Indicators of readiness and capacity for implementation of healthy food retail interventions

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Indicators of readiness and capacity for implementation of healthy food retail interventions
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
                  ISSN: 2152-0801 online

Indicators of readiness and capacity for implementation
of healthy food retail interventions

Jennifer Sanchez-Flack a *
University of Illinois at Chicago

Kakul Joshi,b Eunice E. Lee,c and Darcy A. Freedman d
Case Western Reserve University

Submitted October 22, 2020 / Revised December 16, 2020, and January 5, 2021 / Accepted January 6, 2021 /
Published online May 17, 2021

Citation: Sanchez-Flack, J., Joshi, K., Lee, E. E., & Freedman, D A. (2021). Indicators of readiness and
capacity for implementation of healthy food retail interventions. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and
Community Development, 10(3), 127–143.

Copyright © 2021 by the Authors. Published by the Lyson Center for Civic Agriculture and Food Systems. Open access under CC-BY license.

Abstract                                                                  access to healthy food; however, tools are needed
Healthy food retail (HFR) interventions are a                             to assess, tailor, and implement HFR plans to local
recommended strategy to improve the dietary                               contexts. The present study identifies factors influ-
behaviors of low-income residents with limited                            encing HFR implementation and presents findings
                                                                          related to identifying, operationalizing, and priori-
a * Corresponding author: Jennifer Sanchez-Flack, MPH, PhD,               tizing facilitators of and barriers to implementing
Visiting Research Assistant Professor, Department of                      HFR interventions within low-resource rural and
Pediatrics, University of Illinois Cancer Center, and the                 urban contexts. Practitioners and community resi-
Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois          dents, recruited from nine counties in Ohio, par-
at Chicago; 1747 West Roosevelt Road, WROB 478; Chicago,                  ticipated in semistructured interviews and focus
IL 60608 USA;                                            groups. Grounded theory methodology was used
b Kakul Joshi, MPH, PhD Candidate, Department of
Population and Quantitative Health Sciences at School of                  Funding Disclosure
Medicine, Case Western Reserve University; 10900 Euclid                   This study was funded by the NCI Training Program: Cancer
Avenue; Cleveland, OH 44106 USA;                          Education & Career Development Program (T32CA057699)
c EuniceE. Lee, PhD, MSW, National Research Service                       and by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Award Fellow, Department of Bioethics, School of Medicine,                Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant, award no.
                                                                          2B01OT009042-15, and by the U.S. Department of
Case Western Reserve University; 10900 Euclid Avenue;
                                                                          Agriculture Nutrition Education and Obesity Grant Program,
Cleveland, OH 44106 USA;
                                                                          award number G-1415-17-0847 and award number G-1617-
d Darcy A. Freedman, MPH, PhD, Director, Mary Ann                         0452, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Swetland Center for Environmental Health, Case Western                    Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Center
Reserve University; 10900 Euclid Avenue; Cleveland, OH                    supported by Cooperative Agreement Number
44106 USA;                                                 1U48DP005030.

Volume 10, Issue 3 / Spring 2021                                                                                                  127
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
                                                                                                    ISSN: 2152-0801 online

to develop themes and indicators of readiness and            associated with better dietary habits and a de-
capacity for successful HFR implementation. Con-             creased risk for diet-related chronic diseases,
sensus conference feedback from an expert panel              including obesity (Glanz & Yaroch, 2004; Story et
prioritized themes and indicators based on their             al., 2008; Treuhaft & Karpyn, 2015).
perceived relevance and importance for successful-                 Policy, system, and environmental (PSE) inter-
ly implementing HFR interventions. Five themes               ventions encompass multilevel approaches to alter
were identified as influential factors: (1) corner           environments such as community and consumer
store awareness and perception, (2) organizational           food environments (Frieden, 2010). Community
and practitioner capacity, (3) community attitudes           and consumer nutrition interventions to improve
and perceptions, (4) logistical factors, and (5) net-        these environments are often referred to as healthy
works and relationships. Additionally, 18 indicators         food retail (HFR) interventions. These interven-
within the five themes were identified to further            tions are gaining momentum as a means to create
illustrate influential factors to HFR implementa-            healthier food environments, especially for people
tion. The themes and indicators presented in this            living in underserved areas designated as so-called
research have been synthesized into the PSE                  ‘food deserts’ (Adam & Jensen, 2016; Gittelsohn et
READI tool1 (developed outside of this research).            al., 2012; Walker et al., 2010a). The design and
The PSE READI tool uniquely provides an oppor-               implementation of HFR interventions vary based
tunity to assess, tailor, and implement HFR plans            on store type and size, geographic location, and
to the local contexts by considering the key themes          access to community resources needed to support
and influential factors that emerged from this               change (Centers for Disease Prevention and
community-level, qualitative research.                       Control, 2011; Glanz & Yaroch, 2004). The
                                                             popularity of implementation of HFR
Keywords                                                     interventions has increased over recent years in
Healthy Food Retail; Dietary Behavior; Policy,               various geographic areas (Pinard et al., 2016), and
System, and Environmental Interventions;                     in multiple types of retail food outlets, including
Program Implementation                                       tiendas (Ayala et al., 2013), bodegas (Dannefer et
                                                             al., 2012), green carts (S. M. Farley et al., 2015),
Introduction                                                 corner stores (Gittelsohn et al., 2012; Langellier et
The influence of the food environment on dietary             al., 2013), convenience stores, including gas-marts,
behaviors and health outcomes has been of keen               pharmacies, and dollar stores (Gittelsohn et al.,
interest to academia and the public health commu-            2012), and supermarkets (Adam & Jensen, 2016;
nity (Centers for Disease Prevention and Control,            Hartmann-Boyce et al., 2018). These interventions
2011; Larson et al., 2009; Treuhaft & Karpyn,                are more likely to be implemented in urban areas
2015). Retail food outlets such as supermarkets and          compared to rural areas (Gittelsohn et al., 2012).
convenience stores make up a large part of the               Examples of the types of HFR interventions that
community food environment (Glanz et al., 2005),             have been implemented previously include increas-
and studies have shown that these outlets may                ing the number of healthy food options in corner
contribute to obesity (T. A. Farley et al., 2009;            stores, placement strategies (e.g., placing healthy
Morland et al., 2006). Living in an area with many           food items near cash registers), and marketing and
convenience stores, which tend to carry a larger             promoting healthy food items (e.g., pricing strate-
proportion of energy-dense foods compared to                 gies, healthy food advertisements), among others
healthy foods (T. A. Farley et al., 2009), versus an         (Adam & Jensen, 2016; Dannefer et al., 2012;
area with multiple supermarkets may influence                Gittelsohn et al., 2012; Hartmann-Boyce et al.,
obesity risk (Morland et al., 2006). Research                2018).
demonstrates that one’s proximity to retail food                   Given the range of locations for HFR inter-
outlets with high availability of healthy foods is           ventions and differences in these programs’ size

