IRISH DENTAL REPORT 2018 - - Dental Booster

IRISH DENTAL REPORT 2018 - - Dental Booster

IRISH DENTAL REPORT 2018 - - Dental Booster
Dental Report 2018                                      Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

                     Abstract                                                                              4
                     Introduction                                                                          5
                     Introduction to Content marketing and website content                                 7
                     Methodology                                                                           8
                     Limitation of research                                                                9
                     Forward                                                                               9
                     The Importance of Having a Clinic Email Address                                      10
                     A Branded email address                                                              13
                     Conclusion                                                                           13
                     Importance of Having a Website                                                       14
                     What is a Website?                                                                   15
                     - Static HTML                                                                        15
                     - Content Management Systems                                                         15
                     - E-Commerce and Online Booking                                                      16
                     The Statistics of Owning a Website vs. Not Owning One                                18
                     Why potential patients Prefer Dental Clinics with a Website                          19
                     Conclusion                                                                           19
                     The Importance of a Mobile Friendly Website                                          20
                     What is a Mobile Friendly website?                                                   21
                     Features in a Mobile Friendly Site                                                   22
                     Why your Dental Clinic’s website needs to be mobile friendly                         24
                     Conclusion                                                                           24
                     Usability of Website                                                                 25
                     The Key Benefits of Having a User-Friendly Dental Website                            27
                     How to Implement a User-Friendly Website Structure                                   29
                     Conclusion                                                                           33
                     Your Clinics Online Reputation – Why it’s so important                               34
                     How Patients Choose Your Practice                                                    35
                     How to Build Trust & improve the reputation of your Practice                         36
                     The Importance of Testimonials & Reviews                                             38
                     Conclusion                                                                           38
                     Case Studies                                                                         39
                     What Are Case Studies?                                                               39
                     Why Are Case Studies Important?                                                      41
                     Conclusion                                                                           41
IRISH DENTAL REPORT 2018 - - Dental Booster
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

                                                 What is the Value of a Dental Patient?                      42
                                                 Value of a Dental Patient                                   43
                                                 Determining Patient Lifetime Value                          43
                                                 Importance factors calculating the Patient Lifetime Value   43
                                                 Alternative Valuation Method                                44
                                                 Loyal Customers & their importance                          44
                                                 Conclusion                                                  44
                                                 How Price Affects Buyers’ Decisions in the Dental Market    45
                                                 How Price Sensitive Are Your Patients?                      46
                                                 How to Turn Hesitant Patients into clients                  47
                                                 How to Set the Right Price                                  48
                                                 County / Price Analysis                                     49
                                                 Conclusion                                                  53
                                                 The Importance of Being Visible to Potential Clients        54
                                                 What is Business Visibility?                                54
                                                 Offline Marketing                                           55
                                                 Choosing to Market Online                                   55
                                                 - Online Directories                                        56
                                                 - Search Engines                                            56
                                                 How to Improve Online Visibility                            57
                                                  1 - Google Ads                                             57
                                                  2 - Google Local 3-Pack/Map Pack                           59
                                                  3 - Organic Listings                                       61
                                                 Social Media                                                63
                                                 Facebook                                                    64
                                                 Twitter                                                     66
                                                 YouTube                                                     68
                                                 Instagram                                                   70
                                                 Google+                                                     72
                                                 LinkedIn                                                    74
                                                 Conclusion                                                  75
                                                 About Dental Booster                                        76
                                                 Meet the team                                               77
IRISH DENTAL REPORT 2018 - - Dental Booster
4          Dental Report 2018              Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

The dental industry is an important segment of the healthcare
industry in Ireland and it has experienced constant growth in
recent years.

Existing studies concerning health care marketing and Dental
Marketing in particular reveal that the Internet has become a vital
marketing tool to ensure the growth and development of a Dental

This analysis looks at those Dental Clinics who have taken
advantage of Online marketing, and those who have avoided it
altogether, revealing some interesting results and comparing the
two segments.

This report will give you a complete analysis of the Dental industry
in Ireland, how the Dental Clinics are marketing offline and online,
and the performance and results.

This report aims at identifying the core elements needed to
produce a successful and manageable marketing plan for a Dental

The findings here should give a Dental Clinic some valuable advice
and guidance in terms of starting or expanding their marketing
efforts in order to grow their clinic
IRISH DENTAL REPORT 2018 - - Dental Booster
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                                 Dental Report 2018                 5

The dental industry is rapidly growing and Dental Clinic’s are facing many
challenges to compete and grow. The main factors are the shifts in patients’
behaviour, doubled by the high level of technological advances online in this

Each clinic in this report was                   prices of each dental service,      the Clinic has a website for
studied to determine what                        at a national and county            the clinic, further looking at
if any marketing strategies                      based level, and highlight the      if the website is active and
the dental clinic is actively                    most expensive and cheapest         functioning correctly.
using, and how effective each                    county for each service. The        If the clinic was found to have
approach actually is.                            services studied were; a dental     a website, a vast range of tests
                                                 consultation, a white filling, an
The price comparison                                                                 was performed on the website
                                                 Amalgam/Metal Filling, in-clinic
section of this report builds                                                        to check its effectiveness,
                                                 Teeth Whitening, Full upper and
on research which was                                                                performance, usability and
                                                 lower Dentures, an extraction, a
initially conducted in 2014                                                          much more.
                                                 dental crown, a root canal and
by WhatClinic, whereby the
                                                 a veneer. These prices were
average prices for general
                                                 collected from Dental clinics       Usability of the website was
dental procedures throughout
                                                 with and without an online          studied in various forms, such
Ireland were recorded. This
                                                 presence.                           as ensuring that the website
report adds more depth to that
                                                                                     was mobile friendly, had
initial research, and forms an                   The very first factor which
                                                                                     the most important contact
interesting comparison from                      is studied in terms of online
                                                                                     information such as email,
their results in 2014. Here it                   presence is whether the Dental
                                                                                     phone and address visible, also
is possible to see the average                   clinic in question has an email
                                                                                     that the clinic had a map with
                                                 address in which a potential
                                                                                     directions accessible and an
The Internet offers                              patient can use to contact the
                                                                                     easy to use contact form.
widespread access to                             clinic, and the importance of
health information and the                       having one.
advantages of interactivity, Following that, the second
customised information       element studied is whether
and anonymity.
IRISH DENTAL REPORT 2018 - - Dental Booster
6             Dental Report 2018                              Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

       Nowadays, attracting
      attention to a dentist’s
      website is as important
     as the practice itself and
    contributes to how patients
     perceive the overall value.

