Page created by Max Sullivan
FALL 2021

 Before & After
 School Care
 Page 8
 Adult & Youth Karate!
 Page 14
 Page 24
 Adult Basketball & Softball Leagues
 Page 27
                                       FOLLOW US
Hurry! Registration fills up fast!

                                     2 FALL 2021
To the Addison Community
Dear Fellow Community Members,
Welcome to the Fall 2021 Activity Guide digital edition.                                                The Park District Board
                                                                                                        of Commissioners meets
We are so thankful for the community support and patience as we migrate through the many                on the fourth Monday of
phases of the pandemic. We are very excited to get back to serving the Addison community in             each month at 6:00PM
person with loads of programs and activities.                                                           at the Community
                                                                                                        Recreation Center.
This season, we are especially excited for a return of many of our popular fall events and
programs including Park Pride at Army Trail Nature Center, the magic of Candy Carnival during
Halloween, Breakfast with Santa, and Polar Express Storytime Train. We will be welcoming back
our preschoolers for the 2021-2022 school year and planning to assist parents with our before
and after school care programs. Parents, if you need a night off, sign up for Kids Night Out.
Children will play bingo, participate in gym games, enjoy crafts and more. Look for these Friday
night programs beginning in September. The fall athletics and sports line-up include, pickleball
clinics, basketball leagues, tennis, golf, softball, soccer and much more in person programming.

Autumn is an ideal time to kick-in your fitness goals or add something to your fitness routine. Visit
Club Fitness and take a guided tour of the facility. Tour the workout floor, test out the interactive
treadmills and new cardio fitness equipment. Also, the Senior Club hosts the Fit & Fabulous
Exercise Group held at the Community Center every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at

In a short time, our parks will be exploding with the fall colors. I encourage you to go for a
walk and witness the beautiful fall colors in one of our neighborhood parks. Thank you for your
support and we hope to see you at one of our many programs and events during this Fall season.

Jen Hermonson
Executive Director

Visit our website at www.addisonparks.org, sign up for our email news list and follow us on social
                          media for the most up to date information.

                                YOUR PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS
      Frank Angiulo        Michael Capizzano         Dean Stathopoulos        Michael Clementi          Stacey Ruffolo
        President            Vice President              Treasurer             Commissioner               Secretary

                                                                                                               3 FALL 2021
  YOUTH ATHLETICS                                                                           FITNESS
  13                                                                                        30

SPECIAL EVENTS.................................................................6-7
BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL CARE .................................8-9
                                                                                            BEFORE & AFTER
           Before & After School Care, Day Off Fun                                          SCHOOL CARE
YOUTH SPORTS & ATHLETICS....................................13-19
           Soccer Shots, Tumbling Times, Kids Karate Club, Tennis

TOT ROCK & KID ROCK....................................................23
           Tot Open Gym

YOUTH PROGRAMS............................................................24
           Kids Night Out!, Learn To Draw Animals, Robot Engineers
                                                                                            CULTURAL ARTS
CULTURAL ARTS..................................................................25
ADULT ATHLETIC PROGRAMS...................................26-27                             24
           Pickleball Clinics, Men’s Basketball Leagues, Co-Ed Softball

CLUB FITNESS/FITNESS................................................30-33
           The P.I.T., Group Fitness Classes, Road Warriors

SENIOR CLUB........................................................................34
FACILITY RENTALS.........................................................36-37
           Now Hiring, Registration Form, General Policies, Parks                                            4 FALL 2021
Addison Park District
                     			Sponsorship Program
                        Let Your Business Be Seen with the Addison Park District
                                  Advertising & Sponsorship Program
Why the Addison Park District?
Every day the Addison Park District provides memorable experiences in parks and recreation that enrich the lives of
our community. Daily, weekly, and monthly visitors take part in programs, events, and activities with the Addison Park
District at extraordinary facilities like Community Park, the Club Fitness Aquatic Center, Centennial Recreation Center,
and Putter’s Peak. The Park District also manages 284 acres of park land providing programs, activities, and events
throughout the year, reaching every corner of our community.

Research also shows that 98% of guests share their experiences directly with friends and neighbors, and indirectly
with their social media contacts and followers. These numbers demonstrate that being the right kind of sponsor means
much more to your target audience than just being an advertiser. Park District guests tend to support the businesses
and organizations associated with programs that benefit the community as a whole. If your business or organization
is interested in building a long-lasting relationship with clients, we encourage you to look at the many sponsorship
opportunities available at the Addison Park District.

A snapshot of our advantages:
 •   14,000 Activity Guides are printed each season, 4 times a year.
 •   11,500 are mailed to households in Addison with a general shelf life of 3-4 months.
 •   The Activity Guide is available for download from the AddisonParks.org website expanding your visibility into
     greater markets.
 •   Addison Park District has 4,755 social media followers and 4,000 active email blast addresses.

Please contact jstone@addisonparks.org or by phone at 630-233-7275, ext 2162 for more partnership information.

                                            Addison Park District                The Addison Park District believes
                                                                                 that every resident should have
                                            SCHOLARSHIP                          an opportunity to participate

                                                                                 in recreational programs
                                                                                 regardless of economic hardship.
                                                                                 In cooperation with the Addison
                                            Parks & Recreation Foundation, the Park District offers this financial
                                            assistance program for people in need. We encourage you to view the
                                            program details online.
                                                                                                            5 FALL 2021
Explore more at
                 The Addison Park District adheres to IDPH and CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19 health and
                 safety. Event dates and times subject to change. We aim to keep everyone informed and will

                 give timely notice of any changes.

                             AUG                      AUG 28 & SEPT 4                       SEPT 6-9

                 Parent’s Day Cookout in the Park       Movies in the Park         Thank You to our Troops Letters
                            August 28             Aug 28 - The Croods: A New Age          September 6-9
                                                         Sept 4 - Frozen 2

                             SEPT                             OCT                              NOV

                      Dog Days of Summer                 Candy Carnival                     Turkey Trot
                       Dog Jog and Fest                    October 29                      November 13
                         September 18

                           DEC 1-22                           DEC                              DEC

                         Letters to Santa         Polar Express Storytime Train        Breakfast with Santa
                         December 1-22                  December 11 & 19                   December 18
                                                                                                          6 FALL 2021
        RKK P
            PRR II D
               270 N. LOMBARD RD., ADDISON, IL

            SEPT 18, 2021 @ 9:00AM
                                                                RAIN DATE
Join us for a day at Army Trail Nature Center:
    Spreading mulch                                              SEPT 25

    Planting flowers
    Beautifying our community

Each registered volunteer will receive a t-shirt and a complimentary lunch.


                              Follow us!
                                                 QUESTIONS? CALL US!
                                                 (630) 233-7275 EXT. 2
   Before & After School Care
BASC Program corresponds with the ASD4 Calendar                        Program Time
The program will provide your child with a fun, safe, and              Before Care: 7:00A-8:50A
structured environment. Our experienced staff focuses on               (Late Start Monday 7:00A-9:25A)
providing a variety of quality activities including homework           After Care: 3:15P-6:15P
time, play sports, outside activities, use of the school gym as well
as arts and crafts projects. Register children for one day per         Ways to Register
week and up to the full five days per week. Bus transportation         Register in-person at Centennial Rec Center
provided for drop-off and pick-up for those who attend Lake            or Community Rec Center to setup program
Park, Lincoln, and Ardmore.                                            payment plan. Visit addisonparks.org for proper
                                                                       emergency paperwork to complete and returned
Grades: K-5th
                                                                       prior to first day of program.
Locations: Fullerton, Stone, Army Trail, and Wesley Elementary
District 4 School Year tentative schedule 8/24/2021-6/3/2022.          Fees
                                                                       The initial payment is due at the time of
                                                                       registration. The following eight payments are
School/Program           Before Care After Care        Both
                                                                       due the first day of the month starting September
                                                                       1st through April 1st.
Army Trail Elementary     502203-01 502203-02 502203-03
(Army Trail & Lincoln)                                                 Days        Before Care    After Care    Both
Fullerton Elementary      502201-01 502201-02 502201-03                Attending
(Fullerton, Lake Park,                                                 5           $280           $320          $480
& Ardmore)                                                             4           $224           $256          $384
Stone Elementary          502202-01 502202-02 502202-03                3           $168           $192          $288
(Stone)                                                                2           $112           $128          $192
Wesley Elementary         502204-01 502204-02 502204-03                1           $56            $64           $96
                                                                       Before & After School Pass
Activities will follow IDPH recommendations and guidelines
regarding COVID-19.                                                    The pass can be used for either before school
                                                                       care or after school care. Parents/guardians must
For more information about the Before & After School Care              notify the school as well as the park district 24
Program, please contact David MacDonald at 630-656-6209.               hours in advance to use a pass. The passes cannot
                                                                       be returned or refunded for days not used.
Now Hiring: Before & After School Staff!
Visit www.addisonparks.org to complete a quick                         5 Pass Visits         $85
application under ”career opportunities.”                              10 Pass Visits        $165

                                                                                                         8 FALL 2021
FUN CARE   When school’s out, we’re in!
                           DAY OFF FUN!
                           Participants will attend a scheduled field trip as well as play sports, make new friends, and
                           create crafts. Remember to bring a lunch and drink. Arrive no later than 9:00A to attend field

                           trip. Field trips will be taken daily and will return no later than 4:00P.
                           Pricing separate from Before & After School Care fees.