1   The PSE READI website is

128                                                                                   Volume 10, Issue 3 / Spring 2021
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
ISSN: 2152-0801 online

and scope, there is an opportunity to streamline                  the overall study methods were previously pub-
technical assistance around program implementa-                   lished (Lee et al., 2017). Figure 1 displays the five-
tion to suit one’s local context. Toolkits have been              phase consensus modeling process to develop the
created to assist practitioners in developing, imple-             PSE READI tool for implementing HFR projects.
menting, and disseminating multifaceted HFR                       Briefly, Phase I consisted of data collection (inter-
interventions; however, none of them explicitly                   views with SNAP-Ed and CHC practitioners and
address how to tailor implementation within                       focus groups with SNAP-eligible community mem-
diverse community settings (Building Capacity for                 bers and CHC coalition members) and thematic
Obesity Prevention, 2016). Tools to systematically                analysis of transcripts. Phase 2 consisted of indica-
assess community readiness and capacity to tailor                 tor development, where an iterative process of dis-
HFR interventions to local contexts’ realities help               cussion and refinement to operationalize indicators
practitioners effectively implement HFR interven-                 among the research team took place. Phase III
tions within and across diverse community settings.               consisted of a consensus conference where an
     The goal of this research was to identify                    expert panel reviewed indicators. Phase IV con-
factors perceived to influence the implementation                 sisted of indicator refinement where similar indica-
of HFR interventions. This study presents findings                tors and themes were refined and merged by the
related to identifying, operationalizing, and priori-             research team. Lastly, Phase V consisted of devel-
tizing facilitators of and barriers to implementing               oping the PSE READI tool for pilot testing with
HFR interventions within low-resource rural and                   external expert panelists who might be potential
urban contexts. Interview and focus group data                    end-users of this tool. Community partners in-
were collected from two groups: (1) frontline prac-               cluded representatives from countywide coalitions
titioners working with the Ohio Supplemental                      supported through the Ohio Department of
Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-                     Health’s Creating Healthy Communities (CHC)
Ed) or the Ohio Department of Health’s Creating                   program. Coalition membership varied by county
Healthy Communities (CHC) and (2) community                       but included a range of local stakeholders involved
members, to identify factors perceived to influence               with healthy eating and active living initiatives, such
the implementation of healthy eating PSEs in retail               as health care and public health practitioners, coop-
food outlets. We believe our study is the first of its            erative extension agents, grassroots and faith-based
kind in that it not only contributes to the existing              leaders, educators, and stakeholders from govern-
literature by identifying facilitators of and barriers            ment, nonprofit, and business sectors.
to implementation of HFR interventions from the
perspectives of experienced stakeholders but also                 Sampling and Recruitment
extends research by operationalizing them into                    Before data collection, we selected targeted geo-
measurable indicators resulting in the creation of                graphic areas to recruit diverse study participants.
PSE READI (Readiness Assessment and Decision                      Specifically, nine counties in Ohio were purposive-
Instrument tool) (Building Capacity for Obesity                   ly selected given their representativeness in terms
Prevention, 2016).                                                of county health rankings, geographic location,
                                                                  adult obesity rates, and SNAP participation. Addi-
Applied Research Methods                                          tionally, they had on-the-ground SNAP-Ed and
This study is derived from the Building Capacity                  CHC staff to support HFR project implementa-
for Obesity Prevention (BCOP) project, a                          tion. Inclusion of on-the-ground SNAP-Ed and
university-community partnership aimed at                         CHC staff was warranted as they bridged the
developing web-based community readiness and                      knowledge gap of HFR intervention readiness and
capacity assessment tools to optimize implementa-                 could support findings suggesting that having
tion of four nutrition-related PSE interventions                  boots on the ground is an essential and crucial
([1] farmers markets, [2] healthy eating in childcare             element in HFR intervention implementation.
settings, [3] HFR, and [4] farm to school) (Lee et                Within these counties, two distinct groups of
al., 2017, 2019; Parsons et al., 2019). Details about             participants were recruited for data collection

Volume 10, Issue 3 / Spring 2021                                                                                     129
gure 1. Five-Phase Consensus Modeling Process to Develop The Policy, Systems, and Environmental Strategies
 eadiness Assessment and Decision Instrument (READI) for implementing healthy food retail project.

