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ICCTAS MAGAZINE                          The Tiles of India

                                                    ISSUE 11 | ` 50
                                                   February 2021


February 2021

       06 GLOBAL GLIMPSE                                22 FOCAL POINT
       Know about the global ceramic tile industry,     Duravit offers a wide range of options for
       its manufacturing, consumption, import and       bathrooms that create a sense of wellbeing
                                                        24 SPOTLIGHT
       14 INDUSTRY INSIGHT                              Varmora Granito to invest around Rs. 300 crore
       Anil Beejawat, CEO of RAK Ceramics India         in two state-of-the- art high-tech plants in
       spoke with ICCTAS about the ceramic tile         Morbi, Gujarat, India
       demand evolving in India presently
                                                        25 ARCHITECT’S TAKE
       17 VIEW POINT                                    Spatial Inserts at CHENNAI ONE is an award-
       Abhishek Somany, Managing Director of            winning project designed by architect V.S
       Somany Ceramics Limited shares with ICCTAS       Vigneswar of Architecture plus Value
       about the company’s current scenario post

       18 MARKET WATCH
       Indian ceramic tile and sanitaryware industry
       demand post Covid-19 pandamic

       19 MARKET WATCH
       Caesarstone enters global porcelain countertop
       market through majority stake acquisition of
       Lioli Ceramica

         ON THE GO:
         NEW LAUNCHES                         30
         TECHNO TIME                          32
         GLOSSARY                             38

                                                                             iSSUE 11 2021 ICCTAS 3

Abhishek Somany, Chairman, ICCTAS, shares the
impact of Covid 19 on the overall business cycle of
the global and Indian ceramic tile & sanitary ware
industry and how the industry has bounced back,
and the future ahead!

                              The year 2020 was the most challenging and unprecedented. No country has
                              been left unscathed by the pandemic and we will only know the real impact this
                              may have on global economies in the future. Just like other sectors, the global
                              ceramic tile and sanitaryware industry had to deal with severe consequences
                              due to this unpredictable 2020 where for largely 6 months across the world all
                              construction activities had come to a grinding halt.
                                 India was no different, but our government managed the crisis very well,
                              which has led to a faster than expected recovery of our sector. Today India is
                              not only the second-largest producer of ceramic tiles in the world, after China,
                              but also the third-largest consumer of ceramic tiles in the world.
                                 India now boasts of being the third-largest exporter of ceramic tiles. The
                              pandemic has had a positive impact on our sectors export growth and many
                              countries abroad have levied an anti-dumping on China and the rest of the
                              world now chooses to hedge their bets with China. India being the next most
                              competitive country for tiles and sanitaryware delivering world class quality
                              is now the favourite for most countries seeking to buy products made by us.
                                 The domestic consumption also has seen a marked increase in demand due
                              to the increased spending on Infrastructure by government, rapid urbanisation
                              and consumer remodelling and rebuilding their homes as they now spend
                              more time at home. Demand for ceramic tiles has increased across residential
                              and commercial spaces but largely contributed by the tier 2 and under towns
                              across the country. It will not be wrong to say, that the demand will be
                              increasing in the future immensely. It is not just the new projects that drive
                              the demand for ceramic tiles in the country but also increasing application of
                              tiles in replacement and renovation projects. Further, the replacement market
                              is expected to witness strong growth in the future, driving the growth of the
                              Ceramic tiles market of India coupled with this we see the export to grow
                              further. Demand for the product like the new touchless and other hygiene
                              centric products in Bathware and the Germ Free tiles will take centre stage
                              and will see traction in the coming years. Our industry is expected to more
           Abhishek Somany
                              than double in the next 5 years.
           Chairman, ICCTAS
                                 At ICCTAS we are urging the Indian government to consider the lowering
                              of GST for our sector from the current 18% to 12% thus making the product
                              cheaper and more affordable in line with the nations dream to have housing for
                              all over the next few years. We have also requested the government to relook
                              at the various trade agreements with neighbouring nations to promote Indian
                              exports, this would further enhance our export potential.
                                 We can say, Indian ceramic tile & sanitary ware industry has a bright future

4 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021

Publisher’s Note
                                                                    We are happy to bring this year’s first issue, which gives an overall insight
                                                                    of the industry and post Covid 19 scenario and future plans by all the
                                                                    leading players.
                                                                    This issue presents an overview of the ceramic tiles and sanitaryware
                                                                    industry for the year 2020, with information related to all the top
                                                                    manufacturers, exporters, importers and the big players. We also carry two
                                                                    articles in the exclusive section, Market Watch, talking about the post Covid
                                                                    -19 scenarios of the Indian ceramic tile and sanitaryware industry and the
                                                                    new alliance of Lioli Ceramica and Caesarstone. There are interviews from
                                                                    the leading tile brands -- Somany ceramics, RAK ceramics, and Varmora
                                                                    Granito, talking about the current industry developments, future plans and
                                                                    their new strategies to scale up their businesses. In the Architect’s Take
                                                                    section we have featured an award-winning architect V.S. Vigneswar and
                                                                    his award winning project. Lastly, we have information about the new tiles
                                                                    that have been launched by Indian tile brands and technology brands.
                                                                    We hope that this year 2021, will bring a renewed sense of optimism and
                                                                    new opportunities and developments for the Indian ceramic tiles and
                                                                    sanitaryware industry globally.

                                                                 Thank you.

                                                                 Jignesh Trivedi, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
                                                                 (The Tiles of India)

                                                                                     P K Sharma
                                                                        Secretary General, ICCTAS

                                                                                  Content & Editorial
                                                                                  The Tiles of India Team


                                                                                  Panna Roy Choudhury
                                                                                         Sheetal Joshi
                                                                                          Nikesh Shah

 Published by A Human Info Digital Media Pvt. Ltd., 441, Laxmi Plaza, Laxmi Industrial Estate, New Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai-400053.

 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited.

                                                                                                                                             iSSUE 11 2021 ICCTAS 5

Global Industry Insight
Know about the global tiles industry, its production and consumption.
In the last issue of ICCTAS,       demand fell to 7,995 million sqm      to far outstrip the continents       by a fresh surge in exports. The
we had presented the world         (-6.3%), equivalent to 64.6%          production capacity.                 20% growth recorded in 2018
sanitaryware export and import     of global consumption. As for            China, the world’s largest        (274 million sqm) was followed
data 2019. In this issue, we are   Europe, consumption grew              producer, consumer and               by a further 31.4% increase in
presenting world production and    in European Union countries           exporter of ceramic tiles,           2019 (360 million sqm), making
consumption of ceramic tiles of    (from 1,009 to 1,021 million sqm,     experienced a second severe          India the warld’s third largest
2019 with top manufacturing        +1.2%) but declined by 10% in         contraction in terms of              exporting country after China
countries, top consumption         non-EU Europe (from 563 to            production and consumption in        and Spain. In value terms,
countries, top importers, top      506 million sqm). Consumption         2019. In 2019, India maintained      exports reached 1,138 million
exporters and the big players in   remained almost stable in the         its position as the second largest   euros (+32.5%), equivalent to
this sector.                       Americas with volumes of              tile producer with an increase       an average selling price of 3.2
   In 2019, world tile             1,257 million sqm (+0.7%) in          in volumes from 1,145 million        €/sqm, which remains one of
consumption fell from 12,902       Central and South America             sqm to 1,266 million sqm             the lowest figures of all major
to 12,375 million sqm (-4.1%),     and 544 million sqm (-3.7%)           (+10.6%). The increase was not       exporter countries.
a decline of approximately         in North America. Demand in           so much driven by domestic
500 million sqm. The biggest       Africa rose sharply to 1,002          consumption, which grew by
contraction was in Asia, where     million sqm (+7.2%), continuing       just 4% to 780 million sqm, as