                           Day Off Fun AGES K-5th Grade
                           When the local schools take a break, we offer fun
                           activities for your child! Participants will attend a
                           scheduled field trip as well as play sports, make new
                           friends, and create crafts. Remember to bring a lunch
                           and drink. Arrive no later than 9:00 a.m. to attend field
                           trip. Field trips will be taken daily and will return no
                           later than 4:00 p.m.

                           Location: Community Rec Center
                           Fee: $45R/$50NR

                           Code           Day     Date         Time
                           402281-01      M       10/11        7:00A-6:00P
                           402281-02      M       11/22        7:00A-6:00P
                           402281-03      T       11/23        7:00A-6:00P
                           402281-04      W       11/24        7:00A-6:00P

                           Half Day Off Fun AGES K-5th Grade
                           We make it easier for kids to have more fun on half
                           day off from school! These half day activities are
                           coordinated with the Addison School District 4 early
                           dismissal days. Children will be picked up from their
                           elementary school and dropped off at field trip location.
                           Field trip will return no later than 4:00 p.m. Please send
                           child with sack lunch and drink.

                           Location: Community Rec Center
                           Fee: $30R/$32NR

                           Code          Day      Date        Time
                           402282-01     F        11/19       12:00P-6:00P

                                                                                                                   9 FALL 2021
Addison Park Dancers
Where Dance is not just a class... it is a Passion
Not even the pandemic could stop the Addison Park
Dancers from dancing. As classes came to a close
at the start of COVID-19, they decided more people
could use a little dance in their lives. With stereo                     Celebrate
in hand, the dancers walked to the outskirts of the                   National Dance
Addison Park District property where a senior living                   Day with us!
center is located. The dancers turned on the music
and danced in the grass. As the residents of the                        Recital base
center heard the music, they slowly emerged to their                  dance programs
balconies and watched every dance in the dancers’                     begin Monday,
repertoire. After every dance, the residents would clap               September 20.
and cheer. It gave the dancers joy to share their love
                     of dance with those that needed
                             an unsuspected thrill in a
                             mundane period of time.

                            Meet Miss Jaime
                             Jaime is the Dance Coordinator of the Addison Park District
                              Dance Program as well as an instructor. She is a seasoned
                              instructor of 20+ years. She has choreographed for theatre
                              productions, performed in the Florida Citrus Bowl and Capitol
                              One Bowl halftime shows, and performed with the Joffrey Ballet
                             of Chicago. Locally, Jaime has grown up with the Addison Dance
                            Program. She has been an Addison Park Dancer and Addison Trail
                           Orchesis member. She is very proud of the Addison Dance Program
                           as it leads dancers through the artistry of dance.
                                                                                10 FALL 2021
Addison Park Dancers
     Where Dance is not just a class... it is a Passion
Fall 2021 Dance Recital Sessions
Prepare for the Annual Spring Recital by joining fall dance            TUTU TIGHT TOTE
sessions with the Addison Park District! Classes focus on              Dance shoes can be expensive, especially with growing
technique and most importantly... FUN!
                                                                       feet! Please consider donating your “Tutu Tight” dance
Please register early! Classes with low enrollment will be             shoes to the Tutu Tight Tote. When your dance shoes get
cancelled one week prior to the start of class. If a class             Tutu Tight, generously place them in the tote located in the
becomes full, you can be placed on a waitlist while we try to
either create a new class or wait to see if a spot opens up.           dance room; there is a promising chance you will find the
                                                                       right size for your dancer! There is no exchange of money.
Should your dancer not want to participate in the recital, just        Simply donate “tight” and get “just right.” Feel free to
inform your instructor as they have the option to opt out.
                                                                       donate or look for shoes during your dance class.
Dance classes run from the week of September 20 through the
week of November 29.
No dance classes held the week of November 22.                       Westernettes AGES 6-18
        Monday Classes: 9/20-11/29                                   This competitive baton corps is a popular team that travels and
        Thursday Classes: 9/23-12/2                                  participates in events throughout the country. Students begin in the
        Second Session Classes begin January 17, 2022                introductory groups and work towards the famed Westernettes.

Fees                                                                 Location: Community Rec Center Near Side Gym
                                                                     Fee: M-W: $84R/$104NR
30-min Program: $45R/$55NR
45-min Program: $60R/$70NR                                           Fee: M only: $42R/$52NR
Costume Measurement Date: Week of Nov. 19                            Instructor: Robin & Brenda Murphy
Costume Fee: $75
                                                                     Code           Day      Date              Time
                                                                     402623-01      M-W      10/4-12/15        5:00P – 8:00P
           All dance classes held at:                                Beginner:
           Centennial Rec Center Dance Studio                        402623-02      M        10/4-12/13        5:00P – 8:00P
           1776 W Centennial Pl, Addison, 60101
           No classes the week of November 22                        Baton & Poms AGES 4-9 & 10-18
                                                                     This exciting sport gives participants opportunities to work on
                                                                     balance, rhythm, and coordination through the basics of baton
Visitor’s Policy Dance Classes                                       twirling to musical routines. Batons may be purchased the first day of
We have a no visitors policy in our dance studio. We love our        class for $25.
fans, but they are also our biggest distraction. Thank you for
your cooperation and understanding!                                  Location: Community Rec Center Near Side Gym
Face Mask Policy: Masks will be worn by all participants and         Fee: 4-9 years: $60R/$70NR
staff while in the dance studio. Guidelines are subject to change.   Fee: 10-18 years: $75R/$80NR
                                                                     Instructor: Robin & Brenda Murphy
             Now Hiring: Dance Instructor!                           Code           Day     Date              Time
                                                                     402623-03      M      10/4-12/13         5:30P – 6:00P
                        APPLY HERE                                   402623-04      M      10/4-12/13         5:30P – 6:15P
                                                                                                                      11 FALL 2021
Addison Park Dancers
        Where Dance is not just a class... it is a Passion
        Dance classes run from the week of September 20 through the week of November 29.
        No dance classes held the week of November 22.
                Monday Classes: 9/20-11/29
                Thursday Classes: 9/23-12/2
                Second Session Classes begin January 17, 2022
        Tot Hip Hop AGES 3-5                                           Tot Dance Intro AGES 3+
        Take advantage of this high energy class and get your          Does your little one love to dance? This class will introduce

        little one bop-pin to some hip songs. Required shoes: pink     movement in pre ballet, pre jazz, pre tap, and pre hip
        ballet shoes.                                                  hop. Fundamentals and a fun routine will be learned in
                                                                       this fun high energy class! Required shoes: pink ballet and
        Instructor: Miss Jaime
                                                                       black patent leather taps.
        Location: Centennial Dance Studio
                                                                       Instructor: Miss Jaime
        Code      Day         Time
                                                                       Location: Centennial Dance Studio
        402262-01 M           3:45P-4:15P
                                                                       Code      Day         Time
                                                                       402265-01 Th          4:00P-4:30P
        Hip Hop Production AGES 7+
        Learn a fast-paced hip hop routine with many large
        props and acting! The world is your stage! Required            Combo 1 AGES 5+
        shoes: black jazz boot and hip hop shoes.                      Learn tap, ballet, and jazz. Dancers wanting to eventually
                                                                       try out for APD Dancers should take combo classes to
        Instructor: Miss Jaime
                                                                       become dance fluent. Required shoes: pink ballet, black
        Location: Centennial Dance Studio
                                                                       tap, and black jazz boot.
        Code      Day         Time
                                                                       Instructor: Miss Jaime
        402267-01 M           5:00P-5:45P
                                                                       Location: Centennial Dance Studio
                                                                       Code      Day         Time
        Combo 2 AGES 7+                                                402266-01 Th          5:15P-6:00P
        Learn tap, ballet, jazz, and hip hop. Dancers wanting to
        eventually try out for APD Dancers should take combo
        classes to become dance fluent. Required shoes: pink           Flex Core AGES 7+
        ballet, black tap, and black jazz boot.                        This is a stretch and core strengthening class. No routine
                                                                       will be done for this class. Each week you will be
        Instructor: Miss Jaime                                         stretching, crunching, planking, and much more to improve
        Location: Centennial Dance Studio                              your flexibility and range in your other dance class(es).
        Code      Day         Time                                     Required shoes: pink ballet.
        402270-01 M           4:15P-5:00P                              Instructor: Miss Jaime
                                                                       Location: Centennial Dance Studio
        Combo 3 AGES 9+                                                Code      Day         Time
        Learn tap, ballet, jazz, and hip hop. Dancers wanting to       402269-01 Th          6:00P-6:30P
        eventually try out for APD Dancers should take combo
        classes to become dance fluent. Required shoes: pink
        ballet, black tap, and black jazz boot.
        Instructor: Miss Jaime
        Location: Centennial Dance Studio
        Code      Day         Time
        402615-01 M           5:45P-6:30P

