HR Innovation and Future of Work - 2021 Global Online Conference and Workshop Event Guide - Hacking HR ...

Page created by Julia Leon
HR Innovation and Future of Work - 2021 Global Online Conference and Workshop Event Guide - Hacking HR ...
HR Innovation and
 Future of Work
Global Online Conference and Workshop
               March 8 – 12

             Event Guide
HR Innovation and Future of Work - 2021 Global Online Conference and Workshop Event Guide - Hacking HR ...
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                 Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

             How To Use This Event Guide

                Choose The Session                                        Find The Session
         Choose the session you want                              Once you select the session
         to watch LIVE. The schedule                             you want to watch LIVE, click
         in the next pages has all the                            on the link in schedule. It'll
          sessions organized by date                              take you to the specifics of
                   and time                                               the session

                  Join The Session                                            Be Present
          Click on the link provided to                             Join the session, interact
          connect to the session. The                              through the chat and enjoy
         session is on Zoom webinars.                                     it. Be present.
           Note: each session can host up to
                   500 participants*

            Copy SHRM/HRCI Codes                                      Choose The Next One
          Codes for the session will be                           Choose the next session and
           provided in the chat at the                                       join!
            end of the LIVE session.
            Enter them in the space
            provided in this guide**

* If you connect more than 10 minutes before the starting time of your selected session you may either have to
wait or enter the session happening right before. Your selected session will start on time. Each session can host up
to 500 participants. If you can’t join it may be because the room is already full. Please choose another session if
that’s the case

** If you miss these codes you won’t be able to retrieve them. There are no exceptions. Please stay alert during
the session and copy the codes when they are provided in the chat.

                                                                                                        2|P a ge
HR Innovation and Future of Work - 2021 Global Online Conference and Workshop Event Guide - Hacking HR ...
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                          Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                        A Quick View

This file contains ONLY session titles, dates, times and link to connect. It
provides a quick view of all the sessions happening during the Hacking
HR 2021 Global Online Conference.

You can download for quick reference, but PLEASE review this EVENT
GUIDE as it contains critical information about the event, including how
the HR Recertification credits will be awarded.

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2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                                        Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

Event Full Schedule
How To Use This Event Guide .................................................................................................................. 2
A Quick View ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Partners ................................................................................................................................................ 10
The Event .............................................................................................................................................. 11
About Recertification Credits ................................................................................................................. 12
Notes .................................................................................................................................................... 13
March 8 | 9.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. Pacific Time ...................................................................................... 14
       Welcoming Remarks + Unlocking the Potential in HR ..................................................................... 14
March 8 |10.20 a.m. to 11.20 a.m. Pacific Time ..................................................................................... 15
       Best in Class Future Talent Development: What Does It Take? ....................................................... 15
       Blitzscaling Culture: What to Focus On in Times of Hyper Growth .................................................. 15
       Culture as Strategy: The Why, The What and The How................................................................... 16
       Leaders Impact on Culture: The Good, The Bad and The Hopeful ................................................... 16
       Thriving in Crisis With Collaboration and Communication .............................................................. 17
March 8 | 11.30 a.m. to 12.20 p.m. Pacific Time .................................................................................... 17
       Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Sessions – Topic ................................................................................... 17
       How To Architect A Company Culture For Times of Profound Disruption........................................ 17
March 8 | 1.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. Pacific Time........................................................................................ 18
       Keynote Session............................................................................................................................. 18
       Cultural Reboot: An Engagement Journey ...................................................................................... 18
March 8 | 1.50 p.m. to 2.50 p.m. Pacific Time........................................................................................ 19
       A CPO's Perspective: Why Employee Engagement Matters ............................................................ 19
       Increasing Employee Engagement in a Remote World.................................................................... 19
       Mindfulness and Leadership: The New Perfect Match? .................................................................. 20
       Resilience and Performance in Times of Change ............................................................................ 20
       Thriving in Crisis Through Collaboration and Communication ......................................................... 21
       Work Design: Planning for Agility and Adaptability......................................................................... 21
March 8 | 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Pacific Time........................................................................................ 22
       Culture as Strategy: The Why, the What and the How .................................................................... 22
       Leaders Impact on Culture: The Good, The Bad and The Hopeful ................................................... 22

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2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                                 Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