                                   TOP MANUFACTURING COUNTRIES
                                   The world’s third largest             million sqm (+3.5%). Exports         became the largest export mar
                                   producer, Brazil recorded a           remained stable at 102 million       ket for Brazilian tiles with 20
                                   4% increase in production in          sqm, almost entirely shipped to      million sqm (up 26.4% on 2018).
                                   2019 to 909 million sqm, while        Latin American markets and
                                   domestic demand stood at 802          the United States, which in 2019

                                   TOP MANUFACTURING COUNTRIES
 COUNTRY           2015                2016               2017               2018              2019            % on 2019          % var.
                   (Sq.m Mill.)        (Sq.m Mill.)       (Sq.m Mill.)       (Sq.m Mill.)      (Sq.m Mill.)    world production   19/18

 CHINA             5,970               6,495              6,400              5,683             13,157          40.9%              -8.7%
 INDIA             850                 955                1,080              1,145             1,266           10.0%              10.6%
 BRAZIL            986                 871                867                872               909             7.2%               4.2%
 VIETNAM           440                 485                560                602               560             4.4%               -7.0%
 SPAIN             440                 492                530                530               510             4.0%               -3.8%
 ITALY             395                 416                422                416               401             3.2%               -3.6%
 IRAN              300                 340                373                383               398             3.1%               3.9%
 INDONESIA         370                 360                307                383               347             2.7%               -9.4%
 EGYPT             230                 250                300                300               300             2.4%               0.0%
 TURKEY            320                 330                355                335               296             2.3%               -11.6%
 TOTAL             10,301              10,994             11,194             10,649            10,174          80.3%              -4.5%
 TOTAL WORLD       12,530              13,322             13,627             13,157            12,673          100.0%             -3.7%

Source: Ceramic World Review

6 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021


In 2019, Spain maintained its       although Spain maintained           euros, +8%), followed by the         Saudi Arabia (11.7 million sqm;
position as the world’s second      its 5th place in the rankings       United States with 36.9 million      -17%). In 2019 the breakdown
largest exporter, although          of world producer countries.        sqm (+11%) corresponding to          of Spanish export destinations
volumes remained unchanged          Domestic sales continued            a value of 304.6 million euros       by volume saw Europe in
at 415 million sqm (+0.2%           to recover in 2019, rising          (+17.4%), Marocco (24.3 million      first place with 42% (49.5% in
on 2018) and export revenues        to 142 million sqm (+5.2%)          sqm, +18.6%) and the UK              value), followed by the Middle
rose to 2,822 million euros         and bringing total sales to         (23.9 million sqm, +15.9%).          East and Asia with 20.3%
(+3.4%) thanks to an increase       557 million sqm. France             Exports to Israel remained           (17.8% in value), Africa with
in average selling price to 6.8     maintained its pasition as the      stable (17.8 million sqm), while     18.3% (11.9% in value) and the
€/ sqm. According to figures        top export market in terms of       sales continued to decline in        Americas with 18% (19.7% in
published by Ascer, productian      both volumes (41.1 million sqm,     Italy (13.2 million sqm; -9.5%)      value).
fell to 510 million sqm (-3.8%)     -0.2%) and value (321.6 million     and even more strongly in

                                     TOP CONSUMPTION COUNTRIES
 COUNTRY             2015                2016            2017               2018            2019              % on 2018 world    % var.
                     (Sq.m Mill.)        (Sq.m Mill.)    (Sq.m Mill.)       (Sq.m Mill.)    (Sq.m Mill.)      consumption        18/17

 CHINA               4,885               5,475           5,498              4,840           4,424             35.7%              -8.6%
 BRAZIL              927                 789             765                775             802               6.5%               3.5%
 INDIA               763                 785             760                750             780               6.3%               4.0%
 VIETNAM             400                 412             580                542             467               3.8%               -13.8%
 INDONESIA           357                 369             336                450             413               3.3%               -8.2%
 USA                 254                 274             284                289             273               2.2%               -5.5%
 EGYPT               190                 215             252                236             239               1.9%               1.3%
 MEXICO              218                 235             242                236             238               1.9%               0.8%
 RUSSIA              192                 174             194                209             200               1.6%               -4.3%
 IRAN                190                 169             170                240             200               1.6%               -16.7%
 TOTAL               8,376               8,897           9,081              8,567           8,036             64.9%              -6.2%
 TOTAL WORLD         12,378              13,069          13,340             12,902          12,375            100.0%             -4.1%

Source: Ceramic World Review

In 2079, the top 10 importing       98.6% in iraq and between 90%       local production (including          -4.8%). At the end of 2019, other
countries imported a total of       and 94% in France, Germany          that of Italian-controlled           countries besides Spain were
1,040 million sqm, equivalent to    and Israel. In 2019 the USA         companies Del Conca USA,             already benefiting from China’s
36.7% of global import/export       maintained its position as          Florida Tile, Florim USA,            imminent departure from
flows and just 17 million sqm       the world’s largest importer        Landmark and Stonepeak),             the US market: Brazil, which
up from the previous year.          country despite a 2.4% decline      which dropped to 83 million          grew by 26.4%, Turkey (+52%)
With the sole exceptions of         in imports to 204 million sqm,      sqm in 2019 (-4.6%). More            and India (+383%). In terms
Indonesia, which imported just      in line with a 5.5% decline in      than 70% of US tile imports          of value, Italy remained the
17% of its consumption, and         domestic demand from 289            originated from the 4 largest        market leader with sales (on a
Thailand at 32%, imports to         million sqm to 273 million          supplier countries: China (40.9      CIF basis) of US $656 million, a
all the other top 10 importer       sqm. Imports amounted to            million sqm; -36.4%), Spain          30% share of the total value of
countries accounted for             74.7% of consumption, slightly      (36.9 million sqm; +11%),            imports (US $2.2 billion).
more than 60% of domestic           higher than the previous year       Mexico (33.5 million sqm; -5%)
consumption, with peaks of          ta campensate for the fall in       and Italy (32.9 million sqm;

                                                                                                                 iSSUE 11 2021 ICCTAS 7

                                           TOP EXPORTING COUNTRIES
 COUNTRY             2016           2017         2018           2019     % on 2019       % on 2019       % var        value 2019    average
                     (Sq.m Mill.)   (Sq.m        (Sq.m Mill.)   (Sq.m    national pro-   world exports   19/18        (million €)   export price
                                    Mill.)                      Mill.)   duction                                                    (€/sq.m)
 CHINA               1,025          908          854            779      15.0%           27.5%           -8.8%        3,895         5.0
 SPAIN               395            407          414            415      81.4%           14.6%           0.2%         2,822         6.8
 INDIA               186            228          274            360      28.4%           12.7%           31.4%        1,138         3.2
 ITALY               332            338          328            323      80.5%           11.4%           -1.5%        4,509         14.0
 IRAN                126            148          151            162      40.7%           5.7%            7.3%         188           1.2
 TURKEY              83             93           101            116      39.2%           4.1%            14.9%        594           5.1
 BRAZIL              94             90           100            102      11.2%           3.6%            2.0%         308           3.0
 EGYPT               41             57           68             66       22.0%           2.3%            -2.9%        147           2.2
 POLAND              46             45           43             50       40.0%           1.8%            16.3%        313           6.3
 UNITED ARAB EMIR-   48             46           42             45       54.9%           1.6%            7.1%         n.a.          n.a.
 TOTAL               2,376          2,360        2,375          2,418    26.3%           85.2%           1.8%

