INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...

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INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...
Monmouth School for Boys
Monmouth School Boys’ Prep
        Haberdashers’ Schools

      2018 ENTRY
INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...

    Welcome                                                      3

    Visiting the schools                                         4

    Admissions and entry guidelines                              5-6

    Admissions for overseas students                             7

    Scholarships and awards                                      8

    Family fee support - bursaries                               9

    Fees                                                         10

    Results                                                      11

    Monmouth School Boys’ Prep                                   12-13

    Monmouth School for Boys                                     14-15

    Term dates, exeats, leave-outs                               16

    Boarding                                                     17

    Links with Monmouth School for Girls                         18

    Transport arrangements - local and airport                   18

    The house system                                             19

    Day houses                                                   20

    Boarding houses                                              21

    Teaching staff and governors                                 22-23

    Equal opportunities                                          23

    How to find us                                               24

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INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...

                                                                                                                   HEAD OF MONMOUTH BOYS’ PREP
                                                     SECOND MASTER        DIRECTOR OF STUDIES                      Mr Neil Shaw
                                                     Mr Simon Dorman      Dr Tony Winter                           Member of the Independent Association of
                                                                                                                   Preparatory Schools (IAPS) & HMC (Junior)

HEADMASTER Dr Andrew Daniel
Member of the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’
Conference (HMC)

Thank you for your interest in Monmouth School
for Boys and Monmouth School Boys’ Prep. I
hope that this booklet will provide you with
helpful information about our school. Please do
get in touch with us if you have any questions:
our Admissions Registrar will be delighted to
                                                     FOUNDATION BURSAR    HEAD OF SIXTH FORM                        ADMISSIONS REGISTRAR
answer your queries.                                 Mrs Tessa Norgrove   Mr James Boiling                          Mrs Diane Jakes

The best way to learn about our school is to visit
us and to meet some of our boys and staff. I                               Admissions
look forward to welcoming you to Monmouth
School for Boys and we will be very happy to                               Monmouth School for Boys please contact Mrs Diane Jakes
                                                                           Tel: 01600 710433
show you around.

                                                                           Monmouth School Boys’ Prep please contact PA to the Head,
                                                                           Mrs Chris Hunt Tel: 01600 715930

                                                     HEAD OF BOARDING
                                                     Mr Kingsley Jones

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INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...
Visiting the schools

Open Days                                                         Friday 6th October 2017                                  Individual Visits
                                                                  2.00pm - 4.00pm                                          If you would like to arrange a mutually convenient
Open Days at Monmouth School for Boys and Monmouth                The Headmaster will address parents at 2.15pm            appointment to discuss matters with the Headmaster and
School Boys’ Prep are listed below. Parents of younger
                                                                                                                           have a tour of the school, please contact the Admissions
boys may wish to go direct to the Preparatory School and          2.00pm - 3.30pm                          Boys’ Prep
                                                                                                                           Registrar, Diane Jakes, on 01600 710433. For an
sports facilities or you may start at Monmouth School for
                                                                                                                           appointment to meet the Head of Monmouth Boys’ Prep,
Boys’ Blake Theatre if you wish to see both schools.
                                                                  Saturday 7th October 2017*                               please contact his PA, Chris Hunt, on 01600 715930.
After your arrival at the Blake Theatre, there will be staff      9.30am - 12.30pm
that you can talk to and refreshments will be available.
The Headmaster will address parents and boys in the               The Headmaster will address parents at 9.45am            Taster Days
Blake Theatre and then a member of the Sixth Form will            9.30am - 12.00 noon                      Boys’ Prep      There are opportunities for boys to experience taster days
take families on a guided tour of the senior school lasting
                                                                                                                           and boarding tasters at the school and further information
approximately one hour.
                                                                                                                           may be obtained from the Admissions Registrar. Those
                                                                  Saturday 13th January 2018                               arranged for particular groups are as follows:
Visits to boarding houses, junior day houses, the Sixth Form
centre, the sports facilities and our preparatory school, can     9.30am - 12.30pm
be incorporated into the tour at your request. The tour will      The Headmaster will address parents at 9.45am            Activity Morning
end back at the Blake Theatre where refreshments will be
served and where you will find more detailed information          9.30am - 12.00 noon                      Boys’ Prep      Saturday 18th November 2017
about the school.
                                                                                                                           This is for Year 6 pupils considering joining Monmouth at
During your tour, please feel free to ask any questions, either   Saturday 12th May 2018*                                  age 11.
of your guide or any member of staff. The Headmaster,             9.30am - 12.30pm
Second Master, Bursar, Director of Studies and Admissions
                                                                  The Headmaster will address parents at 9.45am            Boarding Taster weekends
Registrar will be in the Blake Theatre and will be able to
provide further specific information, for example about           9.30am - 12.00 noon                      Boys’ Prep      Specified weekends for Year 5 to Year 8 pupils are available
the methods of entry at different ages, fees and financial                                                                 from Admissions and boarding for other year groups can
assistance. Copies of the school prospectus, sample papers        Parking is available in the school grounds.              be arranged on request
and other information will be available for you to take home.
                                                                  * On Saturday in October and May there will be a light
                                                                  lunch and activities in the Sports Pavilion and the      Sixth Form Taster Day and
                                                                  opportunity to watch matches in the afternoon.           Information Evening
                                                                                                                           Wednesday 8th November 2017
                                                                                                                           This is a taster day arranged at Haberdashers’ Monmouth
                                                                                                                           Schools with parents joining their sons at 6.15pm to
                                                                                                                           meet the Headmaster, Head of Sixth Form and Heads of

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INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...
Admissions and entry guidelines

Entry at 7 (Prep 3, Year 3)                                  Entry at 11 (Year 7)                                           (A simple four function (+,-,x,) calculator will be sufficient.)
                                                                                                                            A small number of questions (accounting for a maximum
                                                             Places will be available for about sixty-six boys and up to    of 20% of the final assessment) may be set to test the
Assessments 			                                              thirteen places are available for boarders.                    candidate’s ability to understand and apply a new idea.

Saturday 3rd March 2018                                                                                                     (3) A Verbal Reasoning Test (50 minutes)
                                                             General Entry Assessments
These are conducted at school in an informal way with
boys being given plenty of guidance and encouragement
                                                             Saturday 3rd February 2018                                     Maths and English sample papers for entry to the senior
                                                                                                                            school are available from the Admissions Registrar.
throughout. We expect boys to be working confidently
                                                             • Written tests in English, mathematics and verbal
at a level which is appropriate for their age; however,
potential is an important aspect of the assessment.
                                                             • An interview
                                                             • Report from present school.
• Oral and written assessments in English, mathematics,
  reasoning and logic
• Informal interview                                         Guidelines
• Report from present school.
                                                             The English and mathematics papers will be largely based
                                                             upon levels 1-4 of the National Curriculum.
                                                             (1) English (60 minutes)
English: listening skills, reading, and writing.
Mathematics: familiarity with the basic rules of numbers.
                                                             Candidates will have the opportunity of writing both
Addition and subtraction to tens and units. Tables 2,
                                                             imaginatively and in response to prose, poetry or visual
5, 10. Knowledge and use of such concepts as money,
                                                             material. They will be expected to show that their
time, measurement, shapes. Questions designed to test
                                                             handwriting, spelling and presentation are adequate, and
understanding of basic mathematical concepts, reasoning
                                                             that they are familiar with simple parts of speech
and logic.
                                                             and basic punctuation. Straightforward questions on
                                                             vocabulary, use of pronouns and conjunctions etc. may
The Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep will be pleased
                                                             also be set. The format of the paper may vary from year to
to discuss the entry procedure with parents in more detail
and to look at their son’s current work in advance of the
assessment, if requested.
                                                             (2) Mathematics (50 minutes)
                                                             The maths exam will be in two parts:

                                                             1. The first part will be a 15 minute test consisting
                                                                entirely of arithmetic questions which are to be
                                                                answered without the use of a calculator.
                                                             2. The second part will be a 35 minute test consisting of
                                                                questions and problems which would cover all aspects
                                                                of the mathematics curriculum (arithmetic, algebra,
                                                                shape and space, handling data and applications).
                                                             Candidates will be allowed to use calculators for this part.

