Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity - With COVID-19 amplifying interest in air quality devices, we look at technical and ...

Page created by Jeremy Welch
Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity - With COVID-19 amplifying interest in air quality devices, we look at technical and ...
Improving indoor air quality:
a window of opportunity
With COVID-19 amplifying interest in air quality devices, we look at technical and regulatory matters that
product developers need to consider.

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                                                                                       a science group company
Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity - With COVID-19 amplifying interest in air quality devices, we look at technical and ...
                                                            Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity

The market opportunity for air treatment products has       Air treatment in the age of COVID-19
expanded as the world learns to live with COVID-19.                                          The importance of managing indoor air quality has been understood for some time, and the
                                                                                             COVID-19 pandemic brings new significance to this. As people increasingly think in terms of

Demand for solutions that improve indoor air quality                                         ‘life with COVID’ rather than ‘life after COVID’, demand for technology to improve indoor air
                                                                                             quality is set to grow.

is high across multiple sectors. It’s an area that’s ripe
for innovation, and manufacturers are exploring new
approaches for domestic, commercial and medical                                                      SPACES /
                                                                                                    SITUATIONS             HOME
                                                                                                                        During the day,
                                                                                                                                           Offices, factories,
                                                                                                                                                                 Health, education,
                                                                                                                                                                                       Shops, retailers,

applications. One category gaining attention is                                                                         overnight, etc.           etc.            transport, etc.     entertainment, etc.

air treatment devices. Here, we look at enabling
technologies and the associated technical innovation

challenges. We also consider the complexity of getting                                                                   VAPORS /
                                                                                                                       (VOCs, NOx, etc.)
                                                                                                                                                                                          VIRUSES /

these products to market, spotlighting the regulatory
landscape in the United States. Our goal is to help                                          Figure 1: Air quality can be a matter of concern in the home, at work and in public spaces

innovators and manufacturers accelerate progress
with the creation of compelling products that satisfy                                        Products which target airborne
                                                                                             contaminants and microorganisms are
                                                                                                                                                      This whitepaper offers insights to help
                                                                                                                                                      navigate challenges and accelerate the
                                                                                             of particular interest to consumers and                  journey. We focus on ‘air treatment’ as
customer needs and stringent regulatory requirements.                                        commercial buyers alike (see Figure 1).                  opposed to ‘air purification’ since purification
                                                                                             They are also attracting the attention of                has a distinct regulatory definition which
                                                                                             authorities which regulate such products’                we’ll refer to later.
                                                                                             properties and claims.

                                                                                             The window of opportunity for air treatment
                                                                                             product innovation is wide open. However,
                                                             Current guidance from
                                                                                             the complexity of technical and regulatory
                                                             the Centers for Disease
                                                                                             matters presents risks that could hinder
                                                             Control (CDC) indicates
                                                             that the principal
                                                             transmission of COVID-19
                                                             happens via exposure
                                                             to aerosolized infected
                                                             respiratory fluids. In other
                                                             words, inhalation of SARS-
                                                             CoV-2 is a major risk factor
                                                             in contracting the virus.
                                                             Consumers are acutely
                                                             aware of this, and the
                                                             antimicrobial marketplace
                                                             has been quick to respond.
Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity - With COVID-19 amplifying interest in air quality devices, we look at technical and ...
Whitepaper                                                                                                                                Whitepaper
Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity                                                                                     Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity

                                 All eyes on indoor air quality                                                                                                            The COVID-19 pandemic has led to               Air treatment technologies for the removal
                                                                                                                                                                           increased demand for antimicrobial air         of harmful viruses and bacteria can be
                                 Heightened public concern about airborne               In general, air treatment technologies
                                                                                                                                                                           treatment technologies. Therefore, the race    segmented according to three core product
                                 transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is driving                  target suspended particulates and gaseous
                                                                                                                                                                           is on to create new products which mitigate    types:
                                 new behaviors and expectations. Pre-                   pollutants, biological or photolytic processes.
                                                                                                                                                                           airborne pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2.
                                 COVID the use of facemasks was popular                 Gaseous pollutants include volatile organic                                                                                       -	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Air treating antimicrobial chemicals which
                                 in Asian countries; a year and a half into             compounds, carbon monoxide and nitrogen                                            There are opportunities for solutions geared     are aerosolized or sprayed into the air
                                 the pandemic they are ubiquitous. However,             dioxide. Particulate pollutants are generally                                      towards domestic, commercial and medical
                                 widespread use does not mean facemasks                 categorized according to size, and include                                         settings which existing manufacturers and      -	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Air treating antimicrobial devices which
    Removing hazards             are an ideal solution. In fact, there are several      dust, pollen, and mold spores as well as           To create effective                                                              reduce airborne pathogen load through
                                                                                                                                                                           new market entrants are keen to explore.
    which compromise             groups – such as children, professionals,              bacteria and airborne viruses.                     solutions, product              However, any business operating in this          physical means
                                 the elderly, and disabled people – for whom
    indoor air quality is                                                               Figure 2 indicates the various points              developers need                 space must contend with the need for robust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Combination products which use both of
                                 their use is either impossible or impractical.                                                                                            efficacy data to underpin compelling claims
    preferable on many           Inadequate use of facemasks means                      to consider for applying air treatment             to overcome                                                                      the above in unison
                                                                                                                                                                           which satisfy stringent regulatory criteria.
    levels. Air treatment        inadequate protection.                                 technologies.                                      technical challenges                                                           To create effective solutions, product
    technologies are a           Removing hazards which compromise indoor                                                                  and regulatory                                                                 developers need to overcome technical
    user-centric solution.       air quality is preferable on many levels. Air                                                             complexity.                                                                    challenges and regulatory complexity.
                                 treatment technologies are a user-centric                                                                                                                                                The following section considers this in
                                 solution. They integrate seamlessly with                                                                                                                                                 relation to the development, manufacture,
                                 people’s surroundings and routines rather                                                                                                                                                and sale of devices which reduce airborne
                                 than diverting time, attention and focus from                                                                                                                                            pathogen load through physical means.
                                 desired or high value activities.                                                                                                                                                        We focus specifically on technologies which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          could potentially be used to help combat
                                                                             Intervention type

                                         Radiation                 Mechanical                  Chemical                Biological

                                           Target use                         Delivery mode                       Action mode

                                   Individuals       Spaces              Contained       Released              Catch           Kill


                                                                                                                 Building integrated
                                    Formulated products       Conventional devices          ”Smart” devices

                                 Figure 2: Summary of air treatment interventions, delivery and application

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Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity - With COVID-19 amplifying interest in air quality devices, we look at technical and ...
Whitepaper                                                                                                                         Whitepaper
Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity                                                                              Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity

Device technologies to improve indoor air quality
                                 UV-C lamps
                                 Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) is the shortest wavelength of the three forms of UV (at approximately
    Ultraviolet-C (UV-C)         100-280 nanometers [nm]). It has a long history of use in the treatment of air, as well as
    has a long history of        water and nonporous surfaces.
    use in the treatment         UV-C lamps can be deployed in a wide range of ambient air applications. For instance, they
    of air, as well as           may be used for the irradiation of upper portions of air in occupied spaces and complete
    water and nonporous          irradiation of unoccupied spaces. They can also treat air as it passes through confined HVAC
                                 spaces or within self-contained air-recirculation units.
                                 Consumer interest in UV-C lamps during the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the US Food &
                                 Drug Administration (FDA) to publish information regarding their safety and effectiveness.1

                                 The FDA’s Q&A states:
                                 The effectiveness of UV-C lamps in inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus is unknown because
                                 there is limited published data about the wavelength, dose, and duration of UV-C radiation
                                 required to inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is important to recognize that, generally, UV-C
                                 cannot inactivate a virus or bacterium if it is not directly exposed to UV-C.1
                                 The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may also regulate UV lamps depending on
                                 the specific use and claims made. This will be addressed in more detail below.