 TOTAL WORLD         2,820          2,787        2,806          2,837    22.4%           100.0%          1.1%

Source: Ceramic World Review

In 2019, the top 10 importing            98.6% in Iraq and between             for the fall in local production      -4.8%). At the end of 2019, other
countries imported a total of            90% and 94% in France,                (including that of Italian-           countries besides Spain were
1,040 million sqm, equivalent to         Germany and Israel. In 2019           controlled companies Del Conca        already benefiting from China’s
36.7% of global import/export            the USA maintained its                USA, Florida Tile, Florim USA,        imminent departure from
flows and just 11 million sqm            position as the world’s largest       Landmark and Stonepeak),              the US market: Brazil, which
up from the previous year.               importer country despite a            which dropped to 83 million           grew by 26.4%, Turkey (+52%)
With the sole exceptions of              2.4% decline in imports to 204        sqm in 2019 (-4.6%). More             and India (+383%). In terms
Indonesia, which imported just           million sqm, in line with a 5.5%      than 70% of US tile imports           of value, Italy remained the
17% of its consumption, and              decline in domestic demand            originated from the 4 largest         market leader with sales (on a
Thailand at 32%, imports to              from 289 million sqm to 273           supplier countries: China (40.9       CIF basis) of US $656 million, a
all the other top 10 importer            million sqm. Imports amounted         million sqm; -36.4%), Spain           30% share of the total value of
countries accounted for                  to 74.7% of consumption,              (36.9 million sqm; +11%),             imports (US $2.2 billion).
more than 60% of domestic                slightly higher than the              Mexico (33.5 million sqm; -5%)
consumption, with peaks of               previous year to compensate           and Italy (32.9 million sqm;

                                    TOP IMPORTING COUNTRIES
 COUNTRY             2015           2016         2017           2018     2019            % on 2019       % on 2019    % var.
                     (Sq.m Mill.)   (Sq.m        (Sq.m Mill.)   (Sq.m    (Sq.m Mill.)    national        world        19/18
                                    Mill.)                      Mill.)                   consumption     imports
 USA                 179            194          202            209      204             74.7%           7.2%         -2.4%
 IRAQ                106            112          129            124      138             98.6%           4.9%         11.3%
 SAUDI ARABIA        188            167          131            116      126             66.3%           4.4%         8.6%
 FRANCE              99             104          112            111      113             89.7%           4.0%         1.8%
 GERMANY             100            115          109            106      110             90.2%           3.9%         3.8%
 PHILIPPINES         60             75           82             91       86              67.2%           3.0%         -5.5%
 INDONESIA           45             57           64             77       72              17.4%           2.5%         -6.5%
 SOUTH KOREA         72             75           78             77       70              70.0%           2.5%         -9.1%
 THAILAND            56             54           55             57       61              32.4%           2.2%         7.0%
 ISRAEL              52             57           58             61       60              93.8%           2.1%         -1.6%
 TOTAL               957            1,010        1,020          1,029    1,040           59.6%           36.7%        1.1%

 TOTAL WORLD         2,710          2,820        2,787          2,806    2,837           22.9%           100.0%       1.1%

Source: Ceramic World Review

8 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021

To supplement the world tile              as in other sectors (bathroom               of production, exports and                   euros, slightly down on the
production and consumption                and kitchen furnishings, non-               domestic sales. As always, the               previous year. In the first half of
figures, we are presenting                ceramic surface coverings,                  rankings are not exhaustive                  2020, the effects of the lockdown
the key data for the sector’s             building materials, chemicals,              and fack several groups which                and lower demand for tiles
leading groups and companies              etc.), we indicate both turnover            do not release their financial               resulted in an 18% decline in
ranked by output volumes and              generated solely in the ceramic             information. These include                   sales volumes for SCG Ceramics
updated 31/12/2019. Along                 tile segment and consolidated               the largest Italian producer,                (from 92 million sqm in 2019
with data for installed capacity,         group revenue. The figures                  Concorde Group, which would                  to 75 million sqm). The world’
real production, export share             were provided directly by                   rank amongst the top three                   s fourth largest tile producer
and number and locations of               the companies themselves or                 global players in terms of                   is RAK Ceramics, which
facilities (in the tile segment),         obtained from public sources,               turnover, the largest Egyptian               has increased its production
we also report revenue where              and in some cases are based on              producer Cleopatra, and several              capacity to 138 million sqm and
available. As these players               estimates. Given the exceptional            Chinese groups. Mohawk                       production to more than 107
are large groups that in many             nature of 2020, a year in which             Industries, Inc. remains firmly              million sqm, partly due to the
cases operate across multiple             the coronavirus pandemic                    at the top of the rankings of                start-up of the large slab factory
segments of the ceramic                   has had a major impact on                   the largest 25 world groups. In              in Morbi (India).
industry (tiles, sanitaryware,            the global ceramic industry,                second place is the Thai group
tableware, heavy clay) and the            we asked companies to also                  SCG Ceramics with a 2019
supply chain (raw materials,              provide their forecasts for the             production of 166 million sqm
adhesives, distribution), as well         2020 year-end results in terms              and tile sales of 669 million

       Group / Company +   Production        Installed   Export   Turnover             Total turnover       Tile plants /       Main Tile Brands /         Forecasts 2020
       Country             (mill. sq.m)      capacity    share    only tile segment    (mill. €)            Location            Companies                  P= Production
                           *estimates                             (mill. €)                                                                                E = Exports D =
 1     MOHAWK INDUS-       250 (est.         250.9       n.a.     $ 3,631 mill.        $ 9,970.7            23 in USA,          American Olean, Dal
       TRIES, INC. USA     on official                                                 mill. (ceramics,     Mexico, Brazil,     Tile, KAI, Kerama
                           company                                                     carpet, laminate,    Italy, Spain,       Marazzi, Marazzi, Ragno,
                           data)                                                       wood, stone, LVT)    Poland, Bulgaria,   Emilgroup, Eliane
 2     SCG CERAMICS        166.0             211.0       13%      669.0                818.0                21 in Thailand, 7   COTTO, Sosuco,
       THAILAND                                                                        (tiles +             in Vietnam, 3 in    Campana, Prime,
                                                                                       sanitaryware)        Indonesia, 1 in     Mariwasa, Kia, Trend,
                                                                                                            the Philippines     Impresso
 3     GRUPO LAMOSA        166.0             195.0       38%      647.0                848.6                9 in Mexico, 2      Lamosa, Porcelanite,
       MEXICO                                                                          (tiles, adhesives)   in Argentina, 1     Firenze, San Lorenzo,
                                                                                                            in Colombia, 3      Cordillera, Scop,
                                                                                                            in Peru             Princesa, Mallorca,
                                                                                                                                Lamosa USA
 4     RAK CERAMICS PJSC   101.5             138.0       62%      472.0                635.0                14 in UAE, 9        RAK Ceramics, Elegance     P=
       UAE                                                                             (tiles, sanitary,    in Bangladesh,                                 E=
                                                                                       tableware)           China, India                                   D=
 5     GRUPO CEDASA/       88.2              149.2       n.a.     n.a.                 n.a.                 3 in Brazil         Majopar, Cedasa,
       INCOPISOS           (2018)            (2018)                                                                             Vistabella, Lorenzza,
       BRAZIL                                                                                                                   Incopisos, Vivences,
 6     CERAMICA CARMELO    81.0              84.0        32%      153.0                153.0                4 in Brazil         Cecafi, Pisoforte, Fio-    P
       FIOR                                                                                                                     ranno, Idealle, Arielle    E
       BRAZIL                                                                                                                                              D

 7     PAMESA SPAIN        80.0              82.0        68%      512.0                704.0                6 in Spain          Pamesa Ceramica, TAU       P
                                                                                                                                Ceramica, Geotiles,        E
                                                                                                                                Prissmacer, Ecoceramic,    D
 8     KAJARIA CERAMICS    78.1              81.0        1%       353.0                377.0                10 in India         Kajaria
       INDIA                                                                           (tiles,
 9     STN GROUP           73.1              76.0        78%      325.0                325.0                2 in Spain          STN, Alaplana, Keratile,   P=
       SPAIN                                                                                                                    Tesany, Vitacer            E

