IMPORTANT: Information about changes to your waste and recycling collections inside - Malvern Hills District Council

Page created by Nathan Moran
IMPORTANT: Information about changes to your waste and recycling collections inside - Malvern Hills District Council
Please read
                     and keep
                     for future

    Information about changes
    to your waste and recycling
         collections inside

                 Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place
Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place                    1
IMPORTANT: Information about changes to your waste and recycling collections inside - Malvern Hills District Council
Welcome to                                                                                                                  What if my household was

    alternate weekly collections
                                                                                                                                                          not eligible for a bin?
                                                                                                                                                          You will remain on sack collections for
                                                                                                                                                          both waste and recycling. A roll of black
                                                                                                                                                          and cherry sacks will be delivered to you
                                         Collections start week commencing 2 April 2018.                                                                  in the usual way during May or June. You
                                         This is Easter Bank Holiday Monday but collections
                                                                                                                                                          may buy your own black sacks if you wish.
    Malvern Hills District Council       will still be taking place on that day. The first week   Missed collections
                                                                                                                                                          You will be able to put out a maximum of
    will soon be operating the           we will be collecting black bins/sacks.                  •   Was your bin/sacks placed at the front edge         4 black sacks for collection a fortnight or
    alternate weekly collection          Your collection day will not change. Please place            of your property by 7am?
                                                                                                                                                          6 if you are a larger household.
                                         your black bin/sacks out by 7am on your usual            •   Is your recycling bin free from contaminated
    system. Your waste will be           collection day during this week at the boundary              items?                                               Blacks sacks for general waste
    collected one week and               of your property.                                        •   Is the correct bin/sacks out? (check calendar)     (max 4 or 6 per fortnight) collected on week one
    your recycling the next. This        The system will then continue with recycling             If the answer to all of these questions is yes then
    booklet is designed to help          collections week commencing 9 April 2018 before          report it to us online 24/7 by visiting
                                         returning to black bins/sacks the following week and
    you use the service correctly,       rotating again.
    reduce the amount of waste           Please check the collection calendar on the back
    you generate and maximise            of the letter received with this booklet for more
    your recycling.                      information or visit
                                                                                                                                                                            Never put hazardous
                                         refuse-and-recycling and click on ‘find your day
                                                                                                                                                                           waste or liquids such as
                                         of collection’.
                                                                                                                                                                            paint or oil, hot ashes,
                                                                                                                                                                            garden waste, rubble
                                                                                                                                                                           stone, or soil, syringes,
      One week the black bin for                    The next week the green bin
                                                                                                                                                                          plasterboard, asbestos or
      general waste is collected                      for recycling is collected                                                                                           recyclable items in your
                                                                                                                                                                                black bin/sacks
       •   For items that cannot be                    •   Check the information                  Larger bins/additional sacks
           recycled in green bin,                          on pages 4 – 9 for a
                                                                                                  If you meet any of the following criteria you can
           such as: nappies, plastic                       reminder of what to put
                                                                                                  request a larger 240 litre black bin:
           wrapping, polystyrene…                          in your green bin
                                                                                                  •   Families with 6 or more people permanently
       •   You can use sacks and                       •   Recycling must be put in
           carrier bags in this bin if
                                                                                                      living at the same address                               Cherry sacks for recycling
                                                           the bin loose. NO carrier
                                                                                                                                                               (unlimited) collected the next week
           you wish to help keep it                        bags or sacks                          •   Families with 1 or more children under
           clean                                       •   If non-recyclable items                    3-years-old using disposable nappies
       •   All waste must be in the                        such as food waste,                        permanently living at the address
           bin, NO side waste will                         carrier bags or nappies                •   Persons with medical reasons that create
           be taken                                        are found in your                          large amounts of non-hazardous medical
       •   Bin lids must be fully                          green bin it will NOT be                   waste
           shut or your bin may not                        emptied. You will need
           be emptied                                      to remove the items and
                                                                                                  To request a larger black bin visit                                          REMEMBER
                                                           put it out again on your                                                                                           for health and safety
       •   Only official Malvern                                                                  select Deliver/Replace Bin or Sacks and fill in the
                                                           next scheduled recycling                                                                                          reasons glass cannot
           Hills District Council bins                                                            form. Alternatively call the waste changes hotline
                                                           collection date                                                                                                     be placed in sacks
           will be emptied                                                                        on 01684 862490. Please note requests will only be
                                                       •   Labels can be left on                                                                                             but should be taken to
       •   Double bag smelly items                                                                considered/processed after the system has launched
                                                                                                                                                                              Household Recycling
           such as used nappies                        •   No need to squash                      on 2 April 2018.
           or cat litter to reduce                         cans/bottles, cartons or
                                                                                                  If you are on a sack collection and meet the larger
           smells                                          plastics
                                                                                                  household criteria you can put out up to 6 sacks per

2                                                 Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place     Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place                                                               3
IMPORTANT: Information about changes to your waste and recycling collections inside - Malvern Hills District Council
BLACK PLASTIC                                              CUTLERY AND CROCKERY
                                                                                                                         cannot be accepted by our recycling facility so            if in good condition donate to a charity shop.
                                                                                                                         should be disposed of in your black bin/sack.              Otherwise broken crockery can be recycled in the
                                                                                                                                                                                    hardcore and rubble container at Household Recycling
                                                                                                                         BABY FOOD POUCHES                                          Centres and metal cutlery in the metal container.
                                                                                                                         these should be disposed of in your black bin/sack.