                                                          each Dental clinic was also studied,
                                                          this ranged beyond the clinic’s with a
               The trust factor of the Dental Clinic’s
                                                          website. The Clinics social strength was
               website was analysed in terms of it
                                                          calculated, and its visibility on the most
               having testimonials visible on the
                                                          popular platforms such as Facebook,
               home page, reviews on the website
                                                          Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus,
               and on external platforms and the use
                                                          YouTube and Instagram.
               of Case studies on the website. The
               use of newsletters was also recorded.      Along with the presence of a social
               The most important trust factors were      media account, the suitability of each
               analysed.                                  social media platform to a Dental
                                                          Clinic is analysed, illustrating how each
               The performance of the website was
                                                          can be used to promote growth, raise
               studied in terms of loading speed, valid
                                                          brand awareness and make valuable
               html structure, the use of Analytic
                                                          connections in the Dental Industry.
               software such as Google Analytics,
               absence of errors and loading issues,
               domain authority, backlink strength and
               number of referring domains.

               Finally, the social media presence of
IRISH DENTAL REPORT 2018 - - Dental Booster
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                   Dental Report 2018           7

                        Online Visibility leads to growth
                        The most important aspect
                        studied in this report is the
                        visibility of each clinic within the
                        result set of the search results
                        from an online search.
                        The first being Google Adwords,
                        the pay per click advertising
                        platform offered by Google. It was
                        determined if the dental clinic was
                        actively using Google Adwords,
                        and if so how efficiently.
                        The second area being the Google       matching the search term in terms
                        My Business local business             of preference, showing ten results
                        listings in the map, which basically   per page.
                        shows the top three local
                        businesses for a particular search     There is a direct correlation
                        term in the Dental Clinics locality,   between online visibility of a
                        along with Dental Clinics address,     Dental Clinic and the growth and
                        phone number, reviews, opening         success of the Dental Clinic.
                        times, website and more.               A Dental Clinic can survive from
                        The final being the organic result     local business & foot traffic
                        set, which shows a list of websites    without much promotion, if the
                                                               Dental Clinics location is anyway
                                                               central, the direct local population
                                                               will consider visiting this Clinic
                                                               due to its proximity.
                                                               If a Dental Clinic wants to
Basically, if you do not appear wher                           expand past the local radius
                                                               of passers-by, then local
the majority of the population is                              optimisation and marketing is
searching, then you will miss out                              needed. A little work can turn
on a lot of potential new, local and                           a “suffering” Dental Clinic into a
                                                               thriving one.
valuable patients.
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8             Dental Report 2018                             Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

                                   the required data such             For example, “responsive
Methodology                        as prices, social media            errors” can include such
 The research performed            activity and much more.            things as respondent
was both qualitative and            On regular intervals the          quality (e.g., lack of
quantitative in nature. The        data was reviewed by a             interest, fatigue or
data was collected among           internal staff supervisor to       honesty) or the extent to
over 1500 Dental Clinics           guarantee completeness             wish those not contacted
in the Republic of Ireland,        and accuracy. Automatic            in the list may vary
and Northern Ireland.              checks were put in place           from those contacted,
                                   also to detect anomalies           is always and important
 Data collection occurred          and highlight them for             issue.
early 2016 and the initial         inspection. Twenty five            Dental Clinics are usually
data was collected by              percent of the data                busy places of work,
March 2017. Currently the          collected was reviewed             therefore a percentage of
data is being updated              a second time to ensure            the clinics may not have
as further research is             quality control measures           had sufficient time to
completed.                         were upheld.                       give quality responses to
 Data was collected                                                   the questions.
manually from various                                                 The price comparison
independent dental                  Limitation of research            could deal with some
directories, such as                The limitation of the             data irregularity, as some
the Dental Association             present study consists in          Dental Clinics choose
of Ireland, WhatClinic,            the time-frame the report          to offer broad/general
Yellow-pages and other             took place along with other        prices, and clarify the
useful directories. To             potential issues.                  specific pricewhen a
increase accuracy we used                                             patient contacts them,
multiple data sources to            A Dental Clinic’s situation       and some have more
ensure we get the most             and circumstances                  detailed prices visible.
accurate data subset. We           could change within one            For example the price of
used vigorous manual data          month of recording their           a dental filling may well
collection, and checked            data in this report, the           change depending on
our records against verified       Dental Clinic may close,           the size and damage to
listing websites.                  expand, develop an online          the tooth, some dental
 Adding to that extensive          presence, or remove and            clinics offer “from”
manual research was                online presence so the             prices, and others go
completed via online and           data is limited to the time        into more detail on
offline searches. This             when the analysis took             small, medium and large
data was then combined,            place. It is very possible         filling costs. Where it
duplicate and invalid              that the current status or         was possible, the “from”
entries removed, and               situation of a Dental Clinic       price was used.
the data was cleaned               may well have changed
thoroughly.                        over this period, many new         Despite these
                                   clinics open and some              limitations, there is an
 Dental clinics were               eventually close.                  abundance of valuable
approached and                      Another vital point to            information for a Dental
questioned via phone and           take into consideration is         Clinic in this report, and
email in order to ensure           that fact that along with          when put to use, can
the correct information            possible manual error,             help a Dental Clinic grow
was recorded. For the              as data was collected              and expand.
clinics without any email          via email and phone, this
or website, we did our best        introduces sources of
to attempt to contact them         potential error other than
via telephone, to gather
IRISH DENTAL REPORT 2018 - - Dental Booster
In the coming chapters, the research and findings of this
report are segmented into clear and precise chapters. An
in-depth knowledge of the industry coupled with references
from external articles and journals were used to reinforce the
arguments being made.
This can be used as a guide to help a Dental Clinic analyse
their current online status and visibility, and see clear areas of
potential improvement.
IRISH DENTAL REPORT 2018 - - Dental Booster
10                          Dental Report 2018                                       Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

The Importance of
Having a Clinic Email Address
Equipping your dental clinic with a branded professional email address is a
critical part of building a successful Dental Clinic.

                                                                                               of the Dental clinics in
                                                                                           Ireland have and use an email
                                                                                             address for their business

                                                                                                        Do not have an email address!

     72%                                         The results of this initial chapter give an insight into
surveyed adults prefer to
use email as a method of
                                                 the current level of online visibility in the Dental
     communication                               Industry. Nearly a third of Dental Clinics in Ireland
                                                 have no email address at all. An email address is
 Email marketing can lead up to 66% more
                                                 something that will only take a few hours to set
                                                 up, and offers a vital point of contact for potential
               conversions                       clients.