10 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021

 10   GRUPO FRAGNANI      69.3      74.0     8%     166.5   166.5           3 in Brazil          Incefra, Incenor, Tec-       P
      BRAZIL                                                                                     nogres, In Out               E
 11   DYNASTY CERAMIC     62.4      82.0     4%     232.0   240.0           3 in Thailand        Dynasty, Tile Top, Jaguar,   P
      THAILAND                                                                                   RCI, Chicken, Birdy,         E
                                                                                                 Swan                         D=
 12   ARWANA CITRAMULIA   60.2      65.4     0%     134.0   134.0           5 in Indonesia       Arwana, UNO                  P
      INDONESIA                                                                                                               E
 13   CERSANIT SA         54.3      65.0     71%    291.0   515.0           2 in Poland, 2       Cersanit, Opoczno,           P=
      POLAND                                                (tiles,         in Russia, 1 in      Meissen Keramik, MEI,        E
                                                            sanitaryware)   Ukraine              Mito                         D
 14   LASSELSBERGER       50.5      52.5     n.a.   n.a.    n.a.            5 in Czech Rep.,     Rako, Cesarom,               P
      GROUP AUSTRIA                                                         2 in                 LB-Ceramics,                 E
                                                                            Hungary, 1 in        Zalakeramia                  D
                                                                            Romania, 1
                                                                            in Russia
 15   KALE GROUP          50.0 *    62.0     n.a.   n.a.    n.a.            20 in Turkey         Canakkale Seramik,
      TURKEY                                                                                     Kalebodur, Edilcuoghi,
                                                                                                 Edilgres, Campani, IDA
 16   VITROMEX            45-50 *   54.0     n.a.   163.0   163.0           4 in Mexico          Vitromex, Construpiso,
      MEXICO                                                                                     Arko
 17   SOMANY CERAMICS     42.4      53.0     5%     170.0   190.0           10 in India          Somany                       P
      INDIA                                                 (tiles,                                                           E
                                                            sanitaryware)                                                     D
 18   ELIZABETH           43.1 *    56.0 *   n.a.   n.a.    n.a.            5 in Brazil          Elizabeth
 19   CELIMA              42.0 *    54.0 *   n.a.   n.a.    n.a.            3 in Peru            Celima, San Martin
      (Trebol Group)
 20   VICTORIA CERAMIC    40.0      44.5     65%    350.0   350.0           4 in Spain, 3        Keraben, Saloni, Ibero-      P
      DIVISION                                                              in Italy             Casainfinita, Serra,         E
      GREAT BRITAIN                                                                              Ascot, Dom                   D
 21   INTERCERAMIC        40.0      50.0     26%    347.0   485.0(tiles,    3 in Mexico, 1       Interceramic                 P
      MEXICO                                                sanitaryware,   in USA                                            E=
                                                            others)                                                           D
 22   PORTOBELLO (PGB)    40.0 *    46.0 *   16%    246.0   246.0           2 in Brazil          Portobello, Pointer
 23   H&R JOHNSON         39.9      70.2     4%     169.0   222.6           12 in India          Johnson, Marbonite,          P=
      (INDIA)                                                                                    Endura, Porselano            E=
      INDIA                                                                                                                   D=
 24   CERAMIC             39.0      49.0     17%    n.a.    n.a.            5 in South Africa,   Gryphon, Pegasus,            P
      INDUSTRIES                                                            1 in                 Samca, Vitro, NCI            E
      SOUTH AFRICA                                                          Australia                                         D
 25   CORONA              35.0      42.0     14%    149.0   466.5           5 in Colombia        Corona, Orchid               P
      COLOMBIA                                              (tiles,                                                           E
                                                            sanitaryware)                                                     D

Source: Ceramic World Review

12 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021
娀椀爀挀漀渀椀甀洀 伀瀀愀挀椀昀椀攀爀 ⴀ ㄀ ☀ 㔀 䴀椀挀爀漀渀猀

    娀椀爀挀漀渀 䘀氀漀爀 ⴀ ㈀   ☀ ㌀㈀㔀 䴀攀猀栀
Industry Insight | RAK Ceramics

Global Trendsetter
Anil Beejawat, CEO of RAK Ceramics
India spoke with ICCTAS about the
ceramic tile demand evolving in India
presently and based on the new normal
dynamics what kind of demand the
brand foresees. Also, know about their
specific product launches, dealers
& distribution networks, new sales
strategies and consumer outreach
programs and much more..

RAK Ceramics is one of the          state-of-the-art plants across       In India, RAK Ceramics has     How is ceramic tile demand
largest ceramics’ brands in the     the United Arab Emirates,         the largest and most modern       evolving in India presently?
world. Specialising in ceramic      India, Bangladesh, Iran and       vitrified tile manufacturing      The India growth story which
and gres porcelain wall and floor   China. Founded in 1989 and        plant in Samalkot in Andhra       is often talked about, remains
tiles, tableware, sanitaryware      headquartered in the United       Pradesh with a manufacturing      intact with 65 percent population
and faucets, the brand has          Arab Emirates, the brand          capacity of 30,000 sq. mtrs. of   being below 35 years of age. The
the capacity to produce 113         serve clients in more than 150    vitrified tiles. 3000 sanitary    growth drivers in the shape of
million square metres of tiles, 5   countries through their network   ware pieces/day. The company      smart cities and the industrial
million pieces of sanitaryware,     of operational hubs in Europe,    has more than 8000 designs        corridors, the mega ports, the
24 million pieces of porcelain      Middle East and North Africa,     and shades, making it among       airports, the railway stations,
tableware and 1 million pieces      Asia, North and South America     the largest range of products     redevelopment of 25 railway
of faucets per year at their 21     and Australia.                    globally.                         stations, all that growth story

14 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021
Industry Insight | RAK Ceramics

of India remains intact. There is    I would say in the present times,     or collection that we can look       tiles for usages in all kinds of
a demand for the construction        it is a little topsy- turvy. In the   forward to? Are there are new        interiors from cupboards to
of office spaces, hotels, retail     B and C class towns, things are       sales strategies or consumer         tabletops, ceilings, to external
spaces, entertainment, whatever      getting back to normal. Infact,       outreach programs being              facades, we have put in our
that was going on, is going to       the B and C towns, are the ones       created keeping in mind the          special focus and people to
come back. It is a small time set    that have kept us going. The          current times?                       promote and create this kind
back that we have faced, but         metros, the A class cities, defi-     There are several things which       of a market for tiles and that is
I believe these growth drivers       nitely have faced huge problems.      are going on parallelly. Right       something which is definitely
are on a solid ground. These         The lockdowns and restrictions        now because of this situation,       going to pay in days to come.
were not any hype so to say.         carry on even till now. When          we have given a renewed focus        We have also launched, KLIMA
Despite the setback as of now,       there was a slight hope visible       to some of our already existing      range of tiles for roof tops,
the India growth story, I repeat,    again, things have reversed a bit     product ranges like RAK- Sanit       being solar heat reflective tiles.
remains intact and next year         and there is a lot of talk about      range, we had this germicidal        They keep the temperatures
hopefully we will see full-fledged   lockdowns and restrictions again      range which we had launched          of buildings cool and thus act
resurgence. The early signs are          Despite all that is going on,     long back but then we have           as energy savers. We have in
already visible. In the month        companies from the organized          now re-launched the same. It is      the recent past made two joint
of October the GST collections       sector have done reasonably           a germicidal anti- bacterial tile.   ventures and put up a factory
have been better. The industrial     well. We have been able to            I won’t say that it is something     for GVT / sintered compact
growth has been seen at +0.2         achieve last year’s performances      new but then, we are giving a        surfaces and ceramic tiles. We
per cent from a decline of more      and it is not just about RAK, the     renewed focus to this. Apart         have built up facilities to make
than 10 percent, so all these        industry in general, from the         from this to expand the pie          slabs from 6mm to 20mm thick
are favorable indices which          organized sector has done good        for tile usage, we are trying to     vitrified tiles suitable for all
give us a hope that the demand       and from the unorganized sector,      expand and promote tiles to          kinds of usages and applications.
is definitely going to evolve.       the export opportunities have         areas where they have never          As far as consumer outreach
Whatever the India growth story      given them a good fillip. Coming      been used. We are trying to          in the current situation is
was, it’s going to continue.         to demand for RAK products,           promote tiles and slabs into         concerned things have changed
                                     thankfully the way things are         unconventional usages, so that       quite a bit. We are not in a
What kind of demand do you           going I expect a growth much          ceramic tiles can substitute         position to go and conduct the
foresee, based on the ‘new           better than the Industry average,     stones, wood laminates, wall         architect meets, mason meets,
normal’ dynamics and how             by at least 5 percentage points.      papers and even paints. Earlier      and plumber meets. To do all
does RAK Ceramics hope to                                                  these areas were out of bounds       this as per new normal, digital
cater to that?                       Is there any specific product         for tiles. We are placing ceramic    is the way to go, thankfully

