A TECHNOLOGISTS' GUIDE - European Association of ...

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A TECHNOLOGISTS' GUIDE - European Association of ...
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A TECHNOLOGISTS' GUIDE - European Association of ...
Table of contents
	Foreword                                                                            4
  Andrea Santos

	Introduction                                                                        6
                  David Bogović, Luca Camoni, Christelle Terwinghe, Agata Pietrzak
Chapter 1	Hardware updates                                                           8
           Igor Iskra

Chapter 2	Updates in reconstruction algorithms                                      22
           Dimitris Visvikis, Michel Koole, Ian Armstrong, Christian Vanhove

Chapter 3	Diagnostic CT in the oncological PET applications and protocols           32
           Ivana Zagar

Chapter 4	PET/CT artefacts and pitfalls                                             46
           Tyler Middlebrooks

Chapter 5	Advanced radiopharmaceuticals                                             58
           Guy Bormans, Frederik Cleeren

Chapter 6	Advances in neuroimaging                                                  76
           Donatienne Van Weehaeghe

Chapter 7	Novelties in cardiac imaging                                              88
           Elisabetta Cerudelli

Chapter 8	New solutions in the oncology                                             104
           Andrej Doma

Chapter 9	Radiomics                                                                 122
           Florent Tixier

                  Imprint                                                            131

                                                      EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE            3
                                                    ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING
A TECHNOLOGISTS' GUIDE - European Association of ...
FOREWORD                                                                                                                                                         FOREWORD

    Positron emission tomography (PET) is one of the most promising areas
    of current medicine, considering the constant evolution of the technical
    equipment and the ongoing research into new and promising radiotracers
    for the study of human physiology and pathology. Since the advent of the
    hybrid imaging era, with computed tomography (CT) incorporated into
    the PET scanner, PET imaging has undergone a great evolution in terms of
    improved image quality and, consequently, better clinical output.

    Nuclear medicine technologists are              of the Technologists’ Guide, which           this project. A special thank you goes       to Angela Parker for her editing, reviewing
    the professionals when it comes to the          addressed the topic of hybrid imaging        to the Physics Committee of the EANM,        and support. Last but not least, I thank the
    imaging process.                                in conventional nuclear medicine, the        who have supported us throughout             EANM Board and Executive Office for their
      Acting as the link between the sciences       European Association of Nuclear Medicine’s   and made a valuable contribution to          tireless efforts, which have made this series
    that are the backbone of PET/CT imaging         Technologist Committee (EANM-TC) has         this Guide. I also gratefully acknowledge    of publications possible. Advances in PET/
    and the patient, we combine the necessary       kept this year’s focus on hybrid imaging.    the valuable content provided by our         CT Imaging was only possible thanks to
    theoretical background with practical skills    This time, however, we have embarked         overseas colleagues from the Society of      the contributions of everyone mentioned
    under the principle of best practice. To this   on the topic of PET-CT imaging, inviting     Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging       above. My most sincere thanks to you all!
    end, an updated publication documenting         specialists in each specific area to write   – Technologist Section (SNMMI-TS). A
    the advances in this imaging technique is       about the advances in their field.           special word of appreciation goes to the
    of major importance in order to ensure            I should like to express my tremendous     editorial team who have dedicated their
    that everyone is working at the same level.     gratitude to all the authors who             time to this publication: Agata, Luca,         Andrea Santos
      Following on from last year’s edition         contributed their time and expertise to      Christelle and David – thank you! and also     Chair, EANM Technologists Committee

4       EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                    EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                5
        ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING                                                                                                                 ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING
A TECHNOLOGISTS' GUIDE - European Association of ...
INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                   INTRODUCTION

    Every year, the Technologists Committee publishes a Technologists’
    Guide to develop and improve the nuclear medicine specialists’
    knowledge and personal skills in various aspects of nuclear medicine.
    This year, together with an interdisciplinary group of specialists,
    we decided to address the topic of “Advances in PET/CT Imaging”, outlining
    recent advancements in radioisotope imaging with a special emphasis on
    PET/CT techniques.

       PET/CT study allows us to evaluate the    the latest solutions that are improving         advantages, utilities and applications,         success of the process. We hope that this
    aetiology of various diseases, and has       technical and clinical study outcomes.          not forgetting the method’s limitations         latest edition of the Technologists’ Guide
    therefore become an essential element          This extensive guide encompassing             and ways of avoiding their impact on the        will be of benefit in helping our readers
    of diagnostic management. The rapidly        ten chapters provides the reader with           eventual PET/CT dataset.                        update their personal skillsets.
    evolving technology of medical imaging       a wide range of information: from                 We believe that hybrid imaging is not
    is permitting the constant improvement       hardware and software updates, PET/             only a set of techniques and properties,
    of existing solutions while simultaneously   CT artefacts and pitfalls through               but also and especially the interdisciplinary
    eliminating the method’s limitations.        radiopharmaceutical advancements to             and qualified medical team, who have
    Advances in PET/CT Imaging aims to           the latest solutions in oncology and the        a significant influence on diagnostic
    provide a technical and clinical overview    definition and applications of radiomics.       management. The complexity of PET/CT              David Bogović, Luca Camoni, Christelle
    of PET/CT principles and applications,       The contents guide readers through the          study means that the technician’s extensive     Terwinghe & Agata Pietrzak
    highlighting recent innovations and          long list of specific PET/CT characteristics,   knowledge and experience is vital to the          Editorial team

6      EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                       EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE              7
       ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING                                                                                                                    ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING
A TECHNOLOGISTS' GUIDE - European Association of ...

