Hong Kong Taoist Association Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School Annual School Plan 2020-2021

Page created by Bernice Sanders
Hong Kong Taoist Association Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School Annual School Plan 2020-2021
Hong Kong Taoist Association
    Tang Hin Memorial
     Secondary School

    Annual School Plan
Hong Kong Taoist Association Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School Annual School Plan 2020-2021
Annual Plan
The following document is the
Annual Plan for 2020-2021.

              Mr. Tong Sau Chai Henry
                  27 October, 2020.
Hong Kong Taoist Association Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School Annual School Plan 2020-2021

1    School Vision and Mission                                1

2    Major Concern 1                                          2
     Personal Growth Programme

3.   Major Concern 2                                          9
     Effective Learning Programme

4.   Principal’s Continuous Professional Development Plan     14

5.   Diversity Learning Grant (2020-2021) Annual Plan       Annex 1

6.   Plan on the use of LWLG 2020-2021                      Annex 2

7.   Plan on After School Support Programme 2020-2021       Annex 3

8.   Plan on Sister School Exchanges 2020-2021              Annex 4
Hong Kong Taoist Association Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School Annual School Plan 2020-2021
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.1

                               School Vision & Mission
Lao Tzu :    “Tao gives birth to all things and creatures. Teh(Virtue) nourishes
               them. They receive their forms according to nature. And they are
               completed in accord with circumstances. Therefore all things in the
               universe honour TAO and highly value Teh.’’

Confucius: “Man glorifies Tao, not vice versa”

Our school was founded by the Hong Kong Taoist Association in September, 1982.
Our school is an aided school.

School Mission
Our mission is to provide a holistic education based on Taoism, placing equal
emphasis on students’ moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic development.
In accordance with our motto “Grasp Principles, Cultivate Virtues”, we are dedicated
to helping students develop moral integrity and academic excellence.

Our Commitments
Our school is committed to the full provision of an all-round education for our
students in the following directions:
              1. To cultivate a positive attitude towards life.
              2. To develop their ability for life-long learning and explore their
                  potential talent to the full.
              3. To integrate physical education into daily life and alert students to
                  the value of health.
              4. To nurture our students’ spirit to serve the community.
              5. To foster one art for life.
Hong Kong Taoist Association Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School Annual School Plan 2020-2021
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.2

      1.1 To help students learn about values with regard to self, others and life
      1.2 To encourage students to follow their conscience
      1.3 To help students regularly reflect on life and their experiences
      1.4 To help students consolidate values

       2.1       Strengths      1.        A whole-school approach is adopted in order to ensure that all parties at school cooperate well to attain the goal.
                                2.        Moral education is a part of the formal curriculum.
                                3.        Students are willing to take teachers’ advice.
                                4.        The school social workers are on campus 5 days a week and provide guidance for students with emotional and behavioural
       2.2      Weaknesses      1.        Many working parents fail to supervise their children.
                                2.        Some students have problems of social adjustment during their adolescent development, and this may result in difficulties in
                                3.        Some students focus exclusively on their studies, paying little attention to human relationships and community affairs.
                                4.        Some students lack motivation in bettering themselves.
                                5.        Students in general have a low sense of national identity.
       2.3    Opportunities     1.        Various reference materials and teaching aids enhance the effectiveness of moral lessons and moral programmes.
                                2.        Leadership training courses/programmes help students develop their leadership skills.
                                3.        More resources from the EDB and other organizations can be obtained to run programmes for students.
                                4.        Two social workers offer service to our school.
       2.4        Threats       1.        The values and culture of entitlement, affluent life, free love, gambling, substance abuse, compensated dating and youth idols
                                          prevalent in today’s society have had adverse effects upon some students.
                                2.        Network culture can have adverse effects on the moral development of students.
                                3.        More support is needed for SEN students, particularly during class suspension due to the coronavirus pandemic.
                                4.        There is an increase in the number of fragile students who have difficulties facing adverse conditions.
Hong Kong Taoist Association Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School Annual School Plan 2020-2021
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.3
          4.1.      To improve student self-discipline
          4.2.      To improve student self-management
          4.3.      To help students develop proper interpersonal relationships
          4.4.      To help students set goals in their career paths
          4.5.      To enhance students’ leadership and participation in ECA
          4.6.      To promote Civic and National Education in school

