International Swiss Dragon Championship Ascona, Lago Maggiore September 16th-20th, 2013

Page created by Randall Pearson
International Swiss Dragon Championship Ascona, Lago Maggiore September 16th-20th, 2013
        D ra g o  n C h a m p io n s h ip
    Ascona, Lago Maggiore
     pte m  b e r 1 6th -2 0th, 2013
 S e
 Tune up race (Alpencup) September 14th-15th 2013

       Yacht Club Ascona│Parco Paradiso│CP 512, 6612 Ascona│
       Swiss Dragon Association│Birkenweg 5│3072 Ostermundigen│
International Swiss Dragon Championship Ascona, Lago Maggiore September 16th-20th, 2013

Cari velisti del Dragone,

Lo Yacht Club Ascona è onorato di potervi ospitare nuovamente per una settima-
na intensa di vela, competizione e amicizia.
Dal 14 al 20 settembre le acque e il vento del Lago Maggiore saranno a vostra
disposizione, dapprima per l’Alpen Cup ed in seguito per il Campionato Svizzero

Siamo molto lieti di incontrarvi nuovamente e di rinforzare il legame con la
vostra classe; in questi anni abbiamo potuto apprezzare il vostro purismo velico,
la vostra simpatia e l’alto livello di competenza marinaresca dei vostri equipaggi.
Crediamo inoltre che il Dragone sia una delle rare classi veliche in grado di ab-
binare magnificamente tradizione e eleganza, passione e competizione di alto
livello, elementi che rendono unico il nostro magnifico sport.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi e vi auguriamo di trascorrere ad Ascona una magnifica
settimana all’insegna di sport e natura.

Buon vento

Fabian Bazzana

Yacht Club Ascona
International Swiss Dragon Championship Ascona, Lago Maggiore September 16th-20th, 2013
Europas grösstes Versandhaus für Motorboot & Segelsport

WELCOME                                                                                                                                               !
                                                                                                                               Wir sind Wassersport

                                                                                             Ihre Nstr.un1g
                                                                                             für Ausrü
                                                                                             rund ums Boot

Dear Dragon Sailors,

The Yacht Club of Ascona is honoured to be once more host of one week great sailing,
competition and friendship.                                                                         neu:
From the 14th to the 20th of September the waters and wind of Lake Maggiore will
be at your disposition. First for the Alpencup and followed by the International Swiss   10‘000 artikel
Championship.                                                                            Über 25‘000 artikel online
In the past we learned to know your class unity, your sympathy and the high sailing
level of your crews.                                                                     KoMplette
We believe that the Dragon Class is one oft he very rare classes with a magnificient     kollektionen von
tradition, elegance and high level competitions.
These are all elements which make our wonderful sailing sport unique.

We are looking forward to meet you and wish you a wonderful week
in combination with sport and holiday.                                                   sensationelle
Good luck!                                                                               preise
Fabian Bazzana
                                                                                         der neue
Ascona Yacht Club

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International Swiss Dragon Championship Ascona, Lago Maggiore September 16th-20th, 2013

Organization 		        Yacht Club Ascona, p.o. Box, CH-6612 Ascona                  Entry Fee 		            CHF 400.00 (euro 350.00) (charges to the sender)
			                    Chairman of the Organizing Committee : Gian Carlo Respini    			                     payable to Notenstein bank, for Yacht Club Ascona ,
			                    Chairman of the Race Committee : Enrico Vaccaro              			                     IBAN: CH 16 0876 5105 6991 4000 0,
                                                                                    			                     SWIFT/BIC: WEGECH2GXXX
Date and Place 		      16th to 20th September 2013, Ascona
                                                                                    Number of races 		      max. 8 races, the championship is valid with 4 races
Notice of race 		      International
                                                                                    Scoring 			             low point system, cancellation of the worst score after
Racing rules 		        The race will be governed by the 2013/2016 ISAF,             			                     4 races
			                    by the Swiss-Sailing rules for Swiss Championships,
			                    by the class rules and the Sailing instructions (available   Course 			              see sailing instructions (delivery at registration)
			                    at the race office at registration). Advertising of the
			                    Main Sponsor of the Event is provided on the boats.          Price giving 		         Challenge, Medals of Swiss-Sailing for the first 3 boats
			                    If there is a conflict between languages the English text    			                     Other prices will be awarded
			                    of this notice of race will prevail.
                                                                                    Information’s 		        Gian-Carlo Respini, via Mondacce 33 CH-6648 Minusio
Launching 		           Friday, 13.09.2013, from 10:00 till 17.00                    			                     e-mail:, phone +4179/413’69’19.
			                    Saturday, 14.09.2013 from 10.00 till 12.00
			                    Monday, 16.09.2013 from 10.00 till 17.00
			                    Tuesday, 17.09.2013 from 10.00 till 12.00                    SCHEDULE
			                    on the porto patriziale in Ascona
                                                                                    Monday, 16.09.2013      from 10.00 till 16.00 Launching on the porto patriziale
Measurement 		         Monday, 16.09.2013 from 09:00-to 17:00                       			                     09.00-17.00 Registration/Measurement
			                    Tuesday, 17.09.2013 from 09:00 to 12:00
			                    A valid measurement certificate is mandatory                 Tuesday, 17.09.2013     09.00-10.00 Registration/Measurement
                                                                                    			                     11.00 Skippers meeting on the piazzale Elvezia
Opening/Briefing       Tuesday, 17.09.2013, at 11:00 on the piazzale Elvezia        			                     13.30 first start, warning signal
                                                                                    			                     After sailing Aperitif on the piazzale Elvezia
First start 		         Tuesday, 17.09.2013, at 13:30, warning signal
                                                                                    Wednesday, 18.09.2013   Race day, start time put up at the notice board
Last possible start    Friday, 20.09.2013, at 16:00, warning signal                 			                     After sailing Aperitif on the piazzale Elvezia

