He sendeth the springs into the valleys, Which run among the hills.

Page created by Vivian Rivera
He sendeth the springs into the valleys, Which run among the hills.
Vol. 77, #3                                       Mar 2022

                                He sendeth the
                               springs into the
Beginning with Faith/
Allegiance page 3            valleys, Which run
Monthly Sermon page 4
                              among the hills.
God is Working to Plant
Churches page 6                 Psalm 104:10
Supporting our
Missionaries Through
Reentry page 6
ACCFS: Changing
Beliefs page 8
Remembering Our
Spiritual Heritage page 58
The Light of Hope page 59
He sendeth the springs into the valleys, Which run among the hills.
                                                                                                  For April issue
                                                                                                  (news from Feb 16 - Mar 15)
To Our Readers                                                                                    Due: March 20, 2022

     It is the time of year that when the thoughts of most readers turn                           The Silver Lining
to spring. Winter has worn out its welcome and they are ready for the                             (USPS 496780)
warmth to return. White snow on the ground will give way to green
grass. Thick coats will be hung up in favor of lighter jackets, even if                           Published Monthly for the Apostolic
it is still a bit too cold to wear something thinner. The sun will rise a                         Christian Church of America by:
little sooner and linger longer before setting. The bare trees will soon                          Onward Media
have buds, and flowers will start to come up.                                                     651 E. Peoria St.
     For many, activities will also shift. Idle equipment will be put to                          Goodfield, IL 61742.
work sowing seed in hopes of a good harvest. Quick trips outside will
change into long hours laboring under the sun. The sluggishness of                                Periodicals Postage Paid at Goodfield, IL
winter will be replaced with the busyness of spring.                                              and at additional mailing offices.
     The beautiful hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness" came to mind
while considering this (see pg. 45). Verse two of that hymn speaks of the                         Counselors:
seasons and the courses of the planets, noting that they "join with all                           Jeff Grimm, Greg Lehman
nature in manifold witness, to thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love."
     So as the winter turns to spring, let us rejoice in the                                      Official Apostolic Christian Church
faithfulness, mercy, and love of the Father. He has faithfully                                    Website: www.apostolicchristian.org
brought us through the winter into the spring. For "great is Thy
faithfulness, Lord, unto me!" Amen!                                                               Send correspondence only
     In Christian love,                                                                           (no payments) to:
     Rick and Michelle Kaisner, Silver Lining Editors                                             editor@acsilverlining.org
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Front Cover: Bro. Doug Hohulin, Denver, CO
Back Cover: Sis. Shirley Kellenberger. Lester, IA

2    SILVER LINING March 2022
He sendeth the springs into the valleys, Which run among the hills.
Writings based on God’s Word

Light from the Word
Beginning with                            the person giving pistis to a leader     it collectively. It is impossible to join
Faith/Allegiance                          was promising to take his side in any
                                          situation. For this reason, scholars
                                                                                   Jesus’ army without, well, joining
                                                                                   his army! Our “mutual faith”
“And beside this, giving all              who study the ancient Greek              provides comfort to us together.3
diligence, add to your faith … ”1         language have described giving           This shared faith gives us patience
                                          pistis—having faith in someone—as        with each other.4 Standing firm
In his second letter, the Apostle         pledging allegiance to a leader.         in our common faith—pledging
Peter lays out for us the breathtaking         Understanding faith as              our allegiance to the same Lord—
truth that God rescues us from            allegiance can be particularly useful    enables us to work alongside each
corruption and shares with us his         in our Christian context. We follow      other with respect and esteem.5
divine nature. “And besides this,”        Jesus, whose title is Christ, which      Walking in faith in the Kingdom of
or, “because of this,” we are to be       means “anointed one” or “king.”          Christ Jesus blesses us and others in
diligent to grow in our Christian         The Apostle Paul, who wrote often        so many ways.
walk. That walk, according to 2           of faith, also liked to identify Jesus        What else defines pistis/faith?
Peter 1:5, begins with faith.             with this title. “For ye are all the     James gives us a clue in the second
     The word faith is one of             children of God by faith in Christ       chapter of his epistle when he wrote
several terms that are so familiar to     Jesus.”2 To have faith in him—to         that “as the body without the spirit
Christians that we may not spend          “give pistis” to Jesus—is to pledge      is dead, so faith without works is
enough time thinking about their          our allegiance to Jesus our King.        dead also.”6 Paul writes that the
meaning. As we learned during the         We conform our interests to his. We      fruit of the Spirit—the presence
2021 Brotherhood Conference, the          side with him in conversations and       and power of God which we receive
Greek word that is usually translated     disputes. We lay down the weapons        upon exercising faith—includes
into English as “faith” has a depth       of hatred and division and shame         faith (pistis)7. It is probably better
of meaning beyond trust and belief,       and violence and pick up the armor       to translate that word faithfulness:
two words that we often use to            of God with the aim of fighting the      exercising faith through the Spirit
define the word faith.                    battles of the Lord. In other words,     bears the fruit of faithfulness. It
     The Greek word (pistis)              we live in his Kingdom and serve his     would be a strange thing indeed
usually translated as “faith” was         way in his army.                         to pledge allegiance to a king and
often used in a military and political         This means that exercising          then join the army of his enemy!
setting. A person would “give pistis”     faith begins with an individual          Rather, we join the battle on our
to a general or king. This meant          granting his or her allegiance to        King’s side. Faithfulness means we
he was putting his future in the          Jesus Christ. But in doing so, that      stay on that side, even if it seems we
hands of that leader. In return, he       individual moves into his Kingdom,       are feeble soldiers. There were three
would vow to perform whatever acts        a community of fellow citizens who       “mighty men” in King David’s army
of service the leader would ask of        have cast their lot with Jesus Christ,   who were the epitome of strength,
him, including fighting the leader’s      and it is within that Kingdom            bravery, and skill, and another thirty
battles and pursuing the leader’s         that we live out our calling as his      who were right behind those three
interests in all areas of life, such as   followers. In other words, we grant      in their valor.8 They were joined by
in court and business. In general,        allegiance individually but exercise                  — Please turn to pg. 53