      Resilience and Performance in Times of Change ............................................................................ 23
      What Does A Heart Have To Do In Business? Or, Welcome to the Purpose World! ......................... 23
      Work Design: Planning for Agility and Adaptability......................................................................... 24
March 9 |9.10 a.m. to 10.10 a.m. Pacific Time ....................................................................................... 25
      Designing More Authentic Human Experiences in the Workplace .................................................. 25
      Elevating Your EX Through a Human-Centered Approach ............................................................... 25
      Increasing Productivity Through Job Satisfaction............................................................................ 26
      Mental and Emotional Health at Work ........................................................................................... 26
      Strong Cultures are Made of Candid and Human Connections, Myth or Reality? ............................ 27
March 9| 10.20 a.m. to 11.20 a.m. Pacific Time ..................................................................................... 27
      Connecting the Dots Between Delivering Human Experience and Business Results ........................ 27
      Employee Mental Health: How To Support Your Employees When Everything is Changing............. 28
      Fostering Safe WorkPlaces Where Employees Can Bring Their Whole Self to Work ........................ 28
      Gen Z: The Leaders They Need and Expect in the New Decade ....................................................... 29
      How Helping Your Employees Grow Impacts Wellness ................................................................... 29
      Improving the Human Experience with Data-Informed Analytics.................................................... 30
      Technology: Ally or Enemy of the Human Experience at Work?...................................................... 30
      The Role of HR in Delivering the Best Human Experience at Work .................................................. 31
March 9 | 11.30 a.m. to 12.20 p.m. Pacific Time .................................................................................... 31
      Networking Session 1..................................................................................................................... 31
March 9 | 12.40 p.m. to 1.40 p.m. Pacific Time...................................................................................... 32
      Attracting The BEST Talent in the Remote World of Work .............................................................. 32
      Building a World Class Recruitment Function ................................................................................. 32
      Leading The Recruitment Function in the Post COVID-19 World ..................................................... 33
      Marketing and HR: A Powerful Partnership .................................................................................... 33
      The Future of Recruitment: A Global Perspective ........................................................................... 34
March 9 | 1.50 p.m. to 2.50 p.m. Pacific Time........................................................................................ 34
      How HR Leaders Can Thrive and Prioritize Self Care in Crisis .......................................................... 34
      The Role of Agile HR to Improve Employee Wellness ..................................................................... 35
      The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Wellness ................................................................. 35
      The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leading Productive Workplaces............................................ 36

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2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                                  Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

      The Role of HR in Delivering the Best Human Experience at Work .................................................. 36
      Wellbeing in a Remote World ........................................................................................................ 37
March 9 | 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Pacific Time........................................................................................ 37
      Building a World Class Recruitment Function ................................................................................. 37
      Driving Powerful Talent Attraction with Technology ...................................................................... 38
      Marketing and HR: A Powerful Partnership .................................................................................... 38
      The Skills of the Best Recruiters in the World ................................................................................. 39
March 9 | 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Pacific Time........................................................................................ 39
      The Future of Recruitment: A Global Perspective ........................................................................... 39
March 10 | 9.10 a.m. to 10.10 a.m. Pacific Time .................................................................................... 40
      DEI in the Remote Workplace ........................................................................................................ 40
      Designing For Agility in Multicultural Teams................................................................................... 40
      How is Digital Transformation Changing Learning and Development .............................................. 41
      How is Learning and Development Changing to Engage Employees in a COVID Environment?........ 41
      How to Transform Rigid Work Cultures into a Fast Paced Post COVID Environments ...................... 42
      Reskilling and Upskilling: What Should Organizations Focus On in a Post COVID Environment? ...... 42
      Tech & Human: Blending for an Effective Learning Environment .................................................... 43
March 10 | 10.20 a.m. to 11.20 a.m. Pacific Time .................................................................................. 43
      Cultural Skills and Competencies For Organizational Success ......................................................... 43
      Developing High Performing Teams ............................................................................................... 44
      EQ: The Key to Building an Inclusive Workplace ............................................................................. 44
      How To Make Companies More Attractive for the New Generations ............................................. 45
      How To Prepare Leaders for the New Reality of Work .................................................................... 45
      The Future of Learning ................................................................................................................... 46
March 10 | 11.30 a.m. to 12.20 p.m. Pacific Time .................................................................................. 46
      Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Sessions – Topic ................................................................................... 46
March 10 | 12.40 p.m. to 1.40 p.m. Pacific Time.................................................................................... 47
      From Insight to Action in DEI .......................................................................................................... 47
      Identifying and Developing Female Leaders ................................................................................... 47
      Leading Courageously Through Social Change ................................................................................ 48
      Transformational and Inclusive Leadership .................................................................................... 48

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2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                                   Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

      Unpacking Organizational Belonging .............................................................................................. 49
March 10 | 1.50 p.m. to 2.50 p.m. Pacific Time...................................................................................... 49
      A Global Approach: Global Teams in the Future of Work ................................................................ 49
      Automation and The Future of The Workforce ............................................................................... 50
      Defining The Employee Value Proposition in the Future of Work ................................................... 50
      Enhanced Employee Experience..................................................................................................... 51
      Fostering a Creative Mindset in the Workplace .............................................................................. 51
      How to Innovate in HR in Times of Crisis ........................................................................................ 52
      Innovation in the Future of Work ................................................................................................... 52
March 10 | 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Pacific Time...................................................................................... 53
      A Global Approach: Global Teams in the Future of Work ................................................................ 53
      HR's Role In Defining the Future of Work ....................................................................................... 53
      Leadership for the Future of Organizations .................................................................................... 54
      Leading Through Crisis ................................................................................................................... 54
      Living With Robots ......................................................................................................................... 55
      Navigating Uncertainty and Disruption .......................................................................................... 55
      Reskilling and Upskilling: The New Organizational Currency ........................................................... 56
      Revolutionizing How We Work....................................................................................................... 56
      Unpacking Digital Transformation .................................................................................................. 57
March 11 | 8.00 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. Pacific Time ...................................................................................... 58
      Keynote Session............................................................................................................................. 58
      Building Innovation and Agility Within Highly Complex and Bureaucratic Organizations ................. 58
March 11 | 9.10 a.m. to 10.10 a.m. Pacific Time .................................................................................... 59
      Aligning HR and Business Strategy for Organizational and People's Success ................................... 59
      Building a Strong Talent Strategy with People Science and Analytics .............................................. 59
      Designing and Developing Human-Centered Digital Transformation .............................................. 60
      Gig Economy: The New Emerging Business Strategy....................................................................... 60
      HR Capability Building to Support Business and People Transformation ......................................... 61
      People Strategy in a VUCA World ................................................................................................... 61
      Reinventing Organization Through Innovation ............................................................................... 62
March 11 | 10.20 a.m. to 11.20 a.m. Pacific Time .................................................................................. 63