4                IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
Objective 1: To improve student self-discipline
                      Action/Task                                  Time                Success Criteria                       Method of Evaluation            Staff/Units     Resources
                                                                   Scale                                                                                       involved       Required
1.       Educate students on the importance of self-discipline   9/2020 –  After discussion with teachers in the DC       Minutes of discipline            Discipline          /
         through formal and non-formal curricula. The strategies 8/2021     Unit and staff meetings, the details of the     meetings                          teachers
         include:                                                           Rehabilitation Programme are drafted.          Comments from teachers           Form teachers
          To improve students’ discipline by adopting a                    Opinions from students are also                 and social workers               School social
              rehabilitation programme.                                     collected from the Student Union and the       Feedback from prefects            workers
          Talks and speeches will be given to students                     Prefect Team.                                  Students’ reflection report      Counselling
              regarding self-discipline.                                   The Rehabilitation Programme can start                                            Unit
          Regular meetings will be held with form teachers                 in the second term and the target
              and prefects to follow up on students’ discipline             students can improve their conduct after
              problems.                                                     participating in this programme.
                                                                           Students understand the importance of
                                                                           Better students’ discipline can be

2.        To encourage students to submit homework on time        9/2020 –  Students show improvement in                    Minutes of discipline        Discipline            /
          A monthly report will be sent to form teachers and 8/2021         submitting homework punctually after             meetings                      teachers
             subject teachers. They should act immediately to                meeting with teachers and parents.              Comments from teachers       Subject
             help the problem students solve their problems.                                                                 Statistics of overdue         teachers
          For those who habitually fail to submit homework                                                                   homework.                    Form teachers
             on time, discipline teachers will work with their                                                                                             School social
             parents, social workers and form teachers in order                                                                                             workers
             to find out the reasons behind and help the students
             solve their problems.
Hong Kong Taoist Association Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School Annual School Plan 2020-2021
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.4
3.        To improve students’ self-discipline concerning the 9/2020 –  Most students understand the need for           Statistics of students’       Discipline         ‘Life
          use of information technology. The strategies 6/2021           self-control in the use of information           problems concerning            teachers           Education’
          include:                                                       technology and have positive feedback            misuse of IT                  Form teachers      resources,
         Teach students to use information technology                   on the learning activities.                     Comments from parents,        School social      teaching
          properly through the formal curriculum of                     An increase in the students’ awareness of        social workers and form        workers            materials
          Computer Literacy and Life Education.                          current issues related to the Internet           teachers                      Panel heads of
         Raise students’ awareness of Internet crimes, abuse,                                                           Performance of students        Life Education
          and fake news through activities such as morning                                                                in the learning activities     and Computer
          speeches, talks, discussions, etc.                                                                             Feedback from students         Literacy
                                                                                                                                                        Teachers of Life
                                                                                                                                                         Education and

Objective 2: To improve student self-management
                       Action/Task                            Time                  Success Criteria                     Method of Evaluation             Staff/Units        Resources
                                                                Scale                                                                                      involved           Required
1.   Teach students the need and skills of self-management in 9/2020 –  Most students understand the need for          Observation of student         Life Education     ‘Life
     the formal curriculum.                                   6/2021     self- management and give positive              performance                     Department         Education’
       The following are the topics related to                          feedback in the learning activities.           Teachers’ feedback                                 resources,
          self-management in Life Education:                                                                            Students’ feedback                                 teaching
      - S1: ‘勤學’ – Students learn time management and                                                                                                                       materials
          proper planning for their studies.
      - S2: ‘目標’ – Students are encouraged to set goals
          in learning.
      - S3 : ‘儒 - 君子儒’ – Students learn the importance
          of self-reflection and personal virtue in life.
       Current issues and daily examples are used for
       Students participate in the ‘Good Behaviour Award
          Scheme’ (學生良好行為獎勵計劃) that encourages
          the students to apply their knowledge of
          self-management in daily life.
Hong Kong Taoist Association Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School Annual School Plan 2020-2021
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.5
2.   More remedial measures should be adopted for students 9/2020 –  Students show improvement in                        Observation of student     Counselling       Life-wide
     who have serious self-management problems. The        8/2021     self-management skills.                              performance                 Unit              Learning
     measures include:                                                                                                    Teachers’ feedback         Social Workers    Grant,
      Talks and workshops about the skills of                                                                            Students’ feedback         Form teachers     Learning
          self-management such as time management, stress                                                                                             SENCO             Support
          management, organization and problem-solving                                                                                                Teaching          Grant
      Individual counselling service                                                                                                                  assistants
      Group activities
     More support should be given to SEN students,
     particularly during class suspension due to the
     coronavirus pandemic.