                                                                                          March 2022 SILVER LINING        3
Monthly Sermon
Sermon by Bro. Tim Lehman,                                  sudden, the Spirit started filling me, saying, “I will be
Taylor, MO — April 11, 2021                                 with you to strengthen you.”
                                                                 Amber can attest that this week was like that.
                                                            Mentally, I was really checked out and exhausted by
Ezekiel 28:1-19 & 1 Peter 5:5-11                            the end of the week, but being able to be back here
                                                            in the word this weekend, I’m being recharged. May
Greetings. Today, it’s good for me to be here, to           it be a blessing today for each one of us that we have
worship corporately with you. Each one of us is             this word and we get to fellowship.
coming and listening through a different experience              Let’s open the word. We’re in the book of Ezekiel.
in this week, in our own lives, and as I look out, I        In the Old Testament, it’s Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,
know some are maybe more public than others. If             Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations,
this was a very energizing and grace-filled week for        Ezekiel, if you’re trying to find that. Ezekiel chapter 28
you, then you have anticipation and you felt God’s          is open. Ezekiel gives a lot. God’s using him to prophesy
presence. Others had different experiences, whether         to his people and also to the surrounding nations. So, if
mentally or physically, but I pray that, today as we        you look at the chapters before, in 26, he’s hitting Moab
get to be in God’s word, we can be reminded of              and Ammon, and in 27, he’s talking against Tyre. In 28,
God’s faithfulness. I see those of you who suffered         he’s going to speak specifically against the king of Tyre.
from fire this week on Wednesday night. Amber and                Some of you are may be familiar with this chapter,
I talked, and it was very reminiscent of what Kent          but I ask you, as we read this, think of the sin that is
and Jan experienced after a Wednesday night fire at         your greatest temptation. What is it? I want you to think
their facility and just to have the testimony of where      about that as we go through this. Ezekiel 28 has always
God can work in a tragedy like that.                        stood out to me because it identifies what really is the
     I’m thankful for this morning as we were singing       root of every sin known to man. Whatever came to your
downstairs because it took me back to part of my            mind, ask yourself if the root is found in what we will
week. One of the last songs we got to sing was I Love       read and in what God was speaking through Ezekiel
to Tell the Story. It took me back. I would have been       here to the king of Tyre. Let’s begin in verse 1.
in my early 20s, so a young Christian believer, living           So, you can pick up that Tyre was a very
by myself in Kansas City at the time. I had been            successful city, right there on the port, and they
emotionally spent from that weekend and a little bit        did their fair share of persecuting Israel. It was very
discouraged and really tired. It’s just one of those flat   wealthy and proud, but God was speaking into the
experiences, a time I was thinking, ‘What even is           city of the king and saying, “Oh king, you said you
the point?’ I was fairly discouraged. That song came        are a god, and everything you see around you – all
to mind, so I just started singing it in my mind. “I        the riches, your wisdom – you are attributing to
love to tell the story; t’will be my theme in glory. I      yourself. You think you’re wiser than Daniel. You
love to tell the story of Jesus and his love.” I found      think all the wisdom you’ve gotten, all these riches
myself starting to repeat it and even started singing       you have, all this trafficking, all your success is
it out loud as I was driving. I began saying to myself      because of you and how great you are, and you’re
that, as I go back into the workforce, back into the        vaunting yourself up to say, ‘I am God. I am a god.’
marketplace, I need to be that witness, and all of the      You’re elevating yourself.”

4   SILVER LINING March 2022
Then God is saying, “Oh, how you are mistaken.         of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, take up
You have put yourself first and broken God’s first          a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him,
commandment of ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before        Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of
me.’ You are mistaken and because of that pride and         wisdom, and perfect in beauty.” (vv.11-12) Talk about a
arrogance that you hold, you’re going to be brought low,    description of someone! To say you seal that up means
and you are going to be humbled in such a way by the        you are encompassing anything about that subject. That
people that are going to come and destroy you. Are you      is complete. So, from the descriptions here, it’s clear that
really going to try to say, ‘Yeah, I’m a god’?”             it can’t be a man because of the imagery. We’ll see that it
     The people will say, “Uh, you’re about ready to        is Satan to whom God is referring. He’s saying, “Satan,
die, and we’ve completely destroyed you. We don’t           you seal up the sum of wisdom and beauty.” Lest we
want to be part of your god.”                               think that he is some evil-looking being, God says Satan
     As we look at our lives here and the treasures         is full of wisdom and full of beauty.
God gives, in what do we put our trust? Where do                 He says, “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of
we look when we say, ‘No, I don’t have any other            God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius,
gods before God’?                                           topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the
     God is asking, “Is that really how you live? Is your   jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and
heart fully devoted to me? Do you love me with all          gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was
your heart, all your soul, and all your mind? Or are        prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou
there riches that get ahead of me? Is there beauty –        art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set
how you look – that gets ahead of me? Or maybe your         thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou
occupation, a hobby, some other pleasure, whatever          hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of
that may be? What are you doing?”                           fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that
     We’re vaunting ourselves above God in our              thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. By the
pride because we start relying upon ourselves. We           multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst
start looking at ourselves and saying, ‘This is what        of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I
I want’ or ‘This is what I have accomplished. I have        will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and
no need of God.’                                            I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of
     These next verses are what we’re more familiar with    the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy
where it says, ‘Who is behind that attitude? Who is the     beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy
author or the motivator that provides and pushes that       brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee
pride within us to be contrary to what God desires?’        before kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled
God desires humility and a humbleness from those            thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by
he has created. So, here’s probably a passage that most     the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a
clearly is trying to show the people who Satan is. I know   fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will
I’ve taught on this in Sunday school.                       bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them
     Let’s keep reading here, a few verses, as we think     that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people
about who is the source from where Satan came and           shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and
even how you picture Satan. What does he look like?         never shalt thou be any more.” (vv.13-19)
How does he work? Verse 11 says, “Moreover the word                                           — Please turn to pg. 54

                                                                                        March 2022 SILVER LINING       5
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus...
                                  – Colossians 3:17

