Page created by Brittany Sherman
COMMUNITY NEWS                                             AUTUMN 2020 / EDITION 20

 (see page 8 for more details)

 3&4      CORONAVIRUS            5   BEHIND THE SCENES
          COMMUNITY                  AT RECYCLING PLANTS
MESSAGE FROM                                                 YOUR COUNCILLORS
                                 THE MAYOR                                                    Cherry Lake                    Altona, Altona North,
                                                                                                                                 Altona Meadows,
                                                                                              Ward                           Brooklyn, Seaholme
                                 Welcome to the autumn edition of the Hobsons Bay                           Cr Tony Briffa JP
                                 Community News. So far 2020 has been a year of                                9932 1044 (bh) 0418 398 906 (ah)
                                 turmoil as our community and the rest of Australia                            tbriffa@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
                                 grapples with the Coronavirus pandemic and tries                              www.facebook.com/tonybriffajp
                                 to recover from a devastating bushfire season.                                www.twitter.com/tonybriffa
                               Our Council has been following federal and
                                                                                                            Deputy Mayor Cr Sandra Wilson
                               state government guidance in order to protect
                                                                                                               9932 1044 (bh) 0419 287 117 (ah)
                               community and staff, and minimise the spread of                                 swilson@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
the Coronavirus. This has meant we have needed to close our council libraries,                                 www.facebook.com/crsandra.wilson
the Civic Centre and other community buildings. While face to face services have                               www.twitter.com/sangewilson
been impacted, we have been able to adapt some of our services to deliver them
in alternative formats. For example residents can borrow books from our libraries’            Strand         Altona North, Newport,
                                                                                                                  Spotswood, South
e-book collections or through our new ‘book a book’ service for those who still               Ward           Kingsville, Williamstown
prefer to flick through real pages! More info can be found on pages 3 and 4.
                                                                                                            Cr Angela Altair
In other news not COVID-19 related, our new waste and recycling service has                                    9932 1044 (bh) 0419 762 267 (ah)
been in place across Hobsons Bay for two months now. Some residents have                                       aaltair@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
asked what really happens to their food waste and recyclables once it is picked                                www.facebook.com/cr.angela.altair
up by the truck. On pages 5 and 6, we provide more information about what
happens to your waste and recycling after it has been collected.                                            Cr Peter Hemphill
                                                                                                               9932 1044 (bh) 0419 762 266 (ah)
I would also like to introduce our inspiring Citizen of the Year Myly Nguyen and                               phemphill@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
Young Citizen of the Year Augustin Kadende on page 8. Both Myly and Augustin                                   www.facebook.com/petermhemphill
reached Australian shores as refugees and are now community leaders.
                                                                                                            Cr Jonathon Marsden
Lastly, on behalf of Council, thank you for your patience and understanding as                                 9932 1044 (bh) 0419 868 009 (ah)
we try to take every call and assist every person who reaches out to us during                                 jmarsden@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
this difficult time. Please stay safe and be kind to each other.                                               www.facebook.com/jonathon.marsden.greens

Cr Colleen Gates
Mayor of Hobsons Bay                                                                          Wetlands                          Altona Meadows,
                                                                                                                              Laverton, Seabrook
                                                                                                            Mayor Cr Colleen Gates
                                                                                                               9932 1044 (bh) 0457 916 615 (ah)
  ADOPT                                              ONLINE HELP                                            Cr Michael Grech
  A CAT                                              FOR BUSINESS                                              9932 1044 (bh) 0428 984 363 (ah)
Find your new feline friend through               Did you know there’s a website
Hobsons Bay’s cat and kitten adoption             designed specifically to support
program. The program reunites cats or             businesses in Hobsons Bay? The
kittens searching for their lost owners or        Hobsons Bay Business website
places them in their new forever home.            (hobsonsbaybusiness.com.au) is a
For anyone who is unable to commit                free resource for local business owners
to a furry friend for life, we are also           and those investing in Hobsons Bay.
recruiting foster carers to provide the
                                                  It contains handy information on
comforts of home.
                                                  professional development opportunities,
Council encourages responsible                    networking events and workshops,
pet ownership.                                    business grants, a local business
                                                  directory and more.
For more information, head to                                                                 HOBSONS BAY CITY COUNCIL
www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/Pets                    It also features a range of local           115 Civic Parade, Altona
                                                                                              PO Box 21, Altona 3018
                                                  businesses who have modified their          Phone (03) 9932 1000
                                                  services during the Coronavirus             NRS phone 133 677 and quote 03 9932 1000
                                                  COVID-19 pandemic.                          customerservice@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
Cover image: Citizen of the Year Myly Nguyen and Young Citizen of the Year Augustin Kadende       facebook.com/HobsonsBayCityCouncil
This newsletter is printed on 100% recycled stock using environmentally friendly inks.            www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
2 | Hobsons Bay | Autumn 2020
                                                                                            • Libraries are altering services to
                                                                                               provide ‘Book a book’ library home
                                                                                               delivery service, access to electronic
                                                                                               books from libraries.hobsonsbay.vic.
  HOW OUR ESSENTIAL                                                                            gov.au/collections and online storytime
                                                                                               presented LIVE on the Hobsons Bay
  SERVICES ARE ADAPTING                                                                        Libraries Facebook page