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2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                                 Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

      Building a Strong Talent Strategy with People Science and Analytics .............................................. 63
      Designing Total Rewards Strategy for the ....................................................................................... 63
      World of Remote and Distributed Workforce ................................................................................. 63
      Gig Economy: The New Emerging Business Strategy....................................................................... 64
      HR Capability Building to Support Business and People Transformation ......................................... 64
      People Strategy in a VUCA World ................................................................................................... 65
      Reimagining Work and HR in the Remote Workplace ..................................................................... 65
      Reskilling and Upskilling HR Leaders............................................................................................... 66
March 11 | 11.30 a.m. to 12.20 p.m. Pacific Time .................................................................................. 66
      Networking Session 2..................................................................................................................... 66
March 11 | 12.40 p.m. to 1.40 p.m. Pacific Time.................................................................................... 67
      Agility in Human Resources............................................................................................................ 67
      Creating Meaningful Employee Experience with Design Thinking ................................................... 67
      Design Thinking and Culture .......................................................................................................... 68
      Design Thinking for HR Strategy ..................................................................................................... 68
      Increasing Organizational Agility with Design Thinking ................................................................... 69
      The Age of Human Agility............................................................................................................... 69
      Using Design Thinking to Accelerate HR Digital Transformation ..................................................... 70
March 11 | 1.50 p.m. to 2.50 p.m. Pacific Time...................................................................................... 71
      Can AI Help Win The Battle For Talent? .......................................................................................... 71
      Considerations on Ethics and Sustainability for AI in HR ................................................................. 71
      Digital Transformation in Times of Crisis ........................................................................................ 72
      Future-Fit Leaders: Enabling a Fluid Workforce .............................................................................. 72
      Leveraging Human-Tech Blended Teams to Build a More Effective HR ........................................... 73
      What the Tech? New Tools to Reinvent How We Work .................................................................. 73
March 11 | 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Pacific Time...................................................................................... 74
      Building a Strong People Analytics Function ................................................................................... 74
      Designing an Effective and People-Centered Performance Management Strategy ......................... 74
      Leveraging on Data and People Science to Create the HR of the Future ......................................... 75
      The Anatomy of the Data-Informed HR Leader............................................................................... 75
      The Ins and Outs of Organizational Network Analysis..................................................................... 76

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2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                              Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

      Thinking Strategically About Workplace Policy During and Post COVID .......................................... 76
March 12 | 8.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. Pacific Time ........................................................................................ 77
      The Purpose Factor: The simple System to Connect People and Purpose ....................................... 77
March 12 | 10.15 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. Pacific Time .................................................................................. 78
      All You Really Need To Know About Culture ................................................................................... 78
      California’s New Pay Data Reporting Law & What You Need to Know Before You File .................... 78
March 12 | 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Pacific Time .................................................................................. 79
      Mastering Your Job Seeking Skills................................................................................................... 79

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2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                          Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide


                 Become a Hacking HR LAB Premium Member and get access to:

   •   $75 off for any HRCI certification exam for any Hacking HR LAB PREMIUM Member
   •   25% off for any of the courses available on our online catalog, a free practice exam, paper
       certificate, second chance insurance or recertification for any Hacking HR LAB PREMIUM

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    experiences to more than half a million people in all 50 states. With Caroo, distributed employees
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                                                                                            10 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                       Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                                    The Event
The Hacking HR 2021 Global Online Conference “HR Innovation and Future of Work” is an event
designed to equip you with the tools, data, insights, stories, ideas, information and knowledge
you need to fully unlock your talents and potential to deliver the most amount of value that
anybody has ever seen from HR.

The event brings together the largest global lineup of speakers. All the regions of the world are
represented in our more than 500 speakers.

The event includes:

2 Keynote sessions

113 Concurrent panels

2 Networking opportunities

2 Peer-to-peer collaborative sessions

4 workshops

                                                                                       11 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                          Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

               About Recertification Credits
PLEASE READ all the information below. There are no exceptions to the
requirements and/or criteria to access HR recertification credits indicated below.

All the concurrent sessions offer SHRM and HRCI credits. The keynotes, peer-to-peer
collaborative sessions and networking opportunities do not qualify for recertification credits.

Getting Credits for Watching a LIVE Session
Every participant will get access to the corresponding SHRM/HRCI credits of the panel they are watching LIVE. We added a
checkbox for each session (see all the sessions below) for you to select what sessions you want to watch LIVE and plan your

The SHRM/HRCI activity code will be shared DURING each LIVE session in the corresponding chat box of the online session. In
this Event Guide we included a textbox (scroll through the document) for you to add the SHRM/HRCI activity codes during the
conference and have all the information consolidated in one place.