Ministry Program Updates
God is Working to Plant Churches Church Establishment Committee
Moses. Elijah. Peter. Paul. As we read the Bible today,            Hearing from those with “feet on the ground” and
we get a front row seat to see how God worked in the               understanding the various cultural challenges first
lives of the prophets and apostles. Within HarvestCall,            hand has been invaluable to the Committee.
the Church Establishment Committee (CEC) is                            To gain insights in cross cultural church
privileged to see first-hand how God is working both               planting, conversations were held with nearly a
nationally and internationally within our churches                 dozen MEBSH (Mission Evangelique Baptiste du
today. Many times as the brothers and sisters will                 Sud d’Haiti) pastors who have planted over 400
testify, their prayers reflect a mixture of supplication           churches in Haiti, the RGGMI (Rural Gospel
and praise. And, there is awareness that there are many            Medical Mission of India) board responsible for the
prayer warriors behind the scenes praying for God’s                oversight of the continued expansion of the gospel
work and will to be done.                                          in parts of India, and the brethren involved in the
     Recently, the CEC, which has cross cultural                   planting and establishment of the churches in Japan.
representation from brothers and sisters in Jamaica,               Special focus was understanding key learnings in
Mexico, Japan and US, reflected on some of the                     establishing churches, ways to engage the community
happenings throughout the past year and the rich                   and overcome cultural challenges. (More information
conversations that have occurred. As one brother                   on Japan key learnings can be found in the 2021 HC
said, “walking alongside one another, we see first-hand            Summer Newsletter). By yearend, the initial draft of
the different cultural perspectives and challenges within          the Framework had been reviewed by HarvestCall’s
each area. This brings a ‘realness’ and an urgency to what         Spiritual Oversight Committee with the direction to
we are working on.” One example of this is developing              move forward and “learn together”.
the Cross-Cultural Church Planting Framework                           In parallel, work was going on in each region
for use with those that engage with HarvestCall.                   to further plant the churches in Barra Vieja, Ixtlán

Supporting Our Missionaries through Reentry Missionary Support
Over the last two years, our church has welcomed                   • Some returns are planned out, as a missionary may
home approximately 60 men, women, and children                       feel the Lord calling them back Stateside. Examples
serving on the mission field through HarvestCall.                    of this could be retirement or marriage. Other
This transition after service is commonly known as                   situations may require a sudden and unexpected
“reentry.” By definition, reentry is a transition back               departure, like when a natural disaster or unrest
into one’s home culture after living for a time in                   in a country require a quick exit. The amount
another. The reasons someone comes off the mission                   of emotional and physical preparation in these
field are varied, and each individual’s emotional                    scenarios is quite different. Regardless of how
journey through this move is different. While it is                  someone comes off the field, it is important to
impossible to capture all of the nuances of reentry,                 remember that their work is not done, rather they are
here are some things to keep in mind the next time                   being “recommissioned” and it may take them some
you interact and pray for a returned missionary:                     time to reintegrate back into their local community.

6   SILVER LINING March 2022
and Magdalena, Mexico and encouraging the E3                   were made, “COVID-19 cases have really picked up,
gathering in Jamaica to move forward with planting             but thankfully the church families have been healthy.”
a Deaf Church.                                                 Prayers for protection were also requested due to
                                                               the violence in the Magdalena community as drug
Big Prayer Requests                                            cartels fought for territory, along with opportunities
In advance of each CEC monthly meeting,                        to share the gospel during those fearful times. Yet,
Committee members were asked for updates and                   prayers of praise also resounded as the Elder Body gave
prayer requests from their areas of representation.            unanimous support to move forward with establishing
One sister commented that “asking for these prayer             a Deaf Church in Jamaica under the Ordained
requests ‘makes it real’, and assists believers in             Leadership of Bro. Blake (Sis. Tashi) Widmer.
the locations to know there is a body of believers             Approval was also given to ordain deacons Makoto
praying and caring for them.” Additionally, another            (Sis. Anna) and Akihiro Ito (Sis. Carrie) in Japan.
Committee member expressed that being part of the                   Throughout the year, there were other blessed
CEC call has enabled him to “travel” to the U.S. and           teaching times as the CEC reviewed a new cross-
outside all in one night. He misses the opportunities          cultural Bible study, attended IDI (Intercultural
to travel and interact with various churches; being on         Development Inventory) training and discussed
the Committee has enabled him to interact with the             the HarvestCall teachings – Clarity of the Gospel,
larger body of believers.                                      Centrality of the Church, and Ministry of
    Throughout the year, no location was exempt                Reconciliation. Through attendance at Proclaim &
from COVID-19. Prayers were requested for health               Serve, many wonderful ideas were gleaned from the
and protection for the E3 ministry, Jamaica, Japan,            brotherhood as the CEC led brainstorming discussions
Ixtlán, and Magdalena due to ups and downs of                  to “Foster a Culture of Evangelism and Discipleship”
church and other community closures. Comments                  within our churches.              — Please turn to pg. 53

• Missionaries may regularly hear phrases like “I bet            listen to them without judgment?
  you are glad to be home” as they attend church or            • In Acts 14:27, Paul and Barnabas return from their
  family gatherings. However, “being home” can bring             missionary journey and share their experiences with
  a mix of emotions as they grieve the relationships             the church- “And when they were come, and had
  and life they’ve left behind.                                  gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that
• Normal tasks, such as going to the grocery store, can feel     God had done with them, and how he had opened
  overwhelming as they are exposed to so many choices            the door of faith unto the Gentiles.” Are there ways
  for a simple item they would have been thankful to             our churches can invite missionaries to share their
  have received on the field. They may find themselves           experiences on the field?
  missing the simplicity of their previous country.                 Reentry can be a difficult time of transition for
• Sometimes a missionary can feel disconnected from            people, so let’s remember those returning from the field
  their friends and family, feeling like nobody can            in our prayers. By reaching out and walking alongside
  understand their experiences. Are there ways we as           of them, we can illustrate what it truly means to support
  family and friends can slow down and be willing to           each other as the Body of Christ. –by Amber Miller

                                                                                         March  2016 SILVER LINING
                                                                                                2022                  3
Changing Beliefs