Objective 3: To help students develop proper interpersonal relationships
                         Action/Task                            Time                  Success Criteria                     Method of Evaluation          Staff/Units      Resources
                                                                Scale                                                                                     involved        Required
1.       Adopt various strategies to help students develop    9/2020 –  Students show improvement in                     Participation rate         Counselling       Life-wide
         proper interpersonal relationships, particularly     8/2021       interpersonal skills.                          Analysis of student          Unit             Learning
         among peers and with the opposite sex. The                      Sufficient individual care is given to the       performance                School social     Grant,
         strategies include:                                               students who have problems with                Feedback from students,      workers          Student
        Talks and workshops                                               interpersonal relationships.                    teachers and school social  Form teachers    Support
        Group activities                                                                                                  workers                                       Grant
        Individual counselling service
2.       Teach students the proper social skills regarding    9/2020 –  Most of the students understand the              Analysis of student        Panel head of     ‘Life
         interpersonal relationships with the help of the Life 6/2021      proper social skills and show positive          performance                  Life Education   Education’
         Education teaching materials.                                     feedback in the learning activities.           Teachers’ comments         Teachers of Life resources,
      The following are the topics taught in Life                                                                        Feedback from students       Education        teaching
         Education                                                                                                                                    Form teachers     materials
          S1: ‘擇友’
          S2: ‘和諧校園’, ‘交友之道’, ‘談情說愛’
          S3: ‘儒’, ‘佛’, ‘道’
      Current issues and daily examples are used to
         illustrate the values.
      Students participate in the ‘Good Behaviour Award
         Scheme’ (學生良好行為獎勵計劃) that encourages
         them to apply their knowledge of proper
         interpersonal relationships.
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.6

Objective 4: To help students set goals in their career paths
                           Action/Task                           Time Scale                   Success Criteria                  Method of Evaluation            Staff/Units     Resources
                                                                                                                                                                 involved       Required
1.    Arrange various activities to help students have active                     High participation rate                     Observation of student       Career Unit      Life-wide
      planning of their career paths.                                             Over 80% of the participants have            performance                  Studies Unit     Learning
      The activities include:                                   8/9/2020           positive feedback on the activities.       Teachers’ comments           Form teachers    Grant
             Introduction of JUPAS (S6)                         10/2020          Most students can plan their career         Feedback from students
             Monthly Moral Programme about                                         paths actively.                            Questionnaires
        self-development and career planning (S1-6)              05/11/2020
             Mock Interview workshop (S6)                       26/2/2021
             Talk about “Preparation for the S6 DSE and DSE
        result releases”                                         25/6/2021
             “Sim HKDSE result release” programme (S5)          29/6/2021
             “Sim Journey” programme (S4)                       9/2020
             Mentorship Scheme(S5-S6)                           6/2021
             Project My Future (S6)                             10/2010 &
             Talks & workshops for S1-S3                        6/2021
             Project Access (S4-S5)
      More information about overseas studies will be
     provided to students in order to help them understand
     various paths of further studies.