        Advanced Lyrical/Jazz AGES 10+
        This class will take your dancer through the graceful
        movement of lyrical and the smooth & intense movement
        of jazz. Both styles will be covered in this exciting fusion
        class. Required shoes: black jazz and pink ballet.
        Instructor: Miss Jaime
        Location: Centennial Dance Studio
        Code      Day         Time
        402255-01 M           8:00P-8:45P
                                                                                                                         12 FALL 2021
Fall Soccer League                                                         Pre K-Kindergarten
                                                                           Games are played 3V3 with no goalkeeper on a smaller sized
AGES Pre K-8th Grade                                                       field which will allow players more touches with the ball to enhance
Join us this fall for an exciting season filled with team building and     skill development and fun. Ball Size #3 is used.
friendly competition! This instructional co-ed league is divided into
five age divisions with teams formed by the park district athletic         Location: Centennial Park
staff. Special requests for teams, coaches and players cannot be           Fee: $75R/$85NR
guaranteed. All players are required to wear shin guards for both
                                                                           Code            Day         Date
practices and games.
                                                                           402284-01       T           9/11-10/23
Location: Centennial Park or various surrounding communities
Uniform Pickup: August 27th after 3pm at Club Fitness.                     1st & 2nd Grade
Picture Day: Friday, September 17                                          Games are played 4V4 with no goalkeeper. Skills development,
                                                                           teamwork and fun is stressed with this age group. Ball Size #4 is
GAMES START SEPTEMBER 11, 2021.                                            used.
Game times dependent on final number of teams and field                    Location: Centennial Park
availability.                                                              Fee: $75R/$85NR
Practices will begin week of August 30th and is arranged by the            Code            Day         Date
volunteer coach. Your coach will notify you of practice day, time &        402284-02       T           9/11-10/23
                                                                           3rd & 4th Grade
                                                                           Games are played 6V6. Goalkeepers are introduced with off-sides
                                                                           and fouls. Ball Size #4 is used.
                                                                           Location: Centennial Park
                                                                           Fee: $75R/$85NR
                                                                           Code            Day         Date
                                                                           402284-03       T           9/11-10/23
                                                                           5th & 6th Grade
                                                                           Games are played 8V8. More team concepts are introduced at this
                                                                           level along with individual skill development, sportsmanship and fun.
                                                                           Ball Size #5 is used.
                                                                           Location: Centennial Park
                                                                           Fee: $75R/$85NR
                                                                           Code            Day         Date
                                                                           402284-04       T           9/11-10/23
                                                                           7th & 8th Grade
                                                                           Games are played 11V11. The game is played with little, or no
                                                                           restrictions and IHSA rules apply with minor modifications. Ball Size
        Volunteers needed!
                                                                           #5 is used.
        Volunteers are vital to the success of the youth soccer
        program. If you are interested in helping as a head or assistant   Location: Centennial Park
        coach, please contact Juan Montes at 630-656-6202.
                                                                           Fee: $75R/$85NR
        No soccer experience necessary! We will train all coaches
        with age appropriate practice plans for a successful season!       Code            Day         Date
                                                                           402284-05       T           9/11-10/23
                                                                                                                                 13 FALL 2021
In it to win it!
                           YOUTH             SPORTS & ATHLETICS
                           Register online by visiting www.addisonparks.org
                           Youth Soccer AGES 2-8
                           Soccer Shots Mini is an engaging children’s soccer
                           program with a focus on character development.
                           Our caring team positively impacts children’s lives
                           on and off the field through best-in-class coaching,
                           curriculum and communication. Our coaches are
                           the best trained in the business. The expert-approved curriculum is age
                           appropriate and aligns with childhood education standards. In addition, we
                           provide an exceptional customer experience and ongoing communication
                           with parents.

                           Location: Centennial Rec Center

                            Mini AGE 2
                            CODE           DAY    DATE           TIME             FEE
                            402103-01      W      9/8-10/27      4:30P-5:00P      $110R/$120NR

                            Classic AGES 3-5
                            CODE           DAY    DATE           TIME              FEE
                            402224-01      W      9/8-10/27      5:10P-5:45P       $110R/$120NR

                            Premier AGES 6-8
                            CODE           DAY    DATE           TIME             FEE
                            402226-01      W      9/8-10/27      5:50P-6:35P      $123R/$133NR

                                          Kid’s Karate AGES 4-14
                                          The Kid’s Karate Club is a high energy, progressive, motivational martial arts program developed
                                          specifically for kids to have fun while learning. Students will learn stances, strikes, blocks, kicks and
                                          sparring techniques all while building confidence. They will learn about strangers and how to combine
                                          the techniques they learn to protect themselves. This program targets many building blocks for children
                                          today; respect, self-esteem, leadership, and making good choices. This is a year-round progressive
                                          martial arts program with belt progression through Black Belt.
                                          This program comes with the “Never Miss a Class Guarantee.” If a student misses a class (i.e. schedule
                                          conflict, sick, etc) or the center closes for any reason, the missed classes will be replaced with virtual
                                          online instructor led classes.
                                          Kid’s Karate Club uniforms are required and are available at www.KidsKarate.com or from the instructor
                                          at class. Parents may participate with their children at no cost other than purchasing a parent helper
                                          karate club uniform. Karate uniforms are $42. No refunds after the 2nd week of class.
                                          For more info visit: www.KidsKarate.com
                                          Belt testing will be on 12/8

                                          Location: Centennial Dance Studio
                                          Fee: $56R/$60NR

                                          Beginner (White Belt) AGES 4-14
                                          Code      Day         Date            Time              Adult Karate AGES 18+
                                          402213-03 W           10/20-12/1      5:30P-6:15P
                                                                                    Code                        Day Date     Time
                                          Intermediate/Advanced (Yellow Belts & Up) 402213-05                   W 10/20-12/1 7:00P-7:45P
                                          Code      Day        Date             Time
                                          402213-04 W          10/20-12/1      6:15P-7:00P                                           14 FALL 2021
In it to win it!
                           YOUTH             SPORTS & ATHLETICS
                           Register online by visiting www.addisonparks.org
                           Beginner 1 AGES 6-12                                                                                   PARENT & TOT GYMNASTICS
                                                                                                                                  Over, under, forward and back; there’s adventure in every class!
                           Participants learn skills on the traditional gymnastics events,                                        With the help of parents, this class will explore the four areas
                                                                                                                                  of gymnastics (bars, beam, vault and tumbling). Children will
                           including tumbling, bars, vault, and beam, all in a controlled                                         learn skills related to jumping, skipping, rolling, climbing and
                           environment. Children who have never been in a gymnastics                                              balancing.
                                                                                                                                  Age: 18 Months - 3 years, with parent
                           class before should enroll in Beginner 1.                                                                 CODE       DAY         DATE                TIME            R/NR
                                                                                                                                   302101-01   Mon.    May 13 - Jun. 24    6:35 - 7:10 p.m.    $62/65
                            CODE           DAY    DATE             TIME               R/NR                                         302101-02   Wed.    May 15 - Jun. 26    9:30 - 10:05 a.m.   $74/77
                                                                                                                                   302101-03    Thu.   May 16 - Jun. 27    9:30 - 10:05 a.m.   $74/77
                            402204-01      M      9/13-10/4        4:15P-5:15P        $56/61                                       302101-04    Sat.   May 18 - Jun. 29    9:00 - 9:35 a.m.    $74/77

                            402204-02      M      9/13-10/4        5:30P-6:30P        $56/61                                       302101-05   Mon.    Jul. 8 - Aug. 12    6:35 - 7:10 p.m.    $62/65
                                                                                                                                   302101-06   Wed.    Jul. 10 - Aug. 14   9:30 - 10:05 a.m.   $62/65
                            402204-03      W      9/8-10/6         4:15P-5:15P        $69/74                                       302101-07    Thu.   Jul. 11 - Aug. 15   9:30 - 10:05 a.m.   $62/65
                                                                                                                                   302101-08    Sat.   Jul. 13 - Aug. 17   9:00 - 9:35 a.m.    $62/65
                            402204-04      Sa     9/11-10/9        10:05A-11:05A      $69/74
                            402204-05      M      10/11-11/8       4:15P-5:15P        $69/74                                      TINY TIMES GYMNASTICS
                                                                                                                                  Learn gymnastics body positions as well as beginning skills on
                            402204-06      M      10/11-11/8       5:30P-6:30P        $69/74                                      the bars, floor, springboard and balance beam. All participants
                                                                                                                                  must be potty trained and be able to follow directions without
                                                                                                                                  the help of a parent.
                            402204-07      W      10/13-11/10      4:15P-5:15P        $69/74                                      Age: 3 – 4 years

                            402204-08      Sa     10/16-11/13      10:05A-11:05A      $69/74
                                                                                                Tumbling 1 AGES 6-14302212-01
                                                                                                                                     CODE       DAY          DATE                TIME          R/NR
                                                                                                                                                Tue.   May 14 - Jun. 25    6:20 - 7:05 p.m.    $76/79
                            402204-09      M      11/15-12/13      4:15P-5:15P        $56/61    Tumblers will learn progressions    from forward
                                                                                                                           302212-02 Wed.
                                                                                                                                                          and backward rolls
                                                                                                                                            May 15 - Jun. 26 10:15 - 11:00 a.m. $76/79
                                                                                                                           302212-03  Thu.  May 16 - Jun. 27  5:30 - 6:15 p.m.  $76/79
                            402204-10      M      11/15-12/13      5:30P-6:30P        $56/61    up through front and back 302212-04
                                                                                                                           walkovers.  Sat. May 18 - Jun. 29  9:00 - 9:45 a.m.  $76/79