You MUST watch the entire LIVE session to make sure you copy the activity code that is shared in the chat box. You won’t be
able to retrieve or request the activity code later if you miss it during the conference. We won’t send activity codes for the LIVE
sessions before or after the event, via email or any other way. Sorry, but no exceptions to this rule.

Getting Credits for Watching the Recorded Sessions
The recorded sessions will be available for FREE, two months after the conference. Only if you are a PREMIUM member of the
Hacking HR LAB will you also be able to accrue credits by watching the recorded sessions you didn't watch LIVE. The recorded
sessions will be FREE for everyone to watch on our YouTube Channel, but to get the credits for watching them you will need to
be a PREMIUM member of our Hacking HR LAB. There is no exception to this requirement.

Total Amount of Credits You Can Get
We have 20 time blocks for the entire event. There are 113 sessions happening within those time blocks. This means that the
maximum number of SHRM/HRCI credits you can accrue while watching the sessions LIVE is 20 (since you can’t participate in
more than one session LIVE at the same time). If after the event you watch the recorded sessions and become a Hacking HR LAB
Premium member, you can accrue the total of 113 SHRM + 113 HRCI = 226 credits.

              Up to 20 SHRM Credits (for sessions LIVE)                           Up to 20 HRCI Credits (for sessions LIVE)
   Up to 113 SHRM Credits (for sessions LIVE + Recorded Sessions)     Up to HRCI SHRM Credits (for sessions LIVE + Recorded Sessions)
                                                                                       (112 GLOBAL + 1 HR General)

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2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
    Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide


                                    13 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

           March 8 | 9.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. Pacific Time

                    Welcoming Remarks + Unlocking the Potential in HR
Click one of these channels to join. Broadcast will begin 5 minutes before the start time posted above, not before.
                  YouTube Live | Facebook Live | Enrique Rubio’s LinkedIn

                                            Enrique Rubio
                                             Hacking HR

                                                                                                     14 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                              Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                       March 8 |10.20 a.m. to 11.20 a.m. Pacific Time

                              Best in Class Future Talent Development: What Does It Take?
How are you planning to watch?              Enter SHRM Code:                    Enter HRCI Code:                        Click Here
   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                     _____________                      to join the session
Description: this session focuses on discussing the fundamentals to building best in class talent development programs.
Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the implications of remote work and learn how to design a remote work strategy
    • Become facilitators to create a more personalized approach to leading and working
    • Understand the role of HR practitioners and leaders in crafting a sound and effective talent development world-class strategy

       Angela Champ                 Dina Alvarez                Erica Rooney                     Scott Mannis                  Hema Crockett
       CHRO | Author              Head of Culture &        Senior Vice President of          SVP - HR & VP - Talent             Co-Founder
Alpine Building Maintenance      Employee Experience        Employee Experience                    Panasonic                     Gig Talent
                                       Everis                   Blue Acorn iCi

                         Blitzscaling Culture: What to Focus On in Times of Hyper Growth
How are you planning to watch?              Enter SHRM Code:                      Enter HRCI Code:                          Click Here
   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                       _____________                        to join the session
Description: this session focuses on discussing how to architect and facilitate organizational cultural for organizations that are in rapid
growth phase.
Learning Objectives:
    • Manage internal stakeholder tensions and competing priorities during organizational culture creation
    • Prioritize effectively for sustainable growth
    • Understand the role of HR leaders and practitioners in partnering with organizational leaders to architect a fluid culture that works
         for the growth of the organization

    Allison Sproul       Anne-Marie Headley          Paul Wolfe              Ciara Lakhani             Dr. Tracy Brower         Candace Giesbrecht
   Senior Manager,         Founder & CEO         SVP, Global Human                CPO               Principal at Steelcase |   Senior HR Consultant
   People & Talent        Workforce Buddy            Resources                 Dashlane             Author, The Secrets to        SVP Consulting
     connectRN                                         Indeed                                        Happiness at Work |
                                                                                                        Contributor at

                                                                                                                         15 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                              Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                                Culture as Strategy: The Why, The What and The How
How are you planning to watch?               Enter SHRM Code:                     Enter HRCI Code:                          Click Here
    LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                       _____________                       to join the session
Description: this session focuses on discussing culture as a strategy is more than “wish” in today’s organizations. Instead, it is a must-have
strategy in rapidly evolving workplaces. In addition, the panel will discuss how a healthy culture strategy positively impacts the bottom line
of the organization.
Learning Objectives:
     • Discuss the negative impact of unhealthy cultures
     • Discuss organizational behaviors and healthy outcomes
     • Connect the dots between culture as a strategy and organizational outcomes and goals
     • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can partner with the rest of business leaders to connect the dots between business,
         culture and HR strategy

    Anjuli Mauer          Eduardo Rodriguez           Horst Gallo           Danielle Arraes          Rob Salafia             Kathy Holmes
  Head of People &          Head of Digital          VP, HR Talent              VP HR                   CEO               Founder / Org. Dev.
      Culture           Culture, Lead Frontend       Management                Puratos              PROTAGONIST               Consultant
   Flaconi GmbH                Architect                  IBM                                     CONSULTING GROUP        Holmes Connections,
                               Fremtind                                                                  LLC                      LLC