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INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...
Admissions and entry guidelines

    Entry at 13 (Year 9)                                                Entry to Sixth Form (Year 12)
    It is likely that there will be about twenty five places            We welcome applications from candidates who wish to
    available in the school for day boys and boarders.                  study AS and A levels, either as boarders or day pupils.

    Guidelines                                                          Sixth Form Scholarship
                                                                        • Satisfactory report stating predicted grades
                                                                        • 8 GCSE results at grade C or above with at least five
    Foundation Scholarship Examination                                     A*/A grades. (or equivalent)
    22nd to 24th January 2018
                                                                        By GCSE admission
    The Foundation Scholarship Examination is held over                 • Satisfactory report stating predicted grades
    three days and overnight accommodation is provided at               • 5 GCSE passes at B or above (or equivalent)
    Monmouth School for Boys. Six compulsory papers are                 • Interview with the Headmaster and Head of Sixth Form
    taken, each of 1½ hours duration: English, French, history
    and geography, mathematics I, mathematics II and science.
    Candidates, who so wish, may offer in addition religious
                                                                        Sixth Form Scholarship Examination
    studies, Latin, Greek, Spanish and music, provided this is          10th to 11th November 2017
    requested well in advance of the examination. Candidates
    may bring with them a selection of art work, and are                Candidates will be asked to nominate three from the
    encouraged to bring other current project or course work            following list of subjects for the examination:
    of interest in subjects such as history and geography and
    scientific investigations.                                          art		biology 		chemistry
                                                                        computing  design		    economics
                                                                        English 		 French 		   geography
    Common Entrance Examination                                         German 		  Greek 		    history
    5th to 8th June 2018 (boys attending IAPS schools)                  Latin 		   mathematics music
                                                                        physics		  Spanish
    The syllabus is published by the ISEB (Independent Schools
    Examination Board).                                                 Candidates will be interviewed by the Headmaster, Head
                                                                        of Sixth Form and Heads of Department of chosen
                                                                        subjects. The Sixth Form Scholarship Examination is held
    13+ Examination
                                                                        at Monmouth School for Boys. Overnight accommodation
    22 January 2018 (boys attending other schools)
      nd                                                                will be provided and details of the administrative
                                                                        arrangements will be sent to parents of registered
    This is of a standard equivalent to that of Common Entrance,        candidates after the final date for registration.
    and consists of a mathematics, an English and a French paper.
    Candidates will also be invited to an interview with the Director
    of Studies and in some cases with an appropriate Head of
    Department to establish their level of ability in other subjects.

    (All sample papers are available from the Admissions Registrar).

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INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...
Admissions for overseas students

We welcome enquiries from overseas students who wish            Registration
to join Years 5-10 or Sixth Form. There are currently a
small number of overseas students and we maintain a             It is recommended to register candidates a year in advance
good balance of British and international students in the       of the entry date, and in any case before the end of
boarding houses.                                                November, prior to the September of entry. Registrations
                                                                can be considered at other times if places are available.
All international students will be taught in an English
medium and therefore are required to have a reasonable          Please complete the registration form and return with the
working knowledge of English. We are not a Language             £60 registration fee. The registration form is enclosed with
School, but English as an Additional Language (EAL) is          the prospectus or may be downloaded from the website
provided by experienced English teachers, for those that and click on Monmouth School
require it. Pupils can be prepared for recognised EAL           for Boys Admissions.
examinations. Extra charges are applicable.
Entry Assessments
                                                                Overseas students follow the same curriculum as our
Years 5 to 10                                                   British students and they work towards General Certificate
• Candidates are required to sit entry papers in English        of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations in Years 10
  and mathematics and in most cases they will also sit an       and 11. In the Sixth Form they will proceed to Advanced
  EAL paper.                                                    (AS and A) Level examination courses before applying to
• Report from the present school                                university. Assistance to take GCSE examinations in their
• Interview with Headmaster/Director of Studies or              own language will be given where possible.
  detailed report of an interview conducted by a recognised
  international agent                                           Guardians
Foundation, One Year GCSE Course                                All students, whose parents reside overseas, are required
• Candidates are required to sit entry papers in English        to have a suitable educational guardian. This is someone
  and mathematics and in most cases they will also sit an       with whom they can reside during half-term holidays or
  EAL paper.                                                    leave-out/exeat weekends and who can act in case of an
• Report from the present school                                emergency. This could be a reliable friend or relative who
• Skype interview with Headmaster/Director of Studies or        is prepared to take on this task, but if not, the school can
  detailed report of an interview conducted by a recognised     provide a list of professional guardianship organisations
  international agent                                           for parents to contact. However, it is the responsibility of
                                                                parents to arrange their son’s guardian and not the school.
Sixth Form
• Candidates are required to choose three of the four
  subjects that they will study in the Sixth Form for their
  entry examination. There will also be an EAL English paper.
• Report from the present school
• Skype Interview with Headmaster/Head of Sixth Form or
  detailed report of an interview conducted by a recognised
  international agent

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INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...
Scholarships and awards

    Various Scholarships, including Music and Sports                 Boys. Successful candidates are those who are proficient
    Scholarships, are available at 11+, 13+ and 16+ entry levels     in more than one instrument, or are instrumentalists
    for strong candidates, whether boarders or day boys.             and singers, and in whom the school is able to hold a
    Scholarships are awarded on consideration of entrance            reasonable expectation that they will play a prominent
    examination results.                                             role in school music throughout their time here. Decisions
                                                                     regarding Awards are based on a candidate’s musical
    •   Academic Scholarships                                        accomplishment, previous experience, and enthusiasm. It
    •   Music Scholarships & Music Exhibitions  (see below)          is anticipated that successful candidates at 11+ and 13+
    •   Art Scholarship (for those joining at 13+ or Sixth Form)     will study music to GCSE level, and at 16+, A level. Award
    •   Vaughan Jones Sports Scholarship and Awards (see             holders should be confident they can offer to their peers
                                                                     an outstanding example of quality and loyalty throughout
                                                                     their time with us. Awards are reviewed at the end of
    •   Hitchcock Scholarship (awarded biennially to a new
                                                                     Forms II and V.
        Sixth Form candidate)
    •   Mountjoy Awards & Old Monmothian Awards (for
        candidates who show all-round ability and potential)         Sports Scholarship and Award
    •   EF Bulmer Award (for Sixth Form candidates from
    •   Family Fee Support - Bursaries (see page 9)
    •   HM Forces Bursaries                                          11+ Sports Trials
                                                                     Wednesday 31st January 2018
    Music Scholarship Guidelines
                                                                     13+ Sports Trials
    11+ Music Auditions                                              Friday 26th January 2018
    January 2018
                                                                     Sixth Form Trials
    13+ Music Auditions                                              Thursday 18th January 2018
    January 2018                                                     •   Details of the candidate’s sporting achievements
                                                                         should be provided along with the names of two
    Sixth Form Auditions                                                 people who are able to comment on the candidate’s
    November 2018                                                        proficiency and potential in sport.
                                                                     •   Candidates will be invited to the school for trials and
    •   Proficiency in 2 instruments, or one instrument and voice        aptitude tests.
    •   2 pieces, plus sight reading, on first instrument            •   Candidates must fulfil the academic entry
    •   Experience as a singer                                           requirements and have a satisfactory school report.
    •   Scales, arpeggios and aural tests as appropriate
    •   At age 11 grade 3 or above, at age 13 grade 5 or above, at   Award holders must be prepared to play a full and active
        age 16 grade 7 or above.                                     part in sport within the school and offer a strong and
                                                                     positive example of sporting commitment to their peers.
    Music Awards, giving remission on fees and free tuition on
    two instruments, are offered to candidates for whom music        Application forms may be obtained from the Admissions
    is a first priority, and who are confident they will make a      Registrar, 01600 710433
    strong contribution to the music of Monmouth School for