“Every system is perfectly designed to get the              of the law] bid you observe, that observe and do; but
results it gets.” This quote is attributed to several       do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.”
different people and is a well-known idea that is           (Matt. 23:3) Perhaps some people, like the teachers of
often considered by management teams trying to              the law, even think they believe something that they
boost the output of their companies. For the output         may not actually believe. Their beliefs are borne out
or product to be better, something in the current           by their actions.
system needs to be revamped, added, or removed.
Part of what is interesting about this quote is it          Considering this, how do we as
can also be applied on an individual level. “Every          followers of Jesus approach our calling
[belief] system is perfectly designed to get the            to make other followers of Jesus?
results [or behaviors] it gets.” You may have heard         First, we must intend to come alongside others to
of certain high-profile Christian teachers (or even         help them identify the deep-seated beliefs they have
other Christians you may know) who have been                which keep them from full confidence in Jesus. As
caught in serious moral failures. And maybe, in             believers, we can encourage and help others see Jesus
response to the news, you have heard someone say            as the most well-informed person about reality; that
something like, “They didn’t live up to their faith.”       He is the Creator and Sustainer of all. And then, we
The reality, however, may go much deeper. The               must carry this intention through to its completion.
truth is that what those individuals came to believe            As we prayerfully and wisely carry out this work in
at their cores about what they thought was good             tandem with the Spirit of God, believers should avoid
for them became painfully obvious through their             the temptation to manage people’s behaviors. Our aim
actions. The same is true for you and me — our              should not be to get people to behave a certain way;
lives are governed by our beliefs.
     Jesus, of course, taught this in his Sermon on the
Mount, “Ye shall know them by their fruits…Even so
every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt
tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring
forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth
good fruit.” (Matt. 7:16-18) And again, in Matthew
23:26, “… Cleanse first that which is within the cup
and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.”
We often spend much time and energy trying to get
people to do things we think they should be doing.
Jesus knew and taught that real change, however,
came from the inside and worked its way outward.
Even those who knew the right things and taught
the Scriptures, the scribes and Pharisees for instance
referenced in Matthew 23, were being called out
for their unbelieving hearts when Jesus said to the
crowd, “All therefore whatsoever they [the teachers

8   SILVER LINING March 2022
our aim should be to help people genuinely believe a        followers did — through proclaiming the Kingdom
certain way which naturally results in Godly behavior.      of God and backing up that proclamation with our
                                                            deeds. Consider how Jesus made disciples through
How might we do this?                                       his teaching as well as his meeting of practical needs
A good method for doing this would be to study              of those around him – feeding the hungry, caring
the way Jesus interacted with his close followers in        for the sick, receiving the outcasts. God’s action was
the New Testament - when disciple-making was at             shown to be available to humankind right where
its best. People were enticed to change their beliefs       they are. We too can help lead people into fuller
(repent) and fully rely on Jesus as he proclaimed and       confidence in Jesus if we teach God’s Kingdom
demonstrated the Kingdom of God (Matt. 4:23).               and, when joined with meeting their present needs,
Through Jesus, people were offered an entrance into         practically make it real to them wherever they are.
a life that revealed what reality really is like, “In him        ACCFS has numerous resources to assist someone
was life; and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4)    as they interact with and help others. Our relationships
The message that was carried made Jesus real and            can range from formal mentoring situations to the
intimately involved in lives of people right where          informal, encouraging conversations we hold nearly
they were. We won’t be successful if we try to force        every day. Resources, discussion aids, and sample
people into right belief by merely stating Christian        accountability questions can be found on our website
dogma. We must gently help others see what they             at www.accounseling.org/mentoring. In addition,
genuinely do believe about life and help them to            our Mentor Training presentations can give practical
be honest about it. And then we may draw them               skills regarding helping others. If you would like more
to right belief in the same way Jesus and his close         information, please contact ACCFS at (309)263-5536.

                                                                                      March 2022 SILVER LINING    9
Congregation Updates
Apostolic Christian                   weekend home with the family.         that comes to mind? Do you
LifePoints                            The residents look forward to         picture a village full of primitive
www.aclifepoints.org                  even the small things, like snack     huts in the middle of nowhere?
@aclifepoints on Facebook or          time and the activities planned       Do you imagine foreign cultures,
Instagram                             for each evening. They know,          languages, and lands? Do you
Ashlyn Gramm-Mission                  just as we know, that there is        picture the missionaries as the
Communication Coordinator             something to hope for.                only white-skinned people around?
  “For, lo, the winter is past, the       As Christians, we hope for            Most do. Most don’t picture
rain is over and gone; the flowers    more than just things of this         small town America. They don’t
appear on the earth; the time of      world. Our souls ache for heaven      picture teenagers who grew up
the singing of birds is come, and     and the day we will see the           in the States. They don’t think
the voice of the turtle is heard in   Lord seated on his throne. We         about the tumultuous homes that
our land.” Song of Sol 2:11-12        do not know everything that           those teens grew up in, whether
     If you are anything like us      we will experience there, just        because of trauma, abuse, neglect,
here at LifePoints, spring could      as we do not know what each           drugs, alcohol – or all of the above.
not come soon enough! We              springtime will hold. But we          They don’t think that those teens
have endured quite a winter           have seen springs in the past,        (who very well may be sitting in a
already, and the arrival of garden    and we have seen God work             classroom next to their own teen)
catalogs entreats some of us to       in our lives and in the lives of      could possibly live in America their
start planning for spring. If you     others, and we trust in him and       whole lives and not hear the saving
aren’t a gardener, then perhaps       in his Word. Just as we all hope      grace of the Gospel message.
the rare days of sunshine and         for spring while continuing to            According to Merriam-
warmth have made you simply           work through winter, believers        Webster, a missionary is a person
long for spending time outdoors.      are living in the present while       undertaking a mission and
Vacation planning is beginning.       projecting into the future we         especially a religious mission.
Preparations are being made for       have in heaven.                           As Christians, what is our
mission trips. Applications are           Praise God for his promises,      mission? To spread the Gospel
being sent in for schools or jobs.    for his love for all his children,    unto all nations, right? The Great
Amidst the dead of winter, we are     for his saving grace, and for the     Commission (Matt. 28:19).
anticipating the coming of spring.    hope he has given us of a new and     If you’re a Christian, you’re
     Why is it that we so eagerly     greater future!                       a missionary – and our very
look forward to what the future                                             own nation needs missionaries
holds? Our LifePoints residents       Gateway Woods Apostolic               spreading the Good News.
do the same – they anticipate         Christian Children’s Home                 Gateway Woods is just one
weekly visits from special            Emily Fischer - Communications        way to be a domestic missionary,
family members; they want to          Administrative Assistant              to pour into those like the
tell everyone about upcoming              When you think about              aforementioned teenagers. And
holidays and birthdays; they          missionaries or the mission field     while Indiana may seem like a
can’t wait to go out for a            in general, what is the first thing   foreign land to some, it’s probably