 70%                                             Equipping your dental clinic with an email address is a critical part of
                                                 building a successful Dental Clinic. Emails are now the most popular mode of
                                                 communication in the world – and with good reason. Instantaneous message
  customers think a                              delivery, higher convenience and lower costs are just a few of the benefits
free web based email
looks unprofessional                             associated with electronic mailing.
                                                 By providing an email address, you make it easier for prospective clients to

                                                 get in touch with you. Phones may provide a more direct route, but it also
                                                 takes more to compel a user to get off the computer and pick up a phone –
                                                 charges incurred can also contribute to their reluctance to call. Additionally,
                         Irish businesses are
                       using emails to improve   emails are great for general inquiries.
                           brand awareness.
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                                 Dental Report 2018                11

An email address also allows you to
tap into the large segment of users
actively looking for clinics on search
engines, offering these prospective
                                                       Studies show that approximately 60%
clients with a method to get in touch                  of the world’s population enjoy having
with your Clinic quickly. According
to a study conducted by the British
                                                       smartphones that allow them to read, edit,
Dental Journal, approximately 34.5%                    and reply to emails while they’re on-the-go.
of surveyed patients dealing with a
                                                       This added convenience is essential to gathering more clients
dental condition fled to the internet
to research their condition and to
find a dentist. With an email address
readily available on your site, you
could attract a lot more patients
Research results from Marketing
Sherpa state that 72% of surveyed
adults prefer to use email as their
main method of communication and                        72% of surveyed
15% preferred phone calls.
                                                        adults prefer to
Since Internet users are notorious
for their impatience, it’s likely that                 use email as their
if your clinic’s name shows up in                       main method of
the search results without an email
address, they’re likely to contact                      communication
another that does have one.
There’s another major benefit to
having an email address – one that
will help you build a long-term
relationship with your customers,
also enabling you to earn more
Collecting your patients email
addresses and saving the contact
details of those who send you
messages is a great way to start
building an email list. You can use
this information to improve patient
retention and encourage loyalty.
12                      Dental Report 2018                                    Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

                                                                               Collecting your
                                                                               patients email
                                                                           addresses and saving
                                                                           the contact details of
                                                                            those who send you
                                                                          messages is a great way
                                                                             to start building an
                                                                                  email list.

Approximately 76% of dental practices that engage                                   Our advice to you here is to collect
                                                                                    the email addresses, whether
in sufficient marketing tactics can see active growth                               you decide to use them or not
                                                                                    is irrelevant, if you collect them,
in the number of email subscribers they retain.                                     later you can perform some really
                                                                                    effective marketing techniques with
According to a study from Ascend.
                                                                                    this data (we will discuss this later)
                                             Also, relying on obtaining your
                                                                                    Sending patients appointment
                                             client’s email addresses and adding
                                                                                    reminders and feedback requests
                                             them to your email list can help
                                                                                    doesn’t just sustain engagement; it
                                             you to see an increase of 66% in
                                                                                    enhances your clinic’s reputation and
                                             conversions when compared to
                                                                                    brand awareness.
                                             other marketing methods, such as
                                             social media.
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                                    Dental Report 2018                      13

                        Branding your clinic with a personalised email
                        It’s important to remember that you’re not
                        just building a business; you’re building a
                        brand (more on this later). As your brand gains
                        popularity and establishes a level of credibility,
                        you’ll find that you don’t need to invest as
                        much in promotional activities. Clients will
                        seek you out and come to you instead!                  Email has now overtaken te x ting
                                                                                   as the preferred mode of
                        Setting up an email address is a step in this
                                                                                  communication in Ireland.
                        direction – you’re putting your clinic’s name
                        on the point of contact. It also makes you look
                        more professional. When users hear about you         Email has now overtaken texting as the
                        from other patients and search for your clinic       preferred mode of communication in Ireland.
                        online, the absence of an email address is           According to Blue Cast Digital’s Email Marketing
                        conspicuous.                                         Insight, over 84% of marketers in the country
                                                                             have described email as an integral part of
                        However, customers today are becoming
                                                                             their marketing strategy! Additionally, 89% of
                        increasingly sensitive to a brand’s online image.
                                                                             Irish businesses are using emails to improve
                        This means that having an email address
                                                                             brand awareness.
                        associated with free web-based email services
                        like Gmail or Yahoo isn’t going to cut it. What      Of the businesses surveyed, nearly half had
                        you need is a personalised domain, preferably        an open rate above 20% – while the average
                        one with your clinic’s name.                         click-through rate at over two-thirds of all the
                                                                             participating companies was above 6%. These
                        According to a study conducted by
                                                                             are optimistic figures, indicating that a high-
                        Visible Logic, 70% of customers say that
                                                                             er-than-average number of recipients were
                        a free web-based email address looks
                                                                             not just being successfully engaged by the
                        unprofessional. This clearly indicates that the
                                                                             companies’ emails, but potentially going on to
                        majority of users begin to form an opinion of a
                                                                             take a profitable action.
                        brand’s credibility just based on the company’s
                        email address!                                       Globally, medical and dental emails recorded
                                                                             an average open rate of over 22% according
                        What you need is an email that matches your
                                                                             to insights released by MailChimp. To put
                        dental clinics website, for example contact@
                                                                             that into context, the open rate for emails
               where is
                                                                             pertaining to hobbies – the leading category –
                        your domain name. If you don’t have a website,
                                                                             was around 28%.
                        we will discuss this in a later chapter.
                                                                             If you are one of the 28.3% of dental clinics
                                                                             in Ireland that do not have an email address,
                                                                             the bad news is you have been missing out on
                        Open your Clinic to a                                a range of enquiries. The good news is this
                                                                             is very easy to set up and get working. Your
                        stream of new patient                                receptionist can easily monitor the clinic’s
                                                                             email address, and you can deal with more
                        enquiries by utilising                               complicated enquiries personally. An email
                                                                             address will take only a few hours to set up,
                        email.                                               and there is no excuse not to have one.
14                     Dental Report 2018                                       Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

The Importance of Having a Website
With the world shifting to digital media, the idea of owning a website is
something that is essential for the success of your practice.

                                                                                       Dental Clinics in Ireland with

                                                                                                        Dental Clinics in Ireland
                                                                                                          without a website

                                                                                      Out of the 64.25% of these businesses,

                                                                                       of the websites had issues
                                                                                      preventing them from loading
                                                                                                  at all

61%                                              37%
                61% of customers read
                through online reviews
                and testimonials prior to                                            57% of small businesses

                making a purchase decision                                               and independent
                                             of people search online                 practices have acquired
                                               when searching for a                     a customer through
 84% of studied consumers decided that       Dentist or Dental service                 their company’s blog
 small businesses were far more credible
  when they had a website compared to
            when they didn’t.
                                             The perception of a website being a burden
                                             and a lot of work is an often seen and incorrect
                                             perception. When a website is set up properly,
                                             it can be updated easily, and cut down on calls
                                             to your clinic looking for information, as it will be
                                             easily available on your website. A well planned
                                             website will help you automate and streamline your

