Human Learning Systems: Public Service for the Real World SUMMARY REPORT

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Human Learning Systems: Public Service for the Real World SUMMARY REPORT
Human Learning
Public Service for the Real World

Human Learning Systems: Public Service for the Real World SUMMARY REPORT


                                         Olli-Pekka Heinonen                         If government, and the public service
                                         Director General of the International       we support, is to work in this way, we
                                         Baccalaureate, previously Director          need alternative approaches to public
                                         General of the Finnish National             management. It all starts by admitting
                                         Agency for Education
                                                                                     to not knowing the right answers. That
                                         How can governments respond                 is the prerequisite for learning. We will
                                         effectively to the complex reality of the   find solutions by trying things out, and
                                         world? How can government support           changing and developing ourselves
                                         people to lead flourishing lives, when      in this process of interaction. It is by
                                         each life is different? I have been

                                                                                     this never-ending process of learning
                                         wrestling with these questions for much     together that we reach positive
                                         of my career.                               outcomes. The world has no shortage
                                         Almost 30 years ago, as a young             of well-written strategies, but the gap
                                         minister, I thought that government         between strategy and implementation
                                         and governance was about power, and         is huge. It is all about how we value
                                         power was about control and having          and treat each other as humans, how
                                         the right answers. As the years have        we understand the systems we are part
                                         gone by, I have learnt that with the        of, and how we commit ourselves to
                                         wicked challenges of today, that kind       the shared journey of learning.
                                         of thinking accelerates negative, not       I am delighted to have played a part
                                         positive outcomes.                          in helping to explore and develop
                                         In Finland, we have developed an            Human Learning Systems (HLS) as
                                         approach to government that we call         such an alternative approach. Our case
                                         Humble Government. It says that             study explores how government can
                                         government does not know best,              create better outcomes by supporting
                                         but that we can learn together with         actors at local and national system
                                         the people we serve, to help each           scales to learn together in addressing
                                         person – and each place – find what is      complex challenges. Government can
   JOIN THE HLS COMMUNITY                                                            be humble by optimising for learning,
                                         right for them.
   to connect with others, share your
   experiences and/or ask for help.
                                                                                     not control.
Human Learning Systems: Public Service for the Real World SUMMARY REPORT
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When contexts keep changing,             Naresh Singh                               apparatus of the state. As Weberian       example, are called for. It is reassuring
performance management is always         Ph.D. Professor, Jindal School of          public administration hardened and        that the recommendations in the book
slow to respond. Instead of trying to    Government and Public Policy, and          became overly bureaucratic, NPM was       emerge from concrete case studies
control “results”, we must strengthen    Director of the Centre for Complexity      introduced to use a more business         rather than theoretical musings.
                                         Economics, Applied Spirituality
the competence of all actors in the                                                 and market orientation, focusing          Desirable as it may seem, this HLS
                                         and Public Policy, OP Jindal Global
system to be more resilient and                                                     on managers, markets and metrics.         transition or revolution will not be
                                         University, Haryana, India
adaptive in this time of flux. It can                                               Human wellbeing – what one might          easy. Bureaucracies such as those
be hard for governments to say that      Former Director-General, Federal           expect as the basic purpose of public     of governments of OECD countries,
we don’t have all the answers, and to    Government of Canada and Former            service – did not seem to matter.         including Canada, or of the UN and
put genuine decision-making power
                                         Principal Adviser, United Nations
                                         Development Program, New York              And it now seems the time to herald       similar organisations, will feel they are
into the hands of the public and the                                                the transition from NPM to the            losing control of financial resources
workers who serve them. But brave        It gives me great pleasure to welcome
                                                                                    HLS approach – the subject matter         and will proclaim the need to be
governments do this. They can use an     this groundbreaking work, which has
                                                                                    of this book. HLS recognises that         accountable. Underlying all this will be
HLS approach to public management        the potential to catalyse a transition
                                                                                    outcomes such as improvement in           a feeling of a loss of power.
to transform how government and          from the way public service is now
                                                                                    human wellbeing are not produced by       In developing countries such as India,
public service works. We have made a     managed, commonly known as the
                                                                                    managers and their organisations, but     government reflects a mix of traditional
good start to our learning process. We   New Public Management (NPM), to
                                                                                    rather result from complex adaptive       public administration and NPM. On the
did it. You can, too.                    the approach being called Human
                                                                                    systems which are the communities         other hand, civil society organisations
                                         Learning Systems (HLS). This transition,
                                                                                    in which people live. The implication     are very active in communities. This will
                                         in my view, can be of the same
                                                                                    is that each human being is different     present opportunities for HLS in the
                                         order of significance as the other
                                                                                    and through interactions with others      civil society space but challenges in the
                                         great transitions in public service
                                                                                    and their relationships, individual and   governmental space. The best chances
                                         management from traditional to
                                                                                    collective wellbeing is achieved.         of HLS success in either OECD or
                                         Weberian (classic public administration)
                                         to NPM. It is useful to recall how         As such, the macro emerges from the       developing countries might be where
                                         momentous these transitions were.          micro through facilitation and learning   a marriage between civil society and
                                                                                    and not through hierarchical control.     local government is possible.
                                         Traditionally, the public realm was
                                                                                    The most important outcome seems to
                                         managed by monarchial dictates
                                                                                    be the continuous process of learning
                                         and religious doctrine, sprinkled
                                                                                    and adaptation, leading to continual
                                         with emotion, sentiment, magic
                                                                                    improvements and resilience-building.
                                         and superstition. This was gradually
                                                                                    Fundamental shifts from outcomes-
                                         replaced with Weberian “ideal type”
                                                                                    based performance management, for
                                         bureaucracy, based on the centrality
                                         of the legal rational authority. This
                                         concentrated power in the hands of
                                         those who controlled the bureaucratic
Human Learning Systems: Public Service for the Real World SUMMARY REPORT
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Authors and Acknowledgements                                            Organisations as systems
Introduction                                                            Ch12. Implications for workforce recruitment and selection    81
                                                                              Contact the authors
The HLS Principles:
                                                                        Ch13. Implications for workforce development                  85
Ch1.   Human21
                                                                              Contact the authors
       Contact the authors
                                                                        Ch14. 	Experimenting and learning during a crisis:
Ch2.   Learning27                                                            A voluntary sector perspective                          89
       Contact the authors                                                    Contact the author
Ch3.   Systems33
                                                                        Places as systems
       Contact the authors
                                                                        Ch15. Places as systems                                       93
Ch4.   Relationship between “Human”, “Learning” and “Systems”     37         Contact the author
       Contact the author
                                                                        Countries as systems
Principles into action: How change happens                              Ch16. National-level working: humble government               97
Ch5.   Purposefully pursuing an HLS approach                      41         Contact the author
       Contact the authors
                                                                        HLS themes:
Ch6.   Enacting learning as management strategy                   47
                                                                        Ch17. Funding and commissioning in complexity                103
       Contact the author
                                                                              Contact the authors
Ch7.   Enacting learning as strategy at different system scales   53
                                                                        Ch18. Systems leadership in HLS                              107
       Contact the author
                                                                              Contact the author
Ch8.   Managing and governing learning cycles                     61
                                                                        Ch19. Human Learning Systems meets social pedagogy           109
       Contact the author
                                                                              Contact the authors
Ch9.   HLS methods and tools                                      67
                                                                        Ch20. Public management paradigms                            113
       Contact the author
                                                                              Contact the authors
Case Studies                                                            Ch21. About this report: how this report was made            117
Ch10. Case study summaries                                        71
                                                                        Further questions
HLS at different system scales                                          Ch22. Further questions & get involved                       121
People’s lives as systems
Ch11. Impacts for people and place                                73
       Contact the authors
Human Learning Systems: Public Service for the Real World SUMMARY REPORT
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                                               The core group of people who have        Rob Wilson – Professor of Digital
                                               created this report are:                 Business, Newcastle Business School,
                                               Andy Brogan from Easier Inc              Northumbria University
                                               Gabriel Eichsteller from ThemPra         All the learning in this report comes
                                               Social Pedagogy                          from the incredible work of the
                                               Melissa Hawkins and Hannah               practitioners who have been exploring
                                               Hesselgreaves from Newcastle             what it means to implement a Human
                                               Business School at Northumbria           Learning Systems (HLS) approach to
                                               University                               public management in practice – too
                                               Bridget Nurre Jennions and Toby Lowe     many to list here! Not only have they
                                               from the Centre for Public Impact        been doing all this groundbreaking

