HigHway 82 Your guideto - Festivals - Post Oak Media

HigHway 82 Your guideto - Festivals - Post Oak Media
Your 2021 guide to
Highway 82      Seymour to Sherman

Fun for the
whole family


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4 Your Guide to Hwy 82
HigHway 82 Your guideto - Festivals - Post Oak Media
   New and Noteworthy
Keep these on your radar...6
What’s in store for 2021? Get ready to
explore Highway 82’s latest.

    Then & Now
Uncover a piece of the past...8
Visit these historic sites when visiting
communities during your Highway 82 trek.

   Explore the great outdoors              On the cover
Parks & lakes...14                         Find out all Highway 82 has
Get outside and visit one of the many      to offer in this rock music-
parks and lakes along Highway 82.          inspired travel guide. Catch
                                           a live music show by one
                                           of the local artists such as
   Make Family Memories                    Tanner Fenoglio, enjoy a
                                           festival like the first annual
Oh, the places you’ll go...22              Dog Fest in Wichita Falls
Check out these fun, family-friendly       or make family memories
attractions.                               like Paul and Jordan
                                           Lowman at one of the
                                           many attractions including
   Taste of Texas                          Maniac’s Mansion cereal
                                           bar and arcade. (Design by Kayla Jean Woolf)
The best eats...30
These restaurants have the best dishes                                       200 Walnut,
North Texas has to offer.                                                  Bowie, TX 76230
   shop ‘til you drop
Shop local...40
Find something for everyone at these
local stores in the North Texas area.

   Music and Arts
Your soundtrack starts here...42
Check out the local music scene in the
communities along Highway 82.

   Mark your calendar
Calendar of events...49
Plan your visit around these annual
events and festivals.

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HigHway 82 Your guideto - Festivals - Post Oak Media
New and Noteworthy

  Keep these on
   your radar!
     What’s in store for 2021?
      Get ready to explore
      Highway 82’s latest.

                                              Play arcade games

                              1st annual

    Texas Dog Fest
    Have a wagging good time from 10
    a.m. to 7 p.m. on May 15 at the first
    annual Texas Dog Fest. There will be
    real dogs and hot dogs. There will be      Local vendors
    lots of vendors on site including: pet
    rescues, dog grooming, vets, dog food
    and treats, dog clothing, blankets,
    local services and sponsors, crafts,
    leashes, T-shirts and so much more.
                                             The Krahl Pantry
    Ray Clymer Exhibit Hall                  This general store, restaurant and inn
    1000 5th St., Wichita Falls              located in downtown Nocona has a lot to
    940-716-5500                             offer. Live entertainment Thurs-Sat.
    texasdogfest.com                         940-902-4961 / thekrahlpantry.com

6 Your Guide to Hwy 82
HigHway 82 Your guideto - Festivals - Post Oak Media
Coming Soon
                                                 Watch for these and other
              ,                               new attractions along Highway 82.

        Maniac s Mansion                    See More Optical & gifts
                                          See More Optical is a small prescription
        Maniac’s Mansion is a
                                          eyewear store with a selection of gifts
        free-play arcade/cereal
                                          from local business owners, all available
        bar/modern toy museum             in one place.
        in the old section of the         205 S. Cedar St Seymour
        8th Street Coffee House in        940-889-4010
        Wichita Falls. For only $8
        play all day in the arcade or       Deschain Cellers
        purchase a bowl of cereal         The funky “little winery that could.” Built
        from Mrs. Nesbitt’s Cereal        out of 10 decommissioned shipping
        Bar. Watch for gaming             containers Deshain Cellars is the passion
        tournaments or live music.        project of Kristin Mapstone and Willem
        710 8th St.,                      Johnson. It’s the culmination of Willem’s
                                          lifetime of experience and research in
        Wichita Falls
                                          wine, hospitality and engineering.
                                          8363 Hwy. 82, Gainesville
                                          940-202-9011 / deschaincellars.com

                                            Ranch 82
                                          Nestled deep within the pastoral meadows
                                          of North Texas horse country, RANCH 82
                                          is the hidden jewel of Cooke County. Its
                                          sprawling six acres is decadently spa-
                                          cious, a gently rustic 6,000 square-foot
                                          venue offering room to seat 300 plus
                                          guests. Catch live music on “band night”
                                          at RANCH 82 or make a reservation for
                                          dinner. Watch for upcoming events.
                                          12265 E. Hwy. 82, Whitesboro
                                          469-396-5070 / ranch82.com

                                            CrashWorks STEAM studio
                                          Paint a portrait or engineer a catapult
 Teas & sandwiches
                                          in the Makerspace, do an experiment
                                          in the lab, build a sword in the shop.
                                          CrashWorks is like a creative, exploration

Hobo coffee & Ice                         playground, bringing together all of the
                                          STEAM components in an educational
                                          environment by way of primarily recycled,
Hobo Coffee & Ice: Where shaved ice and
                                          everyday materials. Admission is only $9
coffee grounds meet the soul.
                                          for ages two and up.
3202 Seymour Hwy, Wichita Falls
                                          724 Indiana Ave., Wichita Falls
hobocoffeewf.square.site                  940-642-3778 / crashworkswf.com

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HigHway 82 Your guideto - Festivals - Post Oak Media
Then & Now

        Uncover a Piece
                  of the past
             A take a trip back in time at these museums
               to learn more about the history of these
             North Texas communities along Highway 82.

     Paleontology Hall

                                                   Discover new exhibits

      Whiteside museum of
      Natural History
     WMNH provides all visitors with
     an interactive glimpse into the
     natural world and more specifically
     the ancient life that once inhabited
     North Texas. View a complete
     skeleton of the famous finback reptile,
     Dimetrodon named Bonnie.
     310 N Washington St., Seymour
     940-0889-6548 / wmnh.org

8 Your Guide to Hwy 82
HigHway 82 Your guideto - Festivals - Post Oak Media
H.J. Justin’s desk

                                           Tales 'N' Trails Museum
                                           In 2020 Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum
                                           unveiled its new western hall that
                                           showcases the west from cattle trails
                                           and railroads to an exhibit centered
                                           around a replica of an old west
                                           town. There is a barber, drug store,
                                           saddle shop, doctor and bank, with
                                           a mercantile. The rooms contain
                                           actual artifacts and video screens with
                                           information. Large graphics on the wall
                                           explain the cattle drives and railroad’s
                          Nokona exhibit   arrival. The wing also showcases
                                           leathergoods and is anchored by the
                                           original desk of H.J Justin. The John
                                           Glaze Boot Shop collection also will be
                                           featured. The museum is open daily 10
                                           a.m. to 5 p.m. A gift shop is available
                                           and the museum also operates a custom
                                           frame shop featuring the artistry of Bill
                                           Taylor. Admission is $5 for adults and
                                           $3 for students and seniors. It is free for
                                           pre-schoolers and museum members.
                                           1522 E. Hwy. 82, Nocona
Native American exhibit
                                           940-825-5330 / talesntrails.org

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Then & Now

                                “Nat’s Hats”

   Museum of North
                                                 Native American exhibit

   Texas History
   The main exhibit hall is the Ralph O.
   Harvey, Jr. Exhibit Hall. He was a civic
   leader and true philanthropist, and
   manifested a passion for the history
   of North Texas. Guided tours are
   available or patrons can simply explore
   on their own at their own pace.
   720 Indiana Ave., Wichita Falls
                                                                           Iron Lung

                                               Medal of Honor host
                                               city program park
                                               The Medal of Honor Host City Program
                                               Park honors Medal of Honor recipients
                                               and recognizes Gainesville as the only
                                               Medal of Honor Host City in America.
                                               This gateway into the city will remind
                                               everyone entering that Gainesville is
                                               indeed the Most Patriotic Small Town
                                               in America.
                                               S. Culberson / W. California, Gainesville
     Medal of Honor City Park                  940-655-2831 / medalofhonorhostcity.com

10 Your Guide to Hwy 82
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12 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Classic cars

                              Texoma Time Traveler    Horton classic
                                                      car museum
 The Sherman Museum                                   The collection features 138
                                                      cars focusing on vintage,
 The Sherman Museum is a non-profit                   classic and muscle cars.
 educational institution that acquires, preserves,    115 W. Walnut St.,
 interprets and displays items of enduring            Nocona
 cultural, historical and educational value related   940-825-1022
 to the Grayson County area.
 301 S. Walnut, Sherman
 903-893-7623 / theshermanmuseum.org                  Once Upon A Time
                                                         Check out these other
                                                       places to learn more about

