Page created by Leroy Graham
No. 25 / 06-2014 • ENGLISH                            MAGAZINE OF ANDRITZ HYDRO

  Lifetime safety and reliability (Page 05)

  The rising country in Southeast Asia (Page 08)

  Powerhouse and spillway hydromechanical equipment
  for a Canadian project (Page 14)

  Units 1 & 2 have started commercial operations
  in a Turkish hydropower plant (Page 26)

02   HYDRONEWS • 25

Latest                                          Angola

                                                                                        WAPDA awarded a contract to
                                                                                        ANDRITZ HYDRO for the manufac-
                                                                                        turing and installation of three Pelton
                                                                                        turbines and the electromechanical
      Key Figures 2013                                                                  equipment at Golen Gol hydropower
                                                                                        plant in northwestern Pakistan.

 Business development:
 Order Intake: 1,865.4 MEUR
 Order Backlog Dec. 31: 3,722.4 MEUR
 Sales: 1,804.8 MEUR                           ANDRITZ HYDRO will supply the elec-
 Employees as of Dec. 31: 7,445                tromechanical equipment for the new
                                               Laúca hydropower plant in Angola to
                                               GAMEK (Gabinete de Aproveitamento
                                               do Médio Kwanza), an office of the       All works will be done by our ANDRITZ
                                               Angolan Ministry of Energy and Water.    HYDRO teams from Austria, China,
                                                                                        Switzerland, Germany and Pakistan.
                                               The new hydropower plant on the          The start of commercial operation is
     ANDRITZ HYDRO was awarded a               Kwanza River will comprise two power     scheduled for 2016.
     contract from SOGEM for revisions at      houses for which ANDRITZ HYDRO
     Manantali hydropower plant, located       will deliver six 340 MW Francis tur-
     on the Bafing River, a tributary of the   bines, as well as generators and addi-
     Senegal River in southwestern Mali.       tional equipment and a 72 MW mini-        Hydro News on iPad
                                               mum flow unit adjacent to the dam
                                                                                        Since July 2013 the Hydro News is
                                               The project lead is with ANDRITZ         a v a i l a b l e f o r i P a d s . Yo u h a v e a n
                                               HYDRO Ravensburg, Germany. Com-          access to the customer magazine
                                               missioning is scheduled for 2017.        everywhere, offline and online, free
                                                                                        of charge to the App-Store.

                                                                                        QR code to download the Hydro News
                                                                                        mobile kiosk onto your iPad.
     After several minor repairs at existing
     units over the last years the scope in-
     cludes the general renovation of unit 3   ANDRITZ HYDRO has been awarded
     and a large number of modernization       a contract from VERBUND Hydro
     works on the remaining four turbines,     Power AG for the rehabilitation of the
     generators and governors.                 complete secondary equipment for the
                                               hydropower plant Spielfeld in Austria.

                                               The good relationship with the cus-
                                               tomer and the success of our already
                                               delivered automation solutions, have
                                               been the reason to choose ANDRITZ
                                               HYDRO again.
HYDRONEWS • 25 Contents              03



10                                                             23                                          31
02 LATEST NEWS                                       18     Dariali, Georgia
                                                     19     Cethana and Fisher, Australia
04 Introduction                                      20     Shardarinskaya, Kazakhstan                                                               Cover:
                                                                                                                       Spherical valve at HPP Tongbai, China
                                                     21     Safe Harbor, USA
   Top story                                         22     Kpong, Ghana
05 Valves
   MARKETS                                           23 EMEC, Scotland
08 Vietnam
10 Brazil                                                   Site reports
                                                     24     Bajina Bašta, Serbia
      New projects                                   25     Iovskaya, Russia
12    Olivone, Switzerland                           26     Tatar, Turkey
13    Nam Lik 1, Lao PDR                             27     Paloona, Australia
14    Muskrat Falls, Canada
15    Lysebotn II, Norway                            28 Highlights
16    Peusangan, Indonesia
17    Revin, France                                  34 Events

Publisher: ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH, A-1120 Vienna, Eibesbrunnergasse 20, Austria, Phone: +43 50805 0
Responsible for the contents: Alexander Schwab Editorial Board: Christian Dubois, Clemens Mann, Bernhard Mühlbachler, Jens Päutz, Edwin Walch
Project Manager: Judith Heimhilcher Copyright: © ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH 2014, All rights reserved Graphic design: Layout / production: A3 Werbeservice
Circulation: 20,750 • Printed in German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian language
This issue includes links to videos on external websites whose content we can’t influence. The opinions expressed in the videos are personal views of the speaker,
which must not match with the positions of ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH. The initiator of the video is responsible for the accuracy of the content.
04   Introduction HYDRONEWS • 25

 Dear business friend
       ven in 2013, ANDRITZ HYDRO               In Europe, a traditionally competitive     the South American continent are the
       remained with a top market po-           market, we could win a large number        projects Renance II in Guatemala and
       sition notwithstanding globally          of projects, e.g. San Pedro II in Spain,   Barra Bonita in Brazil.
 declining investments. This is again           Upper Kaleköy in Turkey or Komani in
 reflected by positive key figures.             Albania. Our mini compact hydro busi-      In the highly competitive Asian hydro-
                                                ness, too, could further expand its        power market, the new contracts for
 Worldwide project activities regarding         market position with contracts in coun-    the projects Peusangan in Indonesia,
 electromechanical equipment for hydro-         tries such as Turkey, Switzerland, Italy   Nam Lik in Laos, Sharadarinskaya in
 power plants were satisfactory in 2013,        and Romania.                               Kazakhstan, Dariali in Georgia, Gongri
 however were at a comparable level                                                        in India and Whakamaru in New Zea-
 with 2012 and hence consequently be-           One of the most exciting markets with      land give proof of the advantage of a
 low the high level of the years before.        enormous future potential is Africa. New   strong local presence.
                                                projects such as Kpong in Ghana and
 Hydropower represents a stable and             Djoué in the Republic of Congo, as well    The continuous development of our
 reliable factor in the global energy market.   as several compact hydropower con-         technologies, committed staff and local
 The reasons for its success include            tracts are the impressive evidence for     presence, as well as the contract-
 competitive products as well as the            this. A major project milestone was the    compliant handling of our projects to
 application of the latest technologies.        successful award for the second unit in    the utmost satisfaction of our clients are
 ANDRITZ HYDRO with 7,500 highly                Kindaruma, Kenya.The market in the         ANDRITZ HYDRO’s mainstays. Owing
 qualified and committed employees              Americas developed very positively, too,   to the trust and confidence generously
 makes a significant contribution to this.      for ANDRITZ HYDRO, both as regards         placed in us, we deem ANDRITZ
                                                new construction and rehabilitation        HYDRO ideally prepared for the years to
 We were successful in all segments and         projects. Important contracts in North     come.
 all regions of the world. 2013 highlights      America are Muskrat Falls, Spray and
 were:                                          Lower Notch in Canada. Highlights on       With sincere thanks

                          M. Komböck                           H. Heber                            W. Semper
HYDRONEWS • 25 Top story           05

Lifetime safety and reliability

      alves have withstood the
      operating conditions within
                                                                                                                                                    Butterfly Valves
      hydropower plants for more
                                                                                                                                                    Spherical Valves
than a century and they fulfill vari-
ous important tasks; from safety
                                                           Design Head [m]

elements in powerhouses or pen-
stocks to tight sealing in waterways
for maintenance purposes on hy-
draulic machinery.

In addition to butterfly and spherical
v a l v e s d e s c r i b e d h e re i n A N D R I T Z
HYDRO’s product range includes other
                                                                                                                    Diameter [mm]
valve types, like ring gates and cone
valves.                                                  ▲ Design range of shutoff valves within ANDRITZ HYDRO

                                                                                                                      At the design stage, safety and func-
                                                                                                                      tionality during operation come first.
                                                                                                                      Analytical verifications are made based
                                                                                                                      on customer requirements, and interna-
                                                                                                                      tional standards (e.g. ASME), as well as
                                                                                                                      ANDRITZ HYDRO internal instructions.
                                                                                                                      Modern ANDRITZ HYDRO valves offer
                                                                                                                      numerous innovative technical features,
                                                                                                                      which appeal to customers.