    Authors and
                                                                                        work, they took the time to write case
                                               Dawn Plimmer from Collaborate CIC
                                                                                        studies of their practice, and to take
                                               Vita Terry from the Institute for        part in shared sense-making sessions
                                               Voluntary Action Research

                                                                                        to help us to figure out what it all
                                               Guy Williams (freelance                  means. We thank each and every
                                               Project Manager)                         one of them, and their organisations,
                                                                                        profusely. Further thanks to the many
                                               We have also had additional written
                                                                                        people who took time to review the
                                               contributions from:
                                                                                        drafts of this work. Your feedback has
                                               Lowis Charfe – University of Central
                                                                                        been invaluable.
                                                                                        Finally, we would like to acknowledge
                                               Jeremy Cox – JC Thinking
                                                                                        the support of the charitable
                                               Max French – Newcastle Business
                                                                                        foundations who have provided
                                               School, Northumbria University
                                                                                        resources and encouragement to
                                               Brendan Hill – Bluestone Collaborative   continue this work. We would like to
                                               Jeff Masters – Collaborate               particularly thank the Lankelly Chase
                                               Richard Norman – Emeritus Professor      Foundation and the Tudor Trust in this
                                               of Public Management, University of      respect. And also the National Lottery
          JOIN THE HLS COMMUNITY               Wellington                               Community Fund, for supporting
          to connect with others, share your   Helen Sanderson – Wellbeing Teams        earlier phases of our learning.
          experiences and/or ask for help.
                                               Mark Smith – Gateshead Council
Human Learning Systems: Public Service for the Real World SUMMARY REPORT
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                                              Author: Toby Lowe
                                              Contact the author

                                                       “The world is a complex, interconnected, finite, ecological – social
                                                       – psychological – economic system. We treat it as if it were not, as
                                                       if it were divisible, separable, simple, and infinite. Our persistent...
                                                       problems arise directly from this mismatch.”
                                                       (Donella H. Meadows)

                                                     If you think that the purpose of public     give expression to this.”
                                                     service is to help people create good       (Collective Impact Agency