                                                                    i d e
                                                                                                                                                                                    DRINKS CARTONS

                                                                G u
                                                                                                                         BISCUIT AND SWEET TINS                                     can go in your green bin/cherry sack, just remove

                       i l                                  e d
                                                                                                                         can go in your green bin/cherry sack including the lids.   the straw which should go in your black bin/sack.

             A D e t a                                                                                                   CANS                                                       DOG FOOD TINS

                                                                                                                         can be put in your green bin/cherry sack just rinse        please rinse out, push in the lids, and put in your

                           cl i n
                                                                                                                         them out first.                                            green bin/cherry sack. The foil pouch versions

                    e c  y
                                                                                                                                                                                    should be disposed of in your black bin/sack.
                                                                                                                         CAR BATTERIES

             to R
                                                                                                                         these should be taken to Household Recycling               ELECTRICAL ITEMS
                                                                                                                         Centres.                                                   such as microwaves, radios, games consoles, kettles,
                                                                                                                                                                                    toasters etc should be taken to Household Recycling
                                                                                                                         COFFEE PODS/CAPSULES                                       Centres in Malvern, Tenbury and Worcester. If an
                                                                                                                         Some brands of single use plastic coffee pods/
                                                                                                                                                                                    electrical appliance has a plug, uses batteries or
                                                                                                                         capsules offer their own returns recycling service.
                                                                                                                                                                                    needs charging or has a picture of a crossed out
                                                                                                                         Otherwise dispose of in your black bin/sack.
                                                                                                                                                                                    wheeled bin on it then it can be recycled.
                                                                                                                         CARDBOARD                                                  EGG BOXES
                                                                                                                         and light white card (for example cereal boxes)            made from cardboard are fully compostable at home
                                                                                                                         can go in your green bin/cherry sack. Anything             or can go in your green bin/cherry sack. Plastic
                                                                                                                         corrugated or thick will also be accepted. Small           boxes can also go in your recycling. Polystyrene
                                                                                                                         amounts are also good for composting at home.              cartons should go in your black bin/sack.

                                                                                                                         CARRIER BAGS                                               EGG SHELLS
                                                              ASH                                                        can be recycled in store at most large supermarkets        can be composted at home. When crushed they can
                                                                                                                         but use a reusable bag to reduce the need for them         also deter slugs from eating your plants, just sprinkle
You’ve told us you want more                                  from wood burning fires is an excellent form of
                                                              waste to add to your compost at home, or as a soil         in the first place. Do not put them in your green bin/     around the base.
information on how to recycle specific                                                                                   cherry sack.
                                                              fertiliser. Do not put in your green/black bins or                                                                    ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHT BULBS
items. So we have produced this                               black/cherry sacks.                                        CLOTHING AND TEXTILES                                      can be recycled at Household Recycling Centres.
detailed guide featuring the most                                                                                        including bedding can be recycled at Household             If you have any of the older incandescent bulbs
common items we are asked about to                            can be recycled in your green bin/cherry sack just         Recycling Centres or your local recycling banks but        dispose of them in your black bin/sack. They contain
help you get your recycling right.                            remove the lid first. This also applies to roller balls.   should not go in your green bin/cherry sack as they        a different type of glass and metal parts so cannot
                                                                                                                         cannot be accepted this way. Good quality items can        be recycled.
                                                              BATTERIES                                                  be donated to your local charity shop.
ALUMINIUM FOIL TRAYS                                          all household batteries including ‘button’ watch                                                                      FOOD WASTE
such as takeaway carton bases should not be put in            batteries and battery packs for mobile phones and          COMPUTERS                                                  Some food waste can be composted otherwise it
your green bin/cherry sack but taken to Household             laptops should be recycled at Household Recycling          including laptops and monitors should be recycled          should be disposed of in your black bin/sack.
Recycling Centres.                                            Centres and some supermarkets. Do not put in your          at Household Recycling Centres.
                                                                                                                                                                                    FOIL POUCHES
                                                              green bin/cherry sack.                                     CHRISTMAS TREES                                            these should be disposed of in your black bin/sack.
                                                              BOOKS/CDS/DVDS                                             real ones can be taken to Household Recycling
if used for covering food it can be recycled as long                                                                     Centres.                                                   FISH AND CHIP PAPER
                                                              can be donated to charity shops or Household                                                                          this should be disposed of in your black bin/sack.
as it is clean. To test if any type of foil is recyclable
                                                              Recycling Centres in Tenbury and Worcester will accept     CRISP PACKETS
scrunch it in your hand and if it holds its shape you                                                                                                                               GARDEN WASTE
                                                              them. Do not put in your green bin/cherry sack.            these cannot be recycled as they contain foil which
can recycle it at Household Recycling Centres.                                                                                                                                      can be composted at home, taken to Household
                                                              BOTTLES AND JARS                                           cannot be separated. They should be
ALUMINIUM TUBES                                                                                                          disposed of in your                                        Recycling Centres or sign up for our garden waste
                                                              made of all types of coloured glass can go in your                                                                    collection service
eg for tomato puree, should be disposed of in your                                                                       black bin/sack.
                                                              green bin but for health and safety reasons cannot                                                                    garden-waste
black bin/sack.
                                                              be accepted if you are on a sack collection. They can
                                                              be taken to Household Recycling Centres.