By focusing on inbound leads through your
                                             With the world shifting to digital media, the idea of owning a website is
                                             something that is essential for the success of your practice. Without one,
                                             you’re missing out on substantial avenues for profits.
 website, your marketing will be up to 62%
              less expensive.
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                                     Dental Report 2018                       15

                                                                              Content Management systems.
Imagine all of the competing dental practices in your area that               Static HTML
have a website, they’re driving an insurmountable level of clients
                                                                              The majority of websites on the Internet use a
into their practices, this is mainly due to the fact that they are
                                                                              specific mark-up language called HTML to help
visible to potential patients.
                                                                              create their webpages. In most cases, unless
                                                                              you have website coding experience, you will
37% of your industry’s overall client base is                                 need to hire a professional developer to create
on the Internet searching for help related                                    a HTML business website.

to a dental or oral condition.                                                With a static HTML website, all of the content
                                                                              of your site is stored in static files which
                                                                              eliminates the need for dealing with servers
                                                                              and databases such as MySQL and PHP. They
                                                                              also offer minimal maintenance throughout the
                        That could result in a large increase of revenue
                        by the end of the year if you can draw them
                        into your practice.                                   The only concern with HTML sites is that
                                                                              they are difficult to manage without the help
                        Developing a website can be tough, as you
                                                                              of a professional. But this coding language
                        need to know what important information
                                                                              is essential to creating a clean, fresh, and
                        your clients are looking for and how to convert
                                                                              professional website.
                        them into clients. But at the end of the day, you
                        could be part of the 87% of dental practices          Content Management Systems
                        that use their website to improve the success
                                                                              As a dentist it is imperative to have the ability
                        of their business. My advice is simple here, if
                                                                              to log into your website, upload a picture,
                        your car is broken, you probably will bring it to
                                                                              change text, write a blog post, or change a
                        a mechanic to get fixed, developing a website
                                                                              price. A content management system offers
                        properly, is just as intricate: ensuring that it
                                                                              exactly that.
                        looks professional, has a nice design, attractive
                        optimised pictures, designed for usability,           They are very easy to use, secure and simple.
                        quick loading, mobile friendly...the list goes on.    Its possible to have different access levels for
                        After many discussions with dentists who have         your staff. These websites are connected to
                        tried to build their own website, and as much         a database, and are slightly more complex to
                        as I admire this, I really think if you plan to do    build so they are more expensive.
                        create something this important, do it properly.
                                                                              The content management systems are often
                        Sometimes it’s better not to have a website
                                                                              built on open source software such as Drupal,
                        than to have one that is outdated, not mobile
                                                                              Wordpress and Joomla. The great thing about
                        friendly, scary pictures etc., as this will be your
                                                                              these is that you can add various modules
                        first point of contact with a potential patient,
                                                                              and functions to your website to increase user
                        they will compare your services and quality
                                                                              interaction. An example would be a module
                        with your website.
                                                                              for live chat, so you or your staff can speak
                        What is a Website?                                    to website visitors instantly via your phone or
                        Let’s start with the basics, a website is a
                        general hub of information that can be
                        mutually beneficial for businesses and
                        average website users. They typically offer
                        several pages of information for a variety of
                        purposes. As an example, a dental website will
                        give patients information about their offered
                        services whereas a clothing website gives
                        shoppers the ability to purchase clothes online.
                        There are several types of websites that you
                        can get developed including static HTML,
                        e-commerce sites, and ones with a built in
16           Dental Report 2018                                        Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

CMS websites are
typically preferred by                     37% of potential
Dentists who take a                         patients would
hands-on approach to                       be interested in
marketing their clinic,                     contacting you
as they can log in and                          online.
update the website

Over 1 billion                    The possibilities are endless, picking     the ability to browse through an
                                  the right setup and functionality to       online store, shop for the items
people using                      engage your website visitor is the         they need, and then have them
                                  key.                                       delivered to their home. As a dentist,
Facebook alone                                                               you typically won’t need to worry
                                  You will be able to have more
                                                                             about developing an e-commerce
                                  control over the site’s functionality
                                                                             website unless you intend on selling
                                  such as being able to add reviews,
                                                                             toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other
                                  testimonials, and case studies.
                                                                             dental hygiene products through the
                                  Owning a CRM based site is essential       Internet. If you were selling online
                                  for dentists that will need to update      products, you would have a shop
                                  images, content on their pages, add        open 24/7 to customers all over the
                                  some of the latest news about their        world, a great benefit compared to
                                  practice, update entries on their          brick and mortar shops.
                                  blog, and more.
                                                                             What is interesting about
                                  By developing a website with a strong      e-commerce websites is that they
                                  basis in CRM you’re going to notice a      are similar to booking websites that
                                  substantial amount of growth in your       people use when they plan on going
Over 100 different                practice. Patients will be far more        on holiday. Now imagine being able
dentist-related                   likely to desire your dental practice if   to give your patients the ability
                                  you show that you are engaged and          to book and pay for their dental
keywords are being                interested in the answers they are         appointments entirely online.
                                  looking for.
put into search                                                              You would be able to manage your
                                  E-Commerce and Online Booking              time much more effectively and your
engines throughout                                                           patients would surely appreciate
                                  E-commerce has quickly become
Ireland and the UK on             one of the most popular types of
                                                                             the ease of use, considering that
                                                                             37% of potential patients would be
                                  websites because it gives people
a monthly basis.                                                             interested in contacting you online
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                                      Dental Report 2018                    17