                                                                                                           Phase IV
            Phase I                        Phase II                        Phase III                                                    Phase V
        Qualitative Study            Indicator Development          Consensus Conference                                              Pilot Testing

    • 194 practitioners and         • Six trained                   • 17 expert                      • Remapping indicators      • Five new
      community residents             researchers                     panelists/two hours              and themes based on         practitioners
    • 18 in-person and 23           • Iterative process             • Sorting & ranking of             feedback from the         • Assessment of face
      focus group                     based on qualitative            indicators and weight            expert panelists            and content validity
      interviews                      findings                        for themes                     • Development of
    • Thematic analysis of                                                                             response options
      41 transcript

     20 initial themes were           36 initial indicators
                                                                                                       Narrowed to five themes
     developed from 1,091           representing six themes
                                                                                                       and their associated 18
          open codes                    were developed

  rst, public health and community nutrition practitioners from                    and 2, uploaded as separate files) were developed by the research
 NAP-Ed or CHC were recruited by email. If interested, practitioners               team based on a review of the extant literature on conceptual models
 articipated in one-on-one interviews. Second, community members                   focused on factors associated with implementing nutrition-related
  ceiving or eligible to receive federal food assistance benefits and              PSE interventions (Blanck & Kim, 2012; Frieden, 2010; Wandersman
  embers of CHC coalitions were recruited via flyers. Interested                   et al., 2008). Interview and focus group questions were developed to
 ommunity members called the study phone line to learn about the                   identify participants’ perceptions of factors that may influence the
 udy and sign up for a focus group. Informed consent was obtained                  implementation of healthy eating PSEs, including community readi-
 om all participants. The institutional review board of Case Western               ness, organizational readiness, practitioner capacity, the local burden
 eserve University approved the study.                                             of obesity, and sociopolitical context. The interview and focus group
                                                                                   guides used, and their objectives, were the same for all practitioners
Data Collection and Analysis                                                       and community members. Researchers, county- and state-level public
 he interview and focus group guides (Supplementary Materials 1                    health and community nutrition practitioners, and cooperative
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
ISSN: 2152-0801 online

extension professionals reviewed and provided                     as SNAP (65%). More than half identified as white
feedback on the interview and focus group guides                  (60%), and the remaining focus group participants
as they were developed. Examples of healthy eating                identified as African American (40%). Demograph-
PSEs in retail food outlets were provided to devel-               ic characteristics were not recorded for practition-
op a standard definition among participants during                ers who participated in the in-person interview
data collection. Between April and June 2015,                     because of the small sample size and the risk of
semi-structured and open-ended in-person inter-                   losing confidentiality.
views and focus groups were conducted. These
took place in various locations, such as community                Consensus Conference
centers and practitioner offices. Interviews and                  An expert panel reviewed indicators derived from
focus groups were led by two trained researchers                  the qualitative data analysis during a face-to-face
and lasted one- to two hours. They were digitally                 consensus conference. A consensus conference’s
recorded and transcribed verbatim by a third-party                primary goal is to determine the extent to which a
transcriptionist. All transcripts (N=41) were                     select sample of stakeholders agree with potential
checked for accuracy against original recordings by               causes and solutions to targeted issues through
the research team members.                                        iterative discussion and reflection (Lee et al., 2017).
     A grounded theory approach (Charmaz, 2002)                   To improve validity, consensus conference partici-
was used to analyze the transcripts in Atlas.ti (ver-             pants consist of experts in the field who have
sion 7) (Scientific Software Development GmbH,                    credibility with the target audience (Murphy et al.,
2015). Details regarding the coding structure                     1998). According to the literature, the optimal
hierarchy are described elsewhere (Cascio et al.,                 number of expert panelists in a consensus con-
2019). Briefly, first, trained researchers developed              ference is at least six participants to be more reli-
“open codes” grounded in participants’ real words                 able (Kea & Sun, 2015). Our consensus conference
and captured the emerging concepts through a line-                consisted of a panel of 17 experts, which is well
by-line reading of the transcripts. All open codes                above the recommended sample size. The expert
were co-coded with an associated PSE code to                      panelists were recruited based on their expertise in
facilitate data analysis relevant to HFR projects.                HFR intervention design and management, experi-
Second, each open code was assigned to a sub-                     ence in community nutrition practice, and/or
theme and then to a higher-level theme code to                    experience working with low-income populations.
develop the coding structure. These processes                     The goal of this panel was to generate ideas, dis-
guided the development of a codebook with                         cuss disputed options, and ultimately synthesize
themes, subthemes, and definitions used by the                    stakeholder opinions to understand the value of
team to analyze the remaining transcripts. Third,                 the indicators for HFR implementation. The expert
the most salient themes and subthemes were                        panelists (N=17) participated in three activities to
prioritized. The selected subthemes were then                     prioritize the themes and indicators based on their
operationalized into measurable indicators along                  perceived relevance and importance for successful
with operational definitions of each theme.                       HFR implementation. First, two or three panelists
     The sample consisted of 194 participants, with               worked together to sort indicators into thematic
18 taking part in an interview and 176 participants               piles. Second, the same groups selected the top
taking part in one of 23 focus groups. Of these 194               three indicators within each theme pile based on
participants, 20 were practitioners, 11 were CHC                  their perceived importance to successfully imple-
practitioners, and nine were SNAP-Ed practition-                  menting HFR projects. These rankings were used
ers. The remaining participants (n=174) were com-                 to develop a standardized indicator weight ranging
munity members who were current recipients or                     from not at all (coded as 0) to extremely (coded as 5).
were eligible to receive SNAP (n=127) or were                     Lastly, panelists individually assigned a weight to
CHC coalition members (n=47). Most focus group                    each theme by manually distributing 25 tokens,
participants were female (69%) and self-reported                  with more tokens indicating greater perceived
current receipt of federal assistance benefits such               theme relevance for HFR implementation. These