                                                                                                                   iSSUE 11 2021 ICCTAS 15
Industry Insight | RAK Ceramics

                                                                                                              the safety and overall well-
                                                                                                              being of its large family of
                                                                                                              employees during this phase
                                                                                                              of restarting?
                                                                                                              Safety and overall well-being of
                                                                                                              our people is not just a matter
                                                                                                              of steps or initiatives at RAK -
                                                                                                              it is an obsession. Our group
                                                                                                              CEO often calls to take an
                                                                                                              update on same, he wants to
                                                                                                              keep abreast with all that we
                                                                                                              do here to keep our people safe.
                                                                                                              From taking safety measures
                                                                                                              to ensuring each employee is
                                                                                                              adequately insured, we make
                                                                                                              sure that all that has been
                                                                                                              advised is being followed
                                                                                                              down the line as well. We have
                                                                                                              restricted travels to a bare
                                                                                                              minimum and try to work using
                                                                          Ceramics has in place for           the digital media to ensure
                                                                          the optimum management              minimum physical contact.
                                                                          of this network? How has            Work from home has been made
                                                                          the experience been for RAK         the norm wherever possible.
                                                                          Ceramics as a big brand?
                                                                          We have close to 1400 dealers       What is the future of the
                                                                          in our list, and with the kind of   Indian ceramic tile and
                                                                          brand image that RAK enjoys,        sanitaryware industry?
                                                                          our dealership is a coveted         I would say howsoever evil
                                                                          possession for traders by           Covid 19 is but in a way it has
                                                                          and large. We have different        thrown great opportunities for
                                                                          formats for association namely      the Indian tile industry. In face
                                                                          -Official Partner and Premium       of negative sentiments against
                                                                          Partner, depending upon the         China, India is being seen as a
                                                                          exclusive space dedicated to        reliable substitute, fortunately
                                                                          RAK products. That apart, we        Morbi has revolutionized
the acceptability with clients is      Our mother plant is located in     also have 10 company operated       tiles production in India and
also encouraging. We are using         Samalkot, Andhra Pradesh           Orientation Centres across the      India can rightfully become a
social media very effectively          and JVs are located in Morbi.      country.                            contender for the number one
to reach out to our own people,        Definitely there are logistics        As far as experience of RAK      position as Tile exporter to the
our large family of dealers and        challenges in catering to All      as a big brand (one of World’s      world. To me the future of Indian
sub-dealers network and then           India markets, but with present    top 3) is concerned I would be      tile and sanitaryware Industry
to the customers, we are present       facilities we are able to serve    lying if I say it is all hunky -    looks extremely bright.
on facebook, instagram, twitter,       south, west and east India         dory. Everyone knows once a tile       5 years ago who would have
and all possible digital media         markets quite effectively, North   is laid the brand is not visible,   thought India would export
so that whatever idea is there,        and North-eastern markets          Moreover the ease with which        Tiles to China? But that is what
we can convey to our audiences         are a challenge for us still and   planarization of designs happens    is happening today and that is
in the most convenient way.            at some point of time we will      maintaining a differentiation is    not because of price but because
Though the touch and feel part         address the same by having a       quite a task. Yet with innovation   of the quality and high - tech
of the finalization of specification   manufacturing facility in North.   at the core RAK is one brand        products that this is happening.
happens only after a sample has                                           which sits at the top of the        I am very excited and optimistic
been seen but quite a lot of work      What is the kind of dealer,        pecking order and we hope to        for the ceramic tile and
happens digitally these days.          distributor network that           maintain this position in the       sanitaryware industry in India.
                                       RAK Ceramics works with?           future as well.                     Infact RAK has ambitious plans
In terms of logistics, how             Can you tell us a little about                                         to make India as its important
does RAK Ceramics cope up              the scale, numbers of this         What kind of initiatives/           export hub going forward.
with the challenges, if there          network? Can you also share        steps is being taken by RAK
are any?                               some useful SOPs that RAK          Ceramics to take care of            www.rakceramics.com

16 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021
VIEWPOINT | Somany Ceramics

Forefront Leader
Abhishek Somany, Managing Director of Somany Ceramics Limited shares with
ICCTAS about the company’s current scenario post Lockdown.
Founded in 1971 by late               Working Capital cycle went        normal dynamics and how           product offering, in the future
Shri H. L. Somany, Somany             for a toss. The first 2 months    does Somany hope to cater         Somany will remain a leader
Ceramics is an internationally        of the year, we witnessed zero    to that? Is there any specif-     and in the forefront of the
acclaimed organization that           production & almost zero          ic product or collection that     Indian ceramics industry.
specializes in ceramics and           sales & Zero receivables. Since   we can look forward to? Are
allied products. In the last five     August, markets have started      there new sales strategies        Lastly, what kind of initia-
decades, Somany Ceramics              improving & by November it’s      or consumer outreach              tives/steps is being taken
has stablished itself as an           near normal.                      programs being created            by Somany to take care
unchallenged leader in the                                              keeping in mind the current       of the safety and overall
Indian Ceramic Industry with          What kind of products will        times?                            well-being of its large fam-
significant presence in India,        see traction post lockdown        The sizes 60*60, 60*120,          ily of employees during this
Africa, The Middle East,              according to you?                 80*160 are in vogue. Demand       phase of restarting?
   United Kingdom and Russia.         The mid value products are        is good for tiles from the tier   The COVID-19 wave left the
With 49 years of redefining the       most preferred, high vale prod-   2, 3, 4 towns which has seen      world so dumbstruck and
Indian interior décor and tiles       uct volume is also increasing     app 10% increase in volumes       unsure that we suddenly had
industry, Somany Ceramics             gradually from New touch-         as compared to last year; we      to accept the unexpected and
is the ideal destination for an       less & hygiene products in        plan to increase our footprints   address all questions, fears
extensive range of products in-       Bathware, Germ free tiles will    in the gap town, and spread or    and anxieties surrounding the
cluding ceramic tile, floor tiles,    take center stage.                reach.                            pandemic. With consistent en-
polished vitrified tiles, digital                                                                         gagement and active communi-
tiles, wall tiles, wall claddings,    How do you plan to scale up       How do you see the market         cation, we eased our employees
sanitary ware, bathroom               manufacturing?                    shaping up in the coming          through the post-lockdown
fittings, and state-of-the-art tile   In our own plants, the focus is   two to three years and how        period.
laying solutions. The compa-          on value added goods, and we      does Somany Ceramic plan             To safeguard our employ-
ny provides complete décor            are increasing our outsourcing    to position itself in this        ees across all locations, we
solutions for evolving needs          for the mid and regular ranges.   growth?                           established stringent rules and
of customers and the dynamic                                            Tile market will double if not    restrictions and ensured our
trends in the market.                 What kind of demand do you        more in 5 years. We have been     workplaces are safe, conducive
                                      foresee based on the new          strong in innovation and new      and stress-free. Understanding
How is ceramic tile demand                                                                                the need of hour, we extended
evolving in India presently?                                                                              flexibility to work from home
India post pandemic is                                                                                    and allowed our field staff
witnessing a demand upsurge                                                                               to head home after meeting
from tier 3 & under market.                                                                               clients and dealers so as to
Moreover, large scale home                                                                                reduce their exposure to Covid
improvement projects are also                                                                                To keep the employee morale
underway. Due to China not                                                                                high, we organized continuous
being the favourite anymore,                                                                              learning webinars, employee
India is seeing a huge upsurge                                                                            connect programs, family
in export demand. Real estate                                                                             contests, health orientations
Industry in India is also finally                                                                         and on-line get together. On
beginning to revive slowly.                                                                               the top of all initiatives taken,
                                                                                                          the most important was to
Do you feel that Covid19                                                                                  keep everyone well informed
has impacted the overall                                                                                  through regular connect and
business cycle and if yes,                                                                                ensure 100% adherence of
how and to what an extent?                                                                                safety protocols.
Business during the lockdown
was severely impacted. The                                                                                www.somanyceramics.com

