IXL Skill Alignment 12th Grade alignment for myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - IXL.com

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IXL Skill Alignment 12th Grade alignment for myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - IXL.com
IXL Skill Alignment
12th Grade alignment for myPerspectives English Language Arts

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This document includes the IXL® skill alignments to Savvas Learning Company's myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas curriculum.
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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

Unit 1
Forging a Hero: Warriors and Leaders
Whole-class learning
  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  from Beowulf                                                           Analyze and interpret
                                                                         1. Analyze short stories: set 1 MGU

                                                                         2. Identify appositives and appositive phrases A8K

                                                                         Effective expression
                                                                         3. Distinguish facts from opinions 7AD
                                                                         4. Classify logical fallacies 7FS

  Beowulf (graphic novel)                                                1. Identify supporting evidence in a text 35E

  Beowulf is Back!                                                       Analyze and interpret
                                                                         1. Analyze the development of informational
                                                                            passages: set 1 2HF

                                                                         Word study
                                                                         2. Sort words by shared Greek or Latin roots DZK

                                                                         3. Identify dependent and independent
                                                                            clauses 3L5
                                                                         4. Is the sentence simple, compound, complex, or
                                                                            compound-complex? WVS

  Performance Task                                                       Write an argumentative essay
                                                                         1. Choose the best evidence to support a
                                                                            claim PC9
                                                                         2. Evaluate counterclaims 5GG
                                                                         3. Transition logically between claims, evidence,
                                                                            analysis, and counterclaims 5XQ
                                                                         4. Identify and correct errors with subject-verb
                                                                            agreement 5YT
                                                                         5. Use the correct frequently confused word 5QZ
                                                                         6. Formatting quotations and dialogue DXS

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

Peer-group learning

  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  Poetry Collection: To Lucasta, on Going to the                         1. Use dictionary definitions FN7
  Wars; The Song of the Mud; Dulce et Decorum                            2. Compare passages for tone E2J

  from The Once and Future King                                          1. Use dictionary entries to determine correct
                                                                            usage HQW
                                                                         2. Use the correct foreign expression TZ5

  Morte d'Arthur                                                         1. Use context as a clue to the meanings of foreign
                                                                            expressions 8MM
                                                                         2. Interpret the figure of speech JXV

  from "We shall fight on the beaches"                                   1. Determine the main idea of a passage AYA
                                                                         2. Analyze rhetorical strategies in historical texts:
                                                                            set 1 FNZ

  Defending Nonviolent Resistance                                        1. Trace an argument: set 1 5WS
                                                                         2. Analyze rhetorical strategies in historical texts:
                                                                            set 2 QVA

  Performance Task                                                       Deliver a classical speech
                                                                         1. Use appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos in
                                                                            persuasive writing H8L

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

Unit 2
Reflecting on Society: A Critical Lens
Whole-class learning
  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  Prologue from The Canterbury Tales                                     Analyze and interpret
                                                                         1. Analyze short stories: set 2 XH7
                                                                         2. Identify elements of poetry J5W

                                                                         Word study
                                                                         3. Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the
                                                                            meanings of words LRG

                                                                         Effective expression
                                                                         4. Organize information by main idea 8PR
                                                                         5. Identify stronger and weaker evidence to
                                                                            support a claim GGR

  The Wife of Bath's Tale                                                Analyze and interpret
                                                                         1. Match the quotations with their themes PW2

                                                                         Word study
                                                                         2. Prefixes D7T

                                                                         Effective expression
                                                                         3. Order topics from broadest to narrowest 6CJ

  Prologue from The Canterbury Tales: The Remix                          1. Identify thesis statements QYP
                                                                         2. Identify supporting evidence in a text 35E

  Performance Task                                                       Write an explanatory essay
                                                                         1. Transitions with conjunctive adverbs DLQ
                                                                         2. Choose the topic sentence that best captures
                                                                            the main idea 7D8
                                                                         3. Commas with coordinate adjectives ETJ
                                                                         4. Commas: review 9BB
                                                                         5. Join sentences with semicolons, colons, and
                                                                            commas XPV
                                                                         6. Correct errors with signs Z6M

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

Peer-group learning

  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  from The Worms of the Earth Against the Lions                          1. Use words as clues to the meanings of Greek
                                                                            and Latin roots BSX
                                                                         2. Analyze the development of informational
                                                                            passages: set 2 HKC

  Shakespeare's Sister                                                   1. Determine the meaning of words using
                                                                            synonyms in context HJL
                                                                         2. Trace an argument: set 2 ZPN

