January 12, 2020 Baptism of the Lord - Parishes Online

January 12, 2020 Baptism of the Lord - Parishes Online
Cathedral of Saint Mary of        Sacred Heart Church
The Immaculate Conception         and combined Parish Office
607 NE Madison Ave.               504 Fulton Street, 61602
St. Bernard Church                St. Joseph Church/Sophia’s Kitchen
511 E. Kansas St., 61603          103 S. Richard Pryor Place

                             January 12, 2020      Baptism of the Lord
January 12, 2020 Baptism of the Lord - Parishes Online
Saint Bernard News                                                       Wedding at Sacred Heart
MINISTERS, LECTORS AND SERVERS New schedules will                                        December 28, 2019
be available in the sacristy after Masses this weekend.

                 FISH FRY WINNER Anita Keck won the
                 50/50 drawing of $50.00 at the
                 January 3rd fish fry. Congratulations!
                 The next fish fry is February 7, 2020.
Come and join us for some great catfish, shrimp or
baked and fried cod!

                     A BIG THANK YOU to Dave Rogers for his
                     many years of decorating St. Bernard
                     Church so beautifully throughout the
                     year. He has decided to retire his duties
                     and we will miss his wonderful talents!

St. Bernard Parish Support
December 29, 2019 (Not included last week)
Sunday Income (18) ............................................. $1,621
Christmas………………………………………………………$ 2,412                                                 Cady Windish and Matthew Nosbisch

January 5, 2020
Sunday Income (37) ............................................. $3,154
Building and Grounds (11) ................................... $ 221
Seton Education Fund (9)………………………………$ 238

    Please remember St. Bernard’s Church in your will.

 Saint Mary’s Cathedral News                                                          Sacred Heart & St. Joseph
St. Mary Parish Support
December 29, 2019 (Not included last week)                                          Sacred Heart & St. Joseph Parish Support
Envelopes (45) ............................................... $1,248.00            December 29, 2019 (Not included last week)
Loose ............................................................. $3,936.09       Sunday Income $3,415.00
Total ................................................................. $5,184.09   Christmas        $3,390.00
Christmas………………………………………………….$ 764.00                                               Total           $6,805.00

January 5, 2020                                                                     January 5, 2020
Envelopes (34) ............................................... $1,163.00            Sunday Income       $3,792.00
Loose ............................................................. $1,422.15       Sophia’s Kitchen    $2,826.00
Total ................................................................. $2,585.15   Solemnity of Mary   $ 730.00
Education of the Young……………………………..$ 438.55                                         Total               $7,348.00
Poor & Needy……………………………………………$ 118.00

2                                    Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 12, 2020 Baptism of the Lord - Parishes Online
Parish News
       Sophia’s Kitchen News
                                                               ON THE COVER        are the twin spires of St. Mary’s
The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are a             Cathedral.
whirlwind at Sophia's Kitchen. Donations pour in, canned
goods overflow and the excitement is high. Our guests          WE WANT TO THANK David Parr for volunteering his time
are grateful as we hand out bag after bag of food, with        to prepare our wedding photos for print in the bulletins.
hams and turkeys. We had so much fun with the                  We know that our parish families enjoy celebrating the
Budweiser Clydesdales, and the huge amount of canned           announcements of our weddings at the Heart of Peoria
goods they brought it. The children at Everyday Discovery      Catholic Community. Thank you, David.
Preschool collected a car full of donations. One
parishioner bought all 600 hams for our baskets. Our           PRAYER GROUP For those interested in participating in
doorbell never seemed to stop ringing. After we packed         St Bernard's newly formed prayer group, please come
and gave away all 600 baskets, we had enough food to           and join us in prayer at St. Bernard’s Church every
give another, smaller bag to 600 more people.                  Saturday from 9:00-10:00AM. All are welcome. Feel free
                                                               to contact John Kautz at jpk8178@gmail.com.
Yet, our guests seem more desperate this year. We had
3,000 more people come through our doors in 2019. In
                                                                                 TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO BUY PEORIA
total, 86,784 meals were served. Each month, we serve
                                                                                 DINING TOUR” 2019-2020 COUPON
an average of 7,232 people. In July alone, 9,100 souls
                                                                                 BOOKS The book is filled with many
needed help. On the last Friday of each month, we give
                                                                                 great buy one, get one free coupons
our guests a grocery bag and invite them to 'shop' our
                                                                                 that includes     fine dining, theater,
pantry. Last year, this gave 1,500 families the
                                                               casual dining, as well as pizza and fun foods. The price is
opportunity to choose what food they would like to
                                                               $30.00 per book. To purchase, please contact the parish
prepare for their families. It gave them the dignity of
                                                               office at 673-6317.
choice, of not being told 'this is what poor people eat'. It
allowed them the gift of cooking food they like with their
                                                                                          YOUTH GROUP Our youth
own recipes. Your donations make this possible!
                                                                                          group      meets      every
Christmas and end of year donations will only go so far.                                  Wednesday from 6 to 8 pm
Remember us in the months to come! Monthly donations           at the Family Resources Center, 415 NE Monroe in
help keep this going. You can sign up online to have this      Peoria. This is open to anyone 13 to 18 years of age. If
automatically done. Hunger doesn't only happen once a          you have any questions, ask Fr. Pankiewicz or go to
year!                                                          catholicpeoria.com and click on youth group.