Stonewall Saloon Museum                                   North Texas’ history.
                                                        1890 Jail Museum
The Stonewall Saloon Museum is located on the         116 N. Graham, Henrietta
historic square in Saint Jo, Texas. The Stonewall
Saloon was the first permanent structure built          Baylor County Museum
in Saint Jo in 1873 to accommodate thirsty trail      116 N. Washington, Seymour
drovers moving cattle along the Chisholm Trail.       940-889-6780
The museum showcases the history of Saint Jo            City Hall 1924 Cinema
in an authentic saloon setting.                       301 N. Washington, Seymour
100 Main St., Saint Jo                                940-889-3148
940-995-7193 / stonewallsaloonmuseum.com
                                                        Internation Ordnance
                                                      201 S. Main, Saint Jo
                                                        Muenster Museum
                                                      420 N. Main St., Muenster
                                                        Sherman Jazz Museum
                                                      201 E. Lamar, Sherman

  Stonewall Saloon                                      The Outlaw Trails Museum
                                                      118 W. Lamar, Sherman

                                                          www.postoakmedia.net 13
Explore the great outdoors

             & Lakes
     Get outside and explore the many parks and
      lakes between Seymour and Sherman. Go
     fishing, throw a round of disc golf or hit the
           greens at one of the golf courses.
                                                             The Falls

                                    Lake Texoma
                                    Lake Texoma is situated on the
                                    Red River between Oklahoma and
                                    Texas. Attracting approximately six
                                    million visitors a year, Lake Texoma’s
                                    popularity is largely attributed to its
                                    sheer size, as well as its proximity to
                                    the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, about
                                    an hour’s drive south of the lake. Lake
                                    Texoma is surrounded by two huge
                                    state parks, as well as dozens of other
                                    parks, marinas and outdoor retreats.
                                    This a phenomenal lake for fishing,
                                    camping, hiking and recreational
                                    boating. Lake Texoma is known as the
                                    “Striper Capital of the World.” There
                                    are plenty of other fish to catch, too.
                                    Preston Bend Road, north of
     Camp on the lake

14 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Lucy Park
                                Lucy Park is a 178-acre regional park located in
                                the center of the city. The park is in a natural
                                setting with huge pecans, cottonwoods, and
                                numerous other species of trees. A large pond
                                area is dedicated to waterfowl. For hiking
                                and biking enthusiasts, there is concrete
                                trail that circles the park. The park has two
                                public restrooms, a large swimming pool,
                                basketball goals, 18-hole disc golf course, three
                                playgrounds and three volleyball courts.
                                100 Sunset Dr., Wichita Falls

                    Challenging layout

Turtle hill golf course
The course features a beautiful
relaxed setting, challenging
and picturesque 18-hole layout,
unforgettable views, outstanding
bent grass greens and a friendly and
professional staff.                                           Picturesque greens
7708 N. FM 373, Muenster

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Explore the great outdoors

  enid justin park
  Enid Justin Park offers a very large
  playground with lots of equipment, a
  skate park, picnic area, and a walking/
  jogging trail. It also features two
  large pavilions, as well as two tennis
  courts and a volleyball court. In 2018
  a new playground area, Chief Peta’s
  Playground, was completed featuring
  several forts, swings, a xylophone and
  a designated toddler play area, all
  custom designed to represent Nocona’s
  rich history of leathergood making and
  its new designation of the Classic Car
  Capital of Texas.
  Corner of Paris and Mesquite,                   Chief Peta’s Playgound

                                                     Whitesboro Community Playground

     Godwin park
     This park is the home of the Whitesboro Community Playground in addition
     to other playground equipment, barbecue and picnic areas, exercise
     stations, a half mile walking trail, sand volleyball court, restroom facilities
     and a pavilion.
     North and Wilson Streets, Whitesboro

16 Your Guide to Hwy 82
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18 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Lake Arrowhead state Park
                                           Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy
                                           fishing, lake swimming on an
                                           unsupervised beach, water skiing,
                                           disc golf, picnicking, camping, nature
                                           study, hiking, horseback riding and
                                           boating. This site offers approximately
                                           five miles of multi-use trails on
                                           approximately 300 acres that are open
                                           to hikers as well as riders. Prairie dogs
                                           can be seen all over the park.
                                           229 Park Road 63, Wichita Falls
  State Recreation Area                    940-528-2211

Preston Henry Memorial disc golf Course
The nine-hole Preston Henry
Memorial Disc Golf Course is located
in J. M. Lindsay Park and adjacent
Parkview Park. The beginning tee for
play is located at 814 Pecan Street.
Holes 5 and 6 are located 550 feet
east and a little south in the smaller
park at the corner of Hickory (FM
1199) and Parkview. The course is
designed according to standard disc
golf course rules for recreational play
and offers a variety of challenging
J.M. Lindsay Park, 814 Pecan,                                     J.M. Lindsay Park

                              henrietta city park
                              Henrietta’s city park features wooden playground
                              equipment, picnic benches, basketball goals, fitness
                              equipment, tennis courts and the city swimming
                              pool. For more information contact the City of
                              Henrietta office.
                              1000 E. Commerce St., Henrietta
   Henrietta Park             940-538-4316 / cityofhenrietta.com

                                                            www.postoakmedia.net 19
Explore the great outdoors
                                  Playground entrance
                                                            Tot Lot Park

                                                           tot lot park
   Leonard Park                                            This park has a youth
   Leonard Park is great for baseball, softball,           baseball field, a basketball
   swimming, picnics, school field trips, train rides      court, playground and
   and visits to the zoo. The park has four areas:         picnic areas. Corner of
   Park, zoo, ball fields and swimming pool.               Chesnut & Walnut
   1000 W. California St. Gainesville                      Streets, Whitesboro

   Kiwanis Park                                           Boggess Park
   Kiwanis Park has
                                                          Boggess Park, has a covered
   four baseball fields
                                                          pavilion/stage, playground
   and a large picnic
                                                          equipment, basketball court
   shelter. There also is
                                                          and baseball fields. Corner
   a large playground
                                                          of E. Boggess St. and
   and a prairie dog
                                                          FM 677, Saint Jo
   town and an area for
   flying kites.
   Southwest Pkwy.,                                         July 4th celebration
                              Prairie dog town
   Wichita Falls

                            WF Country Club
                            The parkland style 18-hole
                            course has mature trees,
                            bent grass greens and
                            Bermuda fairways. The
                            full onsite practice area
                                                          Ely Park
                                                          Ely Park is home to a
                            includes driving range,
                                                          practice softball field, a
                            pitching, chipping, bunker
                                                          pavilion with picnic tables,
                            play and putting green.
                                                          and several pieces of play
                            Great for all skill levels.
                                                          equipment. 919 S. Austin
                            1701 Hamilton Blvd.,
    Bermuda fairways                                      St., Sherman
                            Wichita Falls

20 Your Guide to Hwy 82
herman baker park                                  Get outside
 Herman Baker Park is a large community park          Visit these other fun locations
 located on 83 acres. Within the park, Pickens               along Highway 82.
 Lake has a considerable amount of shoreline           Center Street Park
 and a nature trail system around the lake.          1401 W. Center, Sherman
 The lake dam is a very popular location for           Gainesville golf course
 sledding. The park has mature vegetation and        2240 Weber, Gainesville
 wildlife, giving it a private and serene setting.
                                                       Hamilton Park
 2500 W. Center St., Sherman, 903-892-7206
                                                     2901 Hamilton Blvd.,
                                                     Wichita Falls
                                                       Hapgood Park
                                                     Corner of City Park Road
                                                     and FM 510, Henrietta
                                                       Hillcrest Park
                                                     1205 Hillcrest St., Sherman
                                                       Indian Oaks Golf Course
                                                     807 W. Hwy. 82, Nocona
                                                       lake Nocona
                                                     off FM 2634, Nocona
                                       Hiking path     Lake Wichita Park
                                                     5205 Fairway Blvd.,
                                                     Wichita Falls
                                                       Lindsay City Park
lake kemp                                            814 Pecan St., Lindsay
                                                       Muenster city Park
Lake Kemp, named after
Joseph Alexander Kemp                                120 S. Maple, Muenster
(1861–1930), is located                                Muenster Lake
on the Big Wichita River                             FM 426, Muenster
It has public access boat                              Pecan Grove Park-West
ramps and fishing. White                             3200 Canyon Creek, Sherman
bass are abundant in the                               Salt Fork River Golf Course
reservoir. Channel, blue,                            728 US Hwy 283 S., Seymour
and flathead catfish are                               Scotland Park
present in good numbers                              1500 N 1st St., Wichita Falls
and sizes. Most fish                                   Seymour City Park
species will be found near                           100 Memorial Dr., Seymour
the Wichita River mouth,                               Stone Creek Country Club
around Rattlesnake                                   2200 Clubhouse, Sherman
Island, and near the west                              Weeks Golf Course
side channels and coves.                             4400 Lake Park Dr.,
11 miles north of                                    Wichita Falls
Seymour on U.S.                                        Woodlawn Country Club
Hwy. 183                      Hidden Cedar Lodge
                                                     4046 Woodlawn, Sherman

                                                          www.postoakmedia.net 21
Make Family Memories

                Oh, the, places
                   you ll go
             Make memories at these great family-friendly
            attractions from Seymour to Sherman. There is
            something every family will enjoy from outdoor
             activities to bowling and indoor trampolines.

