I was happy but unfulfilled. Something was missing.

Page created by Sarah Lambert

                Series:   At the Movies
                 “Despicable Me”                             For the week beginning 10.4.10

       In the movie “Despicable Me,” a super villain named Gru relishes all things
evil. He loves shrink rays, freeze rays, and battle-ready vehicles for land and air; he
vanquishes all who stand in his way. Then, world's greatest villain meets his great-
est challenge: three little girls named Margo, Edith and Agnes. These three little or-
phaned girls see something in him that no one else has ever seen: a potential dad.
        While Gru wears his evilness proudly, most people are eager to downplay
their flaws. In fact, many of us spend a lot of mental energy hiding our flaws from
others. What is the worst thing you have ever done? Does anything come to mind?
Is it obvious or difficult because of a never ending string of bad choices?
       When surveyed, over 85% of people believe they will go to heaven. The most
common reason given is because most people believe they are “pretty good.” If you
believe that you are a “pretty good person,” do you ever think about what that
means? Are you really the person the world sees? Who are you when no one is
looking: a happy church attendee...a good person…a flawless saint? Or are you
something darker and just trying to hide it from everyone else—including God?
       Most people think God will
judge them on a sliding scale—        “I was happy but unfulfilled.
which is why they are counting on
“being good” to get into heaven.        Something was missing.”
Do you realize God’s standards are               -Wayne Huizenga, Jr.
so much higher? In fact, God
needs us to be holy because He is holy. According to the Bible, if you’ve ever made
a mistake just once, you are despicable because you’ve failed to meet God’s per-
fect standard. There are no amount of good deeds you can do to make up for it.
Thankfully, there is hope!
       Just like the three orphaned girls saw potential in Gru, God sees potential in
you. God could have chosen to save us in any number of ways, yet He willingly
sent his Son. Jesus came to earth, humbling himself as a human, and subjected
himself to ridicule, oppression, betrayal, torture and death. Because God is holy
and just, He could not just snap His fingers and make the sin disappear. Justice
had to be served and Jesus paid the price that justice required.
       As Lee talked about in the weekend message, we are all sinners—none of us
can live up to God’s perfect standard because our sins separate us from God. As a
result, we are left feeling empty, alone, and unfulfilled. However, Christ wants to
wants to fill that unsatisfied, guilty, empty hole in our lives. He has already made
the first step. Are you willing to meet him?
       This week we will be challenging you to take a look at Christ’s sacrifice for us
on the cross. You may have accepted Christ as your personal savior, or maybe you
are still searching. Wherever you are today, we hope that you’ll keep an open heart
to what God has already done for you. Let’s begin!
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Reading Plan
Oct. 4 — 1 John 5                                                 2—Daily Bible Study

MONDAY — I am a Sinner
Big Point: While we can try to be a good person, none of us can match up to
God’s glorious standard.
"I was like Saul of Tarsus---the chief of all sinners. I went to church every week,
paid my tithes, and even went door-knocking on weekends. However, no matter
how much I did, I never felt ‘clean’ inside. The problem was, I did not have Jesus in
my heart and was trying to work my way into heaven. Finally, I went to a church
where I heard the Gospel preached with power. Hearing the truth brought convic-
tion to my heart. Jesus gave me the assurance that I was looking for. I felt ‘clean’
for the first time.” –Billy (from heinvites.org)

READ…What does the Bible say?                            Mosaic Law (given from
Romans 3:19 (New Living Translation)              God to Moses) consisted of 613
…the law applies to those to whom it was giv-     commands divided into three ar-
en, for its purpose is to keep people from hav-   eas—the moral, the social and the
ing excuses, and to show that the entire world    ceremonial code of conduct for
is guilty before God.                             Israelites. The “Law” dominated
                                                  the lifestyle of Israelites until
Romans 3:23 (New Living Translation)              God’s grace came through Jesus
  For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of   Christ’s death and resurrection.
God’s glorious standard.                                 Under the law, blessing fol-
Romans 7:21-23 (New Living Translation)           lowed obedience and punishment
  I have discovered this principle of life- that  followed disobedience. Therefore,
when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do  “doing good” was important.
what is wrong.22 I love God’s law with my heart.
  But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power
makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.
THINK…Find the answers
Read Romans 3:19 and 3:23. What did the law reveal about humanity?