                                                     outcomes in their lives, but you have       case study)
                                                     a nagging feeling that something is
                                                     fundamentally wrong with how public       The document that you are currently
                                                     service works at the moment, then this    reading is our attempt to summarise
                                                     report is for you.                        that learning in a more digestible way.
                                                     This report argues that a significant     If you find any of the ideas particularly
                                                     part of the problems experienced          interesting, you can click through to
                                                     by public service are due to the way      the full version of any of the chapters,
                                                     that public management is conceived       by clicking on the chapter heading.
                                                     and done. It has been created by
                                                     practitioners who have taken that
                                                                                               Public management:
                                                     feeling and developed an alternative      organising public service
                                                     approach to public management. It         We have a very broad definition of
                                                     represents what we have collectively      public service. In this report, we use
                                                     learnt from nearly 50 case studies of     public service as a shorthand for those
                                                     doing public management differently.      purposeful activities that support
                                                                                               human flourishing and freedom. Public
                                                       “So many people know                    service is the organised form of one
                                                       intuitively that our current            human being saying to another: “I
         to connect with others, share your            accepted ways of working                support your quest to live the good
         experiences and/or ask for help.              don’t work, but they haven’t            life”. Our definition encompasses
                                                       previously had any language to          “core” public sector services such
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as education, welfare provision, and        paradigm – a mutually supportive            purchased time, desired “outcomes”         which routinely lies to itself.
healthcare. It also includes the vast       set of beliefs and practices – for how      are predefined, irrespective of what a     Processes of learning and adaptation
contribution of civil society, from the     public management is done. It is called     particular person needs or wants, and      are further impeded by the lack of
work of charities and social enterprises    “New Public Management” (NPM).              they are measured against standardised     autonomy given to staff. Under NPM,
to mutual aid groups and community          It was created in the 1980s, and is         metrics and other performance              the de facto purpose of public sector
development.                                referred to as the 3Ms – Markets,           indicators, which focus only on what is    staff is to hit predefined performance
We can see in this definition that          Managers and Metrics. The problems          measurable, while ignoring the diversity   metrics. At best, such performance
public service is found way beyond          inherent in this paradigm have become       of human experience.                       metrics change quarterly, making
the boundaries of state provision. This     increasingly evident . As we shall argue    NPM is slow to learn and adapt to a        public service slow to respond to an
sense of public service lives in social     throughout this report, we think that       changing world                             ever-changing world. When rapid,
enterprises, mutual aid groups, and         these problems are so fundamental                                                      unignorable change occurs – like
                                                                                        Because it believes that people are
charitable action. For us, public service   they point towards the need for                                                        a pandemic – normal performance
                                                                                        fundamentally selfish, the dominant
is not defined by “sector”.                 paradigm shift, not just making tweaks                                                 management processes have to be
                                                                                        purpose of management is control.
                                            in practice here and there.                                                            turned off because they are useless,
All the work of public service requires                                                 The processes and “impact” of public
organisation. Whether undertaken            This report argues that NPM is                                                         and learning mechanisms have to be
                                                                                        service are measured in order to control
by teachers or refuse collectors,           dehumanising:                                                                          invented from scratch. Because, in
                                                                                        staff via reward and punishment.
whether in a community centre, cafés        The logic which underpins NPM is            Assessments are undertaken to              normal times, learning is a luxury.
or an office, such work needs a sense       based on the idea that people are           measure whether people meet                NPM creates fragmentation
of shared purpose, and an agreed            fundamentally selfish. It believes that     thresholds, not to genuinely understand    NPM encourages public service
method by which to achieve that             public servants must be “incentivised”      their lives. Regulators make judgments     fragmentation through two
purpose. It requires decisions to be        to serve the public good through            in order to hand out badges for            mechanisms. Firstly, it disaggregates
taken regarding resource allocation         reward and punishment. Consequently,        success, or shame-markers for failure,     public service into component parts, so
and the skills and capabilities required    every aspect of public service must         and to produce league tables that          that it can write manageable contract
to achieve the purpose in practice. It      be translated into a quantified             encourage competition between public       specifications. Those contracted
requires people to reflect on how the       performance measure, so that                servants, rather than collaboration.       to deliver public services must be
work is being done, and mechanisms          managers can know whether each
                                                                                        The unsurprisingly frequent result         controlled by SMART (Specific,
to be put in place to ensure that such      person, team or organisation deserves
                                                                                        of continual management attempts           Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and
work continues to improve and adapt         punishment or reward. And people
                                                                                        to motivate people extrinsically           Timely) targets – because they are
in a changing world.                        who ask for help must be assessed
                                                                                        through reward and punishment              selfish – and so each public service
How this organising work is done            to see if they really need it, because
                                                                                        is a pathological culture of blame         must be separated into contracts with
– how shared purpose is created and         they’re probably trying to grab more
                                                                                        and defensiveness. As a result,            particular specifications.
enacted, how resources are allocated        than their share.
                                                                                        performance data is routinely              Secondly, because public servants and
and managed, how improvement and            This core belief, and the practices which   “gamed” (created by those whose            organisations are forced to compete
adaptation are enabled – is the task of     enact it, encourage standardisation         job is to produce good-looking data),      with one another, it naturally creates a
“public management”.                        of service: care is standardised into       and so the data is next-to-useless for     competitive rather than collaborative
Currently, there is a dominant              packages or 15-minute chunks of             learning. We have created a system         environment. Organisations become
Human Learning Systems: Public Service for the Real World SUMMARY REPORT
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reluctant to share knowledge and           The attraction of NPM: a magical           for paradigms to shift, and the support        selective attention, illusion
practices. Instead, they seek to create    fantasy world                              provided to NPM from the broader               of control and relationships
particular intellectual property, as       NPM has been the dominant                  political shift to neoliberalism, we think     transformation.”
these offer Unique Selling Points that                                                one explanation for its persistence is
                                           paradigm for long enough for its                                                          (Franco-Santos and Otley, 2018)
enable them to win the next contract.      flaws to be clearly evident. They are      that it offers leaders of all types (e.g.
NPM is wasteful                            highlighted in research evidence, and      politicians, civil servants, and public      NPM encourages managers to create
                                           in the experiences of those who have       service managers) something precious         a simplified fantasy world based on
Because NPM is dehumanising, slow
                                           been adopting this approach. Sir Peter     and magical: the illusion of simplicity      thin abstractions – a pale imitation of
to learn, and fragmented, it is also
                                           Housden, ex-head of the Civil Service      and control.                                 people’s lives. Instead of seeing the
massively wasteful. Public service
managed using an NPM approach              in Scotland, wrote in 2016 about “the      We see this throughout the evidence          whole person, we substitute proxy
expends a huge amount of resources         unconscionably long death” of NPM          on the impact of performance                 indicators. Instead of looking at the
in not helping people. It wastes           and bemoaned the absence of an             management. A systematic review              complex stories of their effects in the
time and resources by providing            alternative.                               of research into the effects of target-      world, we look at dashboards and RAG
standardised packages that don’t           We don’t seek to assert that               based performance management                 (Red-Amber-Green) ratings. And worse,
meet people’s individual needs. It         every problem that public service          systems found that over 80% of studies       the data which populates these thin
wastes resources assessing people to       experiences is the fault of NPM.           find evidence of gaming and 74% find         abstractions is produced by people
see if their situation is bad enough to    Nor would we say that some of the          evidence of people deliberately lying        who are incentivised to lie. NPM then
deserve help, and then turning them        issues identified above (a focus on        (Franco-Santos and Otley, 2018).             pretends that this fantasy world of
away until their situation is worse (and   control, fragmentation, and being                                                       dashboards and RAG ratings is real,
                                                                                        “The most salient unintended               and tells managers that their job is to
therefore more difficult and expensive     slow to learn) are unique to NPM;
                                                                                        consequences of directive                  create change in such data.
to help with). It wastes resources by      these problems loomed large in the
                                                                                        performance management
running processes of punishment and        previously dominant, patrician version
                                                                                        systems are gaming,
reward, through duplication of effort,     of public administration. Our starting
                                                                                        information manipulation,                  Story: A conversation between
and by letting people fall through         point is that NPM is the currently
the cracks.                                dominant public management
                                           paradigm, so we see these flaws
  “NPM... was ostensibly                   manifest in that approach. And our           a National Health Service                     doing lots of work to recalculate how
  intended to create ‘a                                                                 (NHS) provider and an NHS                     NHS payments were going to work in
                                           analysis is that these flaws cannot
  government that works                                                                 commissioner                                  the future. They were going to try and