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theme weights were used to develop standardized                     themes and 18 indicators through the consensus
theme weights (range: 0–1). After the consensus                     conference process. The panel of experts selected
conference, the research team refined and/or                        the final five themes as being the most critical fac-
merged themes and indicators representing similar                   tors related to implementing HFR projects. These
concepts. Indicators within each theme that                         final themes included corner store awareness and
accounted for 80% of the total indicator weight                     perception; organizational and practitioner capac-
(range: 0–1) were selected for a final set of indi-                 ity; logistical factors; community attitudes and per-
cators to develop a parsimonious assessment tool                    ceptions; and networks and relationships. The cor-
(see Lee et al., 2017, for details).                                responding indicators and standardized weights for
     Through an iterative process using a consensus                 both the theme and indicators are presented in
conference with an expert panel, results were fur-                  Table 1. These standardized weights resulted from
ther refined. The themes presented came from the                    ranking exercises conducted with the expert panel
1,091 codes produced through qualitative data                       and research team.
analysis. These codes were then refined into five

Table 1. Final Themes and Indicators for HFR Interventions Based on Indicator and Theme Ranking
Exercises Conducted with the Expert Panel and Refinement by the Research Team
                                             Standardized                                                           Standardized
                                                Theme                                                                 Indicator
Theme            Theme description              Weight      Indicator                                                  Weight

Corner store  Perceptions of profitability      0.24        To what extent do the owners of corner stores,             0.41
awareness and and motivators to use                         convenience stores, or gas stations in your service
perception    healthy food retail PSE                       area have positive perceptions about increasing
              projects.                                     healthy food options for sale in their stores?
                                                            To what extent do the owners of corner stores,             0.33
                                                            convenience stores, or gas stations in your service
                                                            area perceive that healthy food retail programs
                                                            would increase their profits?
                                                            To what extent are the owners of corner stores,            0.26
                                                            convenience stores, or gas stations in your service
                                                            area interested in implementing healthy food retail
                                                            PSE projects?
Organizational   Capacity to maintain           0.22        To what extent does your current organizational or         0.43
and              budgets, staffing, and                     program budget have funds to support
practitioner     resources to implement                     implementation of healthy food retail PSE projects in
capacity         and evaluate healthy food                  your service area?
                 retail PSE projects in
                                                            To what extent does your organization have staff who       0.25
                 corner stores.
                                                            are available to support implementation of healthy
                                                            food retail PSE projects in your service area?
                                                            To what extent does your current work plan include         0.20
                                                            healthy food retail PSE projects?
                                                            In the past year, to what extent did you assess the        0.13
                                                            number of corner stores, convenience stores, or gas
                                                            stations in your service area that have healthy food
                                                            choices available for purchase?
Logistical       Transportation, location,      0.19        To what extent is it easier for people receiving SNAP      0.39
factors          and distribution and                       benefits and other low-income populations in your
                 sourcing systems that are                  service area to access a corner store, a convenience
                 associated with                            store, or gas station by public transportation or
                 implementing healthy food                  walking compared to a grocery store?

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                 retail PSE projects in                   To what extent are there corner stores, convenience      0.32
                 corner stores.                           stores, or gas stations available in low-income
                                                          neighborhoods in your service area?

                                                          To what extent is there a distribution and sourcing      0.30
                                                          system in your service area to provide corner stores,
                                                          convenience stores, or gas stations with access to
                                                          produce and other healthy food items?
Community        The perceptions, aware-         0.18     To what extent do people receiving SNAP benefits         0.41
attitudes and    ness, and motivations in a               and other low-income populations in your service
perceptions      community that affect                    area have positive views of corner stores,
                 implementation of healthy                convenience stores, or gas stations as places to buy
                 food retail projects in                  fresh produce or other healthy food options?
                 corner stores.
                                                          To what extent do people receiving SNAP benefits         0.27
                                                          and other low-income populations in your service
                                                          area have positive perceptions about the quality of
                                                          produce or other healthy food options available in
                                                          corner stores, convenience stores, or gas stations?

                                                          To what extent are people receiving SNAP benefits        0.18
                                                          and other low-income populations in your service
                                                          area aware of healthy food retail projects taking
                                                          place in your service area?

                                                          To what extent are people receiving SNAP benefits        0.14
                                                          and other low-income populations in your service
                                                          area willing to use corner stores, convenience stores,
                                                          or gas stations to purchase fresh produce and other
                                                          healthy food options?
Networks and     Social capital from which       0.17     To what extent are you involved with or connected to     0.37
relationships    practitioners and com-                   other practitioners who are currently working on, or
                 munity members can draw                  have worked on, healthy food retail PSE projects?
                 upon to help implement
                 and support healthy food                 To what extent are there community engagement            0.26
                 retail PSE projects                      programs available in your service area to mobilize
                                                          low-income residents to become engaged in efforts
                                                          to increase the amount of healthy foods for sale at
                                                          corner stores, convenience stores, or gas stations?