▲ Exploded view:
main components of butterfly valve

Spherical valves are mainly used in high
head applications, whereas butterfly
valves are selected for the low to medi-
um head range. Indicative design limits
for each valve type are shown in the di-
agram above.

Both valves allow flow in both directions
and fit perfectly for the use in the water-
ways of reversible pump turbines. They
can be equipped with service and main-
tenance seals to allow significant reduc-
tion in plant downtime during mainte-
nance.                                                                       ▲ Exploded view: main components of spherical valve
06                        Top story HYDRONEWS • 25

                  Among other features, ANDRITZ                          losses of approximately 15%. This
                  HYDRO now offers an auto-oscillation                   could be managed after several optimi-
                  (self-excited pressure pulsation with in-              zation loops by the utilization of CFD
                  creasing amplitudes, which can lead to                 (Computational Fluid Dynamics) calcula-
                  penstock rupture) detection device. By                 tion programs and by taking existing
                  opening or closing of the maintenance                  model test results from the standard
                  seal the oscillating system is de-tuned                valve disc geometry as a basis.
                  and damages due to auto-oscillation
                  can be prevented. This function can ei-                Furthermore, this design features leak-
                  ther be performed fully automatically or               age monitoring of the maintenance seal,
                  manually after an alarm.                               which allows operators to check its
                                                                         tightness before dismantling, thus in-
                  Recently, the design of the butterfly                  creasing safety for maintenance staff.
                                                                                                                    ▲ CFD plot for head loss analysis at lattice type
                  main inlet valve for HPP Cerro del                                                                valve disc
                  Águila in Peru (DN 3150 mm/PN 36 bar)                  The spherical valve for HPP Teesta Urja
                  was completed. In this high pressure                   in India (DN 1,900 mm/PN 90 bar) is        and consequently subject to erosion
                  application ANDRITZ HYDRO achieved                     exposed to high concentrations of ag-      damage. Therefore essential compo-
                  a substantial reduction in the valve head              gressive sediments in the river water      nents of the service and maintenance
                                                                                                                    seals were furnished with a tungsten-
                                                                                                                    carbide coating, which ensures a signifi-
                                                                                                                    cant extension of the maintenance in-

                                                                                                                    Manufacturing, installation and
                                                                                                                    Nominated ANDRITZ HYDRO technical
                                                                                                                    competence centers for spherical and
                                                                                                                    butterfly valves are located in Ravens-
                                                                                                                    burg, Germany and Linz, Austria. The
                                                                                                                    strictest requirements are enforced con-
                                                                                                                    cerning material and fabrication quality
                                                                                                                    as well as machining tolerances during
                                                                                                                    the manufacturing process.

                                                                                                                    Main components can be made either
                                                                                                                    from castings, forged or welded struc-
                 ▲ Finite element analysis plot for stress and deformation verification
                                                                                                                    tures based on size and pressure rating
                  ▼ Simulation of pressure pulsation due to auto-oscillation

                                                                                                                    Modern narrow gap welding techniques
                                                                                                                    (e.g. submerged arc or electron beam)
                                                                                                                    are applied on thick walled items to en-
                                                                                                                    sure competitive manufacturing costs.
                                                                                                                    These reduce the required quantity of
                                                                                                                    filler material and, incidentally, minimize
                                                                                                                    welding distortions too.
Penstock pressure [mwc]

                                                                                                    Valve opening

                                                                                                                    Functionality of single components as
                                                                                                                    well as the overall system are checked
                                                                                                                    during workshop assembly (including
                                                                                                                    pressure and tightness tests) to ensure
                                                                                                                    smooth installation of the valves at site.

                                                                                                                    Commissioning ensures the correct set-
                                                                                                                    up and optimization of operational pa-
                                                                                                                    rameters, for example tuning of the
                                                                                                                    valve closing times to prevent unac-
                                                          Time [sec]
                                                                                                                    ceptable penstock water hammer.
HYDRONEWS • 25 Top story        07

s Spherical valve for HPP Herdecke during assembly in the workshop

Service                                            which were discussed and defined with
Valves are exposed to high loads during            the customer. Following the completion
operation but the years of operation are           of the overhaul and the valve re-assem-
less critical than the effective number of         bly, final tightness and functional tests
load changes. Nowadays hydraulic                   were immediately performed in the
machinery and their valves are subject             workshop, whereupon a “drop-tight”
to an increased number of start/stop               rating could be reached.                    s Spherical valve for HPP Herdecke: completion
cycles due to changes in the grid de-                                                          of tightness testing after service
mands, however their layout and design             With this valve service our customer
was calculated for far fewer cycles.               can rely on safe and undisturbed opera-
Therefore valve maintenance and reha-              tion in the upcoming years.                 TECHNICAL DATA
bilitation are becoming even more es-                                                          Projects currently under execution:
sential to guarantee both the operation-           The global ANDRITZ HYDRO valve              Cerro del Águila:
al safety and the availability of the entire       fleet covers more than 3,500 installed      3 butterfly valves
hydropower plant.                                  units. Due to one century of valve ex-      Nominal diameter: 3,150 mm
                                                   perience in combination with constant       Design pressure: 36 bar
Condition assessments of important                 research and development efforts, ev-       Nant de Drance:
components and design improvements                 ery size, pressure rating and technical     2 butterfly valves
can be made in cooperation with cus-               challenge can be managed individually,      Nominal diameter: 6,000 mm
tomers in a pre-service phase to opti-             be it for new applications or service
                                                                                               Design pressure: 10 bar
mize the rehabilitation and its dura-              tasks.
                                                                                               Upper Tamakoshi:
tion. For example, at the total overhaul
                                                                                               1 spherical valve
of the spherical valves at HPP Herdecke            Andreas Rippl
                                                                                               Nominal diameter: 2,500 mm
in Germany (DN 3,300 mm/PN 28 bar/                 Phone: +49 (751) 29511 538
                                                                                               Design pressure: 90 bar
170 tons), where all components had to             andreas.rippl@andritz.com
                                                                                               Teesta Urja:
undergo non-destructive testing and
                                                                                               6 spherical valves
documentation. Wear and defective                  Markus Meisinger
areas were assessed referring to func-             Phone: +43 (732) 6986 73158                 Nominal diameter: 1,900 mm
tional safety and rectification measures,          markus.meisinger@andritz.com                Design pressure: 89.3 bar
08   Markets HYDRONEWS • 25

