could release
                                         some pressure on locals’ pockets.
                                                                                  six to 12 months given the prevail-
                                                                                  ing demand, mortgage and acces-
                                                                                  sibility conditions.
                                                                                     Current rates are actually growing
                                                                                                                             RARE CHANCE: The one-time
                                                                                                                             President’s getaway is up for grabs.
  Average Malaga rents consumed            Spanish properties are set for a 6     moderately because statistics do
30 per cent of tenants’ income last
year, 10 per cent higher than the
                                         per cent price hike by the end of
                                         the year. But the going rate in Mala-
                                                                                  not capture the housing market re-
                                                                                  covery in local areas where de-
                                                                                                                             Presidential living
national average. It makes the           ga, Madrid, Valencia and the             mand is intense and supply “very          A PROPERTY which belonged to ex-president of
southern city the most expensive         Balearic Islands could grow by up        limited,” CBRE said.                      the Spanish government is now on sale for €13 mil-
place to rent in Spain, according to     to 10 per cent, CBRE’s 2018 resi-           And housing sales are expected         lion.
a report by real estate firm CBRE.       dential report predicts. The figures     to reach 575,000 at a national level,        The villa, built in 1997, is located in the Son Vida
  The next priciest spots are            confirm large cities, whose resi-        or an 8 per cent annual growth rate.      neighbourhood of Mallorca. The then president -
Barcelona, 28 per cent, Sevilla, 27      dents are wealthier on average,             But the firm calmed concerns           Adolfo Suarez, who died in 2014 - used the retreat
per cent and Madrid at 26 per cent.      continue to be the strongest             about another housing bubble and          for holidaying until it was sold in 2000.
  Forces driving higher rental costs     sources of buyer demand.                 said the current climate is unlikely to      The buyer totally refurbished the house before
include a changeable labour mar-           The company predicted price in-        cause one.                                selling it to the current owner.
                                                                                                                               It has eight bedrooms, one of which was
                                                                                                                            Suarez’s mega private suite boasting its own living
                                                                                                                            space, two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
                                                                                                                               Several wings divide the ground floor which links
                                                                                                                            the different living rooms, library, dining room,
                                                                                                                            kitchen, serviced apartment and two garages.
                                                                                                                               A central patio sits at the centre of the hexagonal
                                                                                                                               And the pool area is surrounded by Mediter-
                                                                                                                            ranean gardens.
                                                                                                                               The presidential hideaway is completely isolated
                                                                                                                            from outsiders down to its 4,670-metre plot and pri-
                                                                                                                            vate location.
  SOARING: Malaga is now among                                                                                                 German real estate company Engel & Völkers is
  the most expensive Spanish cities.                                                                                        selling the villa.
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               19TH CEN-                                                                                                   den in the traditional

  A            TURY coun-
               try home
               which once
stood derelict has come
                                                                                                                           Spanish villa style. It
                                                                                                                           has seven bedrooms
                                                                                                                           and bathrooms spread
                                                                                                                           across two storeys.
on the market after a                                                                                                         The architecture is
seven-year refit.                                                                                                          filled with Moorish influ-
   The Palacio sits on                                                                                                     ences and there are
around 3.5 hectares of                                                                                                     materials from Morocco,
land about half an hour                                                                                                    as well as from Spain

                                                                                              CREDIT: FINEANDCOUNTRY.COM
away from Sevilla, plac-                                                                                                   and France, inside.
ing it further inland than                                                                                                    The drive up to The
many luxury properties                                                                                                     Palacio features olive
currently on the market.                                                                                                   trees and oleander
                                 RURAL RETREAT: The Palacio
   Sellers Fine and                                                                                                        bushes before arriving
Country said the house,          features 3.5 hectares of land.                                                            at an iron gate. It is sur-
which has a price tag of                                                                                                   rounded by its land

                                Country pile!
€3.5 million, was one of                                                                                                   which also includes
the finest country                                                                                                         olive groves.
homes in Andalucia.                                                                                                           Amenities include a
   “The Palacio lies with-                                                                                                 country-style kitchen,
in pretty, rolling country-                                                                                                complete with an Aga
side, a patchwork quilt                                                                                                    stove, as well as en-
of olive groves, sunflow-                                                                                                  suites for every bed-
ers and cereal crops,”                                                                                                     room and a Moorish-
the estate agent said.                                                                                                     look heated indoor
   “This makes the loca-                                                                                                   pool.
tion ideal for all kinds of                                                                                                   Five bedrooms sit on
outdoor activities in-                                                                                                     the bottom floor while
cluding horse riding,                                                                                                      two larger rooms occu-
paragliding and cy-                                                                                                        py the first. At the rear
cling.”                                                                                                                    of the property is a ter-
   The almost 4,000-                                                                                                       race garden and out-
square metre house                                                                                                         door pool, as well as
was built around a cen-                                                                                                    grounds filled with man-
tral courtyard and gar-                                                                                                    zanilla olive trees.
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                                                   RED MED: Andalucia’s properties sold most according to the latest data (inset).