                                           be solved within NPM, as they are
  better and costs less’... So                                                          I was witness to a conversation between       move away from paying for activity
                                           a necessary part of that paradigm’s
  what do we have to show for                                                           a senior manager of commissioning             towards paying for outcomes. They were
                                           internal logic: “they’re not a bug,
  three decades or so of NPM                                                            processes for the NHS in the UK,              putting lots of effort into finding ways to
                                           they’re a feature”.
  reforms? The short answer                                                             and the finance manager of a large-           price different outcomes accurately, so
                                           If the evidence and experience of the                                                      that the providers would be financially
  seems to be: higher costs and                                                         scale provider of NHS services. The
                                           problems of NPM are so substantial,                                                        incentivised to carry out the most useful
  more complaints.”                                                                     conversation went something like this:
                                           why has it persisted? Alongside the                                                        health activity. They described how
  (Hood and Dixon, 2015)                                                                The commissioning manager was
                                           practical realities of the time it takes                                                   difficult it was proving to do this well.
                                                                                        outlining how their team was currently
Human Learning Systems: Public Service for the Real World SUMMARY REPORT
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                                                                                           public service workers, managers and      in a public service context. It means
  The finance manager of the NHS               to keep people healthy? So, don’t worry     leaders and supporting organisations,     that we understand human beings
  provider organisation shrugged and           about it, whatever you ask for in future,   who were fed up with the relentlessly     “intersubjectively” – as people
  responded: “you do realise that we           we’ll find a way to give you the figures    dehumanising and wasteful effects of      who live in a web of relationships (a
  employ teams of people to create             you need.”                                  NPM and wanted to try something           “system”) which helps to define who
  good-looking cost information that                                                       different. This report has been created   they are. In other words, to understand
                                               “Yes”, replied the commissioning
  make it look like we’re doing what you                                                   by an action research process drawing     a human being, you must understand
                                               manager. “Of course, I know that’s what     on roughly 50 case studies of HLS         their world.
  want? And you know that the costing
                                               you do. That’s the game, right?”            practice, mostly from the UK, but also
  information that your teams ask for                                                                                                Learning – our management strategy
                                                                                           drawing on experience from across
  doesn’t reflect the work we have to do                                                                                             If each person sets what matters to
                                                                                           the globe.
                                                                                                                                     them, and each person’s life context
                                                                                           HLS is based on a different set of        is a constantly changing system
At this point, it is important to give     different scales to produce good-               fundamental beliefs, and therefore has    that is unique to them, how can
some nuance to our claims about “the       looking data has made the game real.            a different set of mutually supportive    public service help people to create
real world”. The version of reality that   But when that happens, we ignore the            management practices.                     their own outcomes? This question
public service mostly deals with is        complex lived reality of the people that        The HLS approach to public                demonstrates that the task of creating
socially constructed – it is something     public service is supposed to help, and         management starts from continuously       public service outcomes is complex.
we human beings make together,             public service becomes less human,              exploring the messy reality of how        In complex environments, learning is
rather than something that simply          less effective, and more wasteful               the outcomes that matter to each          the only viable management strategy.
exists. So, the nuanced version of         as a result.                                    person might be achieved in their         Public service must build a learning
reality and public service is – it’s all   It is our claim that public service should      unique life context. The job of public    relationship with the public – a
real. When a government minister           instead privilege the complex reality           management – of organising this work      relationship which seeks to understand
leans on a civil servant to produce data   of each member of the public being              – is to create the conditions whereby     the detail of each life context, and,
to say that COVID-19 testing targets       served. (That’s a bit harder to get into        the messy reality of public service is    together, continuously explores how
have been met, that’s the reality for      the title of a report, though.) And we          made possible in the most efficient       the patterns of results (“outcomes”) in
that particular civil servant.             can make the choice to put the reality          and effective way. It is public service   their “life as system” might change.
The question we ask from this nuanced      of the public first by choosing to do           for the real world.
                                                                                                                                     Systems – our unit of analysis
perspective is: whose version of           public management differently.                  Human – our moral purpose
reality has been privileged under                                                                                                    If the purpose of public service is to
                                           An alternative: Human                           HLS is based on the belief that the       help people create positive outcomes
NPM? Our contention is that this
                                           Learning Systems                                purpose of public service is to support   in their lives, then public service
abstracted, target-based version
                                           This report offers an alternative               human freedom and flourishing.            needs to understand how outcomes
of reality has been unnecessarily
privileged. The logic of NPM, and          paradigm for public management. We              This provides the moral purpose           are made. We believe (with good
how it has infected political discourse    call this paradigm Human Learning               for public service. It also provides a    evidence) that these outcomes in
and action, privileges this reality. The   Systems (HLS). It has been created              view of what it means to be human         people’s lives are created by the
demands it creates on everyone at          over the past five years by a set of
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workings of complex systems. In                     explanation of what we mean by                    Better outcomes, for less money             Continuous learning
other words, outcomes are emergent                  “systems”, see the Systems chapter.)
                                                                                                      The really good news about the HLS          The HLS approach to public
properties of people’s lives as systems.            For example, this is a representation             approach is that, because it roots          management is being constantly
Therefore, creating outcomes requires               of “the system” (a set of causal                  public service work in the real-life        developed by those who are doing it.
these complex systems to produce                    relationships between factors), which             experiences of the people it seeks          There is so much that we don’t know,
different patterns of results, and so               creates the outcome of obesity (or                to support, it is able to address           as each adoption of the approach is
these systems become the focus of                   its absence).                                     some of the wastefulness of NPM.            essentially a process of learning how
our purpose and method. (For a full
                                                                                                      From what we have seen, it helps            the HLS principles can be applied in
                                                                                                      to create better outcomes for less          a new context. Some areas for further
Figure 1: Systems map of obesity.
                                                                                                      money. For example, the Plymouth            exploration are highlighted in the
                                                                                                      Alliance was able to cut the costs          Further Question s chapter at the end
                                                                                                      of emergency accommodation for              of this report. You will also notice that
                                                                                                      homeless families by 50% in less than       this report has multiple authors, and
                                                                                                      six months by creating an integrated        that we each have our own perspective
                                                                                                      approach to family support, based           on HLS practice. We think this is a
                                                                                                      on the strengths and needs of those         good thing.
                                                                                                      families. Similarly, the use of “Blue       For those doing the practice now,
                                                                                                      Light” (police, ambulance, fire) services   HLS seems to work to produce better
                                                                                                      was cut significantly, as people’s real     outcomes, for less money, while
                                                                                                      needs were met before they became           creating happier and more fulfilled
                                                                                                      emergencies.                                staff. If this sounds like something
                                                                                                      From the Wellbeing Teams case study,        you’d like to explore further, the
                                                                                                      we begin to get a measure of the            following chapters, particularly chapter
                                                                                                      reduction in unplanned service use          11 seek to share what they’ve learnt
                                                                                                      when people’s strengths and needs are       Finally, we should reiterate that this
                                                                                                      met by home care: people supported          report is a summary of a book. Each
                                                                                                      by Wellbeing Teams services in              chapter title in this report in this report
                                                                                                      Thurrock were five times less likely        links to a chapter in the book version,
Sturmberg, JP (2018) Health System Redesign How to Make Health Care Person-Centered, Equitable, and   to go into hospital. Staff costs were       which explores the ideas in greater
Sustainable. Springer, Australia. P238
                                                                                                      reduced, too, because staff were            depth, and provides more examples
                                                                                                      happier. Sickness rates for Wellbeing       from the case studies that are the
                                                                                                      Teams staff were a third of the national    backbone of the learning we present
Systems are therefore the unit of                   outcomes, we need healthy systems                 average, and staff turnover was five        here. A full set of references are
analysis that is most relevant to                   – systems in which people collaborate             times lower than the national average.      provided in the book version too.
achieving our moral purpose, and to                 and learn together; because this is how
which our management strategy is                    outcomes are made.
applied. Put simply, if we want good