 s Xekaman 3 hydropower plant

 The rising country in Southeast Asia

      ocated between India and               electricity. Nowadays Vietnam has an               October 2013. About 60 participants
      China, Vietnam is a booming            electrification rate of 97%. The country           from the Ministry of Industry and Trade,
      country in the exposed area            is focusing on renewable energy, mainly            engineering companies, private cus-
 of Indochina.                               hydropower, which contributes 45% of               tomers and financial institutions, like the
                                             the total electricity production. The              World Bank and the ADB, attended this
 Vietnam has a fast growing population       electricity masterplan intends to deliver          successful event.
 of about 90 million people who live         more than 20,000 MW in Vietnam and
 mainly along the 3,400 km long coast        in the border area of Laos in the up-              Current projects
 line. In the mountainous area, towards      coming years. Besides electricity sever-           ANDRITZ HYDRO Vietnam is currently
 the borders with Laos and China, we         al other exporting industries, like pepper         executing the following projects: HPP
 find ethnic minorities. The country has a   (world no. 1), coffee (world no. 2), and           Chi Khe (2 x 20.5 MW, bulb), HPP Hang
 history of more than 2,100 years, but in    seafood as well as high-tech products,             Dong A (2 x 8 MW, Pelton), HPP Nam
 the 19th century Vietnam was integrated     are gaining international importance.              Can 2 (2 x 10 MW, Pelton), HPP Nam
 into French Indochina and so had its                                                           Chim 1A (2 x 5 MW, Francis), HPP Nam
 first contact with Europe.                  ANDRITZ HYDRO representative                       He (2 x 8 MW, Francis), HPP Ngoi Phat
                                             office                                             (3 x 24 MW, Francis), HPP Tra Xom
 Starting from scratch in the early 1970s    F o r m o re t h a n 1 5 y e a r s A N D R I T Z   (2 x 10 MW, Pelton), HPP Thuong Kon
 the economy of the country is now tak-      HYDRO has run a representative office              Tum (2 x 110 MW, Pelton) and HPP Xe-
 ing off at enormous speed. In 1975 only     in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi.                kaman 1 (2 x 142 MW, Francis). Mean-
 10% of the population had access to         The office sells equipment for new                 while, the projects HPP Suoi Lum
                                             hydropower plants, manages project                 (2 x 10 MW, Pelton) and HPP Xekaman
 ▼ Ha Long bay in northern Vietnam           execution and gives support to clients             3 (2 x 125 MW) successfully started
                                             for spare parts and services.                      operations in 2013.

                                             Customer Day                                       HPP Chi Khe
                                             Due to the request for stable electricity          At the end of 2013 ANDRITZ HYDRO
                                             supply and integration into an Indochina           received an order from AGRIMECO for
                                             grid, Vietnam is developing the con-               the supply, supervision and the com-
                                             struction of pump storage power plants.            missioning of electromechanical equip-
                                             Dedicated to these activities, ANDRITZ             ment for the Vietnamese Chi Khe hydro-
                                             HYDRO organized a Customer Day in                  power plant. Equipped with two bulb
HYDRONEWS • 25 Markets          09

s Contract signing of HPP Xekaman 1

turbine units HPP Chi Khe will have an
installed capacity of 41 MW.

The hydropower plant is located on the
Ca River, approximately 150 km south
of Hanoi. The project is being devel-
oped by Agrita-Nghe Tinh Power JSC
(consisting of AGRIMECO and Tan Tao
Group). ANDRITZ HYDRO will supply
electromechanical equipment, including      s Contract signing of Chi Khe project
two bulb turbines, horizontal genera-
tors, mechanical auxiliaries, electric      The scope of supply includes two Fran-         mechanical equipment for hydropower
power systems and automation. The           cis turbine generator sets, the govern-        p l a n t s i n a l l s i z e s , f ro m 1 M W t o
energy generated by HPP Chi Khe will        ing system, automation and protection          1,000 MW. We consider Vietnam to be
be supplied to the national grid via a      system and auxiliary systems as well as        one of the most vital and prospective
new transmission line. The project is       the complete switchyard. Song Da Con-          hydropower markets today.
scheduled to begin commercial opera-        struction Corp of Vietnam, the main
tion in December 2015.                      shareholder of Viet-Lao Power Invest-
                                            ment and Development Joint Stock               Martin Koubek
HPP Xekaman 1                               Company and EPC contractor, will take          Phone: +43 (664) 6151486
In December 2013 ANDRITZ HYDRO              care of local transport and erection           martin.koubek@andritz.com
signed a contract for the delivery of the   under the supervision of ANDRITZ
complete electromechanical equipment        HYDRO.
for the Xekaman 1 hydropower plant                                                         TECHNICAL DATA
(Laos PDR). Following on from the finali-   The majority of the generated electricity
                                                                                           Chi Khe:
zation of the Xekaman 3 project, this       will be exported to Vietnam, though a
                                                                                           Output: 2 x 20.5 MW
was the second order for ANDRITZ            small proportion will be supplied for do-
                                                                                           Head (max.): 11.28 m
HYDRO from Song Da Construction             mestic consumption in the vicinity of the
                                                                                           Speed: 100 rpm
Corp of Vietnam and Viet-Lao Power          project site. The finalization of the HPP
                                                                                           Runner diameter: 5,500 mm
Investment and Development Joint            Xekaman 1 project is planned for 2016.
                                                                                           Xekaman 1:
Stock Company within a year. HPP Xe-
                                                                                           Output: 2 x 145 MW
kaman 1 is the second hydropower            ANDRITZ HYDRO Vietnam holds the
project in Laos PDR backed by the Viet-     technical competence for tailor-made           Head (max.): 105.4 m
Lao Power Investment and Develop-           solutions to serve its clients in this chal-   Speed: 187.5 rpm
ment Joint Stock Company.                   lenging market by supplying electro-           Runner diameter: 4,128 mm
10   Markets HYDRONEWS • 25

                                                                                                       Nova Avanhandava, HPP Água Vermel-
                                                                                                       ha, HPP Promissão, HPP Ibitinga, HPP
                                                                                                       Bariri, HPP Barra Bonita, HPP Rosana,
                                                                                                       HPP Taquaruçu, HPP Capivara, HPP
                                                                                                       Chavantes, HPP Estreito and HPP Ma-

                                                                                                       The branch office is staffed with skilled
                                                                                                       and experienced experts from compa-
                                                                                                       nies which used to provide the same
                                                                                                       scope of service. Due to the high num-
                                                                                                       ber of hydropower plants, the region
                                                                                                       also offers a workforce with plenty of
                                                                                                       relevant skills.

                                                                                                       The new ANDRITZ HYDRO branch of-
                                                                                                       fice will enable better integration of field
                                                                                                       services into the company structure in

                                                                                                       areas such as engineering, project man-
                                                                                                       agement, procurement, quality control
                                                                                                       and others. This integration will ensure
                                                                                                       even minor field maintenance jobs
                                                                                                       maintain quality and will also boost the
                                                                                                       execution of large rehabilitation and
                                                                                                       modernization projects with a 100%
                                                                                                       ANDRITZ HYDRO team, consequently
                                                                                                       enabling the desired quality, agility and
 A country with great potential for hydropower                                                         speed in rehabilitation projects.
                                                                                                       Current projects
                                                                                                       In the past view years ANDRITZ HYDRO
 s ANDRITZ HYDRO Inepar office in Araçatuba                                                            has received many modernization con-
                                                                                                       tracts in Brazil. Some of these Service

        razil holds an enormous po-                     the refurbishment and reparation of tur-       and Rehab projects involving field ser-
        tential for hydroelectric pow-                  bines, generators and hydromechanical          vice activities with expected execution
        er generation and thus pres-                    equipment, as well as electrical and           in 2014 are as follows:
 ents many infrastructure challenges                    mechanical auxiliary services. The proj-
 for the coming years.                                  ects cover a wide field of maintenance         ANDRITZ HYDRO was awarded a con-
                                                        activities, from small interventions up to     tract for the rehabilitation of the genera-
 At present, a large number of Brazilian                the exchange of some components or             tor and 39 MW Kaplan turbine at Barra
 hydropower plants have been operating                  even the complete substitution of the          Bonita 1 hydropower station within 10
 for more than 40 years. Many of them                   equipment. The services aim for an in-         months (Hydro News 24).
 demand upgrades, offering opportuni-                   crease in productivity and improved
 ties for modernization and rehabilitation              cost-benefit ratios, reliability and/or out-   In mid-2013 Vigario signed a contract
 of equipment.                                          put capacity, therefore improving the          with ANDRITZ HYDRO for the mod-
                                                        return on the invested capital.                er nization of four 20 MW pumps at
 ANDRITZ HYDRO branch offices                                                                          the eponymous hydropower station
 Currently, ANDRITZ HYDRO runs three                    The new facility is located in a strategic     in Brazil.
 branch offices in Brazil, of which the lat-            region. W ithin a radius of approxi-
 est one has recently been inaugurated.                 mately 300 km from Araçatuba you               At the Mogi Guaçu hydropower project
 T h e n e w b r a n c h o ff i c e i s l o c a t e d   can find more than 100 large turbine-          ANDRITZ HYDRO will supply a small
 in Araçatuba, in the northwest of São                  generator units, offering significant          repair service on the generator and a
 Paulo state.                                           potential. Some of the most important          3.5 MW Kaplan turbine.
                                                        hydropower plants in the region are
 It focuses on the execution of Service                 HPP Ilha Solteira, HPP Três Irmãos,            In January 2012 ANDRITZ HYDRO re-
 and Rehab works, covering tasks like                   HPP Jupiá, HPP Porto Primavera, HPP            ceived an order from ENDESA for the
HYDRONEWS • 25 Markets   11