      Waterpark/splash pad

   Yogi's jellystone park Camp-resort
    Whether you’re looking for clean and beautiful camping sites,
    cozy and comfortable camping cabins, first-rate RV sites or
    family campgrounds near Wichita Falls Yogi Bear’s Jellystone
    Park™ Camp-Resort at Coyote Ranch Resort is conveniently
    located right at the edge of town. The fun doesn’t stop with so
    much to do including: Laser tag, waterpark, mini-golf, archery,
    horseback riding lessons, paintball, Miner’s Maze and more.
    14145 Hwy. 287 N., Wichita Falls
    940-767-6700 / wichitafallsjellystone.com

22 Your Guide to Hwy 82
seymour sound garden
Born out of inspiration from the Perot
Museum in Dallas and the desire
to boost downtown revitalization,
Seymour Sound Garden is a must
see. The feature of this park is the
Freenotes Harmony Park sound
equipment. These musical instruments
appeal to everyone, from young to
old. The park also offers free wifi,
native landscaping, and seating made
possible through memorial donations.
This is a handicap friendly park.
310 N. Washington, Seymour
         940-889-3148 /
          cityofseymour.org                Freenotes Harmony Park equipment

                                               Can you escape?
               Frank Buck
                        Frank Buck Zoo
                        was founded in
                       1930 and located
                     in the 30 acre
                   Leonard Park. The
                zoo is home to more
           than 130 animals including
          giraffes, bears, kangaroos,
          zebras and wolves. The zoo
          is open everyday except            downtown escape rooms
          Thanksgiving and Christmas.        At Downtown Escape Rooms, you
          The zoo is home to several         will be able to unplug from the
          events including summer            stress of everyday life and immerse
          camps and an annual Easter         yourself into the challenges. The goal
          egg hunt. Stop by and see the      is to create and foster connections
          new giraffe that was born July     between people through unique
          2019.                              and interactive entertainment.
          1000 W. California St.,            Experiences will promote creative
           Gainesville                       thinking and collaborative teamwork.
           940-668-4539                      107 S. Travis St., Sherman
              frankbuckzoo.com               downtownescaperooms.com

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24 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Pick homegrown strawberries
 Harber Wildlife Museum
 The Harber Wildlife Museum is the
 lifelong dream of Dorothy and Lacy
 Harber. The museum is open for all
 to view and is home to their life-long
 pursuit of animals from around the
 world. This museum may be the
 greatest, most complete collection
 of big game animals anywhere in
 the world. There also is an extensive
 collection of African artifacts on
 display. There are more than 100
 exotic animals on display separated
 into Africa, Wetland, Aquatic, North
 America, Desert and Asia, Russia,
 4708 Texoma Parkway, Sherman                young's orchard
                                             & berry farm
                                             This family-owned farm is a great
                                             place to visit. They offer homegrown
                                             strawberries, asparagus, shelled
                                             pecans, Texas tomatoes, onions,
                                             honey, blackberries, plums, peaches
                                             and more. Be sure to visit them at the
                                             farm or at the Wichita Falls Farmers
                                             9978 W. FM 171, Wichita Falls
   Big game animals

Red river                          2,700 acres of trails

motorcyle trails
Have fun riding on 2,700
acres of trails in the beautiful
Red River Valley.
15393 N. FM 373,
Saint Jo

                                                                www.postoakmedia.net 25
Make Family Memories
                                                            Family fun Zone
                                     Photo by Jack Chiles

                                                            Voted Texoma’s best
                                                            entertainment center, The
                                                            Family Fun Zone boasts the
                                                            hottest go-karts, bumper
                                                            boats, two world-class 18-
                                                            hole mini golf courses, and
                                                            the biggest outdoor batting
                                                            cage facility in Texas. The
                                                            Fun Zone houses a huge
                                                            video arcade with fun kiddie
     Red-shouldered hawk                                    rides.
                                                            4131 Southwest Pkwy.,

  hagerman wildlife refuge                                  Wichita Falls
                                                            940-696-1222 /
  Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, a haven                familyfunzone.net
  for migratory birds and other wildlife, lies in
  northwestern Grayson County, Texas, on the                           Mini golf courses
  Big Mineral Arm of Lake Texoma, on the Red
  River between Oklahoma and Texas. This
  National Wildlife Refuge is made up of water,
  marsh, and upland habitat. Visitors can hike,
  observe wildlife, hunt, and fish throughout the
  year. The refuge offers a variety of opportunities
  to explore and enjoy the great outdoors from
  sunrise to sunset every day.
  6465 Refuge Rd., Sherman

                                            river bend nature center
                                            At River Bend Nature Center there are
                                            numerous live exhibits from amphibians
                                            to arachnids. There is plenty to see and
                                            observe. Visit the glass butterfly and
                                            nature conservatory stocked with native
                                            butterflies and landscaped with prairie
                                            grasses, trees, shrubs and wildflowers.
                                            2200 3rd St., Wichita Falls
     Live exhibits                          940-767-0843

26 Your Guide to Hwy 82
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28 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Texoma Speedway
                                                       Texoma Speedway has
                                                       been promoting Outlaw
                                                       Kart racing in North Texas
                                                       and Southern Oklahoma
                            1/4 replica steam engine   since 1999. Come watch
                                                       the weekly classes run on
                                                       this 1/5 mile dirt track.

Frankie Schmitz Train                                  7567 Seymour Hwy.,
                                                       Wichita Falls
Gainesville is fortunate to have a miniature 1/4       940-447-4143
size replica steam engine passenger train. It
was disassembled and reassembled for viable
transportation for 50 passengers as a tour
around Leonard Park.
1000 W. California St., Gainesville
940-668-4500 / gainesville.tx.us

                             village bowl
                             Whether you’re an
                             experienced bowler
                             or gutter-ball pro,
                             everyone is welcome.        Wall-to-wall trampolines
                             4022 1/2 Kemp Blvd.,
   16 lanes of fun           Wichita Falls
                                                       Urban air
                                                       With more than 35,000
Castaway Cove                                          square feet of indoor fun,
                                                       Urban Air is suitable for all
A tropical-themed                                      ages and fitness levels and
paradise for the whole                                 offer guests a wide variety
family features water                                  of indoor attractions across
slides coming off 40-                                  its wall-to-wall trampoline
foot and 50-foot towers,                               arenas, runway, airbag,
Kiddie Park, lazy river                                slam dunk track,
floating stream, tidal                                 trampoline dodgeball
wave pool, movies and                                  arenas, indoor-playground
concerts.                                              and Warrior Course.
1000 Central Fwy.                                      2505 Kemp Blvd.,
E., Wichita Falls                                      Wichita Falls
940-322-5500                 Kiddie Park               800-960-4778
castawaycovewaterpark.com                              urbanairtrampolinepark.com

                                                           www.postoakmedia.net 29
Taste of Texas

      the best eats
     Seymour to Sherman
                 The North Texas area along Highway 82
                   has a variety of restaurants that are
                  sure to have something for everyone.
                    Stop in and try these great dishes!

                                  Sliced Brisket plate
                                  This sliced brisket plate is served with
                                        a pickle, onions, Texas toast and
                                          your choice of two sides. The
                                           Smokehouse offers a wide
                                           variety of Texas slow smoked
                                           barbecue along with all
                                          the sides made fresh daily.
                                           The meat choices include:
                                           Brisket, ribs, ham, turkey
                                            and their own recipe
                                            for savory German
                                            sausage which you can
                                           order for dine-in or by
                                           the pound for take-out.
                                          The Smokehouse has its
                                         own recipe for some of the
                                       best barbecue sauce that
                                      Texas has to offer. The Smoke
                                    house is located at 307 East J M
                                   Lindsay Boulevard in Lindsay.