A range of our services will continue                                                       • All face to face community
                                             • Meals on Wheels Food Services will
as normal and some with various                                                                consultations have been suspended
                                                continue to deliver ‘meals on wheels’
changes. We are committed to                                                                   however, there will be ample opportunity
                                                to registered residents, combined with
providing these services as long as             wellbeing checks and the provision             to have your say online via Participate
possible, based on requirements from            of toilet paper for each client. Eligible      Hobsons Bay (participate.hobsonsbay.
the federal and state governments.              new clients wanting to apply for meal          vic.gov.au) and where possible we will
                                                delivery services will be fast tracked         conduct online consultation events
• Our face to face customer service
   at the Hobsons Bay Civic Centre           • Pre-school field officers will continue     • Planned Activity Group (PAG),
   in Altona is closed until further            to provide support to kindergartens            Community Transport and Overnight
   notice. However, you may still               (provided kindergartens remain open)           Respite for older residents have been
   contact customer service by               • Maternal and Child Health Services             suspended until further notice, however
   phone on 03 9932 1000                        (MCH) will be delivered via phone,             the team will continue to closely monitor
   or by emailing customerservice@              Skype or video. If parents have                and support our clients, or any vulnerable
   hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au Alternatively,         specific concerns, then a 15 minute            resident, with regular phone contact
   you can live chat with one of our            face to face appointment can be
   officers from our website                    arranged (subject to further state or
• Kerbside rubbish and recycling               federal government restrictions)            Services that are
   collections to households and             • Hobsons Bay UP (Youth Services)             being suspended
   businesses receiving Council’s               will continue its youth counselling by
   service will continue. However, please                                                   • All face to face Council-led events
                                                Skype or phone but will not proceed            and programs including our library, arts
   note potential disruptions due to            with face to face support services
   staffing issues. Please keep your bin                                                       and community development events
                                                until further notice
   out if it hasn’t been collected (see                                                        and activities have been cancelled
                                             • Aged Care and Disability
   below for more information)                                                              • Early years playgroups and
                                                Assessment Services in-home
• Immunisations will continue and also         assessments will continue as                   Occasional Care provision have
   increase but bookings will need to be        phone assessments                              been suspended until further notice
   made online

POTENTIAL                                    as scheduled and you notice that bins
                                             in your street or neighbourhood were
DELAYS AND                                   also not collected, please leave them
                                             out and we will be back as soon as
SERVICE CHANGES                              possible. If just your bin was missed
                                             please contact us on 9932 1000.
Council is working hard to minimise
potential disruptions to any of our          Likewise, there may be delays in
essential services. For example, our         delivering capital work projects,
                                             maintenance works and administration
waste collection contractors are in the
                                             tasks such as completing planning
same position as many businesses and
                                             permits. Please be patient with our
may need to manage staffing challenges,
                                             hardworking staff who are delivering
which may delay collecting some of                                                          Please see page 6 for details
                                             essential services to keep our
your bins. If your bins are not collected                                                   about interim rubbish drop offs.
                                             community safe and our city clean.