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INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...
Family fee support - bursaries

The Governors of Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools are                The amount of financial assistance is not influenced by the
committed to broadening access to the schools by offering          level of academic ability of the child, but by the extent of
to eligible parents/guardians means-tested financial               need. Each case is assessed on its own merits and awards
support with the payment of school fees. Such support is           are made accordingly at the discretion of the Headmaster
known as a Bursary and these may be awarded in the form            of Monmouth School for Boys or Headmistress of
of a discount of up to 100% on tuition fees, depending             Monmouth School for Girls, subject to the school’s ability
on the financial, compassionate or other pertinent                 to fund these in the context of what is viable within its
circumstances of the applicants, including the number of           overall budget.
children in the family. Pupils holding bursaries may also be
given help with travel and other expenses.                         The schools respect the confidentiality of Bursary awards
                                                                   made to families and recipients are expected to do likewise.
Requests for financial support usually fall
                                                                   To discuss the Bursary scheme in more detail, please
into two categories:                                               contact Mrs Tessa Norgrove, Foundation Bursar on
                                                                   01600 710401 at Monmouth School for Boys.
•   Existing pupils where a change in parents’/guardians’
    circumstances has resulted in difficulty in meeting
                                                                   To request an application form together with guidance
    tuition fees and may result in the child being withdrawn
                                                                   notes, please contact the Admissions Registrar:
    part way through a stage of education.
                                                                   Monmouth School for Boys
•   New applicants to the school, where parents/guardians
    are unable to fund all or part of the tuition fees. In order   Mrs Diane Jakes
    to be considered for assistance, application forms must        01600 710433
    be completed prior to assessment.                    

A Bursary may be applied for by parents who feel they
are unable to accept or retain a place without financial
help. All awards are subject to a review each year and may
be varied upwards or downwards, depending on family
circumstances. Financial support may be made available to
parents/guardians of children entering Monmouth School
for Boys or Monmouth School for Girls. Bursaries are not
normally available for pupils at Monmouth School Boys’
Prep, Monmouth School Girls’ Prep or Monmouth Schools
Pre-Prep & Nursery. Parents/guardians seeking financial
assistance are required to complete an application form
which seeks to establish the financial circumstances of the
household. The form, which requests details of income
and capital, must be accompanied by full documentary

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INFORMATION BOOKLET 2018 ENTRY - Monmouth School for Boys & Monmouth School Boys' Prep - Haberdashers' Monmouth ...

Day Fees                                                               Boarding                                                               Additional charges:
(from September 2017)                                                  (including tuition fees)
                                                                                                                                              Registration fee £60

Monmouth School Boys’ Prep                                             Monmouth School Boys’ Prep                                             Deposit to be paid on acceptance of a place and returnable
£10,767 per annum                                                      £19,500 per annum                                                      with final bill
£3,589 per term                                                        £6,500 per term                                                        Dayboys		           £200      Boarders            £500

Monmouth School for Boys                                               Monmouth School for Boys
                                                                                                                                              Overseas Boarders: Parents living overseas deposit is
£15,354 per annum                                                      £28,827 per annum                                                      equivalent to one term’s fees.
£5,118 per term                                                        £9,609 per term
                                                                       New Sixth Form Joiners
                                                                       £30,828 per annum                                                      Music Individual tuition £25.20 per 35 min session.
                                                                       £10,276 per term
                                                                                                                                              Shared with 1 other £15.75 per 35 min session.

                                                                       One Year GCSE Course (Sixth Form Foundation Year)                      Rowing Fee
                                                                                                                                              Form III and IV     £150 per annum
                                                                       £30,828 for 3 terms.
                                                                                                                                              Form V and VI       £180 per annum

                                                                                                                                              Lunches for Day Boys          £642.22 per annum
                                                                                                                                              Casual Meals		                £4.16 per meal

                                                                                                                                              School Diary        £9.50
                                                                                                                                              EAL		               £579 per annum
                                                                                                                                              Study Support       £16.50 per lesson
NOTES:                                                                 3. Cheques for the registration fee (£60), made payable to
1. Tuition fees include the cost of paper stationery and the use of       “Monmouth School for Boys”, should be sent together with the
   ordinary text books, apparatus etc. but books or apparatus lost        completed Registration Form. Bank transfers and on-line             Subscriptions
   or damaged must be replaced. A charge is made for public               payments should be sent to Monmouth School for Boys;
   examination fees.                                                      Bank account 00095828, sort code 30-95-71 Lloyds TSB,               Old Monmothian Club
                                                                          Monmouth NP25 3XH quoting the pupil’s name as reference.            (15 termly instalments)      £10
2. Payment of fees may be made in full on the first day of each           Overseas payments may also require
   term or alternatively in instalments as follows: the total amount      BIC: LOYDGB21493 IBAN: GB54 LOYD 3095 7100 0958 28                  The Old Monmothian Club supports the boys of Monmouth School
   of each bill will be divided into three payments which will be                                                                             for Boys providing bursaries, equipment, careers networking, social
   collected, for the Michaelmas Term in September, October and        4. In the event of withdrawal of a boy or the discontinuance of        and sporting activities and keeps OMs in touch with the school.
   November; for the Lent term in January, February and                   an extra subject, a term’s notice must be given in writing or the
   March; and for the Summer term in May, June and July.                  appropriate fees paid in lieu of such notice.

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 A level                                      2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
 % passes A* - E grades                       100    99.7   98.8   98.7   99.2
 % passes A* grades                           20.9   16.4   22.3   16.3   16.2
 % passes A* &  A grades                      54.6   50.8   45.2   43.4   39.1
 % passes A* - B grades                       75.9   74.5   71.1   73.5   65.8
 Number of candidates                          80     95    105     98     83
 Number with 3+ A* & A Grades                  28     29     29     25     20
 Number of subjects taken                      23     27     25     25     25

 GCSE                                         2017   2016   2015   2014   2013
 % passes A*, A, B, C grades                  93.1   94.5   95.1   97.5   94.9
 % passes A*                                  34.6   43.1   36.2   35.7   30.9
 % passes A*, A + B grades                    81.2   86.0   84.4   86.5   82.8

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Monmouth School Boys’ Prep

     The Preparatory School                                         Monday to Friday
     •   130 pupils                                                 8.00am         Early boys arrive and are supervised in the
     •   7-11 year olds  - day pupils – with boarding from Prep 5                  playground or indoors depending on the
                                                                    8.30am         All boys to be in school.
     Prep 3 - Prep 6                                                8.35am         Registration
                                                                    8.45am         Assembly
     English, mathematics, science, information &                   9.05am         Period 1
     communications technology, history, geography, art,            9.45am         Period 2
     design & technology, music, physical education, games,
                                                                    10.25am        Break
     religious education, personal, social and health education,
     drama and French.                                              10.40am        Period 3
                                                                    11.20am        Period 4
                                                                    11.55am        Period 5
     School week
                                                                    12.30pm        Lunch
     Monmouth School Boys’ Prep timetable contains 40
     periods in a week, eight each day, Monday to Friday. There
     is no Saturday school. A full programme of extra-curricular    1.30pm         Registration
     activities including music, sport, art, chess and many more    1.35pm         Period 6
     is arranged during lunch hours and after school.               2.15pm         Period 7
                                                                    2.55pm         Break
     The Prep is open for boys between the hours of 8am and         3.10pm         Period 8
     6pm. The school day runs from 8.30am to 3.45pm. There          3.45pm         End of lessons
     are optional after school activities until 5pm and After
     School Club runs until 6pm.
                                                                    4 - 5pm        Extra curricular activities

                                                                    4.15pm         First session of After School Club starts.
                                                                                   (Any boys not collected by 4.05pm
                                                                                   are booked into After School Club)
                                                                    5.15pm         Second session of After School Club
                                                                                   starts. (Any boys not collected by 5.15pm
                                                                                   are booked into this session)
                                                                    5.25pm         After School Club boys have tea
                                                                    6.00pm         All After School Club boys to have been

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Monmouth School Boys’ Prep

Extra curricular activities, which vary slightly from term         Outdoor pursuits
to term and are dependent on year group, include the
following throughout the year: individual musical instrument       In addition to the wide programme of sports on offer there
lessons, string orchestra, band, choir, chess, art, swimming,      is a programme of leadership training, confidence building
computing, drama, gardening and fencing. Activities also           and outdoor activities. All boys take part in residential
include rugby (Michaelmas Term) football (Lent Term) and           courses at outdoor pursuits centres where they participate
cricket, tennis and golf (Summer Term). In addition, in After      in a variety of activities, typically including rock climbing,
School Club boys may do their prep and take part in the            abseiling, caving, canoeing, high rope trails and much more.
varied programme of activities and events on offer.

