Investing in the Infrastructure Behind the Digital Economy

Page created by Marion Wolfe

Investing in the
Infrastructure Behind the
Digital Economy
We like firms supplying “picks and shovels” for the rush online                                                      March 2021

 ■ Companies in all sectors of the economy are moving operations online and

   investing in building digital relationships with their customers.
                                                                                            Alan Tu
 ■   We are interested in the companies that provide the software, cloud                    Portfolio Manager, Global
     infrastructure, chips, and cybersecurity enabling firms to digitalize.                 Technology Equity Strategy
 ■   In many areas, digitalization remains in its early stages, potentially creating long
     growth runways for well‑positioned firms.

                                                                                            James Stillwagon
      he dramatic shift to remote working,       cloud‑ and subscription‑based software,    Portfolio Manager, Communications
      learning, and shopping as a result         which provides significant cost savings    & Technology Equity Strategy
      of the global pandemic may be              to customers while helping ensure
at the leading edge of an even more              seamless access to incremental updates
profound technology transformation:              and improvements that come with the
Companies outside the technology                 latest version. Since its beginnings two
sector, from health care to financial            decades ago, the move to the cloud has
                                                                                            Tony Wang
services, are accelerating efforts to build      upended the industry. Industry leaders,
digital relationships with their customers.      such as Oracle and SAP, that focused on    Investment Analyst,
                                                                                            Semiconductor Industry
                                                 installing and servicing systems on‑site
The suppliers of technologies enabling this      have been supplanted by new giants,
transformation are a key focus for us. We        such as Workday, ServiceNow, and
pursue companies that provide the key  
infrastructure and services for enterprises
seeking to digitalize their businesses. In      The software industry is also
our view, firms providing crucial software,     undergoing a more recent
cloud resources, and cybersecurity could        transformation—the advent of platforms
be poised to enjoy years of solid growth as     that allow customers to easily craft
technology deepens its impact on revenue,       software tailored to their specific
cost savings, and competitiveness.              needs. In this new era, tools for
                                                software developers have become
Revolutions Upending                            critical for innovation, while new
Enterprise Software                             applications are making it easier
We believe revolutions are underway in          for users without programming
enterprise software. Better known and           experience to develop customized
more established is the transition to           solutions for their businesses.

We believe this change is in its early           The surge in remote working has also
                   stages and is less appreciated by                boosted Atlassian’s collaboration
…complexities      the market, amid the tech sector’s               tool, Confluence. Companies enabling
                   generally elevated valuations.                   remote communication such as Atlassian
posed by massive                                                    and Zoom Video Communications have
data sets and       Technology developed by the Canadian
                    firm Shopify has allowed small‑ and
                                                                    benefited from the hybrid home office
                                                                    work model, which we believe is likely to
machine learning    medium‑sized merchants to digitalize            persist following the pandemic.
                    their operations, making Shopify a
are giving rise     leading e‑commerce platform for                 Companies That Power the Cloud
to markets of       independent merchants. Without relying
                    on professional developers, businesses
                                                                    We believe the infrastructure and
                                                                    platform companies that enable the
their own.          seeking to sell products and services           cloud to function also appear to have
                    online can use the Shopify platform to          many years of strong growth ahead of
                    create websites, add products, manage           them. The pandemic has driven a greater
                    promotions, and process orders—freeing          appreciation of companies’ need to
                    many smaller merchants from reliance            respond quickly to changing demand
                    on, eBay, and other online           patterns and production constraints.
                    marketplaces. Shopify’s recently unveiled       Many management teams have come to
                   “Shop App,” could become promising for           realize that transitioning more computing
                    consumers to initiate product searches,         capacity and data to the cloud enables
                    alongside Amazon and Google. Shopify            greater agility.
                    is also partnering with Facebook,
                    playing a key role in the latter’s efforts to   The three dominant U.S. cloud
                    monetize Instagram.                             platforms—Alphabet’s Google Cloud
                                                                    Platform, Microsoft’s Azure, and Amazon
                   The accessibility of the Shopify platform        Web Services (AWS)—experienced
                   is supported by application programming          growth in 2020. We expect all three
                   interfaces (APIs), which serve as building       to likely remain prominent parts of
                   blocks in software development. For              their parent companies’ businesses in
                   example, users without any technical             the coming years. Indeed, a stronger
                   background can deploy familiar “drag             post‑pandemic economy should
                   and drop” tools to make changes to their         reinvigorate demand from online travel
                   sites. We are playing close attention to the     and hospitality clients, as well as other
                   growing use and market potential of APIs.        hard‑hit customer segments.
                   In particular, many small and early‑stage
                   companies are pioneering the use of              Just as the first industrial revolution
                   drag‑and‑drop interfaces for non‑experts,        was built on steam, and the second
                   likely leading to a future in which software     on electricity, so the digitalization of
                   users become “programmers” without               the economy rests on a foundation
                   understanding a single line of code.             of semiconductors. Even as demand
                                                                    for processing power is expanding
                   Sophisticated and large‑scale                    exponentially, however, the challenges
                   programming is not going away, of                in manufacturing leading‑edge
                   course, and the complexities posed by            semiconductors are growing. For roughly
                   massive data sets and machine learning           four decades, chipmakers could be
                   are giving rise to markets of their own.         expected to double the number of
                   Australia‑based Atlassian is levered to the      transistors on a given area of a chip
                   increasing importance of applications            roughly every two years—a pattern known
                   development and the growing ability of           as Moore’s Law. Beginning around 2012,
                   end users to purchase their own tools.           however, Intel and other leading semi
                   Its application development software,            firms began coming up against physical
                   Jira, has become the standard workflow           limits using existing technology.
                   platform for programmers worldwide.