*At the time of print in late March, state and federal information was correct but may have changed by the
time residents receive this newsletter. Please check www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus for the latest advice.
                                                                                                      www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au | 3
                                                                                         SUPPORT PACKAGES
                                                                                         Council has released two community
                                                                                         support packages to help the people
                                                                                         of Hobsons Bay during the Coronavirus
                                                                                         COVID-19 pandemic. These packages
                                                                                         focus on alleviating financial pressure
                                                                                         on businesses, community groups and
SHOP LOCAL                                    BUSINESS                                   sporting clubs, as well as helping some
Hobsons Bay has a range of diverse            CRISIS SUPPORT                             of our most vulnerable residents.
                                                                                         Just some of the highlights include:
shops and delicious eateries. The local
economy, and especially the hospitality,      NETWORK
retail and tourism sectors, are feeling the   Hobsons Bay has a strong history of        Local businesses
impact of the global pandemic. In these       volunteering and during tough times        • Full rental rebate until 30 June 2020
tough times, it is now more important         it is even more important to lend a           for eligible small business tenants
than ever before to support our local         hand. Council is calling on all active        paying rent in a Council-owned building
economy and our businesses.                   or retired entrepreneurs, experienced      • Refund of food premises registration
  ind your favourite local shops online      business owners, financial planners,          fees and outdoor trading permit fees
 and buy a voucher for future use             financial advisors and IT experts to          already paid in 2019-20
  ource essential items from your            provide support and mentorship to
                                                                                         • Interest free deferral of the next two
 local butcher, greengrocer or                our local businesses to get through           quarterly rates payments for eligible
 independent supermarket                      this difficult time. The Business Crisis      local business
                                              Support Network aims to link a skilled
  reat yourself to a delicious meal or                                                  • Waived planning application fees for
                                              volunteer with a business operator
 coffee by ordering over the phone,                                                         next six months for new start-ups
                                              who needs support navigating through
 via Uber, Menu Log or the HeyYou             current challenges. Confidential one-      • Establishment of a business
 app. Your meal or coffee will be             on-one mentoring sessions will occur          roundtable and crisis support
 delivered to your car or door!               via the phone, Skype or video.                mentoring network.
Local businesses who are responding           For more information, email
to the needs of the community by              business@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
                                                                                         Sporting clubs and
altering or extending their services
are highlighted on the Hobsons
                                                                                         community groups
Bay Business website                                                                     • Full rental rebate until at least 30 June
www.hobsonsbaybusiness.com.au/Do-                                                           2020 for eligible groups paying rent in
Business/Amended-Services-Directory                                                         a Council-owned building
                                                                                         • Waiver of winter ground allocation fees
                                                                                         • Financial assistance towards sporting
 Hobsons Bay residents and businesses are                                                   club utility fees, eligibility applies.
 invited to share messages of positivity, resilience,
 community spirit and acts of kindness.                                                  Ongoing support for our
 The ability to connect with other            Community members and businesses           vulnerable communities
 people has become more difficult.            can post their messages, words,            • Identifying more vulnerable households
 Council wants to support the Hobsons         photos, videos or artwork directly            to support, while conducting wellbeing
 Bay community to keep connected by           to the Hobsons Bay has Heart                  checks with existing clients via phone
 shining a light on community groups,         Facebook page at www.facebook.             • Combined ‘meals on wheels’
 individuals or businesses offering           com/hobsonsbayhasheart or use                 delivery with wellbeing checks
 support or goodwill to their fellow          the hashtag #hobsonsbayhasheart               and toilet paper
 community members. This could be             as a public post on Facebook               • Eligible new clients applying for meal
 through random acts of kindness,             or Instagram.                                 delivery services will be fast tracked
 the provision of online learning or
                                              Instagram users are invited to share       • Ongoing access to immunisation
 activities, or offers to volunteer or
                                              their image of beautiful things in            services via online bookings
 assist others.
                                              Hobsons Bay by simply using the            • Syringe disposal kits distributed to
                                              tag #HobsonsBayhasHeart. Tagged               planned activity group (PAG) clients
                                              images may be shown on the digital         • Online youth counselling, new parent
                                              sign at the Williamstown Town Hall.           groups and playgroups.
                                              We’d love to see images of your
                                              playful pet, a garden full of produce
                                              or a handwritten letter in the mail        For more information on Council’s
                                              from a neighbour.                          community support packages, visit

                                                                                                  www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au | 4
What happens after collection?                                                  WORRIED
                                                                                ABOUT BAD
We’re working with more partners to recycle more
products to ensure we are diverting waste from landfill                         SMELLS?
and taking less from the earth. Read what happens to
                                                                                Keep the lid on your caddy and
your recycling after your bins are collected.
                                                                                green bin shut.

