Page created by Scott Watts
AÑO 26 | NÚM. 1198    < WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM >   15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021


                  HIDEKI MATSUYAMA
                      WINS THE MASTERS!
2                                                                                                                                       15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021
               In loving memory of                                   TO TEST OR NOT TO TEST
               Mr. José G. Esparza
                                                                     Dr. Sergio Lira                                               companies that
                                                                     Education Consultant                                          makes test prep

                                                                                                                                   materials and
                                                                        received a phone call a few days ago from my daugh-        actual STAAR
                                                                        ter, she asked me, knowing that I have spent thirty        testing    mate-
                                                                        years in public education, “Should my son take the         rials to assess
                                                                     STAAR (State Test Assessment for Academic Readi-              and      evaluate
                                                                     ness) test or opt out?” I paused for a few seconds be-        all standardize
                                                                     cause I have never been asked this question. I thought,       exam in Texas
                                                                     “Should my grandson take the STAAR test ? He is in the        received a $388
                                                                     fourth grade; a grade that strongly determines a school       million contract
                                                                     ranking in the elementary level, eight grade in middle        to    administer
                                                                     school and End of Courses in high school. The words “To       the STAAR for
                                                                     Test or Not To Test?” lit up in my head like neon lights      the next four
                                                                     on a Friday night football game scoreboard at Barnett         years.      Push
                                                                     Stadium.                                                      back is more ev-
                    FOUNDED BY:                                                                                                    ident to this big
         José G. Esparza And Lilia S. Esparza
                                                                              This is the question. Undoubtedly, the pandemic      waste of taxpay-
                     PO BOX 1805                                     has had a major impact on our educational Pre-K – 12          er’s dollars.
               CYPRESS TEXAS 77410
                 Phone: (713)880-1133
                                                                     school systems in the state of Texas and nationwide. Ev-
                  Fax: (713)880-2322                                 ery year, students are required to take many tests and                 State senator Jose Menendez, author of HB
                                                                     exams to determine their levels of performance and to         2058, wants to remove end of course STAAR for grad-
                  GABRIEL ESPARZA                                    guide instructional programs. However, Texas uses the         uating seniors. This bill would temporarily disregard
            gabriele@queondamagazine.com                             standardized STAAR exam as an exam for accountabili-          STAAR exams for Biology, Algebra I, and English I, II as
                PUBLIC RELATIONS                                     ty (rating of every schools and districts in Texas on a A-F   graduation requirements. This make sense, after spend-
               AMANDA G. ESPARZA
                                                                     scale). Taking this exam requires further examination         ing fifteen years in high school as a school administrator,
                                                                     due to the high stakes.                                       I recall thinking why do we need all these stressful stan-
                   SPORTS EDITOR
               MICHAEL A. ESPARZA
                                                                                                                                   dardized exams when we already have weekly quizzes,
           michaele@queondamagazine .com                                     The STAAR exam has been a source of contro-           district assessments, exams, and finals to pass from one
                                                                     versy for many years. President Biden administration          course to the next in high school? The loss of instruction-
                   MICHAEL WHITMIRE                                  recently declared that all students should take their         al time due to testing is staggering. For example, in one
                    RENZO HEREDIA
                   ANTHONY GALLIEN
                                                                     state’s standardized test because states accountability       hundred and eighty school days, and average of eighty
                       TONY DIAZ                                     systems play an important role in advancing education-        days a year is spent on preparing for a test, testing and
                   TATCHO MINDIOLA
                    DR SERGIO LIRA
                                                                     al equity. (Johnson, Sydney. EdSorce, Feb. 20, 2021.)         reviewing a test. The instructional time to introduce new
                                                                     Well, there is more to it than meets the eye.                 concepts and develop applicational skills has been dwin-
                       VICTOR LOPEZ
                                                                                                                                   dling less and less every year due to testing. Addition-
    Los contenidos periodísticos que se incluyen en este resumen
                                                                             Do you remember taking the IOWA basic skills          ally, standardized tests have been used not to advance
 informativo son propiedad intelectual y responsabilidad exclusiva   test in elementary school? Do you remember all the            equity. On the contrary, the results have been used to
de los medios emisores y de sus autores y no representan de manera
             alguna la opinion de la revista ¡Que Onda!
                                                                     weekly exams, finals, and six and nine weeks report           consistently put the spotlight on poor children of poverty
                                                                     cards? When George W. Bush was our wonderful Texas            and color as consistent failures. Also, poor schools have
              NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTION                                 governor, he passed a resolution called No Child Left Be-     been consistently labeled as failure schools.
                    COMPANY                                          hind; when he became president, he took this initiative
 QUE ONDA MAGAZINE Prides itself in keeping a                        to Washington and made it nationwide. The idea was set                 Finally, since there is a strong movement from
 high standard and devotingly opposes any type of                    high standards and establish measurable goals by sup-         mostly educated parents to opt out of the Texas STAAR
             misleading advertising.
                                                                     porting standard based education reform to help disad-        exam because the unintended consequences have been
            CLOSE EDITION: Friday 5:00pm                             vantaged students. Now, in addition, to the IOWA test,        revealed. Also, this academic pandemic school year, stu-
                    OFFICE HOURS:
           9:00 am - 6:00pm / Monday - Friday                        students were now required to take the TABS, TEAMS,           dents have missed in person instructions at a twenty,
              DEADLINES: Friday 12:00 am                             TAAS and STAAR (all an evolution of Texas standard-           thirty, and in some schools, up to fifty percent due to ab-
Ads containing special art, photos or proof will be required         ized tests).                                                  sences. It makes sense to hold harmless all students this
 a week in advance. Una Publicación Semanal Derechos
               Reservados Copyright 2007
                                                                                                                                   year on standardized testing in Texas. I responded to my
                                                                             Although, the intent is a good idea, standardized     daughter, “Due to the immense fragmented learning due
                                                                     testing has evolved to a testing monster. It is a high-lev-   to the pandemic, and that there are many other ways
                                                                     el stressful exam to pass and to meet graduation re-          to assess student learnings and progress, I recommend
                                                                     quirements for seniors. More important; it has become         that your son opt out of STAAR testing this year.”
                                                                     big business. Pearson and Cambium are the publishing