The Power of Cloud-Based Security

             1                                2                                  3

                                       The anomaly is
   A hacker attempts                                                   Machine learning
                                       fed through the
  to gain access to a                                                     searches for
                                     user to a centralized
 company’s system via                                                  similar anomalies.
                                    database in the cloud.
an employee’s desktop.

             6                                5                                  4

  Clients’ systems are               A security measure                        A threat
   protected through                   is then pushed                       is identified.
     all endpoints.                  back to all clients.

           Notably, the bigger the data sets used in such systems and the more analysis
           they have run, the better machine learning programs perform. This may provide
           a key advantage to large cybersecurity firms tasked with protecting many
           different kinds of computer networks.

 For illustrative purposes only.

A group of “linchpin” semiconductor               After investing roughly USD 10 billion
equipment firms have recently enabled             in developing EUV technologies,
chipmakers to move beyond those                   ASML sells its machines for well over
limits, if at a slower pace. Perhaps              USD 100 million each.
counterintuitively, the semiconductor
industry has had to become more                   Applied Materials supplies equipment
innovative as shrinking chips has become          used in the later stages of the
harder. We believe that the firms able to         semiconductor manufacturing process,
stay at the leading edge of innovation will       and we believe their tools will also be
be able to demand higher prices in a less         crucial in allowing further chip advances.
commodified and cyclical industry.
                                                  Cybersecurity: A Key Industry
 The Netherlands’ ASML Holding is                 As the economy digitalizes,
 the world’s sole supplier of extreme             cybersecurity has become a
 ultraviolet (EUV) lithography equipment          leading concern for nearly every
 used in laying down circuitry, the most          business. Moreover, prominent recent
 critical step in manufacturing the latest        breaches, such as the suspected
 generation of chips (such as the Apple           state‑sponsored attack on network
“Bionic” chips). In our view, this unique         manager SolarWinds, have highlighted
 technological advantage could give               the costs of having vulnerable systems.
 ASML strong pricing power in what had            We estimate that security currently
 been a notoriously cyclical industry.            represents 5% to 10% of corporate

technology budgets and has been                        caught investors’ attention, and
                                                      one of the most resilient areas of                     valuations have become elevated
...year‑over‑year                                     investment throughout the pandemic.                    in areas. In addition, year‑over‑year
                                                                                                             earnings and revenue comparisons are
earnings                                              Historically, security software has been               likely to be challenging in the coming
and revenue                                           a highly fragmented market, with many
                                                      small vendors offering targeted solutions
                                                                                                             months, as many firms are unlikely to
                                                                                                             match their pace of growth in 2020. In
comparisons                                           to each new specific threat. Companies                 some cases, we have been trimming
                                                      that were ahead of the curve could                     into strength, as in semiconductor
are likely to be                                      quickly fall behind given the rapid pace at            companies that appear to be in the
challenging in the                                    which adversaries move.                                latter innings of their earnings cycle.

coming months....                                    The use of the cloud appears to be                      In other areas, however, we see the
                                                     helping companies with the right                        potential for continued solid gains for
                                                     architecture gain a sustainable                         investors in 2021. Some innovative
                                                     advantage, however. Crowdstrike                         software firms, for example, had
                                                     Holdings cloud‑hosted architecture uses                 significant exposure to the downturn
                                                     agents installed on each endpoint (such                 in business activity following the
                                                     as an employee’s desktop computer)                      pandemic. This should make
                                                     to send data to a centralized cloud                     year‑over‑year comparisons much
                                                     database. The crowdsourced data are                     less of a hurdle as they hopefully
                                                     then used to train artificial intelligence              benefit from an economic rebound. In
                                                     (AI) models to detect threats. We believe               other cases, we are maintaining bets
                                                     this has created a virtuous cycle for                   on companies that enjoyed strong
                                                     Crowdstrike—its growing customer base                   performance last year but still invested
                                                     feeds into its growing database, helping                aggressively to further bolster their
                                                     improve its AI models and attracting, in                competitive positioning. For many, we
                                                     turn, more customers.                                   anticipate that the returns on those
                                                                                                             investments are still to come and
                                                     Opportunities as We Return to the
                                                                                                             should result in stronger business
                                                    “New Normal”
                                                                                                             results than the market appreciates.
                                                     To be sure, the accelerating growth
                                                     of leading technology firms in 2020

                                                               W H AT W E ’ R E WATC H I N G N E X T
                                                                 Even as chipmakers struggle to keep up with demand, the industry
                                                                 is in flux. New leaders have emerged to challenge Intel’s dominance
                                                                 in making advanced chips, and homogeneous central processing
                                                                 units (CPUs) are being supplanted in many cases by specialty chips,
                                                                 such as graphics processing units (GPUs) and data processing
                                                                 units (DPUs). Meanwhile, the challenges posed by Moore’s Law and
                                                                 rising costs are driving consolidation in the industry. We are closely
                                                                 monitoring how these changes are shifting the competitive landscape
                                                                 and affecting a range of manufacturing, software, design, and
                                                                 equipment firms.

The specific securities identified and described are for informational purposes only and do not represent recommendations.

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                                                          excellence that investors can rely on—now and over the long term.

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