                            402204-11      W      11/17-12/15      4:15P-5:15P        $56/61     CODE               DAY
                                                                                                                             DATE302212-06 Wed.
                                                                                                                                                Tue.    Jul. 9 - Aug. 13
                                                                                                                                                       Jul. 10 - Aug. 14
                                                                                                                                                                           6:20 - 7:05 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                         10:15 - 11:00
                                                                                                                                                                                       a.m. $64/67

                            402204-12      Sa     11/20-12/18      10:05A-11:05A      $56/61     402209-01          T            302212-07
                                                                                                                             9/7-10/5      Thu.        Jul. 11 - Aug. 15
                                                                                                                                                        5:20P-6:20P       5:30 - 6:15 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                    $69/74  $64/67
                                                                                                                                 302212-08 Sat.        Jul. 13 - Aug. 17  9:00 - 9:45 a.m.  $64/67

                                                                                                 402209-02          T        10/12-11/9                 5:20P-6:20P $69/74
                           Beginner 2 AGES 6-12
                           Participants master the skills developed in Beginner 1, while         402209-03          T        11/16-12/14                5:20P-6:20P $56/61
                           learning new skills on floor, bars, beam and vault. Gymnasts who
                                                                                                Tumbling 2 AGES 7-14
                           have previously taken gymnastics may sign up for Beginner 2 but                         30 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
                                                                                                This class is for tumblers who can do a back and front walkover
                           must demonstrate the required skills of a Level 2 gymnast.
                                                                                                and are ready to learn back handsprings and back tucks. This
                            CODE           DAY    DATE             TIME               R/NR      class is the advanced version of Tumbling 1.
                            402205-01      M      9/6-10/4         4:15P-5:15P        $69/74      CODE              DAY      DATE                       TIME                           R/NR
                            402205-02      M      9/6-10/4         5:30P-6:30P        $69/74      402212-01         T        9/7-10/5                   5:20P-6:20P                    $69/74
                            402205-03      W      9/8-10/6         4:15P-5:15P        $69/74      402212-02         T        10/12-11/9                 5:20P-6:20P                    $69/74
                            402205-04      Sa     9/11-10/9        11:05A-12:05P      $69/74      402212-03         T        11/16-12/14                5:20P-6:20P                    $56/61
                            402205-05      M      10/11-11/8       4:15P-5:15P        $69/74
                            402205-06      M      10/11-11/8       5:30P-6:30P        $69/74
                            402205-07      W      10/13-11/10      4:15P-5:15P        $69/74
                            402205-08      Sa     10/16-11/13      11:05A-12:05P      $69/74
                            402205-09      M      11/15-12/13      4:15P-5:15P        $56/61
                            402205-10      M      11/15-12/13      5:30P-6:30P        $56/61
                            402205-11      W      11/17-12/15      4:15P-5:15P        $56/61
                            402205-12      Sa     11/20-12/18      11:05A-12:05P      $56/61

                           Beginner 3 AGES 6-12
                           The classes continue with this new class at tumbling times! This
                           class is for children working on front walkover, starts of flip
                           flops. Must have completed our level 2 to move on to this class!

                           CODE          DAY     DATE            TIME                R/NR
                           402206-01     Sa      9/11-10/9       10:15A-12:05P       $125/130            All Tumbling Times Gymnastics classes held at:
                                                                                                         400 S. Rohlwing Road, Addison, 60101
                           402206-02     Sa      10/16-11/13     10:15A-12:05P       $125/130
                                                                                                         No classes 11/22-11-27
                           402206-03     Sa      11/20-12/18     10:15A-12:05P       $100/105

                                                                                                                                                                  15 FALL 2021
In it to win it!
                            YOUTH             SPORTS & ATHLETICS

                            Register online by visiting www.addisonparks.org                                                                                                                                ju
                                                                                                                                    PARENT & TOT GYMNASTICS
                           Ninja Warrior AGES 5-12                                               Parent & Tot Gymnastics AGES 18m-3yr w/ Parent
                                                                                                                                    Over, under, forward and back; there’s adventure in every class!
                                                                                                                                    With the help of parents, this class will explore the four areas         3

                           Challenge your Inner Ninja with our Ninja Warrior class! Ninjas       Over, under, forward and back; there’s an adventure in every
                                                                                                                                    of gymnastics (bars, beam, vault and tumbling). Children will
                                                                                                                                    learn skills related to jumping, skipping, rolling, climbing and
                           will gain endurance and strength with our Ninja Warrior obstacle      class! With the help of parents, this class will explore the
                                                                                                                                    balancing.                                                               3
                           courses! Climb, crawl, jump, flip, hang, and swing your way through   four areas of gymnasticsAge:(bars,   beam,
                                                                                                                                 18 Months        vault,
                                                                                                                                           - 3 years,       and tumbling).
                                                                                                                                                      with parent

                           a different course each week.                                         Participants will learn skills related
                                                                                                                               CODE     DAY
                                                                                                                                            to   jumping,
                                                                                                                             302101-01 Mon. May 13 - Jun. 24
                                                                                                                                                                  6:35 - 7:10 p.m.

                                                                                                 climbing, and balancing. 302101-02 Wed. May 15 - Jun. 26 9:30 - 10:05 a.m. $74/77
                            CODE          DAY    DATE               TIME            R/NR                                             302101-03    Thu.   May 16 - Jun. 27   9:30 - 10:05 a.m.    $74/77     B
                            402207-01     T      9/7-10/5           4:15P-5:00P     $69/74        CODE               DAY       DATE
                                                                                                                                  302101-04      Sat.  May TIME
                                                                                                                                                              18 - Jun. 29   9:00 - 9:35 a.m. R/NR
                                                                                                                                                                                                 $74/77     Le
                                                                                                                                  302101-05 Mon.         Jul. 8 - Aug. 12    6:35 - 7:10 p.m.    $62/65

                            402207-02     F      9/10 – 10/8        5:00P-5:45P     $69/74        402101-01          M         9/13-10/4
                                                                                                                                  302101-06 Wed. Jul.9:45A-10:15A
                                                                                                                                                             10 - Aug. 14    9:30 - 10:05 a.m. $46/51
                                                                                                                                  302101-07     Thu.    Jul. 11 - Aug. 15    9:30 - 10:05 a.m.   $62/65
                            402207-03     T      10/12 – 11/9       4:15P-5:00P     $69/74        402101-02          M         9/13-10/4
                                                                                                                                  302101-08      Sat.
                                                                                                                                                        Jul. 13 - Aug. 17     9:00 - 9:35 a.m.

                            402207-04     F      10/15 – 11/12      5:00P-5:45P     $69/74        402101-03          W         9/8-10/6                    9:30A-10:00A $54/59                               3
                                                                                                                                 TINY TIMES GYMNASTICS                                                       3
                            402207-05     T      11/16 – 12/14      4:15P-5:00P     $56/61        402101-04          Sa        9/11-10/9
                                                                                                                                 Learn gymnastics body9:00A-9:30A
                                                                                                                                                            positions as well as beginning$54/59skills on
                                                                                                                                 the bars, floor, springboard and balance beam. All participants

                            402207-06     F      11/19 – 12/17      5:00P-5:45P     $56/61        402101-05          M         10/11-11/8
                                                                                                                                 must be potty trained and 9:45A-10:15A
                                                                                                                                                                 be able to follow directions  $54/59
                                                                                                                                                                                                without      3
                                                                                                                                 the help of a parent.                                                       3
                                                                                                  402101-06          M         10/11-11/8
                                                                                                                                 Age: 3 – 4 years          5:30P-6:00P                         $54/59        3
                                                                                                                                    CODE        DAY             DATE                TIME          R/NR       3
                                                                                                  402101-07          W         10/13-11/10
                                                                                                                                  302212-01     Tue.    May9:30A-10:00A
                                                                                                                                                               14 - Jun. 25   6:20 - 7:05 p.m. $54/59
                                                                                                                                                                                                 $76/79      3
                                                                                                                                  302212-02 Wed.        May 15 - Jun. 26 10:15 - 11:00 a.m. $76/79           3
                                                                                                  402101-08          Sa        10/16-11/13                 9:00A-9:30A                         $54/59
                           Super Times Gymnastics AGES 5-6
                                                                                                                                  302212-03     Thu.    May 16 - Jun. 27      5:30 - 6:15 p.m.   $76/79

                                                                                                  402101-09          M         11/15-12/13
                                                                                                                                  302212-04     Sat.    May9:45A-10:15A
                                                                                                                                                               18 - Jun. 29   9:00 - 9:45 a.m. $46/51
                           The gymnastics adventure continues! Swinging, rolling, jumping                                         302212-05     Tue.      Jul. 9 - Aug. 13    6:20 - 7:05 p.m.   $64/67     Tu
                           and balancing; children will learn skills on the bars, floor,          402101-10          M         11/15-12/13
                                                                                                                                  302212-06 Wed.           5:30P-6:00P
                                                                                                                                                         Jul. 10 - Aug. 14 10:15 - 11:00 a.m.$46/51
                                                                                                                                                                                                 $64/67     ro

                           springboard and balance beam. All participants must be able            402101-11          W
                                                                                                                                                         Jul. 11 - Aug. 15
                                                                                                                                                         Jul. 13 - Aug. 17
                                                                                                                                                                              5:30 - 6:15 p.m.   $64/67
                                                                                                                                                                              9:00 - 9:45 a.m. $46/51