                                                                                                   ESTA EN
                                                                                                 TODAS PARTES
15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021                                  3

                                   Te recuperaste
                                      del COVID-19.

                                             Si te recuperaste
                                             del COVID-19,
                                             donar tu plasma
                                             podría ayudar a otros.
4                                                                                                            15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021
LOS PARTIDOS DE LA LIGA MX                                                       los jugadores y a los espectadores       MX”.

                                                                                 presentes, las sesiones de calenta-
       erizon y Univision anunciar-     ción y mejorarlos con 5G, además de
                                                                                 miento y entrenamiento de los fut-               Como parte de la sociedad,
       on hoy una sociedad de varios    participar en la realzada analítica
                                                                                 bolistas, las conferencias posteriores   Verizon también se sumará a la
       años que podrá ofrecer a los     de datos de Univision.
                                                                                 a los partidos y más. TUDN Vision        función de analítica realzada de
fans experiencias avanzadas con 5G
                                                                                 empezará el 17 de abril de 2021 du-      TUDN de Univision. Esta tecnología
para ver la liga de fútbol más vista             TUDN Vision es una experi-
                                                                                 rante el partido entre Cruz Azul y       usará cámaras patentadas en los
en Estados Unidos, Liga MX. Con la      encia de portal de 360 grados que of-
                                                                                 América.                                 estadios a fin de captar datos para
sociedad, Univision lanzará exclu-      rece a los fans la oportunidad de ver
                                                                                                                          la analítica y sobreponer traspar-
sivamente la experiencia del portal     contenido exclusivo e interactivo de
                                                                                         Verizon planea trabajar en       encias de realidad aumentada de
de contenido de TUDN Vision, en la      los partidos de la Liga MX. TUDN
                                                                                 conjunto con Univision para hacer        manera que los fanáticos tengan
que los fans podrán recorrer el esta-   Vision se ofrecerá en la aplicación de
                                                                                 que los procesos de producción de        una experiencia superior al ver las
dio con tomas de 360 grados y acer-     TUDN o en navegadores de internet
                                                                                 trasmisiones sean virtuales y realz-     trasmisiones en medios tradicio-
carse más a la acción con jugadores,    a los aficionados en Estados Unidos.
                                                                                 arlos con banda ancha de 5G Ultra        nales, con tecnología de Chyron y
espectadores y demás. Verizon tam-      La experiencia permitirá que los
                                                                                 en los partidos amistosos del otoño      Tracab. Esto permitirá funciones es-
bién colaborará con Univision para      fans recorran el estadio con tomas
                                                                                 en Estados Unidos, si lo permiten        peciales durante los partidos, como
crear procesos virtuales de produc-     de 360 grados y vean la llegada de
                                                                                 las restricciones debido al Covid-19     repetir las jugadas más emociona-
                                                                                 en el país. Los partidos se realizarán   ntes. También incluirá segmentos
                                                                                 en estadios con banda ancha 5G Ul-       desde el estudio, presentados en un
                                                                                 tra de Verizon, donde los equipos        set especial en “Contacto Deporti-
                                                                                 de producción de Univision podrán        vo” y “Misión Europa”, que cubrirán
                                                                                 realizar todo su proceso con 5G de       las mejores jugadas de los partidos,
                                                                                 Verizon. Verizon y Univision tam-        además de usar gráficos únicos y re-
                                                                                 bién seguirán creando experiencias       alidad aumentada.
                                                                                 de inmersión para los aficionados en
                                                                                 el estadio.                                     Cronograma completo de los
