It's Happening in Hapeville! - Coffee & Chrome Car & Motorcycle Show: April 10th

Page created by Elizabeth Lawrence
It's Happening in Hapeville! - Coffee & Chrome Car & Motorcycle Show: April 10th
Volume 22 Issue 4              April 2021                                                                             

hapeville                HOMETOWN

                                                 Hapeville Opening Day: Saturday, April 17th, 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
                                                 Tom E. Morris Sports Complex, 3415 Claire Drive

It’s Happening in Hapeville!
Coffee & Chrome Car &                                Hapeville Opening Day!                              Hapeville Annual Clean
Motorcycle Show: April 10th                          Tom E. Morris Sports                                Sweep: April 27th - 29th
                                                     Complex, 3415 Claire Dr.                            On April 27th - 29th, the City of
                                                     Saturday, April 17th                                Hapeville will hold its annual
                                                     Join us on Saturday, April 17th at                  Clean Sweep event. The
                                                     11 a.m. for a community parade                      Community Services Department
                                                     that will begin off of Claire Drive                 will aid residents in the disposal
                                                     and will circle around to North                     and recycling of unwanted items
                                                     Fulton Avenue.
                                                                                                         that are usually not picked up.
Coffee and Chrome Car &                                                                                  Residents will be allowed to put
Motorcycle Show returns to                           Games for
                                                     softball, t-ball                                    these items out at the street for
Hapeville on April 10th from                                                                             pickup without charge. Please
                                                     and baseball
8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. A morning                                                                            have all items out by 7 a.m. on
                                                     will take place by the baseball
“car & motorcycle show” for                          fields located at 3415 Claire                       the same day of your normal
chrome enthusiast to get together                    Drive from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.                         garbage pickup. The items that
and show off their antique,                                                                              will be picked up include: carpet
classic, or customized vehicles.                                                                         and padding, tires, furniture, and
                                                     For more information, please call                   small pieces of building material.
You may register your vehicle at                     (404) 669-2120 or visit
                                                                                                         Items that will not be picked up                    
                                                                                                         include: concrete, rocks, yard
                                                                                                         waste and dirt. For info: call
                                                                                                         (404) 669-2120.
Note: All events/activities will adhere to current social distancing guidelines put forth by the GA Dept. of Public Health & the City of Hapeville.
                                                                                                                                                      Pg. 1
It's Happening in Hapeville! - Coffee & Chrome Car & Motorcycle Show: April 10th
Volume 22 Issue 4        April 2021                                                                      

Please Join Us! Hapeville                           Register Today! Annual                            Hapeville Hosts Southern
Community Garden                                    Community Yard Sale                               Circuit Tour of Independent
Workday: Sat. April 24th                            Saturday, April 24th                              Filmmakers Virtual Screening
                                                                                                      & Free Take-Home Meal:
                                                    Join us for the Annual Spring
                                                                                                      April 18th - 22nd
                                                    Community Yard Sale on
                                                    Saturday, April 24th. To register,    The City of Hapeville proudly
                                                    please contact Ashley Moody at        presents the Southern Circuit Tour
                                           or               of Independent Filmmakers. The
                                                    (404) 669-2113.                       screenings will take place online.
                                                                                          The April film, Cured, is co-
The Hapeville Community Garden
                                                    Please provide your address, time directed by Bennett Singer and
is kicking off spring with a garden
                                                    of sale, and the items you intend     Patrick Sammon. Cured chronicles
workday on April 24th at 10 a.m.
                                                    to sell.                              the strategy and tactics that led to
Tasks will include weeding and
                                                                                          a crucial victory in the movement
planting of spring seeds.
                                                    There is no cost to participate, just for LGBT rights.The film shed new
Volunteers will learn about
                                                    be sure to register by Wednesday, light on this victory — which was
amending the soil and preparing
                                                    April 21st to get your sale on our far from inevitable — while
the beds for the spring garden -
                                                    map! A map and list of                situating the APA story within the
volunteers of all experience levels
                                                    participants will be available at     larger context of the modern
are welcome!
                                                    the Hoyt Smith Center on Friday,      movement for LGBT equality. Visit
                                                    April 23rd.                           the Cured movie website for more
The Hapeville Community Garden
                                                                                          information or to view the trailer.
is located on Meadow Road in the
Tom E. Morris Sports Complex
(near the multi-use field and                                                                         The City of Hapeville has
Parkway Drive). Please wear a                                                                         partnered with Buttersweet
mask.                                                                                                 Bakery, 625 N. Central Ave., to
                                                                                                      provide courtesy take-home meals
To join the garden mailing list,                                                                      - just show your registration
please visit                                                                         confimation. Register:

 Programas de Bridging the Gap: Una Comunidad Educada es Una Comunidad Unida

 Reserva la Fecha: Las pruebas de hidrantes contra incendios comienzan el lunes 3 de Mayo.
 El Departamento de Agua de la Ciudad de Hapeville, junto con el Departamento de Bomberos
 de Hapeville, comenzará el lavado semestral de las bocas de incendio el lunes 3 de Mayo.El
 departamento de Agua descargará durante las horas de la noche a partir de las 6 p.m. No anticipamos
 ningún problema; sin embargo, las estructuras con viejas líneas de flotación de hierro pueden
 experimentar agua descolorida durante este período. Este efecto no es peligroso y puede remediarse
 dejando correr el agua fría durante unos minutos. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Lemuel
 Eubanks al (404) 669-2122 o envíe un correo electrónico a
 Clase de Educación Financiera: Bridging the Gap ofrece clases de Educación Financiera a través de
 Zoom, las clases comenzarán en Abril y finalizarán la primera semana de Mayo. Aprenda a administrar
 su dinero de manera efectiva aprendiendo a presupuestar y ahorrar con este curso gratuito de finanzas
 personales. La aplicación se puede encontrar . Para obtener más
 información, no dude en comunicarse con Shayla Rodriguez al (678) 938-7546.
 Ayuda a la Comunidad: Si hay un problema en Hapeville que le gustaría que lo llevaran a la atención
 en las juntas del City Council no dude en comunicarse con Shayla Rodríguez (678) 938-7546.
Note: All events/activities will adhere to current social distancing guidelines put forth by the GA Dept. of Public Health & the City of Hapeville. Pg. 2
It's Happening in Hapeville! - Coffee & Chrome Car & Motorcycle Show: April 10th
Volume 22 Issue 4               April 2021                                                                                 

Hapeville Library: Curbside                            part of the Library Renovation                          Programming will continue on
                                                       Project and was the only branch                         the Library’s social media
Pickup NOW OPEN!
                                                       in the program to undergo new                           channels by following
                                                       construction. The design/build                          @fulcolibrary. For updates on
                                                       team of Albion General                                  curbside services, visit
                                                       Contractors, Inc. and McMillan                
                                                       Pazdan Smith Architecture, with                        ................................................
                                                       Project Management Heery/
                                                       Russell, JV worked to bring the                         Fire Hydrant Testing Begins
                                                       beautiful new space to life. The                        Monday, May 3rd
                                                       library will have a virtual                             The City of Hapeville Water
                                                       “welcome back” ceremony at a                            Department, along with the
                                                       later date.                                             Hapeville Fire Department will
The Fulton County Library                                                                                      begin their semi-annual flushing
System is offering Curbside                                                                                    of fire hydrants on Monday,
                                                       All County libraries remain
Pickup Services at the newly                                                                                   May 3rd. The Water Dept. will
                                                       closed for typical in-branch
constructed Hapeville Library,                                                                                 flush during the evening hours
                                                       library services, but items
allowing patrons and local                                                                                     starting around 6 p.m. and the
                                                       placed on hold by library
residents another convenient                                                                                   work will continue until the lines
                                                       patrons will be available for
location for library services.                                                                                 run clear. We do not anticipate
                                                       pickup from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.,
Library patrons will be able to                                                                                any problems; however,
                                                       Monday and Tuesday, and
pick up and return library books                                                                               structures with old iron
                                                       10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday
and materials to the Hapeville                                                                                 waterlines may experience
                                                       through Saturday.
Library, as well as use other                                                                                  discolored water during this
services, like park, zoo and                                                                                   period. This effect is not
museum pass checkout, wireless                         In addition to curbside services,                       hazardous and can be
printing and laptop and hotspot                        the Library System’s Ask a                              remedied by letting the cold
checkout (based on                                     Librarian live assistance site will                     water run for a few minutes.
availability).                                         be available during the same
                                                       hours as curbside services,                             Contact: Lemuel Eubanks at
                                                       Monday/Tuesday, 10 am - 7                               (404) 669-2122 for more
The Hapeville Library, located at                                                                              information.
                                                       pm, and Wednesday through
525 King Arnold Street in
                                                       Saturday, 10 am - 4 p.m. Virtual
Hapeville, has been closed as