Objective 5: To enhance students’ leadership and participation in ECA
                           Action/Task                             Time                      Success Criteria                   Method of Evaluation            Staff/Units     Resources
                                                                   Scale                                                                                         involved       Required

1.    Arrange leadership training activities for students to      9/2020          Participants have positive feedback on      Teachers’ feedback             ECAC           Life-wide
      develop their leadership skills. The activities include:    8/2021           the activities.                             ECAC meeting                    members        Learning
  S1 adaptation programme (overnight)                                            Participants complete reflection or         Participants’ attendance       Form teachers Grant
  Training workshops for student committee members                                reports after the activities.               Participants’ feedback         All Teachers   School fund
  One overnight training course for student leaders                              Leadership skills are enhanced.             Students’ reflection
  Outward Bound award scheme for outstanding students                                                                         Presentation and reports
  Subsidies for students who participate in training
       courses offered by other organizations.
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.7
2.     Review the service scheme for all S.2 students.            9/2020 –  90% of S2 students meet the minimum             Teachers’ feedback             ECAC            School fund
      The scheme aims at promoting service participation         6/2021        requirement of 8 hours of service time.      ECAC meeting                    members
        among S2 students and providing progressive                          Positive feedback from teachers and            Participants’ feedback         Form teachers
        leadership development for junior form students.                        students                                     Interim report of              ECA clubs
      Other than penalties, incentives should be in place to                                                                 students’ performance          School event
        promote service readiness in students, e.g. priority of                                                              Participation rate              organizers
        joining leadership training programmes (with school                                                                                                  School office
        subsidies).                                                                                                                                           clerks

Objective 6: To promote Civic and National Education in school
                              Action/Task                           Time                    Success Criteria                  Method of Evaluation            Staff/Units      Resources
                                                                    Scale                                                                                      involved        Required

1.     Enhance students’ understanding of our country such as 9/2020 –         70% of students agree that the activities    Feedback from students         Civic           Moral and
       its history, culture, economic development and current     8/2021        help them understand more about China        Teachers’ observation           Education Unit Civic
       issues (National Anthem Ordinance, National Flag and                     or boost their connection to national        Analysis of student            Departments of Education
       National Emblem Ordinance and Hong Kong National                         identity.                                     performance                     History,        Funding
       Security Law). The activities include:                                  Students give positive feedback in the                                        Chinese         Life-wide
           Morning assemblies                                                  learning activities.                                                          History, Music,
           Moral theme in March: Understand Chinese Culture                                                                                                  Liberal
           Visits to China                                                                                                                                   Studies, Life
           Flag raising in ceremonies and on special days                                                                                                    and Society
           Encouraging students to watch news programmes                                                                                                    Studies Unit
            and read newspapers about the current issues and                                                                                                 Campus TV
            developments in China.
           Revising the learning materials about China
           Teaching the national anthem and laws according to
            the instructions and teaching resources from the
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.8
2.   Encourage students to become responsible citizens and    9/2020 –     70% of students agree that the activities    Feedback from students        Civic           Moral and
     boost their awareness of current issues, understanding of 6/2021       help them understand more about their        Teachers’ observation          Education Unit Civic
     the Basic Law and socio-political participation. The                   rights and obligations.                      Analysis of student           Liberal Studies Education
     activities include:                                                   High participation rate                       performance                    Department      Funding
          Visits                                                          Students can show their understanding                                       Life and
          Prepare teaching materials for S1 in order to                    of rights and responsibilities of HK                                         Society
           develop the understanding of rights and                          citizens.                                                                    Department
           responsibilities of HK citizens.                                                                                                             Campus TV
          Group discussions about current issues in Hong


         Coordinator :            Leung Kit Ching
         Members :                Leung Wai Keung            Wong Chiu Tung              Kwok Fuk Mui              Mak Tsz Yin
                                  Chow Chun Keung            Cheung Yuen Kwan            Cheung Wai Jee
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.9