                                                                                                                          partidos de la temporada regular en
                                                                                         “Esta sociedad entre Verizon     TUDN Vision al momento del lan-
                                                                                 y Univision es un excelente ejemp-       zamiento: se anunciarán partidos
                                                                                 lo de cómo se puede usar 5G para         adicionales posteriormente
                                                                                 posibilitar experiencias para los fans
                                                                                 y hacer que avance el futuro de las      •   17 de abril de 2021 - América
                                                                                 experiencias en segunda pantalla”,           contra Cruz Azul
                                                                                 dijo John Nitti, director ejecutivo de   •   24 de abril de 2021 - Tigres
                                                                                 Medios de Verizon. “Sabemos cuán-            UANL contra Monterrey
                                                                                 to les apasionan a los aficionados
                                                                                 del fútbol el deporte, los equipos y     •   1 de mayo de 2021 - Cruz Azul
                                                                                 jugadores, y esta es una gran opor-          contra Tijuana
                                                                                 tunidad de realzar la interacción a
                                                                                 favor de la audiencia”.                          Verizon     Communications
                                                                                                                          Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) se creó
                                                                                         “Ya que nuestra audiencia        el 30 de junio de 2000 y es uno de
                                                                                 tiene una pasión inigualable por el      los principales proveedores del
                                                                                 fútbol, es un gran gusto asociarnos      mundo de productos y servicios de
                                                                                 a Verizon para acercar a nuestros        tecnología, comunicaciones, infor-
                                                                                 fanáticos incluso más a los equipos      mación y entretenimiento. Verizon,
                                                                                 y jugadores que les encantan”, dijo      que tiene sus oficinas principales
                                                                                 José Luis Los Arcos, vicepresiden-       en la ciudad de Nueva York y una
                                                                                 te de Soluciones Deportivas para         presencia en todo el mundo, generó
                                                                                 Socios de Univision. “TUDN Vision        ingresos de $128,300 millones en
                                                                                 será un acompañante dinámico             2020. La empresa ofrece servicios y
                                                                                 que magnificará la experiencia del       soluciones de datos, video y voz en
                                                                                 día del partido, y junto con nues-       sus galardonadas redes y platafor-
                                                                                 tras nuevas funciones realzadas de       mas, atendiendo la demanda de sus
                                                                                 analítica, ayudará a realzar nuestra     clientes de movilidad, conectividad
                                                                                 galardonada cobertura de la Liga         fiable de red, seguridad y control.
15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021   5
6   15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021
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  Las vacunas contra el COVID son nuestro rayo de
  esperanza para estar con nuestros seres queridos.
  Cuando sea su turno, vacúnese. Las vacunas han mostrado ser
  seguras y efectivas, y pueden obtenerse sin costo.
                                                                      SÍ PODEMOS
  Por su salud, por el amor a los suyos. Por estar juntos otra vez.

  Infórmese en cdc.gov/coronavirus-es
8                                                                                                             15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021
                                         HIDEKI MATSUYAMA WINS MASTERS, MAKES
                                         HISTORY FOR JAPAN
                                         16th bounced off the hill left of the
                                         green and dribbled into the pond.
                                         His third shot from the drop area
                                         went into the gallery. It added up to
                                         a triple-bogey 6 and his third close
                                         call in a major.