                                                                                                             iSSUE 11 2021 ICCTAS 17

Marching Ahead
Indian ceramic tile and sanitaryware industry demand post Covid-19.
                                                                                                            one has to offer higher volume
                                                                                                            per SKU. There are chances
                                                                                                            that there will be relaxation in
                                                                                                            anti-dumping duty imposed
                                                                                                            by various countries on Indian
                                                                                                            ceramic (tiles, sanitaryware,
                                                                                                            tableware, engineered quartz)
                                                                                                            and allied products and there
                                                                                                            may be tough norms for
                                                                                                            Chinese imports to discourage
                                                                                                            the Chinese ceramic sourcing.
                                                                                                            Indian government has created
                                                                                                            congenial business environ-
                                                                                                            ment for ease of doing business
                                                                                                            in last few years which can
                                                                                                            attract more global tile im-
                                                                                                            porters and the foreign direct
                                                                                                            investments in the Indian tiles
                                                                                                            industry. Right from an aes-
                                                                                                            thetic ceramic tile to toughest
                                                                                                            porcelain tiles, small tiles to
The Covid 19 pandemic impact                                                                                large format slab tiles, India
has been seen all over the                                                                                  can cater any need of global
world. It had a substantial neg-                                                                            tiles importers’ demand.
ative impact on the construc-                                                                                  Gujarat based Morbi Ceram-
tion industry as well, although                                                                             ic Industry is a largest cluster
the legal repercussions differ                                                                              of Ceramic contributing more
from region to region and                                                                                   than 80% in the Indian tiles
contract to contract.                                                                                       production. Morbi Porcelain
   But now the scenario is                                                                                  Slab Tiles producers are
different. There is a paradigm                                                                              current exporting large format
shift in the way the world is                                                                               porcelain tile slabs to China
looking at China as their choice                                                                            apart from rest of the world
for tile sourcing from Asian        materials, having world class        and Ceramics (sanitary-ware)       which is phenomenal. Indian
market due to hygiene and           manufacturing facilities and         manufacturing plants in India.     tiles import from China also
reliability factors. The majority   adhering to international tiles         India produces all kind of      will be reduced which will be
of the tile importers across the    quality standards. There is          ceramic and porcelain tiles        replaced by other Asian coun-
globe are switching to the other    huge potential of foreign direct     of international standards.        tries imported and resorting to
sourcing destination like India,    investment in India to make          India has huge potential for       domestic sourcing.
Vietnam, Malaysia and Ban-          it as their tile manufacturing       replacing Chinese tiles imports       The ceramic tile industry
gladesh from the second half        hub. India has better hygienic       in terms of offering competi-      may gain traction as Indian
of CY 2020. India being the         food habits, vegetarian domi-        tive price, world class quality,   ceramic tile exports to GCC
second largest tile producing       nant, ethical & honest business      speedy delivery and more           countries and newer export
and consuming market, it is         practices, people are young,         importantly reliability in all     markets such as the US,
going to be the first choice for    skilled and hardworking. There       aspects of the business. Proba-    Indonesia, and Thailand have
importing ceramic & porcelain       are strong possibilities that        bly the best part will be Indian   become functional again.
tiles.                              European & worlds’ leading           Tiles manufacturers’ ability       Exports are expected to gain
   India has rich natural           tiles brands will make sourcing      to handle smaller quantities       notable traction in the next 2-3
resourcing for ceramic raw          tie-up, JVs and set up their tiles   of each SKU where in China         years.

18 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021

A Global Alliance
Caesarstone enters global porcelain countertop market through majority stake
acquisition of Lioli Ceramica.
Caesarstone Ltd., a leading                                                                             our global growth acceleration
developer and manufacturer                                                                              plan and to realize our goal of
of high-quality engineered                                                                              becoming a leading premium,
surfaces announced that it                                                                              multi-material player in the
has entered into a definitive                                                                           global countertop industry. The
agreement to acquire a majority                                                                         acquisition will enable us to
stake in Lioli Ceramica Pvt.                                                                            have a significant presence in
Ltd., an India-based producer of                                                                        the global porcelain category,
cutting-edge porcelain counter-                                                                         one of the fast-growing catego-
top slabs, operating innovative                                                                         ries in the countertop market,
and technologically advanced                                                                            alongside our reputable quartz
manufacturing facilities in                                                                             portfolio.
Asia, with annual revenue of                                                                               Lioli’s state-of-the-art
approximately $18 million.                                                                              porcelain operations combined
   Caesarstone is a concept and                                                                         with Caesarstone’s highly
lifestyle-driven company with                                                                           valued brand and established
a customer-centered approach                                                                            global network will strengthen
to designing, developing, and                                                                           our unique value proposition
producing high-end engineered                                                                           and our ability to accelerate a
surfaces used in residential                                                                            multi-material growth strategy.
and commercial buildings. The                                                                           In this way, we can enhance the
products offer superior aesthetic                                                                       experience of our consumers
appeal and perfected function-                                                                          and business partners, while
ality through a distinct variety                                                                        realizing our mission to be the
of colors, styles, textures, and                                                                        first brand of choice for counter-
finishes used in countertops,                                                                           tops around the world.”
vanities, wall cladding, floors,                                                                           Under the terms of the trans-
and other interior surfaces.                                                                            action, Caesarstone has entered
   Porcelain represents one of                                                                          into a definitive agreement to
the fastest growing categories                                                                          acquire a majority stake in
in the global countertop market                                                                         Lioli for a cash investment of
and directly complements Cae-                                                                           approximately $12 million,
sarstone’s established presence                                                                         representing an enterprise value
in engineered quartz surfaces.                                                                          of approximately $34 million, in-
The acquisition provides an                                                                             cluding the assumption of debt
attractive entry point for Cae-                                                                         and additional consideration of
sarstone to leverage its strong                                                                         up to approximately $10 million
brand, design capabilities, sales                                                                       upon the achievement of certain
force and global distribution                                                                           milestones.
network to enhance customer                                                                                The transaction is expected
engagement around the world                                                                             to close in 2020, subject to cus-
with a multi-material offering of                                                                       tomary closing conditions, and
premium countertops.                                                                                    is expected to have a favorable
   Located in the center of                                                                             impact to earnings beyond
India’s porcelain hub, Lioli’s      offerings to Caesarstone, which   brand. Yuval Dagim, Chief         2020.
high-quality, low-cost, verti-      will be marketed in all regions   Executive Officer commented,
cally-integrated operation will     alongside quartz under one        “This acquisition is a major      www.caesarstoneus.com
supply porcelain countertop         leading global Caesarstone        step in our efforts to advance    www.lioliceramica.com