Read Romans 7:23. What does it look like when we are slaves to sin?

LIVE…What will you do now?
In our society people argue about what is sin and what isn’t. Sin is defined as any-
thing God has deemed unacceptable. Sometimes we think about sin as just break-
ing some arbitrary rule. In reality, every sin we commit betrays our relationship with
God. Think about the last time you were betrayed by a friend or family member.
What happened and how did you respond?

NOTE FROM THE LIO TEAM: This week we used the Big Box quote from
Wayne Huizenga Jr. because of the contrast between simultaneously being happy
and fulfilled. People usually equate the two as the same thing but they are not. We
can be temporarily happy while miserable because Christ is absent from our life!
3—Daily Bible Study

The Bible says that if we have broken the law just one time, we are guilty of break-
ing all of it. Are you a sinner? To find out, consider the Ten Commandments. Circle
the commandments you have broken (even if you just did it one time). Hint: Every-
one should circle something.

                    The Ten Commandments
  1. Do not worship any false gods  6. Do not commit murder
  2. Do not make or worship idols   7. Do not commit adultery
  3. Do not misuse the Lord’s name  8. Do not steal
  4. Keep the Sabbath day holy      9. Do not lie
  5. Honor your father and mother   10. Do not covet what is not yours

Read Romans 7:21-23 again. Have these words ever been true for you? Why does
trying really hard not to break God’s laws always seem to fail for us?

Remember Billy’s story from the start of today's study? What encouragement do
you take away from his story?

PRAY…God, What do you want me to know & do?
If you have never done so, take this time to admit your sins to God and
acknowledge your need for his grace. Humble yourself and ask God to forgive you
of any sin you are currently struggling with.

5:1 “Whoever believes…” The idea of continuing faith, making the point that the
mark of genuine believers is that they continue in faith throughout their life. Sav-
ing belief is not simply intellectual acceptance, but wholehearted dedication to Je-
sus Christ that is permanent.
5:2 “obey His commands…” In the first five verses of the chapter, John weaves
faith, love and obedience all together inextricably. They exist mutually in a dy-
namic relationship.
5:3 “His commands are not burdensome…” This is in contrast to the burdensome
man-made religious traditions made by the Jewish leaders.
5:4 “overcomes…” John clearly defines who these overcomers are: they are all
who believe that Jesus is God’s Son and everything that means.
5:5 “he who believes…” Faith in Jesus Christ and dedication of one’s life to Him
make a person an overcomer.
5:6 “water and blood…” this refers to Jesus’ baptism (water) and death (blood).
5:14 “confidence in approaching God…” Christ-followers can know with absolute
confidence that God answers prayer.
5:19 “we are children of God…” According to John, only two types of people exist
in the world: children of God and children of Satan. A person belongs either to
God or to the evil world system that is Satan’s domain.
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Reading Plan
Oct. 5 — 2 John 1                                                   4—Daily Bible Study

TUESDAY — I am Spiritually Impoverished
Big Point: Because of our sin we are separated from God, unfulfilled, and spiritu-
ally dead. No amount of good deeds can change this.

      I had everything that the world had to offer. I could buy whatever I wanted. I
could do whatever I wanted. I could please me no matter what that meant. Growing
up I thought this false success would bring me power, excitement, and respect. But
somehow I felt unfulfilled, dissatisfied, and lost. I asked a friend how he was able to
lead his team under great stress. He showed me the Bible. Shortly after I found a
church that asked the questions and provided the answers that changed my life. Do
you think there is a reason God wanted you to be born? Is there a plan for your life?
      I am a completely different person. Real success for me now is knowing that
one day I will see Jesus and hear him say “Well done my good and faithful son”. I
found what I was missing, will never be the same, and know my way home.
-Wayne Huizenga Jr., multi-millionaire and entrepreneur

READ…What does the Bible say?
Romans 7:24-25 (New Living Translation)
  Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominat-
ed by sin and death? 25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord...
Romans 6:23 (New Living Translation)
  For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ
Jesus our Lord.

THINK…Find the answers
Romans 7:24-25 tells us that we can be free from the bonds of our sinful nature.
How do we find this freedom?

Romans 6:23 tells us the wages of sin is death. What kind of death is this verse re-
ferring to?