                                                 Never mind that Matsuyama
                                         bogeyed three of his last four holes,
                                         the first Masters champion with a fi-
                                         nal round over par since Trevor Im-
                                         melman shot a 75 in 2008.

                                                All that mattered was that

                                         uphill walk to the 18th green, need-
        ideki Matsuyama delivered        ing only to blast out of a bunker and
        golf-mad Japan the grandest      take two putts for the victory.
        and greenest prize of all.
                                         That moment came Sunday.
       Ten years after Matsuyama
made a sterling debut as the low                Matsuyama is not big on
amateur at Augusta National, he          emotion, and he speaks even less
claimed the ultimate trophy Sun-         even when cornered after every
day with a victory in the Masters to     round by the large contingent of
become the first Japanese winner of      Japanese media.
the green jacket.
                                                Matsuyama is not big on
        Matsuyama closed with a          emotion, and he speaks even less
1-over 73 and a one-shot victory that    even when cornered after every
was close only at the end — and nev-     round by the large contingent of         another birdie until the par-5 eighth,   behind the 12th green. He two-putt-
er seriously in doubt after Xander       Japanese media.                          and it didn’t matter because no one      ed from 10 feet for birdie on No. 13.
Schauffele’s late charge ended with                                               could put any pressure on him.           He nearly holed out from the fair-
a triple bogey on the par-3 16th.                Most of the media was ab-                                                 way for a tap-in birdie on the 14th.
                                         sent this year because of COVID-19               Zalatoris misjudged the          And he nearly holed his greenside
        Moments before Dustin            travel restrictions, and Matsuyama       speed on No. 3 and three-putted for      bunker shot on the par-5 15th for a
Johnson helped him into the green        had said on the eve of the final round   bogey from just off the back of the      fourth straight birdie.
jacket, Matsuyama needed no inter-       that it has been a lot less stress.      green. Schauffele was within three
preter in Butler Cabin when he said                                               of the lead going to the third hole,            And then all that that work
in English, “I’m really happy.”                  There was plenty on the golf     only to go bogey-bogey-double bogey      ended when his ball disappeared
                                         course, right from the start.            on the toughest three-hole stretch       below the surface of the pond at No.
        So masterful was this perfor-                                             on the course.                           16.
mance that Matsuyama stretched                    Matsuyama sent his opening
his lead to six shots on the back nine   tee shot into the trees right of the             Matsuyama delivered what                 Matsuyama could afford a
until a few moments of drama. With       first fairway. He punched it under       appeared to be a knockout punch          few bogeys, and all that affected was
a four-shot lead, he went for the        the trees from the pine straw, hit a     with a nifty up-and-down from right      the final margin. He is the Masters
green in two on the par-5 15th and       soft pitch that rolled down the slope    of the green on the eighth for a tap-    champion, a major that defines his
his ball bounded hard off the back       away from the pin and was happy          in birdie and a lob wedge to the         elite status in the game and gives
slope and into the pond on the 16th      to leave with a bogey. Two groups        dangerous left pin on the ninth that     Japan the biggest week it has ever
hole.                                    ahead of him, Zalatoris opened with      rolled out to 3 feet. That sent him to   had in April. It started a week ago
                                         two straight birdies.                    the back nine with a five-shot lead.     Saturday when Tsubasa Kajitani
        Matsuyama did well to walk                                                                                         won the second Augusta National
away with a bogey, and with Schauf-             Just like that, the lead was      For the longest time, it looked as       Women’s Amateur.
fele making a fourth straight birdie,    down to one.                             though Matsuyama couldn’t wait to
the lead was down to two with three                                               get to Butler Cabin and see how he                Matsuyama wasn’t around
holes to play.                                   No one got any closer until      looked in green.                         to see it, but he was well aware of it.
                                         the final hour. Matsuyama made a                                                  All he wanted was to follow her path
        The next swing all but ended     birdie from the front bunker on the           Schauffele,           however,      and make Japan proud. His play
it. Schauffele’s tee shot on the par-3   par-5 second hole. He didn’t make        rammed in a 20-foot birdie putt from     spoke volumes.
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APRIL 2021

       mazon Prime Video releas-            shadowy CIA agent Robert Ritter
       es original new movies and           (Jamie Bell), the mission unwitting-
       shows like Tom Clancy’s              ly exposes a covert plot that threat-
Without Remorse and THEM for                ens to engulf the U.S. and Russia in
free streaming this April. You’ll be        an all-out war. This action thriller
celebrating your sweetest Easter            film based on Tom Clancy’s 1993
and Passover season yet with the            novel of the same name is sure to get
best titles hitting Prime, including        your heart pounding, so check it out
other Amazon Original releases like         for a good, gripping journey at the
Loudermilk along with lovable mov-          end of this month on Prime Video.
ies from the last decade like Moon-
rise Kingdom, The Artist, and more,         Best New Shows on Amazon
so make sure you check them out.            Prime April 2021:

         If you’re trying to decide                 The lineup of new shows on
what to watch right now, turn to the        Prime this February features pre-
the best and newest Amazon Prime            mieres of shows new and old. How-
titles streaming this month.                ever, two new Amazon Original
                                            series stick out above the rest, and
Best New Movie on Amazon                    will be sure to keep you hooked all
Prime April 2021:                           month long. Here are the top show
                                            coming to Amazon Prime this April:
         Throughout each month,
Prime adds a list of new movies             THEM: Limited Series (Released
that’s comprised of original pro-           April 9) *Amazon Original Series
gramming, old classics, and theatri-
cal titles. Out of a lineup full of films           n this horror anthology Am-
both new and old, this brand new            azon Original series executive pro-
Amazon Original title sticks out            duced by Lena Waithe and Little
above the rest. Check out our April         Marvin, it’s the 1950s and a Black
highlight for Amazon Prime:                 family moves from North Carolina to
                                            an all-white Los Angeles neighbor-
Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse                hood, where malevolent forces, next
(Released April 30)                         door and otherworldly, threaten to
                                            taunt, ravage and destroy them.
        The film tells the origin sto-      THEM stars Deborah Ayorinde,
ry of John Kelly (Michael B. Jordan)        Ashley Thomas, Shahadi Wright Jo-
— AKA John Clark– a U.S. Navy               seph, and Melody Hurd, and is set
SEAL, who uncovers an internation-          to be a terrifyingly great new series,
al conspiracy while seeking justice         so make sure to catch it as soon as it
for the murder of his pregnant wife         drops on Prime this month.
by Russian soldiers. When Kelly
joins forces with fellow SEAL Kar-
en Greer (Jodie Turner-Smith) and
12                                                                                                             15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021


      he peninsula Baja California
      Sur has a semi-desert climate
      offering remoteness and vir-
gin beaches, like Balandra. Playa
Balandra is considered to be Mexi-
co’s most beautiful beach. It consists
of a small bay with very calm waters
surrounded by hills of reddish rocks.
You can relax in transparent waters
surrounded by white sands and the
climate is great for swimming all
year round. For more than ten years,
Playa Balandra has been a protect-
ed natural area, keeping hotels and
crowds away from its crystal clear

         Located a twenty minutes
drive outside of the town La Paz it’s
a perfect day trip destination from
there. As with many touristy sites
it’s best to get there in the morning.   •   Hat                                   it can get a bit crowded in the after-   Enjoy the sun
From noon on Playa Balandra gets                                                   noon. In case you don’t mind being
busier and looses its tranquility.       What to do at Playa Balandra              without this comfort and you prefer              And finally, the reason why
                                                                                   a more quiet place I recommend go-       we all go to the beach: Find a spot to
What to bring to Playa Balandra                   Balandra is not only a beach,    ing to the calmer beach behind the       lie down on the sand and enjoy the
Water                                    it’s rather a bay that consists of sev-   first one.                               sun and the ocean. I stayed there
• Food – there are vendors who           eral beaches and hills. You can wan-                                               the whole afternoon and it was the
  sell small snacks but there are        der around and explore the place.                  The waters at Balandra          perfect get away from the city. I es-
  no restaurants                                                                   beach are very shallow so even if you    pecially enjoyed the tranquility, the
• Proper shoes in case you want to               If you seek to have the com-      walk out for a bit the water might       perfect weather and the beautiful
  hike to the view point                 fort of a sun-bed, an umbrella and        still just reach your knees. During      landscape. The time at Balandra
• Swimsuit and towel                     a vendor of drinks nearby then you        low tide you can even walk out for       beach was truly relaxing and I’d love
• Sunscreen                              should stay on the first beach. This      around 500m.                             to go there again someday.
• Sunglasses                             is where most people stay and where
15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021                                                                                                                     13
                                         MAXIQUESADILLAS DE CHILORIO
COCINA                                       el chilorio                          PREPARACIÓN                                •   Dobla la quesadilla como se