Sport                                                              Reports
                                                                   School reports are uploaded to the Parent Portal four
A full sporting programme within the curriculum includes           times a year. Of these, one is an attainment report giving
regular fixtures against other schools on Wednesday                effort and attainment grades and a form tutor comment,
afternoons. In addition, there is plenty of opportunity for        two are interim reports giving effort and attainment grades
more sport after school with rugby, football, cricket, tennis,     and an English, maths and a form tutor comment and one
swimming and fencing. Boys are actively encouraged to              is a full written subject report. There are annual formal
enjoy their sport whatever their level.                            teacher parent meetings and informal opportunities to
                                                                   liaise with the staff at the end of a school day.
The majority of boys learn a musical instrument. All boys          Transfer to the senior school
in Prep I are introduced to playing the violin or cello in class   Transfer to the senior school is expected and is likely. It is
instrument lessons and most take up individual lessons             subject to a successful outcome of the General Entry Paper.
thereafter, either on a string instrument or other orchestral      Each candidate is considered for an academic scholarship
instrument. Tuition is available on any orchestral                 and is invited to apply for a music scholarship or sports
instrument, subject to demand.                                     award – these being subject to assessment. Please see the
                                                                   senior school pages for further details. The most likely
                                                                   outcome of the General Entry Paper is that all Prep boys
                                                                   will be offered a place in the senior school and there is an
                                                                   excellent record of scholarships and awards being offered
                                                                   to Prep boys. Following the General Entry Paper, Prep 6
                                                                   boys embark on a programme to prepare them for entry
                                                                   to the senior school, to include taking an English Speaking
                                                                   Board examination.

                                                                   Boys in Monmouth School Boys’ Prep are able to use the
                                                                   school buses, which drop off in front of their school. At the
                                                                   end of the school day buses leave from outside the Prep.
                                                                   Parents may request that their son is given permission to
                                                                   walk home unaccompanied; otherwise boys are supervised
                                                                   until collection.

visit for more details                                                                                         13
Monmouth School for Boys

The Senior School                                              or German. In addition they choose three of the following       School Timetable
                                                               four options: art, music, design technology, drama and
                                                               Greek.                                                          The school timetable contains 45 periods in a week, eight each
•    515 pupils
•    30% boarders 70% day pupils                                                                                               day Monday - Friday, and five on Saturday. A full programme
•    11-13 year olds  -   2 day Houses and 1 boarding House    Years 10 & 11                                                   of extra-curricular activities (including music, drama, clubs,
                                                                                                                               societies etc.) is arranged during lunch hours, after school and
•    13-18 year-olds -  2 Sixth Form day houses,  4 middle
                                                               10 subjects are taken at GCSE level. Compulsory Subjects:       at weekends.
		   school day houses, 3 senior boarding houses and a
                                                               English, English Literature and mathematics. Science core:
		   Sixth Form boarding house
                                                               biology, chemistry, physics or dual award scheme. Four          Monday to Friday
                                                               subjects to be chosen from the optional subjects: French,
                                                               Spanish, German, art & design, computer science, design         8.35			Registration
Curriculum                                                     technology, drama, geography, Greek, history, Latin, music      8.40 - 9.00 		 Chapel / Assembly /
                                                               and religious studies. Enrichment course: PSHE.                 			 Tutor Period
Year 7                                                                                                                         9.05 - 9.40			 Period 1
                                                                                                                               9.40 - 10.15			 Period 2
                                                               Forms VI.I & VI.2  (Years 12 & 13)                              10.15 - 10.30		 First Break
English, mathematics, science, art, design & technology,
                                                                                                                               10.30 - 11.05		 Period 3
French, geography, history, computing (via PSHE), Latin,       Subjects currently available to Sixth Formers:  art & design,   11.10 - 11.45		 Period 4
music, PSHE, PE, religious studies and drama.                  biology, business studies, chemistry, classical civilisation,   11.45 - 11.55		 Second Break
                                                               computer science, design & technology, drama & theatre          11.55 - 12.30		 Period 5 (Lunch 1)
Year 8                                                         studies, economics, English literature, French, geography,
                                                               German, Greek, history, Latin, mathematics, further
                                                                                                                               12.30 - 13.05		 Period 5/6 (Lunch 2)
                                                                                                                               13.05 - 13.40		 Period 6 (Lunch 3)
                                                               mathematics, music, physics, PE, philosophy & ethics,           11.55 - 13.10		 Sixth Form lessons 5/6
As above
                                                               psychology, religious studies, Russian, Spanish. All pupils
                                                               take enrichment courses in VI1. Pupils select four courses in   Lunch break
Year 9                                                         the first year of the Sixth Form and most will then proceed
Biology, chemistry and physics are studied as separate         to take three subjects in VI2.                                  13.45         		 Registration
sciences. Pupils either continue with Latin or begin Spanish                                                                   14.40 - 15.15		 Period 7
                                                                                                                               15.20 - 15.55		 Period 8

                                                                                                                               8.35			            Registration,
                                                                                                                               8.40 - 8.55			     House Assembly
                                                                                                                               9.00 - 9.35			     Period 1
                                                                                                                               9.40 - 10.15			    Period 2
                                                                                                                               10.20 - 10.55		    Period 3
                                                                                                                               10.55 - 11.15		    Break
                                                                                                                               11.15 - 11.50 		   Period 4
                                                                                                                               11.55 - 12.30		    Period 5

                                                                                                                               * There will be no timetabled lessons for Sixth Form boys
                                                                                                                               on a Saturday. However, they are expected to honour any
                                                                                                                               School commitments on Saturdays.

14                                                                                                                                     visit for more details
Monmouth School for Boys clubs & activities    Michaelmas Term 2016