                                                                                                                                                                    HEPA filtration units                            This has led to the influx of combination
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     devices which include UV-C light panels
                                 Blue light products                              Air ionization units                                                              The versatility of High-Efficiency Particulate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     or air ionization components with HEPA
                                                                                                                                                                    Air (HEPA) filtration means it is easily
                                 Air treatment devices incorporating              Air ionization is an established method                                                                                            filtration technology in an attempt to
                                                                                                                                                                    combined with other air treatment
                                 antimicrobial blue light with its 405nm          of air treatment which has been used                                                                                               satisfy stringent regulatory requirements.
                                                                                                                                                                    technologies for enhanced rates of
                                 wavelength have similar use patterns to          commercially for some time. Conventional                                                                                           Manufacturers are finding the regulatory
                                                                                                                                                                    particulate removal.
                                 UV-C air treatment devices. Blue light is        units use high voltage to electrically charge                                                                                      landscape of these multi-method air
                                 considered an emerging technology in the         air molecules, creating negatively charged                                        As a standalone technology, HEPA filters         treatment devices complex and evolving.
                                 air treatment space. Advantages over UV-C        ions. This electrostatic process has been         When combined with              are required to remove 99.95% (EU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In-situ ozone generators
                                 include a lower risk to human eukaryotic         shown to reduce airborne particulates,                                            Standards2) or 99.97% (US Standards3) of
                                                                                                                                    UV-C light panels
                                 cells, reducing the possibility of tissue        contaminants, and allergens in treated                                            airborne inanimate and animate particulates      Ozone generators are self-contained
                                 damage linked to UV light exposure.              spaces.                                           or air ionization               with a diameter equal to 0.3µm. This can         units which produce ozone gas in situ to
                                                                                                                                    components, HEPA                include pollen, dirt, dust, and some bacteria    ‘decontaminate’ the surrounding air or
                                                                                  In response to COVID-19, a new form of                                            and viruses as well as other aerosolized         nearby surfaces. These products are often
                                                                                  air ionization has emerged: bipolar air           filtration technology
                                                                                                                                                                    particulates. In recent industry testing,        marketed to consumers as ‘safe’ or ‘natural’,
                                                                                  ionization. Also known as ‘needlepoint            can target smaller              HEPA filtration units have proven efficacious    but EPA has issued multiple notices4
                                                                                  ionization’, this process creates negative and
                                                                                                                                    airborne bacteria and           against airborne SARS-CoV-2 droplets. This       objecting to such claims.
                                                                                  positive air molecules and removes airborne                                       has resulted in a surge of consumer demand
                                                                                  contaminants.                                     viruses.                                                                         EPA skepticism, coupled with a history of
                                                                                                                                                                    for these air treatment devices.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     false and misleading claims, has heightened
                                                                                  The EPA has acknowledged the potential                                            However, it’s important to recognize that the    the regulatory challenges facing ozone
                                                                                  for bipolar ionization to remove viruses,                                         requirement to remove 99.95% / 99.97% of         generating device registrants. We’d advise
                                                                                  including SARS-CoV-2, from ambient air.                                           0.3µm particles are industry performance         manufacturers who intend to distribute
                                                                                  However, to be compliant with regulations,                                        standards; they don’t necessarily match the      these devices to review current FDA, EPA
                                                                                  products attributed with such claims must                                         performance criteria for regulatory approval     and relevant state guidance to understand
                                                                                  be backed by supporting data. Though the                                          for filters which claim to inactivate or kill    the agencys’ current stance and data
                                                                                  agency stance around this technology is                                           public health pathogens.                         requirements.
                                                                                  generally positive, there has been some
                                                                                  enforcement action surrounding false and
                                                                                  misleading claims. EPA has also highlighted
                                                                                  toxicity concerns related to the generation of
                                                                                  ozone as an operational by-product.
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Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity - With COVID-19 amplifying interest in air quality devices, we look at technical and ...
Whitepaper                                                                                                                          Whitepaper
Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity                                                                               Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity

The innovation opportunity                                                                                                          Regulatory frameworks
                                                                                                                                                                     Companies operating in or entering the air              Who regulates air treatment technologies?
                                                                                                                                                                     treatment space need to consider technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The first step is to determine which
                                                                                                                                                                     limitations as well as opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             regulatory agency (or agencies) has
                                                                                                                                                                     Understanding the efficacy standards                    jurisdiction over the device’s air treatment
                                                                                                                                                                     required by regulatory agencies in target               technology (or technologies). In the US, this
                                                                                                                                                                     markets is an essential part of this. Products          may fall under the authority of EPA, FDA,
                                                                                                                                                                     must be designed to meet or exceed any                  or potentially both. The regulatory approval
                                                                                                                                                                     established performance standards related               process, data requirements and overall
                                                                                                                                                                     to claims made about them.                              path to product approval differs greatly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             between pesticidal and medical devices, as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Table 1 indicates. This can have significant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             repercussions for costs and timescales.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                EPA                                      FDA
                                                                                                                                                                      Types of air             Pesticidal devices considered “an        Air purifying devices intended for
                                                                                                                                                                      treatment device         instrument or contrivance (other than    medical purposes to “kill pathogens/
                                                                                                                                                                      covered                  a firearm) that is used to destroy,      microorganisms in the air by
                                                                                                                                                                                               repel, trap or mitigate (lessen the      exposure to UV radiation, removal
                                                                                                                                                                                               severity of) any pest” including mold/   through filtration, or electrostatic
                                                                                                                                                                                               mildew, bacteria and viruses.”           precipitation.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Electrostatic precip is a required
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        characteristic of Class II Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Devices under product code FRA.
                                 Development of air treatment technologies        Unless a device is releasing an active
                                 requires specialist scientific and engineering   element, all air treatment must occur within                                        Key points to note       Pesticidal devices are regulated         FDA would clear an air purification
                                 expertise. Practical considerations which        it. However, ensuring air from all parts of the                                                              by EPA, but do not require federal       device through the 510(k) premarket
                                 may impact uptake – such as noise, power         room passes through can pose a challenge.                                                                    registration, however a handful of       notification or de novo classification
                                                                                                                                                                                               states do require registration.          request processes.
                                 consumption and longevity of components –        The device itself might be 99.99% effective,
                                 need attention as well as matters relating to    but this is less compelling if it only treats
                                 efficacy.                                        15% of the air in a given space.
                                                                                                                                                                     Table 1: US regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over air treatment devices
                                 It’s important to interrogate the core design    Another area to consider is the potential
                                 at an early stage to ensure any limiting         lack of untreated external air being brought
                                 factors or usability requirements are            into the space. Repercussions of this might
                                 identified and addressed.                        include CO2 build-up and drowsiness.                                               Other markets, such as the EU, have similar             Therefore, air treatment devices may be
                                                                                                                                                                     levels of regulatory complexity. Any product            subject to EU Biocidal Products Regulation
                                 For instance, the development of devices         Providing real-time evidence of effectiveness                                      “used with the intent to destroy, deter, render         (BPR) 528/2012 concerning the market
                                 using filter technologies needs to account for   is another area that may require dedicated                                         harmless, prevent the action of, or control,            placement and use of biocidal active
                                 the fouling of filters and potential microbial   innovation. There have been huge steps                                             harmful organisms” is considered a biocide in           substances and products.
                                 growth as well as the ease and expense of        forwards recently in the capability of air                                         the EU.
                                 replacing them.                                  quality monitors and some air treatment
                                                                                  devices are beginning to incorporate air
                                 Of particular importance is to ensure            quality sensors and indicators. It’s relatively
                                 that the design of the device prevents           straightforward to measure levels of
                                 unintentional release/generation of UV-C         CO2, PM2.5 and Total Volatile Organic
                                 light, ozone, formaldehyde, particulate          Compounds (TVOCs), as long a high degree
                                 matter or other byproducts into the space        of precision is not required. However, sensing
                                 being cleaned.                                   viral presence is much more challenging.
                                                                                  Nevertheless, sensing technologies could
                                                                                  still prove useful in this context; there may
                                                                                  be proxies that can be measured if the target
                                                                                  pollutant can’t be detected directly.
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Improving indoor air quality: a window of opportunity - With COVID-19 amplifying interest in air quality devices, we look at technical and ...
Balancing innovation and regulation

Threading the needle through the regulatory
fabric is critical when considering air
treatment product innovation. Having a good
understanding of the regulatory requirements
during the innovation process will accelerate
the development of compliant products with a
competitive edge.