s Cavitation service repair in HPP Taquaruçu        s Winding asssembly in HPP Cachoeira Dourada

modernization of three generators at                HPP Salto Grande, HPP Taquaruçu and            TECHNICAL DATA
HPP Cachoeira Dourada (Hydro News                   HPP Rosana.                                    HPP Barra Bonita:
23).                                                                                               Output: 39 MW
                                                    Mário Cunha                                    HPP Vigario:
Furthermore ANDRITZ HYDRO received                  Phone: +55 (18) 3637 0100                      Output: 4 x 20 MW
a contract for the cavitation service re-           mario.cunha@andritz.com
                                                                                                   HPP Mogi Guaçu:
pair of various hydropower plants from
                                                                                                   Output: 3.5 MW
DUKE Energy. The contract includes the              Rodrigo Parada
                                                                                                   HPP Cachoeira Dourada:
projects HPP Canoas 1 & 2, HPP Juru-                Phone: +55 (11) 4133 0017
                                                                                                   Output: 3 x 93 MVA
mirim, HPP Chavantes, HPP Capivara,                 rodrigo.parada@andritz.com

▼ Services on Kaplan runner at Mogi Guaçu project
12   New projects HYDRONEWS • 25

 Replacement of main components in a hydropower station in Switzerland

                                                                                          ▲ Centrale to be replaced by Powerplant
     © OFIBLE

 s Machine hall                                                                           s Contract signing

        NDRITZ HYDRO was recently             taries. Their hydropower stations were      The dismantling of the existing units
        awarded the contract for the          constructed between 1956 and 1963           are scheduled for January 2016 (unit 1)
        complete replacement of the           and include the power stations of Luz-      and January 2017 (unit 2). After a con-
 hydroelectrical production units of          zone, Olivone and Biasca, the storage       version period of around one year, the
 Olivone power station by Officine            basins of Carassina, Luzzone and Mal-       replaced units are due to start commer-
 Idroelettriche di Blenio SA (OFIBLE).        vaglia, as well as numerous forebays in     cial operation in February 2017 (unit 1)
                                              the catchment area. Luzzone dam was         and February 2018 (unit 2).
 The contract comprises hydraulic model       increased by 17 m from 1995 to 1998,
 tests as well as the supply, installation    which increased the storage capacity        Walter Scherer
 supervision, and commissioning of the        from 87 to 107 million m3.                  Phone: +41 (41) 329 54 40
 following equipment:                                                                     walter.scherer@andritz.com
   Two horizontal 4-jet double Pelton         Over the course of the project,
                                                                                          TECHNICAL DATA
   turbines                                   ANDRITZ HYDRO will replace the two
                                                                                          Output: 60.5 MW/67 MVA
   Two turbine governors                      existing horizontal 2-jet Pelton turbines
                                                                                          Voltage: 12 kV
   Four spherical valves including            at the Olivone hydropower station by
   hydraulic control                          two more powerful 4-jet double Pelton       Head: 582 m
   Two oil pressure systems for the hy-       turbines optimized for the present hy-      Speed: 428.6 rpm
   draulic control and the spherical valves   draulic conditions. The new, low-loss       Runner diameter: 2,709 mm
   Two horizontal synchronous genera-         generators are perfectly adapted to the
   tors with cooling system                   higher turbine capacity and speed; the
   F our generator bearings with lifting      new machinery is designed for primary
   device and oil cooling system              and secondary control.
   Two brushless excitation systems
   Two voltage regulators                     By upgrading HPP Olivone, OFIBLE is
   Two 12 kV bus ducts.                       making a contribution to covering the
                                              increasing demand for peak energy and
 Blenio Kraftwerke AG uses the hydro-         operating reserve for compensating un-
 power of the river Brenno and its tribu-     predictable wind and solar energy.
HYDRONEWS • 25 New projects   13

s Schematic drawing of turbine

Nam Lik 1
New Order for a hydropower plant in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

  n June 2013 ANDRITZ HYDRO                  Company Ltd, Hydro Engineering Com-         64.5 MW and will meet the electrical
  signed a contract with POSCO En-           pany Ltd. and POSCO Engineering and         energy demands of approximately
  gineering and Construction Com-            Construction Company Ltd. (POSCO            200,000 people in Laos from renewable
pany Ltd. (POSCO E&C) for the sup-           E&C). ANDRITZ HYDRO‘s client, POS-          resources.
ply, erection and commissioning of           CO E&C, is the appointed EPC contrac-
the electromechanical equipment              tor as well.                                HPP Nam Lik 1 will be put into opera-
for the Nam Lik 1 hydropower plant                                                       tion in 2016.
in the Lao People’s Democratic Re-           An important aspect of the final deci-
public.                                      sions to award ANDRITZ HYDRO the            Frank Mette
                                             contract was its global leadership in       Phone: +86 (10) 6561 3388 887
HPP Nam Lik 1 is located 90 km north         bulb turbine technology, technical com-     frank.mette@andritz.com
of Vientiane in the province of Vientiane,   petence, the high quality of equipment
                                                                                         TECHNICAL DATA
Laos, downstream from the Nam Lik            and services supplied, and especially all
                                                                                         Output: 2 x 32.25 MW/39.3 MVA
1-2 dam. It was designed to regulate         running reference projects in Laos (HPP
                                                                                         Head: 22.31 m
the outflow within the river as an envi-     Huay Ho, HPP Nam Theun 2, HPP
ronmental protection measure.                Theun Hinboun, HPP Theun Hinboun            Speed: 166.7 rpm
                                             Extention, HPP Xekaman 3, etc.).            Runner diameter: 4,500 mm
ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply in-
cludes two 32.25 MW bulb turbines,           The electricity, generated by HPP Nam
horizontal generators, mechanical            Lik 1, will be supplied directly into the
auxiliaries, electric power systems,         national grid for domestic use. It will
gates and additional equipment.              make an important contribution to the
                                             security of electricity supply and opens
The Nam Lik 1 hydropower project is          up the future potential to boost eco-
being developed by a four-member             nomic growth in Vientiane province. The
consortium, consisting of Nam Lik 1          two bulb turbine units of HPP Nam Lik 1
Power Company Ltd, PTT International         will have a total installed capacity of
14   New projects HYDRONEWS • 25

 Muskrat Falls
 Powerhouse and hydromechanical spillway equipment for Canada

                                                                                                                ANDRITZ HYDRO locations in Canada,
                                                                                                                Europe and China. ANDRITZ HYDRO is
                                                                                                                committed to achieving all of Nalcor
                                                                                                                Energy’s objectives regarding safety,
                                                                                                                environment, schedule compliance and
                                                                                                                quality of materials and workmanship.
                                                                                                                To that end, quality surveillance activity
                                                                                                                is reinforced at all manufacturing loca-

                                                                                                                Fabrication and delivery will start in
                                                                                                                early 2014 with the first stage embed-
                                                                                                                ded items followed by staged deliveries.
                                                                                                                This is the second contract for ANDRITZ
                                                                                                                HYDRO with Nalcor Energy, having earli-
                                                                                                                er been awarded the order to supply four
                                                                                                                206 MW Kaplan turbines and generators
                                                                                                                (Hydro News 23).
                                                                                              © Nalcor Energy