                         Leaders Impact on Culture: The Good, The Bad and The Hopeful
How are you planning to watch?              Enter SHRM Code:                   Enter HRCI Code:                         Click Here
   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                     _____________                      to join the session
Description: this session focuses on providing ideas, knowledge, experiences, content, tools and actionable insights about how leaders can
make a meaningful impact on igniting a healthy culture in their workplace.
Learning Objectives:
    • Gain new resources to activate healthy organizational culture change
    • Activate new thinking around the aspects that define a thriving company culture
    • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can translate the work leaders do into the impact on organizational culture
    • Learn how to effectively build HR-business partnerships that create and foster leadership models that positively impact
         organizational culture

   Anna Mamalaki            Dan Strode             Danielle Winandy           Louis Efron          Simon Sagmeister         MaryBeth Hyland
     Org. Dev. HR       HR Director, Culture         Head of RISK              Founder             Managing Director        Founder + Chief
 Consulting Director                               Innovation Office      The Voice of Purpose    The Culture Institute        Visionary
                            & Strategy
 BizHumanAspect LLC                                   BNP Paribas                                                             SparkVision

                                                                                                                     16 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                             Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                             Thriving in Crisis With Collaboration and Communication
How are you planning to watch?              Enter SHRM Code:                   Enter HRCI Code:                      Click Here
   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                     _____________                   to join the session
Description: this session focuses on discussing the how the degree of collaboration and continuous communication during a crisis can
determine whether companies and individual employees thrive. This session addresses the actions that can be taken to encourage
collaboration and communication in their organization.
Learning Objectives:
     • Learn about best practices in collaboration and communication to thrive during times of chaos
     • Learn about effective tools used for communication and collaboration
     • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can design effective collaboration and communication strategies to ensure business
         continuity and achievement of business goals during times of crisis

   Blanka Lasic              Burak Akay          Catty Bennet Sattler       Furrukh Raza          Luis Fabiano dos         Mine Dedekoca
  OD Consultant &        Head of HR - Middle      Director of Human        Chief HR Officer             Santos                Founder
     facilitator            East & Egypt              Resources             Foton Motors          Chief Operating             Start-IST
      MINDIST                 BASF FZE                  UNHCR                                   Officer Latin America
                                                                                                 Swiss Re Corporate

                     March 8 | 11.30 a.m. to 12.20 p.m. Pacific Time

                                 Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Sessions – Topic
                    How To Architect A Company Culture For Times of Profound Disruption
                                        Click Here To Join The Session (Passcode: 252043)
Description: during this session we will create breakout rooms for HR professionals to discuss in small groups about the topic indicated

                                                                                                                   17 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                               Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                        March 8 | 1.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. Pacific Time

                                                     Keynote Session
                                         Cultural Reboot: An Engagement Journey
            Click one of these channels to join. Broadcast will begin 5 minutes before the start time posted above, not before.
                               YouTube Live | Facebook Live | Enrique Rubio’s LinkedIn
Description: Fitbit has increased its engagement scores by over 20 points over the past few years--even during a global pandemic and a
merger. During this session you will hear stories and examples of how they built a high performing leadership team, engaged the board of
directors to drive a broader human capital agenda, and put strong HR fundamentals in place to build organizational capability. You'll learn
why having a strong vision and a clear purpose are beneficial, yet insufficient, in creating an engaged workforce, showcasing the impact
commitments & behaviors have had as the "north star" -- and how important these were in serving as guideposts during the global
pandemic. Focusing on employee-centric culture creation, through high performance, accountability, and engagement, Lisa will discuss how
the development of strong manager capability, building greater alignment and increasing inclusion and a focus on diversity have been key
components to driving positive change and fueling business results. You'll discover the vital role Fitbit’s specific engagement methodology
has played in supporting this culture transformation. Lisa will be offering specifics, including lessons learned, best practices, and resources,
that other organizations can leverage in shaping your own culture and engagement journeys.

                                                   Lisa Mulrooney Gross
                                                        SVP People

                                                                                                                     18 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                           Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                       March 8 | 1.50 p.m. to 2.50 p.m. Pacific Time

                             A CPO's Perspective: Why Employee Engagement Matters
How are you planning to watch?              Enter SHRM Code:                Enter HRCI Code:                         Click Here
   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                  _____________                      to join the session
Description: this session focuses on discussing employee engagement from the perspective of HR leaders. The session discusses about why
employee engagement matters and the role of the Chief People Officer/Chief Human Resources Officer in addressing and increasing
employee engagement.
Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the meaning of employee engagement from the perspective of the HR leaders
    • Learn about ways to address and increase employee engagement as an HR leader
    • Understand how HR leaders can design specific strategies to address and increase employee engagement

                                                                                                             Tami Rosen
               Gail Fierstein                                 Chloe Drew                                 Chief People Officer
            Chief People Officer                                Advisor                                     HR Disruptor
                  CaaStle                                      Gradient                                        Advisor