                                                          To what extent have you been successful at part-         0.20
                                                          nering with a food store owner either by yourself or
                                                          through a partnership to increase their supply of
                                                          healthy foods?

                                                          In the past year, to what extent did you collaborate     0.17
                                                          with food retailers to develop marketing tools (e.g.,
                                                          signs, point-of-purchase labels) to raise awareness
                                                          about healthy food choices available in the stores?

Results                                                           and motivators among corner store staff to con-
                                                                  duct HFR projects. Within this theme are three
Corner Store Awareness and Perception                             indicators arranged from highest to lowest weights
The corner store awareness and perception theme                   received. The first indicator refers to store owners’
received the highest standardized weight (0.24).                  perceptions of increasing healthy food within their
This theme refers to perceptions of profitability                 stores (weight=0.41). Overall, participants dis-

Volume 10, Issue 3 / Spring 2021                                                                                      133
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cussed concerns about store owners’ ability to                  the availability of funds within organizations to
maintain healthy food options. One participant                  support the implementation of HFR interventions
said, “One of the barriers that we’ve heard … is                (weight=0.43). There was agreement that HFR
that … store owners were worried that the produce               projects required financial capital to initiate. An
would go bad or … wouldn’t be used” (Interview,                 urban community member shared that HFR pro-
urban).                                                         jects that were “taking off” had “additional funding
     Additionally, there is a belief that corner store          and staff.” Another participant discussed the use of
owners lack time to engage in new initiatives like              grant funds to expand HFR projects,
HFR that require an effort to rework their business
model. An interviewee from a rural community                         We started this [corner store] project here in
expressed that corner store owners often work                        2012 with one store in the [neighborhood] . . .
“double- or triple-duty” because they “have other                    expanded to two more stores in 2013 and we
full-time jobs and do other things.” Store owners’                   are up to 11 stores since and we are expanding
lack of time created challenges for HFR implemen-                    with another grant that we applied for … our
tation. The second indicator is the extent store                     goal is to help them and to do 50 stores by the
owners perceive that HFR programs would in-                          end of 2017. (Interview, urban)
crease profits (weight=0.33). Participants often
discussed how store owners were “hesitant about                      The second indicator is the extent to which
bringing produce in because … they [weren’t] sure               organizations have staff available to support HFR
it would sell” (Interview, urban).                              implementation (weight=0.25). In general, partici-
     The final indicator refers to the extent to                pants discussed this in terms of limited staff time
which store owners are motivated to act on their                available to provide technical assistance to stores.
interests related to implementing HFR projects                  One participant stated,
(weight=0.26). While store owners may be inter-
ested in “entertaining” the idea of HFR projects,                    I think … it’s important to combine as much
participants suggested store owners may not have a                   technical assistance as possible and . . . have
strong motivation to act on these interests. Further,                that relationship with that store owner.
there were other store-level factors identified as                   (Interview, urban)
key to motivating engagement in HFR projects.
One participant stated store owners might be                         Another participant stated,
inspired by “chain-wide implementation” of HFR
versus a “store-by-store” approach,                                  We have the curriculum, we have the informa-
                                                                     tion, it’s all research … and evidence-based,
      [Store owners have] been pretty adamant that                   and it’s not biased. We have all that. We have
      they don’t wanna do a store-by-store imple-                    the expertise of how to make it work … but I
      mentation type process … if they’re gonna do                   guess the real problem is the time. (Interview,
      anything [in] altering the infrastructure of their             urban)
      store, they wanna do it … [chain]-wide.
      (Interview, urban)                                             The third indicator is the extent to which
                                                                organizations’ current work plans include HFR
Organizational and Practitioner Capacity                        projects (weight=0.20). A challenge identified was
The theme of organizational and practitioner                    the balance between HFR and other nutrition-
capacity received the second highest standardized               related PSE work. As a focus group participant
theme weight (0.22). This theme focused on organ-               from an urban community stated, “We have a lot
izations’ and practitioners’ capacity to maintain               going on” as they described the challenges related
funding, staffing, and resources to implement and               to concurrently supporting HFR projects and
evaluate corner store HFR projects. Of the four                 implementing other nutrition programs as well as
indicators within this theme, the first indicator is            fostering broader policy change “to make healthy

134                                                                                      Volume 10, Issue 3 / Spring 2021
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
ISSN: 2152-0801 online

foods more available and affordable and accessible                ceived it is easier for people receiving SNAP bene-
in our communities.” Participants also reported                   fits and other low-income populations without a
different phases of activity related to HFR projects.             car to access a corner store than a supermarket.
An early-stage activity may focus on ensuring a                   One participant stated that lack of transportation
store is approved to accept food assistance                       made it difficult to get to the supermarket, so
benefits:                                                         people with SNAP go “to the … gas station or
                                                                  something where non-healthier stuff is” (Focus
    If the stores aren’t SNAP and WIC accept-                     group, rural).
    ed … then we’re gonna work to try to get                           The second indicator refers to the lack of
    them on board and get them the equipment                      balance regarding access to supermarkets versus
    that they need to become SNAP and WIC                         corner stores (weight=0.32). One participant
    accepted. (Focus group, rural)                                stated,