4                                                                      Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place       Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place                                                                      5
IMPORTANT: Information about changes to your waste and recycling collections inside - Malvern Hills District Council
GREETING CARDS                                             KITCHEN ROLL TUBES                                      PAPER                                                    READING GLASSES
can be recycled in your green bin/cherry sack but          can be composted at home or put in your green bin/      including envelopes, magazines and catalogues can        there are lots of charities that want reading glasses
first tear off any parts with glitter, bows or ribbon on   cherry sack.                                            be recycled in your green bin/cherry sack. No need       to give to people that need them. Try a search
them.                                                                                                              to remove windows from envelopes.                        online. Most opticians will also accept your old
                                                           KITCHEN UTENSILS                                                                                                 glasses for reuse.
GRASS                                                      can be recycled at Household Recycling Centres.         PAINT
can be composted very effectively providing that it                                                                can be disposed of at Household Recycling Centres.       SHOES
is mixed with equal quantities of other material, for      LIDS                                                                                                             with some wear on them should be tied together
                                                           please remove and place in your green bin/cherry        PILLOWS
example scrunched up newspaper, or put it in your                                                                                                                           and recycled at Household Recycling Centres.
                                                           sack. Film lids, such as on plastic trays, should be
garden waste bin as it is.                                                                                         can be taken to a charity shop, or the inner feathers/
                                                           removed and disposed of in your black bin/sack.         down can be composted at home, and the fabric            SAUCEPANS
GREASEPROOF PAPER                                                                                                  recycled at Household Recycling Centres.
                                                                                                                                                                            can be taken to Household Recycling
(used and scraps) free from food can be composted          METAL                                                                                                            Centres.
at home if ripped up first or in small amounts. Do         can be recycled at Household                            PIZZA BOXES
not put in your green bin/cherry sack.                     Recycling Centres.                                      and other cardboard based fast food containers that      TELEVISIONS
                                                                                                                   are stained with grease should not be recycled but       can be taken to Household Recycling Centres.
HAY                                                        MOBILE PHONES
                                                           can be donated to                                       disposed of in your black bin/sack.                      TOOTHPASTE TUBES
and other natural pet bedding can be added to
your home compost heap so long as your pet is              charities or there are                                  PLASTERBOARD                                             both the squeezable and pump action tubes
vegetarian.                                                companies that will pay for                             can be taken to local Household Recycling Centres        should be disposed of in your black bin/sack.
                                                           old handsets. Try searching                             except for sites in Upton and Worcester West. Call
                                                           online. Unwanted handsets
                                                                                                                   ahead using the details on page 8 if you are unsure.     manual ones can be disposed of in your black bin/
                                                           and accessories can also be
                                                                                                                   PLASTIC TUBS/TRAYS                                       sack or use them to scrub grout, tiles or hard to
                                                           returned to phone shops for
                                                                                                                   including margarine tubs, yoghurt pots, ice cream        reach areas. Electric toothbrushes can be taken to
                                                           recycling. They can also be taken
                                                                                                                   tubs, fruit punnets and raw meat trays can all go        Household Recycling Centres.
                                                           to the Household Recycling
                                                           Centres in Malvern, Tenbury and                         in your green bin/cherry sack. All colours accepted      UMBRELLAS
                                                           Worcester.                                              except for black.                                        if you are able to detach the fabric canopy you could
                                                           MEDICINES                                               PLASTIC BOTTLES                                          recycle the metal at a Household Recycling Centre.
                                                           you can put empty glass medicine bottles in your        including bleach, fabric conditioner and shampoo         VACUUM DUST
                                                           green bin but not cherry sacks. Please take all other   bottles can be recycled. Rinse out and then place in     can be composted at home or disposed of in your
                                                           medicines to any pharmacist where they will be          your green bin/cherry sack. Remember if they have        black bin/sack.
                                                           disposed of safely and the bottles recycled. Blister    a pump or other filter (such as hand soap bottles) to
                                                           packs for tablets and pills are not recyclable.         remove them first and put in your black bin/sack.        WRAPPING PAPER
                                                                                                                                                                            can be recycled in your
                                                           NAPPIES                                                 PLASTIC WRAPPING                                         green bin/cherry sack if
                                                           that are disposable should be put in your black bin/    such as clingfilm or polythene should be disposed of     it holds its shape when
HARDCORE AND RUBBLE                                        sack. Cloth nappies are an excellent alternative to     in your black bin/sack.                                  scrunched. Remove any
such as bricks and wood should be taken to                 disposable ones and can save money and reduce
                                                                                                                   PYREX                                                    sticky tape, bows and
Household Recycling Centres.                               waste. See page 8 for more information.
                                                                                                                   while this is a type of glass it has been specially      ribbons first. If it springs
INKJET CARTRIDGES                                          OIL                                                     treated to withstand high temperatures and this          back then dispose of it
are accepted by many charities that will gladly            either cooking or engine should never be poured         makes it non-recyclable. Dispose of it in your black     in your black bin/sack.
recycle them on your behalf. They can also be taken        down drains, it can contaminate drinking water          bin but do not put it in sacks for health and safety     WHITE GOODS
to Household Recycling Centres.                            and harm wildlife. Engine oil should be taken to        reasons. Please take to Household Recycling Centres      including dishwashers,
IRONING BOARDS                                             Household Recycling Centres. Cooking oil can be         instead and put in the landfill container.               freezers, fridges, washing machines, tumble dryers,
should be taken to Household Recycling Centres.            recycled at the Worcester East Household Recycling                                                               cookers etc can all be taken to Household Recycling
                                                           Centre in Bilford Road, Worcester. Otherwise please
Remove the cover and place in the textiles container                                                               old fabric rags or stained t-shirts make good general    Centres. Remember, if an electrical appliance has
and the metal board in the metals container.               seal oils in an appropriate watertight container and                                                             a plug, uses batteries or needs charging or has a
                                                                                                                   rags. When they are past good use, if the material
                                                           dispose of in your black bin/sack.                                                                               picture of a crossed out wheeled bin on it then it
JUNK MAIL                                                                                                          is natural, such as cotton, you can compost this
                                                                                                                   material at home.                                        can be recycled.
you can use the Mailing Preference Service to
remove yourself from the mailing lists used by many                                                                                                                         YOGHURT POTS
companies. Alternatively put it in your green bin/                                                                                                                          rinse out and then place in your green bin/cherry
cherry sack.                                                                                                                                                                sack. Place film lid in your black bin/sack.