                                   Increasing Employee Engagement in a Remote World
How are you planning to watch?              Enter SHRM Code:                  Enter HRCI Code:                       Click Here
   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                   _____________                     to join the session
Description: this session focuses on discussing employee engagement as a key to the success and retention of employees. Due to COVID-
19, everything has changed, and companies needed to adjust their employee engagement process and strategies. This session also
discusses some of the new ways' employers are approaching employee engagement.
Learning Objectives:
     • Understand new ways for employee engagement in the remote world
     • Learn about ways to keep remote workers engaged in the remote world
     • Understand how employee engagement changes after times of crisis
     • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can design specific strategies that help increase employee engagement for remote
         and hybrid work arrangements

    Amy Hanlon-            Barbie Brewer          Colin Mincy         Meighan Newhouse            Yvonne Wolf          Mher Mardoyan
     Rodemich                   CPO                   CPO                    CEO             Former Head of HR        Associate Recruiter
        CPO                 LoveToKnow         Human Rights Watch      Inspirant Group       Bill & Melinda Gates       Conagra Brands
     GlobalLogic                                                                              Medical Research

                                                                                                                19 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                            Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                               Mindfulness and Leadership: The New Perfect Match?
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Description: this session focuses on the definition of what the connection between mindfulness in leadership means, the implications for
teams and the workplace and the importance and effects in the organization.
Learning Objectives:
    • Learn tangible ways to practice mindfulness at work
    • Measure the effectiveness of mindfulness and effective leadership practices in the workplace
    • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can guide HR leaders in the importance of mindfulness practices, especially helping
         them connect the dots between mindfulness and the effects on their teams

    Ann Watson               Hilal Akkor         MaryBeth Hyland           Rob Chesnut           Oltea Ceraceanu          Allison Sproul
       CPO                Strategic HRBP &       Founder + Chief         Ethics Consultant     HR Director Hungary       Senior Manager,
                          Leadership Coach          Visionary                                   Coca-Cola Hellenic       People & Talent
                                                   SparkVision                                                             connectRN

                                    Resilience and Performance in Times of Change
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Description: this session focuses on potential challenges and real life examples of how business and HR leaders can overcome the
challenges during times of crisis. The session discusses the specific cases of promoting resilience and ensuring high performance when
adversity hits.
Learning Objectives:
     • How to lead and inspire team during times of change, while also impacting the bottom line of the organization
     • Learn examples and cases of what leaders focus on to produce the greatest impact during times of change
     • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can design strategies and actions that promote resilience and higher organizational
         performance during times of chaos and change

    Karen Weeks         Rachel Druckenmiller    Rishad Tobaccowala       Siobhan McHale            Tracy Dodd          Deborah Smith Cook
    SVP of People         Founder & CEO               Author           EGM People, Culture     Head of Global Talent       President
     Ordergroove            UNMUTED                                         & Change              Tiffany & Co.            Atheseus

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2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                             Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                           Thriving in Crisis Through Collaboration and Communication
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Description: this session focuses on discussing the how the degree of collaboration and continuous communication during a crisis can
determine whether companies and individual employees thrive. This session addresses the actions that can be taken to encourage
collaboration and communication in their organization.
Learning Objectives:
     • Learn about best practices in collaboration and communication to thrive during times of chaos
     • Learn about effective tools used for communication and collaboration
     • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can design effective collaboration and communication strategies to ensure business
         continuity and achievement of business goals during times of crisis

  Caroline Schein         Keri-Lynne Shaw        Ricardo Combariza           Sallie Reid          Terilyn Monroe           Kathy Holmes
VP, People & Culture    Chief People Partner         P&O Head          Vice President People   CPO and SVP People &     Founder / Org. Dev.
       Article           GBG (Global Brands           Conekta               and Culture                Places               Consultant
                               Group)                                           ACV               Varian Medical        Holmes Connections,
                                                                                                      Systems                   LLC

                                  Work Design: Planning for Agility and Adaptability
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Description: this session focuses on how to design work (jobs, frameworks, operational frameworks, organizational design) in times of fast-
paced change and when agility and adaptability are the key for success.
Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of agility and the implications and applications in work design
    • Learn how to redesign work in times of ability and adaptability
    • Understand successful cases of work redesign using agility
    • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can design work leveraging on the fundamentals of agile design in order to become
         more adaptable functions and organizations

      Alisa Nagle                  Cristina Juvier                Linda Cai                Maria Barrera                 Kerry Puglisi
    Managing Director            Global Head of HR        Global Head of Learning,       Head of Marketing        Head of People and Culture
    McDermott + Bull                  Reuters              Leadership and Talent             ChartHop                      Joybird

                                                                                                                  21 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                               Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                        March 8 | 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Pacific Time

                                Culture as Strategy: The Why, the What and the How
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    LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                       _____________                       to join the session
Description: this session focuses on discussing culture as a strategy is more than “wish” in today’s organizations. Instead, it is a must-have
strategy in rapidly evolving workplaces. In addition, the panel will discuss how a healthy culture strategy positively impacts the bottom line
of the organization.
Learning Objectives:
     • Discuss the negative impact of unhealthy cultures
     • Discuss organizational behaviors and healthy outcomes
     • Connect the dots between culture as a strategy and organizational outcomes and goals
     • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can partner with the rest of business leaders to connect the dots between business,
         culture and HR strategy