                                        Authors: Toby Lowe and Gabriel Eichsteller
                                        Contact the authors

                                               The “Human” of Human Learning              Public service seeks to understand
                                               Systems (HLS) roots public service         people as whole human beings
                                               in people’s real lives. It gives HLS its   A human approach to public service is
                                               sense of moral purpose, and frames         based on an understanding that each
                                               how we see and relate to all the people    person is at the centre of their own
                                               involved in public service – those         interconnected and interdependent
                                               who provide help, and those who are        (complex) system. The positive and
                                               helped. To see detailed examples of        negative “outcomes” that they
                                               what this means in practice, please        experience – having their potential
                                               read the “Impact on people” section.       developed, or being in chronic pain
                                               This humanity manifests itself in:         – are the patterns of results produced

Chapter 1
                                                                                          by the system that is their lives. Each
                                               How public service sees                    person has unique strengths as well as
                                               people:                                    needs, and all these are relevant for

The HLS Principles:
                                                                                          helping them to achieve outcomes in
                                               Public service respects and enables
                                                                                          their lives.
                                               human freedom

Human                                          As long as one person’s freedom is
                                               consistent with similar freedom for
                                               others (i.e. it does not cause harm
                                                                                            “In my last year of life, help me
                                                                                            live well until I die.”
                                                                                            (Dorset Integrated Case System
                                               to others), then HLS public service          case study)
                                               respects the freedom of each person
                                               to pursue their own version of the         The Human element of HLS therefore
                                               good life. This means that they have       provides the why of public service
                                               the freedom to define what matters         (to promote human freedom and
                                               to them – what outcomes they want          flourishing), and provides pointers
                                               to pursue.                                 towards the how – seeing people
   JOIN THE HLS COMMUNITY                                                                 as fully-rounded human beings, in
   to connect with others, share your
   experiences and/or ask for help.

the context of webs of relationships.      One way of understanding the
A Human approach to public                 complexity of human beings is to
management is therefore both purpose       understand that everyone is at the
and (gives pointers towards) method.       centre of their own unique system
Public service seeks to understand         of actors (people and organisations)
and respond to the diversity of            and factors (causal drivers) which
human beings.                              are constantly interacting to make
                                           an outcome. We can imagine such
It recognises that each person’s life
                                           a system as a solar system, with the
is different – their “life as system” is
                                           person at the centre. The pattern of
unique. As a result, what public service
                                           interactions between all the elements
offers must be bespoke to that person’s
                                           is what we call “an outcome”.
life and what matters to them.
Therefore, in order to help create
good outcomes in people’s lives,
people using HLS approaches to public
management recognise the complexity
of all human lives.

Figure 1: A person’s life represented in terms of system of actors and factors which create the outcome of wellbeing

                                         Actors and factors which could constitute someone’s “life as a
                                            system” that creates the outcome of wellbeing (or not)

                                                         Actors        Factors

          The person themselves                                                                                     Income/wealth
                                                                                                               Employment status
          Their family and friends
                                                                                                          Education and skill levels
          The people or organisations
          responsible for public/green                                                                            Participation in
          space near to them                                                                              neighbourhood activities
                                                                                                                  Participation in
          Those who provide cultural                                                                         democratic processes
          and sporting provision in
          their place                                                                                              Participation in
          Their neighbourhood                                                                                     Relationship to
          association and                                                                                      dominant culture(s)
          community centre(s)
                                                                                                                      Housing and
          The health service                                                                                       neighbourhood
          (in all its local and                                                                                         conditions
          national manifestations)
          agencies                                                                                                        Ability to
                                                                                                                   exercise agency
          Emergency services

          The local authority
24                                                                                                                               25

How public service engages                  also described as “evidence-informed      The skills and capabilities required
with people:                                practice”.                                for public service

Effective public service relies on strong   Trust as the foundation of human          Effective public service relationships
human relationships.                        public service                            require empathy.

Human public service requires a deep        Human freedom and flourishing is          To build effective relationships that
understanding of each person’s life         both purpose and method. Supporting       genuinely understand the life of
context that only comes from having         human freedom and flourishing for         another person requires empathy. This
a relationship with them. Further, it       the public is enabled by supporting       is a skill that can be cultivated, and a
recognises that being in an authentic       the human freedom and flourishing         capacity that can be either encouraged
relationship of service to a person is      of those whose role is to serve them.     or inhibited by management practices.
valuable in itself, as it is a means to     This is the revolutionary aspect of HLS   For example, the systematic use of
address many of the challenges with         public management practice – giving       Appreciative Inquiry as a management
which public service is concerned.          staff the freedom to build authentic      tool seems to build empathy
                                            human relationships with those they       effectively.
  “Even when we get things                  serve, and responding to what those
  wrong [in relational practice],           relationships uncover, is the most
  the humanity of it helps.”                efficient and effective way for public
  (Gateshead Council, Director of           service to support the creation of
  Public Service Reform)                    desirable outcomes.

Where decision-making power sits              “Our Human Learning Systems
                                              approach to delivery has
One of the key aspects of an HLS
                                              many benefits and could be
approach to public management is
                                              summed up by saying ‘it feels
that decision-making responsibility
                                              right’. Breaking it down means
should be “devolved into the work”.
                                              that we build trust much
This means that decisions about the
                                              faster and more meaningfully.
support that public service should offer,
                                              This then has an impact on
and how that support manifests itself,
                                              the therapeutic benefits of
should be taken by the person (or
                                              peer-support as people who
people) being supported. They should
                                              trust each other faster have
do this with the help of a relationship
                                              improved wellbeing faster.”
with someone who knows their life
                                              (Moray Wellbeing Hub case study)
context well, and who is able to apply
knowledge that is based on learning
from other relevant contexts. This is

                                        Authors: Toby Lowe and Hannah Hesselgreaves
                                        Contact the authors

                                              Creating outcomes in the real world is     dynamic. This means that “what
                                              complex. What matters to each person       works” in public service in complex
                                              is different. And how those outcomes       environments is:
                                              are created is part of the ever-           •   Highly localised – what works in
                                              changing, unique web of relationships          one place will not necessarily work
                                              and factors that make up a person’s            in another
                                              life as a system. Given this complexity,
                                                                                         •   Constantly changing – what
                                              learning becomes the only viable
                                                                                             works at one point in time
                                              management strategy.
                                                                                             won’t necessarily work when it
                                              We know from the experience of our             is repeated.
                                              own lives, and decades of research
                                                                                         This is one of the key points articulated
                                              into complex systems, that complex
                                                                                         by the Cynefin framework, developed