6                                                                   Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place    Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place                                                                      7
IMPORTANT: Information about changes to your waste and recycling collections inside - Malvern Hills District Council
Time to rethink                                                                        What can I put in my
                                                           reusable                                                                               green bin/cherry sack?
                                                                                                                                                  Your at a glance guide
                                                           nappies?                                                 Here is a brief overview of what can be put in your green bin or cherry sack. Remember you
                                                                                                                    can recycle more items at your Household Recycling Centre.
                                                           Modern reusable nappies are
                                                           nothing like their terry towel
                                                                                                                                                               Yes please                      No thanks

    Your Household
                                                           counterparts of old. These days washable                                                       •   food tins                    •   Foil or anything foil lined
                                                           nappies are trim, absorbent and quick drying.                                                  •   drink cans                   •   Crisp and sweet wrappers
                                                           They also have the added bonuses of saving you                                                 •   aerosol cans                 •   Metal tins that have contained

    RecyclingCentres                                       a large amount of money and drastically reducing
                                                           the amount of waste in your black bin/sacks. Each
                                                                                                                                                              sweet/biscuit tins
                                                                                                                                                              metal jar lids               •
                                                                                                                                                                                               Cutlery and other metal
    Your Household Recycling Centres will take a           child puts almost a tonne of disposable nappies into
    wide range of items from batteries and engine oil      landfill during their lifetime.                                                                • glass bottles*                 •   Glass cookware, e.g. Pyrex
    to scrap metal, soil and wood. Each one accepts        The Worcestershire Nappy Advisory Service is a                                                 • glass jars*                    •   Drinking glasses
    slightly different things. Give them a call to check   volunteer run scheme that offers the opportunity to                                            *Not sack collections            •   Light bulbs and tubes
    before you travel or visit       trial reusable nappies for free to see if you and your                                         please take to Household         •   Ceramics
    and click on recycle and then recycling centres.       child get on with them.                                                                        Recycling Centres