LIVE…What will you do now?
Many people try to obtain salvation by doing “good deeds” in order to please God.
Was there ever a time in your life when you thought this way? What did you think
you had to do to compensate for the wrong you had done?

Salvation is actually a free gift from God. The work has already been done! How
does knowing this truth change your life?
5—Daily Bible Study

Consider the following statement: “Take charge of your life by allowing God to
guide it.” Do you believe this to be true? Why or why not?

What does a life guided by God look like? What steps do you need to take to fully
commit yourself to God?

PRAY…God, What do you want me to know & do?
Today, start by thanking God for His free gift of salvation through Jesus. Thank Him
for forgiving you, even though you are a sinner. Ask Him to reveal how you can be
fully committed to Him. Pray that you will live each day for Christ and that your ex-
periences can be used as a blessing to others.

           Just for fun, here are the Top Ten Guilty Pleasure Songs
                               as listed by Q Magazine
   1.   ELO - Livin' Thing                  6. Foreigner - Cold As Ice
   2.   Boston - More Than A Feeling        7. Billy Idol - Rebel Yell
   3.   S Club 7 - Don't Stop Movin'        8. Status Quo - Whatever You Want
   4.   10cc - I'm Not In Love              9. Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street
   5.   Gary Glitter - Rock'n'Roll Part 2   10. Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive

1:1 “The elder…” John uses this title to emphasize his advanced age, his spiritual
authority over the congregations in the area, and the strength of his own personal
eyewitness testimony to the life of Jesus.
“Whom I love in truth…” the basis of Christian hospitality is truth.
1:5 “new commandment…that we love one another…” True hospitality is showing
both truth and love.
1:6 “This is love, that we walk according to his commandments…” John defines
love, not as a sentiment or an emotion, but as being obedient to God’s commands.
Those who are obedient to the truth as contained in God’s commandments are
identified as walking in love.
1:8 “do not lose what you have worked for…” All the eternal reward one earns by
seeing Christ purely, eagerly and effectively in the Spirit can be diminished by
any aiding of false teaching.
1:9 “does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God…” A failure to
be faithful to the fundamental, sound doctrines of the faith marks a person as
having never been born again.
1:10 “do not take him into your house…” John’s prohibition is not a case of enter-
taining people who disagree on minor matters. These false teachers were carry-
ing on a regular campaign to destroy the basic, fundamental truths of Christiani-
ty. Complete disassociation is the only appropriate course of action for genuine
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Reading Plan
Oct. 6 — 3 John 1                                                  6—Daily Bible Study

Big Point: All of us are sinners and there is nothing we can do to fix this on our
own. We need a savior and that savior is Christ Jesus our Lord!
      “I thought that the day my story came out, my ministry would be over. It
turns out that’s the day it started.”
      Nate Larkin was a minister. While on a trip to help those in the New York sex
trade industry, he was introduced to uncontrolled lust. It grew into a porn addiction
that led to prostitution. He quit the church and started a business while pursuing his
addiction. Feeling the guilt and never being able to satisfy his lust, he prayed to
God to take it away. God did not answer that prayer. Instead, his wife found out, his
sin came to light, and she left him. “Because of my addiction, I now understand that
only God is the center of things…I had to surrender to a power greater than my-
self… If I’ll follow the path that He has laid out for me, I can live every day in the
warmth of His love and I can reflect it to others.” God used Nate’s sin for His good.
By telling his story to other men, he gives them the freedom to step into the light. Af-
ter a time, Nate and his wife were reconciled. “This isn’t the ministry I planned. But I
know it’s mine. And so does my wife. We’re in it together.” His wife feels like she
has been married to two guys named Nate Larkin.
                        -You can find more about Nate’s story at Iamsecond.com

READ…What does the Bible say?
Ephesians 2:8-9 (New Living Translation)
    God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this;
it is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done,
so none of us can boast about it.
Romans 8:3,4 (New Living Translation)
  The law of Moses was unable to save us… So God did what the law could not do.
He sent his own Son… giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins. 4 He did this so that
the just requirement of the law would be fully satisfied for us… .

THINK…Find the answers
Many people believe that you must do more good than bad to make it to heaven.
Pretend you are going to write them a note explaining why this is incorrect. Use
Ephesians 2:8-9 to show them God’s true plan.