There are over 60 clubs and activities which take place      Les Miserables Rehearsal                     4.10  Invitation
each week at lunch time and after school as well as an       2nd XV Rugby Training                        4.15
extensive range of boarders’ activities which, in most are   Rowing Circuits                              4.15  All
organised with Monmouth School for Girls. The example
below lists the weekly activities which take place during    THURSDAY                                     TIME    FORM         YEAR
the Michaelmas Term.             (Subject to change)         Junior Squash                                1.45    I - II       7-8
                                                             Jnr Chess & Board Games                      1.45    I - II       7-8
MONDAY                       TIME     FORM         YEAR      Junior Science Club                          1.45    I - II       7-8
Bach Orchestra               1.45     I - III      7-9       DT Club                                      1.45    I - III      7-9
DT                           1.45     V - VI2      11-13     Chapel Choir                                 1.50    Invitation
Ceramics Club                1.45     VI.1 - VI.2  12-13     CompSci GCSE Bridge Club                     1.50    III          9
Literary Society             1.45     VI           13        Word Play                                    1.55    All
Symphonic Winds              4.00     Invitation             Form I Rugby                                 4.00    I            7
Senior Strings               4.00     Invitation Senior      Water Polo                                   4.00    All
Rowing*                      4.15     V - VI       11-13     Junior Rowing*                               4.00    III          9
Trampoline Club              4.15     I-III        7-9       Jazz Orchestra                               4.00    Invitation
U13 Rugby                    4.15     II           8         Les Miserables Rehearsal                     4.10    Invitation
Fencing* (at HMSG)           5.30     All                    U14 Rugby                                    4.15    III          9
                                                             Joint Schools Softball                       4.15    III - VI2    9-13
TUESDAY                      TIME     FORM          YEAR     Fencing* (at MG)                             6.30    All
Trebles’ Choir               8.30     Invitation
Music GCSE Clinic            8.30     I-IV          7-10     FRIDAY                                       TIME    FORM         YEAR
Junior Winds                 1.45     Invitation             Brass Group                                  8.30    Invitation
Junior Squash                1.45     I-II          7-8      String Chamber Music                         8.30    Invitation
DT Club                      1.45     7-9           7-9      Woodwind Chamber Music                       8.30    Invitation
Literati Reading             1.50     Invitation             Chess Club                                   1.45    All
History Discussion Group     1.50     VI.I          12       DT Club                                      1.45    IV - VI      10-12
CompSci Makers & Builders    1.50     All                    Junior Squash                                1.45    I - II       7-8
House Indoor Football        2.00     III           9        Junior Drama Club                            1.45    I - III      7-9
1st XV Rugby                 4.00     1st XV                 Garage Band                                  1.45    Invitation
Music Theory Club            4.00     All                    Football                                     4.15    Invitation
Choral Society               4.10     All                    Canoeing Club                                4.15    All
Cross-country                4.15     All                    J15 Rowing                                   4.15    IV           10
Golf*                        4.15     All                    Senior Rowing                                4.15    V-VI.2       10-13
Senior Rowing*               4.15     V - VI        11-13
Swimming                     4.15     All                    SATURDAY                                     TIME    FORM         YEAR
Astronomy Society            7.30     All                    Fencing* (at MG)                             12.00   All
                                                             Rowing*                                      1.00    IV - VI      10-13
WEDNESDAY                    TIME     FORM          YEAR
Lower Voices                 8.30     Invitation             SUNDAY
Junior Squash                1.45     I - II        7-8      Boarders’ Activities
Senior Art Club              4.00     V - VI2       11-13    * Please note that this activity is chargeable

visit for more details                                                                                            15
Term Dates 2017-2018

Michaelmas Term 2017                                    Lent Term 2018		                        Summer Term 2018
Wednesday 6th September to Wednesday                    Wednesday 3rd January to                Monday 23rd April to Saturday 7th July
13th December                                           Friday 29th March                       Boarders return Monday evening
Tuesday 5th September arrival of all new and overseas   Boarders return Wednesday evening       Day boys return the following morning
boarders. Other boarders return Wednesday evening.                                              Friday 6th July, 12.30pm Prep only
Day boys return the following morning.                  Day boys return the following morning
Tuesday 12th December, 12noon Prep only                                                         Leave out: from 12.30pm
                                                        Exeat: from 4.00pm                      Saturday 5th to Monday 7th May
Exeat: from 4.00pm                                      Friday 19th to Sunday 21st January      Boarders return Monday evening
Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th September                    Boarders return Sunday evening          (Monday 1st May Bank Holiday)
Boarders return Sunday evening

                                                        Half-term: from 4.00pm                  Half-term: from 4.00pm
Half-term: from 4.00pm
                                                        Friday 9th to Sunday 18th February      Friday 25th May to Sunday 3rd June
Friday 20th October to Sunday 5th                                                               Boarders return Sunday evening
                                                        Boarders return Sunday evening
Boarders return Sunday evening
                                                        Exeat: from 4.00pm
                                                                                                Speech Day
Exeat: from 4.00pm                                      Friday 9th to Sunday 11th March
                                                        Boarders return Sunday evening          Saturday 7th July
Friday 24th to Sunday 26th November                                                             Prep: Friday 6th July
Boarders return Sunday evening

                                                                                                Dates for beginnings of term and ends of half-term are
                                                                                                dates on which boarders return. Day boys return the
                                                                                                following morning.

                                                                                                Exeat Weekend extends from 4pm after school on Friday
                                                                                                until 7pm on Sunday evening (or Monday evening if there is
                                                                                                an INSET day)

                                                                                                Leave-out Weekend extends from 12.30pm after school on
                                                                                                Saturday until 7pm on Sunday evening (or Monday evening
                                                                                                if there is a Bank holiday)

16                                                                                                     visit for more details

Junior Boarders (9 - 12 year-olds) are accommodated in
Chapel House, which includes places for those who wish
                                                            Boarding Taster Weekends
to be boarders in the final two years at Monmouth School    We offer boarding taster weekends for those who
Boys’ Prep as well as those in their first two years at
                                                            wish to try boarding and join in the weekend activities.
Monmouth School for Boys.
                                                            Separate charges apply to Prep boarders and after-school
                                                            arrangements. Further information and a list of weekends
Form III, Year 9 boarders transfer to one of three senior
                                                            are available from the Admissions Registrar.
boarding houses and are joined by other new boarders.
The school offers full boarding with a programme of
weekend activities, which are often run in conjunction      Costs
with Monmouth School for Girls. Boarding can be flexible
so that boys may go home at weekends once school            •   Library after school    No charge
commitments have been fulfilled.                            •   Breakfast               £3.50
                                                            •   Supper                  £4.80
                                                            •   Boarding - One night
                                                                £68.50 day boys
                                                                £60 Prep boys
Occasional boarding and after school                            £52 day boarders
facilities for day boys                                     •   Boarding Weekend
                                                                £185 day boys
There may be occasions when your son wishes to stay at          £185 Prep boys
school after 4pm or stay the night. You may be interested   •   Boarding
to know that the school can help in the following ways:         One full week
                                                                £435 day boys
• The school library is open until 6pm for supervised           £385 Prep boys
  homework                                                  •   Boarding element per term
                                                                £4,491 day boys (Form I - V)
• Supper is available in the Dining Hall from 5.30pm.           £5,158 (Form V1.1 - VI.2)
  (Tickets are available on the day from the library from       £2,911 Prep boys
  5-6pm)                                                    •   Day boarder per term £530

• Occasional boarding is for a single night, weekend or
  longer. (Please try to give at least one week’s notice)
                                                            After school care
                                                            Monmouth School for Boys
• Day boarders are permanent members of a boarding
                                                            • Single day to 6.30pm £12.50
  house, who have supper at school and have a work
                                                            • Single day to 9pm        £23
  station in the house.
                                                            Includes supper, prep supervision and evening
Overnight stays can be booked with the Admissions
Registrar and are charged separately.                       Monmouth School Boys’ Prep
                                                            • 4.15 - 5.15pm		       £3.50
                                                            • 5.15 - 6pm		          £5.10 (includes supper)

visit for more details                                                                            17
Links with Monmouth School for Girls & transport arrangements - local and airports

Links with Monmouth School for Girls                             Transport arrangements                                        Newport train station minibus
                                                                                                                               Minibus transport to Newport train station is provided at
Monmouth School for Boys and Monmouth School for Girls           Daily school buses                                            leave-outs, exeats and half-terms.
enjoy close links. They share the same foundation and have
the same Board of Governors.                                     These are shared with Monmouth School for Girls and are
                                                                 as follows:                                                   Airport transport
The Headteachers, teachers and pupils are often in contact
on a day-to-day basis, although each school is proud                                                                           At the beginning and end of each term, coach/minibus
of its individual identity. The two Sixth Forms share a          Bus 2		 Crickhowell, Abergavenny
                                                                                                                               transport is provided, in conjunction with Monmouth
coordinated timetable which means that Sixth Form pupils         Bus 3 and 17		 Caerleon, Pontypool, Usk, Raglan               School for Girls, to and from Heathrow airport and a fee
from each school:                                                Bus 5/5A		 Caldicot, Chepstow, Wye Valley                     charged per journey. Journeys are coordinated by Mrs
                                                                                                                               Louise Frankel at Monmouth School for Girls,
•    have access to a range of well over thirty AS and A level   Bus 6		 Tutshill, Chepstow, Trellech
                                                                                                                      and details of flights
     subjects                                                    Bus 7		 Hereford, Much Birch                                  should be emailed to her. If pupils are arriving or departing
•    are able to choose from a greater number of subject         Bus 7A		 Lock’s Garage, Wormbridge, Cross Ash                 at other times or from other airports, we can arrange
     combinations                                                                                                              individual taxi transport.
•    Pupils in the Lower Sixth take part in the Enrichment       Bus 8		 Gilwern, Abergavenny, the Old A40
     programme.                                                  Bus 9		 Hewelsfield, St Briavels, Newland
•    We encourage cooperation in music, drama and extra-         Bus 10		 Mitcheldean, Ross on Wye
     curricular activities to increase the opportunities
     available to pupils from both schools.                      Bus 10A		 Ledbury, Newent, Upton Bishop,
•    A careers convention and gap year evening are also run      Bus 11		 Lydney, Blakeney, Coleford, Lydbrook,
     jointly.                                                    			 Walford, Goodrich
                                                                 Buses 12/15		 Llandaff, Cardiff, Newport
                                                                 Bus 16		 Magor, Caerwent, Shirenewton
                                                                 Bus 18		 Thornbury, Tockington

                                                                 These are normally charged for on a termly basis in
                                                                 advance, although occasional journeys, paid for in arrears,
                                                                 are possible if space permits.