                           to follow directions without a parent.
                                                                                                  402101-12          Sa        11/20-12/18 9:00A-9:30A                                         $46/51        3
                            CODE          DAY    DATE             TIME              R/NR
                            402202-01     M      9/13-10/4        9:45A-10:15A      $51/56
                                                                                                                                    30 | ADDISON PARK DISTRICT | 50 Years of Fun | Summer 2019
                            402202-02     M      9/13-10/4        6:25P-7:10P       $51/56
                                                                                                 Tiny Times AGES 3-5
                            402202-03     W      9/8-10/6         10:15A-11:00A     $64/69       Children will learn gymnastics body positions as well as
                            402202-04     Sa     9/11-10/9        9:10A-9:55A       $64/69       beginning skills on the bars, floor, springboard and balance
                                                                                                 beam. All participants must be potty trained and be able to
                            402202-05     Sa     9/11-10/9        10:10A-10:55P     $64/69       follow directions without the help of a parent.
                            402202-06     M      10/11-11/8       9:45A-10:15A      $64/69
                            402202-07     M      10/11-11/8       6:25P-7:10P       $64/69        CODE               DAY       DATE                        TIME                                 R/NR
                            402202-08     W      10/13-11/10      10:15A-11:00A     $64/69        402201-01          M         9/13-10/4                   10:30A-11:15A                        $51/56
                            402202-09     Sa     10/16-11/13      9:10A-9:55A       $64/69        402201-02          M         9/13-10/4                   6:25P-7:10P                          $51/56
                            402202-10     Sa     10/16-11/13      10:10A-10:55P     $64/69        402201-03          W         9/8-10/6                    10:15A-11:00A                        $64/69
                            402202-11     M      11/15-12/13      9:45A-10:15A      $51/56        402201-04          Sa        9/11-10/9                   9:10A-9:55A                          $64/69
                            402202-12     M      11/15-12/13      6:25P-7:10P       $51/56        402201-05          Sa        9/11-10/9                   10:10A-10:55P                        $64/69
                            402202-13     W      11/17-12/15      10:15A-11:00A     $51/56        402201-06          M         10/11-11/8                  10:30A-11:15A                        $64/69
                            402202-14     Sa     11/20-12/18      9:10A-9:55A       $51/56        402201-07          M         10/11-11/8                  6:25P-7:10P                          $64/69
                            402202-15     Sa     11/20-12/18      10:10A-10:55P     $51/56        402201-08          W         10/13-11/10                 10:15A-11:00A                        $64/69
                                                                                                  402201-09          Sa        10/16-11/13                 9:10A-9:55A                          $64/69
                                                                                                  402201-10          Sa        10/16-11/13                 10:10A-10:55P                        $64/69
                                                                                                  402201-11          M         11/15-12/13                 10:30A-11:15A                        $51/56
                                 All Tumbling Times Gymnastics classes held at:                   402201-12          M         11/15-12/13                 6:25P-7:10P                          $51/56
                                 400 S. Rohlwing Road, Addison, 60101                             402201-13          W         11/17-12/15                 10:15A-11:00A                        $51/56
                                 No classes 11/22-11-27                                           402201-14          Sa        11/20-12/18                 9:10A-9:55A                          $51/56
                                                                                                  402201-15          Sa        11/20-12/18                 10:10A-10:55P                        $51/56

                                                                                                                                                                       16 FALL 2021
Registration Deadline: October 15, 2021                                Classes begin: January 8, 2022
Inhouse Co-Ed Basketball League
AGES Pre K-2nd Grade
Watch your child’s development from the first practice to the
                                                                         Volunteer Coaches Needed!
last game at our Inhouse Basketball League!

Lower rims and smaller basketballs ensure success for
every participant. League focuses on skill development,
sportsmanship, teamwork, and fun. Games will be facilitated
by quality instructors that will teach the game in a fun and
safe environment.

PreK – Kindergarten
                                                                              Contact Juan Montes at 630-656-6202
All participants will go through skills and drills. After the skills
and drills are complete, kids will be split up into groups and
a modified game will be played. Parent participation will be
required to assist with skills and drills and with games.
                                                                       CODE        DAY DATE    TIME            GRADE LEVEL
                                                                       102217-01   Sa  1/8-3/6 9:00A & 10:00A Pre-K & K
1st & 2nd Grade
                                                                       102217-02   Sa  1/8-3/6 11:00A & 12:00P 1st & 2nd
Teams will have a 20-minute practice before the game starts.
After the practice, the teams will begin the game.

Highly recommended developmental clinics will be held Nov.
13 & 20 and Dec. 4 & 11. Participants will go through drills
in dribbling, passing, layups shooting, free throws, defense,
rebounding, and boxing out.

Please contact Juan Montes, Athletic Supervisor at 630-656-
6202 if interested in coaching a team or have any questions
about the youth basketball league.

Games/Practices: Saturdays
Location: Army Trail High School, 346 Army Trail Blvd.
Fee: $80R/$90NR (includes jersey & shorts)
Registration Deadline: October 15th. Any registration taken
after 10/15 will have $10 added to the registration fee.

                                                                                                            17 FALL 2021
In it to win it!                                                                    ADDISON ICE      FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE       ADDISON ICE

                           YOUTH             SPORTS & ATHLETICS
                                                                                                         LEARN TO SKATE LESSONS      CONTACT  OUR SKATING    LEARN TO SKATE LESSO
                                                                                                              FALL 2021 thru       DIRECTOR, TIFFANY SFIKAS       FALL 2021 thru
                           Register online by visiting www.addisonparks.org
                                                                                                                                                                  SUMMER 2022
                                                                                                              SUMMER 2022        TIFFANYSFIKAS@COMCAST.NET
                           Learn to Skate AGES 3-12                                                                                                                                TOT 1 - 4
                           Many of our instructors have been coaching skating forTOmore                                                                                                                                      Looking to p
                                                                                               T 1 - 4 than                    LookingAll
                                                                                                                                      to progress
                                                                                                                                                      held at:
                                                                                                                                                                     Fall 1 Session (7 weeks)                                   Sign-up for
                           20 years and were themselves competitive skaters and coaches.                                                                    Mon: 4:30PM - 5:10PM
                                                                                                                                                         Saturdays: Aug 28th - Oct 16th
                                                                                Mon: 4:30and            Sign-upAddison
                                                                                                PM - 5quality
                                                                                                                  for both class days  a       Sat: 9:30AM - 10:10AM                                                          session and r
                           They bring a vast background in education, experience,                               475       S.  Grace        St, Addison,    Mondays:
                                                                                                                                                           Fee: $IL  140Aug
                                                                                                                                                                         60101 30th - Oct 18th
                                                                                S a t : 9 :3 0A M  - 1session and receive a $20 discount
                                                                                                       0 : 10AM
                           instruction to the ice helping your child learn to enjoy this beautiful              No classes 9/4, 9/6, 11/6,                        No C11/22,
                                                                                                                                                                       lass Sat Sept 411/27
                                                                                                                                                                                        th                                   Start private l
                                                                                            Fee: within
                                                                                                 $140 the               OR                              BASICNo1C&    las2s Mon Sept 6th                                          See form
                           sport! One make-up session will be allowed and must be
                                                                                                      Start private lessons at Addison Ice!                                                                                              as
                           session class missed and approved by the Figure Skate        BASDirector.
                                                                                               IC 1 & 2                                        Mon: 4:30FPaM      ll 2-S5e:2ss0iPonM(7 weeks)
                                                                                                           See forms at front desk or
                           Equipment Requirements                                                                                              S a t : 9 :3 0A M
                                                                                                                                                         Saturdays: - 10Oct
                                                                                                                                                                                AM - Dec 18th
                                                                                                                   ask a coach.                            Fe e : $ 1 5 0
                                                                        Mon: 4:30PMfor
                           Gloves and helmets are highly recommended (mandatory       - 5:20tots).
                                                                                             PM No refunds or prorates on classes. Mondays: Oct 25th - Dec 13th                                                                         incl
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   10 minu
                                                                        Sat: 9:30AM - 10:20AM                          Each Class time slot                BASNIoCCla3ss Mon Nov 22nd
                            Class                                              Fee: $15Day
                                                                                       0           Date                                Time                   No Class Sat NFee ov 6th & 27th
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Free time m
                                                                                                                 includes instruction and                                                                                       beginning o
                             Tot 1-4 AGES 3-5                                                Sa                         8/28-10/16 10 minutes of free time.
                                                                                                                                                                          Mon: 4:30PM - 5:20$140               PM
                             Skaters learn to fall and get up the proper way, march   BASIC M3                                                                            S a t  : 1 0  :2W0iAnMte-r 111:S10esAsMion (7 weeks)
                                                                                                                               Free time may be either at th4:30P-5:10P
                                                                                                                                                                   e                                          $140
                             dip, glide, rocking horses, and snowplow stops.                                                                                                          FSaturdays:
                                                                                                                                                                                          ee: $150 Jan 8th - Feb 19th             Requireme
                                                                                             Sa                                 beginning or end of the class9:30A-10:10A
                                                                                                                        10/23-12/18                                .                                          $140                  1) Skate rent
                                                                              Mon: 4:30PM - 5:20PM                                                                                      Mondays:
                                                                                                                                                                                        B  ASIC 4 Jan 10th - Feb 21st
                                                                                             M                          10/25-12/13                                4:30P-5:10P                                $140                             $4
                                                                              Sat: 10:20AM- 11:10AM                                                                                                                                 2) Gloves an
                             Basic 1 & 2 AGES 6+                                     Fee: $15Sa
                                                                                             0                             Requirements & Reminde9:30A-10:10A
                                                                                                                        8/28-10/16                                   rs: Mon: 4:3W0iPnM                       $150
                                                                                                                                                                                               ter-25S:2e0ssPioMn (7 weeks)         recommend
                             Beginner skaters work on comfort ability on the ice with M                                      1) Skate
                                                                                                                        8/30-10/18     rentals    are   available for     S a
                                                                                                                                                                   4:30P-5:10Pt :  1 0 :2 0 A  M   -  1 1 :1 0A  M
                                                                                                                                                                                                              $150               3)  No refunds o
                                                                                                                                                                                     Saturdays: Feb 26th            - April 23rd
                             the beginning skating skills.                            BASIC 4                                            $ 4. 0 0 p e r cla s s                       Fee: $150
                                                                                             Sa                         10/23-12/18                                9:30A-10:10A      Mondays: Feb 28th        $150 - April 18th
                                                                                                                            2) Gloves and helmets are highly                                                                         Skate Ren
                                                                                             M                          10/25-12/13                                4:30P-5:10P              No Class Mon$150   March 28th
                                                                              Mon: 4:30PM - 5:20PM                           recommended (M       Mandatory for Tots).              BASIC 5 & 6                                         7 Skate R
                                                                                                                                                                                           No Class Sat April 2nd & 16th
                             Basic 3 AGES 6+                                                 Sa
                                                                              Sat: 10:20AM - 11:10AM
                                                                                                                          3) No refunds or prorates on clas10:20A-11:10A
                                                                                                                                                                     ses.                                     $150                Only redeem
                                                                                                                                                                            Mon: 4:30-5:20pm
                             Skaters will work on stroking, half swizzle pumps, two                                                                                                                                              Rentals. May
                                                                                     Fee: $15M
                                                                                             0                          8/30-10/18                                 4:30P-5:20P
                                                                                                                                                                          Sat: 10:20AM - 11:10$150
                                                                                                                                                                                           Spring SessAioMn (7 weeks)
                             foot turns, backward snowplow stops, and forward                                                                                                                                                      rentals in an
                                                                                             Sa                               Skate Rental Punch Card10:20A-11:10A
                                                                                                                        10/23-12/18                                s                  Fee: $150 $150
                             slaloms.                                                                                                                                                                                              refunds and
                                                                                    BASIC 5 &M6                                                               Saturdays: April 30th - June 18th
                                                                                                                             7 Skate Rentals for $24 4:30P-5:20P
                                                                                                                        10/25-12/13                      PRE-FREESTYLE SK$150   ATE
                                                                                                                                                                                 Mondays: April 25th - June 13th
                             Basic 4 AGES 6+                                                                               Only redeemable for Skate Class
                                                                               Mon: 4:30-5Sa:20pm                       8/28-10/16                    10:20A-11:10A   No Class Mon$150     May 30th                                          Ic
                             Skaters work on the use of the inside and outsideSat: 10:20AM -M                             Rentals. May not be redeemed for Sat: 10:20ANMo C-la1s1s:1S0aAt MMay 28th
                                                                                             11:10AM                    8/30-10/18                    4:30P-5:20P Fee: $150 $150                                                        Satur
                             edges, crossovers, backward half swizzle pupms, andFee: $150                                      rentals in any other events. No
                                                                                            Sa                          10/23-12/18                                                                                                          1
                             two foot spins.                                                                               refunds and not redeemable 10:20A-11:10A
                                                                                                                                                      for  ADV. POSW
                                                                                                                                                                   umEmRe&r SEeDsGsiEon (7 weeks)
                                                                             PRE-FREESTYLM   E SKATE                    10/25-12/13     cash.         4:30P-5:20P                $150                                                   USFS