by Igor Iskra

A TECHNOLOGISTS' GUIDE - European Association of ...
CHAPTER 1                                                                                                                                                           CHAPTER 1

                       Positron emission tomography (PET) enables us to visualise molecular                         a transmission image was obtained using        array of crystal elements was coupled
                       processes in the human body. Certain positron-emitting radionuclides                         an external source of 68Ga and enabling        with four photomultiplier tubes (PMTs).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    H AR D WAR E UPDATES

                       interact with specific molecular pathways, thus giving us the opportunity                    attenuation correction. In 1974, to reduce     The light produced in every scintillation
                       of imaging physiological or pathophysiological occurrences. PET scanners                     unwanted scattering effect, a hexagonal        event, caused by the interaction between
                       use the principle of coincidence detection of annihilation photons, a                        array of sodium iodide scintillation           the annihilation photon and the crystal
                       method in which two photons emerging from the same annihilation                              detectors was designed. This system            element, was shared among all four
                       process are detected on opposite sides of a detector system. Of course, like                 was heavily shielded with the assembly         photomultiplier tubes. The information
                       every diagnostic method, PET imaging has its own limitations and pitfalls,                   rotating around a transaxial plane, hence      from the detector thus contained the
                       scattering and attenuation of photons by the tissue being the two most                       being known as positron emission               coordinates of the scintillating element,
                       prominent ones. 1 2                                                                          transaxial tomography (PETT). This led         determined from the light distribution,
                                                                                                                    to a commercial version of this design,        and the energy of the incoming photon,
                          Coupling a PET scanner with a CT             patient’s exposure to radiation. The idea    known as the ECAT I (ECAT = emission           determined from the total amount of
                       scanner is an efficient way to correct          of using coincidence detection of positron   computerised axial tomograph).4 5              produced light. 1 4
                       most of the imperfections of PET imaging.       capture was born in the early 1950s. In         The next step towards the modern               Another problem in need of solving
                       “Low-dose” CT can greatly improve the           1953 a first paper was published on the      PET-CT scanner was a configuration with        was the small acceptance angle for
                       ability to obtain an exact anatomical           application of coincidence detection for     multi-ring geometry. This new design           coincidence photon detection due to
                       localisation    of      pathophysiological      localising brain tumours, describing a       allowed better usage of scanners for PET       the presence of the septa (2D mode).
                       processes in the patient. Furthermore, the      pair of sodium iodide detectors placed       quantification, but it also created some       Retracting or totally removing the septa
                       correlation between the intensity of focal      on opposite sides of the head. Then, in      new problems, mainly by reducing the           established a 3D mode of acquisition,
                       accumulation of radionuclide determined         1961, a ring of 32 sodium iodide-based       spatial resolution. First, there was the       improving sensitivity and enabling true
                       by the PET scanner and the degree of            coincidence detectors was developed          problem of size and spacing between the        3D reconstructions. The problem with the
                       morphological changes ascertained by            and several other designs for coincidence    detector elements. Another disadvantage        3D mode was an increased scatter fraction
                       the CT scanner is important in evaluating       detectors emerged in the subsequent          was the expensive and physically limiting      (35% or even more), but several scatter
                       the pathological potential of certain           years. 4                                     “one-to-one” coupling between the              correction models were subsequently
                       focal changes. Lastly, “low-dose” CT is            The first developmental breakthrough      scintillation crystal and the photodetector.   developed to compensate for this. 1
                       an irreplaceable tool for correcting the        came in the early 1970s, with the first      Lastly, the original designs included lead        The last and most important step
                       attenuation of annihilation photons by the      positron camera. Its unique design           or tungsten shields between the detector       towards modern PET-CT scanners was
                       tissue. 3                                       enabled smaller sodium iodide crystals       rings, which severely reduced the overall      the introduction of the CT scanner itself.
                                                                       to be coupled with fewer and larger          sensitivity. Nevertheless, the solutions       In the early days, a PET scanner was often
                                                                       photomultipliers, which resulted in          to these problems yielded new designs          equipped with some additional source of
                       HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF                       reduced costs and improved spatial           which laid the foundations for modern          transmission scanning for the purpose of
                       PET-CT SCANNERS                                 resolution. Shortly after that, the idea     PET-CT scanners. 1 4                           attenuation correction, as well as for regular
                         Since the advent of the first PET scanners,   of a rotating positron camera emerged,          The problem of ineffective coupling         detector checks. 68Ge and 137Cs were the
                       the main developmental goals have been          producing multiple plain images              between the crystal and detector elements      main radionuclides used. As mentioned
                       to improve the sensitivity and spatio-          which were later back-projected onto         was overcome by introducing the block          before, the introduction of CT scanners in
                       temporal resolution and to reduce the           tomographic images. In every projection      detector concept. In this concept, an          PET acquisition not only enabled better

10                         EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                      EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                 11
                           ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING                                                                                                                   ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING
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CHAPTER 1                                                                                                                                                                   CHAPTER 1

                       attenuation correction, but also paved           stopping power for 511 keV photons,              the real energy of the photons. Higher            orthosilicate (LYSO), a derivate of LSO with
                       the way for other advanced features. A           decay constant, light output and energy          energy resolution means that the energy           a small percentage of yttrium, is currently