                                                                                Sprinkle bicarbonate soda on top of
YELLOW BIN                                 PURPLE BIN                           food scraps in your kitchen caddy.
PLASTICS, PAPER,                           GLASS
                                                                                Some people like to freeze food
Paper and cardboard                        Glass                                waste (particularly any meat or fish
Recycled paper and cardboard can           All collected glass is sorted and    scraps) before placing in the green
be broken down to pulp. The pulp           washed. It’s then used in the        bin the day before it’s collected,
from our paper is re-manufactured          production of roads, rail and        especially in warmer months.
into moulded products, such as             footpath projects and possibly
egg cartons. Our cardboard is              bottles and jars in future.          Where possible, layer food waste
converted into packaging paper,                                                 between garden waste in your
such as new cardboard.                                                          green bin.
According to Sustainability Victoria,
products made from recycled paper          GREEN BIN                            Try to store your green bin
and cardboard conserve trees, and          FOOD & GARDEN                        in the shade.
their production uses                      WASTE
50 per cent less energy and                                                     Flush your pet poo - pet waste is not
90 per cent less water than making         Food and garden waste
                                                                                accepted in your food and garden
them from new, raw resources.              All collected green waste is sent
                                                                                waste bin but it is safe to flush your
                                           to a composting facility where
Plastics                                                                        dog and cat waste down the toilet.
                                           it is recycled into compost and
Reclaimed plastic (code 1, 2 and *5)       mulch. Composting decomposes
is sorted, then shredded into chips        the food and garden waste
or flakes, and washed. The plastic         using oxygen, which prevents
is then dried, melted and formed           the release of harmful gases
into pellets, which can be used to
manufacture new products such as
new bottles, furniture and piping.
                                           and creates useful material, like
                                           compost and soil conditioner,        WHEN DOES
Producing plastics from recycled
                                           to put back into the earth.
                                                                                MY BIN
materials saves around 88 per
cent of the energy required to
                                           HARD WASTE
                                                                                GO OUT?
make plastic using raw materials,
                                                                                Use our interactive map
such as oil and gas.                       RUBBISH
*code 5 plastic can now be recycled. ie
                                                                                and simply put in your
yogurt, ice-cream and margarine tubs.                                           address to find out when
Fruit punnets or meat trays even if 1,2
or 5 are still unsuitable for recycling.                                        each bin will get collected
                                           Hard waste
Metals                                     All Hobsons Bay properties are       www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/
Metals are picked up with the metal        able to book one free hard waste     recycling
detector and sorted into scrap             collection each financial year
metal and aluminium. Aluminium is          (1 July to 30 June). Wood, metal,
crushed, melted and recast into new        electronic waste components and
aluminium drink cans. Scrap metal          green waste collected through        We are launching
is crushed, shredded and sorted.           the hard waste service are           an app
It’s then melted and further purified      recycled. When picking up hard
before being recast into new metal                                              We are also soon launching a
                                           rubbish, two collection vehicles
products.                                                                       Recycling 2.0 App which tells
                                           are used, one for recyclable
                                                                                you which bins to put out, as
Making new products from recycled          materials and the other for
                                                                                well as useful information
steel cans helps save up to 75 per         landfilled non-recyclable items.
                                                                                on recyclable items
cent of the energy and 40 per cent         You can contact Council on
of the water needed to make steel                                               and how to dispose
                                           9932 1000 to book your collection.
from the raw materials.                                                         of them. Stay tuned
                                                                                for our app go
5 | Hobsons Bay | Autumn 2020                                                   live date!
5     Line your kitchen caddy in one      INTERIM RUBBISH
                                                or two sheets of newspaper or
                                           paper towel, or wrap up your food
                                                                                    DROP-OFF IN
                                           waste for transporting it into your      ALTONA
                                           food and garden waste green bin
                                           (note, newspaper or paper towels on      With more people in self isolation,
                                           their own CANNOT go in the green         quarantine or working from home
                                           bin). Bagged food waste cannot go        due to the Coronavirus pandemic,
                                           in the green bin as plastic bags don’t   some households may produce
                                           decompose and can’t be made into         more rubbish than usual.
                                           compost. Even compostable bags           To respond to this exceptional
                                           do not decompose at the same rate        circumstance and help residents
                                           as organic material and leave traces     manage additional, problematic
                                           of plastic in the processed products.    volumes of rubbish, Council has
                                                                                    established a temporary free
                                                                                    drop-off station for residents of
                                                                                    Hobsons Bay to dispose of domestic
                                          6     Scrape your plates and bowls
                                                                                    quantities of household rubbish (not
                                                directly into your caddy.
                                                                                    recycling). Strict social distancing
 1    Check the item you are placing                                                measures will be in place and
      in your yellow bin is made from                                               instructions will be given by staff.
  recyclable ‘rigid’ plastic (codes 1,2
                                          7     Bread, pasta, cereal and rice
                                                can go in your green bin.           Hobsons Bay Operations Centre,
  and 5 except fruit punnets and
                                                                                    Sugar Gum Drive, Altona
  meat trays) is unwaxed paper or
  cardboard, or aluminium or steel        8   Tissue boxes can go in the            8.30am to 2.30pm Saturdays,
  cans.                                       yellow recycling bin if the           until further notice
                                           plastic lining is removed.
                                                                                    (please check our website to be
 2   Remove lids from all bottles,                                                  certain before attending).
     including plastics (codes 1,2
  and 5) and glass.                       9    Roll aluminium and foil into         Further interim options are also in
                                               balls (minimum 10cm diameter)        progress and will be announced
                                           so the metal detector can pick it up.    when they are confirmed.
 3   Rinse or scrape out any
     obvious solids or liquids from                                                 Due to limited availability of our
  containers – they must be empty.        10   Choose to buy products with          contractors’ trucks and drivers, we
                                               less packaging (loose apples,        are unable to change the frequency
                                           for example, not apples in a plastic     of the kerbside collection program.
 4    Recyclables must be loose in
                                           tray and with a plastic outer wrap).
      your yellow bin, not bagged.