10   SILVER LINING March 2022
not so different from your             • If you would like to gain            • You are an important advo-
hometown. We do have lake effect         some real-life classroom               cate to help us spread the word
weather and Amish buggies galore,        experience while impacting             about God’s work at Gateway
but there’s no new language to           our residents, consider                Woods. Please continue to lift
learn and you don’t even need a          applying to be the Summer              us up in prayer, check our web-
passport to come visit.                  Education Intern. Contact Bro.         site gatewaywoods.org and our
    In fact, we invite you to            Brock Williamson at brock.             Facebook page at facebook.
come visit. Come fellowship              williamson@gatewaywoods.org            com/gatewaywoods often for
with and encourage our domestic          for more information.                  updates, and make sure that
missionaries who are on the front      • If you would like to work di-          you are on our mailing list. If
lines every day. Come connect            rectly with residents as you plant     you would like be added to our
with the teens that may have not         and harvest bountiful gifts from       mailing list, please contact us at
heard of the Gospel until coming         the garden, consider applying to       888.443.4283 or send an email
into contact with Gateway. Come          be the GW Farms Summer In-             to info@gatewaywoods.org. Fi-
be a part of a mission field that        tern. Contact Bro. Eric Bahler at      nally, if you would like to receive
is white for the harvest – it just       gwfarms@gatewaywoods.org for           a monthly email detailing how
needs some willing reapers with an       more information.                      the work at Gateway Woods is
eternal perspective.                   • If you want to make a King-            bringing help and healing to
    If you want to schedule a visit,     dom impact by sowing seeds             those in need, please consider
contact Chad.Kaeb@gatewaywoods.          of hope for an eternal harvest,        joining our Restoring Hope
org or at 260.627.0220                   visit gatewaywoods.org/sowers-         email list. You can do so at
News:                                    of-hope to learn more about            gatewaywoods.org/newsletter.
• We plan to host our Annual Rep         our newly launched monthly
  Meeting on March 5. We look            giving program. Sign up today        Arizona, Phoenix
  forward to greeting those who          to receive a special gift as a       Marge Lindenbaum
  can attend this event.                 reminder to be praying for the         “Then again Abraham took a wife,
• Bro. Jon Ringger is leaving            youth you are impacting.             and her name was Keturah. And
  Gateway Woods after 9 years of       • We are currently looking for a       she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan,
  service. We are thankful for his       Teacher, Houseparent Couple,         and Medan, and Midian, and
  time as a Houseparent and the          Communications Coordinator,          Ishbak, and.Shuah.” Gen 25:1-2
  Communications Coordinator.            Communications Adminis-                  Until about the third time I
• If you would like to seize a great     trative Assistant, GW Farms          studied Genesis, I never realized
  opportunity to impact the lives        Assistant, and an Assistant          that many of the enemies of the
  of the youth, consider applying        Houseparent. For more infor-         Israelites were also Abraham’s
  to be the Summer Volunteer             mation, please see our ad in         descendants. Ismael, of course,
  Coordinator for 2022. Contact          this month’s edition of The          was at odds with Isaac from
  Bro. Keith Schambach at keith.         Silver Lining or visit the Ca-       the time Isaac was born. And
  schambach@gatewaywoods.org             reers page on our website at         Jacob and Esau’s struggles are
  for more information.                  gatewaywoods.org/careers.            well-recorded. After Sarah died,

                                                                                   March 2022 SILVER LINING    11
Abraham re-married and had            25:23). All the things God laid         deceive you. ... But he that shall
six more boys. Apparently, there      out in Genesis came to pass             endure unto the end, the same
were even more sons born by his       exactly as predicted. The book          shall be saved.” Matt 24:4,13
concubines, and they were given       of Genesis establishes beyond                It has been a busy time here in
gifts and sent away from his son,     question that God is sovereign,         the desert. We have food-packing
Isaac. Abraham left everything        and his chosen people are               and a fellowship breakfast every
he had to Isaac. Isaac lived by the   the descendants of Abraham,             week and are very grateful for the
well, Lahai-roi. This is the place    Isaac and Jacob. The rest of            help of our winter visitors with
Hagar met God and was told            the Old Testament records the           all our undertakings. We were
she would have a son and name         resentment and ongoing hatred           privileged to host the HarvestCall
him Ishmael (Gen 16:10-14).           of the child of promise, even           board at the end of January and
Ishmael settled in the area “ from    to this day. The recent peace           pray they were blessed as they
Havilah unto Shur, that is before     accords in the Middle East are          undertake to bless others. A couple
Egypt” Gen. 25:18. God promised       truly historic and it remains to        weeks later, our Sunday school
to bless Ishmael and make him         be seen how long-lasting they           treated us to a pancake breakfast
a great nation (Gen. 17:20-21).       might be. We find in Ezekiel            and silent auction. This is always
He made it clear, however, the        38-39 those nations will not            a fun and beneficial event, and
covenant promise belonged to          join with the nations that attack       we are happy to be able to hold
Isaac (Gen. 21:12). Rather than       Israel modern Russia, Iran and          it again. We had a number of
living as brothers, these men         Turkey (along with a number of          visiting ministers, whose service
and their descendants have been       smaller nations), nor will they         we appreciate so much. These
enemies through the ages!             come to Israel’s aid. God alone         included Bro. Matt Zimmerman
    Some scholars are of the          will save Israel in that battle.        (Sis. Kim, St. Louis, MO), Bro.
opinion modern Saudi Arabia           The attack will come from the           Klint Beyer (Sis. Kara, Sabetha,
consists of the descendants of        North of Israel, and we may             KS), Bro. Isaac Wofford (Sis.
Ishmael, who had 12 sons who          be seeing the beginning of the          Rachel, Washington, IL), Elder
were princes over nations (Gen.       buildup toward it now. So many          Bro. Bob Dotterer (Sis. Laura,
25:16). Saudi Arabia has princes      things are falling into place to        Sardis, OH), Bro. Matt Knapp
that rule over certain regions even   fulfill (literally) the prophecies of   (Sis. Dana, Peachtree City, GA),
to this day. Mohammed claimed         ancient times that have not yet         Bro. Jeff Leman (Sis. Val, Bluffton
to be a descendant of Ishmael,        come to pass. Isaiah 17 describes       North, IN), Bro. John Grimm
according to the Quran. Most          the destruction of Damascus,            (Sis. Julie, Columbus, OH), Bro.
of the other inhabitants of the       which we may also see in the            Mike Kaisner (Sis. Mindy, Peoria,
Arabian peninsula also claim to       very near future. We can’t know         IL), and Elder Bro. John Lehman
be descendants of Abraham. It         the timing, but we can know             (Sis. Carol, Bern, KS).
certainly could be true, based on     the times and seasons. Wars                  Bro. Victor Krstec continues
the account in Genesis.               and rumors of war, lawlessness,         to battle his way back to good
    Isaac was the child of the        love waxing cold, pestilences,          health, and Bro. Dave and
promise, and rightfully received      earthquakes and false prophets,         Sis. Louann Klopfenstein are
the inheritance. Jacob and            all growing in our world today,         grateful for the many prayers that
Esau were two nations and             indicating we are in the end            were offered on her behalf. We
two manner of people, and the         times. Are you ready?                   understand the surgery to address
elder (Esau) was destined to            “Then Jesus answered and said         her pain went forward and was
serve the younger (Jacob) (Gen.       unto them, Take heed that no man        successful. Praise the Lord!