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           H AR D WAR E UPDATES

                       main pitfall of the early CT scanners used       resolution.                                      variance is smaller, therefore photons            being used in the newest TOF-PET
                       in PET-CT acquisition was high radiation            Stopping power is described as the            whose energy is different from that of the        scanners since it has slightly better light
                       exposure, which was later remedied by the        inverse of the mean distance travelled           incident photons, i.e. Compton-scattered          output and energy resolution compared
                       advent of modern iterative reconstruction        by photons before they deposit energy            photons, will be less often detected. 1 7 8       to LSO.
                       techniques. 4 5 6                                in the crystal, and it is proportional to           Sodium iodide (NaI) was the first                 Instead     of    using     LSO,      some
                                                                        the density and effective atomic number          scintillator used in PET scanners. It is cheap    manufacturers opted to replace BSO
                                                                        of the material. Higher stopping power           and has the highest light output, but it has      with gadolinium orthosilicate (GSO),
                       MODERN PET-CT SCANNERS                           means that the electron will travel a            very low effective density and a very long        the main advantage of which is better
                          Although there are many specific              shorter distance in a material because           decay constant, so is no longer used today.       energy resolution. Other materials such
                       scanner designs, every PET scanner               it will interact more often with atoms in           Bismuth germinate (BGO) was the                as lanthanum (III) bromide (LaBr3) or LuAP
                       basically consists of three main parts:          the material, therefore indirectly enabling      main scintillator used in PET scanners            (lutetium aluminium perovskite, LuAlO₃:Ce)
                       scintillation detectors, photodetectors and      more effective detection of incident             throughout the 1980s and 1990s. It has            are currently being evaluated as possible
                       a computer. PET detectors are based on a         photons.                                         the highest known effective density of all        new scintillators in PET scanners.1 4 7 9
                       process called scintillation in which high-         The decay constant is determined by           scintillators, but its low light output and
                       energy photons interact with scintillating       the duration of the scintillation flash in the   long decay constant became a problem              Block detectors
                       crystals, creating a new electron either         crystal. A shorter decay constant means          with the widespread adoption of 3D                   As mentioned before, a block detector
                       by Compton scatter or by photoelectric           that the scintillation material will be able     acquisition mode. This resulted in a quest        setup was one of the major breakthroughs
                       absorption. This new electron loses its          to produce more individual scintillation         to find new scintillators with a shorter          in the development of modern PET
                       energy by passing through scintillation          flashes in a certain period of time, thus        decay constant, better light output and           scanners. Instead of using “one-to-one”
                       material and exciting new electrons. 7           allowing more incident photons to be             improved energy resolution.                       coupling between scintillators and
                          The excited electrons subsequently            counted.                                            Then came lutetium oxyorthosilicate            photodetectors, this concept proposed
                       return to their original energy state by            Light output can simply be described          (LSO), a component originally used for            using a block of scintillation crystals
                       releasing electromagnetic radiation in           as the yield of scintillation photons            nuclear well logging. It has a high light         divided into an array of single-functioning
                       the form of light. This light is registered by   produced by the incident photon. Higher          output and high efficient density, but            smaller elements, a few millimetres in
                       photodetectors and transformed into an           light output means that the incident             its main advantage is a very short decay          size. This was achieved by mechanical
                       electrical signal with the specific energy       photon will trigger the creation of more         constant. LSO’s superior time resolution          incision of channels in the primary crystal
                       and coordinates of the incident photon.          scintillation photons, thus increasing           has given PET scanners the ability to             block, with channels being filled with
                       All the signals are then processed by the        spatial and energy resolution.                   measure the time difference between               opaque material. This opaque material
                       computer, creating a final image.1 7                Finally, energy resolution is the ability     the arrivals of the two annihilation              prevents so-called “cross-talk”, i.e. a
                                                                        to accurately determine the energy of the        photons. This is called “time of flight” (TOF),   scatter of light between the elements. A
                       Scintillation crystals                           interacting photons. It depends on energy        and it provides otherwise unavailable             block is then usually coupled with four
                         Scintillation crystals are the most vital      variance, which is the ratio between             positioning information which enables             photomultiplier tubes. The sharing of
                       part of any detector. Every scintillation        the range of possible values of photon           us to determine an annihilation point to          light between the PMTs is converted to
                       material has four main characteristics:          energy determined by the detector and            within a few centimetres. Lutetium yttrium        their relative signal output, which is then

12                         EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                              EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                13
                           ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING                                                                                                                           ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING
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CHAPTER 1                                                                                                                                                                  CHAPTER 1

                       used to determine the crystal element              analogue versions called avalanche                 exceptional light collection capability,      PMTs.12in terms of physical performance
                       involved in interaction with the photon.           photodiodes         (APDs)    and        silicon   which is due to their compact structure.      and technical features. Particular attention

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          H AR D WAR E UPDATES