Chapter 2
                                              systems are context-specific and
                                                                                         and refined by Dave Snowden:

The HLS Principles:
                                               Figure 1: Cynefin framework, Dave Snowden

                                                                Complicated                       Simple
                                                                      Sense                         Sense
                                                                     Analyse                      Categorise
                                                                     Respond                      Respond

                                                                 Good practice                 Best practice

                                                                   Complex                        Chaos
                                                                      Probe                          Act
                                                                      Sense                         Sense
   JOIN THE HLS COMMUNITY                                            Respond                       Respond
   to connect with others, share your                          Emergent practice
   experiences and/or ask for help.
                                                                                               Novel practice
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  29

How is an outcome created?                 Experimentation is required to explore    Figure 2: The HLS Learning Cycle
                                           how public service can respond
An outcome is created by the
                                           to all of those things, and how                                                                                HLS Learning Cycle
combination of people and causal
                                           different people and organisations
factors (a “system”) that make up a
                                           can collaborate in conditions where                                                                                              Check system
person’s life, interacting in a certain                                                                                                                                    boundaries &
                                                                                                                                                                           actors - who is
                                           nothing is static or reliable.                                                                            Learn together:      included & not?
way. An “outcome” is what we call the                                                                                                                build knowledge
                                                                                                                                                         of factors

pattern of results of that system at any   From a management perspective, this                                                                                          UNDERSTAND
                                                                                                                                                                                               Build relationships
                                                                                                                                                                                                     & trust
                                                                                                              Start here!                               Make the         THE SYSTEM
particular point in time.                  is the reality of how an outcome is                                                                       system visible
                                                                                                                                                      to its actors
                                                                                                                                                                                             Establish shared
                                           made. Outcomes cannot be purchased                                 PURPOSE
                                                                                                                                                 :                                               purpose
The work of purposefully creating                                                                                                        ss
                                                                                                                                       hi rs?

                                           or “delivered”, they have to be                                                               to

                                                                                                                                     fa t
a desired outcome is therefore


                                                                                                                                 rs ou


                                                                                                                               to ab

                                           explored. If we care about outcomes,

                                                                                                                             ac rnt


                                                                                                                        os e lea
an attempt to get all of those

                                                                                                                   pu ve w

                                           then the purpose of our management

relationships (between people and

                                                                                                                  at h
                                           practice is to enable this learning and
factors) to combine to produce
                                           exploration to happen effectively.                                  EMBEDDING &                                            STEWARDSHIP
a different pattern. Learning is                                                                                INFLUENCING

required to understand the unique          Enacting this learning strategy is done                                                                                     and Governing the
                                                                                                                                                                         Learning Cycle

system that is each person’s life: their   by creating and following a Learning

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       do n
                                           Cycle, which looks something like this:

relationships, their strengths, their

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l we
needs, the outcomes they prioritise,       This strategy is a different version
                                                                                                                      Learning                                              Learning                                               Learning

and how those outcomes are created.                                                                      EXPERIMENTATION/
                                                                                                  Re-design                                  Reflection     Re-design                           Reflection Re-design                                      Reflection

                                                                                     of strategic planning: it is not about                                                            processes, practices, cultures) for
                                                                                     implementing an evidence-based                                                                    learning, rather than performance
                                                                                     programme and expecting it to work                                                                management and control.
                                                                                     because it has been shown to work                                                                 The characteristics of a learning
                                                                                     before. Learning as management                                                                    strategy include learning in every
                                                                                     strategy assumes that outcomes are                                                                interaction: everyone’s job entails
                                                                                     neither predictable nor certain, and                                                              learning all the time. This consistent
                                                                                     that approaches should be emergent                                                                and ongoing curiosity and openness to
                                                                                     and constantly renegotiated with                                                                  change requires significant effort and
                                                                                     all the actors involved. The focus of                                                             energy. The payoff is public service
                                                                                     management practice is therefore                                                                  which meets the unique strengths
                                                                                     creating the conditions (infrastructure,                                                          and needs of each person and adapts
30                                                                                                                                31

quickly to an ever-changing world. A      Measurement                                HLS frees measurement from the cage
learning strategy cultivates curiosity,                                              imposed on it by NPM. Because HLS
                                          Learning as management strategy
encourages interrogation of the status                                               doesn’t need measures to be the basis
                                          requires and enables a different role
quo, and identifies and challenges                                                   for performance management – for
                                          for measurement. Measurement is
injustice.                                                                           reward or punishment, to motivate
                                          incredibly useful as a tool for learning
                                                                                     workers extrinsically, or to “incentivise”
The emergence of new ideas that           in public service – it can help us to
are generated by people learning                                                     the public to achieve their goals – it
                                          overcome our cognitive biases and,
continuously together in every part                                                  can do the job that we need it to do:
                                          when done well, provides good data
of their practice, creates bespoke                                                   to help us learn and improve.
                                          from which people can develop
responses that can rapidly adapt.         important understandings about how
This strategy can change not just         systems are functioning.
the practices of people but also
                                          However, measurement can only
the organisational and service
                                          play this role when we free it from a
environment, and it can do so before
                                          crucial problem that bedevils NPM:
practices become entrenched or
                                          NPM forces us to treat what we
inefficient. A learning strategy allows
                                          measure as if those measurements
practitioners and managers to notice
                                          were an adequate substitute for real
more quickly when this is even
                                          life. You hear this in demands to
                                          create “measurable change” – as if
Scaling the capacity to learn, not        measurable were a synonym for “real”.
what is learnt                            This is not the case.

One of the key characteristics of         Real change is experienced in
learning as a management strategy is      someone’s life. This can be change
that when it comes to thinking about      in tangible things, or intangible:
“scaling”, then what is scaled is the     how they see the world, or change
capacity to learn, rather than what       in their feelings. Real change is as
has been learnt in any given context.     much someone finding forgiveness
Because each time and place is            as it is their finding a job. All these
different, “what works” is the capacity   things (tangible and intangible) are
for each place to learn.                  measurable (with different degrees
                                          of difficulty and effort). But the
  “Let’s forget scaling.”                 measures are an abstraction. They
  (Olli-Pekka Heinonen, director          are a simplification of the complex,
  general of EDUFI, the Finnish           multifaceted nature of real life into
  National Agency for Education)          a data point. The measures are a
                                          pauperised, context-free, superficial
                                          substitute for reality.