30 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Terry's Alfredo Pizza
This specialty pizza found at Red
River Pizzaria in downtown
Nocona on Clay Street, consists
of alfredo sauce, basil, bacon
and ham and is seasoned with
red and black pepper. It pairs
well with a salad and one of
the local wines available at the
pizzaria. The Red River Pizzaria
also offers wings, chicken,
pasta, calzones and hoagies. You
can dine in or get your order to
go. Come enjoy the great food and
atmosphere. You can now order
online at redriverpizzaria.com

                                    Parrillada Texana
                                     This plate of beef fajita, chicken
                                      fajita, shrimp and sausage served
                                        on a bed of grilled onions and bell
                                         peppers is one of the favorites
                                           at Fiesta Mariachi located at
                                            2510 Mallard Drive in Wichita
                                             Falls. It also comes with rice,
                                              charro beans, pico de gallo,
                                               salad and your choice of
                                               flour or corn tortillas. Fiesta
                                                Mariachi offers authentic
                                                flavors of Mexico. Warm
                                                tortillas, flavorful salsa
                                                and melted cheese-what
                                                more could you ask for? At
                                                Fiesta Mariachi you’re sure
                                                to find something that will
                                                suit your taste.

                                                     www.postoakmedia.net 31
Taste of Texas
 Dine Around
  Don’t miss these other
                                                 mcbrides steakhouse
  delicious restaurants.                        Locally owned and operated
    Al's Luigi's Italian                        since 1992, McBrides Steakhouse
    Restaurant                                  cooks all of their steaks in-house
 1938 N. I-35,                                  with 100 percent mesquite
 Gainesville                                    coals. They offer casual dining
    Arroyo's Mexican                            for you and your family with
    Restaurant                                  a full dinner, lunch and bar
 814 E. Lamar St.,
 Sherman                                        menu. Happy hours every day
    Asian Gourmet                               of the week and private banquet
 810 N. Union St.,                              facilities.
 Whitesboro                                     4537 Maplewood, Wichita
    Backporch               Delicious steaks    Falls. 940-696-0250
    Drafthouse                                  mcbridessteakhouse.net
 4214 Kell Blvd.,
 Wichita Falls
    Back Road BBQ
 25646 Hwy. 377,           Dairy Queen
 Whitesboro                For more than 75 years employees
   Bear’s Den Diner        and crew members have been
 139 Uselton Rd.,
                           focused on creating positive
                           memories for all who touch DQ®.
    Best Burger Barn
 409 W. Hwy. 82,           Stop in at one of the locations.
 Gainesville                111 E. California St.,
    Branding Iron          Seymour
    Restaurant             315 Olive St., Holliday
 104 E. Scott Ave.,        3112 Kemp Blvd., Wichita
 Wichita Falls             Falls
    Cackle & Oink
                           927 E. Omega St., Henrietta
 3210 Texoma Pkwy.,        301 E. Hwy. 82, Nocona
 Sherman                   309 Broad St., Saint Jo
    Camino Viejo           1001 Hwy. 377 N.,                  Favorite treats & eats
 110 E. Houston,           Whitesboro
    Catfish Grill
                            Cadillac burger
                                                   MG's Restaurant
 1505 Southwest
 Pkwy., Wichita Falls
    Catfish Louie’s
 1825 E. Hwy. 82,
                                                   “Puttin’ junk in your trunk since
 Gainesville                                       1982.” MG’s offers all kinds of
    Chuck Wagon Cafe                               classic burgers with classic car
 400 S. Main St.,                                  names, chicken, salads, a kid’s
 Seymour                                           menu and more.
   City Limits                                     1721 N. Woods, Sherman
 4521 Texoma Pkwy.,                                903-893-9011

32 Your Guide to Hwy 82
www.postoakmedia.net 33
34 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Highway 82
Tasting Trail
 The North Texas area has evolved into
  a destination for wine connoissours
 or those who simply enjoy a day in the
  country with friends. Its convienient
   location to the DFW Metroplex has
      been a draw for those seeking
          something different.

  4R Ranch Vineyards & Winery        Hook & Ladder Coffees & Wine Co.
1473 CR 477, Muenster              618 7th St., Wichita Falls
940-736-3370                       940-500-4994
4rwines.com                        coffeesandwine.com
  6th Street Winery                  Horseshoe bend Cellars
600 6th St., Wichita Falls         3399 "B" Peterson Rd S., Iowa Park
940-447-7909                       940-855-2093
sixthstreetwinery.com              horseshoebendcellars.com
  Arché Wines                        The Red Fox Lounge
238 Wagner Rd., Saint Jo           105 W California St., Gainesville
214-536-6330                       940-641-3800
archewines.com                     theredfoxlounge.com
  Blue Ostrich Winery & Vineyard     TRIPLE "R" RANCH & WINERY
5611 FM 2382, Saint Jo             2776 County Road 125, Whitesboro
940-995-3100                       214-578-2433
blueostrich.net                    thetriplerranch.com
  Deschain Cellers                   Wall Street Winery
8363 Hwy. 82, Gainesville          121 E Wall St., Sherman
940-202-9011                       903-209-8209
deschaincellars.com                wallstreetwinery.com

                                                         www.postoakmedia.net 35
Taste of Texas
      Dine Around
     Don’t miss these other delicious
    Del Rio Mexican       Jefe’s Henrietta
    Restaurant         102 W. Ikard St.,
 900 W. Hwy. 82,       Henrietta
 Nocona                   Karat Bar &                                Cheeseburger tacos
    Dieter Bros           Bistro
 402 E. J.M. Lindsay   808 Ohio St.,
 Blvd., Lindsay        Wichita Falls
    Don Jose Mexican
                          La Hacienda
                          Mexican Grill
                                              Rusty Spur Steakhouse
 2601 10th St.,
                       2400 Hwy. 82 E.,       The Rusty Steakhouse & Saloon located in
 Wichita Falls
                       Whitesboro             Seymour offers great meals at affordable
    Ebb Tide Club &                           prices, and also has a full bar.
    Sports Grill          La Placita
 301 N. Commerce       1015 W. Houston        600 S. Main St., Seymour
 St., Gainesville      St, Sherman
    Fenoglio's BBQ        Lovejoy's on
 510 W. Hwy. 82,
                          Main Street
                       138 E. Main St.,                          El Tapitio's
    Fera's Italian     Whitesboro                                Enjoy authentic
    Restaurant            Mariachi's                             mexican food at one of
 300 N. I-35,          1909 Texoma
                                                                 these four locations.
 Gainesville           Pkwy., Sherman
                          Mi Casa Mexican
                                                                 2210 Southwest
                          Restaurant                             Pkwy, Wichita Falls
 800 Kemp Blvd.,
 Wichita Falls         908 E. Hwy. 82,                           300 Suite A, N I-35,
    Fuku Japanese
                       Gainesville                               Gainesville
    Grill                 Mi Familia                             1205 N. Grand Ave.,
 2118 E. Hwy. 82,      102 Sherman St.,                          Gainesville
                                               Fajita tropical   2401 S. Austin,
    Fulbelli’s            Old Iron Post
                       101 N. Travis,                            Denison
    Restaurant         Sherman
 115 S. Travis,
                          Opas Schnitzel
    Gelati’s              Haus
                       2611 Plaza Pkwy.,
 100 N. Travis,        Wichita Falls
                          Parkway Grill
    Gene's Tasty
    Burger             2719 Southwest          Fried chicken                 Crab legs
 2310 Holliday Rd.,    Pkwy., Wichita Falls
 Wichita Falls         2710 Central Frwy,
                       Wichita Falls

                                              Woolf den            Catfish Haven
    Hibiscus Cafe
 1616 Pearlie Dr.,        Pat’s Drive-In
 Wichita Falls         400 Scott St.,
                       Wichita Falls        Family restaurant      Located at 24059
    Hungry Hippo
                         Pelican's          located at 1901 W.     Hwy. 377,
    Sub Shop
 112 N. Commerce       2301 Midwestern      California St.,        Whitesboro
 St., Gainesville      Pkwy., Wichita Falls Gainesville.           903-564-3107