     1.1     To enhance students’ life-long learning skills

     1.2     To help students achieve their full academic potential


Strengths        We receive strong support from our Incorporated Management Committee and sponsoring body in the form of financial assistance, management
                  advice and other resources.
                 All our students are in the Band One category. Most are diligent, eager to learn and capable of taking on the extra burden required for high
                 In general, there is a high expectation of academic excellence among parents and students.
                 Our school has a good relationship with parents, who strongly support our various endeavours.
                 All our teachers are degree holders and subject-trained with a strong commitment to teaching. They are dedicated and experienced.
                 The congenial and harmonious teacher-student relationship contributes to an effective learning environment.
                 It is our school policy that most teachers concentrate on teaching one or two subjects. They are required to make ongoing curriculum adjustments
                  to meet the academic needs of our students.
                 Information technology, audio visual aids and other teaching facilities in the school are constantly being upgraded.
Weaknesses       Although the majority of students are of high academic calibre, a minority are of lower ability. The less able students lack motivation to learn.
                 Some students are passive learners. They are often overprotected.
                 Some students have problems with time management. Some are busy with extra-curricular activities while others spend long hours on the Internet,
                  computer games and mobile phones.
                 Our students still have room for improvement in independent learning and the acquisition of higher order thinking skills.
Opportunities    Under the SS curriculum, students are given flexibility in choosing their subjects. They can fully develop their potential.
                 More resources from the Education Bureau have been released.
Threats          The SS curriculum is tight and demanding. The teaching syllabi cannot be completed in normal school hours. Teachers have to conduct extra
                  lessons. The time for developing students’ cognitive skills is limited.
                 An increasing number of students are cross-boundary students (CBS). They have different cultural backgrounds and learning styles.
                 Many of our students are assisted under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) and are given full/half remission under the Student
                  Financial Assistance Scheme (SFAS). They have a relatively lower socio-economic status. They may not have sufficient social exposure.
                 Most students came from CMI primary schools. They have problems with learning through English in S.1.
                 The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted student learning.
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.10

     3.1      To improve student performance with better curriculum design and pedagogy

     3.2      To encourage students to learn actively and independently through e-learning

     3.3      To promote STEM education in school

     3.4      To cater for students with different learning abilities and to help them achieve their full academic potential

     3.5      To enhance student proficiency in English


Objective 1: To improve student performance with better curriculum design and pedagogy
                    Action/Task                         Time Scale               Success Criteria                 Method of Evaluation       Staff/Units     Resources
                                                                                                                                              involved       Required
1. Improve the curriculum design. The tasks include Whole year  Improvements in curriculum design              Meeting minutes           Studies Unit    Curriculum
   the following:                                                   More support to students to improve        Evaluation of the         Subject
    Review the curriculum design and suggest                        their learning                              Scheme of Work and        department
      improvements with reference to the students’                  Improvements in student                     teaching materials        heads           Reference
      learning problems and the changes in the                       performance                                Feedback from teachers    All teachers    materials
      HKDSE.                                                                                                     and students
    Offer more support to students, particularly                                                               Lesson observation
      junior form students, to strengthen their
      learning abilities as they lost a lot of learning
      time during class suspension in 2020.
2. Adopt effective pedagogy to improve student          Whole year  Effective teaching and learning            Lesson observation        Staff           Reference
   learning. The tasks include the following:                        strategies can be observed.                Feedback from teachers    Development     materials
    Adopt appropriate teaching and learning                        An increase in sharing of good              and students              Unit            about
      strategies to help students learn better.                      teaching practices and materials           Analysis of the records   Subject         pedagogy
    Encourage sharing of good teaching practices                                                                of staff development      department
      and materials among teachers.                                                                             Evaluation of student     heads
                                                                                                                 learning outcomes         All teachers
                                                                                                                Analysis of test and
                                                                                                                 exam results
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.11
Objective 2: To encourage students to learn actively and independently through e-learning
                     Action/Task                       Time Scale             Success Criteria            Method of Evaluation       Staff/Units       Resources
                                                                                                                                      involved         Required
1. Adopt e-learning activities for students to learn   Whole year  Good e-learning activities can be    Meeting minutes          Studies Unit    Reference
   actively and independently.                                      observed.                            Evaluation of the        IT Unit
    The e-learning activities can include                         Increase in independent learning      Scheme of Work and       Subject
         e-learning tasks in classroom teaching,                                                          teaching materials       department      about
         pre-lesson activities, online reading,                                                          Feedback from teachers   heads           e-learning
         project-based learning, online assessments                                                       and students             All teachers
         and discussions.                                                                                Evaluation of student
    An online learning scheme should be                                                                  learning outcomes
         planned to continue teaching and learning,                                                      Lesson observation                       devices
         in case of class suspension.                                                                    Teacher observation
2. Promote e-learning in staff development             Whole year  Good e-learning activities are       Records of staff         Staff           /
    Promote sharing of e-learning activities                       shared among teachers.                development              Development
    Encourage teachers to attend courses on                                                             Feedback from teachers   Unit
         e-learning.                                                                                                               Subject
                                                                                                                                   IT Unit