                                                                                                                ANDRITZ HYDRO is pleased to have
                                                                                                                secured this contract, which represents
                                                                                                                a significant step in broadening its
                                                                                                                portfolio of products on the Canadian
 s Conceptual Illustration of Muskrat Falls hydropower plant                                                    market.

   n December 2013 Nalcor Energy                       ducing power in 1971, uses about 65%                     Françoys Gauthier
   awarded a contract to ANDRITZ                       of the river’s generating capacity. The                  Phone: +1 (514) 428 6785
   HYDRO for the supply and instal-                    remaining 35% are located at two sites                   francoys.gauthier@andritz.com
 lation of the Muskrat Falls power-                    on the lower part of the river: Muskrat
 house and spillway hydromechani-                      Falls and Gull Island.                                   TECHNICAL DATA
 cal equipment.                                                                                                 Total weight: 9,000 tons
                                                       ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply for                      8 draft tube exits
 The Muskrat Falls hydroelectric devel-                the Muskrat Falls project includes all                   5 spillway bays:
 opment project includes a generating                  mechanical, electrical and other asso-
                                                                                                                Roller gates: 10.5 m x 23 m
 station, located on the lower Churchill               ciated hydromechanical equipment,
                                                                                                                12 intake channels:
 River, approx. 35 km west of Canadian                 required for the spillway, the intake
                                                                                                                Roller gates: 6.5 m x 20 m
 Happy Valley-Goose Bay in Labrador,                   and the draft tube. The equipment and
 as well as more than 1,500 km of trans-               facilities consist of fixed wheeled gates,
 mission lines and associated infra-                   bulkhead gates, trashracks, stoplogs,
 structure.                                            fixed and mobile wire rope hoists, hoist
                                                       towers and buildings, trash cleaner and
 The Churchill River is a significant                  selective electrical and mechanical
 source of renewable, clean electrical                 auxiliaries. The scope of this contract is
 energy; however, the potential of this                one of the largest in the world, with
 river has not been fully developed yet.               deliveries totaling 9,000 tons. Due to
 The existing 5,428 MW Churchill Falls                 this large volume, the major fabricated
 generating station, which began pro-                  components will be supplied by global
HYDRONEWS • 25 New projects 15

Lysebotn II

                                                                                                                                    © Lyse Energi A.S.
Replacement of an existing Norwegian hydropower plant

s Existing switchyard at HPP Lysebotn

  n December 2013 ANDRITZ                    Francis turbines. Because of the favor-     Furthermore, ANDRITZ HYDRO will per-
  HYDRO signed a contract with               able reservoir situation, the generating    form the model testing of the Francis
  Lyse Produksjon AS for the con-            units are designed for frequent starts/     turbines.
struction of the new Lysebotn II             stops to optimize profits in the elec-
hydropower station in Norway.                tricity production.                         ANDRITZ HYDRO won the contract on
                                                                                         the back of a successful project record,
HPP Lysebotn II is located close to          Changing water levels and the choice of     a high efficiency level and experience,
Stavanger in southwestern Norway,            reservoir bring varying gross heads from    especially in this high-head market
right at the innermost end of the Lyse-      686 m to 618 m. ANDRITZ HYDRO will          segment. The start-up of production is
fjorden. This popular tourist area is well   deliver these extreme high head Francis     planned for spring 2018.
known for outdoor activities, the Lyse-      and generator units as well as the hy-
fjorden itself and impressive rock forma-    draulic steelworks and the steel linings.   Oliver Gielesberger
tions such as Preikestolen, which offers                                                 Phone: +43 50805 52638
a vertical drop of some 600 m.               t Schematic model of the turbine and        oliver.gielesberger@andritz.com
                                             mechanical components
                                                                                         TECHNICAL DATA
HPP Lysebotn II will replace the existing
                                                                                         Output: 2 x 185 MW/2 x 215 MVA
Lysebotn hydropower plant. The pro-
ject consists of construction, delivery                                                  Voltage: 13.8 kV
and installation of a new hydropower                                                     Head: 665 m
plant, with an estimated average annual                                                  Speed: 600 rpm
electricity production of 1.5 TWh. This                                                  Runner diameter: 2,550 mm
implies an increased annual energy
production of approximately 180 GWh
(14%). HPP Lysebotn II will be built as
an underground power station with new
tailrace tunnel and headrace tunnel
leading upwards to the plant’s two al-
ternative intake reservoirs, Strandvatn
and Lyngsvatn.

Power will be generated by two identi-
cal units with 185 MW high-pressure
16   New projects HYDRONEWS • 25

 First large hydro project in Aceh, Indonesia

 s Lake Laut Tawar

   n August 2013 ANDRITZ HYDRO                                                                          strengthens our position as market
   signed a contract with the state-                                                                    leader in Indonesia. It is the first new
   owned utility PT. Perusahaan Lis-                                                                    large hydro project with PLN since
 trik Negara (Persero) (PLN) for elec-                                                                  HPP Musi in 2004, for which ANDRITZ
 tromechanical works at hydropower                                                                      HYDRO delivered turbines and auxiliary
 plants Peusangan 1 & 2.                                                                                equipment. The project completion is
                                                                                                        planned for April 2017.
 The project is located in the central re-                 s Contract signing team

 gion of Aceh province in Indonesia’s
 northwestern Sumatra, approximately                       mechanical and electrical auxiliaries        Gerhard Enzenhofer
 280 km southeast of Banda Aceh.                           of the plant.                                Phone: +62 (0) 21 3906929
 HPP’s Peusangan 1 and Peusangan 2                                                                      gerhard.enzenhofer@andritz.com
 are run-of-river power plants at the                      The hydropower potential of Indonesia
 eponymous river adjacent to the Lake                      is estimated to be 75 GW. To date,
 Laut Tawar.                                               PLN has utilized approximately 3.9 GW        TECHNICAL DATA
                                                           of which 2.3 GW were supplied by             Peusangan 1:
 T h e h y d ro p o w e r p ro j e c t i s j o i n t l y   ANDRITZ HYDRO.                               Output: 2 x 23.1 MW/26.5 MVA
 financed by the Japan International                                                                    Voltage: 11 kV
 Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the                         HPP’s Peusangan 1 and Peusangan 2            Head: 205.3 m
 government of Indonesia. Nippon Koei                      will be the first larger hydropower plants   Speed: 600 rpm
 Co., Ltd. of Japan is the consultant ap-                  in this region with an expected annual       Runner diameter: 1,200 mm
 pointed to oversee the implementation                     output of 327 GWh. Once finished, they       Peusangan 2:
 of this project.                                          will play an important role in providing     Output: 2 x 22 MW/25.3 MVA
                                                           more stable and sustainable electricity      Voltage: 11 kV
 ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply for                       supporting the development of local          Head: 187.7 m
 HPP’s Peusangan 1 and Peusangan 2                         infrastructure and improving quality of      Speed: 600 rpm
 consists of vertical Francis turbines,                    life of the local population.                Runner diameter: 1,200 mm
 generators, transformers, 150 kV switch-
 yards, EOT cranes and comprehensive                       ANDRITZ HYDRO is proud that the
                                                           combination of global leading-edge ex-
 t Takengon town                                           pertise, local contracting and execution
                                                           know-how has made us the preferred
                                                           partner and market leader for hydro-
                                                           power projects in Indonesia.

                                                           ANDRITZ HYDRO prevailed during chal-
                                                           lenging contract negotiations against
                                                           two other international competitors. It is
                                                           a big success for ANDRITZ HYDRO and
HYDRONEWS • 25 New projects   17

Generator rehabilitation project in France

                                                                                                      ▲ Unit 2 of HPP Revin

                                                                                                      the existing sets, new brake tracks, re-
                                                                                                      furbishment of pony motors and refur-
                                                                                                      bishment of stators for units 3 & 4.