THIRD SUNDAY PANTRY Items needed are dental                    SAVE THE DATE The next Blessed Mother Sodaltiy
hygiene products - toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss,            Meeting will be February 2, 2020 at St. Joseph Hall.
dental picks. Please, no alcohol based mouthwash.
                                                               STATEMENTS OF YOUR 2019 CONTRIBUTIONS to our
                    PET PANTRY Sophia's Kitchen offers         churches are available for your tax reporting purposes.
                    a pet food pantry 2 times a month to       Call the parish office at 673-6317 to request.
                    help care for furry family members.
                    PAWS supplies food the first pantry of       RCIA CLASSES are held at Fr. ClaIr Hall at Sacred
                    the month, but can you help us by            Heart Church on Saturdays - Coffee and Donuts 9-
                    giving dog, cat and rabbit food (wet         9:15, Class 9:15-10:30. The topic for Saturday,
                    or dry) for the second? Treats and           January 18th is “Sacraments of Healing: Confession
                    litter are also most welcome. The            and Anointing of the Sick”.
                    next pet pantry is January 23rd.

                           Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                           3
January 12, 2020 Baptism of the Lord - Parishes Online
Community & Area News
                                                                             PRO LIFE EVENTS 2020

                                                             Since January 22, 1973, when the US Supreme Court
                                                             made abortion on demand a national policy, over
                                                             55,000,000 unborn children have been destroyed by
                                                             abortion, and millions of parents are haunted by their
                                                             deaths. Mourning their deaths, and pleading for
                                                             cessation of further deaths, Peoria Citizens will
                                                             commemorate: Sanctity of Human Life Week—January
           Come to: Avanti’s Ristorante                      19-25, 2020
                  ALL Peoria Locations
        On: Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2020                         THE PRO LIFE VIGIL WALK AROUND THE FEDERAL
              10:30AM-10:00PM                                COURTHOUSE will be Tuesday, January 21, 2020. It
    Present this coupon to the cashier upon                  will start at the Riverside Church Parking Lot, 207 NE
        payment for tracking purposes                        Monroe Street, Peoria at 6:30 pm before the Sanctity
    and 15% of proceeds will go to support:                  of Human Life Rally.
            Sisters of St Francis                            SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE RALLY will be at 7:00 p.m.
       of the Immaculate Conception                          on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at Riverside Church,
        On Dine-In or Carry Out orders                       207 NE Monroe Street in downtown Peoria. The rally
    Tax, gratuity and alcohol sales are not                  will feature prayers along with reports on local Pro Life
             included in donation                            efforts. The keynote speaker will be Rebekah Hagan,
                                                             who’s career in the pro-life movement was fueled by
                                                             firsthand experience. She became pregnant at 18,
                                                             while in her first year of college. Rebekah felt her
                                                             situation was impossible. At just over seven weeks
HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS Please join us at a holy             pregnant, she began a medication abortion. Minutes
hour at St. Edward in Chillicothe at 6:30 pm on Tuesday,     after leaving the clinic, however, she experienced a
January 14th as we pray for an increase in vocations to      radical change of heart and turned to the internet to
the priesthood and religious life in our diocese.            search for a way out. Feeling determined to reverse
                                                             her mistake, Rebekah underwent what most thought
THE FAMILY RESOURCES CENTER            is in need of         would be an impossible attempt to save her baby. But