     The final indicator refers to the extent to                      There’s no grocery stores, so a lot of people
which organizations assessed the availability of                      rely on those gas stations … I have a gas sta-
healthy foods for purchase in corner stores within                    tion near my house, and I’m never going to
the past year (weight=0.13). Most participants dis-                   find skim milk in that place. (Focus group,
cussed evaluating the availability of healthy foods                   rural)
at the community level via “health impact assess-
ments,” a survey tool to help communities,                            Another focus group participant from an
decision-makers, and practitioners make choices to                urban community discussed the overabundance of
improve public health through community design,                   convenience stores by stating, “There [are] a lot of
or, as one participant stated,                                    convenience stores. No major [supermarkets].”
                                                                      The final indicator refers to the existing distri-
    (We collected surveys) where we looked at the                 bution and sourcing systems that provide corner
    whole county related to … income levels, and                  stores with access to healthy food items (weight=
    looking at where the … grocery stores were                    0.30).
    located. (Interview, urban)
                                                                      I think the biggest barrier continues to be there
    The same participant also discussed collecting                    is not a good system of procurement for any
data via community surveys,                                           type of food, let alone healthy food for corner
                                                                      stores. It is not unusual for the corner stores
    We looked at food access there [name of com-                      to … go to Costco or Sam’s Club and Aldi and
    munity] … and we did a community survey …                         purchase products and bring it back and mark
    and it showed that people [in] the [neighbor-                     it up because they are going to go through 10
    hood] of [city] [were in] great need for … food                   gallons of milk in a week and . . . the distribu-
    access. (Interview, urban)                                        tors … do 100 gallons or whatever it might be.
                                                                      (Focus group, urban)
Logistical Factors
The theme of logistical factors received the third                Community Attitudes and Perceptions
highest standardized (weight=0.19). This theme                    The theme of community attitudes and perceptions
refers to transportation, location, distribution, and             received the fourth highest rating from the expert
sourcing systems associated with implementing                     panel (0.18). This theme refers to the perceptions,
corner store HFR projects. Within this theme were                 awareness, and motivations in a community that
three indicators. The first indicator refers to the               affect implementation of HFR corner store inter-
extent to which it is easier to access a corner store             ventions. Within this theme were four indicators.
by public transportation or walking versus a super-               The indicator with the highest weight (0.41) refers
market (weight=0.39). Overall, participants per-                  to the extent to which people receiving SNAP

Volume 10, Issue 3 / Spring 2021                                                                                     135
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
                                                                                                     ISSN: 2152-0801 online

benefits and other low-income individuals have                members were not. As one participant said,
favorable views of corner stores as places to buy
healthy foods. Overall, the consensus was that                     I think the stakeholders in the communities
these outlets are not the right place to purchase                  where it is active most [are] aware, but I think
healthy foods. Additionally, participants discussed                the community as a whole … if you don’t see
the challenge of changing perceptions of these                     fresh foods here or stores in your neighbor-
stores as healthy food outlets. As one participant                 hood, you probably aren’t aware of it. (Focus
stated,                                                            group, urban)

      Changing that perception … I think it’s going                Overall, most participants agreed that commu-
      to be a challenge …but I think … we can assist          nity members needed to become aware of HFR
      with marketing … and holding different com-             projects.
      munity events for people. Getting the residents              The final indicator relates to the extent to
      used to … being in the store and coming to              which people receiving SNAP benefits and other
      the store [to buy healthy food], and getting to         low-income populations are willing to use corner
      know the owner themselves [and building]                stores to purchase healthy food (weight=0.14).
      rapport with the … store owner … but then               Overall, perceptions of buying healthy food from
      also, the store owner seeing that people want           these food outlets were negative. One participant
      to see [their] store and showing the store              stated,
      owner that [HFR] is not going to go to waste,
      and, educating him … more about food                         I am not goin’ to no gas station buyin’ no fruit,
      handling, and proper ways to store food [to                  I don’t care how pretty it looks, it’s goin’ to be
      help change perception]. (Interview, urban)                  too much … the idea of sending my son down
                                                                   to the gas station for a basket of apples, nah,
    The second indicator is the extent to which                    it’s not for that. (Focus group, urban)
people receiving SNAP benefits and other low-
income individuals have positive perceptions of the           Networks and Relationships
quality of healthy foods in corner stores (weight=            The final theme with the lowest standardized rating
0.27). Like the previous indicator, overall percep-           (0.17) is networks and relationships, which refers
tions regarding quality were generally negative. As           to relationships and support systems that help
one participant stated,                                       practitioners implement HFR projects in corner
                                                              stores. Within this theme were four indicators. The
      Most … corner stores, if you try to get                 first refers to the extent to which practitioners are
      healthier food … fruits and all that … they’re          involved with or connected to other practitioners
      not gonna take care of it better than if you had        currently working on or have worked on HFR
      a farmer market … because … most of [their]             projects (weight=0.37). One participant stated,
      stuff [are] rotten, no good … mushy cause
      they don’t care. [Store owners] just don’t. I                [We] connected with other [public health]
      don’t see it’d be the best place to put healthy              coordinators around the state through the
      foods because it ain’t gonna be worth it when                online list by the local organization … [to
      you pay your money for it. You’re not gonna                  learn what] they doing and what works for
      get top quality. (Focus group, urban)                        them … what doesn’t work. (Interview,
    The third indicator is the extent people
receiving SNAP benefits and other low-income                      Additionally, participants discussed the impor-
populations are aware of HFR projects (weight=                tance of connecting with community organizations
0.18). Participants generally agreed that organiza-           or essential players in the food systems field to be
tion-level individuals were aware, but community              successful in implementing an HFR project,

136                                                                                    Volume 10, Issue 3 / Spring 2021
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
ISSN: 2152-0801 online