                                                                                                      The on-site refurbishment works will
                                                                                                      start with unit 3 in March 2015, followed
                                                                                                      by one each year. The rehabilitation of
                                                                                                      HPP Revin is expected to be completed
▲ Inside the cavern                                                                                   in September 2018.

  n October 2013 ANDRITZ HYDRO                             The Revin project is the first generator   Charles Regy
  signed a contract with Électricité                       rehabilitation project for ANDRITZ         Phone: +43 50805 52680
  de France (EDF), the main energy                         HYDRO in France since HPP Chastang         charles.regy@andritz.com
producer in France, for the electri-                       in 2000. This newly won project is an
cal rehabilitation of the motor-                           opportunity for ANDRITZ HYDRO to
generators in HPP Revin, one of                            come back to the French generator
                                                                                                      TECHNICAL DATA
its largest hydropower plants.                             rehabilitation market being the home
                                                                                                      Output: 4 x 200 MVA
                                                           market of a powerful competitor.
                                                                                                      Voltage: 13 kV
ANDRITZ HYDRO will supply engineer-
                                                                                                      Head: 240 m
ing, manufacturing, delivery and erec-                     Due to very tough specifications of
tion of two new stators as well as the                     EDF and the overall dimensions of          Speed: 300 rpm
refurbishment of two existing stators.                     the stator, the project is a great chal-   Stator inner diameter: 6,900 mm
                                                           lenge for ANDRITZ HYDRO. All erection
HPP Revin, commissioned in 1975, is                        works, including stacking and winding,
located in the northeastern part of                        have to be performed locally in the
France, in the municipality of Saint                       cavern and EDF required to arrange the
Nicolas – Les Mazures, a few kilometers                    maximum available number of French-
from the Belgian border. It is a very                      speaking personnel on site.
strategic pumped storage hydropower
p l a n t , t h e t h i rd l a r g e s t i n F r a n c e   ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply in-
(800 MW) and one of the oldest hydro-                      cludes two new stators for units 1 & 2,
power plants with reversible Francis                       one new stator frame, one set of new
turbines.                                                  pole windings and the refurbishment of
18   New projects HYDRONEWS • 25

 Next important step in the hydropower market
 of Georgia

 s Contract signing team

   n October 2013 ANDRITZ HYDRO                             founded by Georgian based construc-         The award-winning and most challeng-
   signed a contract with DARIALI                           tion company Peri ltd., the state-owned     ing element of this project is the short
   JSC for building the Dariali hydro-                      development institution the JSC Geor-       duration of only 23 months from the
 power plant. This agreement consti-                        gian Energy Development Fund (GEDF)         acceptance of the order until hand over
 tutes a significant milestone in en-                       and the US based tunnel drilling ma-        of the last unit. This requires top perfor-
 tering into the Georgian hydropower                        chine producer Robbins.                     mance in manufacturing, logistics and
 market.                                                                                                project management.
                                                            HPP Dariali is located at an altitude of
 Georgia is designated as one of the                        2,400 m at the Tergi River in Qazbegi
 most attractive future markets for hydro-                  district, near the city of Stepantsminda    Thomas Wolf
 power. This is based on three facts: the                   in northern Georgia.                        Phone: +43 (732) 6986 2704
 rapid economic growth and general                                                                      thomas.wolf2@andritz.com
 economic liberalization, the proximity                     The landscape is characterized by high
 of the Turkish electricity market and the                  mountains and deep valleys, which is
                                                                                                        TECHNICAL DATA
 fact, that only 25% of the feasible tech-                  typical for the Caucasus region. The
                                                                                                        Output: 3 x 37 MW/3 x 43 MVA
 nical potential of about 30 TWh per                        capacity of the project is 108 MW and
                                                                                                        Voltage: 13.8 kV
 year has been developed.                                   the annual electrical energy generation
                                                                                                        Head: 371 m
                                                            is estimated at 500 GWh. Around 70%
 To u s e t h i s p o t e n t i a l , t h e s p e c i a l   of the generated electricity will be pro-   Speed: 375 rpm
 purpose company DARIALI JSC was                            duced during summer months (May –           Runner diameter: 2,100 mm
 t Mr. Zurab Alavidze (General Director DARIALI
 ENERGY JSC.), Mr. Wolfgang Köhldorfer and Mr.
 Josef Grininger during contract signing
                                                            The Dariali hydropower plant is con-
                                                            structed with a 2 km open channel and
                                                            a 5.6 km headrace tunnel (diameter
                                                            5.5 m) to supply water flow to the pow-
                                                            erhouse on the right bank of the river.
                                                            The scope of supply and services con-
                                                            sists of engineering, supply of three
                                                            37 MW vertical Pelton turbines and
                                                            three 43 MVA generators including aux-
                                                            iliaries, installation and commissioning.
                                                            The net head is estimated at 371 m with
                                                            rated water discharge of 33 m³/sec.
HYDRONEWS • 25 New projects   19

and Fisher
First major generator refurbishment project in Australia

  n July 2013 ANDRITZ HYDRO                A comprehensive design review of the
  signed a contract with Hydro Tas-        complete generator will give a full analy-
  mania (Tasmania’s premier electri-       sis of the components that can be re-
cal utility and one of the major hy-       tained, based on their condition and
dropower utilities in Australia) for       suitability for their operational life span.
the supply of new generator stators
and auxiliary equipment for the            Some challenges of the project are the
hydropower stations Cethana and            access and crane restrictions at HPP
Fisher.                                    Cethana, which require a split stator          s Entrance to the power station tunnel
                                                                                          at HPP Cethana
                                           design. The jointing of the three stator
HPP Cethana is an underground power-       parts will be performed in situ on a spe-
station, located on the Forth River in     cially designed stand-jacking system,
Northern Tasmania, Australia. Together     located above the rotor. Once the wind-
with HPP Fisher the two stations           ing connections are completed, the sta-
are part of the Mersey Forth Power         tor parts will be lowered by hydraulic
Scheme in Northern Tasmania, though        jacks.
the latter runs as a surface power
station on the Fisher River.               The delivery of the stator is scheduled
                                           for the end of 2014 in order to allow the
The two hydropower stations comprise       site works to be started in the beginning
                                                                                          s Hydropower station Fisher
of one 100 MVA synchronous generator,      of 2015. This project represents another
commissioned 1971 in HPP Cethana,          important contract with Hydro Tasmania
                                                                                          TECHNICAL DATA
and one 48 MVA synchronous gen-            as ANDRITZ HYDRO is also currently
erator in HPP Fisher, commissioned in      executing various other contracts for
1973. Being more than 40 years old         modernization and replacement of Ka-           Output: 1 x 113 MVA
they are in need of rehabilitation, up-    plan turbines and control systems in a         Voltage: 13.8 kV
grade and modernization.                   number of their power stations.                Speed: 200 rpm
The refurbishment contract includes                                                       Output: 1 x 48 MVA
completely new stators for the units,      Michael Stepan                                 Voltage: 11 kV
new air baffles and stator sole plates     Phone: +43 50805 52627                         Speed: 500 rpm
interfacing with the existing generator.   michael.stepan@andritz.com