Submit entry form to   Yacht Club Ascona, p.o. Box, CH-6612 Ascona                  Thursday, 19.09.2013    Race day, start time put up at the notice board
			                    Please include : Copy of a valid measurement certificate     			                     After sailing Aperitif on the piazzale Elvezia
			                    and copy of the liability insurance certificate.
                                                                                    Friday, 20.09.2013      Race day, start time put up at the notice board
Deadline of entry      31.08.2013 at 18.00                                          			                     16.00 Last possible start, warning signal
                                                                                    			                     from 19.00, Official dinner and Price giving ceremony
International Swiss Dragon Championship Ascona, Lago Maggiore September 16th-20th, 2013
ACCOMMODATION                                                                                                                                                                         ALPENCUP tune up race

Ente Turistico Lago Maggiore                                                                                                    Organization 		         Yacht Club Ascona, p.o. Box, CH-6612 Ascona
                                                                                                                                Date and Place 		       from 14th to 15th September 2013, Ascona

                                                                                                                                Entry Fee 		            CHF 100.00 (euro 85.00) (charges to the sender)
                                                                                                                                			                     payable to Notenstein bank, for Yacht Club Ascona ,
                                                                                                                                			                     IBAN: CH16 0876 5105 6991 4000 0,
                                                                                                                                			                     SWIFT/BIC: WEGECH2GXXX
Please give your preferences
                                                                                                                                Deadline of entry       31.08.2013 at 18.00
to our advertisers!
                                                                                                                                Launching 		            Friday 13.09.2013, from 10:00 till 17.00
                                                                                                                                			                     Saturday 14.09.2013 from 10.00 till 12.00
                                                                                                                                			                     on the porto patriziale

                                                                                                                                First start Saturday,   14.09.2013, at 13:30, warning signal

                                                                                                                                Last possible start     Sunday, 15.09.2013, at 16:00, warning signal

                                                                                                                                Number of races 		      max 4, the Alpen Cup is valid with 2 races

                                                                                                                                Scoring 			             low point system, no possible cancellation

                                                                                                                                Price giving 		         18.00, Aperitif on the piazzale Elvezia

              Voglia di...

                                                                                                                                Friday, 13.09.2013      from 10:00 till 17.00 Launching on the porto patriziale

                                                                                                                                Saturday, 14.09.2013    from 10.00 till 12.00 Launching on the porto patriziale
                               Voglia dei semplici sapori della vita, semplicemente. . .Art Hotel Riposo                        			                     from 10.00 till 12.00 Registration Tune up Race
                               Eventi       Ogni Martedi/Jeden Dienstag Abend „Cena sotto le stelle” Dinner unter den Sternen   			                     11.00 Skippers meeting on the piazzale Elvezia
                                            Ogni Sabato/Jeden Samstag Abend „Jazz in Cortile” Live Jazz im Innenhof
                               Member of:   ChicRetreats& Best "Nice Price" Hotel in Ticino since 2005 ( HotelRating SZ)        			                     13.30 first start, warning signal

                                                                                                                                Sunday, 15.09.2013      13.30 start, warning signal, Race day Tune up /Alpencup
                                                                                                                                			                     18.00 Price giving and Aperitif on the piazzale Elvezia
International Swiss Dragon Championship Ascona, Lago Maggiore September 16th-20th, 2013

Yacht Club Ascona                                                                                   e-mail:
CH - 6612 Ascona                                                                                   Website:

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International Swiss Dragon Championship Ascona, Lago Maggiore September 16th-20th, 2013
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