                                                   The pull of the Med
                                                   Coast leads Spain’s real estate revival
                                                              NEW report        But the first two are well      total of 8,199 properties

                                                    A         has shown

                                               market revival is divided
                                                                                ahead of the rest with
                                                                                24,481 and 20,677 prop-
                                                                                erties sold in the first four
                                                                                months of the year re-
                                                                                                                were sold there in 2017,
                                                                                                                20 per cent more than
                                                                                                                the year before and the
                                                                                                                most since 2009.
                                               according to region.             spectively.                        And Castellon’s suc-
                                                  A total of 52.4 per cent        However, sector enthu-        cess spreads to the rest
                                               of housing transactions          siasm is cooled some-           of Valencia’s community
                                               were on the Mediter-             what by fears of munici-        too. There were 19,738
                                               ranean coastline and             pal crackdowns on               properties sold in the first
                                               Spanish islands in the           holiday rentals especially      two months, marking a
                                               first four months of the         in Palma de Mallorca,           19.7 per cent increase
                                               year, according to the           Valencia and Madrid.            on the previous fourth
                                               College of Property reg-           But the positive results      months.
                                               istrars’ figures.                outweigh these concerns            The market buzz is
                                                  The best performing           for the time being.             mainly driven by invest-
                                               regions in total sales             Even Valencia’s Castel-       ment in rental properties,
                                               were           Andalucia,        lon - one of the housing        helped by higher em-
                                               Cataluña, the Valencian          crash’s deepest black           ployment rates and read-
                                               community and Madrid.            holes - is recovering. A        ily available credit.

                                                    THERE is a reason                                         enjoy some of the Al-
                                                    Granada’s parador is
                                                    one of the most expen-
                                                                               Just                           hambra’s romantic
                                                                                                              rose gardens in priva-
                                                    sive in Spain’s state-                                    cy.
                                                    owned historical hotel
                                                                              Moorish                           The hotel itself sits
                                                                                                              within a 14th-centruy
                                                       The retreat is located                                 palace enjoyed by the
                                                    within Spain’s most                                       ruling Nasrid family be-
                                                    renowned fortress-palace, the Alham-        fore being converted into a Catholic
                                                    bra. It is simply Granada’s best locat-     convent. But Moroccan lanterns and
                                                    ed hotel just minutes’ walk from the        Moorish patios evoke the palace’s
                                                    palace’s scented flower-beds and in-        original occupants.
                                                    tricate Arab architecture.                    Views from the parador are spec-
                                                       Guests enjoy a unique opportunity        tacular expanding for miles along
                                                    to spend the night in a building lay-       Granada’s green plains as far as the
                                                    ered with history and imagine life as       eye can see.
                                                    Moorish nobility.                             Double room prices reach €435 in
                                                       After the masses have left, guests       high season, but the low season is
                                                    can step out of the hotel’s doors and       cheaper at around €210.
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By Joe Gerrard                                                                                                                                agents Moulin.
                                                                                                                                                It comes complete with al-
             F you have ever                                                                                                                  most two-metre wide stone