▼ View on the generator at HPP Fisher
20   New projects HYDRONEWS • 25

 First major contract for ANDRITZ HYDRO in Kazakhstan

   n December 2013 ANDRITZ                    meeting ANDRITZ HYDRO won the
   HYDRO signed a contract with               project in the second stage. In Decem-
   JSC “Shardarinskaya HPP”, sub-             ber 2013 the contract came into force.
 sidiary of the state-owned Kazakh
 utility company Samruk Energy,               ANDRITZ HYDRO will replace four
 to upgrade the electromechanical             Kaplan turbines and extend the runner
 equipment at the Shardarinskaya              diameter from 5 m to 5.3 m. The power
 hydropower plant, which was origi-           output will be increased by around
 nally commissioned in 1967.                  20% from the current 26 MW to
                                              31.5 MW per unit. Furthermore, the or-        s Contract signing
 HPP Shardarinskaya is located on the         der includes the supply of new genera-
 Syr-Darya River in southern Kazakhstan       tors and new equipment for automation,        The challenge for ANDRITZ HYDRO will
 close to the border of Uzbekistan and        control and protection as well as the         be to implement an efficient local set up
 Kyrgyzstan, where the mountains fade         replacement of the entire electrical          within a short period of time. Site mobi-
 into the wide planes around the Aral         power system and other elements of            lization is scheduled for October 2014
 Sea. The Shardara reservoir covers an        the auxiliary installations within the        and dismantling of the first unit will start
 area of 900 km 2 with a total storage        powerhouse.                                   within the year after contract signature.
 volume of 5.2 km3.                                                                         Completion of the refurbished hydro-
                                              This is the first major contract in Central   power plant is scheduled for June 2017.
 The Shardara hydropower system is of         Asia, a region with great expectations
 utmost importance to secure stable           of further business opportunities in          This project will help clients and busi-
 power supplies to the south of Kazakh-       the near future, and a milestone for          ness partners in the region to recognize
 stan and it is vital for the irrigation of   ANDRITZ HYDRO.                                the reliability of the ANDRITZ HYDRO
 the same area. In December 2012, a loan                                                    equipment and services.
 agreement was signed between JSC             During Soviet times, large hydropower
 Shardarinskaya and the European Bank         plants were built in Central Asia, which      Wolfgang Thoma
 for Reconstruction and Development           now need rehabilitation. The positive         Phone: +49 (751) 29511 422
 (EBRD) to finance the project. As a re-      economic development of the region            wolfgang.thoma@andritz.com
 sult the relevant works were tendered in     during recent years has also contribut-
 a two-stage bidding process. After a         ed to making rehabilitation financially       TECHNICAL DATA
 technical and commercial clarification       feasible.                                     Output: 4 x 31.5 MW/35 MVA
                                                                                            Voltage: 10.5 kV
 ▼ Powerhouse                                                                               Head: 22 m
                                                                                            Speed: 115.4 rpm
                                                                                            Runner diameter: 5,300 mm
HYDRONEWS • 25 New projects      21

                                                                                                                         rocks in the river, about half a mile be-
                                                                                                                         low the Safe Harbor dam.

                                                                                                                         This is the first large scale hydro service
                                                                                                                         contract for ANDRITZ HYDRO on the
                                                                                                                         Susquehanna River System. The gener-
                                                                                                                         ator modernizations will be completed
                                                                                                                         on two of the 14 units in the power-
© Safe Harbor Water Power Corp.

                                                                                                                         house. ANDRITZ HYDRO will supply
                                                                                                                         new generator stator frames, cores and
                                                                                                                         windings, new rotor spiders and rims,
                                                                                                                         new packing boxes, refurbished rotor
                                                                                                                         poles and bearings, complete unit
                                                                                                                         disassembly, installation and the reas-
                                                                                    © Safe Harbor Water Power Corp.


                                  s Aerial view of hydropower plant                                                      Furthermore, ANDRITZ HYDRO is the

                                                                                                                         original equipment manufacturer of
                                                                                                                         these units. ANDRITZ HYDRO Canada
                                                                                                                         provides the best value for the cus-
                                                                                                                         tomer given their knowledge of the origi-
                                                                                                                         nal design. Safe Harbor Water Power
                                                                                    ▲ Powerhouse                         Corp’s goal is to extend the life of unit 3

                                                                                                                         and unit 7. ANDRITZ HYDRO will assure
                                                                                                                         a preeminent refurbishment.

                                                                                                                         The award of this project shall also give
                                                                                                                         a substantial reference to ANDRITZ
                                                                                                                         HYDRO for future work on the Susque-
                                                                                                                         hanna River System.

                                  First hydropower project on the Susquehanna                                            John Parker
                                  River in the USA                                                                       Phone: +1 (704) 731 8878

                                    n September 2013, Safe Harbor           HPP Safe Harbor is located on the            TECHNICAL DATA
                                    Water Power Corp. assigned a            Susquehanna River, which starts in           Output: 2 x 36 MVA
                                    contract to ANDRITZ HYDRO for           Lake Otsego, New York, and flows             Voltage: 13.8 kV
                                  the refurbishment of two gen-             through the entire state of Pennsylvania     Speed: 109 rpm
                                  erators, which are greater than           into the Atlantic Ocean via the Chesa-       Stator diameter: 7,925 mm
                                  80 years old, at the Safe Harbor          peake Bay in Maryland. 448 km in
                                  hydropower plant in Pennsylvania,         length, the Susquehanna River is one of
                                  USA.                                      the largest rivers in the northeastern
                                  Power generated from the Safe Harbor
                                  project is used primarily to meet peak    Throughout history, the Safe Harbor
                                  demands for electricity in the grid and   area has always played an important
                                  to operate the railroad system in the     role in the lives of those living nearby.
                                  area. Continuous operation occurs         Many intriguing reminders have been
                                  when the river flow equals or exceeds     left of these early inhabitants. Petro-
                                  the plant’s maximum water-handling        glyphs (inscriptions and carvings) are
                                  capacity of 3,115 m3/s.                   still visible on the Big and Little Indian
22   New projects HYDRONEWS • 25

 Important rehabilitation contract in Ghana

 s Machine hall with four generating units

   n July 2013, after an international                  The main objective for the rehabilitation
   c o m p e t i t i v e b i d d i n g p ro c e s s ,   of HPP Kpong is to ensure continuous
                                                                                                     s Kpong hydropower plant
   ANDRITZ HYDRO signed a con-                          supply, improve service delivery and
 tract with Volta River Authority, a                    increase sustainable power generation
 100% state-owned public entity                         with stabilized energy security. The old
 of Ghana, for the Kpong retrofit pro-                  equipment and auxiliary parts will be
 ject. Kpong is the second largest                      upgraded and replaced with modern
 hydroelectric dam built in Ghana,                      equipment to enhance efficiency and
 and it covers about 12% of the                         ensure a prolonged life for the plant.
 country’s electricity production.                      The rehabilitated turbines will be oper-
                                                        ated as base-load units. With upgraded
 The existing power generation system                   governors it will be possible to increase
 in Ghana is dominated by two stations,                 their role in frequency control on the in-   ▲ Contract signing
 HPP Akosombo (912 MW) and HPP                          terconnected grid.
 Kpong (160 MW), both located on the                                                                 Harald Schmid
 Volta River below Lake Volta, 80 km                    Before the contract was signed, the          Phone: +43 (732) 6986 3343
 from the city of Accra. The tailrace of                plant was thoroughly inspected by            harald.schmid2@andritz.com
 HPP Akosombo forms the head pond                       ANDRITZ HYDRO specialists to ensure
                                                                                                     TECHNICAL DATA
 for HPP Kpong. Together both hydro-                    smooth and timely execution of the key
                                                                                                     Output (max.): 4 x 46.23 MW
 power plants supply about 70% of the                   elements. Assessments of the turbines
                                                                                                     Voltage: 13.8 kV
 national electricity.                                  showed only marginal improvement
                                                        could be achieved here, so greater em-       Head: 11.75 m
 The contract covers the moderniza-                     phasis was placed on the generators.         Speed: 62.5 rpm
 tion of the entire hydropower station.                 As a result the stators will be recored      Runner diameter: 8,238 mm
 ANDRITZ HYDRO will carry out the de-                   and the rotor poles will be completely
 sign, manufacturing, supply, erection,                 replaced.
 and testing as well the commissioning
 for the retrofit of electrical and mechani-            During the execution phase the units
 cal equipment at HPP Kpong. This                       will be shut down one by one and put
 comprises generators and excitation                    back into operation after having been
 equipment, turbine and auxiliary equip-                dismantled, rehabilitated, re-assembled
 ment, governors, generator transformer,                and commissioned. The project will be
 powerhouse station service facilities as               completed within 43 months.
 well as hydromechanical equipment.
HYDRONEWS • 25 Technology     23

Promising                                                                               ▲ Transport to test site