volunteers. For more information, please contact Suzie       it worked! At age 20, Rebekah began speaking across
Meismer at 309-966-0385.                                     the United States and sharing her own story of hope
                                                             and redemption. Rebekah uses her story to unravel
 9 DAYS FOR LIFE is a novena for the protection of           the mindset of women in unplanned pregnancies to
 human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a        equip and encourage others.
 short reflection and suggested actions to help build a
 culture of life. This is found at:                          MASS FOR THE UNBORN Bishop Daniel R. Jenky,
  https://www.respectlife.org/9-days-for-life                C.S.C., invites all clergy, religious and faithful to the
                                                             Mass for the Legal Protection of the Unborn on Friday,
 Get daily pro-life prayers in your inbox or on your phone
                                                             January 24, 2020 at 10:30 AM at the Cathedral of St.
 January 21-29, 2020 at:
                                                             Mary of the Immaculate Conception, 607 NE Madison
                                                             Ave., Peoria, IL 61603.

4                         Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 12, 2020 Baptism of the Lord - Parishes Online
Everyday Stewardship                                        Snickers & Giggles

What have been the most significant moments in           Where Is God?
your life? You probably celebrate your birthday every
year, so the day you were born must be pretty            A couple had two little boys, ages eight and ten, who
important. How about elementary, high school, or         were very mischievous. The two were always getting
college graduations? Hopefully you do something          into trouble, and their parents could be assured that
special on or around your wedding anniversary if you     if any mischief occurred in their town that their two
are married. Do you have children? The birth of each     young sons were in some way involved.
child is probably near the top on the list of moments
you will never forget. Then there are the sad            The parents were at their wits’ end as to what to do
moments of life: deaths, breakups, and tragedies. As     about their sons’ behavior. The mother had heard
you reflect on all these moments, you can see that       that a priest in town had been successful in
you would not be who you are today without having        disciplining children in the past, so she asked her
experienced them. Of course as a Christian, you          husband if he thought they should send the boys to
have one moment in time that has had an even             speak with him.
greater impact on you and perhaps it didn’t even
come        to     mind:       your       Baptism.       The husband said, “We might as well. We need to do
                                                         something before I really lose my temper!”
You might say you don't remember it because you
were an infant. Perhaps you do not even know the         The clergyman agreed to speak with the boys but
date it took place. You might not feel like it has had   asked to see them individually. The eight-year-old
much impact on you at all. However, it has made all      went first. The clergyman sat the boy down and
the difference.                                          asked him sternly, “Where is God?”

Whether you feel the difference or not, on that day      The boy made no response, so the clergyman
you were made a new creation in Jesus Christ. You        repeated the question in an even sterner tone,
were marked for Him with an indelible mark that no       “Where is God?” Again the boy made no attempt to
one can remove, not even you. On that day, you           answer. So the clergyman raised his voice even
inherited a tradition and lineage of faith that has      more and shook his finger in the boy’s face, “Where
changed the face of the earth. Today, that baptismal     is God?”
grace beckons you to a real and substantial
relationship with the One whose name was invoked         At that the boy bolted from the room and ran directly
on that day. It also calls you to respond with a         home, slamming himself in the closet. His older
stewardship way of life, where your gifts make a         brother followed him into the closet and asked what
difference and glorify God. If today is the day you      had happened. The younger brother replied, “We are
start taking all this seriously, you get to add a new    in big trouble this time. God is missing and they
moment to your list.                                     think we did it!”