Objective 3: To promote STEM education in school
                     Action/Task                       Time Scale             Success Criteria            Method of Evaluation       Staff/Units       Resources
                                                                                                                                      involved         Required
1. Implement STEM education in formal and           Whole year  Improvements in student                 Feedback from teachers   IT Unit         /
   informal curriculum                                           performance                              and students             Computer
    Arrange project-based learning activities on               Satisfactory student participation      Evaluation of student    Department
       ‘Microbit’ in junior form ICT.                            rate in the STEM education               learning outcomes        Other subject
    Invite subject departments to develop                       activities                              Lesson observation       departments
       joint-projects for STEM education in school.             Positive feedback from participants     Teacher observation
    Encourage students to participate in STEM                                                           Participation records
       education activities organized by outside
2. Promote STEM education in staff development Whole year  STEM education activities and                Records of staff       Staff             /
    Promote sharing of STEM education                           experience are shared among              development            Development
       activities and experience                                 teachers.                               Feedback from teachers Unit
    Encourage teachers to attend courses on                                                                                     Subject
       STEM education.                                                                                                           departments
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.12

Objective 4: To cater for students with different learning abilities and to help them achieve their full academic potential
                    Action/Task                       Time Scale              Success Criteria               Method of Evaluation      Staff/Units   Resources
                                                                                                                                        involved     Required
1. Help less able students to learn better.           Whole year  High attendance rate of the remedial    Analysis of the           Subject     CEG
    Match S5 students’ exam results with                          classes                                  attendance record         departments
        HKDSE levels in order to help them better                 Improvements in student                 Feedback from teachers    Student
        prepare for the public exam, with a clearer                performance                              and students              Support
        sense of direction.                                       Greater student motivation towards      Teacher observation       Team
    Arrange remedial measures such as remedial                    learning                                Analysis of exam
        classes and individual support.                                                                     results
    Adopt appropriate teaching strategies to                                                              Lesson observation
        cater for the students’ needs.
    Give more encouragement to build up their
    Provide more counselling services to
        individual students who are less motivated to
2. Provide special care for the students with special Whole year  Improvements in student                 Analysis of the           Subject     Learning
   educational needs.                                              performance                              attendance record         departments Support Grant
    Offer adaptation measures on teaching and                                                             Feedback from teachers    Exam Unit
        assessment                                                                                          and students              Counselling
    Organize after-school activities such as                                                              Teacher observation       Unit
        individual guidance, tutoring, training of                                                         Analysis of exam          SENCO
        social skills and speech therapy workshops                                                          results
3. Offer more opportunities to gifted students to     Whole year  High participation rate                 Analysis of the           ECA Unit    DLG, CEG
   develop their special talents.                                 Good student performance                 attendance record         Gifted      and LWLG
    Arrange English, Chinese and Mathematics                                                              Student feedback          Student
        enhancement courses.                                                                               Teacher observation       Development
    Encourage students to take part in                                                                    Assessment of the         Unit
        competitions and courses organized by                                                               student performance       Student
        outside bodies.                                                                                    Analysis of the results   Support
                                                                                                            of competitions           Team
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.13
Objective 5: To enhance student proficiency in English
                      Action/Task                      Time Scale              Success Criteria          Method of Evaluation     Staff/Units     Resources
                                                                                                                                   involved       Required
1. Enhance student proficiency in English through      Whole year  Increase in reading activities Evaluation of the           EMI Unit        Online
   reading.                                                                                         reading activities          EMI
    Design task-based reading activities.                                                         Observation of student      teachers
    Encourage e-reading.                                                                           performance                 NET             Library,
                                                                                                   Analysis of reading                         Readers
2. Create a better English-rich environment for    Whole year  More activities are arranged for   Evaluation of student       EMI        /
   students to use English.                                     students to use English.            learning outcomes           teachers
                                                               Greater student confidence in the  Feedback from teachers      EMI Unit
                                                                use of English                      and students                NET
3. Improve the curriculum of English Language. Whole year  Enhancement of student proficiency  Analysis of test and           English    Reference
   The tasks include:                                           in English                          exam results                Department
    Arrange meetings per cycle for teachers                                                       Assessment of class
        to discuss the ways to improve S1-3                                                         work and homework           English
        teaching plans, notes and skills.                                                          Observation of student      teachers
    Identify S4-6 students with learning                                                           performance in the
        disabilities by referring to internal exam                                                  classroom
        results and benchmark tests.                                                               Feedback from teachers
          Offer specific assistance to the students
           with learning disabilities.
          Encourage the sharing of good
           pedagogical skills.