about their dental concerns anyway.              about their condition online through     Its vital that Dental Clinics
                                                 their dentist’s website.
Why You Need a Website                                                                    use their marketing
                                                 Improving Customer Engagement
Even though owning a website can be
a lengthy venture, it is a necessity in          Internet users are characteristically
                                                                                          budget in campaigns
today’s day and age. People on the               impatient and they’re always looking     that are measurable and
Internet are searching for absolutely            for the easiest way to do things, such
anything and everything and dentists             as get in contact with you. When you     produce results.
are no exception. 81% of the Irish               decide to develop a website you’ll be
population use the internet, close to            giving potential patients a sure-fire,
4 million. When these people look                quick, and efficient way to get in       such as crowns, orthodontics, teeth
for a Dental clinic, if you do not have          contact with you.                        whitening, etc.
a website you will make it very hard
                                                 You’ll want to make sure that you        You can easily accomplish this
for them to find and choose you.
                                                 offer a phone number, email address,     by either setting up a dedicated
They may find your email or phone
                                                 and contact form so potential            “Services” page or discussing your
number on a directory, but they will
                                                 patients can choose their desired        services on your blog. According
not be able to read any information
                                                 method of contact. The easier it is      to HubSpot, approximately 57% of
regarding your clinic! No images, no
                                                 to get in touch with your practice,      small businesses and independent
testimonials, no idea of your services,
                                                 the more likely they are to reach        practices have acquired a customer
no prices… while your competitors
                                                 out to you. We will talk more about      through their company’s blog.
will have all of the above.
                                                 usability in a later chapter.
                                                                                          Lowering Marketing Costs
Helping Patients Find Your Practice
                                                 You can also integrate your social
                                                                                          The average dental practice will
When you take a look at the search               media into your website, allowing
                                                                                          spend approximately 15% of their
volume statistics alone, they’re the             your patients to follow you, stay up
                                                                                          gross revenue on marketing annually.
number one reason as to why you                  to date with the latest updates in
                                                                                          This can include everything from
need a website. Over 100 different               your practice, and quickly send you
                                                                                          brochures to pens that clients
dentist-related keywords are being               direct messages through Twitter,
                                                                                          can take at the end of every visit.
put into search engines throughout               Instagram, or Facebook.
                                                                                          Instead of allocating a large chunk
Ireland and the UK on a monthly
                                                 We will talk about social media in       of your profit to marketing, why not
basis. This gives you the potential to
                                                 a separate chapter, but if you want      consider lowering it with the help of
reach over 100 new clients that might
                                                 a quick advice, set up a Facebook        a website?
be interested in what your practice
                                                 business page for your dental clinic,
has to offer. Also, 20% of patients                                                       With a website you won’t be
                                                 its quite simple, and will open
that visit oral surgery clinics in                                                        required to spend regular amounts
                                                 your clinic to a wide range of new
Europe stated they found information                                                      to maintain a marketing scheme.
                                                                                          Instead, you will only have to pay
                                                 There are over 1 billion people using    one-time fees for the services you
                                                 Facebook alone and 40% of these          need. Typically you’ll want to hire a
The average dental                               users say that information found         website design firm for the layout
                                                 on social media influences their         and a SEO expert for the content. By
practice will spend                              healthcare choices.                      focusing on inbound leads through
approximately 15% of                             Showcasing Your Services
                                                                                          your website, your marketing will be
                                                                                          up to 62% less expensive.
their gross revenue on                           Much like making a purchase through
                                                                                          Since all of the work on the
                                                 a retail store, customers are going to
marketing annually                               want to know what you have to offer
                                                                                          website will be outsourced you
                                                                                          won’t have to worry about hiring
                                                 before they commit to your practice
                                                                                          full-time employees to deal with
                                                 and this is where your website
                                                                                          your marketing efforts. Instead,
                                                 becomes more valuable than ever
                                                                                          once the website is fully designed
                                                                                          and operational, you’ll only be
                                                 Your website should be designed to       responsible for paying for the hosting
                                                 give potential customers an insight      service you choose. This can help
                                                 into what services you have to offer,    lower that 15% to approximately 5%
18                 Dental Report 2018                             Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

The Statistics of Owning a Website vs. Not Owning One

     IF YOU WANT TO GROW YOUT CLINIC , it ’s imperative to own a
                            website .                                       Owning a website can take

                                                                            a significant chunk of your
                                                                             competitor’s volume and
                                                                            bring it into your practice,
                                                                              helping to boost your
                                                                                  annual profits.
      of small businesses and healthcare prac tices s till
              don’t use one to their advantage.

                                          According to a study
                                                                           Redshift Research found
                                         conducted by Verisign,

                                                84%                                     83%
        of online researchers              of s tudied consumers              of sur veyed small
       rely on the internet to              decided that small            businesses with a website
      f ind websites for small          businesses were far more             had a “competitive
     businesses and healthcare           credible when they had a         advantage over businesses
      prac tices and without a          website compared to when              without websites”.
               website,                          they didn’t .


     8 out of 10
 potential patient s will never
   know that your prac tice               of s tudied dental prac tices intend on selling their
            exis t s.                   ser vices through their website within 1 year of owning
                                                               their site.
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                                      Dental Report 2018                   19

Why Clients Prefer Dental Clinics with

a Website
Providing High Quality Information
According to the British Dental
Journal, 7.9% of surveyed adults
noticed the information they                       of dentis t s claiming print adver tising hasn’t added to
found on the Internet about dental                               the success of their business.
procedures was of low quality,
whereas 18.6% decided they had
access to high quality information.              The Most Important Information to        the perfect way for clients to put a
Of that 18.6% everyone contacted                 have on your Clinic’s Website            face to a name, which will encourage
the Dental Clinic with the most                                                           them to consider coming in for a
                                                 Detailed List of Services
useful information available on their                                                     consultation or for dental work.
website.                                         By far the most important
                                                                                          In your team biographies you
                                                 information you’ll need on your
It’s important to not only ensure your                                                    can include first names, a small
                                                 site includes a detailed list of your
website has enough information, but                                                       blurb about your interests, and a
                                                 services. Clients are going to want to
that it’s useful and informative to                                                       professional yet fun photograph of
                                                 know if you can help them with their
potential new patients. High quality                                                      yourself.
                                                 particular issue. Typically its a good
information has proven to be much
                                                 idea to create a dedicated page to       Conclusion
more profitable than a mass of
                                                 showcase your services.
information, quality vs. quantity.                                                        Owning a website has never been
                                                 Pricing                                  more important than it is today
Building Credibility
                                                                                          with 62% of dentists claiming
                                                 Dentists must display private fees in
Finding healthcare practitioners is a                                                     print advertising hasn’t added
                                                 a place where patients can view them
difficult job for prospective patients                                                    to the success of their business.
                                                 before consultation. So a pricing
as they want to make sure they                                                            Without the help of an online
                                                 page, with as much information as
choose the most reputable practice.                                                       portal to lead potential patients
                                                 possible is very advisable.
When you own a website, 84% of                                                            into your sales funnel, you could
potential patients will find that                Understandably the cost of each          be looking at a massive decrease in
you’re more credible when compared               service depends on the severity of       annual revenue.
to other businesses that don’t own a             the condition. Potential patients will
                                                 appreciate having a general idea of      Adding to this it’s very important
                                                 the cost of each procedure.              to mention that if you do decide to
You’ll want to make sure that you                                                         develop a website for your clinic,
showcase your professionalism                                                             look for Dental Marketing Experts,
through your website as it helps to              There’s nothing better than having a     with proven results. The reason
build trust in your brand and will               page of testimonials from past and       for this is, a website which is set up
entice more patients to try your                 current clients that enjoy your dental   perfectly to gather results online,
clinic and your services..                       office because 61% of customers          may look similar to one that is set
                                                 read through online reviews and          up incorrectly (It’s what is under
                                                 testimonials prior to making a           the bonnet that counts). You may
                                                 purchase decision. With the help of      pay a lot less for an inexperienced
                                                 testimonials you’ll be able to build     person to generate a website
                                                 trust without making your website        for you, but the chances of this
                                                 too “sales-y” for the average visitor.   generating new clients for you will
                                                 We will talk about why these are vital   be very slim.
                                                 in a later chapter.