                                                                 Copies of the bus timetables and charges are available
                                                                 from the Admissions Registrar.

                                                                 Enquiries about the availability of places and other bus
                                                                 details are available from the Bus Co-ordinator,
                                                                 Robert Sedman. He may be contacted on 01600 711162
                                                                 or email:

18                                                                                                                                    visit for more details
The House System

There are two junior day houses, and one junior boarding
house for boys aged 9 -13.
                                                               Glendower House
                                                                                 Mr Keith Madsen
Along with the new entrants at 13, boys may join either                           is Housemaster of Glendower House,
one of the four senior boarding houses or one of the four                         one of two Sixth Form day houses, and
senior day houses.                                                                he is also Head of Economics. After
                                                                                  gaining a degree in Economics, Politics
In the Sixth Form, day boys move to Tudor or Glendower                            and Sociology from Hull University
House, in the Sixth Form Centre. Although boarders                                and completing a PGCE, he taught at
remain in their Houses, the Sixth Form Centre may be used                         Woodruffe School, Lyme Regis and then
as an academic and social base by all Sixth-Formers at         Pockington School, York before joining Monmouth School
both Monmouth School for Boys and Monmouth School              for Boys in September 1989. Before being appointed to
for Girls.                                                     the Housemaster team, he produced some of the PR
                                                               publications for the School, including The Dasher and
The Housemasters are in overall charge of a pupil’s            helped with the PR and Marketing of the School. He
pastoral care, but they are assisted by a team of tutors who   has also acted as Work Experience Coordinator. He runs
meet regularly with their tutees and who monitor their         the School Golf team and has developed close links with
academic progress. All boarding houses have a resident         Monmouth Golf Club where the boys can take advantage
Housemaster and his family as well as a resident tutor.        of reduced membership fees. He is also a talented rugby
                                                               coach, now running the 3rd XV. He is married to Sally, who is
Visiting parents are invited to view the facilities of         also a teacher, and they have a daughter.
the boarding and day houses and if possible to meet
Housemasters.                                                  Tudor House
                                                                                 Mr Dave Vickers
                                                                                  is Housemaster of Tudor House, one of
                                                                                  the Sixth Form day houses. He is also
                                                                                  the Director of Physical Education. Upon
                                                                                  leaving school in 1979, Dave spent eight
                                                                                  years as a Royal Marine Commando,
                                                                                  specialising as an Arctic Warfare
                                                                                  instructor. He then completed his BEd
                                                               (Hons) degree at Leeds before securing his first teaching
                                                               position, as Head of Rugby at The Manchester Grammar
                                                               School in 1993. He joined Monmouth School for Boys in
                                                               1996, since when he has been heavily involved in coaching
                                                               various rugby, cricket, tennis, swimming and athletics
                                                               teams. He spent several years as a junior form teacher and
                                                               non-resident Boarding Master. A fitness enthusiast, Dave
                                                               is a founder member of the Monmouth Triathlon Club and
                                                               competed regularly himself, until very recently. A keen
                                                               skier, he also organises the annual school ski trip. Dave is
                                                               married to Jo who teaches at Monmouth School for Girls,
                                                               and has two sons.

visit for more details                                                                                    19
Day Houses

Dean House                                                      Hereford House                                                  Severn House
                Dr Jon Danks                                                    Mr Mark Tamplin                                                 Mrs Emma Arrand
                 is Housemaster of Dean House and he                              is Housemaster of Hereford (“Here”)                           is Housemaster of Severn House, teaches
                 teaches chemistry. Before teaching, he                           House and is a mathematician. An Old                          English and is Co-ordinator of teaching and
                 gained a degree and D.Phil in chemistry                          Monmothian, he left school and gained a                       learning. After gaining her English degree
                 at Warwick and Oxford, respectively. He                          degree and a PGCE from Exeter University.                     from the University of Southampton, she
                 then spent a further 6 years undertaking                         Before returning to Monmouth School for                       worked in publishing and was a qualified
                 postdoctoral research at Edinburgh and                           Boys in 1998, he worked as an accountant                      fitness instructor, before completing her
                 Nottingham. Jon spent one year teaching                          for Price Waterhouse Cooper in Bristol.                       PGCE at the University of Bath. Prior
at Monmouth then a further 5 at RGS Guildford, before           Mark is a keen sportsman, playing cricket for Usk C.C. in the   to working at Monmouth School for Boys, she was Year
returning to Monmouth in 2004. Jon enjoys his sport and         Welsh League. At school, he coaches cricket, rugby and the      Seven Co-ordinator at Colston’s School in Bristol. Emma
regularly plays squash for Monmouth Town in the Gwent           1st XI football team. He is master in charge of football.       was appointed Housemaster in 2013 after being a tutor
leagues. At school he coaches the U13 Rugby teams. He is                                                                        in Severn House since joining the school in 2009. When
married to Rachel and has two daughters.                                                                                        not in school, Emma enjoys spending time with her family,
                                                                                                                                running and training dogs. She lives in Monmouth with her
                                                                                                                                two sons.

Wye House                                                       Monmouth House                                                  Town House
                Miss Sophie Williams                                            Mr Robert Howe                                                   Mr Andrew Hawley
                 is Housemaster of Wye House and teaches                          is Housemaster of Monmouth House                               is Housemaster of Town House and is
                 French and German. After gaining her                             and teaches geography. He joined the                           an English teacher. A graduate of the
                 degree in Modern and Medieval Languages                          school in 1997, having previously taught                       University of Hull, he worked as an
                 from the University of Cambridge, she                            in London. After graduating in geography,                      Immigration Officer at Gatwick Airport
                 taught English as a Foreign Language in                          from Royal Holloway College, London,                           before obtaining a PGCE from the
                 Estonia whilst studying for a Masters there,                     he worked in shipping and construction                         University of Sussex. He has taught in a
                 before returning to Cambridge to complete                        industries before embarking on a PGCE                          variety of schools, including seven years in
her PGCE. At school, she is Master i/c of tennis and an         at Brunel. He is a keen oarsman, with a Triple ‘Purple’ at      Tredegar Comprehensive and two years teaching English in
officer in the Monmouth School for Boys CCF. Outside            UL. He twice represented Great Britain at the World U23         Auckland, New Zealand. Andrew coaches the 14B football
of school, Sophie enjoys hiking and playing netball and         Rowing Championships, winning a bronze medal in the VIII        team, is in charge of the Senior Debating Team and runs
badminton, as well as travelling during the holidays.           and reaching two Henley finals. He was formerly Master in       the Christian Society. He was also a Lieutenant in the
                                                                charge of rowing and has coached the 1st VIII for much of       Monmouth School for Boys CCF. Married to Julia, with two
                                                                his time at Monmouth but is now keen on developing the          daughters, he lives in Crickhowell.
                                                                younger talent at the school. Rob has two children.