                                                                                                                                 muestra en el video.
                                         •   1/4 cucharadas de comino moli-
      rueba estas deliciosas quesa-                                               •   Cocina la carne por 45 minutos         •   En un sartén derrite la man-
                                             do, para el chilorio
      dillas dándole un giro con esta                                                 hasta que quede suave.                     tequilla y coloca la quesadilla,
      nueva técnica, aparte de un        •   1/4 cucharadas de semilla de ci-
                                                                                  •   Deja que la carne se enfríe y des-         calienta por ambos lados por 5
delicioso relleno como es el chilorio,       lantro, para el chilorio
                                                                                      menuza. Reserva.                           minutos a fuego bajo.
guacamole, frijoles y queso.             •   4 cucharadas de manteca de cer-
                                                                                  •   Licua los chiles, el agua de los       •   Sirve en un plato y acompaña de
                                             do, para el chilorio
INGREDIENTES                                                                          chiles, el orégano, el comino,             salsa roja.
                                         •   2 dientes de ajo, para el chilorio
                                                                                      semilla de cilantro, el ajo y el
•    600 gramos de pierna de cerdo,      •   al gusto de sal, para el chilorio        vinagre blanco durante 5 minu-         PRESENTACIÓN
     para el chilorio,                   •   al gusto de pimienta, para el            tos.
•    suficiente de agua, para cocer la       chilorio                             •   Corta una línea desde la mitad                Sirve con cuidado en un
     carne                               •   2 tazas de guacamole                     de la tortilla hacia la orilla y co-   platón grande.
•    1/4 cebollas, para cocer la carne                                                loca en un cuarto de la tortilla
                                         •   2 tazas de queso manchego, ral-
                                                                                      dos cucharadas de guacamole;           TIPS
•    2 laurel, para cocer la carne           lado
                                                                                      en otro cuarto de la tortilla colo-
•    5 chiles guajillos, remojados y     •   2 tazas de frijol negro, refrito         ca dos cucharadas de chilorio; en              Puedes hacerlo del relleno de
     desvenados para el chilorio         •   4 tortillas, gigante                     otro cuarto de la tortilla coloca      tu elección.
•    1 taza de consomé de pollo, para                                                 dos cucharadas de frijoles y en
                                         •   2 cucharadas de mantequilla              el último cuarto coloca suficiente
     el chilorio
                                         •   suficiente de salsa roja, para           queso.
•    1/2 cucharadas de orégano, para         acompañar
14                                                                                                          15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021

                                                                                pautas de deportación para gober-
                                                                                nar cómo y cuándo los oficiales
                                                                                pueden arrestar e intentar deportar
                                                                                a inmigrantes indocumentados”, se
REPORTAN QUE MAYORKAS                                                           adelantó.

APOYA QUE ICE ENDUREZCA                                                                E l Secretario, se dijo, fue
DEPORTACIONES Y                                                                 presionado por empleados de ICE
                                                                                preocupados por la resistencia de la
PERSECUCIÓN DE                                                                  opinión pública a su trabajo.


                                                                                Mayorkas, quien llegó con sus padres
       n un foro virtual con emplea-           Según un reporte del Wash-       como refugiado de Cuba, defendió el
       dos de Inmigración y Control     ington Times, Mayorkas dijo tam-        trabajo de la agencia, señalando que
       de Aduanas (ICE), el secretar-   bién estar listo para enfrentar a las   tiene una “noble misión”.
io de Seguridad Nacional, Alejandro     ciudades santuario que no cooperen
Mayorkas, rechazó que la agencia        con agentes de ICE.                             Actualmente los indocumen-
desaparezca o sea dividida, además                                              tados que cruzan por primera vez la
de apoyar la persecución de indocu-            También se afirma que el         frontera enfrentan procesos admin-
mentados y su deportación.              Secretario buscará que se persiga       istrativos, pero los reincidentes vio-
                                        a algunos indocumentados a través       lan leyes penales.
        “Estoy cien por ciento en       de procesos judiciales por cruzar la
contra de la abolición de ICE”, dijo    frontera sin documentos.                       “Veo casos ahora en los que
a los empleados. “Es lo contrario de                                            aprehendemos y deportamos a per-
lo que creo que debe ocurrir. Creo             El portal revisó las notas de    sonas que creo que deben ser proc-
que debemos fortalecer nuestras         la conversación en exclusiva y reveló   esadas penalmente”, consideró el
políticas y prácticas y comunicar de    algunos detalles.                       funcionario.
                                                                                                                         de deportación, que incluyen a nue-
manera más eficaz lo que hacemos y
                                                                                        No queda claro si el Secretar-   vos inmigrantes y aquellos que rep-
por qué lo hacemos”.                           “Mayorkas dijo que está tra-
                                                                                io defendió los actuales lineamientos    resentan un peligro a la seguridad
                                        bajando en un nuevo conjunto de
15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                15