                                                                                          I would not leave an inexperienced
                                                 Team Biographies                         dentist near my teeth, and you
                                                                                          need to treat your dental clinic
of customers read through                        Another great way to build trust in
                                                                                          with the same regard. A proper
online reviews and testimonials                  your brand is to give website visitors
                                                                                          website needs planning, attention,
prior to making a purchase                       a clear idea of who it is they’ll be
decision.                                                                                 expertise and hard work from the
                                                 working with. Team biographies are
20                       Dental Report 2018                                          Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

The Importance of a
Mobile Friendly Website
In today’s society there’s no better investment than a website for your dental

                                                                                                        Dental Clinics without mobile
                                                                                                             friendly websites

                                                                                             Dental Clinics with mobile
                                                                                                 friendly websites

                 40% of users abandon a
                 website that take more than
                 3 seconds to load
                                                   of all Internet traffic in the
                                                                                             of surveyed mobile users stated
                                                    UK and Ireland is through
                                                                                             that they would wait up to only 10
                                                          mobile devices                     seconds for a page to load.
     67% were more likely to make a
     commitment to the company if their
     website worked on mobile devices
                                                  A 1 second delay decreases customer satisfaction by 16%

              56%                                 Approximately 61% of all Internet traffic in the UK
                                                  and Ireland is through mobile devices and not having
 of mobile users visit a particular business on
      the same day they searched for it

                                                  a mobile friendly website means that you could be
                                                  missing out on a huge share of Internet users.
                  56% of all mobile
        56%                                       There is an array of benefits associated with having a mobile friendly site
                  searches have
                                                  such as providing prospective patients with a convenient and user-friendly
                  local intent
                                                  browsing experience.
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                               Dental Report 2018     21

                                                       For a dental practice that brings in
                                                       approximately €1000 each day, deciding to

                                                       not have a responsive website design could
                                                       cost you up to €25,000 annually.

What is a Mobile Friendly Site?
To put it simply, a mobile friendly site is a website that can be viewed on
mobile devices such as smart-phones and tablets. But there are different
main concepts that a site needs in order to be classified as “mobile friendly”,
3 of which are discussed below.
1. Impeccable Loading Speeds
Fast loading websites are essential when it comes to a mobile friendly site
and it’s imperative that you don’t bloat your site with a bunch of graphic
images and videos that will slow it down. According to a study by Kissmetrics,
approximately 49% of surveyed mobile users stated that they would wait up
to only 10 seconds for a page to load.
Remember, a smartphone or tablet is substantially less powerful than a
computer and even though your webpage may load seamlessly on your
desktop at home, it doesn’t mean that it will work as well on a smartphone.
Also, bloated websites are going to cost your clients more money to load, as
they will typically be using their data to search for your dental practice while
they’re on the go.
2. Easily Navigable
Depending on the type of device that a prospective patient has, the screen
will typically be a fraction of the size of a desktop computer screen. This is
why it’s important to have an easily navigable website that your patients can
quickly browse through to find the most pertinent information.
You’ll want to consider placing a navigation bar or drop down list at the top
of the site that they can use to visit your landing pages. According to the
Walgreens GVP and Chief of Technology Officer of eCommerce, “Our goal with
everything we do on mobile is to make our customers’ lives easier.”
3. Implementing a Responsive Web Design
RWD, or responsive web design, is essential to the success of a mobile
friendly site. It basically means that the page will have the same URL and the
same coding regardless of if a person has visited your website through their
computer, tablet, or smartphone.
With RWD the website will respond to the user depending on the size of their
screen to help optimise the content for easier browsing. There are a variety
                                                                                      A non- responsive
of benefits associated with responsive website design, particularly which you        website design could
will only have to worry about updating one version of your site instead of two.
                                                                                     cost you up to €25,000
For a dental practice that brings in approximately €1000 each day, deciding to
not have a responsive website design could cost you up to €25,000 annually.          annually.
22                  Dental Report 2018                                          Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

Features in a Mobile Friendly Site
Now that you have a clear
understanding of what a mobile
friendly website is, you might be
considering how you can build one
on your own. When you begin the
development process there are
certain features that you should pay
special attention to. These features
not only make it easier for clients
to work their way through your
website, but it also helps to add to a
seamless aesthetic appeal as well as
Ireland by far has the largest number
of mobile device Internet users in
comparison to the rest of Europe,
North America, or South America.
1. Call to Action Buttons
As a dentist, the main objective
of your website is to encourage
potential patients to call your
practice and schedule an
appointment. This is where call to
action buttons are the most useful
as you can make contacting your
offices easier than ever before.
Consider adding click-to-call or
click-to-text buttons on your site so
that if people are browsing using a
mobile device, all they have to do is
                                         3. Optimising Content and Button             site if they prefer. Typically you can
push one button to be connected to
                                         Size                                         add a link to the full version of the
your reception desk. Internet users
don’t enjoy having to search for         The last thing you’ll want is to have
contact information so it should be      potential clients trying to read             5. Image Sliders
readily available.                       incredibly small content and buttons
                                                                                      If you have decided that pictures are
                                         on your site as it will only encourage
2. Mobile Maps and Directions                                                         exactly what your website needs to
                                         them to click off of the page and
                                                                                      really grab the attention of readers,
It’s also important to let your          visit a competitor. Make sure the
                                                                                      you will want to consider adding
clients know where your practice is      text on the page is large enough to
                                                                                      them into a slider that a user will
located because approximately 53%        read on small mobile devices and
                                                                                      be able to swipe through. Scrolling
of your website traffic is searching     ensure every button is optimised to
                                                                                      can be difficult to work with on a
for directions to your local             approximately 45-57 pixels.
                                                                                      smartphone, especially if you have
establishment. Adding directions
                                                                                      pages and pages of content. An
is simple with the help of a
                                                                                      image slider puts all of the pictures
Google Map widget. You can either        4. Linking to a Desktop Site
                                                                                      you need in one convenient location.
give your clients step-by-step
                                         Although your website should be
instructions on how to get to your
                                         optimised for easy browsing on
practice or you can add a hyper-link
                                         mobile phones and other devices,
that will open your address in one
                                         it’s still essential to give clients the
of their GPS apps.
                                         ability to access your full desktop
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                                      Dental Report 2018                   23