In Romans 8:3,4 we are told that the law must be satisfied. What did God do so that
the law would be fully satisfied on our behalf?
7—Daily Bible Study

LIVE…What will you do now?
If you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior, what is holding you back? It’s time
right now. If Jesus is Your savior, is He your Lord? If you have never accepted
Christ or are unsure what this means, you can accept Christ right now by genuinely
praying this prayer:
God, I know that I am a sinner. I have fallen short of your glorious standard. I want
to accept the free gift of life, made possible only by the blood of your Son Jesus
Christ. I believe that your Son died on the cross and rose again three days later. I
want to follow you all the days of my life.
Write down the time and place you first accepted Christ. Hint, if you just prayed
that prayer for the first time then that’s right now! If has been some years, take a
few moments and reflect about the impact that faith in Christ has had on your life.

PRAY…God, What do you want me to know & do?
Lord Jesus, no matter how hard I try, I cannot live sin free or make up for my past
sins. I accept your death as the payment for my sins so that I can truly live free. I
want to serve you out of love and gratitude. Amen.

               Jesus saves us from sin, but what do we save?
   Here are the top things people collect as voted on at ShareRanks.com:

                1. Coins         5. Stamps             9. Dolls
                2. Records       6. Comic Books        10. Dice
                3. Key Chains    7. Baseball Cards     11. Seashells
                4. Antiques      8. Marbles            12. Stuffed toys

1:1 “The elder…” John uses the same term for himself as he did in 2 John 1. Not
only does this refer to his age and his apostolic eyewitness status of Jesus’ life, but
also that he had an official position of authority in the church.
1:2 “I pray…” John’s prayer for Gaius is significant. Gaius’s spiritual state was so
excellent that John prayed that his physical health would match his spiritual vig-
1:3 “you walk in the truth…”Gaius’s reputation for practicing what he preached
was exemplary.
1:4 “my children…” John’s heart delighted in the proper conduct of his spiritual
children in the faith. Those who walk in the truth have integrity.
1:5 “you do faithfully…” Genuine faith always produces genuine good works.
1:6 “in a manner worthy of God…” The phrase has the connotation of treating
people as God would treat them.
1:10 “Diotrephes, who loves to be first…” this conveys the idea of someone who is
selfish, self-centered and self-seeking. Diotrephes’s actions directly contradict Je-
sus’ and the New Testament’s teaching on servant-leadership in the church. Di-
otrephes’s character was the very opposite of the gentle and loving Gaius.
1:11 “He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God…” John’s
statement indicates that Diotrephes’ actions proved that he was never a Christian.
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Reading Plan
Oct. 7 — 1 Peter 1                                                8—Daily Bible Study

THURSDAY — I am Satisfied!
Big Point: God’s everlasting love can restore our souls.
      Broken, despicable, guilty, that’s where I found myself after 10 years of being
a Christ-follower. I was raised in a semi-Muslim home, where the law of the religion
was enforced, but never the faith. At the age of 18, I accepted Christ at the Easter
service at CedarCreek. For the next couple years, I was on fire, sold out for God
with my new found faith.
      Unfortunately, because I did not fully understand the depth of God’s love and
how nourishing it can be, I quickly burned out and spent the next several years far
from Him, actively engaging in behaviors I knew to be against what I claimed to
stand for, and trying to find fulfillment on my own. Finally at a breaking point, I
turned to the only person I could think of...God.
      Over the last two years, God has healed me and comforted me in ways I
would not even have begun to imagine! I now have immeasurable joy, joy that
comes from seeking God, loving Him, and allowing Him to work in and through me
to bring others closer to Him. Jesus now provides the satisfaction that I spent so
many years chasing after.              ~Nicki, LIO writer

READ…What does the Bible say?
John 10:9,10 (New Living Translation)
...Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and
will find good pastures...My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
Romans 7:14-17 (New Living Translation)
  So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with
me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin. 15I don’t really understand myself, for I
want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. 16But if I know
that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. 17So I
am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.
THINK…Find the answers
Re-read John 10:9,10. Jesus tells us that He wants to give us a satisfying life. This
is true for this life and the next. What do you think these “good pastures” look like
here on earth?

In Romans 7:14-17, what does Paul say is the problem we have when it comes to
trying to do right?