                       There are also improved versions of block          photomultipliers (SiPMs). APDs, working in         Unlike the circular shape of PMTs, which      has been given to evaluate the whole-
                       detectors constructed from two different           Geiger mode, are generally not considered          was responsible for the significant gaps      body performance by sensitivity, spatial
                       scintillation materials with different decay       an effective choice for TOF-PET scanners           between them, SiMPs are square in shape,      resolution, dead time, noise equivalent
                       constants (photoswitch), enabling better           due to their significantly slower response         which allows them to be packed more           counting rate (NECR
                       determination of the depth of photon               time. Analogue SiPMs use single photon             tightly together. SiPMs mainly use “one-to-      An alternative type of scanner geometry
                       interaction with the detector material. 4 7        avalanche diode (SPAD) arrays to detect            one” coupling to crystals, which provides     is the “partial-ring” setup, in which two
                                                                          single scintillation photons, subsequently         a much higher count rate capability and       opposing matrices of crystal blocks
                       Photodetectors                                     turning all the generated pulses into one          improved spatial resolution.9                 rotate around the patient. They are not
                          Photomultiplier tubes were the most             analogue output signal. Like APDs, SiPMs                                                         perfectly opposed, thus achieving a
                       commonly used photodetectors in PET                initially didn’t have TOF capability.10 11         PET-CT scanner geometry                       better transversal field of view during
                       scanners. PMTs are glass-enveloped                    In recent years a new group of solid-              Most of the modern PET scanners have       the rotation, but their general sensitivity
                       vacuum tubes with three main parts: a              state detectors has emerged, called digital        “full-ring” geometry, with their detectors    is lower compared to “full-ring” scanners.
                       photocathode, dynodes and an anode.                photon counters (DPCs). In this version            covering a full 360° around the patient.      12
                                                                                                                                                                             in terms of physical performance and
                       Their functioning is based on the                  of detectors, every detector module                This setup provides optimum sensitivity,      technical features. Particular attention
                       photoelectric effect, in which an emission         consists of a 4 x 5 array of SiPM detector         fewer image artefacts due to tracer, organ    has been given to evaluate the whole-
                       of electrons is caused by interaction              tiles, additionally divided into a 4 × 4           or patient motion, and excludes the need      body performance by sensitivity, spatial
                       of light with photoelectric material. In           matrix of silicon sensor chips. Each chip          for additional calibrations since there are   resolution, dead time, noise equivalent
                       PMTs, the photoelectric component is               is a 2 × 2 matrix of digital photon counter        no moving components.5                        counting rate (NECR
                       called the photocathode. When electrons            detectors called silicon pixels. In every             Additionally, there are three different       Axially, PET scanners today consist of 2
                       are emitted from the photocathode,                 pixel there are 3200 SPADs or microcells,          types of detector surface structure. The      to 5 rings of detector elements, compared
                       induced by scintillation photons, they are         with every microcell functioning as an             first type is the common block detector       to several dozen in the earlier days. These
                       pulled towards the anode by the electric           individual detector. The total count of all        concept, in which there is a cylindrical      rings can be separated by thin annular
                       potential generated. On their way to the           photon–microcell interactions detected             assembly of crystal blocks in a ring          rings or septa made of photon-absorbing
                       anode, electrons collide with the dynodes,         in a certain interval of time, initiated by        structure several blocks deep. The second     material like tungsten and used for
                       creating secondary electron emissions              the arrival of the very first scintillation        option is a curved crystal structure, in      collimation. The presence or absence of
                       from the collision. The resulting electrical       photon, is translated into a digital number        which 6 bigger blocks of NaI crystals,        septa determines the type of acquisition.
                       current is proportional to the number of           proportional to the energy of the photon           coupled with 48 PMTs each, are placed side    If septa are present, then so-called “2D
                       initial scintillation photons, and is translated   that induced the scintillation event. PET          by side to achieve ring geometry. Finally,    acquisition” is performed, since the septa
                       into an electrical signal. PMTs are therefore      scanners equipped with DPCs show                   there is the PIXELAR module, consisting       shield “out of plane” coincidence photons.
                       considered as analogue photodetectors,             better image quality, improved lesion              of a curved matrix made up of 628 (22 x       Since the septa block a fairly large number
                       their main advantage being their lower             detectability, and are reported to perform         29) GSO crystals attached to a continuous     of true coincidences from ever reaching
                       sensitivity to temperature variations. 1 10        faster acquisitions with lower radiation           light guide, in which ring geometry is        the detector, this type of acquisition is
                          The development of modern solid-                exposure.11                                        achieved by placing 28 of these modules       characterised by reduced scattered and
                       state detectors started in the 1990s with             The main advantage of SiPMs is their            side by side and coupling them with 420       random coincidences, but it also has lower

14                         EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                              EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE               15
                           ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING                                                                                                                           ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING
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CHAPTER 1                                                                                                                                                              CHAPTER 1

                       sensitivity. Another type of acquisition is   on the vendor, although the basic                - by measuring the changes in air             because each gate can mix several tissue
                       so-called “full 3D acquisition”, performed    elements of design are largely similar. PET   temperature during respiration, either with      positions. Researchers have suggested

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        H AR D WAR E UPDATES