    Your nearest ones are:                                 You can either attend one of their public                                                      •   drinks bottles               •   Black plastic
    Malvern Household Recycling Centre                     demonstrations or arrange for someone to visit you                                             •   milk/juice bottles           •   Plastic carrier bags
    Malvern Link, Worcestershire WR13 5AX                  at home. They will go through the options and then                                             •   detergent bottles            •   Plastic toys
    Open 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday and                 loan you a suitable kit of 20 to 30 cloth nappies to                                           •   cleaning/bleach bottles      •   Polystyrene
    10am to 4pm Sunday.                                    trial for a month.                                                                             •   yoghurt pots                 •   Medicine packs
    Phone: 01684 892785                                                                                                                                   •   plastic meat/fish trays      •   Chemicals plastic bottles (e.g. anti-freeze)
                                                           When it is time to return the kit, if you decide to
    Tenbury Wells Household Recycling Centre               carry on using cloth nappies then the service will
    Tenbury Wells Business Park, Tenbury Wells             also advise you on how to find the best prices for the                                         •   newspapers/magazines         •   Paper stained with food, grease or dirt
    Worcestershire WR15 8FA                                nappy you like best.                                                                           •   phone directories            •   Hygiene/sanitary products (wet wipes)
    Open 8am to 6pm Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.                                                                                                        •   catalogues/brochures         •   Sticky papers (eg post-it notes)
    Phone: 01584 810198                                    Want to find out more?                                                                         •   junk mail/leaflets           •   Wallpaper
                                                           Email or visit                                                         •   letters                      •   Metallic wrapping paper
    Upton-upon- Severn Household Recycling Centre for more information.                                                      •   greetings cards              •   Kitchen towel
    Hanley Road Car Park, Upton-upon-Severn WR8 0HU
                                                                                                                                                          •   envelopes
    Open 8am to 6pm Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.
    Phone: 01684 591293

                                                                                                                                                          •   milk / juice / smoothie      •   Laminated plastic food/

                                                                       t e
    Worcester East Household Recycling Centre
                                                                   e s
                                                                                                                                                              cartons                          drink pouches (e.g. baby food

    Bilford Road, Worcester WR3 8PU
                                                                                                                                                          •   fabric conditioner cartons       pouches, cat food pouches,
    Open 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to                          m
                                                                      t r y                                                                               •   soup/tomato cartons              coffee pouches)
                                                                 Then ut for
    4pm Sunday.
                                                                                                                                                          •   custard cartons
    Phone: 01905 453610
    Worcester West Household Recycling Centre
    Hallow Road, off Horsford Road, Worcester WR2 6BZ                 FREE                                                                                •   thin cardboard boxes
                                                                                                                                                               e.g. cereal boxes,
                                                                                                                                                                                           •   Card that is stained or dirty with
                                                                                                                                                                                               foodstuffs, grease, paint or dirt
    Open 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday and                                                                                                                      ready meal boxes                 (e.g. pizza boxes)
    8am to 12.30pm Saturday. Not open                                                                                                                     •   corrugated/thick cardboard   •   Glitter covered greeting cards
    Sundays or Bank Holidays.                                                                                                                             •   egg boxes
    Phone: 01905 421116                                                                                                                                   •   kitchen/toilet roll tubes

8                                                                   Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place     Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place                                                                           9
IMPORTANT: Information about changes to your waste and recycling collections inside - Malvern Hills District Council
•   Once opened, food like cheese and ham keep              Learn to love a list                                       Know your dates
                                                              better if they’re well wrapped or in an airtight        •   Keep a pad and pen in the kitchen - when you’ve        Best before - These dates refer to quality rather than
                                                              container.                                                  got through the last of your favourites such as        food safety. Foods with a ‘best before’ date should be
                                                          •   Keep your fridge between zero and five degrees              milk or cheese scribble it down on the list.           safe to eat after the ‘best before’ date, but they may
                                                              Celsius. Research shows up to 70 percent of                                                                        no longer be at their best.
                                                                                                                      •   Shopping for specific ingredients with meals in mind
                                                              fridges are too warm meaning food goes off                  and taking a list helps ensure we use what we buy.     Use by - These dates refer to safety. Food can be
                                                              much quicker.                                                                                                      eaten up to the end of this date but not after even
                                                                                                                      •   Look for food with the longest use by date or
                                                                                                                                                                                 if it looks and smells fine. Always follow the storage
                                                                                                                          fresh foods which can be frozen in case you
                                                          Versatile veg                                                   don’t get round to eating them in time.
                                                                                                                                                                                 instructions on packs.
                                                          •   If you’re only using part of a pepper, leave the                                                                   Display until and sell by – these are for shop staff
                                                                                                                      •   Have a quick rummage through the fridge,
                                                              stem, seeds and membrane intact. Then wrap                                                                         so ignore them.
                                                                                                                          freezer and store cupboard once a week - it’ll
                                                              it and keep in the fridge. The pepper will keep
                                                                                                                          end those evening runs to the local late night
                                                              much longer than when you remove them.                                                                             Luscious leftovers
                                                                                                                          shop for essentials.
                                                          •   If you wash spinach well in cold water, shake off                                                                  There are so many ways to turn leftover food into
                                                                                                                      •   Take a quick photo of your fridge as you leave
                                                              as much water as you can and store in an airtight                                                                  delicious meals. You can find scores of recipes and