36 Your Guide to Hwy 82
www.postoakmedia.net 37
38 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Dine Around
                                                Don’t miss these other delicious
                                              Pioneer of Texas      Texas Best BBQ
                                            4545 Maplewood,       2708 Southwest
                                            Wichita Falls         Pkwy., Wichita Falls
                                              Red River Station     The Burrito Shop
                                            221 E. Howell,        203 W. Hwy. 82,
                           Daily specials   Saint Jo              Nocona
                                              Rohmer’s            205 E. Howell,
                                            217 E. Division,      Saint Jo

 Doc's Bar & Grill
                                                                    The Green Inforno
                                              Roma Pizza          100 W. California
                                            806 E. Omega St.,
                                                                  St., Seymour
 Located in downtown Muenster, Doc’s has    Henrietta
                                              Ronnie's Burgers      The Gypsy Kit
 everything from steak to wings.
                                            1501 Midwestern      801 Indiana Ave.,
 113 N. Main St., Muenster
                                            Pkwy., Wichita Falls Wichita Falls
 940-759-3627 / docsmuenster.com                                    The Highlander
                                              Sage Cafe
                                            210 W. Houston St., 726 Scott Ave,.
                                            Sherman             Wichita Falls

 Jungle burger                                Salt & Pepper
                                            2611 Plaza Pkwy.,
                                                                    The Lazy Heart
                                                                  101 S. Main St.,
Stop in and try the                         Wichita Falls         Saint Jo
Big Kahuna Burger.                            Sakura Sushi Bar      The Open Table
Also be sure to try                         2617 Plaza Pkwy.,     405 E. Omega St.,
something off the                           Wichita Falls
                                              Samurai of Tokyo      Tracks Restaurant
Vietnamese food menu                                              109 N. Woods St.,
including pho and                           2518 Mallard Dr.,
                                            Wichita Falls
fried rice.                                                         Trails Inn
2119 Texoma                                   Santorini
                                            729 N. Grand,           Restaurant
Parkway, Sherman        Big Kahuna burger   Gainesville
                                                                  3007 E. Hwy. 82,
903-357-5129                                  Sarah's on the
                                                                    Tres Nino’s
                                              Square                Mexican Food
                                            115 W. California     604 E. Hwy. 82,
                                            St., Gainesville      Nocona
                                              Scott's Drive-In      Villa Grande
                                            4701 Old Jacksboro 201 N. I-35,
                                            Hwy., Wichita Falls Gainesville
  Caribbean eats         Homemade chili       Sevi’s Burritos       Vitina’s Deli &
                                            1710 9th St., Wichita Boiler Room
                                            Falls                404 W. Lamar,

                     Bull Malarkey's          Sweet Berries
                                              Cafe                  Wannaburger?
                                                              706 W. Houston St.,
                                            1835 Texoma
Caribbean cuisine   Steakhouse located
                                            Parkway., Sherman Sherman
located at 2611     at 109 N. Main St.,
                                              Taiwan Chinese        Willie’s Place
Plaza Pkwy.,        Henrietta.                                    3135 10th St.,
                                            1221 N. Grand,
Wichita Falls.      940-538-0400            Gainesville           Wichita Falls

                                                           www.postoakmedia.net 39
shop ‘til you drop

     Shop local
        With everything from clothing and boots to custom
       pontoon boats, you can find something for everyone at
            these local stores in the North Texas area.

                                              ramble & company
                                              Opened in January 2016 Ramble &
                                              Company is a unique store in Wichita
                                              Falls filled with handprinted and
                                              designed apparel for kids and adults.
                                              There are also great gifts to check out.
                                              It is Ramble’s mission to stand with you
                                              through the challenges of motherhood
                                              and life by providing encouragement
                                              and community that sees you.
                                              822 Indiana Ave., Wichita Falls
     Great gifts                              940-851-9007

                          Pond King Patriot     Handmade boots

  pond king                                   Fenoglio Boot company
   Custom, American-made pontoon              The Fenoglio Boot Company keeps the
   boats to help you create meaningful        boot tradition alive by hand crafting
   experiences.                               Texas boots right in Nocona.
   5924 W. Hwy. 82, Gainesville               100 Clay St., Nocona
   940-668-2573 / pondking.com                940-825-3169 / fenoglioboot.com

40 Your Guide to Hwy 82
                                                      During summer 2020 the
                                                      owners decided to close up
                                                      shop at Panache’s original
                                                      location in order to move next
                                                      door into a newly renovated
                                                      building. Panache is so excited
                                                      to kick off its fifth year of
                                                      business in their brand new
                                                      201 E. Howell St., Saint Jo
                   Grand gifts and flamboyant finds   panachesaintjo.com

Pecan Shed
The Pecan Shed’s two locations are
open year round with exceptional
quality papershell pecans. These
pecans are grown locally in Charlie,
TX. Homemade fudge also is available.
1401 Midwestern Pkwy.,
Wichita Falls
808 Hwy. 287 S., Henrietta
pecanshed.com                                  Locally grown

Rustic furniture

                                              Laguna Madre Traders
                                               Laguna Madre Traders specializes in
                                               everything unique and unusual. From
                                               a range of elite rustic and western
                                               goods to contemporary furniture,
                                               pottery and custom lighting and
                                               3916 U.S. Hwy 287 N.,
                                               12835 E. Hwy 82, Whitesboro

                                                               www.postoakmedia.net 41
42 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Glitzy Girlz boutique
                                            Glitzy Girlz Boutique carries everything
                                            from flannel to floral, Southern Boho
                                            to camo, layers and lace and the best
                                            boutique graphic tees ever. We’ve got
                                            you covered from Saturday night to
                                            Sunday morning. The boutique is a
                                            family-owned women’s and plus-size
                                            fashion force in our neck of the woods
                                            105 E. California, Gainesville
 Cozy and cute                              100 S. Crockett, Sherman

                                                                    Large selection
Collector's den
Collector’s den carries Wichita Falls
largest and best organized selection
of comics and action figures.
4020 Rhea Rd., Wichita Falls

                                             The Bird Nest
                                             The Bird Nest has antiques, garden
                                             items and lots of gifts. Stop in and see
                                             what they have to offer.
                                             223 N. Main, Muenster
                  Garden, antiques, gifts    thebirdnestoftx.com

                               Waggoner's Boot Center
                               A large selection of work and western wear, boots,
                               sunglasses, boot repair, barber shop and beauty
                               shop are all available at Waggoner’s. The boot
                               center has been a family business since 1947 and
                               the owners are third generation. Their aim is to
                               serve you.
                               203 E. Omega, Henrietta
  Locally owned                940-538-4058 / waggonersboots.com

                                                             www.postoakmedia.net 43
shop ‘til you drop
 shop highway 82                                                            Unique finds
       Check out these other
     local stores along the way.
    Alley Cat Vintage Mercantile
  900 Indiana Ave., Wichita Falls
    Ameila’s Attic
  111 W. California St., Gainesville
    Annie Jewel & Charlie’s Kids
  3401 Kemp Blvd., Wichita Falls
    Aunt Pam’s Closet
  101 W. Gilbert, Henrietta
    Big O’s Archery                     lovejoy's on main
  1520 Texoma Parkway, Sherman          Known for serving hand-crafted meals, friends
    Birds of a Feather Market           and family gather for lunch from the soda
  617 Ohio Ave., Wichita Falls          fountain, then they can shop for unique finds for
    Bungalow 123                        the home, wardrobe, or a friend.
  319 E. California St., Gainesville    138 E. Main, Whitesboro / 903-564-3693
    Butterfield Stage Antiques
  123 E. Main St., Whitesboro
    Cook’s Main Street Mercantile
  142 E. Main, Whitesboro               seasons
    Cow Palace Couture                This gift shop in
  110 S. Bridge St., Henrietta        downtown Nocona
    Crafter’s Hideaway                offers gifts, grills,
  4701 Southwest Pkwy., Wichita Falls home decor, soaps,
    Cripple Creek Ranch Store         vintage goods,
  624 N. Hwy. 377, Whitesboro         olive oils, candles,
    D&L Farm and Home                 antiques and so
  3707 E. Hwy. 82, Gainesville        much more.
    Diamond S Rustic Décor            208 Clay, Nocona           Downtown Nocona
  118 E. Main, Whitesboro             940-841-3088
    Dove’s Jewelers
  2911 Garnett Ave., Wichita Falls