    You have to build those relationships with                        There’s been quite a few … active store[s]
    stores … and [with the] community … from                          [and] owners that …helped the community …
    big grocers all the way down to the corner                        with assistance of the development corpora-
    stores … building relationships with the                          tion …they’ve … held different community
    farmers … and distributors that you can …                         events in their stores. (Interview, urban)
    hopefully get healthy food into those retail
    outlets. (Focus group, urban)                                      The final indicator within this theme refers to
                                                                  the extent practitioners collaborate with food re-
    The second indicator refers to the extent to                  tailers to develop marketing tools to raise aware-
which community engagement programs are avail-                    ness about healthy food within stores (weight=
able to mobilize low-income residents to engage in                0.17). Overall, participants discussed their current
efforts to increase healthy foods in corner stores                efforts to market not only the healthy food within
(weight=0.26). Most participants discussed engage-                corner stores but also their efforts to market these
ment programs by discussing relationships with                    food outlets as Healthy Food Retailers:
community members. One participant discussed
multiple community organization partnerships in                       We can … assist with marketing … and hold-
the hopes that it would increase community                            ing different community events for people, the
awareness of HFR efforts:                                             residents who get used to seeing, being in the
                                                                      store, and coming to the store, and getting to
    It’s getting … more people at the table cause                     know the owner themselves. (Interview, urban)
    we have a monthly [coalition] meeting that
    encompasses people from like [university],                        The same participant continued to discuss how
    including [name of county early childcare                     they hope to help with the marketing of healthy
    programs] and [name of funders] and … the                     foods,
    [name of hospital system] … and [name of
    coalition members] … I mean, there’s a lot of                     We’re hoping to put better signage around
    different organizations. The county commis-                       healthy foods in the windows and … around
    sioners know about it, the city council …                         the healthy food areas. [Help] to make the,
    knows about it … family services know about                       um … displays greater [for healthy foods].
    it, but how do all the people in the community                    (Interview, urban)
    know about it? (Interview, urban)
     The third indicator within the theme of net-                 This study reveals five themes considered the most
works and relationships refers to the extent prac-                critical factors related to implementing HFR pro-
titioners were successful in partnering with store                jects. These themes were: corner store awareness
owners to increase HFR options (weight=0.20).                     and perception; organizational and practitioner
Most participants stated the positive aspects of                  capacity; community attitudes and perceptions;
partnering with store owners as demonstrating                     logistical factors; and networks and relationships.
both the success in building relationships with                   Additionally, 18 indicators were identified within
store owners and owners’ willingness to work on                   the five themes that illustrate influential factors
HFR. One participant stated that when they have                   related to the implementation of HFR projects.
questions about selling healthy foods within small-               The highest-rated indicator(s) for each domain
er food outlets, they turn to store owners. Another               included organizational budget for HFR projects
participant discussed how their success extended                  and store owners’ perceptions of increasing healthy
beyond increasing access to healthy foods. Some                   food options for sale in their stores; availability of
were able to use the store environment for                        staff to implement HFR projects; community
community events as well,                                         members’ perceptions of corner stores as HFR
                                                                  settings; community members’ ability to travel to a

Volume 10, Issue 3 / Spring 2021                                                                                    137
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
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corner store compared to a supermarket; and con-              in-store promotional strategies, such as choice
nections to other practitioners who are currently             architecture strategies (Bucher et al., 2016;
working on or have previously worked on HFR                   Thorndike & Sunstein, 2017), can occur to
projects.                                                     promote these foods.
     PSE strategies for HFR interventions have be-                 Utilizing corner stores as settings for HFR is
come increasingly recognized as a potential solu-             essential, given that a significant barrier to shop-
tion to reduce overweight and obesity trends                  ping at a supermarket for community members is a
(Adam & Jensen, 2016; Gittelsohn et al., 2012). In            lack of transportation. Lack of transportation has
practice, HFR interventions are more likely to be             been cited as a barrier in previous community food
successful when there is funding to provide ade-              environment research (Walker et al., 2010b). Utiliz-
quate technical assistance to retail food outlets, in         ing existing retail food outlets versus opening a
addition to funding tailored intervention strategies          supermarket may be a more realistic and cost-
(Caspi et al., 2016; Greco et al., 2020; Laska et al.,        effective approach to improving a community’s
2009; Rushakoff et al., 2017). With this, there               food environment (Cameron et al., 2016). Previous
needs to be buy-in from retail food outlets and               research has demonstrated that opening a super-
community members (Haynes-Maslow et al., n.d.;                market in a food desert did not improve healthy
Houghtaling et al., 2019; Martinez, Rodriguez et al.,         food purchasing, potentially showing the impor-
2018). Study findings demonstrate that organiza-              tance of PSE and in-store strategies within existing
tions are receiving funding for HFR, demonstrating            retail food outlet spaces to encourage healthy food
their value to practitioners, organizations, and the          purchasing (Cummins et al., 2014).
broader community. However, the findings high-                     Other significant findings from this study
light that funding should be used to develop and              relate to organizational capacity to implement HFR
implement HFR interventions and build store                   interventions. Like the need for HFR funding,
owners’ relationships. By building relationships              participants stated the need to focus on HFR and
with owners, program staff can identify interven-             the need for connections to other practitioners
tion methods to stock and/or promote healthy                  who are currently working on or have previously
foods that align with an owner’s goals, business              worked on HFR projects. Making such connec-
model, and resources (Houghtaling et al., 2019).              tions may help to build strategic partnerships with
     Like previous research, another significant              academic and/or community partners who are
finding from this research is community members’              savvy in the topic of HFR to support development
perceptions (Blitstein et al., 2012). Community               and implementation (Holden et al., 2016). Strategic
support is essential to HFR interventions’ success,           partnerships can help identify areas of need and
given that retail food outlets are primarily driven by        provide implementation support. Still, such part-
consumer demand and profits (Bodor et al., 2010).             nerships can also mean tapping into others’ exper-
If healthy foods are not selling, store owners may            tise and gaining insight into their lessons learned to
choose to replace those foods with unhealthy prod-            develop evidence-based HFR interventions suc-
ucts. Participants in this study perceived healthy            cessfully. As found in previous research, the provi-
foods in corner stores to be of low quality. This             sion of resources and skill development training is
perception is consistent with previous research               needed to identify, build, maintain and strengthen
examining the quality of healthy foods in small               strategic partnerships (Shah et al., 2019).
stores and nontraditional retail food outlets, which               Implementation of HFR interventions involves
found these foods low quality than supermarkets               a balancing act of improving the overall food
(Block & Kouba, 2006; Cummins et al., 2008). The              environment (e.g., the increased supply of healthy
low quality of healthy foods in small stores and              foods) within retail food outlets as well as creating
nontraditional retail food outlets demonstrates the           consumer demand for healthy foods (Karpyn &
need to train corner store owners to select, stock,           Hannah, 2013; Pitt et al., 2017). Recent research
and maintain healthy foods (Karpyn et al., 2018).             has identified multiple points of intervention that
After this skill is attained and mastered, PSE and            affect the environment within retail food outlets,