Love food
                                                                                                                          home in the morning so you can see what’s
                                                              container in the fridge, it will keep fresh for                                                                    ideas online at
                                                                                                                          already in there.
                                                              longer. This also revives old spinach.
                                                                                                                      •   You don’t have to plan every meal in the week.
                                                          •   Wrap lettuce, carrots, courgettes etc. in kitchen
                                                                                                                          In fact just having an idea of what four to five
                                                              paper then put them in plastic bags in the salad
                                                                                                                          meals, will be often works best allowing you to

hate waste
                                                              compartment of the fridge. The paper stops the
                                                                                                                          be flexible with unexpected leftovers.
                                                              condensation from softening the veg and stops
                                                              mould, they will stay fresh for much longer.            •    Identify a meal from the freezer each week -
                                                                                                                          such as Friday night is freezer night. So if your
                                                                                                                          plans change and you’re eating out on Friday
Did you know you could be throwing                        Save your spuds                                                 that meal can happily sit at home on pause
£700 a year away?                                         •   If your potatoes get green patches, don’t worry –           waiting till next week.
                                                              cut those bits off and the rest is still fine to eat.
That’s the amount food waste is
estimated to the cost the average UK                      •   If your potatoes have sprouts, they’re also okay –      Be a freezer hero
household. In Worcestershire about a                          just chop them off.                                     Did you know you can freeze the following?
third of the average household’s general                  •   If your potato is wrinkly, it means it has lost most    Chillies – freeze them whole and chop while they’re
waste is food.                                                of its nutrients, but it’s still safe to eat.           still frozen.
                                                          •   If you’ve got too many spuds, par boil and freeze       Milk – freeze as soon as possible after buying. When
                                                              them – you can take them out at a later date and        you need it, thaw it in the fridge. Plastic containers
Here are some top tips to help you cut down on your           roast them.                                             are okay for freezing milk in, but the milk will expand
food waste.                                               •   If you were given a bigger                              so pour out a small amount (for example, in a cup of
                                                              portion than what you                                   tea) to allow for this. Shake well before using. Never
Fridge right                                                  bargained for from the chippy,                          freeze milk in glass bottles.
•    Do not put bread in the fridge as it goes stale          put them in the freezer and                             Cheese – try grating Cheddar cheese and then
     quicker. Keep in a bread bin or store cupboard or        reheat them at a later date                             freezing it for use as toppings on pizza or shepherd’s
     freeze for use another time.                             for extra crispy chips.                                 pie. Stilton can be frozen and defrosts just as good
                                                                                                                      as fresh.
•    Most fruit and veg can be stored in the fridge
     except bananas and pineapples (keep cool but                                                                     Leftover cooked meat – all sorts of leftover meat
     don’t refrigerate), potatoes and onions (keep in a                                                               can be frozen. Thaw in the fridge and use as normal,
     cool, dark place).                                                                                               in a risotto or curry.
•    Apples last up to two weeks longer in the fridge                                                                 Bread – slice a whole loaf and use straight from
     and peppers up to a week longer.                                                                                 frozen in the toaster or to make sandwiches for work
                                                                                                                      – by lunchtime they’ll be defrosted. For sliced loaves,
•    Eggs keep best in their box in the fridge.
                                                                                                                      loosely tap the loaf on a work surface before putting
                                                                                                                      it in the freezer to help the frozen slices come apart
                                                                                                                      more easily.

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IMPORTANT: Information about changes to your waste and recycling collections inside - Malvern Hills District Council
Become a home composter                                                                                                        Other types of composting
Composting at home is a great way                                                                                                                            The HOTBIN is a compost bin which allows you to compost all of your
                                                                                                                                                             food and garden waste in just 30 to 90 days. Reaching a high internal
of minimising the waste you generate                                                                                                                         temperature of between 40 to 60 degrees Celsius, the HOTBIN provides the
and helping the environment. In fact,                                                                                                                        necessary environment, unlike traditional cold composting heaps, to break
composting at home for just one year can                                                                                                                     down a wider variety of waste more rapidly. As well as being able to deal

                                                                                                                                                             with everything a standard compost bin can, a HOTBIN can also take cooked

prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to all
                                                                                    k e c o                                                                  leftover food waste, mouldy bread, fish, meat, chicken bones as well as
the CO2 your kettle produces annually or
                                                                How to good compost lineeseind a
                                                                                                                                                             chicken waste, dog waste, cat litter and much more.
your washing machine in three months.                                                                                                                        Visit for more information.
                                                                           y to                        u
                                                                                            ight. Yo d browns
                                                                 The ke            m  i x r
                                                                             the                     s an
It’s not as complicated as people think. For                     getting nce of green ertain
beginners, a simple compost bin is the easiest and                           ala
                                                                  good b n and to kee st is too
                                                                              b i
                                                                                                                                                             Green Cone
inexpensive way to start. Just sort out the right items
                                                                  in your . If your com it is too
                                                                               u t                       if
                                                                   items o                   rowns,
from your garden and household waste, place them                                                                                                             Designed for use by an average family of up to four people, the Green Cone
in your compost bin, wait about 18 months and your                       t a d d  m o r e  b
                                                                                                  n s.   A  ir is als a                                      is a sealed unit which creates a rodent proof environment to decompose
                                                                    we                     gre  e                  ive it
compost will be ready to use.
                                                                       r y a d d more process so g                                                           cooked and uncooked kitchen waste. This includes fish, meat, poultry,
                                                                     d                    he                        ts.
                                                                                ial to t                r pocke                                              bones and cooked food scraps.
You can buy a compost bin for just £12.99 plus free                  essent                 re ate a  i
                                                                                 tir to c
delivery through Worcestershire County Council.                       good s                                                                                 You do not get any compost from a digester. Instead, the material is broken
Visit and click on recycle                                                                                                             down into a rich soil conditioner that is absorbed into the surrounding
and then composting or call Get Composting on                                                                                                                ground. As a small amount of residue is left, the Green Cone has to be
0844 571 4444.                                                                                                                                               moved every few years.