                                                 Why is a Mobile Friendly Site
By 2020 there will be                            Important?
                                                                                            56% of mobile users
approximately 2.87                               According to a study by Statista, by
                                                                                            visit a particular
billion smartphone                               2020 there will be approximately 2.87      business on the same
                                                 billion smartphone users around the
users around the world.                          world. In fact, over 2/3 of the UK’s
                                                                                            day they searched for it
                                                 population uses smartphones more
                                                 than any other mobile device in their
                                                 home. Using mobile devices has
                                                 become the new way to connect with
                                                 companies that offer products and
                                                 services in their immediate area. It’s
                                                 important that you consider just how
                                                 beneficial it could be to grab a piece
                                                 of that market share for yourself.
                                                 Owning a mobile friendly site is more
                                                 than important; it’s vital for the       2. Local On-the-Go Searches
                                                 success of your practice.
                                                                                          You would be surprised to learn that
Over 2/3 of the                                  1. Mobile Use vs. Desktop Use            the majority of local searches made
                                                                                          through mobile devices have a much
population uses                                  In 2016 StatCounter discovered that
                                                                                          higher conversion rate than any
                                                 for the first time in history, mobile
smartphones more                                 use surpassed desktop use with
                                                                                          other types of searches. According to
                                                                                          Search Engine Land, approximately
than any other mobile                            51.3% of all Internet users relying
                                                                                          56% of mobile users visit a particular
                                                 on their smartphones and tablets
device in their home                             compared to 48.7% relying on their
                                                                                          business on the same day they
                                                                                          searched for it. Out of that 56%
                                                 desktop computers. This alone is the
                                                                                          increase in foot traffic, approximately
                                                 most convincing reason to consider
                                                                                          78% of all people made a purchase
                                                 implementing a mobile friendly site
                                                                                          that day as well.
                                                 for your dental practice.
                                                                                          This is a phenomenal opportunity for
                                                                                          your practice as you have the ability
                                                                                          to focus on the potential for high
                                                                                          rates of conversions, which inevitably
                                                                                          equates to better profits at the end
                                                                                          of every quarter and more overall
                                                                                          success for your business.
                                                                                          3. Higher Mobile Friendly Rankings
                                                                                          Unlike your typical search engine
                                                                                          rankings, Google unveiled a new
                                                                                          program in 2015 that was aimed
                                                                                          towards mobile friendly websites.
                                                                                          The program is specifically designed
                                                                                          to give these sites the ability to
                                                                                          be ranked differently than regular
                                                                                          desktop pages.
                                                                                          If you take the time to develop a
                                                                                          mobile friendly site, you will also
                                                                                          have the ability to be ranked higher
                                                                                          on these high quality search engine
                                                                                          results. The higher you’re ranked, the
                                                                                          more traffic your site will bring in.
24                   Dental Report 2018                                          Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

Why Potential Patients Prefer Mobile
Friendly Sites
More and more people are turning
to their mobile devices to get
information about dental practices
simply because they’re constantly
on the go. It’s common knowledge
that your patients are going to prefer
your mobile friendly site because of
its convenience. ease of use, modern
adaptation, and professionalism.
With your mobile friendly website,
you’re going to tap into the 69%
of users between the ages of 18
and 39 that always turn to their
smartphones for research before
they decide to buy anything. In fact,
if your dental practice is targeting
                                          to consider giving you their business.       optimised for browsing on devices.
younger demographics, approximately
                                          Not only will you be responsible for         By not providing the easily navigable
80% of teens and young adults have
                                          giving them professional advice, but         format that mobile users expect, you
their own smartphone and use it for
                                          you’ll also be working on their oral         could be losing more than 50% of
research on a regular basis.
                                          health and who would want to work            your annual profits.
Instead of attempting to access a         with a company that appeared like
                                                                                       Mobile devices such as tablets and
regular desktop version of a site from    they could care less? Remember,
                                                                                       smartphones have never been more
a mobile device and dealing with          52% of users that have bad mobile
                                                                                       influential in today’s economy as
the headache of poorly optimized          experiences are less likely to engage
                                                                                       they are now, and taking advantage
content, mobile friendly websites         with said company.
                                                                                       of this information is essential for
boost browsing convenience ten-fold.
                                          Speed and Efficiency                         the financial success of your practice.
According to a study conducted by
Google, approximately 61% of users        There’s nothing more convenient              Conclusion
were likely to leave a website if it      than being able to unlock your
                                                                                       Test your website today, open it
wasn’t mobile friendly and 67% were       device, access a search engine, and
                                                                                       with a mobile device, and see how
more likely to make a commitment          find the information you need within
                                                                                       easy it is to use.
to the company if their website           a matter of minutes. Today’s society
worked on mobile devices.                 has adapted a “right now” mentality,         Your website needs to be of good
                                          meaning that there’s no desire to            quality, and one of the most
Finding Businesses that Care
                                          wait for information anymore.                important factors is that it works
No matter how you look at it, not                                                      for everyone. It needs to work for
                                          Approximately 50% of website
having a mobile friendly website is                                                    all the people using Ipads, iphones,
                                          visitors will wait up to 15 seconds for
going to hurt your business more                                                       android phones etc. When I say
                                          a website to load and over 44% of
than you could imagine. According to                                                   work, I mean it needs to load
                                          users will leave a site if it takes more, approximately                                                     within 5 seconds, have a menu
                                          than 3 seconds to appear on their
48% of studied users claimed that                                                      which is easy to use, and allow the
                                          mobile devices. These figures show
if a website wasn’t mobile friendly,                                                   user to see your phone number,
                                          you just how important it is to have
they felt like the company didn’t care                                                 directions and email within one
                                          an efficient and fast loading site for a
about their business.                                                                  click.
                                          better user experience.
When it comes to the healthcare                                                        Mobile visitors are most likely
                                          Owning a mobile friendly website
industry it is imperative that you                                                     local, and close to your clinic,
                                          is essential for the success of your
show potential patients you care,                                                      needing a Dentist ASAP, make it
                                          dental practice, particularly if you
otherwise they will be far less likely                                                 easy for them to find you!
                                          have your content professionally
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                                          Dental Report 2018                        25

Usability of Website
A website is much more than an onslaught of words, pictures, and pages, as it
gives potential clients the information they need to decide whether to visit your
dental practice or not.