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  Jueves                 Viernes               Sábado               Domingo                 Lunes               Martes           Miércoles            El Tiempo en Los Estados Unidos Abril 18 - Abril 22
                                                                                                                                                             sobre                  Portland
                                                                                                                                                             Sobre                                                                      Fargo                                         Burlington
                                                                                                                                                             normal                                            Billings
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Boise                                          Minneapolis                                Boston
Algunos chubascos         Algunas                Nublado,            Posibilidad de     Intervalos de sol        Bastante            Mucho sol               normal
temprano; nublado      tormentas en la         con algunos          algún chubasco           y nubes             nublado                                                                                                                                            Detroit
                                                                                                                                                             Debajo de                             Salt Lake City
                           tarde                chubascos                                                                                                    normal                                                             Omaha                                                New York
                                                                                                                                                             Mucho            San Francisco                                                                        Pittsburgh
 74° 60°               74° 59°               67° 51°                69° 52°              72° 54°                76° 54°           79° 55°                                                                             Denver                                                       Washington
                                                                                                                                                             abajo                                                                          Kansas City
                                                                                                                                                      PRECIPITACIÓN                            Las Vegas
La Región                                                                                               Temperatura                                          Mucho                   Los Angeles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Little Rock
                         Montgomery         Conroe                                                      La estadística de Houston Abr. 6 - Abr. 12
                                                                                        Lumberton                                                            Sobre                                 Phoenix                 Lubbock                               Atlanta
      Navasota           74/57              73/57                                                       Máxima                                  88°          normal                                                                     Dallas
                                                                                        74/58                                                                                                                  El Paso
      74/60                                          Cleveland                                          Mínima                                  51°          Casi                                                                                                             Jacksonville
                                                                                                        Normal máxima                           78°          normal                                                                                      New Orleans
                                      Tomball        73/56                                                                                                                                                                San Antonio
                                                                                                        Normal mínima                           58°          Debajo de
Brenham                               73/58                                         Beaumont                                                                 normal                                                                       Houston
                                                                                                                                                                             Pronósticos y gráficos de
74/62                                          Aldine                  Liberty      73/59               Precipitación                                        Mucho
                                                                                                                                                             abajo           AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021