     TOP 5 ITEMS
 ✘       that are not accepted
         by our recycling partners
                                                             MILK/JUICE CARTONS
                                                             AND UHT/TETRA-PAKS
                                                                                                PERFUME BOTTLES,
                                                                                              DRINKING GLASSES AND
                                                                                                 WINDOW GLASS
                                                                                           These items are made from glass with a
                                                                                           back in to making new glass jars and bottles.

                                                                DARK GREEN BIN                      OTHER
 COFFEE PODS AND TEABAGS                                        RUBBISH
                                                                                                    All electronic waste, CDs,
                                                                                                    light globes and printer
                                                                                                    cartridges cannot go in your
                                                                                                    general rubbish bin. Visit
                                               COATED AND WAXED                                     au/recycling to find where
                                               PAPER & CARDBOARD
     PLASTICS – CODES 3 TO 7                                                                        you can recycle these
                                               These are coated/lined with a
                                               plastic liner to hold liquid and                     items locally.
6 | Hobsons Bay | Autumn 2020                  can’t be recycled.
More than 300 volunteers have been championing the new
waste and recycling service. Two of our Recycling Champions
give us their top tips. To get involved, and for more information,
visit hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/recyclingchampion
                                                                                        4. Do you have any tips on how to
                                                                                        reduce waste?
                                                                                        Before throwing something out, try
                                                                                        giving away your unwanted goods
                                                                                        using websites such as freecycle.org,
                                                                                        streetbank.com or post it for free on
                                                                                        Facebook marketplace. For example, I
                                                                                        have a slide that has a bit of wear and
Hariz Ahmad,                                 Tarius McArthur,                           tear that the kids no longer use, that I’m
Seabrook, Master of Environmental            Altona, mother of two,                     sure someone else will want!
Science, postgraduate student                Environmental Educator