  Kristen Mashburn        Michelle Tenzyk              Rahul Kalia          Pamela Turay              Smriti Handa           Lauren Rudman
 Founder / Company         CEO & Founder            Head of HR , Crop         SVP Human           Regional HR Director-        HR Director
  Culture Consultant    East Tenth Group, Inc.    Science Division Bayer                                  SoA                   Donley's
     KPMashburn                                                                                            RB
                                                                           CECO Environmental

                         Leaders Impact on Culture: The Good, The Bad and The Hopeful
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   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                     _____________                      to join the session
Description: this session focuses on providing ideas, knowledge, experiences, content, tools and actionable insights about how leaders can
make a meaningful impact on igniting a healthy culture in their workplace.
Learning Objectives:
    • Gain new resources to activate healthy organizational culture change
    • Activate new thinking around the aspects that define a thriving company culture
    • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can translate the work leaders do into the impact on organizational culture
    • Learn how to effectively build HR-business partnerships that create and foster leadership models that positively impact
         organizational culture

  Dr. Ankita Bharat Singh        Carolyn Chin-Parry               Martha Jeifetz           Rosina Racioppi                  Katie Dykstra
Senior VP & Global Head HR    Digital Accelerator Leader       Former SVP & CHRO           President & CEO             Diversity Recruitment
     Cignex Datamatixs              PwC Singapore                                        WOMEN Unlimited, Inc.                Manager
                                                                                                                      American Insurance Family

                                                                                                                     22 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                                 Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                                       Resilience and Performance in Times of Change
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Description: this session focuses on potential challenges and real life examples of how business and HR leaders can overcome the
challenges during times of crisis. The session discusses the specific cases of promoting resilience and ensuring high performance when
adversity hits.
Learning Objectives:
     • How to lead and inspire team during times of change, while also impacting the bottom line of the organization
     • Learn examples and cases of what leaders focus on to produce the greatest impact during times of change
     • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can design strategies and actions that promote resilience and higher organizational
         performance during times of chaos and change

    Belinda Hyde            Corinne Williams           Jeff Bettinger              Sue Olson         Safinas Mohd Ibrahim      Ronda Sheffield
        CHRO               SVP, Leader Services      SVP, Global Head       Principle and Owner of    Chief People Officer         CHRO
     SPX FLOW             Organisation Solutions     Human Resources            Red Thread Red         AXA Affin General
                                                          Nu Skin              Thread Consulting       Insurance Berhad

             What Does A Heart Have To Do In Business? Or, Welcome to the Purpose World!
How are you planning to watch?             Enter SHRM Code:                     Enter HRCI Code:                        Click Here
   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                      _____________                     to join the session
Description: this session focuses on the important of transforming profit-driven cultures and organizations to purpose-driven.
Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the connection between purpose and bottom-line
    • Connect the dots between purpose-driven culture and strategies with achievement of business goals and financial metrics of

  Angela Sternburgh             Colin Ellis               Grace Ho              Judy Zagorski             Nazli Yenis             KC Bradley
Director, DEI, Learning            CEO                       CEO                    CHRO                 CEO, Founder        Principal Consultant
  and Development          Colin D Ellis PTY Ltd   Liminal Space Coaching      UGI Corporation            Blink Minds          Indigo + Element
   TreeHouse Foods                                    and Development

                                                                                                                        23 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                             Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                                  Work Design: Planning for Agility and Adaptability
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   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                ________________                     _____________                    to join the session
Description: this session focuses on how to design work (jobs, frameworks, operational frameworks, organizational design) in times of fast-
paced change and when agility and adaptability are the key for success.
Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the fundamentals of agility and the implications and applications in work design
    • Learn how to redesign work in times of ability and adaptability
    • Understand successful cases of work redesign using agility
    • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can design work leveraging on the fundamentals of agile design in order to become
         more adaptable functions and organizations

    Ashira Gobrin        Dr. Loo Leap Han           Greg Brenner             Lisa Tyson              Tamara Lee           Utkarsh Mittal
         CPO            Head of Group HR            AVP Talent &              Founder          Dir., Workforce Policy    Reward Specialist
        Wave           KMU EISCON HOLDING          Organizational       Select Performance,    & Talent Development      Schneider Electric
                             SDN BHD               Development                   LLC                 NSW Health
                                                University of Miami &

                                                                                                                  24 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                             Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                       March 9 |9.10 a.m. to 10.10 a.m. Pacific Time

                        Designing More Authentic Human Experiences in the Workplace
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   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                ________________                        _____________                   to join the session
Description: this session focuses on how important it is to use strategic design for creating more authentic human experiences in a virtual,
physical and hybrid environment.
Learning Objectives:
    • Understand how designing more authentic human experience is helping companies to define strategic actions
    • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can design workplace experiences (in all the employee cycle) in order to create
         better workplaces where people thrive and organizations succeed

   Angela Heyroth         Luciana Camargo          Kelly Satterfield        Marie Potter           Peggy Wagner             Antonio Lopez
 Founder & Principal       VP, Global GBS        Senior Manager, HR        Senior Director,          Principal                   CEO
   Talent Lifecycle     Executive Succession    Technology & Shared          Culture and        Optimizing Talent LLC           VUCA
       Designs             & Development               Services             Development
                                IBM                  Pilot Flying J         Getty Images