         Unit Chief Panel : Leung Kit Ching
         All subject department heads and members           EMI Unit                                 Moral Education
         Studies Unit                                       Campus TV
         Staff Development Unit                             IT Unit                                  Reading Unit
         Exam Unit (Internal)                               Civic Education                          Project Unit
         Exam Unit (External)                               Environmental Education                  Library
         Student Support Team                               Gifted Student Development Unit
2020-2021 School Annual Plan/ P.14

CPD Plan of the Principal for the School Year 2020-2021
Annex 1
Annex 1
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 2
Annex 2
Annex 2
Annex 2
Annex 2
Annex 2
Annex 2
Annex 2
Annex 3
                                2020 – 2021 School-based After-school Learning and Support Programme (SBG)
                                                          Annual Programme Plan

  學校名稱 :               HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School 香港道教聯合會鄧顯紀念中學
  負責人姓名 :              Cheung Wai Jee 張蕙芝                       聯絡電話 :        2672 6820

 A. 校本津貼受惠學生人數(人頭)預計共 155 名 (包括 A. 領取綜援人數:42 名,B. 學生資助計劃全額津貼人數:93 名及 C. 學校使用酌情權的清貧學生人數:20 名)
 B. 獲校本津貼資助/補足費用的各項活動資料

                                                                                          預計獲資助合資格                    合辦機構/ 服務供應
                                     成功準則                評估方法            活動舉辦時期                              預計開支
     活動名稱/類別         活動目標                                                                      學生名額#                  機構名稱 (如適用)
                                  (例如:學習成果)         (例如:測試、問卷等)               /日期                             ($)
                                                                                          A      B      C
  「棋中作樂」             提升自信心      個人及社會發展成果             導師觀察及問卷 11/2020-6/2021              3      7      2    49,000
  桌上遊戲活動            發展個人潛能
  S-Team Leader   裝備及提升服務領袖的 個人及社會發展成果                導師觀察及問卷           9/2020-6/2021     9      19     5    49,000
  領袖培訓計劃             素質和技巧

     中一至中五          發展個人潛能      個人及社會發展成果             導師觀察及問卷 1/2021--7/2021              25     52     9    44,000
     數項同樂日          加強團隊精神
     境外交流團         促進文化藝術及      個人及社會發展成果             導師觀察及問卷             7/2021 前        5      15     4    44,000
活動項目總數:4                                                                   學生人次           42     93     20
                                                                          **總學生                 155

     **總學生人次:指學生人次(A) + (B) + (C) 的總和
     # 合資格學生: 指(A)領取綜援、(B)學生資助計劃全額津貼及(C)學校使用不超過 25%酌情權的清貧學生
Annex 4

                     香港道教聯合會 鄧顯紀念中學
                           2020 / 2021 學年

學校名稱:      香港道教聯合會鄧顯紀念中學
           *小學 / *中學 / *特殊學校
學校類別:                                     負責老師:   吳小婷老師







