HEADS UP! We are GENEROUS - OHAOHA - St. Ignatius

Page created by Chris Jackson
HEADS UP! We are GENEROUS - OHAOHA - St. Ignatius
 This means that we will follow in the footsteps of Jesus
 like Saint Mary MacKillop and
 ‘Never see a need without doing something about it.’
 I am generous. I look for opportunities to give and to share.
 I take time to think of others. I give freely, fully, and joyfully.
 “Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead” (James 2:15-17)
 Jesus feeds the five thousand (Matthew 14:13- 21)

 Friday 6th August
 Tēnā koutou katoa

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
This Sunday August 8th we celebrate the feast day of St Mary of the Cross
MacKillop. As a school we will gather next Thursday for a special mass to
celebrate Mary MacKillop, as well as St Ignatius of Loyola ,whose feast day
was on 31 July.

Mary MacKillop founded the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (the
Josephites) who established a number of schools throughout Australia and
New Zealand and provided opportunities to educate the poor.

We are blessed to have the NZ Mary McKillop Centre near us in Mission Bay
and some of us will be joining the sisters on Sunday for a special ritual to
mark the feast day.

Mary MacKillop Plaza , St Francis Xavier`s Cathedral, Adelaide
HEADS UP! We are GENEROUS - OHAOHA - St. Ignatius

Bay Suburbs Gymnastics
Several children competed against a range of schools from our area in the
competition last Monday with awesome results. It was the largest competition
ever held in our zone with 168 children.

The entire team, Maggie, Sophie, Jade, Annabel, Bella and Jacob all qualified
for the Auckland Primary Schools Champion of Champions Competition which
will be held in September.

Well done to Maggie, Sophie G and Annabel who were placed 3rd in their year
groups and special congratulations to Jacob for coming first place in the Year
3 boys’ competition.

Thank you to Katlyn Orton for managing and supporting the team who
showed dedication by training before school on weekends.
HEADS UP! We are GENEROUS - OHAOHA - St. Ignatius

Policy Reviews
We are currently reviewing the Reporting to Parents policy and would like
your feedback. This policy is printed at the end of this Heads Up or you can
view it on www.schooldocs.co.nz login: stignatius password: stheliers
Please email board@stignatius.school.nz if you have any comments or
suggestions regarding this policy.

Running Club
For those who don’t know, a parent-organised running club (‘Saints
Sprinters’!) takes place every Friday for Year 3 and above. Students and
parent volunteers meet at 7.30am, then head down to Madills Farm at
7.40am. The children have been very enthusiastic in their training for cross
country next week and the club is a great opportunity for them to keep
running! Anyone interested in getting involved should contact Helen Pryde on
021 784 189 and she will add you to the WhatsApp group. Parent volunteers
are appreciated - don’t worry about fitness or speed as parent supervision is
needed at the back of the group, as well as the front !

Teacher Only Day
A reminder that there will be a Teacher Only Day this term on Friday 10 th

Enrolments for 2022
All applications for 2022 enrolments are due in by the end of this month. If you
or someone you know has a child due to start at St Ignatius next year, an
enrolment form can be downloaded from the website or you can pick one up
from the office.

Parish Play Group
The Parish Play Group is starting up again!
VENUE: St Ignatius Parish Centre
WHEN: Wednesday mornings after school drop off.
An opportunity for parents of pre-school children to gather for a chat and a
getting to know you, and for the children to have fun with the toys.
For more information contact Julia Bird 022 069 3633

Lost earring.

This earring has been handed into the office.
HEADS UP! We are GENEROUS - OHAOHA - St. Ignatius
 Note: for the most up to date information check the calendar on our website
 Term 3 2021
 Week 3 Te Waipuna Collection - Waitematā Hapu Years 3 & 6
 Maths Week
 Sunday 8 August St Mary MacKillop Feast Day
 Wednesday 11th August Cross Country at Glover Park
 Thursday 12 August Mary MacKillop/ St Ignatius Whole School Mass
 9am at St Ignatius Church
 Friday 13th August Assembly Year 4 to lead prayer
 Week 4 Te Waipuna Collection - Rangitoto Hapu Years 2 & 3
 Sunday 15th August The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
 Thursday 19 August Tamaki Hapu Mass Yrs 1 & 4
 Friday 20 August Assembly – Year 0/1 to lead prayer
 Week 5 Te Waipuna Collection – Tamaki Hapu Years 1 & 4
 Tongan Language Week
 Monday 23 August Bay Suburbs Cross Country
 Thursday 26th August Rangitoto Hapu Mass Y2 & 3
 Friday 27 August Y5/ 6 Lit Quiz team out
 Week 6 Te Waipuna Collection - Waitematā Hapu Years 3 & 6
 Monday 30th August Dental Van at school this week
 Friday 3rd September Assembly Y3 to lead prayer
 Week 7 Te Waipuna Collection - Rangitoto Hapu Years 2 & 3
 Wednesday 8th September Cans for Christmas drop off at office
 Thursday 9 September School Board Meeting 7pm
 Friday 10 September Teacher Only Day
 Week 8 Te Waipuna Collection – Tamaki Hapu Years 1 & 4
 Social Justice Week & Māori Language Week
 Thursday 16 September Boys Bays Suburb Basketball
 Friday 17th September Girls Bays Suburb Basketball
 Friday 17 September Assembly Y2 to lead prayer

Ngā mihi nui

Jane Penney

“Believe the whisperings of God in your own heart.” Mary MacKillop 1868

Have patience with yourselves when you see that you have failed and
patience with others when they seem to have done so. (1874)

When I could not see my way God kept my hear t full of trust to make all come
right. (1874)
HEADS UP! We are GENEROUS - OHAOHA - St. Ignatius
Reporting to Parents on Student Progress and Achievement
The school reports to parents regularly on the progress of their
child. Reporting methods include:
 • CaPT (Child and Parent Teacher) conferences
 For year 3-6 children, these are held in term 2 and provide an opportunity
 for parents and teacher to discuss the child's progress and any issues/next
 • Written reports
 Each child receives two written reports each year.

 • Celebrations of learning
 An opportunity for students to share their learning with parents through oral,
 written, and visual presentations.
 • Informal parent interviews
 Parents are welcome to arrange a time with their child's kaitiaki
 teacher to discuss progress at school.

 Also see Recognising Student Achievement.
HEADS UP! We are GENEROUS - OHAOHA - St. Ignatius
HEADS UP! We are GENEROUS - OHAOHA - St. Ignatius
Festival - Catholic Diocese of
Dear Friends, I am writing to invite you to the
Rejoice: Auckland Catholic Festival to be held on
Saturday 16 October 2021 at Sancta Maria College /
St Luke’s Church, Flat Bush.. Come and gather to be
affirmed, inspired, encouraged and strengthened as
Catholics so as to continue to love and serve as
missionary disciples in parishes, ethnic communities,
schools and our wider society.
HEADS UP! We are GENEROUS - OHAOHA - St. Ignatius
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