                       with or without retracted septa. In this      scanners have “full-ring” geometry and are    a sensor placed inside an oxygenation            either selecting PET events from gated
                       situation coincidences are accepted           integrated with CT scanners in a single       mask or with a sensor placed close to the        acquisitions or performing several PET
                       from all angles, thus providing higher        device. The patient is positioned only        patient’s nostrils: this mode of respiratory     acquisitions (corresponding to a breath-
                       sensitivity. However, that also implies an    once and the scans are acquired in close      gating uses the fact that the air is warmer      hold CT position
                       increase in random coincidences, higher       sequence, enabling improved registration      during exhalation;                                  Cardiac PET-CT scanners also use
                       scatter fraction and loss of events due to    accuracy and a single integrated scan. 4 5       - by using a spirometer placed close to       an external ECG device for gating and
                       an increased count rate, and subsequently                                                   the patient’s nostrils or mouth: this mode       detecting certain phases of the cardiac
                       increased dead time. It is worth mentioning   Additional hardware for PET-CT studies        of respiratory gating has not yet been used      cycle, in the same way as in gSPECT.
                       that today’s commercial PET scanners are         FDG PET-CT has an important role           in clinical practice.
                       not equipped with septa and thus acquire      in evaluation of pulmonary lesions               It is worth mentioning that nowadays,
                       data in this second acquisition mode. 14      and detection of occult intrathoracic         in view of the significant practical             CT SCANNER IMPROVEMENTS
                         in terms of physical performance and        metastases. In contrast to CT, which          limitations of hardware-based respiratory           Over the years, the two main goals of CT
                       technical features. Particular attention      covers only a part of one breathing           gating, the emphasis is on software              scanner development have been better
                       has been given to evaluate the whole-         cycle, PET acquisition lasts substantially    gating, Bayesian penalised likelihood            image resolution and lower radiation
                       body performance by sensitivity, spatial      longer through multiple breathing cycles.     (BPL) PET reconstruction, and texture            exposure to the patient. Alongside
                       resolution, dead time, noise equivalent       Respiratory motion can thus cause a lot       analysis. 13 14follow-up, and treatment          better software solutions and image
                       counting rate (NECR).                         of motion and attenuation correction          planning. For cancers located in the thorax      reconstruction algorithms, upgrades in
                                                                     artefacts on PET images. To eliminate         or abdomen, the patient’s breathing              hardware have been the main drivers of CT
                       PET-CT coupling                               this negative effect, respiratory gating is   causes artifacts and errors in PET and CT        scanner improvement. Nowadays, PET-CT
                          The first PET-CT scanner prototype         performed. In this process, data collected    images. Many different approaches for            systems are equipped with up to 128-slice
                       emerged in 1998. The PET scanner was          in each respiratory cycle is divided into     artifact avoidance or correction have            CT scanners, compared to the 16-slice
                       placed on the rear end of the CT scanner,     “bins”, either by detecting a certain         been developed; most are based on                scanners in use as little as 15 years ago. 4 5 15
                       creating a single integrated assembly. The    respiratory amplitude (amplitude-based        gated acquisition and synchronization               One other important area of
                       scanners rotated together at 30 rpm and       gating) or a phase of the respiratory cycle   between the respiratory signal and PET           improvement is the development of new
                       the patient bed could be moved axially        (phase-based gating).                         acquisition. The respiratory signal is usually   acquisition modes. Conventional PET-CT
                       from the CT to the PET scanner so the            Gating is usually performed using          produced by an external sensor that tracks       studies are performed in so-called “step-
                       corresponding images were accurately          external sensors which track respiratory      a physiological characteristic related to the    and-shoot” mode, in which the patient bed
                       registered. However, the acquisition,         motion. This can be accomplished in           patient’s breathing. Respiratory gating is       is moved between every step of image
                       reconstruction and operating systems          several ways:                                 a compensation technique in which time           acquisition outside the initial axial FOV
                       were separate and image fusion was               - by monitoring the displacement of the    or amplitude binning is used to exclude          range. An alternative mode is “continuous
                       performed by software. 5                      abdominal wall using an elastic chest belt;   the motion in reconstructed PET images.          table motion” mode, in which the patient
                          Nowadays, PET and CT scanners are             - by monitoring the displacement of        Although this technique is performed             table moves continuously throughout the
                       coupled through hardware fusion. The          two infrared markers positioned on the        in routine clinical practice, it fails to        whole scanning process. Data is acquired
                       characteristics of scanners vary depending    patient’s thorax;                             adequately correct for respiratory motion        uninterruptedly while the patient is being

16                         EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                       EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                    17
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CHAPTER 1                                                                                                                                                                                 CHAPTER 1

                       moved through the gantry, resulting in          effectively for this type of detection. 9        components and ambiguities regarding                        CONCLUSION
                       increased uniformity and sensitivity of            Monolithic       detector.    One      thin   the indications for whole-body scans,                         Modern PET-CT scanners are currently

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   H AR D WAR E UPDATES

                       acquisition. 16                                 block of crystal coupled with multiple           which are still unclear. 17 18                              undergoing rapid development. New
                                                                       photodetectors can improve light                                                                             designs and software improvements
                                                                       transduction because of the larger crystal                                                                   are aimed at ensuring better image
                       FUTURE INNOVATIONS                              volume and absence of inter-crystal                                                                          resolution with lower radiation exposure
                          Improved ratio of deposited energy           boundaries. 9                                                                                                to the patient. New detector technologies
                       to light output of scintillators. Current                                                                                                                    using digital photon counters are set
                       Lu-based scintillation crystals have a                                                                                                                       to significantly improve the acquisition
                       somewhat non-linear light output in             EXPLORER – A WHOLE-BODY                                                                                      process, enabling faster and more reliable
                       response to the energy deposited by the         PET-CT SCANNER                                                                                               diagnostics.
                       interacting photon. In particular, this light      Current PET-CT scanners only capture a
                       yield ratio decreases with decreasing           small portion of the patient’s body inside
                       energy of photons. LuAP (lutetium               the field of view (FOV). What is more, only                                                  VEREOS           BIOGRAPH VI-
                                                                                                                                                                    (PHILLIPS        SION 600                      DISCOVERY MI
                       aluminium perovskite, LuAlO3) and LuYAP         3–5% of the available signal is detected by      PET-CT SCANNER         EXPLORER
                                                                                                                                                                    HEALTH-          (SIEMENS                    (GE HEALTHCARE)
                       (lutetium-yttrium aluminium perovskite)         scanners. These are the two main reasons                                                     CARE)            HEALTHINEERS)