  Paired Texts: On Seeing England for the First                          1. Identify audience and purpose YMQ
  Time, XXIII from Midsummer                                             2. Interpret the meaning of an allusion from its
                                                                            source ZKK

  Passenger Manifest for the MV Empire Windrush                          1. Choose the best evidence to support a
                                                                            claim PC9

  Performance Task                                                       Give and follow complex instructions
                                                                         1. Use words accurately and precisely F9N

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

Unit 3
Facing the Future, Confronting the Past: The Trap of Time
Whole-class learning
  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act I                                          1. Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin
                                                                            roots 8DH
                                                                         2. Analyze short stories: set 1 MGU

  The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II                                         1. Word pattern analogies 9PL
                                                                         2. Identify elements of poetry J5W

  The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act III                                        1. Determine the meanings of words with Greek
                                                                            and Latin roots QYE

  The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act IV                                         1. Match the quotations with their themes PW2

  The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V                                          1. Choose the analysis that logically connects the
                                                                            evidence to the claim CAZ
                                                                         2. Describe the difference between related
                                                                            words HAC

  The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V, Scene i                                 1. Identify plagiarism PUU
                                                                         2. Organize information by main idea 8PR

  Performance Task                                                       Write a literary analysis
                                                                         1. Identify participles and what they modify AUZ
                                                                         2. Identify prepositional phrases VNG
                                                                         3. Rewrite the sentence in active voice ULX
                                                                         4. Identify and correct verb agreement with
                                                                            compound subjects J2M
                                                                         5. Correct capitalization errors 7EL
                                                                         6. Use dashes CZW

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

Peer-group learning

  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  Poetry Collection: Sonnet 12, Sonnet 60, Sonnet                        1. Identify and correct errors with
  73, Sonnet II, Sonnet 75                                                  homophones VQY
                                                                         2. Classify the figure of speech: review ABC

  Literary Criticism: from The Naked Babe and the                        1. Word pattern sentences M7W
  Cloak of Manliness, from Macbeth                                       2. Trace an argument: set 1 5WS
                                                                         3. Recall the source of an allusion VUZ

  Performance Task                                                       Present an argument
                                                                         1. Identify stronger and weaker evidence to
                                                                            support a claim GGR
                                                                         2. Use parallel structure LPA

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

Unit 4
Seeing Things New: A Turbulent Age
Whole-class learning
  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  Poetry Collection: A Valediction: Forbidding                           1. Classify the figure of speech: euphemism,
  Mourning, Holy Sonnet 10                                                  hyperbole, oxymoron, paradox DMU
                                                                         2. Suffixes 9CA

  A Modest Proposal                                                      Analyze and interpret
                                                                         1. Identify appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos in
                                                                            advertisements Y8X
                                                                         2. Trace an argument: set 2 ZPN

                                                                         Word study
                                                                         3. Use the correct foreign expression TZ5

  from Gulliver's Travels                                                1. Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the
                                                                            meanings of words LRG
                                                                         2. Analyze short stories: set 2 XH7

  Paired Media: from Gulliver's Travels Among the                        1. Choose the analysis that logically connects the
  Lilliputians and the Giants, Gulliver's Travels                           evidence to the claim CAZ

  Cover Art

  Performance Task                                                       Write a personal essay
                                                                         1. Identify run-on sentences QMZ
                                                                         2. Choose punctuation to avoid fragments and run-
                                                                            ons UH9
                                                                         3. Identify vague pronoun references MSX
                                                                         4. Identify and correct errors with indefinite
                                                                            pronoun-verb agreement L7U
                                                                         5. Semicolons, colons, and commas review NSQ
                                                                         6. Identify and correct errors with plural and
                                                                            possessive nouns AV5
                                                                         7. Identify and correct errors with compound and
                                                                            joint possession BMT
                                                                         8. Identify and correct errors with frequently
                                                                            confused pronouns and contractions V7Z

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

Peer-group learning

  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  To His Coy Mistress                                                    1. Determine the meaning of words using
                                                                            antonyms in context 7JD
                                                                         2. Explore words with new or contested
                                                                            usages 73U

  Poetry Collection: To the Virgins, to Make Much                        1. Classify the figure of speech: anaphora,
  of Time; Youth's the Season Made for Joys                                 antithesis, apostrophe, assonance, chiasmus,
                                                                            understatement DLS
                                                                         2. Identify sentences with parallel structure TP6