                                                                                                           iSSUE 11 2021 ICCTAS 19

Living Bathrooms
Duravit offers a wide range of options for bathrooms that create a sense of

                                                                                                        century such as sinks, bidets,
                                                                                                        and toilets.
                                                                                                           In the 1980s, the product line
                                                                                                        was expanded to offer bath-
                                                                                                        room accessories. The brand
                                                                                                        also saw the further growth
                                                                                                        of product lines, including the
                                                                                                        introduction of bathroom furni-
                                                                                                        ture. In 1994, it opened a new,
                                                                                                        modern plant for the produc-
                                                                                                        tion of sanitary ceramics. The
                                                                                                        expansion continued in the first
                                                                                                        decade of the 21st Century with
                                                                                                        the establishment of subsidiar-
                                                                                                        ies in Turkey, India and China.
                                                                                                        The Duravit Design Center in
                                                                                                        Hornberg, designed by Philippe
                                                                                                        Starck, was also completed
                                                                                                        during this time. The brand is
                                                                                                        currently available in over 130

                                                                                                        Have a look at their latest
                                                                                                        product ranges

                                                                                                        Comfortable seating options
                                                                                                        A further option for the series
                                                                                                        Happy D.2 Plus from sieger
                                                                                                        design is a seat featuring an
                                                                                                        integrated drawer that can be
                                                                                                        optionally added as a practical
                                                                                                        extension to the console on the
                                                                                                        left or right. Duravit also offers
                                                                                                        a cushion in matching greige
                                                                                                        made from a woven fabric suit-
                                                                                                        able for wet rooms – the perfect
                                                                                                        place to pass the time as your
                                                                                                        nail varnish dries or your facial
                                                                                                        mask works its magic.

The bathroom is increasingly      founded in 1817 and headquar-     and Matteo Thun for its product     High-quality materials
changing from its traditional     tered in Hornberg, Germany,       lines. In recent years, the com-    The way in which selected ma-
form into a comfortably ap-       is primarily a manufacturer of    pany has diversified its scope to   terials are combined is an essen-
pointed room with an appealing    porcelain bathroom fittings.      include other products. Founded     tial element in creating a sense
ambience. Duravit, the leading    The brand is notable for having   as a small earthenware factory      of wellbeing. With the bathroom
name in bathroom products         employed prominent designers      by Georg Friedrich Horn in 1817     series Luv, the Danish designer
and designs has awide range       such as Philippe Starck, sieger   in the Black Forest, Duravit did    Cecilie Manz succeeded in
of options that creates a sense   design, EOOS, Phoenix Design,     not begin to produce sanitary       imbuing the bathroom with
of well being. Duravit AG,        Frank Huster, Christian Werner    fixtures until the early 20th       Scandinavian joie de vivre

22 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021

thanks to a carefully considered     systems, optionally available
collage of materials. Four differ-   with integrated interior accesso-
ent console panels made from         ries, provide the perfect storage
quartz or solid wood, furniture      space for essential bathroom
fronts with satin matt lacquers,     utensils. The solid-wood
and washbasins with subtle           organizer system is optionally
color accents open up individual     available in Maple or Walnut.
design options.                      From your wristwatch to your
                                     lipstick – everything is at your
Order and structure                  fingertips.
Tidy surroundings enhance
wellbeing. The Duravit drawer        www.duravit.com

                                                                         iSSUE 11 2021 ICCTAS 23

A Mega Venture
Varmora Granito to invest around Rs. 300 crore in two state-of-the-art high-tech
plants in Morbi, Gujarat, India.
Varmora Granito, one of the          installed capacity of 1.1 lakh
India’s leading tile and bathware    square meters per day.
brand is setting up two state-          Recently the virtual stone
of-the-art high-tech plants at       laying ceremony of the new
Morbi in Gujarat. The company        plants was conducted by the
is planning to invest around Rs.     hands of Hon’ble Chief Minister
300 crore in 35,000 sq meters        of Gujarat, Shri Vijaybhai Rupani
per day facility for large format    in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
GVT tiles. The company expects       Additional Chief Secretary -
the plants to be fully commercial    Industries and Mines (Gujarat),
operations by April 2021 and will    MK Das, IAS was also present
generate 1,200 direct and indirect   during the ceremony.
employment opportunities.               “Trusted for reliability,
The company celebrated 25            innovation, quality
years of innovation, design and      consciousness, design and
technology, setting a target of      technology Varmora has created
Rs.1,600 crore revenue in the next   a strong brand identity for itself
2-3 years.                           which is well recognised globally.
   Varmora Granito has               The company looks to strengthen
emerged as one of the largest        its identity as the leader in        Varmora, Chairman, Varmora        mtr. per day. The company has
ceramic companies of India           the Indian ceramic industry          Group.                            a strong presence in domestic
having around 5,000 product          by consistently introducing             Varmora Granito is             market with 7,000 plus touch
designs across segments. The         innovative and value-added           ranked amongst top tile and       points including dealer &
company offers wide range of         products in the market to keep       bathware brand in India and       sub-dealer network, over 250
products including, ceramic floor,   pace with its valued customers.      manufacturing a wide range        exclusive showrooms and 15
digital wall, parking, porcelain,    The proposed expansion will          of wall and floor tiles, slabs,   overseas showrooms. For the
digital glazed vitrified, double     help us to meet the growing          sanitaryware, faucets and         FY20 company reported sales of
charge, outdoor, slabs, etc. The     demand from export market            kitchen sinks. With 11 plants,    Rs. 1100 crore.
company has 11 state-of-the-art      as well as serve the domestic        company’s installed production       “We are expecting a double
manufacturing facilities with        markets better.” said Bhavesh        capacity stands at 1.1 lakh sq.   digit growth in the sales in
                                                                                                            current financial year with a
                                                                                                            robust demand from export
                                                                                                            market especially North and
                                                                                                            South America, Europe, Africa
                                                                                                            and Middle East Countries. With
                                                                                                            anti-china sentiments across the
                                                                                                            World and USA imposing heavy
                                                                                                            duties on tiles from China we
                                                                                                            anticipate huge export potential
                                                                                                            for Indian companies. In the
                                                                                                            next 2-3 years, company has
                                                                                                            set a target of Rs. 1,600 crore
                                                                                                            revenue, expand export network
                                                                                                            to 100 plus countries from 70
                                                                                                            currently and increase exclusive
                                                                                                            showrooms to over 320,” said
                                                                                                            Bhavesh Varmora.


  24 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021

Revitalized Spaces
Spatial Inserts at CHENNAI ONE is an award-winning project designed by architect
V.S Vigneswar of Architecture plus Value.