                       scintillator crystals have a superior light     for the poor sensitivity of current whole-
                       yield ratio and hence superior energy           body PET-CT scanners.
                                                                                                                        crystals               LYSO                 LYSO             LSO                   LYSO
                       resolution. 9                                      EXPLORER is a PET-CT scanner prototype
                          Semiconductor        detectors.     These    which can perform a whole-body PET scan
                       non-scintillating detectors use dense           up to 40 times better than the currently                                2.76 x 2.76 x 18.1   3.86 × 3.86 ×
                                                                                                                        crystal size                                                 3.2 x 3.2 x 20 mm3    3.95 × 5.3 × 25 mm3
                       crystals which are capable of directly          available scanners. It has 40 rings and is                              mm3                  19 mm3
                       absorbing the interacting photon energy         able to scan the whole body within 30
                       and converting it into electrical charge        seconds. Its 564,480 LYSO crystals, 2.76 x       photon detectors       SiPM                 SiPM             SiPM                  SiPM
                       detected by previously placed electrodes.       2.76 x 18.1 mm each, are arranged in 7 x
                       The materials used in these detectors are       6 arrays and coupled with SiPM. This PET
                       CdZnTe (CZT) and TlBr. 9                        scanner has a diameter of 78.6 cm and an         number of crystals     564 480              23 040           60 800                19 584
                          Using Cherenkov light to improve time        axial length of 194 cm. EXPLORER is also
                       resolution. Cherenkov light is produced         equipped with an 80-row, 160-slice CT
                       instantaneously when a 511 keV photon           scanner.                                         number of detectors    53 760               23 040           304                   9 792
                       interacts with detector material, emitting         This setup allows EXPLORER to
                       a small number of transient, high-energy,       significantly increase acquisition sensitivity
                                                                       in whole-body scans and to produce more          CT slices              160                  128              128                   128
                       faster-than-light electrons. Lead-based
                       crystals, such as PbF2, show an excellent       reliable images along with rapid scanning
                       time resolution of 70–90 ps. Also, it seems     and lower radiation exposure. However,
                       that BGO scintillators could be used            its main disadvantages are expensive                Table 1. Comparison of some of the currently available PET-CT scanners 11 17 19 20 21

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                           ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING                                                                                                                                       ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING

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                        3.         Vaquero JJ, Kinahan P. Positron Emission      Achieving routine submillisievert CT Scanning : Report
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                        5.         Townsend DW, Carney JPJ, Yap JT, Hall NC.     Badawi RD. Total-Body PET: Maximizing Sensitivity to
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                       instrumentation for positron emission tomography.           19.      Oddstig J, Leide Svegborn S, Almquist H, et
                       Semin Nucl Med. 2018;48(4):311-331.                       al. Comparison of conventional and Si-photomultiplier-
                        10.        Spanoudaki VC, Levin CS. Photo-Detectors      based PET systems for image quality and diagnostic
                       for Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomography (ToF-     performance. BMC Med Imaging. 2019;19(1):1-9.
                       PET). Sensors. 2010;10:10484-10505.                       doi:10.1186/s12880-019-0377-6
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                       Performance evaluation of the next generation solid-      www.philips.co.uk/c-dam/b2bhc/gb/resource -
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20                          EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE
                            ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING

by Dimitris Visvikis
Michel Koole
Ian Armstrong
Christian Vanhove

CHAPTER 2                                                                                                                                                                       CHAPTER 2

                                                 Image reconstruction generates a volume of image data that reflects the                        used to reconstruct the 3D distribution of             LOR (see Figure 1a), while in TOF-PET it
                                                 distribution and quantities of the injected radiopharmaceutical within                         the PET tracer in the body of the patient.             depends on the time difference between

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           UPDAT ES IN R ECO N S TR UC TIO N ALGO R ITH MS

                                                 the patient. A reconstructed image typically consists of a 3-dimensional                                                                              the arrival of two coincidence photons,
                                                 array of discrete elements referred to as voxels. When all appropriate                                                                                as well as detector characteristics, and
                                                 corrections have been applied, the value for each voxel typically indicates                   TIME OF FLIGHT (TOF)                                    it is applied as a Gaussian distribution
                                                 the radioactive concentration of the radiopharmaceutical within this voxel                        In TOF-PET the difference in time                   on the LOR (see Figure 1b). The centre
                                                 volume in units of Bq/ml. Since reconstruction starts from the raw or                          between the coincidence photons’ arrival               of this Gaussian distribution along the
                                                 acquired PET data, a short overview of the process for PET data acquisition                    is measured and stored. For list-mode                  LOR is the length equivalent of the time
                                                 is given below.                                                                                acquisition the time difference (Δt) is                difference between the arrival of the two
                                                                                                                                                stored event by event, while in sinogram               coincidence photons, computed as s = c ·
                                                                                                                                                mode the sinogram is divided into several              Δt, with c representing the speed of light.
                                                 PET DATA ACQUISITION                           of a transaxial section through the patient.    TOF-bins, each corresponding to a time                 The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of
                                                    For PET imaging, positron-emitting          This matrix is called a sinogram, since all     difference. In conventional PET image                  the Gaussian distribution is related to the
                                                 radioisotopes are required. When the           LORs passing through a point at different       reconstruction, the probability of an                  time resolution of the detector.
                                                 positron is emitted, it travels for a few      angles correspond to a sinusoid curve. This     annihilation event is constant along the
                                                 millimetres through the body until it          also explains the term sinogram. However,
                                                 interacts with a free electron, resulting in   before the detected events are stored in a
                                                 an annihilation event which produces two       sinogram, coincidence events can also be
                                                 back-to-back gamma photons with energy         stored in a list as individual events in the
                                                 of 511 keV each. These photons are emitted     order in which they are detected (1). This
                                                 in almost opposite directions, defining a      is called list mode, but it should be noted
                                                 line along which the annihilation event        that list-mode acquisition is not always
                                                 must have occurred. Since PET is based         available on the PET system, or it needs to
                                                 on the coincident detection of these two       be deliberately selected as the acquisition
                                                 opposite gamma photons along this line         mode. List-mode acquisition provides
                                                 of response (LOR), a pair of detectors is      more flexibility, however, as additional
                                                 needed. Clinical PET systems use a full        information such as photon energy,
                                                 ring of detectors surrounding the patient,     detection timing and detection location
                                                 which also explains the superior sensitivity   can be stored as well (2). Based on this
                                                 of PET. If the two back-to-back gamma          information, list-mode data can then be
                                                 photons are detected within a certain short    used to generate sinograms. In addition,
                                                 time window (typically 4 ns depending on       list-mode data also allow for retrospective
                                                 the PET system settings), it is assumed that   rebinning of dynamic raw PET data into
                                                 they originate from the same annihilation      sinograms corresponding to different time
                                                 event. These coincidence events are stored     frames, where the frame duration can be
                                                 in a matrix which represents the number        chosen after data acquisition is completed.
                                                 of detected events along different angles          Once generated, sinogram data are              Figure 1: Probability distributions during (a). conventional image reconstruction, (b). TOF-PET image