20                                                                                                                                     visit for more details
Boarding Houses

Head of Boarding                                                  Chapel House                                                    School House
                 Mr Kingsley Jones                                                 Ms Sheila Mone                                                 Mr Matthew Lewis
                 is the Head of Boarding and has                                     has recently taken over as Houseparent                         is Housemaster of School House. He
                 represented boarding on the SMT since                               of Chapel House, our boarding house for                        teaches history, games and coaches the
                 September 2003. He was Housemaster                                  Years 5-8. With a first class art degree                       U12s rugby teams. After graduating from
                 of Weirhead House for twelve years and                              from Leeds, she is a talented artist                           Cardiff University with a BA Hons degree
                 Housemaster of Buchanan House over                                  teaching art & design at the school and                        in archaeology, he spent 8 years teaching
                 its opening and initial two years. He is                            inspiring creativity in the house. She has                     history at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar
                 a teacher of mathematics, graduating                                been an art teacher for ten years and                          School in Barnet, North London, where
from the University of Kent at Canterbury in 1980,                is also involved in PSHE and Modules. Sheila was a non-         he was also responsible for running a large day house. He
and undertook postgraduate research at Aberystwyth                resident tutor at Weirhead House prior to taking up her         joined Monmouth in September 2009 and he has been a
University. He joined Monmouth School for Boys in                 new position as Houseparent. Prior to teaching Sheila           resident tutor in both New House and Buchanan House
September 1997. Kingsley enjoys outdoor activities, taking        trained as a nurse and worked in university hospitals in        before being appointed as the Housemaster of School
an active part in running the Monmouth School for Boys            Cardiff and Leeds. Her partner William runs an agency           House. His wife teaches religious studies at Monmouth
Canoeing Club; hillwalking, climbing and sailing feature in       specialising is research communication and they have five       School for Boys and they have two young sons.
his interests and pursuits. He is also a keen photographer.       children.
He is married to Karen and they have four children and

Buchanan House                                                    New House                                                       Weirhead House
                 Mr Ian Lawrence                                                  Mr Alex Peace                                                   Mr David Hope
                  is Housemaster of Buchanan House. After                          joined Monmouth’s Biology Department                           is a teacher of Latin, Greek and ancient
                  graduating in chemistry from University                          in 2008 from Whitgift School where he                          history, and is Housemaster of Weirhead
                  College London, he gained a commission in                        taught biology for five years, was Assistant                   House. He is a classics graduate of
                  the army. As an infantry officer, he served                      Head of Year and coached rugby and                             King’s College London and has a PGCE
                  all over the world: he was official media                        rowing. He completed a Biological Sciences                     from Cambridge. He joined Monmouth
                  spokesman for all UK troops in Helmand                           degree at Swansea University, while also                       School for Boys in September 2001 from
                  Province, Afghanistan. He has an interest in                     playing rugby and deploying with the                           Bedford Modern School, where he was
the application of science and following an MSc in computer       Naval Reserves. As a fluent Spanish speaker, he spent a         Head of Classical Civilisation and a Housemaster. David is
modelling, he conducted research at Porton Down, the UK’s         year at Granada University in Spain studying Genetics.          totally committed to school sport, running a team in each
chemical and biological defence research establishment. Ian       At Monmouth, Alex has been a Resident Tutor in both             of the three terms. He looks after the U14A XV rugby
is a keen rugby coach and has coached several county sides as     Weirhead House and St James House. Outside of school, he        team as well as coaching the cricket and football U15A
well as developing elite players within the Harlequins and Bath   enjoys sailing, diving and snowboarding. He lives with his      XI. Away from school, he continues his passion for the
Academies. He was selected to be an RFU coach mentor. He          wife Georgina, who teaches English at the school, and their     Classical World by reading Greek poetry and researching
now teaches chemistry, is the contingent Commander of CCF         young daughter.                                                 Greek history. He is married to Lyndsay, who is Head of
and coaches the U15A rugby team. He is married to Fiona, a                                                                        Computing at the school, and they have three children.
Sister at Hereford Hospital; they have a daughter at university
and two teenage sons.

visit for more details                                                                                                                                                21
Teaching Staff

Monmouth School for Boys                                Chaplain                                                    Mrs E.R. Cole          BSc (London)
                                                        Revd. C.R. Swartz     BA (Connecticut) MA (Cantab)          Miss J.M.Creak         BA (Cantab)
                                                                                                                    J.P. Danks             BSc (Warwick), DPhil (Oxon)
Headmaster                                              English                                                     Miss S.M.Gorman        BSc (Loughborough)
Dr A. J. Daniel    BSc (East Anglia, Washington),       R.D. Picken           BA (Newcastle)                        I. J. Lawrence         BSc, Msc (Cranfield)
                   MEd (Open), PhD (Liverpool)          Mrs E.R. Arrand       BA (Winchester)                       Mrs L.C. Parr          BEng (Cranfield), BSc (OU)
                                                        A. Hawley             BA (Hull)                             A.K. Peace             BSc (Wales)
Second Master                                           Mrs L.R. Livingston   BA (Birmingham)                       P.R. Williams          BA (OU)
S.H. Dorman        MA (Oxon), MPhill (Belfast)          Mrs T. L. Matthews    BA (Manchester)                       A.J. Winter            BSc (Liverpool) PhD (Wales)
                                                        Mrs G.S. Peace        BA, MA (Belfast)
Director Of Studies
                                                                                                                    Religious Studies
A.J. Winter        BSc (Liverpool), PhD (Wales)         Drama
                                                                                                                    Mrs R. L. Wynne Lord MA (Cantab)
                                                        P.M. Griffin          BA (Middx)
Head Of Sixth Form                                                                                                  Mrs L. E. Lewis      BA (York)
                                                        D.G. Murray           MA (Aberdeen)
J. Boiling       BA (Dunelm)                            A.E. Shakeshaft       BA (Loughborough)
Head of Boarding                                        History                                                     R.C. Whiteman          BA (Oxon)
D.K. Jones       BSc (Kent)                             J.M. Harrison         BA (Cantab), PhD (Manchester)         D.G. Hope              BA (London)
                                                        J. Boiling            BA (Dunelm)                           E.D. Maunder           BA (Oxford)
Senior Boarding Houses           Housemaster            M. Lewis              BA (Cardiff)
Buchanan House			                I. J. Lawrence         P. Vaughan-Smith      BA (Oxon)                             Modern Languages
New House			                     A.K.R. Peace                                                                       Mrs L. Parsons         Deug in English (Limoges), BA (Cardiff)
School House    			              M. Lewis               Geography                                                   Mrs S.G. Atherton      BA (Leeds) ACII
Weirhead House			                D.G. Hope              G. F. Stentiford      BSc MSc (Durham)                      S.H. Dorman            MA (Oxon), MPhil (Belfast)
                                                        R. Howe               BA (London)                           J.F. Geraghty          BA (Durham)
Junior Boarding House            Houseparent            Mrs R.J. Marsh        BSc (Birmingham)                      Miss L.M.J Goupil      BA (LLCE) MA (Rennes)
Chapel House			                  Ms S. M. Mone          O.T.R. Williams       BSc (Loughborough)                    Mrs J.R. Gunn          BA (Cardiff)
                                                                              MA (London)                           Mrs J.A. Johnston      MA (St. Andrews)
Senior Day Houses 		             Housemaster                                                                        Russian
Town House			                    A. Hawley              Science                                                     Miss S.E.L. Williams   MA (Estonia), BA (Cantab)
Monmouth House			                R. Howe                Miss E.K. Barson      BSc (Southampton) MSc (East Anglia)   German
Severn House        		           Mrs E.R. Arrand        Biology
Hereford House			                M.J. Tamplin           M.D. Clarke           BSc, PhD (Newcastle)                  Mathematics
Tudor House (VI.2) 			           D.M. Vickers           Chemistry                                                   H.B. Evans             BSc (Cardiff), MSc (Oxon) PhD (Cardiff)
                                                        D.G. Jones            M.Phys, PhD (Swansea)                 A.J. Dawson            BSc (St. Andrews), MSc (Hull)
Glendower House (VI.I)		         K.J. Madsen
                                                        Physics                                                     Dr E. Evans            BSc(Cardiff), PhD (Cardiff)
Junior Day Houses                                       Mrs E.A. Aldridge     BSc (London)                          L.M.P. Godfrey         BSc (Wales)
Dean House			                    J.P. Danks             Dr L M Bakker         PhD (Cardiff), BTech (Auckland)       J.D. Griffiths         BSc (Imperial & OU)
Wye House					                   Miss S.E.L. Williams                         From Nov 17                           D.K. Jones             BSc (Kent)