                        Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                    5
January 12, 2020 Baptism of the Lord - Parishes Online
12 De Enero 2020
                                 Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor
                                    Se abrió el cielo y            Dios se manifiesta
                                                                   Al salir Jesús del agua sucede el gran
                                    resonó la voz del              acontecimiento: Dios se manifiesta.
                                                                   "Inmediatamente después de ser bautizado, Jesús
                                     Padre, que decía:             salió del agua; y he aquí que se le abrieron los
                                                                   Cielos, y vio al Espíritu de Dios que descendía en
                                     “Éste es mi Hijo              forma de paloma y venía sobre él. Y una voz del
                                                                   Cielo que decía: Este es mi Hijo, el amado, en
                                           amado;                  quien me he complacido"(Mt).
                                                                   La voz es la del Padre, eterno Amante, el que
                                 escúchenlo”. Aleluya.             engendra al Hijo en un acto de amor eterno,
                                                                   dándole toda su vida. El Hijo es el Amado, igual al
                                          Aleluya !                Padre según su divinidad. Es tan Hijo que es
                                                                   consustancial con el Padre, los dos son uno en
                                                                   unión de amor. El Padre le dio toda su vida, y el
                                                                   Hijo ama al Padre con ese amor obediente que
                                                                   vemos en Jesús cuando desciende a las aguas
                                                                   como hombre que se sabe Dios, desde una
                                                                   libertad humana con la que se entrega por los
                                                                   hombres y ama al Padre. Y el Padre se complace
Evangelio Mt 3, 13-17                                              en ese hombre que le ama con amor total y mira a
                                                                   los demás hombres saliendo del pecado, y les
En aquel tiempo, Jesús llegó de Galilea al río Jordán y le pidió   ama en el Hijo.
a Juan que lo bautizara. Pero Juan se resistía, diciendo: “Yo
soy quien debe ser bautizado por ti, ¿y tú vienes a que yo te      El Espíritu
                                                                   La paloma simboliza el Espíritu. Anunció la nueva
bautice?” Jesús le respondió: “Haz ahora lo que te digo,
                                                                   tierra y la paz de Dios a los hombres después del
porque es necesario que así cumplamos todo lo que Dios
                                                                   diluvio, que habían sido castigados por sus
quiere”. Entonces Juan accedió a bautizarlo.                       pecados. Anuncia el amor a los que quieren vivir
                                                                   de amor. Anuncia junto a Jesús la nueva Alianza,
Al salir Jesús del agua, una vez bautizado, se le abrieron los     en que, de nuevo, el Espíritu de Dios volará sobre
cielos y vio al Espíritu de Dios, que descendía sobre él en        las aguas del mundo. Limpiará los corazones con
forma de paloma y oyó una voz que decía desde el cielo:            el fuego de su amor, purificará las intenciones,
“Éste es mi Hijo muy amado, en quien tengo mis                     llenará de Dios a todos los que crean y esperen,
complacencias”.                                                    inflamará de amor a los amantes que desean el
                                                                   amor total, tan lejano al amor propio.
                                                                   Jesús es ungido por el Espíritu. Jesús es así el
Reflexión:                                                         Cristo, el nuevo rey del reino del Padre. Antes los
Qué sucede cuando se sumerge Jesús                                 reyes eran ungidos con aceite, y la gracia de Dios
Cuando Jesús entra en las aguas y Juan baña su cabeza,             les daba fuerzas. Ahora el Espíritu mismo invade a
son sumergidos todos los pecados de los hombres. Las               Jesús. Podrá actuar con plena libertad en su alma
aguas limpian el cuerpo, y por eso son tomadas como                dócil, le impulsará, le encenderá en fuego divino.
símbolo de la limpieza de las almas que se arrepienten             Por eso "Jesús lleno del Espíritu Santo, regresó del
                                                                   Jordán, y fue conducido por el Espíritu al desierto".
ante Dios de sus pecados. Más no pueden hacer. Pero al
                                                                   Comienza su vida de Ungido por el Espíritu que le
sumergirse Jesús en las aguas, las santifica, les da una           lleva a lo más alejado del paraíso, al desierto,
fuerza nueva. Más adelante, el bautismo lavará con las             donde se mortifica, reza y sufre la tentación de
aguas los pecados hasta la raíz, y dará la nueva vida que          Satanás.
Cristo conquistará en su resurrección. Serán,
efectivamente, aguas vivas que saltan hasta la vida                Por: P. Guillermo Juan Morado | Fuente:
eterna.                                                            Infocatolica