                                        Authors: Toby Lowe and Max French
                                        Contact the authors

                                              Where and how do managers apply           between actors (people, organisations,
                                              the human, learning-focused principles    etc) or factors (structural aspects of
                                              that we have described? They are          people’s lives, such as technology,
                                              applied to Systems. A Systems             ethnicity or poverty). When we talk
                                              perspective is essential for enabling     about “a system”, we are therefore
                                              and enacting Human Learning               talking about a created thing – a
                                              approaches, because complex systems       representation that is made by human
                                              produce the outcomes we care about.       beings in order to try and make sense
                                              Our key finding is that healthy systems   of the complex web of interactions
                                              produce better outcomes. A healthy        that is really happening in the world.
                                                                                        A system is always “the map, not the

Chapter 3
                                              system is one in which actors learn
                                              together and act collaboratively in       territory”.
                                              order to achieve human freedom and        How we construct “a system” is

The HLS Principles:
                                              flourishing.                              therefore always a function of the
                                              The focus on systems means that           question: “how useful is this map to

                                              HLS draws on traditions from the          help us navigate the world?”
                                              worlds of systems thinking and            For people who use an HLS approach
                                              complexity theory. This gives some        to public management, the question of
                                              key foundational ideas and frameworks     how to construct “a system” (deciding
                                              with which to understand the world.       what the boundaries of it are, and
                                              Whenever we talk about “a system”,        which actors or factors to include) is
                                              we are referring to a representation      always related to the question: what
                                              of a set of relationships in the world    are the actors and factors that create
                                              that interact to make things happen.      an outcome in this person’s life?
                                              We can describe these as relationships    We have found that it is useful
                                                                                        to create the following views of
   to connect with others, share your                                                   “system” at different scales, in order
   experiences and/or ask for help.
34                                                                                                                                                                     35

to understand the task of enabling        “Some of the wicked problems             Figure 1: A virtuous cycle of learning together and trust
systems to produce better outcomes in     are so [complex], that usual
people’s lives:                           management approaches don’t                                                    LEARNING

•    Person’s life as system              solve these problems. We need
                                          everyone in the system, whom
•    Team/organisations as system
                                          the problem concerns, to be
•    Place as system                      part of the solvers. As we don’t
•    Country as system.                   know all the answers, we have                                 ADAPTATION    ACCOUNTABILITY
                                                                                                                       FOR LEARNING

                                          learnt to fail and take new
At each of these scales, systems
                                          direction… There is a need to
produce better outcomes when they
                                          reinforce the system’s ability to
are “healthy”. So what does a healthy
                                          learn together.”                                                               AUTONOMY
system look like?
                                          (EDUFI Innovation Centre Evaluation)
Healthy systems are learning systems
The most obvious aspect of healthy      Healthy systems cultivate and make         Healthy systems are diverse systems          How does a system become
systems that we see from across the     use of trust                                                                            “healthy”?
                                                                                   As we have seen from the Human
range of case studies is that healthy                                                                                           The most important lesson from
                                        If learning and collaborating together     chapter, understanding the diversity
systems are learning systems. In                                                                                                across our case studies is that it is very
                                        are the key features of healthy systems,   of human experience is crucial for
other words, they are systems in                                                                                                rare for healthy systems to develop
                                        we can easily see why trust is such a      enabling effective outcomes – because
which the actors continuously learn                                                                                             spontaneously. In all the circumstances
                                        crucial asset for such systems. We have    outcomes, and how they are created,
together about the ways in which that
                                        seen from the Human chapter that a         look and feel different in each person’s     we have encountered, creating healthy
system operates.                                                                                                                systems requires purposeful work.
                                        virtuous circle exists between learning    life. Consequently, the systems of
                                        together and trust. Learning together      interest by which outcomes are               Borrowing the language of the Institute
                                        helps build trust, and trust helps         produced must reflect that diversity of      for Government, we have come to call
                                        people to learn more effectively – as      experience and perspective.                  the purposeful work of creating healthy
                                        they are willing to be more honest, and                                                 systems “System Stewardship”. The
                                                                                   Healthy systems address
                                        more open to changing together.
                                                                                   inequalities of power                        case studies themselves use many
                                                                                                                                different variants of this language.
                                                                                   We also see from the case study work
                                                                                                                                Some explicitly describe themselves
                                                                                   that tackling power inequalities is a
                                                                                                                                as Systems Stewards. Others call
                                                                                   necessary part of enabling the diversity,
                                                                                                                                themselves “systems servant”,
                                                                                   and therefore health, of systems.
                                                                                                                                “systems noticer” or “orchestrator
                                                                                   Genuine participation of diverse voices
                                                                                                                                of the ecosystem”. The role of
                                                                                   in a system requires addressing the
                                                                                                                                Systems Steward also contains strong
                                                                                   structural power inequalities which
                                                                                                                                connections to the role of Systems
                                                                                   have meant that some voices are
                                                                                                                                Convenor, as articulated by the
                                                                                   unreasonably valued over others.

                                        Relationship between
                                        “Human”, “Learning” and
                                        Author: Toby Lowe
                                        Contact the author

                                               The Human, Learning and Systems             These elements come together to form
                                               elements of HLS provide different,          a coherent whole in this way:
                                               but interdependent, parts of HLS as a       We believe that the purpose of public
                                               whole public management paradigm.           service is to promote human freedom
                                               Human provides the moral purpose of         and flourishing. Because we recognise
                                               public service work – an answer to the      and respect their freedom, each person

Chapter 4
                                               question: why does any of this matter?      gets to choose what “flourishing”
                                               We care about this, because we care         means for them (so long as it is

The HLS Principles:
                                               about human freedom and flourishing.        compatible with flourishing for others).
                                               Learning is the meta-strategy for           We call the choices they make about

                                               management. We apply this strategy          what flourishing means for them the
                                               at all system scales, in order to achieve   “outcomes” that public service seeks
                                                                                           to help develop in the world.

between H, L
                                               the purpose of human freedom and
                                               flourishing.                                These outcomes are not “delivered”
                                               Systems provide the unit of analysis.       by public service. Rather, the outcomes

and S                                          Systems produce the outcomes in             emerge (or not) as a result of the
                                               people’s lives that matter. So, we apply    ongoing interactions between all the
                                               our management strategy to achieve          relationships and causal factors in
                                               our purpose by helping to create            that person’s life. This requires public
                                               healthy systems.                            service to see each person as being at
                                                                                           the centre of their own unique system
   JOIN THE HLS COMMUNITY                                                                  of relationships and causal factors.
   to connect with others, share your
   experiences and/or ask for help.
38                                                                                      39

The most effective and efficient way          It is the job of public management
for public service to understand and          practice to enable this learning
respond to the unique and ever-               relationship between those who work
changing nature of the complex                in public service and the people they
systems that create outcomes in               support. It can learn to do this by
people’s lives is to adopt learning as        treating all system scales as complex
both meta-strategy and management             systems, which can be stewarded
practice. Workers must develop                towards learning and adaptation,
learning relationships with those they        through resource allocation,
serve, relationships that enable them         governance and capacity planning,
both to see and understand each               activities that are focused on enabling
person’s “life as system”. It is the job of   learning and adaptation.
this learning relationship to understand
the ever-changing detail of each
person’s life context, and to explore
ways to intervene in this system in
order to produce desirable patterns of
results (“outcomes”) more frequently.