Code Corner
Sec. 302.4 Tall Grass & Weeds
Spring is here! Just as a reminder, all premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or
plant growth in excess of six (6) inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as
all grass, annual plants, and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not
include cultivated flowers and gardens.
Finance Department News: Homestead Exemptions
A homestead exemption is a legal provision that reduces the amount of property taxes on owner-occupied
homes. In addition to basic homestead exemption, there are three exemptions available for the City of
Hapeville residents. Age 65+, Veteran, and 100% disabled. Verification is required. Once granted,
exemptions are automatically renewed each year. The renewal continues as long as the homeowner
continually occupies the property under the same ownership. If the deed is changed, the exemption will be
removed, and the owner will need to re-file. The deadline to apply for the City Specific exemption is June
30, 2021. Please contact the Tax Clerk at (404) 669-2102 for additional information.
   Note: All events/activities will adhere to current social distancing guidelines put forth by the GA Dept. of Public Health & the City of Hapeville.
                                                                                                                                                     Pg. 3
It's Happening in Hapeville! - Coffee & Chrome Car & Motorcycle Show: April 10th
Volume 22 Issue 4            April 2021                                                                             

  City                                 Tuesday                                Wednesday                             Thursday

  Meetings                             6                                      7                                     8
                                       Council Meeting, 6 p.m.                On This Day (1969)                    Dev. Authority, 6:30 p.m.
                                       Municipal Annex                        The internet (World Wide              Municipal Annex
                                                                              Web) was born.
                                       700 Doug Davis Drive                                                         700 Doug Davis Drive

  Visit              13                                     14                                    15
  for meeting information              Planning Commission                    Main Street, 6 p.m.                   On This Day (1912)
  or call (404) 669-2100.              6 p.m. Municipal Annex                 Municipal Annex                       The British luxury
                                                                              700 Doug Davis Drive                  passenger liner Titanic sank
                                       700 Doug Davis Drive

                                       20                                     21                                    22
                                       Council Meeting, 6 p.m.                Design Review Committee               Board of Appeals
                                       Municipal Annex                        Municipal Annex                       Municipal Annex
                                       700 Doug Davis Drive                   700 Doug Davis Drive                  700 Doug Davis Drive

                                       27                                     28                                    29
                                       ~ Hapeville Annual Clean Sweep ~
                                                2nd. City Hall Closed                           Message from Hapeville Chick-
Spotlight                                       Administrative offices will be
                                                closed on Friday, April 2nd in
                                                observance of Good Friday
                                                                                                fil-A Dwarf House: The Chick-fil-A
                                                                                                Dwarf House will be closing for a
 Community Events                                                                               complete remodel at the end of April
                                                                                                2021. While our doors are closed, our
                                                13th. Exchange Club Meeting
 April 2021                                                                                     recently-opened Truett’s Chick-fil-A
                                                6 p.m., Zoom Meeting
                                                                                                Catering & Delivery, 801 Virginia
 1st. Azalea Park NA                  
                                                                                                Avenue is available for curbside
 6:30 p.m., Scout Hut                                                                           pickup & delivery. We are so thankful                         27th. Exchange Club Meeting
                                                                                                for the support you have provided us
                                                6 p.m., Zoom Meeting
                                                                                                & we look forward to welcoming you
                                                                                                to our new restuarant later this year!
PROGRAM                          DAY                                          TIME                                      COST

BO H.I.I.T Fitness      Monday & Wednesday                                    6 p.m. - 7 p.m.                           $15/class
Community Stay in Shape Tuesday, Thurs & Friday                               9:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.                       Free
Cub Scouts              Varies by age (Zoom)                                  5:00 p.m.                                 $2/meeting

Girl Scouts                      TBD (Zoom)                                   TBD          $25/Year or Free with
                                                                                           certain insurance
Jazzy Girls                Tuesdays & Thursdays           Ages: 3 - 6: 5:15 p.m. - 6 p.m. $35/Month
                                                          Ages: 7 - 12: 6:10 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Karate                     Fridays                        5 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.               $65/Month
Pickleball                 Daily                          10 a.m. - 4 p.m.                 Free w/Rec Card
Pleasant Hours Club        Wednesday, April 7th & May 5th 11 a.m.                          $5 Lunch
Pleasant Hrs Club Activity Wednesday, April 28th          10:30 a.m.                       Free
  Note: All events/activities will adhere to current social distancing guidelines put forth by the GA Dept. of Public Health & the City of Hapeville.
Pg. 4
It's Happening in Hapeville! - Coffee & Chrome Car & Motorcycle Show: April 10th It's Happening in Hapeville! - Coffee & Chrome Car & Motorcycle Show: April 10th
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