1. Why do you care about recycling?          1. Why do you care about recycling?
I want future generations not to             There are so many environmental
have to worry about the state of the         issues we live with that we have no
environment. My parents cared enough         control over. The new recycling and
to move to Australia for us kids and I       waste service is a real innovative
want to make sure I care enough so           solution that we can all be part of.                    How to
future generations can have a better life.   Recycling has always been important                     provide
                                             for my family. I remember going to                      feedback
2. What has been a challenge in              recycling facilities with my mum in
the new service and how did you              the 1980s before kerbside recycling                     Hobsons Bay staff and
overcome it?                                 was introduced! Now, my kids have                       Recycling Champions have
For our family, the challenge has            recycling chores each week and help                     been speaking to residents
been learning the difference between         empty the caddy and recycling into                      at local events. We’ve also
the Council’s composting service and         the yellow bin.                                         run dedicated Recycling 2.0
our own. We have started separating                                                                  community drop-in sessions
what can go in the green bin (meat,          2. What has been a challenge in                         with our recycling partners
bones, cereal, bread etc) and our            the new service and how did you                         to answer questions around
home composting which is slower              overcome it?                                            how your recyclables are
to decompose.                                My family of four has gone from one                     processed. Our customer
                                             bag of household rubbish a month                        service representatives have
3. What recycling/re-use changes             and a full recycling bin to more                        also been working hard
have you made in your household?             household rubbish because of the                        to answer questions, hear
We’re trying to stop using cling wrap        plastics that are no longer accepted.                   concerns and find solutions
and instead use containers.                  My goal is to reduce my waste and                       for thousands of individuals.
                                             go back to the one bag of rubbish a
4. Do you have any tips on how to            month. At the point of purchase, I try                  We are continually revising
reduce waste?                                to only buy containers that are code                    information on Council’s
The easy one is to always have a             1 or 2 plastics (which are accepted in                  website, and sending
reusable cup and tote bag in the car.        the yellow mixed recycling bin).                        updates to all residents.
I also try to use what’s in the fridge                                                               Please keep it coming.
to cook a meal instead of looking            3. What recycling/re-use changes                        If you would like to provide
up a recipe and going out to buy             have you made in your household?                        suggestions or feedback,
the ingredients.                             As I make a purchase, I think about                     please email
                                             where it’s going to end up. If it’s code
                                             1 and 2 plastics, it can be recovered
                                             and made into something else. If it’s
                                             code 3 to 7, it goes to landfill.
                                                                                                  www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au | 7
                                           Kadende                                        CITIZEN
2020 Citizen of the Year                   2020 Young Citizen of the Year
The daughter of a high-ranking officer     At the age of five, Augustin fled the
of the Republic of Vietnam Army, Myly      civil war in the Democratic Republic of
fled Vietnam alone by boat in 1981         Congo with his mother and younger

following the end of the Vietnam War,      brother. After four years in a refugee
settling in Altona North in 1985 where     camp in Malawi the family was relocated

                                                                                          of the year
she still lives.                           to Melbourne speaking no English and
                                           with little possessions or money.
Myly helped establish a number of
national-level Buddhist community          Augustin overcame significant
organisations which helped                 language barriers and gaps in his
Vietnamese migrants settle into            formal education to become
their new country and recover from         the School Captain of
the trauma of the war. On a local          Emmanuel College in 2019.
level, Myly founded the Vietnamese         He introduced a number of
Association of Hobsons Bay, which          initiatives aimed at fostering
has played an active role in local         open discussion about mental
conservation and sustainability            health among his classmates
initiatives. This year, she is looking     and challenging negative
forward to continuing her sustainability   stereotypes of masculinity.
work with the Zero to Hero project
                                           Augustin is currently studying
and fostering increased cultural
                                           Arts at the University of
understanding and collaboration
                                           Melbourne, majoring in politics
through the Hobsons Bay
                                           and international relations,
Interfaith Network.
                                           with the aim of becoming a
                                           Human Rights lawyer.