             Bellville                         74/60                   74/58                            Abr. 6 - Abr. 12                      0.03”
                            Katy                                                      Winnie
             74/61                                           Baytown                                                                                                              Jueves            Viernes          Sábado        Domingo            Lunes           Martes         Miércoles
                            73/62                                                     73/60
                                               Houston       72/62                                                                                    Ciudad                     Máx/Mín/T         Máx/Mín/T        Máx/Mín/T     Máx/Mín/T         Máx/Mín/T        Máx/Mín/T       Máx/Mín/T
         Sealy                                 74/60                                                    El Indice de UV                               Albuquerque                 73/43/nu         66/39/pn         56/38/pn       52/36/nu            60/40/ag        71/43/s        77/47/pn
         73/61                                                         Anahuac
                        Rosenberg                       Pasadena                                            Jue. Vie. Sáb. Dom. Lun. Mar. Mié.        Atlanta                     69/49/pn         69/52/pn         67/52/nu        70/50/t            73/54/pn        71/49/t        71/49/pn
                        74/63                           72/63                                               2    2     3     6      6     3     10    Boston                      50/42/nu          45/39/ll        51/41/nu       57/42/pn            60/45/ag       60/45/pn         55/43/ll
                                 73/63         Pearland                                                 Cuanto más alto es el número del Indice       Chicago                     52/37/pn         54/39/nu         53/40/nu       55/41/ag            58/42/ag       51/30/nu        52/37/pn
                                               73/64                        Crystal Beach               UV de AccuWeather, será mayor la              Dallas                      69/56/nu          65/48/t         64/46/pn       67/44/pn            70/49/nu       73/50/pn         76/53/s
                                                       Texas City           73/64                       necesidad de proteger su piel y sus ojos.     Denver                      45/28/ag         37/24/nv         39/22/nu       49/28/pn            50/27/ag       59/29/nu        60/33/ag
                    Wharton          Angleton          72/67          Galveston                         0-2 Mínimo; 3-5 Moderado; 6-7 Elevado;        Detroit                     50/37/ag         56/39/pn         59/41/nu       61/42/ag            64/41/pn       54/34/ag        57/36/nu
                    74/62            74/65                            73/68                             8-10 Muy elevado; 11+ Extremo                 Las Vegas                    76/56/s          77/58/s          78/59/s        81/58/s             87/64/s       90/66/pn        87/65/pn
 El Campo                                                                                                                                             Little Rock                 64/46/pn          60/46/ll        64/43/nu       63/41/ag            68/44/pn       69/41/nu         71/46/s
 74/63                             Sweeny                               El muestra el pronóstico del                                                  Los Angeles                 67/53/pn         71/54/pn          79/61/s        84/62/s             83/61/s       77/55/pn        70/57/pn
            Bay City               76/64                                tiempo para hoy Jueves. Las
                                                                        temperaturas indicadas son
                                                                                                        Temperatura RealFeel®                         Miami                        86/69/s          90/71/s          91/72/s        89/74/s            86/75/pn        86/73/t         82/70/t
            77/64                    Freeport                            las máximas y las mínimas          Jue. Vie. Sáb. Dom. Lun. Mar. Mié.        New Orleans                  71/61/t         70/66/ag          75/59/t        73/58/t             73/60/t       74/59/pn         75/60/s
                                     73/66                                       probables.             Máxima                                        New York City                53/42/ll         52/42/ll        60/46/pn       62/49/pn            62/49/ag       64/48/ag        60/46/nu
                                                                                                            72 73 65 69 74 76 84                      Phoenix                     83/60/pn         84/60/pn          88/62/s        87/60/s             88/65/s        95/68/s        93/69/pn
                     Viernes        Sábado       Domingo         Lunes        Martes       Miércoles                                                  San Diego                   67/55/pn         67/55/pn         71/58/pn        78/61/s             75/58/s       71/57/pn        66/56/nu
Ciudad              Máx/Mín/T      Máx/Mín/T    Máx/Mín/T      Máx/Mín/T     Máx/Mín/T     Máx/Mín/T    Mínima
                                                                                                                                                      Seattle                      71/45/s          74/47/s          78/49/s        77/49/s            73/48/pn       61/47/ag         62/46/s
Baytown              76/60/t       68/54/ag      65/57/pn        76/59/t      74/55/pn        76/58/s       60 57 49 51 54 55 56                      Washington, DC              65/45/pn         60/44/nu         65/49/nu       66/50/pn            67/50/ag       71/49/ag        64/46/ag
Beaumont             73/60/t        70/53/ll     69/51/pn        71/51/t      74/54/pn        77/56/s   El indice patentado Temperatura               Tiempo (T) s-soleado; pn-parcialmente nublado; nu-nublado; ag-aguaceros; t-tormentas; II-IIuvia; ni-nieve intermitente; nv-nieve; h-hielo.
Conroe               72/54/t       63/48/nu      68/46/pn       72/50/pn      75/52/nu        78/54/s   RealFeel de AccuWeather.com es la
Freeport            75/61/nu        70/58/t       67/54/t       71/57/nu      74/58/nu        75/61/s   sensación térmica que toma en cuenta
Galveston            78/66/t       72/60/ag       70/59/t        69/59/t      73/62/pn        73/66/s   todos los factores del tiempo incluyendo
Pasadena             75/60/t       68/55/ag      67/54/pn       71/54/pn      76/57/pn        77/60/s   la tempertura, el viento, la humedad, la
Pearland             72/60/t       66/55/ag      67/53/pn       71/52/pn      75/56/nu        76/59/s   radiación solar y la precipitación.
16   15 DE ABRIL - 21 DE ABRIL | 2021
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