12   SILVER LINING March 2022
Arizona, Prescott                        (Sis. Nancy, Forrest, IL), Bro         California, Los Angeles/
Autumn Rokey                             Mike Grimm (Sis. Amber, San            Altadena
    Prescott was blessed to              Diego, CA), Elder Bro. Tim             Kali Sauder
travel to Phoenix for ACYF in            Funk (Peoria, IL) and Elder Bro.            I was recently asked the
February. Our middle and high            Ben Wiegand (Sis. Michelle,            question, “If God answered all
school kids joined Altadena,             Philadelphia, PA). Each of their       the prayers you prayed in the
San Diego and Phoenix for a              messages were a blessing and we        last week with a resounding
weekend of fellowship focused            appreciate their efforts.              yes, what would happen?”
on God as our refuge.                         God has led our congregation      Apart from seasons of dire
  “When Peter was come down              in seeking help in ministering         circumstances or challenging
out of the ship, he walked on the        to the Tucson church. We are           relationships, times I am pushed
water, to go to Jesus, but when          humbled to have two brothers           into deeper dependency on God’s
he saw the wind boisterous, he           added to our pulpit ministry.          intervention, often my prayers
was afraid; and beginning to             Bro Duane Wulf (Sis. Ann)              are small or few. I was challenged
sink, he cried, saying, Lord,            and Bro. David Zimmerman               to pray bigger, more specific
save me.” Matt. 14:29-30                 (Sis. Anna) were voted into that       requests. When the disciples
    Although Peter started to            ministry. We know that where           asked Jesus to teach them to
sink because he doubted, he also         God guides, he provides.               pray like he prayed, he said,
was the only one to step out in               We continue to lift up in         “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be
faith onto the water towards             prayer those who are having health     done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Jesus. Jesus calls out for us join       issues. We know a praying church       Matt. 6:10. If we truly have the
him and is there to hold us up           is a healthy church because we all     resources of heaven accessible to
when we doubt.                           need the prayers of those we love.     us through prayer, wouldn’t we
    Thankful for visiting minister                                              long to join heaven’s reality of
Bro. Todd Witzig (Sis. Nicole,           Arizona, Willcox                       all God’s goodness, provision,
Gridley, IL).                            Annie Wulf                             peace, steadfastness, and grace,
                                              We are thankful for our Elder     with our own reality and our
Arizona, Tucson                          Bro. Ben Wiegand (Philadelphia,        circumstances, our families, our
Dean and Jackie Knobloch                 PA) for coming to be with us and       churches, our cities, our nation,
  "There shall be showers of blessing:   serving Holy Communion. It             and our world?
  This is the promise of love;           is always good to remember the              We may ask for healing,
  There shall be seasons refreshing,     sacrifice that Jesus made for us and   guidance, or help in situations
  Sent from the Savior above.            the oneness we feel with him.          that have made their way to our
  Showers of blessing,                        Bro. Ben also reminded us         prayer list, and it is wonderful
  Showers of blessing we need:           about holy living by reading the       to hold each other up in prayer.
  Mercy-drops round us a falling,        Memorandum with us.                    But I often find myself focusing
  But for the showers we plead."              We enjoyed having Bro. Keith      on what I want, how I think
  There Shall Be Showers of              Hinrichsen (Phoenix, AZ) here          the situation should resolve,
  Blessing, Hymns of Zion, #564          and sharing the Word with us in        and as a result praying too
    The Tucson church has                mid-February. We also enjoyed          small. Of course, God wants
been showered with amazing               having visiting brethren from          to hear our hearts, but this
blessings this past month. We            across the land and we extend a        question challenged me to pray
appreciate the Word brought to           warm welcome to all who would          in agreement with what God
us by Elder Bro. Marvin Dotterer         like to join us in worship.            would want to happen, for his

                                                                                     March 2022 SILVER LINING   13
kingdom to come. We see this in       new goals, new possibilities, and       is stayed on thee: because he
the prayers recorded in the Bible.    new areas to grow. The blind            trusteth in thee." Isa. 26:3
While Paul was intimately aware       optimism quickly faded with                  Thank you, Sis. Janelle for
of the specific struggles facing a    harsh work deadlines, getting           your encouragement as well as
church he was writing too, his        sick and bipolar weather patterns.      your service on the HarvestCall
prayers for them are eternal-         The last two weeks I simmered           committee. This month our
perspective, kingdom-come             in frustration toward unmet             church came together to show
kinds of prayers.                     expectations and my “lack of            Christ’s love by packaging sack
  “…making mention of you in          progress” realizing that March          lunches for a local homeless
my prayers; that the God of our       was just around the corner.             shelter and making Valentine
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father              Preparing to write this article,   grams for the nursing home
of glory, may give unto you the       I started to look back at the           across the street. I am not sure
spirit of wisdom and revelation       weekly church announcements.            who enjoyed the experience more:
in the knowledge of him: the          Sermon topics on ‘Walking with          the kids playing with stickers and
eyes of your understanding being      God”, “Trusting in the Lord”,           stamps or the residents receiving
enlightened; that ye may know         and the faithfulness of patriarchs      the bags of socks and little
what is the hope of his calling,      like Enoch and Noah in our              chocolates. Thank you to all who
and what the riches of the glory of   weekly church study of the book         gave their time and a small cup of
his inheritance in the saints, and    of Genesis pricked my heart. So         water in Christ’s name.
what is the exceeding greatness of    often I get wrapped up in my own             We kept our youth in our
his power to us-ward who believe,     whirlwind of problems when God          prayers as they traveled to Phoenix
according to the working of his       is gently whispering to put my          for much needed fellowship with
mighty power…” Eph. 1:16-19           trust and faith in him.                 our California and Arizona bi-
     This month we gathered with           In our monthly men’s/              annual ACYF. What better way
the family and friends of Joyce       women’s Bible study, Sis. Janelle       to manage the stress of life than
Foster to celebrate her “glorious     Brewer shared AC Central’s              to reconnect with fellow believers
inheritance” even as we grieve        tips on managing stress in life.        and be immersed in the endless
in hope at our separation. Joyce      Over and over, resources and the        energy of teenagers!
grew up in and began her walk of      scriptures tell us to love God’s             We wish all of you a blessed
faith in Altadena church, but only    word, keep our mind firmly              month and continue to pray that
recently returned to worshiping       fixed on him and not be overly          Christ renews our hearts and minds
with us more regularly. May all       burdened with the cares of life.        as we strive to serve him daily.
her loved ones be given the spirit    We are to bring our worries,
of wisdom and understanding           stress, and burdens to Jesus.           Connecticut, Rockville
in the knowledge of him and              "Casting all your care upon him;     Heidi Beutel, Kim Schneider
know the hope of his calling          for he careth for you." 1 Pet 5:7           Brad and Amanda Bahler,
and the riches of the glory of his         Whether we need to set             along with Stella, Christian, and
inheritance in the saints.            boundaries or build the daily           Ava, all are excited and thankful
                                      discipline of communing and             as they welcome Thea Mae into
California, San Diego                 mediating with God, take heart          their lives and hearts.
Sarah Fulop                           because Jesus is there to grant us          We extend our sympathy to
    It feels like yesterday, I was    comfort and peace.                      the family and friends of John
counting down to ushering in             "Thou wilt keep him in               Probus. Our congregation will
the new year. A new year with         perfect peace, whose mind               miss his presence and his eager