Drawing on regulatory expertise at an early stage is beneficial and in-depth
knowledge of relevant technologies is also key. Combining this with practical
engineering input underpins effective and efficient innovation.

This is where TSG Consulting and Sagentia Innovation can help. We work
independently and collaboratively to bring clients’ ingenuity to life in the
real world. Our scientists, engineers and regulatory specialists navigate
complex challenges that might otherwise stall progress. In the burgeoning,
competitive field of air treatment technology, this can bring significant
commercial advantage.

TSG recently published a whitepaper focused on the US regulatory landscape for pesticide devices, available

We are currently preparing dedicated whitepapers looking at air treatment in medical, commercial and
consumer settings. These resources will cover chemicals as well as devices.

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About Sagentia Innovation                       About TSG Consulting                            About Science Group plc

Sagentia Innovation provides independent        TSG Consulting provides companies               Science Group plc (AIM:SAG) is a science-
advisory and leading-edge product               with high quality regulatory and scientific     led advisory and product development
development services focused on science         consulting services.                            organization. The Group has three
and technology initiatives. Working across                                                      divisions:
                                                We help clients worldwide address the
the medical, industrial, chemicals and
                                                technical and regulatory issues in taking       -	R&D Consultancy: providing
energy, food and beverage, and consumer
                                                their products to market in multiple               advisory, applied science and product
sectors, Sagentia Innovation works with
                                                jurisdictions. Our scientific expertise,           development services cross sector
a broad range of companies from some
                                                regulatory knowledge and understanding             helping clients derive maximum return
of the world’s leading and best-known
                                                of local nuances enable our clients to             on their R&D investments.
brands, to start-up disruptors, new to
                                                navigate the complex and ever-changing
the market. It is part of Science Group                                                         -	Regulatory & Compliance: helping
                                                regulatory landscape across the globe.
(AIM:SAG), which has more than ten                                                                 clients in highly regulated markets to
offices globally, two UK-based dedicated        We serve a number of key markets and               launch, market and defend products
R&D innovation centres and more than            industry sectors including agricultural,           internationally, navigating the frequently
400 employees. Other Science Group              industrial, consumer, food and beverage,           complex and fragmented regulatory
companies include Leatherhead Food              animal health, and medical. Our teams              ecosystems.
Research, TSG Consulting and Frontier           comprise scientists and regulatory
                                                                                                -	Frontier Smart Technologies: designing
Smart Technologies.                             experts – many of whom have previously
                                                                                                   and manufacturing chips and modules
                                                held positions at regulatory agencies,                                                                        for the DAB/DAB+ radio markets
                                                departments, and in industry.                                                                         with 80% market share (excluding the
                                                This combination of science, regulatory            automotive market).
                                                expertise and knowledge of how
                                                                                                With more than 400 employees worldwide,
                                                institutions and industry operate provides
                                                                                                primarily scientists and engineers,
                                                our clients with superior and well-rounded
                                                                                                and speaking more than 30 languages
                                                guidance. TSG Consulting has offices in
                                                                                                collectively, the Group has R&D centers in
                                                France, Germany, Spain, UK, USA and
                                                                                                Cambridge and Epsom with more than ten
                                                Canada. TSG is a Science Group (London
                                                                                                additional offices in Europe, Asia
                                                listed) company.
                                                                                                and North America.

   UV Lights and Lamps: Ultraviolet-C Radiation, Disinfection, and Coronavirus, FDA,
   High efficiency air filters, British Standard, EN1822-1-2009_Highefficiencyairfilters_EPA_HEPA_ULPA_Part1_Classification_performance.pdf
   American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME AG-1a–2004, “Addenda to ASME AG-1–2003 Code on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment”,
   Ozone Generators that are Sold as Air Cleaners: An Assessment of Effectiveness and Health Consequences, EPA, ozone_generator.pdf

                                                                                                              a science group company
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