22                                                                                                                          visit for more details
Teaching Staff, Governors & Equal Opportunities

D.J. Pearson         BSc (Brighton)                                                                         The Governors
M.J. Tamplin         BSc (Exeter)
                                                                                                            The Master of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers, ex officio
Economics & Business Studies                                                                                A.W. Twiston-Davies* (Chairman), (Acting Chairman School
K.J. Madsen        BA (Hull)
J.W. Bateman       Llb (Cardiff)                                                                            Monmouth School for Boys and Boys’ Prep
		                                                                                                          Mr Phil Alderman          Mrs Jo. Booth
Design and Technology                                                                                       Mr Max Davidson           Dr James Kelly
A.J. White         BA (Loughborough)                                                                        Mr Mike Kerrigan          Mrs Hilary Moriarty*
K.D. Chaplin       BSc (Wales)                                                                              Mrs Mackenzie Nordal      Mr Nick Waters
N.J.R. Goodson     BSc (Loughborough)                                                                       Mr Audley Twiston-Davies

                                                                                                            Monmouth School for Girls and Girls’ Prep
                                                                                                            Mr Noel Manns (Chairman) Mr Martin Anderson
Mrs L.A. Hope                                                                                               Dr Patrick Baird           Mrs Sharon Clayton
J. Despontin  BSc (Cardiff), MSc (Bristol)
                                                       Monmouth School Boys’ Prep                           Mrs Mary Henderson         Mr Roger Miners
                                                                                                            Mrs Ruth Rose              Mr Audley Twiston-Davies
D.F. Lawson          BA (Liverpool) CRE
                                                       Mr N.D. Shaw       MA (Exeter)                       Clerk to the Governors:           Mrs Fiona Creasey
Miss S.L. Fowler     BSc (Swansea)
                                                       Deputy Head                                          *Monmouth School Boys’ Prep Governor
                                                       Mrs K. E. Kirman   BSc (Birmingham)
M. Peake             BA (Dundee)                                                                            The Governing Body plays an important strategic role in
Ms S. M. Mone        BA (Leeds)                        A.J. Ahmad         BSc (Gloucestershire)             the life of the schools and is responsible for determining
K.A. Tiebosch        BA (UWIC)                         Mrs L. Davies      BA (Limoges-Cardiff)              the aims and overall conduct of the schools. It sets and
                                                       K.T.L. Fradd       BSc (Aberystwyth) from Jan 2018   reviews policies, strategies and procedures to ensure the
Physical Education                                     D. G. Hayden       MA (Sydney) Cert Ed (Wales)       best possible education for present and future pupils and
D.M. Vickers         BEd (Leeds)                                          to Dec 2017                       has responsibility for the financial control of the schools.
A.J. Jones           BA (Exeter)                       SC Huson           BA (UWE), BA (OU), MA (UWE)
                                                       P. N. Morris       BEd (Cheltenham)                  For further information, please visit
Study Support                                          D.G. Murray        MA (Aberdeen)           
Mrs R. Widdicks      BA (Sussex) (Literacy)            K.J. Shepherd      BA (Manchester)
Mrs A Copley         BEd (Kingston) (Literacy)         Mrs A.M. Taylor    LRSC (Gloucestershire)
Mrs S.M. Holmes      BEd (Wales) (Numeracy)            Dr. S.R. Wall      BSc (Glamorgan), PhD (Cardiff)    Equal Opportunities
                                                       J. D. Walton       BMus (Birmingham)                 Monmouth School for Boys is an independent and selective
Librarian                                              Mrs E.R. Waters    BA (Kingston)                     school for boys. Within this framework, the school is committed
Mrs J.F. Anderton    BA (Birmingham), Dip. Lib., ALA
                                                                                                            to providing equality of opportunity, regardless of race, religion,
                                                       Learning Support
                                                                                                            gender or sexual orientation.
                                                       Mrs L.I. Jones     BEd (Cheltenham & Gloucester)
                                                       Mrs S.M. Holmes    BEd (Wales)                       The school has a Christian Foundation and traditions, but pupils are
                                                                                                            admitted regardless of religion or race. Those of non-Christian faith
                                                                                                            are respected.

visit for more details                                                                                                                                  23
                                                          C ER

                                                                                                                                                   Monmouth School
                                                                                                                                                      Girls’ Prep
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        How to find us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PARKING             NO RIGHT TURN

          Map Of Monmouth


                                                                                                                                    HEREFORD RO


                                                                                                                                                  Monmouth School


                                                                                                                                                     for Girls                                                                                                                                                                                      al






                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             W                                                M6

                                                                            AD                                       ENTRANCE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              M1


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           s s-

                                                                                                                                                                     DI X
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Monmouth Schools                                                                      Monmouth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pre-Prep & Nursery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      M4        London
                                                                                                                                                                                                            D.                                                                                                                                                            Bristol
                                                                                                                                                                                                     O   NR
                                                                                                                                                                                              D   IXT                                                                                                                                                                    M5

                                                                                                               CHAPEL                              Surgery                            Monmouth
                                                                                                               HOUSE                                                                  Comprehensive

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Skate Park


                                                                                             Swan Court                                                       Leisure Centre

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Canoe                                                 YE

                                                                                                                                    M ONK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rowing                  W

                                                                                                                      THE                                                                                Hire                                          R
                                                                                                          ET                                                                                                                        Club            VE

                                                                                                                     PRIORY                                                                                                                    RI



                                                                                                                                 SS ST.                  ST JAM                                                                                                       Estate

                                                                        W                                                                                       E   S SQ.
                                                                     NO                                               ITE


                                                            MO                                                 WH
                                                       ER                                                  ST.                                                                                                   Vehicle & Pedestrian
                                                   V                                                RCH         ST                                                                                               Underpass
                                                                                             C   HU                M    AR                 BUCHANAN                                                                                                                                                                     Monmouth School for Boys
                                                                                                                          Y’                 HOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Boys 11 - 18

                                                    MONMOUTH                                                                       TR

                                                      CASTLE                                                                            EE



                                                    (remains of)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Almshouse Street, Monmouth, Monmouthshire

                                                                                                 Court                      EN

                                                                               J   OH
                                                                                                                                      CE                                                       Underpass                                    Monmouth School
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NP25 3XP Tel: 01600 710433
                                                                                        NS                                                                                      W
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Boys’ Prep
                                The Oldway                                                                                                                                                                                   Monmouth School
                                                                                                         EN                  Monmouth School                                                  ID
                                Centre                                                                        DO                for Boys                                                           GE                          Sports Club
                                                                                                                     RS                                                                                                                                              ENTRANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Monmouth School Boys’ Prep


                                                                                                                     Police                                                                                                                                                                RO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Boys 7 - 11





                                                                                                                                                                                                                     REDBRO OK

                                                                                                                                                                                          Monmouth School


                                                                                                                                       Park                                                   for Boys

                                                                                                                                                                                           Sports Pavilion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hadnock Road, Monmouth, Monmouthshire

                                                       Chippenham                                                                                                                                                                                      AM

                                                       Surgery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NP25 3NG Tel: 01600 715930




                                                                                                                                                                               MONMOUTH SCHOOL

                                                                                                                                                                                 SPORTS FIELD

                                                         SPORTS GROUND


          CI                                                                                 Tennis
               N                                                                             Courts
                            H                                               Bowling
                                IL                                                                                       MILLENNIUM                                                                                                                                                                                     Charity Number 525616

                                         ST                                  Green                                           GREEN
E L AN                                     .                                                                            Walk & Picnic Area

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wyesham Junior      W

           This map is copyright of Platform One and must not be reproduced without prior permission ©

                                24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              & Infants School
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   visit for more details


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