                                                               Pop Pop Popcorn
    Elvis Always Gifts & Collectibles
  1112 8th St., Wichita Falls
    Fischer’s Meat Market
                                                               A fun place in historical
  304 N. Main, Muenster
                                                               downtown Sherman
    Fresh Fellas
                                                               serving all favors of
  215 N. Main St., Muenster
                                                               gourmet popcorn,
    Galaxy Comics
  2708 Southwest Pkwy. Wichita Falls
                                                               gourmet candy, gourmet
    Girlfriends Boutique                                       gift ideas, snowcones,
  216 N. Main St., Muenster                                    nostalgic drinks and more.
    Gypsy Trail Boutique                                       123 E. Wall St.,
  501 N. Union, Whitesboro                                     Sherman
    GypsyTreasures                                             903-267-8322
                                         Gourmet popcorn
  101 E. Main, Whitesboro                                      www.fb.com/3pops

44 Your Guide to Hwy 82
www.postoakmedia.net 45
shop ‘til you drop
   shop highway 82
             Check out these other
           local stores along the way.
    Hamilton Bryan

                                                Sikes Senter Mall
  3008 Kemp Blvd., Wichita Falls
    Hayley’s Music
  1907 Kemp Blvd., Wichita Falls
    Hollis Unlimited                            Sikes Senter is the focal
  220 Sunset Blvd., Sherman                     point of retail for Wichita
    Huskey Hat                                  Falls and Sheppard Air
  1225 E. Scott, Wichita Falls                  Force Base, with around
    Interior HomeStore                          80 specialty stores to
  702 N. Travis, Sherman                        choose from. For holiday,
    Kaliedoscope Quilt Shop                     restaurant, department
  114 E. Main, Whitesboro                       store and cinema hours
    Karma                                       visitsikessenter.com.
  1704 Dayton Ave., Wichita Falls               3111 Midwestern Pkwy.,
    Keeno’s Beef Jerkey                         Wichita Falls
  4716 Old Jacksboro Hwy., Wichita Falls        940-692-5501
    Kelly Square
  115 S. Travis St., Sherman
    Kinne's Jewelers
  210 E. California St., Gainesville
    Knight Furniture
  108 W. Lamar St., Sherman
    Laurel E. Boutique
  110 S. Crockett, Sherman
    Marksmen Firearms
  4300 Kemp Blvd., Wichita Falls
    Midway Mall
  4800 Texoma Parkway, Sherman
    Muenster Antique Mall
  405 E. Division, Muenster
  103 E. California, Gainesville
    Nokona Factory Store
  917 E. Hwy. 82, Nocona
                                             Sizes to fit everyone
    North Texas Pawn & Gun
  214 E. Hwy. 82, Nocona
    Otts Furniture & Appliances
  115 S. Commerce St., Gainesville
    Outback Pools & Spas
                                           The twisted hanger
  3923 Kell Blvd., Wichita Falls           The Twisted Hanger carries unique
    Parker Square Shopping Center          boutique style clothing at affordable
  2327 Kell Blvd., Wichita Falls           prices. They carry all sizes to fit anyone.
    Past & Blast                           103 California, Gainesville
  139 E. Main, Whitesboro                  940-902-0743

46 Your Guide to Hwy 82
shop highway 82
                                                      Check out these other
                                                    local stores along the way.
                                                Picker's Universe
                                              1000 Indiana Ave., Wichita Falls
                                                Quixotic Fibers
                                              116 E. Main St., Whitesboro
                                                Ranch Swag
                                              108 S Bridge St., Henrietta
                                                Red Pony Boutique
                                              107 Broadway, Gainesville
                                                Regeneration Boutique
                                              2611 Plaza Parkway, Wichita Falls
                                                Sam Gibbs Music
                                              4117 Old Jacksboro Hwy., Wichita Falls
                                                Sandi’s Boutique
                                              115 S. Travis, Sherman
                                                Simply Essentials Salts and Scrubs
                                              301 S. Oak, Seymour
                                                Smith’s Gardentown Farms
                    Retail, cinema and more   4940 Seymour Hwy., Wichita Falls
                                                Storkland Children’s Clothing
                                              3004 Kemp Blvd., Wichita Falls
                                                Tangled Cotton Boutique
                                              134 E. Main St., Whitesboro
                                                Tener’s Western Outfitters
                                              2524 Texoma Pkwy, Sherman
                                                Texas Knifeworks & Gun
                                              4708 K Mart Dr. Ste. G, Wichita Falls
                                                The Bike Stop
                                              2708 Southwest Pkwy., Wichita Falls
                                                The Old nocona boot factory
                                              901 E. Hwy. 82, Nocona
                                                The Vintage Market
                                              100 E. Boggess St., Saint Jo
                                                Touch of Class Antique Mall
                                              118. W. Lamar, Sherman
 Gifts, jewelry and more
                                                Upscale Resale
                                              4701 Southwest Pkwy,. Wichita Falls
                                                Urban Junkie
vintage gypsy emporium                        100 E. Main St., Whitesboro
                                                Vine and Branches
A mini-mall featuring antique and             401 N. Grand Ave., Gainesville
vintage home decor, gifts, jewelry and          Wiese’s
more with multiple vendors.                   109 S. Commerce St., Gainesville
105 N. Washington, Seymour                      Wild Birds Unlimited
940-256-0215                                  4940 Seymour Hwy., Wichita Falls

                                                                www.postoakmedia.net 47
Music and Arts
      Your soundtrack
        starts here
           There is something for every musical taste along
        Highway 82. From metal to country and oldies hits to
         jazz, everyone is sure to find something to listen to.

     leddit ride
     This bluesy southern rock band
     from Wichita Falls knows “it is
     what it is man, you just gotta leddit
     ride.” Check out their YouTube
     channel or find them on Facebook.

                                             The mind's eye
                                             Known for playing great live music of
                                             the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s this band is based
                                             in Nocona. The band features Donna
                                             Lemons, keyboard, percussionist and
                                             harmony; Carroll Fuller, drummer and
                                             vocals; Karen Young, bass and vocals;
                                             Warren Young, guitarist, vocalist and
                                             soundman; and Larry G. Lemons,
                                             guitarist, vocalist and fearless leader. To
                                             listen to The Mind’s Eye check out the
                                             band’s Facebook page.

48 Your Guide to Hwy 82
the Fleeting Romance
                                          This rock band from Wichita Falls,
                                          includes members Brandt Holmes on
                                          vocals and guitar, Scott Szczepinski on
                                          bass and Billy Pennington on drums. A
                                          blend of grunge, punk and metal. Find
                                          them on Facebook.

DJ Jess
DJ Jess has 14 years of seasoned
DJ/emcee experience for each and
every life event. Catch her at local
venues such as Rendezvous Bar and
Grill, Jake’s Place and Marina del
Rey or have her come DJ/emcee
your wedding, divorce party, proms,
birthday or other big event. Find her
on Facebook.

RIP was born in 1983. Members include:
Bryan Gibson, Jason Brown, Tim Maloney
and Gary Howard. The band died in 1986,
and was reborn in 2016. Metal
pre pink pants and sissy riffs.
Kenny Ochoa drummer
11-2017. Find them
on Facebook or
catch a show
at Stick’s

                                                         www.postoakmedia.net 49
Music and Arts
                  Brian Reilly
                      Rat Pack Jazz!
                               the music
                               of Chet
                               Baker and
                             Miles Davis,
                    and singing the
                    songs made famous
                    by Frank Sinatra
                    and Tony Bennett.
                    To find out where
                    you can catch a live
                    show check out his

                                            Bailey Julian
                    Facebook page.

                                            This singer/songwriter can be found

 Tanner Fenoglio
                                            playing at many local venues from
                                            Krahl Pantry to Doc’s. Listen to her
 This Nocona native is often on the road    single “Texas Weather” and visit her
 playing shows, but still calls Montague    Facebook page.
 County his home. Listen to one of his
 albums or catch a live show. To find out
 more visit his Facebook page.

                                            Chris Shackleford band
                                            This four-piece band plays originals,
                                            Texas country, classic country and
                                            a little rock. Check out the band’s
                                            Facebook page for upcoming shows.