           GREENS (high in Nitrogen)                           BROWNS (high in Carbon)
                     Grass cuttings                                   Crushed egg shells                                                                     Bokashi
                        Tea bags                                           Egg boxes                                                                         This is a fermentation system using two buckets and Bokashi active bran.
                   Vegetable peelings                                Corrugated cardboard                                                                    It is ideal for small households as it can be done right inside your kitchen
                       Salad leaves                                    Garden prunings                                                                       and is perfect for dealing with food waste as you can add fruit, veg and
                       Fruit scraps                                      Straw and hay                                                                       meat scraps but not bones. Add food scraps to the first bucket with a
                       Old flowers                                           Wool                                                                            sprinkling of Bokashi active bran, push the material down and seal the lid.
                                                                                                                                                             Keep doing this until the bucket is full and then use the second bucket.
                         Nettles                                        Shredded paper
                                                                                                                                                             The fermentation process will take approximately two to three weeks, after
                Coffee grounds and filters                         Twigs and hedge clippings                                                                 which you will have a liquid collected in the bottom bin, which can be
                   Old bedding plants                                       Sawdust                                                                          diluted and used as a fertilizer for your plants.
                     Horse manure                         Ash from wood, paper and lumpwood charcoal
                                                                                                                                                             Visit for more information on these and other
                                                                                                                                                             types of composting available.