                                              Altona Meadows. The Arboriculture          in Brooklyn, Abbot Street South in
  THESE STREETS ARE                           Team partnered with local residents        South Kingsville and Bruce Street
  JUST TOO COOL                               to determine what street trees the
                                              community would like and their size.
                                                                                         South in Altona Meadows will be the
                                                                                         latest Cool Streets in Hobsons Bay.
        Did you know Council plants 2,000     Feedback was in support of larger
                                                                                         Speaking of trees, Council is developing
         established trees each year?         canopy street tree plantings therefore
                                                                                         its first draft Urban Forest Strategy
           Hobsons Bay’s trees not only       73 trees of evergreen native and exotic
                                                                                         which will go out for public consultation
            look beautiful but they help      deciduous species were planted. Six
                                                                                         in the coming months. We also have
            combat climate change by          months on, these trees are growing
                                                                                         plenty of upcoming activities with a leafy
           providing a cooling canopy and     wonderfully, with the help of the
                                                                                         theme, including tree giveaways, online
           create more liveable spaces.       residents in these streets who play a
                                                                                         landscape gardening consultations and
                                              vital role in caring for them.
             In 2019, Council delivered                                                  a campaign calling on our community
              its first ‘Cool Streets’        Due to the success of the program,         to nominate and vote for their favourite
             project in Walshe Court          Council will now run it annually. In       trees. ‘Log’ onto our website or
            and Pringle Place in              2020, the east end of Primula Avenue       Facebook page for updates.

                                              Calling all young creatives and artists!   The theme for this year’s Youth Art
                                              Young people aged 14 to 25 are             Prize will be about discovering the
                                              invited to submit their artwork for the    influence Australian youth can have in
                                              2020 Woods Street Youth Art Prize.         such a crucial time in history for the

 Street                                       Accepted artworks include drawings,
                                              paintings, prints, photography,
                                              sculpture, film or even performance art
                                                                                         planet,” said Mitchell.
                                                                                         Selected works are tentatively
                                                                                         scheduled to be on exhibition at the

 Youth art
                                              pieces which respond to the theme of
                                                                                         Woods Street Arts Space in Laverton
                                              ‘A New Power-Finding a Voice’.
                                                                                         from 16 to to 18 October (subject to
                                              Mitchell Webster, lead curator in the      Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions),

 prize 2020
                                              Emerging Curators Program explains the     with prizes announced at the opening
                                              theme is about young people being able     night on Friday 16 October.
                                              to influence and contribute to change.
                                                                                         Entries close 5pm Friday 21 August.
                                              “Young Australians are awakening to        For more information, and to submit an
                                              the voice they have and the impact         entry, visit www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.
  8 | Hobsons Bay | Autumn 2020               they can create in our community.          au/youthartprize
What’s happening
in your ward?