50 Your Guide to Hwy 82
hear it here
                                                       Catch a live show at one of
                                                          these music venues.
                                                        Catrina’s Cocina & Bar
                                                      306 E. Hwy. 82,
                                                        Doc’s Bar & Grill
                          The Downtown Royalty Band   113 N. Main St.,
                                                        Gypsy Kitchen+Bar

 The iron horse pub                                   801 Indiana,
                                                      Wichita Falls
 Located in downtown Wichita Falls, The Iron            Heritage Park
 Horse Pub is the city’s only authentic Irish-        301 N. Ash St.,
 American pub and the standard for live music.        Muenster
 615 8th St., Wichita Falls                             Jordan Craft BBQ
                                                      7503 Seymour Hwy.,
                                                      Wichita Falls

Larsonfest                                              Kay Yeager Collesium
                                                      1000 5th St.,
Larsonfest was                                        Wichita Falls
founded in honor of                                     Memorial Auditorium
Donald Larson, who                                    1300 7th St.,
supported all facets of                               Wichita Falls
music and art. He was                                   Nocona Beer & Brewery
beloved by many and                                   915 E. Hwy. 82
this festival quickly                                 Nocona
took shape.                                             Red River Station BBQ
facebook.com/                Blue Rock                221 E. Howell St.,
LarsonFest                                            Saint Jo
                                                        Sakura Sushi Bar
                                                      2617 Plaza Pkwy, Suite 723,
                                                      Wichita Falls
                                                        Stick’s Place
                                                      3305 Sheppard Access Rd.,
          Live Mariachi           Olive White Group   Wichita Falls
                                                        The ICE House
                                                      107 N. Oak, Seymour
Fiesta Mariachi Rendezvous Bar                          The V Nocona VFW
                                                      100 Baylor St., Nocona
Live music every            Live Music. Great Food.
Wednesday.                  Good people.                Wichita Falls Symphony
2510 Mallard Dr.,           2111 Texoma                 Orchestra
Wichita Falls               Parkway, Sherman          1300 Lamar St., Wichita Falls

                                                          www.postoakmedia.net 51
Music and Arts

            Get inspired
       A dynamic arts community thrives in the North Texas
       area. Stop in at one of the several art galleries or catch
           a live production at a performing arts center.

                                                butterfield stage
                                                Butterfield has evolved from a small
                                                playhouse into an organization
                                                known not only for providing quality
                                                entertainment, but also for being a
                                                foundation for the arts in our community.
     Community theatre fun                      201 S. Denton, Gainesville
                                                940-665-8152 / butterfieldstage.org

                                                                 Children’s summer camps
   kemp center for the arts
   The Kemp Center for the Arts in Wichita
   Falls offers artwork from local, state
   and international artists. The artwork
   is displayed in one of its three galleries
   and outdoor sculpture garden.
   1300 Lamar St., Wichita Falls
   940-767-2787 / kempcenter.org

                               Main Street Art Gallery
                                                         Davis & Blevins
                                                         Davis & Blevins Gallery
                                                         brings a taste of Santa Fe and
                                                         Jackson Hole to North Texas,
                                                         and proudly showcases small
                                                         American companies and
                                                         unique artist-created products.
                                                         108 S. Main St., Saint Jo

52 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Disney’s Moana Jr.
                                                           Catch a show at a local
                                                        theatre or visit a North Texas
                                                                 art gallery.

                                                       207 E. Houston, Sherman
                                                         Backdoor Theatre
                                                       501 Indiana Ave.,
                                                       Wichita Falls
  wichita theatre                                      940-322-5500
 The Wichita Theatre is known for its family
 friendly productions providing entertainment            Finley Cultural Center
 for all ages. Fans enjoy high-tech lighting,          500 Elm St., Sherman
 special effects, professional wardrobes and           903-892-8818
 the best talent offered by Wichita Falls. Also
 check out the Stage 2 Dinner Theatre across             Jenson Gallery
 the street.                                           600 8th St. #130,
 919 Indiana Ave., Wichita Falls                       Wichita Falls
 940-723-9037 / wichitatheatre.com                     940-720-2545
                                                         Larry Lemons Gallery
                                                       300 Clay St., Nocona
                                        2019 exhibit   940-366-5782

                                                         Mystic Studio & Gallery
                                                       104 W. Mulberry, Sherman
                                                         Pickles & Pottery
                                                       212 W. Houston, Sherman

juanita harvey art gallery                             picklesandpottery.com
                                                         Pustizzi Meschko Fine Arts
The Juanita Harvey Art Gallery serves as a             110 E. Main, Whitesboro
teaching gallery at Midwestern State University.       903-564-9286
The gallery helps students, faculty and staff in the   artbytina.com
pursuit of the appreciation of visual arts. Exhibits
are selected for their ability to engage students.       Wichita Falls Museum of Art
Midwestern State University                            2 Eureka Circle, Wichita Falls
3410 Taft Boulevard, Wichita Falls                     940-397-8900
940-397-4264 /msutexas.edu                             wfmamsu.org

                                                            www.postoakmedia.net 53
54 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Mark your calendar
  From Mardi Gras floats to traditional German music,
  cowboy art to Christmas festivals, there is something
     for everyone to enjoy at these annual events.

 Parade day                                               1200 acres of mud

Mardi Gras Nocona                      rednecks with paychecks
The annual event takes place           Located outside of Saint Jo, music,
on Feb. 13. Beads, boots, ATVs,        mud, rocks and fun can all be found
dogs and classic cars can be seen      at the twice annual Rednecks with
parading through the downtown          Paychecks events. On March 18-21
streets. Have fun on Saturday with     enjoy Spring Break at the off road
Mardi Gras floats, area bands,         park, then come back Sept. 16-19
horses, cars, gumbo and more.          for the annual Fall Mudcrawl.
940-825-3526 / nocona.org              redneckswithpaychecks.com

                        cowboy true
                        The 10th annual Cowboy True will be March 19-
                        20 in Wichita Falls. Cowboy True is an annual
                        celebration of music, food and art to honor working
                        cowboys and the beauty that comes from their daily
                        lives. Artists are juried into the event based on their
                        artistic skill and strong representation of the cowboy
                        way of life. Musical performances, awards, prize
          Ron Roberts   drawings and more will be livestreamed.

                                                        www.postoakmedia.net 55
Mark your calendar
                                         Chisholm Trail
   Something for everyone from
   rodeos to car shows and 4th
       of July celebrations.             Two nights of good
                                         times at the Chisholm
    STYX in concert
    February 11 / Wichita Falls          Trail Rodeo Arena
    Memorial Auditorium, 1300 7th St.    in Nocona on June
    Xtreme Motorcycle Ice Racing         11-12. Mutton bustin’,
    February 13 / Wichita Falls          bareback riding, steer
    Kay Yeager Coliseum, 1000 5th St.
                                         wrestling, barrel
    Arts Alive!
    February 27-28 / Wichita Falls
                                         racing, bull riding and
    940-767-2787 / artscouncilwf.org     more. nocona.org
    Johnny Rodriguez
    March 19 / Wichita Falls
    Bridwell Ag Center, 111 N. Burnett
    Sherman Celtic festival
    March 20-21 / Sherman
    Red River Wine & Beer Festival
    March 27 / Wichita Falls
    MEDAL OF HONOR WEEK                               Good times
    April 7-10 / Gainesville

                                         Black History
    Cruisin’ Nocona Vicari Auction
    April 29-May 1 / Downtown Nocona
    May 8 / Nocona
                                         Month Festival
    Chisholm Trail Arena
                                         Honoring civil rights
    Hwy 82/287 Yard Sale                 activists including six of
    June 4-5 / Seymour to Sherman
                                         the original Mississippi
                                         Freedom Riders on Feb
    ArtZeum: A colorful dream
    June 16-August 11 / Wichita Falls    8-22. 903-771-9930             2nd annual event
    Kemp Center for the Arts
    great race
    June 20 / Nocona
    nocona.org                                                        kay yeager
    July 4th Celebration
    July 4 / Boggess Park, Saint Jo                                   coliseum
    Lions Club Fireworks                                              This entertainment
    July 4 / Lake Nocona                                              venue is the cornerstone
    Old Settler’s Reunion                                             of the MPEC featuring
    July 9-10 / Seymour                                               conventions, sporting
                                                                      events, concerts and
    Texas Ranch Roundup                                               more.
    July 16-17 / Wichita Falls             Circus at Kay Yeager
    texasranchroundup.com                                             wfmpec.com