甲. 管理層面(*擬舉辦 / *不擬舉辦)(*請刪去不適用者)
              交流項目                                預期目標
編號                 描述           編號                    描述
 A1    探訪/考察                        B1     增進對內地的認識和了解
 A2    校政研討會/學校管理分享                 B2     增加對國家的歸屬感/國民身份的認同
                                            交流良好管理經驗和心得/提升學校行
 A3    會議/視像會議                      B3
          與姊妹學校進行簽約儀式/商討交流                 
 A4                                 B4        擴闊學校網絡
 A5    其他(請註明) :                    B5     擴闊視野
                                     B6     建立友誼/聯繫
                                     B7     訂定交流計劃/活動詳情
                                     B8     其他(請註明) :

Annex 4
乙. 教師層面(*擬舉辦 / *不擬舉辦)(*請刪去不適用者)
             交流項目                          預期目標
編號                 描述      編號                   描述
 D1    探訪/考察                E1      增進對內地的認識和了解
 D2    觀課/評課                E2      增加對國家的歸屬感/國民身份的認同
 D3    示範課/同題異構             E3      建立學習社群/推行教研
 D4    遠程教室/視像交流/電子教學交流     E4      促進專業發展
 D5    專題研討/工作坊/座談會         E5      提升教學成效
 D6    專業發展日                E6      擴闊視野
 D7    其他(請註明) :            E7      建立友誼/聯繫
                             E8      其他(請註明) :

丙. 學生層面(*擬舉辦 / *不擬舉辦)(*請刪去不適用者)
             交流項目                          預期目標
編號                 描述      編號                   描述
 G1    探訪/考察                H1      增進對內地的認識和了解
 G2    課堂體驗                 H2      增加對國家的歸屬感/國民身份的認同
 G3    生活體驗                 H3      擴闊視野
 G4    專題研習                 H4      建立友誼
 G5    遠程教室/視像交流/電子學習交流     H5      促進文化交流
 G6    文化體藝交流               H6      增強語言/表達/溝通能力
 G7    書信交流                 H7      提升自理能力/促進個人成長
 G8    其他(請註明) :            H8      豐富學習經歷
                             H9      其他(請註明) :

Annex 4
丁. 家長層面 (*擬舉辦 / *不擬舉辦)(*請刪去不適用者)
(註 :學校不可使用姊妹學校計劃津貼支付家長在交流活動的開支)
             交流項目                           預期目標
編號                 描述       編號                   描述
 J1    參觀學校                 K1       增進對內地的認識和了解
 J2    家長座談會                K2       增加對國家的歸屬感/國民身份的認同
 J3    分享心得                 K3       擴闊視野
 J4    其他(請註明) :            K4       加強家校合作
                             K5       加強家長教育
                             K6       交流良好家校合作經驗和心得
                             K7       其他(請註明) :

編號        監察/評估方法
 M1       討論
 M2       分享
 M3       問卷調查
 M4       面談/訪問
 M5       會議
 M6       觀察
 M7       報告
 M8       其他(請註明) :

編號                      交流項目                            支出金額
 N1       到訪內地姊妹學校作交流的費用                          HK$   40,000.00
 N2       在香港合辦姊妹學校交流活動的費用                        HK$   40,000.00
 N3       姊妹學校活動行政助理的薪金 (註:不可超過學年津貼額的 20%)        HK$   30,975.00
 N4       視像交流設備及其他電腦設備的費用                        HK$ 125,000.00
 N5       交流物資費用                                  HK$   20,000.00
 N6       在香港進行交流活動時的茶點開支(註:不可超過學年津貼額的 2%)        HK$     3,000.00
 N7       老師的一次入出境簽證的費用(註:不可超過學年津貼額的 1%)          HK$
 N8       其他(請註明) :                               HK$
 N9       學年預計總開支                                 HK$ 258,975.00
N10       沒有任何開支                                      不適用

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