NOTES: If you have prayed to receive Christ for the first time this week, please let
us know. Stop by the welcome center or send an email to LauriW@Cedarcreek.tv
(Pastor of New Believer development) so we can get you a New Believer starter kit.
9—Daily Bible Study

LIVE…What will you do now?
Think back to a time you were truly satisfied—whether it was an achievement or a
particular job or hobby. Describe this time and how long the feeling lasted. If you’ve
never felt fulfilled, why do you think that is the case?

Many people believe that once they accept Christ all of life’s problems will just melt
away. This is not the case! Jesus said that he wants to give us a rich and satisfying
life, but this may not mean an easy life. As a result, many Christians end up looking
for immediate gratification outside of what God desires for our lives.
Take a few minutes to evaluate your life right now. What are you actively pursuing
to find fulfillment or satisfaction? Does this pursuit please God?

PRAY…God, what do you want me to know & do?
God, I am a slave to sin. I realize that I cannot achieve happiness or satisfaction on
my own. Thank You so much that You want to provide me with a rich and satisfying
life, just as scripture says. Please help me to relinquish control of the areas of my
life in which I am trying to find fulfillment on my own. Thank You for loving me.

1:1 “apostle of Jesus Christ…” Peter was one of a unique group of men who were
personally called and commissioned by Christ and who ministered with Christ af-
ter His resurrection.
1:3 “Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…” Though God was known as Creator and
Redeemer in the Old Testament, he was rarely called Father. Christ, however, al-
ways addressed God as His Father in the gospels.
1:4 “inheritance…” Peter showed those persecuted Christians how to look past
their troubles to their eternal inheritance. Life, righteousness, joy, peace, perfec-
tion, God’s presence, Christ’s glorious companionship, rewards and all else God
has planned is the Christians’ heavenly inheritance.
1:6 “greatly rejoice…” This kind of joy is not based on changing, temporal circum-
stances, but refers to joy that comes from the unchanging, eternal relationship
with God.
1:7 “genuineness of your faith…” God’s purpose in allowing trouble is to test the
reality of one’s faith. When a believer comes through a trial still trusting the
Lord, he is assured that his faith is genuine.
1:13 “prepare your minds for action…” The meaning is to pull in all the loose ends
of one’s thinking, by rejecting the hindrances of the world and focusing on the fu-
ture grace of God.
1:15 “be holy in all you do…” Holiness essentially defines the Christian’s new na-
ture and conduct in contrast with his pre-salvation lifestyle.
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Reading Plan
Oct. 8 — 1 Peter 2                                              10—Daily Bible Study

FRIDAY — I am Secure
 Big Point: Once you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, nothing can
change your eternal destiny.

READ…What does the Bible say?
Romans 8:35-39 (New Living Translation)
   Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer
loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute,
or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we
are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”) 37 No, despite all these
things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
          And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.
Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor
our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from
God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in
all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in
Christ Jesus our Lord.

THINK and LIVE…What will you do now?
How does Romans 8:35-39 make you feel when you read it? What does it look like
to live a life of forgiveness and eternal security?

Since we’re not saved by our deeds or performance, we can’t be lost because of
performance either. Some people wrongly believe that they must continue to re-ask
for God’s forgiveness every time they sin, or else they are in danger of being eter-
nally separated from God.
God does not want us to be paralyzed by our past mistakes. If you have asked
God into your life, then his forgiveness counts for all your past, present, and future
sins. Not that we should refuse to learn from our past mistakes, not at all. But our
past does not define our future! So when Christians sin, they should still ask God to
help them stop sinning. But know that the eternal punishment was put on Christ!
His sacrifice was perfect and covers all!

• Are you new to CedarCreek Church? Great! If you would like to know
  more about CedarCreek Church, we want to invite you to Intro to the Creek, a
  single-session class designed to share the mission, vision and values of Ce-
  darCreek. This class will be held on Monday, October 11 at 7pm at all Ce-
  darCreek campuses. Register online at www.cedarcreek.tv or at the Welcome
  Center/Connecting Point.
• HomePointe Marriage Conference: We will be hosting a morning marriage
  conference at each CedarCreek campus on Saturday October 16. Cost is $20 per
  couple and includes a continental breakfast. Check out www.cedarcreek.tv for
  more details.
11—Daily Bible Study