56 Your Guide to Hwy 82
                                                          From fall festivals to
                                                          Christmas parades,

                 hotter'n hell |oo                      fun for the whole family.
                                                      Museum Stroll ‘n Roll
                                                      September 11 / redrivervalley.info
                 Celebrate the 40th
                                                      City-wide garage sale
                 anniversary Aug. 26-29 in            September 11 / Muenster
                 Wichita Falls. Hotter’N Hell         wheels & grills cookoff/car show
                 Hundred grew out of efforts          September 17-18 / Nocona
                 to find a special way for            Oktoberfest
                 Wichita Falls to celebrate its       October 1-3 / Muenster
                 1982 centennial. The Wichita         mystery art fest
                 Falls Bicycle Club proposed          October 1-22 / Wichita Falls
                 a bicycle ride – 100 miles in        artscouncilwf.org
                 100 degree heat to celebrate         Chicken & Bread Days
                                                      October 2 / Downtown Bowie
                 100 years, coining the name:         cityofbowietx.com
                 Hotter’N Hell Hundred.
                                                      Cruisin’ the Brazos
                 hh100.org                            October 8-9 / Seymour
                                                      Depot Day
                                                      October 9 / Downtown Gainesville
                                                      940-665-2831 / gainesvillecofc.com
                                                      Peanut festival
                                                      October 16 / Whitesboro
                                                      903-564-3331 / whitesborotx.com
                                                      Trick or treating
                                                      October 30 / Bowie

                                                      halloween in the park
                                                      October 31 / Downtown Nocona
                                                      Safe Trick or Treat
                                                      October 31 / Holliday
                                                      Christmas Parade
                                                      November 27 / Downtown Muenster
  Willkommen                                          Christmas downtown
                                                      December 2 / Whitesboro
                                                      903-564-3331 / whitesborotx.com

                                                      Lighted Christmas Parade
                                                      December 2 / Downtown Gainesville
                                                      940-665-2831 / gainesvillecofc.com
Come celebrate the 45th annual Germanfest,            Mistletoe Market
sponsored by the Muenster Chamber of Commerce         December 2 / Downtown Seymour
on April 23-25. There will be entertainment for the   cityofseymour.org

whole family, including mimes, magicians, clowns      Christmas in Nocona
and storytellers, dancing, live music, arts and       December 4 / Downtown Nocona

crafts, a rock-climbing wall, folk dancing and two    Fantasy of Lights parade
                                                      December 4 / Downtown Bowie
stages with non-stop entertainment.
muenstergermanfest.com                                Lighted Christmas Parade
                                                      December 9 / Downtown Seymour

                                                          www.postoakmedia.net 57
58 Your Guide to Hwy 82
Trade Days
                                                    Monthly events
                                                         From fall festivals to
                                                         Christmas parades,
                                                       fun for the whole family.
                                                      coffee with the mayor
                                                      First Friday every month

 Barrel races                                         Nature Presentations
                                                      Second Saturday every month
                                                      Hagerman Wildlife Refuge
                                                      6465 Refuge Rd., Sherman

Turkey Fest                Second Monday              friendsofhagerman.com
                                                      Summer Sounds
Turkey Fest is a spring
family-oriented festival
                           Trade days                 Last Friday in May, June, July
                                                      Downtown Gainesville
in Henrietta. The 2020     Second Monday takes        gainesvillecofc.com
event will be April        place the weekend          Wichita Falls Farmers Market
7-10 with activities for   before the second          Open 1st and 3rd Saturdays
everyone and every         Monday of each month.      713 Ohio Ave., Wichita Falls
budget. Plenty of free     It is located at the
children’s activities.     corner of Pelham and
hccchamber.com             Wise Streets in Bowie.

                                 Christmas parade

                                                      Play ball

                                                    ironjacket select
 Snowflake Festival                                 baseball tourny
                                                    Hosted by Nokona
 & Christmas Parade                                 Ballglove Factory the
                                                    tournament highlights
 The annual Snowflake Festival on Dec. 4 will
                                                    select baseball players and
 begin in the afternoon, and the Christmas
                                                    brings them to the home
 Parade will start at dark that evening. Don’t
                                                    of Nokona ball gloves. This
 miss the lighting of the Big Christmas Tree at
                                                    year’s tournament is May
 the Grayson County Courthouse before the
 parade. shermantx.org

                                                         www.postoakmedia.net 59
important numbers
            SEYMOUR                            Nocona                            GAINESVILLE
 City of Seymour                   City of Nocona                     City of Gainesville
 118 S. Sycamore Street            100 Cooke Street                   200 South Rusk Gainesville
 940-889-3148                      940-825-3282                       940-668-4500
 Seymour Police Department         Nocona Police Department           Gainesville Police Department
 102 W. California Street          101 Cooke Street                   201 Santa Fe Street
 Seymour Chamber of                940-825-3281                       940-668-7777
 Commerce                          Nocona Fire Department             Gainesville Fire Department
 301 N. Washington                 101 Cooke Street                   201 Santa Fe Street
 940-889-2921                      940-825-3281                       940-668-7777
 Baylor County Sheriff’s Office    Montague County Sheriffs           Chamber of Commerce
 1010 N. Washington St, Seymour    Office                             311 S. Weaver St
 940-889-3333                      100 Grand St, Montague             940-665-2831
            Holliday               940-894-2871                       Gainesville Municipal Airport
 City of Holliday                  Nocona Chamber of                  2300 Airport Dr.
 110 W. Olive                      Commerce & Visitor’s Center        940-668-4565
 940-586-1313                      1522 E. Hwy. 82
 Holliday Fire Department
 400 S. Main
                                   940-825-6373                                   Oak Ridge
 940-586-0057                                                         Town of Oak Ridge
 Holliday Police Department                    SAINT JO               129 Oak Ridge Dr., Gainesville
 110 W. Olive                      City of Saint Jo
 940-586-1566                      220 Howell Street                  Oak Ridge Police
 Archer County Sheriff’s Office    940-995-2337                       940-665-0537
 102 S. Sycamore St, Archer City   Saint Jo Fire Department           Oak Ridge VFD
 940-574-2571                      101 E. Howell Street               7446 E. Hwy 82, Gainesville
                                   940-995-2464                       940-736-4214

          Wichita Falls
                                   Saint Jo Police Department                     Whitesboro
                                   220 Howell Street                  City of Whitesboro
 City of Wichita Falls             940-995-2345                       111 West Main Street
 1300 7th Street                   Saint Jo Chamber of                903-564-3311 or 903-564-4000
 940-761-7401                      Commerce                           Whitesboro Police Department
 Wichita Falls Police              940-995-2337                       113 E. Main Street
 Department                                                           903-564-3585
 610 Holliday Street                                                  Whitesboro Fire Departement
 940-761-7792                                  MUENSTER               206 W. Main
 Wichita Falls Fire Department     City of Muenster                   903-564-6105
 1005 Bluff Street                 400 N. Main St                     Whitesboro Chamber of
 940-761-7901                      940-759-2236                       Commerce
 WF Chamber of Commerce            Muenster Fire Department           2535 Hwy 82 E., Suite C
 900 8th St Ste 218                940-759-2236 ext 206               903-564-3331
 940-723-2741                      Muenster Police Department         Grayson County Sheriff’s Office
 Wichita County Sheriff’s Office   940-759-2236                       200 S Crockett St, Sherman
 900 7th St. Rm. 100, Wichita      Cooke County Sheriff’s Office      903-893-4388
 940-766-8170                      300 County Road 451, Gainesville
 Wichita Falls Regional Airport    940-665-3471
 4000 Armstrong Dr.                Muenster Chamber of                            Sherman
 940-855-3623                      Commerce                           City of Sherman
                                   1000 E. Division, Suite D          220 W. Mulberry
                                   940-759-2227                       903-892-7206
            HENRIETTA                                                 Sherman Fire Department
 City of Henrietta                                                    318 S. Travis
 101 N. Main                                                          903-892-7263
 940-538-4316                                   LINDSAY               Sherman Police Department
 Henrietta Fire Department         City of Lindsay                    317 S. Travis
 916 W. Spring Street              608 N. Ash Street                  903-892-7290
 940-538-4343                      940-665-4455                       Chamber of Commerce
 Clay County Sheriff’s Office      Lindsay Police Department          307 W. Washington, Ste. 100
 215 W. Gilbert St, Henrietta      608 Ash Street                     903-893-1184
 940-538-5611                      940-665-4455                       Texoma Area Paratransit
 Clay Co.Chamber of Commerce       Lindsay Fire Department            System
 202 W. Omega St, Henrietta, TX    637 N. Ash St                      6104 Texoma Parkway
 940-538-5261                      940-665-7576                       844-603-6048

60 Your Guide to Hwy 82
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64 Your Guide to Hwy 82
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