                                                             CHENNAI ONE is a 3.8-Mil-
                                                             lion Sq-Ft I.T Park located on
                                                             the Information Technology
                                                             Corridor of Chennai, O.M.R
                                                             (Old Mahabalipuram Road). De-
                                                             signed by the award-winning
                                                             architecture firm Architecture
                                                             plus Value, in the presence of
                                                             chief architect and founder
                                                             V.S.Vigneswar, It is one of the
                                                             most successful and sought
                                                             after I.T Parks in Chennai. A+V
                                                             was hired directly by the own-
                                                             ers of the property to design a
                                                             series of Spatial Inserts in the
                                                             I.T. Park to re-vitalize the user
                                                             experience of the facility. The
                                                             Design process started with
                                                             identifying key nodal spaces
                                                             which could add maximum
                                                             VALUE to the 5000+ daily
                                                             users of the building. These
                                                             spaces or elements were inter-
                                                             face points where the multiple
                                                             tenants of the building could
                                                             congregate or have chance
                                                             encounters. The identity of the
                                                             building was also determined

                                                                iSSUE 11 2021 ICCTAS 25

by these designed elements,
which were connected together
through the design language
and material palette. The Spa-
tial Inserts range in size from a
large 500-seater amphitheatre
to a cafeteria designed in a
residual area under the grand
   Below is the sequence
of spaces and their design
It was the face of the project
from outside and had to gel
with the expectation of a
glass façade for I.T parks. The
installation was designed as
a series of aluminium fins of
multiple colours which bridged
the two glass blocks and also
acted as a signal point for the
building entrance. It was kept
porous and inviting to signify
the welcoming aspect of the

Grand Stairs
The entrance to the atrium

26 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021
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was through a large staircase      Coffee Shop / Café                  the feel of the space. Additional   The users use the spaces not
which was designed withten-        A café was designed in the          natural light floods the space      only for transition but also as
sile roofing to bring natural      unused residual space below         through the Tensile roof above      a place of congregation during
light. The walls were organised    the grand stairs. The theme of      and completes the ideal picture     and after office hours, to hang-
with a series of light elements,   the café matched the rest of the    of a break space for the tired      out &socialise. The introduc-
wooden panels and art work.        design. The décor and design        I.T employee.                       tion of natural light and indoor
The flooring was distinguished     of the café gives a relaxing and                                        vegetation add tremendous
with two different materials       warm feel with strip wooden         Amphitheatre                        value to the project. The entire
to high-light the movement         ceiling, wicker lamps and           An extension of the Atrium          Interior design is entirely
pathway and spaces for people      custom wooden furniture. The        was designed as a closed            sustainable from the choice of
to sit.                            furniture and décor was sup-        Amphitheatre. The seating           materials to the energy usage.
                                   plied by Annai Design Studio.       was made in a series of steps       It is a low-cost project which
Lobby                                                                  with different stone patterns       has high-impact. This made
The entrance lobby for each        Atrium                              to high-light the movement          the client very happy. The
block was on either side of the    The main atrium between both        and seating points. A central       user experience of the facility
grand stairs. The lobby was        the blocks was a very special       skylight was designed with          and the marketing of the new
designed with a porous false       area. The design integrated         CNC Cut MDF baffles which           blocks have been significantly
ceiling in re-cycled MDF strips.   water bodies and indoor             give a constant illumination        enhanced due to the designed
Staggered lighting patterns        vegetation to provide seating       to the space throughout the         Spatial Insets. The design has
were evolved to give a sense       spaces and a visual high-light      day without glare. The Amphi        created a place of happiness
of movement. The walls were        to the entire facility. The         hosts various events for the        amongst several constraints,
treated with custom designed       Atrium is the central aspect of     tenants and also serves as an       which were turned into op-
wooden panels at different         the entire project and is visible   informal hang-out or congrega-      portunities to add value to the
levels and a world map in          from all floors. The lifts on       tion space.                         lives of several people.
stainless steel.                   either side were cladded with          The designed spaces have
                                   reflective elements to expand       re-vitalised the entire facility.   www.aplusv.in

28 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021
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Product Offerings
Presenting new launches, product features and more from the
leading companies in India.
                                                                KAJARIA ceramics
                                                                Step into the revolutionized world of staircases with Kajaria Step
                                                                Stone Stairs. Staircases are more than just a functional unit in
                                                                houses, rooms and hallways today. These practical units have an
                                                                interesting design aspect to them that can redefine home spaces.
                                                                Kajaria Step Stone Vitrified Steps and riser come with a variety of
                                                                shades and colours to enhance your spaces to the next level. These
                                                                are designed for easy installation and providing durability to the
                                                                staircases. With a bull nose finish and anti skid properties, these are
                                                                crafted to specifically prevent injuries. Kajaria Step Stone Vitrified
                                                                Steps and riser are the perfect blend of beauty and functionality for
                                                                modern spaces.

Orientbell Tiles launches a new range of Elevation Tiles to
give your house a modern yet classic finish. These tiles has
been designed to bring the house of your dreams to reality
and helps to create a vision of a perfect entrance for your
house with natural designs of woods, stones, bricks and
bamboo. The designs made on a high strength body have
wide grooves as well to keep maintenance and cleaning
easy. The range is available only in large size 300x600 mm
for higher appeal. With designs in stones of different sizes
and in a range of natural colours, these tiles can be applied
on interior as well as exterior walls.

                                                                                           CLASSIC MARBLE COMPANY
                                                                                           Classic Marble Company has introduced
                                                                                           the Grand Antique - a stunningly gor-
                                                                                           geous black marble from the 9th Avenue
                                                                                           collection. The luxury marble is limited
                                                                                           edition stone displaying a chaotic web of
                                                                                           white against the jet black backdrop. The
                                                                                           marble slab has one of the most intriguing
                                                                                           nature’s designs suited for a modern sur-
                                                                                           face design. The Grand Antique, with its
                                                                                           contrasting black and white, is one of the
                                                                                           most versatile marble in its range. Whether
                                                                                           in the bath, living area or in the bedroom,
                                                                                           the stone is relaxing and stimulating to the
                                                                                           senses. The marble designs offered in the
                                                                                           limited edition collection are exquisite as
                                                                                           well as rare. The marble slabs are designer
                                                                                           products and is targeted towards a niche
                                                                                           consumer base that lives a discerning

30 ICCTAS iSSUE 11 2021

SIMPOLO ceramics
Simpolo Ceramics latest Ricco collection is
made with iM+ Technology. This innova-
tive collection is made with POSH Surface
and consists of 18 extraordinary designs
in two sizes 120x240 and 120x180. Laying
your hands on POSH surface it will make
you realize the elegance of the finish and
you will understand how the ‘Posh’ feels
like. With this innovation, the brand has
overcome the myth that smooth surfaces
get scratches and stains. Despite having
unmatched smoothness, POSH Surface is
resistant to scratches.

                                                                          Asian Granito India Ltd.
                                                                          Grestek MarbleX from Asian Granito India
                                                                          Ltd aims to create a style that is artistic
                                                                          yet natural. MarbleX is a perfect fusion of
                                                                          colours, creation. Marblex range is avail-
                                                                          able in 110+ design, 4 large format sizes,
                                                                          and 5 finishes. The company has recently
                                                                          launched a new range in 800X1600 mm
                                                                          size with 14 unique designs that fits best as
                                                                          per the current trend of the home décor. Big
                                                                          size & Modern Look of AGL MarbleX
                                                                          make them suitable for residential, offices,
                                                                          hotels, malls, airports, etc. and they are an
                                                                          ideal choice for interior and exterior spaces.
                                                                          Thanks to its large format, AGL MarbleX
                                                                          is the perfect for wall & floor solution
                                                                          and the ideal choice for Facades as well.

Roca has introduced the all new EP-2 Sensor flush plates in the Indian
market. These innovative flush plates are equipped with sensor-based
technology that detects the hand movement of the user and automati-
cally flushes the WC. The touchfree flush plate also offers many other
features like automatic flushing, hygienic flushing and a quick and
easy installation. EP-2 Sensor flush plates are based on the principle
of sensory activation and captivating designing. It boasts a technolo-
gy that eliminates any kind of direct contact, preventing the transmis-
sion of microorganisms and maximizing hygiene. It operates wholly
on sense, is made of special glass material that is easy to clean and
prevents germ build-up. The EP-2 Sensor flush plates are compatible
with all the existing range of Roca concealed cisterns.

                                                                                         iSSUE 11 2021 ICCTAS 31
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