                           These should be
                           kept out of your
                             compost bin
                           Cooked vegetables
                             Dairy products
                            Diseased plants
                           Dog poo or cat litter
                             Baby nappies
12                                                               Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place                Malvern Hills District - Proud of Our Place                                                                     13
IMPORTANT: Information about changes to your waste and recycling collections inside - Malvern Hills District Council
      Frequently Asked Questions
                                                                                                                Where/how will I store my rubbish for two                I live in a large household will I be able to
                                                                                                                weeks if I do not have a wheeled bin?                    request a larger bin?
                                                                                                                Storage of black sacks will remain a matter for each     If households recycle fully then we believe there
                                                                                                                individual household to consider. Many people have       should be enough capacity in the 180 litre bin to
                                                       Can I be given a black wheeled bin for                   already bought their own containers for the storing      meet most people’s needs. However, households will
       We know you have a lot of                       storage only?                                            of waste in between collections and we anticipate        be able to request a larger 240 litre bin if they meet
       questions about the changes. Here               Unfortunately not. This would not only increase          this will continue in the future.                        the following criteria:
       are answers to some of the key                  the cost of introducing the changes but pose other
                                                                                                                                                                         •   Families with 6 or more permanently living at
       questions we get asked the most.                practical challenges. Wheeled bins are quite tall and    Is it a health hazard to only collect                        the same address.
                                                       we would not want to put people at risk of injury by
                                                                                                                household waste on alternate weeks?                      •   Families with 1 or more children under 3-years-
                                                       asking them to reach into the bottom of the bin to
                                                                                                                The vast majority of the country is operating                old using disposable nappies permanently living
                                                       collect bags of rubbish.
How will waste and recycling collections                                                                        this system and there is no evidence of ill health           at the address.
change?                                                                                                         connected with this type of service in other council
                                                       If a property isn’t suitable for a black bin,            areas running AWC.                                       •   Persons with medical reasons that cause large
Currently waste is collected every week and
recycling once a fortnight. Under the new system,      what should I put my rubbish out in?                                                                                  amounts of non-hazardous medical waste to be
known as Alternate Weekly Collections (AWC), waste     Each exempt household will continue to be provided       Will you be providing bin liners?                            produced.
will be collected one week and recycling the next      with a roll of sacks every year. You can buy your own    No, this will add extra cost and liners can also cause   Large households on a sack collection will be able to
week on a rotating basis. Most households will also    sacks to put your rubbish in but remember no more        issues including bags getting trapped in them            put out 6 sacks of waste for collection instead of the
be issued with a black wheeled bin. This won’t be      than 4 sacks of rubbish (for a standard household)       meaning bins are not emptied properly. There are         standard 4.
appropriate for every property though and for those,   should be placed out for collection per fortnight.       commercial cleaning companies that for a fee will
sack collections will continue.                        Sacks should be placed out individually for collection   clean your bin and provide a scented bin liner but it
                                                       and not in any bin or container.                         is entirely your choice whether or not you wish to do
                                                                                                                                                                         Will I be able to request an additional
Why are changes being made?                                                                                     this.                                                    black bin?
As a council we need to save £1.45million by 2021.     Will the black wheeled bin be big enough                                                                          No. Qualifying larger households will be able to
The contribution from waste and recycling is           for two weeks of general rubbish?                        Will you be providing a separate food                    request to swap the standard 180 litre bin for a
£250,000. We looked at other ways of saving the        The bins will hold around 4 black sacks of rubbish.                                                               240 litre bin but additional black bins will not be
                                                                                                                waste collection?
money, including bringing in a private company to      This should be enough for the vast majority of                                                                    provided.
                                                                                                                No as it is expensive to provide and take up of the
run our waste and recycling collections, but it did    households needs, especially if they are recycling       service is often low. We advise that food waste is
not save enough and in some cases actually cost        fully. Research shows half of what is thrown away in     ‘double bagged’ – placed into a bag before being
                                                                                                                                                                         I live on a small private road or cul-de-
more.                                                  a black bag could be composted or recycled. Visit        put into another bag or sack – to seal in any smells.    sac area that is remaining on a sack
We believe we can save in excess of £150,000 by for ideas on how to reduce         You can find tips on how to reduce food waste by         collection. Will we be able to request a
changing the frequency of collections with another     the amount of waste you generate.                        visiting                           communal collection instead?
£100,000 coming from efficiencies within the                                                                                                                             We have had a few requests from people living in
service.                                               Do I have to use black sacks in my black                 I live in a small household that doesn’t                 small neighbourhood areas that are not eligible for a
                                                       wheeled bin?                                             generate much waste. Can I request a                     black bin asking to switch to a communal collection
Will every property be given a wheeled bin?            Any bag, sack or carrier can be used to contain the                                                               – ie one large bin is placed in an appropriate area
We would love to give every household a wheeled
                                                                                                                smaller bin?
                                                       waste you put into the black bin. You can put waste                                                               and every household in that street places their
                                                                                                                Qualifying households will be issued with a 180 litre
bin but, as with the recycling service, we recognise   in loose but we would advise that messy items, such                                                               waste in it, which will then be emptied fortnightly.
                                                                                                                bin as standard. We did consider offering a smaller
that some properties are not suitable due to space     as food waste, is bagged. This will keep the inside of                                                            These requests can be very complex and may
                                                                                                                size bin but there is very little difference and it
or access issues. We will be actively reviewing        the bin clean and reduce the likelihood of smells.                                                                complicate the roll out of the new system. However,
                                                                                                                would complicate the roll out of the service.
current exemptions in the coming months to see if                                                                                                                        we are reviewing currently exempt households over
there are opportunities to move some previously        How is it fair I am paying the same/more                                                                          the coming months and we will review situations
exempt households from sacks to bins. If you are                                                                            What if I am not able to move a
                                                       Council Tax as a household receiving a                                                                            like this as part of that process. It is important to
currently an exempt property, unless otherwise                                                                              wheeled bin?                                 note that we would not support such a solution
                                                       wheeled bin but I’m not getting one?                                 We will continue to provide an assisted
notified, presume you will continue with a sack        The cost of providing sacks to an exempt household                                                                unless every household in the affected area was in
collection from 2 April 2018.                                                                                               collection for households who cannot         agreement.
                                                       will, over time, be more than the cost of providing
                                                                                                                            		           physically move their
                                                       a wheeled bin. So in the long-term the investment
How do I know if my household is exempt?                                                                                    		           wheeled bins or sacks to the
                                                       the council is making in exempt households will
Unless you are notified otherwise, if you are                                                                               		           edge of their property.
                                                       outweigh that of those receiving a wheeled bin.
currently using sacks for recycling and waste then     All households will receive the same frequency of
your household is likely to be classed as exempt and   collection. We’d love to collect wheeled bins from
will continue with sack collections from April 2018    every household but the landscape of the district
but on a fortnightly basis.                            means that’s not possible.

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You can now order your
         Garden Waste
        and Bulky Waste
               collection services online

               Bulky Waste


    Sign up for our waste and recycling email newsletter. It includes service updates,
           collection changes, weekly bin reminders, recycling tips and more

                        Visit and sign up today

Statutory Notice to the occupier dated 1 April 2018.
Under Environmental Protection Act 1990 Section 46(1). Notice is hereby given that Malvern Hills District Council has elected to introduce a wheeled
bin service for the collection of domestic waste refuse. This is required to be placed in specific bins (where provided by Malvern Hills District Council) for
collection from 7:00am on the stated day and in the stated location.
IMPORTANT: Information about changes to your waste and recycling collections inside - Malvern Hills District Council
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