24                                                   EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                                EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                    25
                                                     ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING                                                                                                                             ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING
CHAPTER 2                                                                                                                                                               CHAPTER 2

                                                 RECONSTRUCTION                                   takes into account the Poisson statistics           An accelerated variant of MLEM, ordered     convert a measured count rate to activity
                                                    After acquisition of PET data, the next       of radioactive decay and the statistical         subsets expectation maximisation (OSEM)        concentration, and the attenuation and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 UPDAT ES IN R ECO N S TR UC TIO N ALGO R ITH MS

                                                 step is to reconstruct an estimate of the in     nature of the measurement process. Since         (5), is currently the most commonly used       time-of-flight differences of the two 511
                                                 vivo tracer distribution. There are different    this approach is iterative, it starts from an    iterative reconstruction algorithm in PET      keV gamma rays. The exceptions are
                                                 approaches to reconstruct the PET data.          initial estimate and updates the previous        clinical imaging. OSEM accelerates the         corrections for scattered and random
                                                 On the one hand, there is an analytical          estimate of the reconstructed image until        convergence of MLEM by performing              coincidences; these are typically added
                                                 approach with filtered back-projection           the new estimate is very close the previous      updates based on part of the measured          on to the estimated sinograms that are
                                                 (FBP), which consists in back- projecting        one, meaning that the reconstruction is          data only, so that it approximates the         generated using the forward projection.
                                                 the sinogram data across the imaging             no longer improved and convergence               MLEM solution but in a much shorter                Since accurate modelling of the
                                                 matrix. However, simple back-projection          is reached. To update the previous               computation time and with less memory          PET system response during iterative
                                                 of the measured data results in a blurred        estimate, iterative reconstruction utilises      requirement. This technique divides            reconstruction results in a reconstructed
                                                 version of the original image. The blurring is   a probability matrix, commonly referred          the measured PET data into several             PET image with much better quantitative
                                                 minimised by applying a filter to sinogram       to as the system matrix. This matrix defines     subsets, following a specific order. During    properties and homogeneous resolution,
                                                 data before back-projection to amplify           the probability that a 511 keV gamma-ray         reconstruction, each update is based           iterative reconstruction provides clear
                                                 the high frequencies representing fast-          pair originating from a particular voxel         on the projection data belonging to a          advantages over the older method of FBP
                                                 varying intensity changes such as edges,         location within the reconstructed image          specific subset only, while a different        reconstruction. However, it is not without
                                                 hence the name filtered back-projection.         would give rise to a particular line of          subset is selected for the next update. This   disadvantages. Due to computational
                                                 Although FBP is a very fast technique with       response in a sinogram. An initial estimate      accelerated convergence using subsets          limitations, the system matrix is unlikely
                                                 limited memory requirements, it does not         of the reconstructed image is created            allows the OSEM algorithm to generate          to perfectly model the system response
                                                 take into account the statistical nature         and, from here, estimated sinograms are          PET images in clinically relevant times        for the forward and back projection
                                                 of radioactive decay, nor does it make           generated from the system matrix values –        (6). Unlike MLEM, where one iteration          operations. This may place data in
                                                 allowance for the characteristics of the PET     a process referred to as forward projection.     corresponds to one update, one OSEM            erroneous locations, which manifests as
                                                 system (3).                                      These estimated sinograms are compared           iteration corresponds to a cycle in which      noise. What is more, PET measurements are
                                                    For these reasons, along with the general     with the acquired sinograms and a ratio          all subsets have been used to update           generally very noisy. This in combination
                                                 increase in memory and computation               is calculated at each sinogram pixel. The        the reconstruction. In OSEM, the number        with the discrete spatial sampling of
                                                 power, FBP is no longer the reconstruction       ratios are then transposed back into the         of updates therefore corresponds to the        both sinograms and the reconstructed
                                                 technique of choice, and iterative               reconstructed image – a process referred         number of iterations multiplied by the         image volume means that the process is
                                                 methods represent the current state of           to as back-projection – and the estimate of      number of subsets.                             ill-conditioned, the main consequence
                                                 the art in clinical PET reconstruction. The      the reconstructed image is updated. This            The system matrix is the critical           being that the noise in the reconstructed
                                                 most widely-used iterative reconstruction        process repeats in a series of loops referred    component in iterative reconstruction,         image increases as more iterations are
                                                 algorithm is maximum likelihood                  to as iterations, and the estimate of the        as this is where most of the physical          performed. Noise in an image that is fully
                                                 expectation maximisation (MLEM) (4). The         activity distribution in the reconstruction      aspects of the PET measurement are             converged will be so significant that the
                                                 principle behind MLEM is to estimate the         image converges until it represents the          modelled. This includes modelling of           image is unlikely to be of any clinical use.
                                                 activity distribution that would most likely     real activity distribution within the patient.   the geometric efficiency of the PET                There are three mitigating strategies to
                                                 produce the sinograms that have been             In MLEM, the number of updates also              detector, the position-dependent spatial       reduce noise in reconstructed images. The
                                                 acquired by the PET system. As such, it          corresponds to the number of iterations.         resolution, the calibration factor used to     first strategy is to stop the reconstruction