  Poetry Collection: from the Divine Comedy:                             1. Determine the main idea of a passage AYA
  Inferno, The Second Coming                                             2. Prefixes D7T

  Araby                                                                  1. Word pattern analogies 9PL
                                                                         2. Is it a phrase or a clause? L99

  Poetry Collection: The Explosion, Old Love                             1. Identify elements of poetry J5W
                                                                         2. What does the punctuation suggest? T7F

  Performance Task                                                       Present an advertisement
                                                                         1. Identify audience and purpose YMQ
                                                                         2. Classify logical fallacies 7FS

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

Unit 5
Discovering the Self: Individual, Nature, and Society
Whole-class learning
  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  Poetry Collection: Lines Composed a Few Miles                          1. Use personification F9K
  Above Tintern Abbey, from The Prelude                                  2. Describe the difference between related
                                                                            words HAC

  Poetry Collection: Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to                        1. Analyze the effects of figures of speech on
  the West Wind                                                             meaning and tone RZJ
                                                                         2. Use words as clues to the meanings of Greek
                                                                            and Latin roots BSX
                                                                         3. Replace words using a thesaurus RHQ

  Performance Task                                                       Write a short story
                                                                         1. Commas with compound, complex, and
                                                                            compound-complex sentences EC8
                                                                         2. Identify all of the possible antecedents JZK
                                                                         3. Correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number
                                                                            and person D8M
                                                                         4. Correct errors in everyday use F9U
                                                                         5. Correct errors with commonly misspelled
                                                                            words K7Q
                                                                         6. Formatting quotations and dialogue DXS

Peer-group learning
  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  from Mrs. Dalloway                                                     1. Suffixes 9CA
                                                                         2. Use dashes CZW

  from Frankenstein                                                      1. Choose the word whose connotation and
                                                                            denotation best match the sentence MC5
                                                                         2. Decide whether ellipses are used
                                                                            appropriately JJP

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

  The Madeleine                                                         1. Which text is most formal? J9H
                                                                        2. Classify the figure of speech: anaphora,
                                                                           antithesis, apostrophe, assonance, chiasmus,
                                                                           understatement DLS

  The Most Forgetful Man in the World                                   1. Determine the meaning of words using
                                                                           antonyms in context 7JD
                                                                        2. Analyze the development of informational
                                                                           passages: set 1 2HF

  When Memories Never Fade, the Past Can                                1. Domain-specific vocabulary in context: science
  Poison the Present                                                       and technical subjects KWZ
                                                                        2. Use in-text citations (MLA 8th edition) 53Y

  Performance Task                                                      Panel discussion
                                                                        1. Choose the best evidence to support a
                                                                           claim PC9

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

Unit 6
Finding Home: Nation, Exile, and Dominion
Whole-class learning
  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  Back to My Own Country: An Essay                                       1. Identify stronger and weaker evidence to
                                                                            support a claim GGR

  Shooting an Elephant                                                   1. Choose the word whose connotation and
                                                                            denotation best match the sentence MC5
                                                                         2. Which text is most formal? J9H

  Performance Task                                                       Write a formal research report
                                                                         1. Combine sentences using relative clauses T6V
                                                                         2. Remove redundant words or phrases VJC
                                                                         3. Understand a Works Cited entry (MLA 7th
                                                                            edition) W8K
                                                                         4. Recognize the parts of a Works Cited entry (MLA
                                                                            8th edition) 3J7

Peer-group learning
  Textbook section                                                      IXL skills

  from A History of the English Church and People                        1. Distinguish facts from opinions 7AD
                                                                         2. Use etymologies to determine the meanings of
                                                                            words 9W2
                                                                         3. Commas with series, dates, and places 5X7

  from History of Jamaica                                                1. Analyze the development of informational
                                                                            passages: set 2 HKC
                                                                         2. Avoid double, illogical, and unclear
                                                                            comparisons YC9

  Poetry Collection: The Seafarer, Dover Beach,                          1. Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin
  Escape From the Old Country                                               roots 8DH
                                                                         2. Identify the narrative point of view YWQ
                                                                         3. Identify and correct errors with frequently
                                                                            confused words JCM

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myPerspectives English Language Arts Texas - 12th Grade

  Poetry Collection: The Widow at Windsor, From                         1. Determine the meaning of words using
  Lucy: Englan' Lady                                                       synonyms in context HJL
                                                                        2. Compare passages for tone E2J

  Performance Task                                                      Deliver a multimedia presentation
                                                                        1. Transitions with conjunctive adverbs DLQ
                                                                        2. Suggest appropriate revisions GVY

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