14   SILVER LINING March 2022
willingness to lend a helping             Our counseling Elder Bro.              Elder Bro. Rod Bajema (Sis.
hand to all.                          Randy Gudeman (Francesville,           Sue, Lester, IA) and Elder Bro.
    We rejoice with Ethan Moser       IN) blessed us with a beautiful        Jay Luthi (Sis. Jane, Lamont, KS)
(Bro. Jon and Sis. Angie) as          Communion service as we                ministered to us this month.
he begins to seek the Lord in         remembered the death and
repentance.                           resurrection of Jesus. It was again    Florida, Sarasota
                                      a wonderful chance to search our       Becky Funk
District of Columbia,                 hearts and align our paths with             Along with joys in life, we
Washington                            God’s will for our lives.              experience sadness and sorrow,
Henrietta Meyer                           Bro. Chad and Sis. Christie        especially when we lose those
    As our temperatures ranged        Kaeb (Leo, IN) blessed us with         we love. We extend our deepest
from 17 to almost 70 degrees this     a ministry update on Gateway           sympathy to Bro. Art Keller for
week, we have many reasons to         Woods. It is a privilege to support    the loss of his son, Mike. We also
give thanks; warm clothes and         this ministry where we see the         extend sympathy to John and
warm homes. We are also warmed        mighty hand of God bringing help       Biserka Krstec and their family on
by the Word.                          and hope to those who hurt so          the loss of their son, Leo. Many
    This month our ministers          much. We continue in prayer for        prayers being said for our dear
were Elder Bro. Ben Wiegand           the children and families, as well     ones. May God’s comfort and
(Philadelphia, PA) and Bro. Mark      as the staff and leadership.           grace be plentiful.
Leuthold (Lester, IA).                    In the winter months, we                We held our annual Sunday
    If you are planning to visit      are blessed to gather for our          school fundraiser on February
Washington, D.C. area for             monthly church supper; an              12 at the Fellowship Hall. We
vacation or business, please          evening of great food, fellowship      enjoyed a sit-down dinner, silent
contact Sis. Henrietta Meyer at       and singing God’s praises was          auction and bake sale. Thanks
703.217.0576, hmeyer2831@gmail.       enjoyed by all attending.              to all for helping raise money to
com for assistance, to let us know                                           send our Bible Class students to
how many to expect for Sunday         Florida, Fort Myers                    visit the Jamaica Deaf village.
services and to find out when and     Addison Steidinger, Carrie             These trips have always been
where services are to be held.        Steidinger                             such a blessing in the past. The
                                         “By faith Abraham, when he was      evening was a wonderful time
Florida, Fort Lauderdale              tried, offered up Isaac.” Heb. 11:17   of fellowship.
Renee Mangold                            “Sometimes obedience can feel            We welcomed visiting
    We were grateful to have          impossible. Do you desire God          ministers Bro. Brad Wiegand
several visiting ministers this       and his way and his promises           (Sis. Deanna , Rockville, CT),
past month. Our prayers for           more than anything, and do you         Bro. Fred Funk (Sis. Dianne,
blessings for their efforts go out    believe that he can and will honor     Morton, IL), Elder Bro. Duane
to Bro. Dan Beer (Sis. Deb,           your faith and obedience by being      Farney (Sis. Karen, Croghan-
Milford IN), Bro. Joel Troxel (Sis.   unashamed to call himself your         Naumburg, NY), Bro. Trent
Amy, LaCrosse, IN), Elder Bro.        God, and to use all his wisdom         Gasser (Sis. Molly, Akron, OH)
Randy Gudeman (Sis. Becky,            and power and love to turn the         and Bro. Drew Schmidgall (Sis.
Francesville, IN), Bro. Rick          path of obedience into the path of     Lanna, Morris, MN). We feel
Kaisner (Sis. Michelle, Chicago,      life and joy? Will you trust him       so fortunate to have so many
IL), and Elder Bro. Dan Pfister       today? God is worthy and God is        brothers visit our congregation
(Sis. Sherry, Bluffton North, IN).    able.” (Solid Joys Devotional)         and preach the Word to us.