   I         wanted to live in
             your very own
             fort then you may
be in luck as castles are cur-
                                                                                                                                              walls, nine bedrooms and a
                                                                                                                                              3,000-square-metre court-
                                                                                                                                              yard. Its walls also feature 12
                                                                                                                                              cannon loophole and the
rently available on the mar-                                                                                                                  castle’s old moat is still visi-
ket.                                                                                                                                          ble in places.
  The first of these is a 13th                                                                                                                  A more intimate and home-
century build sitting in the                                                                                                                  ly choice can be found in the
Badajoz region, Extremadu-                                                                                                                    Costa Blanca. The turreted
ra, around two and a half                                                                                                                     country home was built in
hours in the car from Sevilla.                                                                                                                1900 and is surrounded by
  The castle is currently in                                                                                                                  mountain views as well as
the hands of a family whose                                                                                                                   being about 30 minutes from
ancestors bought it in 1906                                                                                                                   the coast.
and spent the years following                                                                                                                   Estate agents Moulin said
undertaking restoration works                                                                                                                 the house offered “total tran-
leaving it in great condition                                                                                                                 quillity” with no neighbours,
today.                                                                                                                                        although a town with shops
  The fort comes with a 450-                                                                                                                  and leisure offerings is only a
hectare estate and features         FORTRESS: The Badajoz castle dates to the 13th century.                                                   few minutes’ drive away.
50 living spaces, six large                                                                                                                     The castle lay derelict
bedrooms, three bathrooms                                                                                                                     around 10 years ago and it
and nine lounges. A small on
site museum and stables are
included, all for the sum of
€14.5 million.
                                      Kings of the castles                                                                                    has since undergone major
                                                                                                                                              restoration work.
                                                                                                                                                It now comes complete with
                                                                                                                                              a swimming pool, kitchen,
  For those looking for a          front Bastide for sale in La        This fortified chateau was        and witnessed significant            lounge, bedrooms and a sit-
cheaper and more modern            Coruna in Galicia for €3 mil-      built in 1746 to defend the        battles and has featured in          ting room in the turret for a
option there is the ocean          lion.                              waterways of the region            books, according to estate           price of €2.6 million.

                                                                                          Green homes underway
 Rent returns                                                                        PUBLIC housing authorities in Navarra
                                                                                     have begun building more than 500 en-
                                                                                     ergy efficient social properties.
                                                                                                                                   standard properties, according to envi-
                                                                                                                                   ronment NGO The Climate Group.
                                                                                                                                     The project comes with the backing
                                                                                        The buildings are near zero-energy         of a €40 million loan from the European
                                                                                     (NZEB) units and keep power usage             Investment Bank. NASUVINSA, Navar-
                                                                                     down due to their design and the mate-        ra’s social housing body, is set to man-
                                                                                     rials used to make them.                      age building works for some 78,000
                                                                                        Energy consumption is around 75            square metres of housing during the
                                                                                     per cent lower in such homes than in          next three years.

                                                                                          New law ‘overdue’
                                                                                       A NEW regional real es-        tities who provide media-     tablishment open to the
                                                                                       tate law aims to ‘profes-      tion services, advice and     public, no criminal con-
                                                                                       sionalise’ the sector.         management in real es-        victions and permanently
                                                                                         Law 1/2018 - passed          tate transactions,” the       guarantee any money
                                                                                       on April 26 - makes it         new law reads.                they handle.
                                                                                       compulsory for anybody             It includes the “pur-        And it will not be
                                                                                       working in the property        chase and sale opera-         enough for mediators to
                                                                                       trade to sign up to a new      tions, option of purchase,    expect clients to know
 PROFIT BOOST: Las Palmas province in the Canary Islands is faring best.               public registry, Spanish       rental, exchange or trans-    their rights. They are
                                                                                       legal and property spe-        fer of real estate and the    legally obliged to inform
RENTAL housing in Spain offers an av-     months ago.                                  cialist Alex Radford said.     rights relating to such op-   interested parties what
erage return of 5.7 per cent, according     The average return on rent in the            The legislation is “wel-     erations.”                    their entitlements and
to a study of property profits from a     provinces was 5.8 per cent in                come and overdue” at a             Anybody involved in       obligations are. In addi-
market research firm.                     Barcelona, 5.9 in Cadiz, 6.1 in Huelva,      time when the real estate      these transactions will be    tion, if they do not return
  Servihabitat Trends said the average    6.4 Las Palmas, 5.9 Madrid, 6.3 Valen-       market is beginning to lift    held to account by the        deposits as per the con-
rate of rent was estimated to rise by     cia, and 5.8 Zaragoza.                       off again, Radford             new laws and the discipli-    tract, they could face
between 1.5 and 2 per cent in the first     The company added the supply of            added.                         nary regime which             fines of up to €6,000.
half of this year.                        rental properties in Spain was believed        It only takes a few cas-     comes with it.                   Radford said that peo-
  The firm’s study claimed the current    to be around 90,000, around 8.1 per          es of bad practice to af-          But workers must meet     ple should seek indepen-
average price of rental homes be-         cent less than those available in Sep-       fect the whole industry,       five key criteria to regis-   dent legal support to
tween 80 and 90 square metres was         tember 2017. The study claimed the           he added.                      ter. They include having      “protect their interests” in
€680 per square metre. This figure was    fall was due to less time being taken          The crackdown applies        proper professional train-    the case of any dodgy
9.7 per cent higher than the one six      for people to rent homes on average.         to “individuals or legal en-   ing and insurance, an es-     dealings.
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