138                                                                                    Volume 10, Issue 3 / Spring 2021
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
ISSN: 2152-0801 online

ranging from the managerial-level (e.g., lack of                  gas stations, and the like HFR outlets.
knowledge among store owners to source and                             There were limitations to the present study.
maintain healthy foods) to the infrastructure-level               Participants represented different geographic areas
(e.g., limited in-store space to stock healthy foods)             of Ohio, which may reduce generalizability to other
(Houghtaling et al., 2019; Karpyn & Hannah,                       regions of the U.S. The expert panel’s views may
2013). Parallel efforts should occur to encourage                 not reflect the full range of perspectives and ex-
healthy food purchasing among consumers to                        periences, as we did not interview food store own-
increase demand. Actions could include improving                  ers and managers, about HFR interventions, which
customer service to build stronger relationships                  would impact the weights assigned to indicators
between retail food outlet staff and consumers                    and themes. Additional research may replicate
(Sanchez-Flack et al., 2016; Webber et al., 2010),                methods with different stakeholders, including
marketing mix strategies (e.g., strategic placement)              food store owners and managers, to gain consensus
to nudge consumers to purchase healthy foods                      on the theme and indicator weights. Our interview
(Castro et al., 2018), and assisting retail food out-             and focus group guides solely focused on fresh
lets with becoming certified nutrition assistance                 fruit and vegetables for HFR interventions and
program vendors (DeWeese et al., 2016).                           neglected to consider other viable, healthy food
     Findings from the present study highlight the                options such as no- or low-sodium canned or fro-
need to provide technical assistance to practitioners             zen fruit and vegetables, thereby potentially limit-
and store owners to implement HFR interventions.                  ing our findings in terms of HFR interventions
Practitioners reported barriers to building relation-             targeting other forms of healthy foods.
ships with store owners and building relationships                     Furthermore, the psychometric properties of
with other practitioners with HFR intervention                    indicators were not assessed and may be a potential
experience. Providing practitioners with the skills               avenue of future research. Facilitators of and barri-
to build relationships with store owners means                    ers to implementation of HFR from the perspec-
assisting them first in connecting with other prac-               tives of experienced stakeholders have been opera-
titioners. Practitioners with HFR intervention                    tionalized into measurable indicators, resulting in
experience have critical insight into how to reach                the creation of PSE READI (Readiness Assess-
and engage store owners. Potential strategies to                  ment and Decision Instrument tool (Building
connect practitioners may be through networking                   Capacity for Obesity Prevention, 2016). The online
events or roundtable discussions at conferences or                tool for practitioners helps assess community
organizing a national meeting where practitioners                 readiness and capacity to implement HFRs suiting
awarded an HFR grant can meet one another and                     the local context.
discuss their work.
     Efforts should also be conducted to get suc-                 Conclusions
cessful support and buy-in from store owners.                     Designing, deploying, and evaluating HFR inter-
Gaining their support may assist in the relation-                 ventions is complex, detailed work. It requires
ship-building process. Referring store owners to                  understanding needs, fostering relationships, and
publicly available tools and resources about HFR                  building trust among stakeholders ranging from
may help them understand these programs and                       store owners, residents, and distributors at the
what it means for their business. It may also en-                 community level, to funders, local health depart-
courage highly motivated owners to independently                  ments, and universities at the institutional level.
implement suggested strategies to promote healthy                 Conducting informed groundwork for the effective
foods within their stores. Supporting store owners                launch of HFR strategies may be a resource-
in HFR through publicly available resources, pro-                 intensive and nonlinear work process but is crucial
viding technical assistance, and strategic partner-               to success. The themes and indicators presented in
ships can lead to changes within the consumer                     this research have been synthesized into the PSE
food environment, changing the community’s per-                   READI tool. Unlike many currently available HFR
spective towards corner stores, convenience stores,               toolkits that offer a generalized approach to HFR

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interventions, the PSE READI tool provides an                        Acknowledgments
opportunity to assess, tailor, and implement HFR                     The authors would like to thank the participants
plans for local contexts by considering the key                      for their time and support.
themes and influential factors that emerged from
our research.

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