From tidal turbine testing at EMEC in Scotland
                                                                                        ▲ Installation at EMEC site

      elivering reliable and sustain-       winter. With measured wind speeds ex-       maintenance activities took place using
      able technology for the gen-          ceeding 100 knots at times, meticulous      local workshops and labor, and the re-
      eration of energy from tidal          planning was required to take advan-        installation was carried out utilizing local
currents is the primary objective of        tage of each weather window as it was       vessels, operated by various companies
ANDRITZ HYDRO Hammerfest.                   presented.                                  based in Orkney. In its own right, this
Thus, in proving the functionality of                                                   maintenance operation has provided
the demonstrator device, the tidal          During the first 12 months of operation,    extremely valuable experience and es-
turbine HS1000 at the European Ma-          the turbine underwent extensive testing,    sential knowledge required for commer-
rine Energy Centre (EMEC) is a ma-          with particular focus on comparing          cialization.
jor milestone in realizing the com-         measured loads and performances with
mercial potential of this technology.       figures calculated during the project de-   Since re-installation in late August 2013
                                            sign phase. Results were very positive,     the turbine has been operating continu-
The first machine of its kind, the          with the turbine performing as expected     ously in a bid to prove its reliability. The
HS1000, represents the forerunner of        and loading remaining within the design     original target was to operate continu-
the commercial tidal turbines that will     envelope. Specifically, it was clear that   ously for 6 months, and export at least
be installed in the near future in order    the turbine could export in excess of       1 GWh to the grid. At the time of writ-
to harness energy from strong water         3 GWh to the grid annually.                 ing, energy export is more than 1.2 GWh
currents generated by the lunar tides                                                   firmly surpassing the performance tar-
(Hydro News 22). This machine was in-       Following this initial 12-month period,     gets deemed necessary for the com-
stalled at EMEC’s tidal test site in De-    the turbine was retrieved for inspection    mercial operation of this technology.
cember 2011 and the installation was        and maintenance. The machine was
carried out in three stages, using a        found to be in excellent condition, with    Peter Gnos
special offshore construction vessel in a   only some minor modifications being         Phone: +43 50805 52694
32-hour operation in the middle of          made on internal components. These          peter.gnos@andritz.com

▼ Mobilisation at EMEC port

                                                                                        TECHNICAL DATA
                                                                                        Type: HS1000
                                                                                        Output: > 1 MW
                                                                                        Rotational speed: 10.2 rpm
                                                                                        Rotor diameter: 21 m
24   Site report HYDRONEWS • 25

 s View of Bajina Bašta hydropower station                                               s Handing over ceremony

 Bajina Bašta
 Final taking over of last unit in Serbia

   n November 2007 Serbia’s state-           um voltage and outdoor high voltage         and timely completion of this project
   owned hydropower provider EPS             switchgear.                                 ANDRITZ HYDRO has again proven
   (Electric Power Industry of Serbia)                                                   its leading position as a supplier of
 awarded a contract to ANDRITZ               The refurbishment of the fourth and last    equipment for hydroelectric plants.
 HYDRO for the refurbishment of the          unit of HPP Bajina Bašta brought this
 run-of-river power station Bajina           important project to a successful end.      Gerhard Emsenhuber
 Bašta. The investment was made by           Despite many difficulties that occurred     Phone: +43 50805 53612
 Drinsko Limske power plants Bajina          during implementation, like damage          gerhard.emsenhuber@andritz.com
 Bašta (DLBB), the owner of the hydro        during transportation of one of the com-
 power plant, in cooperation with the        pletely new power transformers, the
 Germany-based KfW Bank. The re-             works were completed on time and to
 furbishment of the 4 x 105.6 MW             the full satisfaction of DLBB.              TECHNICAL DATA

 hydropower station was success-                                                         Output: 4 x 105.6 MW/109.5 MVA
 fully completed recently.                   After refurbishment the output in-          Voltage: 15.56 kV
                                             creased by 13% and the annual energy        Head: 66.5 m
 HPP Bajina Bašta is located on the          generation rose by 40 GWh. Two of the       Speed: 136.4 rpm
 Drina River, on the border between          four units are also operating back-to-      Runner diameter: 4,336 mm
 Bosnia and Serbia. With 420 MVA it is       back with two 315 MVA pump storage          Step-up transformers:
 the second largest hydropower plant in      units. As a result of the refurbishment     Output: 4 x 112 MVA
 Serbia and was originally commissioned      works, the vibration behavior of the        Voltage: 15.56 kV/242 kV
 in 1966. A pumped storage plant on the      original units was also significantly im-
 same location increases the total output    proved.
 to approximately 1,000 MW. The power
 plant covers approximately 8% of the        In October 2013, the official handing-
 country’s total electricity demand.         over ceremony of the fourth unit to the
                                             owner took place. The Serbian Prime
 HPP Bajina Bašta refurbishment project      Minister Mr. Ivica Dačić, the German
 consists of design, uprating, manufac-      Ambassador in Serbia, government of-
 turing, transport, installation and com-    ficials of the Serbian State and senior
 missioning of four 105.6 MW Francis         management members of EPS/DLBB,
 turbines, generators, control and excita-   as well as journalists were amongst
 tion systems, main transformers, medi-      the attendees. W ith the successful
HYDRONEWS • 25 Site report       25

First unit successfully handed over in Russia

  n July 2011 ANDRITZ HYDRO
  signed a contract with Kolsky
  Branch of JSC TGK-1 (Regional
Utility - Territorialnaya Generiruy-
ushchaya Kompaniya No 1) for the
modernization of the Iovskaya hy-
dropower plant in Russia (Hydro
News 23).

HPP Iovskaya is part of the Nivskiy
Cascade in the Murmansk oblast and
is located on the edge of the Arctic
Circle. The reservoir spans an area of
5,240 km2. It is fed by the Kowda River
(Russian: Ковда, Finnish: Koutajoki close
to the Finnish border. HPP Iovskaya is
the second hydropower plant of the
Kovdinsky Cascade and was commis-
sioned in 1960.
                                            ▲ Unit 1 supplied by ANDRITZ HYDRO

ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope of supply in-
cludes two double regulated Kaplan          Iovskaya, with harsh and biting climatic
turbines with seven runner blades, au-      conditions.
tomation (control, protection, excitation
and governor), a new generator winding      The first unit was successfully synchro-
as well as the renewal of the balance of    nized and the load tests were per-            ▲ Unit 1 and 2 at Iovskaya hydropower plant

plant equipment.                            formed to the full satisfaction of the
                                            customer at ambient temperatures of           Peter Jaunecker
In order to improve cavitation behavior,    up to -20 °C.                                 Phone: +43 50805 53590
to reduce the tremendous vibrations                                                       peter.jaunecker@andritz.com
and to increase the turbine output, the     In December 2013, the 72-hour test run
runner diameter of the new turbine          of the first unit was successfully finished
                                                                                          TECHNICAL DATA
needed to be increased from 4,500 mm        and the Taking Over Certificate (TOC)
                                                                                          Output: 2 x 50 MW
to 4,600 mm. That all targets were          was signed by representatives of TGK-1
                                                                                          Head: 32 m
reached could be demonstrated to our        and ANDRITZ HYDRO in an on-site cer-
client during the first month of opera-     emony.                                        Speed: 136.36 rpm
tion.                                                                                     Runner diameter: 4,600 mm
                                            In January 2014 the official inauguration
The complexity of the rehabilitation        took place, attended by regional press
works was challenging, with ANDRITZ         and local politicians, management of
HYDRO being responsible as a general        the TGK-1 Kola branch, suppliers and
contractor on a “turn-key basis”. This      TGK-1 power plant team.
task required a lot of coordination work
between the client, the design institute,   Simultaneously, after 20 years of opera-
the installation company and a number       tion, unit 2 was taken out of service and
of different ANDRITZ HYDRO locations        disassembly work commenced. Hand-
involved in this project. Another chal-     over of this second modernized unit is
lenge was the remote location of HPP        scheduled for September 2014.
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