                                        Purposefully adopting an
                                        HLS approach
                                        Authors: Toby Lowe and Hannah Hesslegreaves
                                        Contact the authors

                                              Adopting an HLS approach represents       management systems become
                                              a paradigm shift in public management     inoperable. And if you can’t reward

Chapter 5
                                              – it is change in both the foundational   or punish people, how will they be
                                              beliefs that underpin management          incentivised to do the right thing? And
                                              practice, and the practices, processes    how will we know whom to choose

Principles into                               and cultures that enact and reinforce
                                              those beliefs.
                                                                                        among the competitors for contracts, if
                                                                                        we can’t compare their performance?

action: How
                                              There is a significant implication for    This can feel like a very daunting
                                              viewing public management as a            prospect! The good news is that

change happens:
                                              paradigm. It means that you can’t         this paradigm shift can be enacted
                                              just change some of the practices         at lots of scales, and that change in

                                              of NPM. Because each practice is          one system creates ripples which can
                                              mutually reinforcing, and justified       provoke potential change in other
                                              by foundational beliefs, you can’t        areas. And the change that you seek

adopting an HLS
                                              change one thing without the necessity    is an example of itself – it is enacted
                                              of changing the things which are          by adopting the learning strategy

                                              dependent on it, and on which it          that you’re trying to create. So, by
                                              depends. For example, within an NPM       taking a learning approach to your
                                              frame, you can’t simply decide to         management practice, you bring about
                                              change the purpose of measurement         the change you’re trying to create.
                                              to focus it on learning. Within an        But how does such paradigm
                                              NPM frame, measurement is required        shift happen?
                                              to know whom to reward and whom
                                                                                        The challenge when thinking about
                                              to punish (has this person/team/
                                                                                        how to purposefully pursue this kind
                                              organisation met their targets or
   JOIN THE HLS COMMUNITY                     not?). So, if you change the purpose
                                                                                        of change is that it is, by definition,
   to connect with others, share your                                                   emergent. Any change you seek will
   experiences and/or ask for help.           of measurement, performance
42                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 43

be subject to interaction with other      and exploration. For example,               Figure 1: The HLS Learning Cycle
things that are happening in the world,   what would it mean in our context
and any changes you make will have        to treat everyone as a fully-rounded                                                                           HLS Learning Cycle
unexpected consequences. That’s           human being, and to optimise our
just what it means to work in complex     management processes for learning?                                                                                               Check system
                                                                                                                                                                          boundaries &
                                                                                                                                                                          actors - who is

environments (aka “the real world”).      Developing an HLS approach to
                                                                                                                                                    Learn together:
                                                                                                                                                    build knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                         included & not?

                                                                                                                                                        of factors

                                          public management is therefore                                                                                               UNDERSTAND
                                                                                                                                                                                              Build relationships

  “Emergent strategy is about                                                                               Start here!                                Make the         THE SYSTEM
                                                                                                                                                                                                    & trust

                                          an example of itself. If you want to
                                                                                                                                                    system visible
                                                                                                                                                     to its actors
  shifting the way we see and                                                                               PURPOSE
                                                                                                                                                                                            Establish shared

                                          adopt an HLS approach, it requires                                                                 te
                                                                                                                                                :                                               purpose

  feel the world and each other.                                                                                                      iss ?
                                                                                                                                     h rs

                                          you to adopt learning as both your                                                            to

                                                                                                                                   fa t


                                                                                                                               rs ou
  If we begin to understand


                                                                                                                             to ab

                                                                                                                           ac rnt


                                          management strategy and your

                                                                                                                      os e lea
  ourselves as practice ground

                                                                                                                 pu ve w

                                          approach to change.

                                                                                                                at h
  for transformation, we can

  transform the world”                      “The Experimentation                                                                                                        SYSTEM
                                                                                                             EMBEDDING &                                             STEWARDSHIP                                                 CO-DESIGN
  (adrienne maree brown,                    programme and each of                                                                                                         Managing
                                                                                                                                                                      and Governing the
  Emergent Strategy)                        its experiment stories has
                                                                                                                                                                        Learning Cycle

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      do n
                                            been on a journey of its own,

So, how do you purposefully pursue

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                l we
                                            with things done differently                                            Learning                                               Learning                                               Learning
emergent change?                            throughout. However, doing
                                                                                                       EXPERIMENTATION/                                              EXPERIMENTATION/                               EXPERIMENTATION/
From the experience of those who            things differently only becomes                     Re-design
                                                                                                                                           Reflection      Re-design
                                                                                                                                                                                              Reflection Re-design

have undertaken these journeys, we          significant when considered in
can see that the large-scale change         relation to previous operating
goals they set are at the level of          practices, cultures, and norms,
principles or high-level goals, e.g. we     as well as their transformation,
want to treat everyone as fully-rounded     i.e. the big trajectory.”
human beings, and we will optimise          (EDUFI case study)
                                                                                      This diagram is a model of a journey,                                                                             It is a “certainty artefact” –
for learning rather than control. We
                                                                                      and like all models, it is wrong.                                                                                 something deliberately created
want trusted relationships between        A guide for your learning journey           The danger with a representation                                                                                  to provide a sense of security
actors in our system, which provide
                                          This is our current best understanding      like this is that it disaggregates and                                                                            in an uncertain environment.
bespoke service for those who are
                                          as to the directions that a learning        sequences practices that are usually                                                                              The uncertainty of working
being served. These principles are the
                                          journey is likely to take – a journey       interdependent, messy and fractal. But,                                                                           in complexity is challenging,
kinds of high-level change goals which
                                          that enables you to find what works in      despite being wrong, we think it may                                                                              particularly for personality types
seem to work.
                                          your context. It is a representation of a   be useful because:                                                                                                who like certainty. For the person
Pursuing these kind of high-level         Learning Cycle for a system.                                                                                                                                  who needs to see what the plan
                                                                                      1.   For those who are comforted by
goals requires a process of learning                                                                                                                                                                    looks like, this provides the shape
                                                                                           having a picture of the overall
                                                                                           approach, this provides comfort.                                                                             of a plan.
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