26                                                   EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                           EANM TECHNOLOGISTS’ GUIDE               27
                                                     ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING                                                                                                                        ADVANCES IN PET/CT IMAGING
CHAPTER 2                                                                                                                                                              CHAPTER 2

                                                 process before convergence in order            amplification in the image by penalising
                                                 to prevent excessive image noise               highly varying activity values between

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                UPDAT ES IN R ECO N S TR UC TIO N ALGO R ITH MS

                                                 amplification. Although the degree of          neighbouring voxels. More recently, the                                                                            Figure 2. Partial volume
                                                 noise is kept to an acceptable level,          approach was introduced as a clinical                                                                           effects. On the left there
                                                 this approach can produce an image             reconstruction approach which makes                                                                             are no partial volume
                                                 with reduced quantitative properties as        use of a prior relative difference to                                                                           effects, resulting in sharp
                                                 convergence is not fully reached and not       reduce noise amplification during image                                                                         representation of a lesion.
                                                 all necessary corrections are fully applied.   reconstruction (9). Basically, it penalises                                                                     On the right, partial volume
                                                 The second approach is to perform a            small relative differences between                                                                              effects due to the limited
                                                 sufficient number of updates to ensure         neighbouring activity values as these                                                                           spatial resolution of a PET
                                                 that the full image is close to convergence    are assumed to be noise, while larger                                                                           system cause signal spread.
                                                 and all appropriate corrections have been      differences are attributed to edges and are
                                                 applied. A filter is then applied to the       therefore preserved. Unlike a conventional     A limited spatial resolution leads to partial    small tumour lesions (typically < 15mm)
                                                 reconstructed PET image to reduce the          OSEM reconstruction, which needs the           volume effects, which, as pointed out by         will look larger but less aggressive in PET
                                                 noise levels (7). A Gaussian full width half   number of iterations and subsets to be         Soret et al (11, 12), are a major confounding    imaging because partial volume effects
                                                 maximum (FWHM) filter is generally used        specified, a BPL reconstruction only needs     factor in PET imaging that cannot be             will spread the signal of a small hot lesion,
                                                 for this purpose. The FWHM determines          one tuneable parameter to be set which         ignored because it can severely affect           resulting in voxel values that will be lower
                                                 how many neighbouring voxels are used          controls the strength of the penalty to        image quality and image quantification.          than the actual maximum value (Figure 2).
                                                 to calculate the smoothed image, so that       preserve edges. Furthermore, no filter for     Partial volume effects typically refer to        Because these voxel values (i.e. radioactive
                                                 a larger FWHM corresponds to a higher          post-smoothing the reconstructed image         two different phenomena: (1) the image           concentration) are often used to follow up
                                                 degree of smoothing.                           and increasing image quality is necessary      blurring introduced by the finite spatial        treatment response, these partial volume
                                                    The final approach is to constrain          as full convergence is reached without         resolution of the PET imaging system,            effects can lead to misinterpretation of the
                                                 the amplification of noise during the          increasing noise (10).                         and (2) image sampling into voxels so            measured data. Furthermore, the apparent
                                                 reconstruction process using the                                                              that individual voxels contain different         larger lesion size can lead to problems
                                                 maximum a posteriori approach (8). This                                                       tissue types where the measured voxel            when lesion contouring is derived from
                                                 approach basically assumes that not all        RESOLUTION MODELLING                           intensity is mostly a weighted average           the PET data, resulting in a lesion that is
                                                 reconstructions are equally likely, but that      In recent years, there have been multiple   of different tissue intensities included in      larger than the real metabolically active
                                                 prior assumptions can be made about            hardware and software advances in PET/         each voxel (13). It is important to note         lesion. The spatial resolution in the
                                                 the reconstructed image. These prior           CT to improve image quality, small lesion      that even imaging systems with perfect           reconstructed images determines how far
                                                 assumptions correspond to a penalty            detectability and quantification accuracy.     spatial resolution would still be hampered       the signal of small hot lesions spreads. A
                                                 term which is taken into account when          However, the two main limitations of PET       by partial volume effects due to image           better spatial resolution will result in less
                                                 updating the image – a process referred        compared to CT and MRI are its relatively      sampling into voxels. For this reason, partial   spread, whereas a lower spatial resolution
                                                 to as penalisation or regularisation, which    low spatial resolution and generally low       volume effects not only affect PET, but are      will introduce a larger amount of spread.
                                                 results in a Bayesian penalised likelihood     signal-to-noise ratio. In this section we      also of concern in image modalities with         Consequently, a better spatial resolution
                                                 (BPL) reconstruction algorithm. In general,    will focus on advances in reconstruction       better spatial resolution, such as MRI or CT     will result in fewer partial volume effects.
                                                 this penalty term is used to reduce noise      algorithms to improve spatial resolution.      (11). As a result of partial volume effects,

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CHAPTER 2                                                                                                                                                                                     CHAPTER 2

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