                                 61% of internet users are more likely to                     Visitors only
                                 leave websites that are not clear and easy                   pay attention to
                                 to use                                                       28% of website
                                                                                              content, as
                                                            82%                               most people

                                       are at the age of 50 or older are visually impaired    scan through a
                                           and will find it difficult to read small font      website

                                                                                                                         of website
                                         Only 26%                                                                     owners are at
                                                                                                                      risk of losing
                                     of Dental Clinics in Ireland            of the people visiting your
                                                                          website are interested in finding
                                                                                                                        clients due
                                     have an integrated map on
                                                                         the location of your business and             to poor user
                                          their homepage
                                                                              your hours of operation                    interfaces

                                                        64%                                              37%
Only 70.28% of Dental Clinics in
Ireland have their email listed on
the homepage                                                                       of patients contact their dentist through the Internet

                                                     of your regular traffic
                                                    is from people looking
                                                   for your phone number,
                                                    email address, or your
                                                        physical address

   A One second                                        24%             The average score of Dental
   delay in your page loading                      of visitors will    websites in Ireland is only 64/100               of all website
   time can lead to an 11%                       leave the website                                                     users expect an
   decrease in page views, a 16%                  before the page                                                       entire website
                                                 loads if it takes 7   Average loading time of a                       to load within 2
   decrease in satisfaction from                                       Dental website in Ireland is
                                                      seconds                                                              seconds
   website visitors, and a 7% loss                                     7.4seconds
   in conversion
26   Dental Report 2018                        Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

                 A website is much more than an onslaught
                 of words, pictures, and pages, as it gives
                 potential clients the information they need to
                 decide whether to visit your dental practice
                 or not. As one of the most important aspects
                 of owning a website, it is essential that you
                 offer a user-friendly experience that will entice
                 potential clients to want to learn more about
                 what you have to offer. Otherwise, up to 48%
                 of your visitors will become frustrated and
                 leave your page.
                 From understanding the benefits you’ll experience from
                 a user-friendly website to learning how you can take
                 advantage of enhanced usability, we’re going to delve
                 into the details of just how beneficial it can be to have a
                 stunning and easily navigable website.
Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts                                       Dental Report 2018                     27

                                                 The Key Benefits of Having a User-Friendly Dental Website
                                                 As a dentist in the modern age, you should be aware of how important it is
                                                 to maximize your efforts and build a trustworthy online presence. Not only
                                                 is it important to consider things such as SEO and having an aesthetically
                                                 pleasing site, but it also has to be usable for your target audience. Although
                                                 it can be easy to get swept away in the idea of adding more images, brighter
                                                 fonts, and dozens of pages for your clients to browse through, it’s not the
                                                 most effective way to create a user-friendly website.
                                                 1. The Best Browsing Experience Possible
                                                 The first thing to consider is how simple it would be for your clients to be
                                                 able to go to your website and get the information they need. It’s said that
                                                 approximately 61% of internet users are more likely to click off of websites
                                                 that don’t offer a convenient and easy-to-use development strategy, whereas
                                                 potential clients will be 67% more likely to stay on your website if it offers the
                                                 best browsing experience possible (
                                                 In order to make sure that you can offer a phenomenal browsing experience,
                                                 you’ll need to cut back on the flashy images and outrageous font selection
                                                 so you can focus more on the information your clients need. Ensure that
                                                 you offer a navigation bar at the top of the site where they can move from
                                                 one page to another and implement a search bar where they can browse for
                                                 specific keywords on your site.
                                                 Everything should be laid out professionally and right in front of their eyes so
                                                 they can find the information they need without spending hours looking for
                                                 an answer to a single question. Just remember, the easier it is to browse, the
                                                 more time people will spend on your site.
                                                 2. Accessible to All Potential Clients
                                                 Another large benefit of having a highly usable website is that it will be
                                                 simple to navigate through for absolutely anyone ranging from the elderly
                                                 to the blind. If you don’t take these demographics into account, you could
                                                 be missing out on a large chunk of business that will be stolen by competing
                                                 dentists. Approximately 285 million people in the world are said to be visually
                                                 impaired, 82% are at the age of 50 or older (
                                                 Making your website accessible to everyone is easy, especially if you’re
                                                 working with a web development firm that has experience with accessibility
                                                 options. There are different ways to help make your website more usable by
                                                 the elderly and disabled, such as ensuring that screen readers can be used to
                                                 access different parts of your website.
                                                 3. Enhancing Professional Appearance
                                                 People who typically use the Internet to look for a dentist generally have
                                                 an idea of what they’d like to see when they open a web page. In the past,
61% of internet users                            websites offered an array of design schemes ranging from bright hot pink
are more likely to click                         backgrounds to flashing red text against tiled images. In fact, according to
                                                 a study conducted by the Nielson Norman Group, the most information a
off of websites that                             reader is likely to pay attention to is 28%. This means you’ll have to make the
don’t offer a convenient                         most out of the 28% of information you should have on your site.
and easy-to-use                                  In today’s day and age, it is important to consider the features that will
                                                 accentuate the personality of your dental practice. Do you want to offer a
development strategy
28          Dental Report 2018                                           Dental Booster - Dental Research & Marketing Experts

                                    Your clients want to see a

                that is obviously put together by a team of professional developers.

                                  professional appeal that sets you apart from other dentists in your area?
                                  This is when a professionally designed site is what will make the difference
                                  between an influx of new patients and a steady flow of current ones.
                                  Your clients want to see a clean, clear, and concise website that is obviously
                                  put together by a team of professional developers. They want to read through
                                  content that is written with the highest attention to detail and that helps
                                  them understand the importance of visiting a dentist. Also, they’ll want to be
                                  able to find the information they need as quickly as possible.
                                  The more professional your website is, the more likely people are to visit your
                                  practice as they will assume that your services will complement the design of
                                  your site.
                                  4. Substantial Increase in Revenue
                                  According to the Society of Digital Agencies, approximately 77% of website
                                  owners are at risk of losing clients due to poor user interfaces which results
                                  in a substantial loss in potential patient conversion.
                                  As mentioned, having a usable website is essential for grabbing visitors
                                  attention and turning them into paying patients. The more clients you’re able
                                  to work with, the more money you’re inevitably going to bring in at the end
                                  of each month. In fact, the majority of dentists need to rely on marketing
                                  efforts to bring clients into their practices, as they essentially have to sell the
                                  benefits of their office to potential patients.
                                  With the help of a usable website that is either designed by a professional
                                  team of website developers, you’re easily going to bring in approximately
                                  40% more in revenue each year. All of this will be as a result of an effective
                                  marketing strategy and a usable website. Take a moment to consider what
                                  a 40% increase in revenue would mean for your business, and it’s easily
                                  accessible as long as you’re able to develop a user-friendly website.
                                  5. Easier to Manage
                                  Once you have a user-friendly website established, there will be the need
                                  to maintain and update it through the years to ensure your content stays
                                  fresh and remarkable when compared to other Irish dental practices. On the
                                  back end of the website, you won’t have to sort through an ample amount
                                  of messy code or spend hours trying to find the right blurb of content that
                                  needs to be re-evaluated.
                                  The more effective your website design is, the easier it will be for you and
                                  your website development team to manage and you can save up to 50%
                                  of your time. You won’t have to spend more money on changing outdated
77% of website owners             coding, as you’ll essentially be working with modern methods that can easily
                                  be removed or enhanced to accentuate the best features of your site.
are at risk of losing
                                  Over time, you may even get enough experience to where you will be able to
clients due to poor               manage the entire site on your own and so you’ll want the framework and
user interfaces                   content architecture to be as simple to work with as possible.
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