                                                                                  March 2022 SILVER LINING   15
We have been meeting each        for the Construction Department       to sleep outside at night. This
Tuesday to make comforters           as they operate without the           may be the way that God is
for HarvestCall.                     Schrock’s for a time.                 reminding the people that he
  “Sometimes Life is so hard              Everyone is thankful that        is God. Many in Haiti fear the
you can only do the next thing.      the airports in Port-au-Prince        power of Satan but need to
Whatever that is, just do the next   are still functioning well in spite   remember whom they should
thing. God will meet you there.”     of the gang warfare close by.         really fear: the coming Judge and
(Elisabeth Elliot)                   There are three flights a day now     conquering King.
                                     to Les Cayes. The Walders are            “God judgeth the righteous,
Haiti, Les Cayes                     currently on home assignment in       And God is angry with the
Mike and Susie Walder                Ohio, but they were able to visit     wicked every day.” Psa. 7:11
    Greetings! Our God is a God      Haiti for several weeks to see
of great love who still performs     their children and stay engaged       Illinois, Belvidere
powerful miracles. The Kurt and      with their ministry partners          Darcy Steffen
Julie Schrock family recently        in the Child Sponsorship                   The Chicago Botanic Garden
experienced a personal miracle       office. The Good Vision Dairy         hosted the Orchid Show last
after three of them suffered a       has appreciated a few visitors        weekend, and I am so thankful
high fall onto concrete and were     including ministering Bro.            I was able to go. How I wish
spared. While Bro. Kurt and 8-yr.    Les Kaeb (Sis. Christine,             I could share color pictures
old Kylie had immediate serious      Francesville, IN). The farm           here, but it was breathtaking,
injuries, the youngest, Nathaniel,   is expecting a group of board         to say the least. What shocked
was basically unharmed. Many         members at the end of February.       me the most was how many
prayers were offered as local             Did you know? Since the          varieties of orchids there are;
missionaries gathered that           major earthquake last August,         not just different colors, but
evening and then as the request      south Haiti has experienced over      orchids that don’t even look
went around the world.               1,000 aftershocks! When we            like orchids. God’s artistry and
    By God’s grace, Kylie made       were visiting, there were two a       attention to detail was really
significant improvement in Haiti     distance away one morning that        on display. I realized that even
in the first few days without the    measured 5.4 and 5.6. We sat          though these flowers varied,
medical intervention that she        still at our desks while everything   they all require the same type
needed. It was a difficult road      shook, but many of the workers        of care: avoid direct sunlight,
back to the U.S., but the family     who had lost their homes last         don’t overwater, roots need to
continually felt God’s mercy and     August ran quickly out of the         be able to breathe, etc. God has
goodness through that process,       building. We saw children             created each of us with varying
as the diagnosis was made that       screaming and running out of          personalities and talents, but we
their full recovery could be         the schools onto the streets, and     all require the same care in terms
expected. What Satan meant           all schools were then closed for      of our Christian walk. Are we
only for evil, God has brought so    the day. Later in the week we         setting ourselves up for healthy
much good.                           experienced another first…an          spiritual growth through good
    We give God all the glory        aftershock while at the beach.        environments, daily prayer, and
and keep praying that their               The aftershocks continue to      Bible reading?
recovery would be swift. May God     be nearly daily reminders of the           This month we had our annual
continue to comfort and heal the     trauma many experienced last          business meeting. We are thankful
entire family, and may he provide    year. Many Haitians continue          for all the behind the scenes work

16   SILVER LINING March 2022
that is done to make our church      Grandparents are Bill and Jeanette      and Roger and June Schulz are the
building operable!                   Diller of Normal and Bro. Sam           thankful grandparents.
     Our local church has had        and Sis. Teri Wenger.                      “When we all read together,
the opportunity to create healthy         We also rejoice with Will             How happy we’ ll be.”
growing environments as we spend     Leman, son of Bro. Darin and                 Gathering around the Word
time together outside our normal     Sis. Jessica, as he has given his       every week is a privilege. We
worship services. Some of the        heart to the Lord.                      were thankful for various visiting
young adults and children went            So often there is also sorrow      ministers sharing the Word with
ice skating at our local outdoor     mixed with joy. Sadly, Marvin           us; Bro. Dean Steffen (Sis. Carol,
rink on a Sunday afternoon, and      Bachtold of Fairbury passed             Belvidere, IL), Bro. Jeff Bahler
then the church had a meal at Bro.   away. He is the father of Sis.          (Sis. Heidi, Wolcott, IN), Bro.
Jordan and Sis. Shayla Steffen’s     Melodee Rabe (Bro. Adrian) and          Fred Dietz (Sis. Shaena, Elgin,
house afterwards. We have also       grandfather to Emma, Jayden,            IL) and Bro. Nathan Rassi (Sis.
started a rotating potluck, so we    Jesse, Kylie, Levi, and Tessa Rabe.     Michelle, St. Louis, MO).
look forward to the blessings that     "For thou, Lord, art good, and           “When we all sing together,
will bring.                          ready to forgive; And plenteous            How happy we’ ll be”
     We were blessed to have         in mercy unto all them that                  Many of the visiting ministers
Elder Bro. Duane and Sis.            call upon thee." Psalm 86:5             had come to help on our church
Bonnie Rocke stop through on                                                 building project so we were
a recent Wednesday evening on        Illinois, Bradford                      thankful for the opportunity
their way home from central          Becky Endress, Lena Stoller             to have an all-church singing
Illinois. Bro. Duane led us in          “When we all work together,          with our guests. We are grateful
a Bible study outlining and             How happy we’ ll be.”                for the many willing hands and
discussing the work of the Holy           We are thankful for those          hearts, both locally and from
Spirit through the assigning of      willing to carry out the necessary      afar, that have labored on our
spiritual gifts.                     church duties. Bro. John Joos (Sis.     church building. The progress
  “And he gave some, apostles;       Elise) replaces Bro. Troy Pyles (Sis.   that has been made would not
and some, prophets; and some,        Heather) as the newest Trustee.         have been possible without each
evangelists; and some, pastors       Bro. Philip Nenadov (Sis. Donna)        one’s contribution.
and teachers; for the perfecting     is taking on the role of Usher, as           Bro. Bill and Sis. Karen
of the saints, for the work of the   Bro. Tim Ringger (Sis. Wendy)           Ringger reached a milestone
ministry, for the edifying of the    has completed his term.                 as they celebrated their 50th
body of Christ: till we all come        “When we all pray together,          wedding anniversary. No matter
in the unity of the faith, and          How happy we’ ll be.”                if it is a marriage or a church
of the knowledge of the Son of            Sis. Marilyn Nenadov is in         body, when we all work, sing,
God, unto a perfect man, unto        the hospital, due to complications      read and pray together, truly how
the measure of the stature of the    from COVID-19. We pray for a            happy we can be!
fulness of Christ.” Eph 4:11-13      full and speedy recovery.                    The song quoted throughout
                                          We also pray for God’s             the article may be a children’s
Illinois, Bloomington                blessing on Bro. Tim, Sis. Wendy,       song, but it has application to each
Kendra Fehr, Lauren Zimmerman        Tucker and Barrett Ringger as           of us, no matter the age. May we
    Ben and Kimberly Diller have     they welcomed Dawson James              continue to strive to live and work
been blessed by the birth of their   into their family on February 6.        together under one master for his
precious son, Wyatt Allen Diller.    Bro. Bill and Sis. Karen Ringger        glory and honor.

                                                                                  March 2022 SILVER LINING    17
You can also read