                                                                                                                                                                     Sat: 8Saturdays:
                                                                                                                                                                            :50AM– 9June :20A25thM - Aug 13th                  All skaters mu
                             Basic 5 & 6                                                  Sa                            8/28-10/16                              10:20A-11:10A                  $150
                                                                                                                                                                            : $26 walJune
                                                                                                                                                                                        k-on20th - Aug 8th                  membership throu
                             Skaters will work on inside and outside edges Sat: 10:20AM -M11:10AM                       8/30-10/18Ice Show                      4:30P-5:20P                                                         All regist
                                                                                                                                                                       $175 forN7o CwlaesseMkos$150
                                                                                                                                                                                               n July 4th                          Tiffany Sfik
                             backwards, backward crossovers and three turns. Fee: $150                                         Saturday, June 5th                                No Class Sa$150
                                                                                                                                                                                               t July 2nd
                                                                                          Sa                            10/23-12/18                             10:20A-11:10A
                                                                                                                                    12:15pm                                                          ELITE EDGE SKATING ACADEMY • ADD
                                                                                          M                             10/25-12/13                             4:30P-5:20P                         $150
                                                                            ADV. POWER & EDGE                                                                                                                  WWW.ADDISONICE.COM •
                             Pre-Freestyle Skate                                          Sa                            8/28-10/16
                                                                                                                               USFS MEMBERSHIP                  10:20A-11:10A                       $150
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ADDISON  ICE RESERVES ITS RIGHT TO CHAN
                             Skaters work on waltz jumps, backward inside pivots,                                                                                                                                                       OTHER
                                                                            Sat: 8:50AM– Sa
                                                                                          9:20AM                        10/23-12/18
                                                                                                                            All skaters must have registered for10:20A-11:10A
                                                                                                                                                                a                                    $150
                             crossovers into a Mohawk, and one foot spins.                                                membership through USFS. The fee is $20.00.
                                                                             Fee: $26 walk-on
                                                                                                                                 All registrations are through
                             Adv. Power & Edge                                $175 for 7 wSa
                                                                                          eeks                          8/28-10/16                               10:20A-11:10A                       $175
                                                                                                                               Tiffany Sfikas, Skating Director.
                                                                                          Sa                            10/23-12/18                             10:20A-11:10A                        $175
                                                                                                            ELITE EDGE SKATING ACADEMY • ADDISON ICE ARENA• 475 S. GRACE ST. ADDISON, IL 60101
           Chicago Bruins Learn to Play Hockey                                                       AGES 3-12       WWW.ADDISONICE.COM • PHONE: (630)543-9200 • FAX: (630)628-2421
                                                                                                        ADDISON ICE RESERVES ITS RIGHT TO CHANGE OR CANCEL ANY CLASS DUE TO LOW ENROLLEMENT OR
           Come join the Chicago Bruins for Learn to Play Hockey and enjoy 3                         skates per week
                                                                                                                                        OTHER UNFORSEEN CONFLICTS
           for 7 weeks. Required equipment: hockey skates, helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads,
           gloves, shin guards, hockey pants & stick. All participants must register online with USA
           Hockey at www.usahockey.com and you must enter a valid USA Hockey Confirmation
           Number at the time during the registration process. For more information, contact
           Wanda at 630-251-5473 or by email at info@chicagobruinshockey.com

              CODE      DAY            DATE        TIME                                        R/NR
              402233-01 T, Th, Sa, Sun 9/7-10/17   4:10P-5:10P                                 $425
              402233-02 T, Th, Sa, Sun 10/19-12/19 4:10P-5:10P                                 $425                                                                                                  18 FALL 2021
In it to win it!
                           YOUTH             SPORTS & ATHLETICS
                           Register online by visiting www.addisonparks.org
                           Tennis *NEW*
                           Centre Court Athletic Club is excited to teach you tennis this fall! The Addison Park District teamed with Hanover Park District to
                           provide an enriching tennis experience. We know you will have a blast and will learn a lot from our professionally trained and
                           certified tennis professionals!
                           Fall 1: 9 weeks, 8/23-10/24
                           Fall 2: 12 weeks, 10/25-1/16        No classes will be held 9/6, 11/26, 12/24-12/26, 12/31-1/2.