2:1 “rid yourselves…” The Christian’s new life can’t grow unless sins are re-
2:2 “crave pure spiritual milk…” Spiritual growth is always marked by a craving
for and a delight in God’s word with the intensity with which a baby craves milk.
2:3 “tasted…” At salvation, all believers experience how gracious the Lord is to
those who trust Him. That should compel believers to seek more of that grace in
pursuing His Word.
2:11 “aliens and strangers…” In this section, Peter called his readers to a right-
eous life in a hostile world.
2:13 “submit yourselves…” as citizens in the world and under civil law and au-
thority, God’s people are to live in a humble, submissive way in the midst of any
hostile, godless, slandering society.
2:15 “silence the talk of foolish men…” here is the purpose for submission to au-
thority, in order that one should avoid condemnation and win commendation that
shuts the mouth of those obstinately set against the faith who are looking for rea-
sons to criticize believers.
2:18 “submit yourselves to your masters…” One’s Christianity does not give him
the right to rebel against his superiors.
2:20 “commendable before God…” Favor with God is found when an employee
treated unjustly accepts his poor treatment with faith in God’s sovereign care, ra-
ther than responding in anger, hostility, discontent, pride, or rebellion.
2:23 “hurled their insults…” Though verbally abused, Christ never retaliated with
vicious words and threats.

HomePointe Family Activity

Big Point for Parents: Pouring into your child spiritually is like an I.V. drip. It is
meant to happen a drip at a time and consistently over time.
Model: We should model dependency on God so that our children grow up de-
     pending on God as well, not us.
Articulate: To create a habit of being dependant on God ask your child every day,
     "How did you see God and hear God today?"
Teach: When God reveals Himself to you or your family in some way shape or
     form, teach your children how to recognize Him.

Big Point for Children: God is like the wind. You can't see the wind, but you can
see the affects of the wind.
Lesson: To see God, we must look for Him in the situations around us. He is al-
ways with us and working through us. It is our job to take notice, and depend on
Activity: Start a family God journal. Record ways that you see God working in the
life of your family at the same time every day. It will become a treasure!
Prayer: God. reveal yourself to our family. Show us your ways God and direct our
12—Daily Bible Study

                  Living It Out: October 2010
          Romans 8:1-2 (New Living Translation)
  1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to

  Christ Jesus. 2 And because you belong to him, the power of
    the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin
                        that leads to death.
                                  Living It Out
 It is the dream of CedarCreek that everyone who calls this their church
 home will be reading and studying the same topics, both individually and
 in groups. Each week, join with thousands of others at CedarCreek
 Church in applying God’s Word, the Bible, into your daily life. Our hope
 is that while we learn and grow together, as individuals and as a church,
 we will collectively live out the weekend message.

 Living It Out resources, such as the Daily Bible Study, Daily Bible Read-
 ing Plan, Discussion Questions and Scripture Memory Verses, are de-
 signed to help us embrace a missional mindset…a mindset that com-
 pels us to love Jesus, serve others and tell the world about Christ.

 Living It Out: Daily Bible Study…Daily Bible study activities to reflect on the weekend
 Living It Out: Daily Bible Reading Plan…Read through the New Testament in a year
 Living It Out: Discussion Questions…Weekly questions to discuss with others
 Living It Out: Scripture Memory…Memorize one Bible verse per month

 All of these resources are also available electronically at
 www.livingitout.tv, where you can subscribe to have any or all of them
 emailed to you as they are updated.

                              We Want Your Feedback!
      Tell us about any questions or comments you have about this week’s
      Living It Out: Daily Bible Study. Forward them to barbr@cedarcreek.tv.

CedarCreek Church        RESOURCES: Living It Out: Daily     This week’s Living
                                    Bible Reading Plan       It Out: Daily Bible
                        The Bible
29129 Lime City Road                scriptures are listed
                                                              Study written by:
Perrysburg, Oh 43551 Iamsecond.com for each day. By com-       Tammy Kaiser
                                    pleting each of the dai-
Phone: 419.661.8661 Shareranks.com                              Kaye Kinney
                                    ly readings, you will
Fax: 419.661.8665                   read the entire New          Rick Kinney
                                    Testament in 1 year.          Emily Lee
www.cedarcreek.tv      Yahoo.com/   These readings are
                                                                  Greg Ritz
                         Movies     separate from the Dai-
www.livingitout.tv                  ly Bible Study.             Nicki Zunnoor
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