                              Elevating Your EX Through a Human-Centered Approach
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Description: this session focuses on how a design thinking or human-centered approach can help organizations create a better, more
resilient and stronger employee experience
Learning Objectives:
     • Learn the ins and outs of human-centered design and its applications in workplace strategy design
     • Understand the effects of human-centered process design in people’s behaviors and organizational effectiveness
     • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can leverage on the unique advantages of human-centered design to create a better
          and stronger employee experience

     Amy Rossi               John Sigmon           Laura Paredes           Oen Hammonds               Rajamma               Emina Hodzic
    VP, Employe            Founder and CEO        Communications           Design Principal        Krishnamurthy        Chief Human Potential
     Experience           Sigmon Leadership                                     IBM                 Director , HR               Officer
        Expel                  Solutions                                                            Technology           Mistral Technologies

                                                                                                                    25 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                               Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

                                   Increasing Productivity Through Job Satisfaction
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Description: this session focuses on providing practice and real examples-driven around the key topic of increasing productivity through job
satisfaction. A special focus will be placed on the new realities of work in a post-COVID environment.
Learning Objectives:
     • Define relationship and specific dynamics between productivity and job satisfaction
     • Identify and explore the emergence of new practices and factors impacting on productivity and job satisfaction in post-COVID work
          and life reality
     • Reflect on the role, practices and business behaviors impacting on employee experience and engagement, and how all these
          impact on overall business productivity
     • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can connect the dots between business and HR strategy, productivity and job

       Alan Susi         Emma Woodthorpe           Manisha Singh            Pattie Money       Stephane Charbonnier          Minola Jac
   Director, People         SVP/CHRO              Global Director -              CEO                   CHRO                   Business
      S&P Global          Mercury Systems             Digital HR         Pinnacle Leadership        L'Oreal USA         Transformation Lead
                                                   Transformation                LLC
                                                  Schneider Electric

                                          Mental and Emotional Health at Work
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   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                    _____________                     to join the session
Description: this session focuses on discussing the fundamentals of mental and emotional health at work and the implications on people
and the business.
Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the basics of mental and emotional heath at work
    • Understand how addressing mental and emotional health can have positive effects in the achievement of business goals and
         metrics of success
    • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can design HR practices that simultaneously address mental and emotional health at
         work, while helping people and the organization succeed

        Ana Flor                 Kay Wakeham                     Yemi Faseun              Tony Giampetruzzi             Heidi Glickman
   VP People & Culture          Talent Strategist.                                         Head of Internal
  ATTOM Data Solutions         Workforce Futurist.                                         Communications,
                              Humans First Advocate.                                     Engagement and DEI
                                                                                        Hannaford Supermarket

                                                                                                                  26 | P a g e
2021 HR Innovation and Future of Work
                                                                            Global Online Conference | March 8 – 12 | Event Guide

              Strong Cultures are Made of Candid and Human Connections, Myth or Reality?
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   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                ________________                      _____________                   to join the session
Description: this session focuses on how organizations can create opportunities for employees to understand one another beyond their skill
sets, create opportunities to come together and help one another, create social connection, emotional connection, and encourage
Learning Objectives:
     • Reflect and learn how leaders can remove fear when they invite vulnerability in for themselves and others.
     • Reflect and learn about how to encourage leaders to create a more human connection in a virtual world by actively engaging.
     • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can create cultures that promote real, human and deep collaboration and human
         connection between employees, while connecting those strategies with business outcomes and metrics of success

   LeeAnne Giblin        Margaret-Ann Cole        Michelle Armer         Sebastien Girard          Julie Missaggia         Ranieka Weston
Chief Administrative     EVP, Global Talent            CPO               SVP, Workforce        Vice President, People         VP Talent
       Officer            Leader and CPO           C.A. Fortune            Operations                 & Culture             Development
KeyPoint Credit Union      Porter Novelli                                 Atrium Health             CMI/Compas

                        March 9| 10.20 a.m. to 11.20 a.m. Pacific Time

            Connecting the Dots Between Delivering Human Experience and Business Results
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   LIVE ☐ Recorded Video ☐                 ________________                   _____________                        to join the session
Description: this session focuses on how to put meaning back into work, no matter what the job entails. This session discusses employee
engagement research and practical applications and the implication on the business metrics of success.
Learning Objectives:
    • Learn the difference between an employee experience and a human experience in the workplace
    • Learn how to improve employee engagement and reduce turnover, voluntary and otherwise, with low-cost recognition and good
         old-fashioned communication
    • Learn to improve the bottom line by focusing on your people (i.e.: humans at work)
    • Understand how HR leaders and practitioners can foster an environment that focuses on delivering a great human experience in
         order to positively impact business results

   Christine Rowe        Crystal Lannaman           Lisa Zaythik          Wayne Davies            Monika Ivanovic           Wendy Sellers
   Head of Human          Head of Talent                CPO           Chief People & Culture     Head of Employer            The HR Lady
     Resources              Acquisition              AppsFlyer                Officer               Branding               The HR Lady, LLC.
   Vault Consulting            BASF                                    Qiddiya Investment            Infobip

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