                           Red Ball AGES 4-6                                                          Green Dot I AGES 10-12
                           This class is ideal for our youngest future stars who are looking          This class is for students who are new to tennis or need more
                           for a fun and inviting atmosphere to learn the fundamentals of             development on their volleys, ground strokes, and serves.
                           tennis. Your little one will learn essential hand-eye coordination,        Stroke development, proper footwork, and match play will be
                           motor movement skills, and proper technique on volleys and ground          a major emphasis.
                                                                                                       CODE           DAY    DATE           TIME                R/NR
                            CODE            DAY    DATE            TIME               R/NR             402163-01      Sa     8/28-10/23     12:00P-1:00P        $227
                            402106-01       W      8/25-10/20      5:00P-6:00P        $227             402163-02      Su     8/29-10/24     2:00P-3:00P         $227
                            402106-02       Th     8/26-10/21      4:00P-5:00P        $227             402163-03      Sa     8/30-1/15      12:00P-1:00P        $245
                            402106-03       Sa     8/28-10/23      9:00A-10:00A       $227             402163-04      Su     11/7-1/16      2:00P-3:00P         $227
                            402106-04       Su     8/29-10/24      11:00A-12:00P      $227
                            402106-05       W      10/27-1/12      5:00P-6:00P        $282            Beginner AGES 13-18
                                                                                                      This class is great for those who are new to tennis, may not
                            402106-06       Th     10/28-1/13      4:00P-5:00P        $264            have had professional instructions before or have only been
                            402106-07       Sa     10/30-1/15      9:00A-10:00A       $245            playing tennis for a short period of time. You will learn all the
                            402106-08       Su     11/7-1/16       11:00A-12:00P      $227            fundamentals of tennis including volleys, ground strokes, serves,
                                                                                                      footwork, and match play.
                           Red Ball AGES 7-9                                                           CODE      DAY DATE       TIME                            R/NR
                           Whether you are new to tennis or looking to continue to improve
                           your overall game, this class will teach you all the tennis                 402164-01 T   8/24-10/19 6:00P-7:00P                     $227
                           fundamentals. Your child will learn proper technique on volleys,            402164-02 T   10/26-1/11 6:00P-7:00P                     $282
                           ground strokes, and serves.
                                                                                                      Intermediate AGES 13-18
                            CODE            DAY    DATE            TIME               R/NR            This class is designed for someone who already knows the
                            402161-01       T      8/24-10/19      5:00P-6:00P        $227            basics of tennis, can rally with ease, and is proficient with
                            402161-02       W      8/25-10/20      4:00P-5:00P        $227            match play. You will continue to develop all facets of the
                                                                                                      game including consistency, power, strategy, footwork and
                            402161-03       Sa     8/28-10/23      10:00A-11:00A      $227            adding more advanced shots into your repertoire.
                            402161-04       Su     8/29-10/24      12:00P-1:00P       $227
                                                                                                       CODE      DAY DATE       TIME                            R/NR
                            402161-05       T      10/26-1/11      5:00P-6:00P        $282
                                                                                                       402165-01 T   8/24-10/19 7:00P-8:30P                     $330
                            402161-06       W      10/27-1/12      4:00P-5:00P        $282
                                                                                                       402165-02 T   10/26-1/11 7:00P-8:30P                     $413
                            402161-07       Sa     10/30-1/15      10:00A-11:00A      $245
                            402161-08       Su     11/7-1/16       12:00P-1:00P       $245
                           Orange Ball AGES 9-11
                           This class will continue to improve all volleys, ground strokes, serves,
                           match play and will be introduced to lobs, overheads, and proper
                            CODE            DAY    DATE            TIME               R/NR
                            402162-01       T      8/24-10/19      4:00P-5:00P        $227
                            402162-02       Th     8/26-10/21      5:00P-6:00P        $227
                            402162-03       Sa     8/28-10/23      11:00A-12:00P      $227
                            402162-04       Su     8/29-10/24      1:00P-2:00P        $227
                                                                                                              All fall tennis classes held at:
                            402162-05       T      8/26-1/11       4:00P-5:00P        $282                    Centre Court Athletic Club
                            402162-06       Th     8/28-1/13       5:00P-6:00P        $264                    1919 Walnut Ave, Hanover Park, IL 60133
                            402162-07       Sa     8/30-1/15       11:00A-12:00P      $245
                            402162-08       Su     11/7-1/16       1:00P-2:00P        $227                                                        19 FALL 2021
2021-2022 Preschool
The Addison Park District preschool program curriculum                     P R E S C H O O L
reflects the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards.
Please visit www.illinoisearlylearning.org for more details.                2021-2022 School Year
The park district preschool program helps children develop
prekindergarten skills, including letter/name recognition,
                                                                               with the Addison Park District
listening skills, healthy habits, cooperative play, fine motor,
and socialization skills. The experiences are both educational
and recreational, which aid in social, physical, intellectual, and
emotional growth.
                                                                             Carter loved going to preschool every day! With all
Our preschool program can help a child:                                      the changes that happened the past year, every
    • Enhance socialization skills                                           teacher went above & beyond to help all of us feel
    • Build self-esteem and confidence                                       comfortable. Mrs. C & Mrs. G were great and we will
    • Develop readiness skills                                               miss them all next year! Thank you for helping
    • Learn in a nurturing environment                                       Carter grow & learn! You are teachers & people we
    • Explore new horizons                                                   will never forget!
    • Gain a sense of independence                                                                             -Brittany K., Parent
    • Be creative
    • Have fun!

Payment Plan: Initial payment is due at the time of
registration. Auto payments are processed the first day of each
                                                                     Participant Guidelines*
                                                                     All Addison Park District Preschool participants must wear the
month from Sept. 1 – April 1. The payment plan is nine equal
                                                                     required mask to the program for each day of attendance.
                                                                     The required mask should cover nose and mouth at all times
To Register: Registration is taken in-person at the Centennial       except when eating, or when outside and able to maintain safe
Rec Center or by phone at (630)233-7275 ext. 3. Visit                social distance. Parents need to supply facial mask for their
addisonparks.org for required paperwork due prior to first           children. Participants will need to adhere to all social distancing
day of program.                                                      guidelines provided by Addison Park District staff. Please wear
                                                                     comfortable clothing such as shorts and t-shirt. Gym shoes
CONTACT                                                              required for safety. Please mark all your child’s belongings.
Amy Housley                                                          Send a backpack daily with your child to carry crafts and notes
630-656-6208 ahousley@addisonparks.org                               home.
David MacDonald                                                      *Guidelines subject to change
630-656-6209 dmacdonald@addisonparks.org                                                                              20 FALL 2021
Creating our children’s future
            Register in-person only. Please call (630) 233-7275 ext. 3 for registration details.
            Payment Plan
            Initial Payment is due at time of registration. Auto payments are processed the first day of each month from Sept. 1st
            to April 1st, resulting in a total of 9 equal payments. See monthly payment plan for pricing.

             Day                      Annual Fee                                       Monthly Payment Plan
                                      RES                      NR                      RES               NR
             T/Th                     $1350                    $1575                   $150              $175
             M/W/F                    $1575                    $1800                   $175              $200
             M-F                      $2160                    $2340                   $240              $260
            RES = Addison Resident             NR = Non-Addison Resident
                                                                              2-year-old Preschool
                                                                              This program provides an opportunity for 2-year-olds to enhance
                                                                              their social, physical, and creative development. 2-year-old
                                                                              preschoolers will be introduced to letters and number association,
                                                                              as well as learning about the calendar and the seasons. There
                                                                              is also a strong emphasis on the development of socialization
                                                                              skills and becoming comfortable in a classroom environment. Fine
                                                                              motor skills and listening skills will continue to progress in this class
                                                                              through crafts and songs. Children must be 2 years old on or
                                                                              before September 1, 2021. Pull-ups are allowed.
                                                                              Room B
                                                                              Code             Day          Date                Time
                                                                              502104-01         T/Th        9/7 – 5/17          9:15A-11:15A

            3-year-old Preschool
            Children will grow socially and emotionally through creative
            art, activities, songs, and cooperation. 3-year-old preschool
            emphasizes color recognition, shapes, letters, numbers, social
            play, the calendar, weather, days of the week and physical
            coordination. Children must be 3 years old on or before
            September 1, 2021. Pull-ups are allowed.
            Room C
            Code                 Day          Date             Time
            502105-01            T/Th         9/7 – 5/17       9:15A-11:15A
            Room B
            Code                 Day          Date             Time
            502105-03            M-F          9/7 – 5/18       9:15A-11:15A
            Code                 Day          Date             Time
            502105-02            M/W/F        9/8 - 5/18       9:15A-11:15A
                                                                              4-year-old Preschool
                                                                              Prepare your child for kindergarten! Emphasis is on positive
                                                                              self-images and preparation for future learning. Structured
                                                                              and unstructured activities will prepare your child socially,
                                                                              emotionally, and physically. Children will begin writing their
                                                                              names and learning letter sounds. Children must be 4 years old
                                                                              on or before September 1, 2021. Participants must be potty
                                                                              Room A
                                                                              Code           Day             Date            Time
                                                                              502106-04       M-F            9/7 – 5/18      9:15A-11:15A
                                                                              502106-02       M/W/F          9/8 – 5/18      9:15A-11:15A
                                                                              Room C
                                                                              Code           Day             Date            Time
                                                                              502106-03       M/W/F          9/8 – 5/18      9:15A-11:15A
                                                                              502106-01       T/Th           9/7 – 5/17      9:15A-11:15A

                                                                                                                                 21 FALL 2021
Creating our children’s future
            Register in-person only. Please call (630) 233-7275 ext. 3 for registration details.
            Messy Fingers
            AGES 2-5 with parent
            The Messy Fingers art program allows your little one to
            be hands-on with the mess happening at the park district.

            Messy Fingers will enhance your child’s sensory development
            as well as support tactile learning. We ask that you dress
            yourself and child comfortable to create some messy art.
            Don’t forget that the children will help with clean-up. No
            class Nov 23.

            Instructor: Margaret Bucholz
            Location: Centennial Rec Center
            Fee: $40R/$45NR

            Code             Day        Date                     Time
            402110-01        T          9/14-10/19               3:00P-3:45P
            402110-02        T          10/26-12/7               3:00P-3:45P
                                                                                             APD Preschool Rocks!
                                                                                             Virtual Learning *NEW*
                                                                                             AGES 3-5
                                                                                             Tune in to our Preschool YouTube Channel, “APD Preschool
                                                                                             Rocks! – ‘Hangin’ with Mrs. Housley”. Join Mrs. Housley
                                                                                             in videos highlighting different themes ranging from
                                                                                             storytelling and crafts to science, magic and more! Use of
                                                                                             cell phone, tablet, or computer to enjoy watching videos.