         Cherry Lake Ward                              Strand Ward                                              Wetlands Ward
       Work has commenced on the                       Construction has begun on the                            Work is progressing well on the
      Brooklyn public space upgrades.                  Armstrong Reserve upgrade in                             Altona Sports Centre expansion.
     DN Duane and Rowan Avenue                         Newport. The upgrade will include                        Starting with the new car park and two
     Reserves will receive new play                    improved access to and within the                        outdoor netball courts, the extension
     equipment, additional seating                     reserve, tree plantings, a picnic shelter,               of the existing centre will include four
     and shade. Brooklyn Reserve                       seating, a refurbished basketball/                       additional indoor courts, change room
     will receive a new public toilet, as              netball court and nature play                            facilities, office space and café facilities
      well as solar lights at the links                opportunities. During construction, the                  when it is complete in May 2021,
      between Cypress Avenue                           entire reserve will be fenced off. While                 subject to change. Visit hobsonsbay.
      and the Federation Trail.                        your local reserve is being improved,                    vic.gov.au/AltonaSportsCentre
       Visit hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/                    you can access Newport Park,
       brooklynparkupgrades                                                                                     Thank you to everyone who provided
                                                       Jackson Reserve and Bryan Martyn
                                                                                                                feedback on the traffic movement in
These improvements are part of a                       Oval (if supported by government
                                                                                                                the west of the municipality. As part of
$5 million package of upgrades to                      requirements). Visit hobsonsbay.vic.
                                                                                                                the Seabrook Boulevard and Shane
parks and sportsgrounds funded by                      gov.au/armstrongreserve
                                                                                                                Avenue Traffic Calming Project, we
the West Gate Tunnel Project.                          Improvement work will soon be                            received 285 contributions from 232
A new fence will soon be installed                     completed at Bayside College                             people. Council is seeking feedback
along the south side of the shared                     Williamstown campus. New irrigation                      on proposed traffic solutions, which
trail along the Laverton Creek Spit                    has been installed on both ovals,                        are based on suggestions from the
Conservation Zone at Doug Grant                        three new tennis courts have been                        community. These will be listed on
Reserve in Altona to better protect                    constructed onsite and the existing                      participate.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au.
our precious birdlife and create a                     netball courts are being resurfaced                      Keep an eye out!
dog free zone. This will prevent dogs                  with floodlighting also installed.
                                                                                                                Work will soon begin revamping
from disturbing critically endangered                  Remaining works include new lighting
                                                                                                                Homestead Run Reserve and Barry
migratory and local birds nesting and                  on oval 2 and an extension to the
                                                                                                                Jones Park in Seabrook. The revamp
feeding. Visit hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/                  sports pavilion. Visit hobsonsbay.vic.
                                                                                                                includes upgrading the playground,
LavertonSpitConservationZone                           gov.au/capitalworks
                                                                                                                footpath connections and installation of
There will still be a dog off lead                     The Spit at Riverside Reserve in                         community garden planter beds. Last
zone within the fenced area at Doug                    Williamstown has a new stronger fence                    year, both reserves received lighting
Grant Reserve. There is also a new,                    as part of the Biodiversity Strategy                     upgrades. The new lighting features
dedicated passage way for dogs and                     implementation. In addition, Sandy                       low-energy LED lamp fittings and have
dog walkers to access the beach safely                 Point Nature Reserve has a new                           improved lighting along the footpaths
at P.A. Burns (Altona Dog Beach). Visit                interpretative sign featuring a map                      and carpark. Visit hobsonsbay.vic.gov.
hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/paburnsreserve                   that highlights the different vegetation                 au/HomesteadRun
Works have commenced for new                           types and network of paths. Visit
                                                                                                                Laverton has been in the spotlight
underground drainage in Seves                          hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/biodiversity
                                                                                                                as the first suburb in Hobsons Bay
Street, Altona, as well as minor                       Improvement works are progressing                        to experience the Better Places
road pavement and kerb and channel                     well at Donald McLean Reserve in                         model, a new approach to thinking
replacement. The new drainage system                   Spotswood. Full redevelopment works                      about, designing and delivering
will alleviate flooding between the                    of Oval 1 started in September and will                  projects that result in a more integrated
Esplanade and Railway Street South                     maximise the size and shape of the                       and connected suburb. For more
during major rain events. Works will                   ground to better accommodate AFL                         information visit, hobsonsbay.vic.gov.
take about eight weeks to complete,                    and cricket. Visit hobsonsbay.vic.gov.                   au/BetterPlacesLaverton
weather permitting.                                    au/donaldmclean

*This information was up to date at the time of printing in late March 2020. Due to Coronavirus related state
and federal government requirements, the content on this page is subject to change.                                        www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au | 9
A message from the Victorian Government

Reduce your risk of Coronavirus
      WASH your hands often with soap and running water,
      for at least 20 seconds. Dry with paper towel or
      hand dryer.
      TRY not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
      COVER your nose and mouth with a tissue when
      you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue
      cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow.
      STAY at home if you feel sick. If you take medication
      make sure you have enough.
      PHONE your doctor or the hotline – 1800 675 398 –
      if you need medical attention. They will tell you
      what to do.
      CONTINUE healthy habits: exercise at home,
      drink water, get plenty of sleep.
      WEARING a face mask is not necessary if
      you are well.
      BUY an alcohol-based hand sanitiser
      with over 60 per cent alcohol.

Find out more

If you are concerned, call the Victorian Government's
Coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398                                                                              (24 hours)
Please keep Triple Zero (000) for emergencies only
To receive this infographic in an accessible
format email COVID-19@dhhs.vic.gov.au
Authorised and published by the Victorian
Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, March 2020. (2001628_v1)

  This information has been sourced from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
  The DHHS website is the best place to receive live updates and up-to-date messaging as the situation continues to change www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
  The DHHS website also contains translated resources on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

           Keep up to date with news and events in Hobsons Bay. Like us on Facebook, Instagram and follow us on Twitter.
            twitter.com/HobsonsBayCC facebook.com/HobsonsBayCityCouncil www.instagram.com/HobsonsBayCC www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au
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