                                                                                             Instructor: Amy Housley
                                                                                             Age: 2 – 6 years w/ parent
                                                                                             Location: Virtual @ Home
                                                                                             Hangin’ with Mrs. Housley YouTube
                                                                                             Link: https://youtube.com/channel/

                   PA R K D I S T R I C T

                  Through our partnership with Northeast DuPage Special Recreation
                  Association (NEDSRA), individuals with a disability are offered over 600
                  recreational opportunities each year. If you or someone you know has
                  a disability, contact NEDSRA today for information about recreation
                           programs and services! All ages and ability levels served.
Rock ‘n’ Kids
Tot Rock & Kid Rock
Tot Rock and Kid Rock AGES 1-5                                           Tot Rock I
                                                                         Age: 1-year-olds with parent/guardian
This group of interactive classes has everyone on their feet! We
all learn together while engaging in active, creative, music-based       Code      Day               Time
                                                                         402104-01 Mon               9:30A - 10:10A
activities, while using rhythm instruments and movement props. All       402104-02 Mon               9:30A - 10:10A
class procedures are designed to keep staff and students safe.
Activities are age appropriate by class and include songs and
                                                                         Kid Rock I
rhymes, rhythm and coordination, fine and gross motor, imagination       Age: 2-year-olds with parent/guardian
and sensory, listening and following directions skills. Sing, dance,
                                                                         Code          Day           Time
play, learn and imagine with us! www.rockitkids.com.                     402105-01     Mon           10:15A - 10:55A
No Class: Nov. 22                                                        402105-02     Mon           10:15A - 10:55A
Instructor: Rock ‘n’ Kids
Location: Medinah Park District, Thorndale Rec Center,
                                                                         Kid Rock II
                                                                         Age: 3-5-year-olds without parent or guardian
22W130 Thorndale Ave., Medinah, IL
Fee: $60R/$72NR                                                          Code          Day           Time
                                                                         402105-03     Mon           11:00A - 11:40A
Session I: 9/13-10/18                                                    402105-04     Mon           11:00A - 11:40A
Session II: 11/1-12/13

*STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math

                                                                       Tot Open Gym AGES 1-6 with parent/guardian
                                                                       Children will be provided an opportunity
                                                                       to play on different equipment each week. Let your little one burn off
                                                                       steam shooting baskets with tot hoops, rung through a tunnel, enjoy the
                                                                       parachute and more. Parents are required to accompany children. Please
                                                                       purchase a 5 or 10 pass at Club Fitness Front Desk. No supervisor on
                                                                       duty. Passes may be used from session to session.
                                                                       Location: Centennial Rec Center Gym
                                                                       One-Time Fee: $5
                                                                       5-punch card: $15R/$20NR
                                                                       10-punch card: $25R/$35NR

                                                                       Day       Date              Time
                                                                       W         9/8-12/15         9:30A - 12:00P

                                                                                                                            23 FALL 2021
Youth Programs
KIDS NIGHT OUT! *NEW* AGES 5-12                                                             GEARS, GEARS, GEARS!!! AGES 6-8
Join us for Kids Night Out! Kid’s grade level K-5th grade (ages 5-12) will participate      Explore gears using LEGO®, as we work to find out
in activities while parents can have their own free time. Children will participate in      how gears help make the world turn. We’ll make
bingo, gym time, music, crafts, food included with a movie. Participants can bring          projects that crank, mesh, pump, push, pull, tug or grind.
pillows & blanket and get comfy while watching a movie. Advanced registration is            All of which turn out to be very useful simple machines.
Location: Community Rec Center                                                              Location: Bloomingdale Park District - 172 South Circle
Fee: $25R/$30NR                                                                             Avenue
                                                                                            Fee: $72R/$82NR
Theme		                		                Code            Day      Date        Time
Ice Cream Social       		                402243-01        F        9/24       6:00P-9:00P   Code            Day     Date                Time
Pumpkins, Candy, and Bingo Oh My! 402243-02               F       10/22       6:00P-9:00P   402248-02       Th      10/21-11/11         6:00P-7:00P
Save a Turkey, Send out for Pizza        402243-03        F       11/12       6:00P-9:00P

                                                                                            Abracadabra Magic AGES 6-12
                                                                                            Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they
                                                                                            learn a collection of fascinating and mesmerizing tricks!
                                                                                            Amaze family and friends with tricks that involve cards,
                                                                                            ropes, coins, mind-reading and more. While the tricks
                                                                                            may appear to be difficult, you’ll discover that they
Learn to Draw Animals *NEW* AGES 6-15                                                       are quick to learn and easy to perform. All materials
Learn to draw your pets and then create an interesting background. Don’t have a             will be provided, and each child will receive a magic
pet picture to draw? No worries! References will be provided. Pencils, pens, colored        kit to take home. Children will be grouped by age
pencils, and watercolor will be used. All supplies will be provided. No class Nov 23.       and will learn age-appropriate tricks. Each workshop
                                                                                            features brand new tricks.
Instructor: Margaret Bucholz
Location: Community Rec Center                                                              Location: Itasca Park District - 350 E. Irving Park Rd.
Fee: $40R/$45NR                                                                             Fee: $20
Code             Day Date                  Time
402111-01        T      9/14-10/19 5:00P-6:15P                                              Code            Day     Date         Time
402111-02        T      10/26-12/7 5:00P-6:15P                                              402203-01       W       10/20        4:00P-4:55P
                                                                                            402203-02       Th      12/2         4:00P-4:55P

                                                                                            Robot Engineers AGES 8-12
                                                                                            This course builds knowledge of simple machines,
                                                                                            engineering, programming, and teamwork using the
                                                                                            LEGO® WeDo Robotics System, as students use an
                                                                                            intuitive, icon-based programming environment, helping
Cars, Catapults, & Bridges AGES 7-12                                                        to bring their model to life.
This class focuses on teaching the FUNdamentals of engineering using LEGO simple
machine kits. Each session will build upon the student’s skill level as they learn about    Location: Medinah Park District - 22 W 130 Thorndale
levers, wheels/axels, & gears. Projects could include building: drawbridges, cars,          Avenue
amusement park ride, cranes catapults and much more! Join the fun while you explore         Fee: $85R/$90NR
engineering concepts that you can use at home for your own projects.
Location: Centennial Rec Center                                                             Code            Day      Date               Time
Fee: $85R/$90NR                                                                             402248-03       Th       11/18-12/16        6:00P-7:15P
Code            Day      Date            Time
402248-01 Th             9/16-10/7       6:00P-7:15P                                                                             24 FALL 2021
Cultural Arts
Adult & Youth Programs
Colored Pencil Magic AGES 13+                                  Acrylic & Oil Painting AGES 13+
Such a versatile and portable medium and easy to use. It       Let the Picasso in you shine and immerse yourself in the world of painting
is more than just coloring. A set of 12 or more Prismacolor    using your choice of acrylics, oils, or watercolors. Artists of all levels are
colored pencils, Strathmore Toned Tan paper pad (9”x12”),      welcome to explore the basic elements of design, color and composition as
and plastic erasure is all you need. You will learn to draw    they express themselves on canvas or watercolor paper. You can stretch your
first, paying attention to composition, then how to select     imagination and create mixed media paintings by using a palette knife or
and mix color. Bring your own picture reference such as        sponges incorporating modeling paste, fiber found objects and numerous other
landscape, pets, or portraits; some will be provided, and      materials to give your painting dimension. Supplies not included. Pick up the
demos will be given. No class Nov 23.                          supply list when registering for class.

Instructor: Margaret Bucholz                                   Instructor: Annette Leiber
Location: Community Rec Center                                 Location: Community Rec Center
Fee: $72R/$78NR                                                Fee: $72R/$78NR

Code           Day       Date              Time                Code           Day      Date             Time
402402-01      Tues      9/14-10/19        6:30P-8:30P         402603-01      W        9/22-10/27       1:30P-3:30P
402402-02      Tues      10/26-12/7        6:30P-8:30P         402603-02      W        11/3-12/8        1:30P-3:30P

                                                               Supplies List for Acrylics, Oil and Watercolor:
Experimental Art AGES 13+                                      • Bring photos of items you may like to paint.
Try something amazing and new each week with alcohol           • Canvas or canvas board (14X18 OR 16X20).
ink on Yupo paper and tiles, printmaking, scratchboard,        • For watercolor, please bring a quarter or half sheet w/c paper).
papermaking, air dry clay, sculpture, acrylic mixed media      • Paints: Bring what you have.
collage painting and more. This six-week visual art program • Brushes: Bring what you have (an assortment of sizes). If painting in acrylic,
will give participants the opportunity to complete numerous you might want to get nylon ones.
art projects. All levels of artists are welcome. Most supplies • Palette knife and palette (Plexiglas, white enamel tray if palette pad).
are included.                                                  • Charcoal stick, pencil & kneaded eraser for sketching.
                                                               • Painting medium for acrylics & oils.
Instructor: Annette Leiber                                     • Jar or can for water (acrylics) or mineral spirits (oils) & paper towel rags.
Location: Community Rec Center
Fee: $72R/$78NR

Code      Day         Date             Time
402604-01 M           9/20-10/25       10:30A-12:30P
402604-02 M           11/1-12/6        10:30A-12:30P

                                                                                                                              25 FALL 2021
You can also read