6                        Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 12, 2020 Baptism of the Lord - Parishes Online
Mensaje del Papa Francisco para la Jornada Mundial de la Paz 2020
                                                          «No podemos permitir que las actuales y nuevas
                       … Por lo tanto, no podemos         generaciones pierdan la memoria de lo acontecido,
                       pretender que se mantenga la       esa memoria que es garante y estimulo para construir
                       estabilidad en el mundo a          un futuro más justo y más fraterno».[
                       través del miedo a la
                       aniquilación, en un equilibrio     Como ellos, muchos ofrecen en todo el mundo a las
                       altamente         inestable,       generaciones futuras el servicio esencial de la
                       suspendido al borde del abismo     memoria, que debe mantenerse no sólo para evitar
                       nuclear y encerrado dentro de      cometer nuevamente los mismos errores o para que
                       los muros de la indiferencia, en   no se vuelvan a proponer los esquemas ilusorios del
el que se toman decisiones socioeconómicas, que           pasado, sino también para que esta, fruto de la
abren el camino a los dramas del descarte del hombre      experiencia, constituya la raíz y sugiera el camino para
y de la creación, en lugar de protegerse los unos a los   las decisiones de paz presentes y futuras.
otros.[3] Entonces, ¿cómo construir un camino de paz
y reconocimiento mutuo? ¿Cómo romper la lógica            La memoria es, aún más, el horizonte de la esperanza:
morbosa de la amenaza y el miedo? ¿Cómo acabar            muchas veces, en la oscuridad de guerras y conflictos,
con la dinámica de desconfianza que prevalece             el recuerdo de un pequeño gesto de solidaridad
actualmente?                                              recibido puede inspirar también opciones valientes e
                                                          incluso heroicas, puede poner en marcha nuevas
                                                          energías y reavivar una nueva esperanza tanto en los
 Debemos buscar una verdadera fraternidad, que esté
                                                          individuos como en las comunidades.
basada sobre nuestro origen común en Dios y ejercida
en el diálogo y la confianza recíproca. El deseo de paz
                                                          Abrir y trazar un camino de paz es un desafío muy
está profundamente inscrito en el corazón del hombre
                                                          complejo, en cuanto los intereses que están en juego
y no debemos resignarnos a nada menos que esto.2.
                                                          en las relaciones entre personas, comunidades y
La paz, camino de escucha basado en la memoria, en
                                                          naciones son múltiples y contradictorios. En primer
la solidaridad y en la fraternidad                        lugar, es necesario apelar a la conciencia moral y a la
                                                          voluntad personal y política. La paz, en efecto, brota de
 Los Hibakusha, los sobrevivientes de los bombardeos      las profundidades del corazón humano y la voluntad
atómicos de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, se encuentran           política siempre necesita revitalización, para abrir
entre quienes mantienen hoy viva la llama de la           nuevos procesos que reconcilien y unan a las personas
conciencia colectiva, testificando a las generaciones     y las comunidades.
venideras el horror de lo que sucedió en agosto de
1945 y el sufrimiento indescriptible que continúa         El mundo no necesita palabras vacías, sino testigos
hasta nuestros días. Su testimonio despierta y            convencidos, artesanos de la paz abiertos al diálogo
preserva de esta manera el recuerdo de las víctimas,      sin exclusión ni manipulación. De hecho, no se puede
para que la conciencia humana se fortalezca cada vez      realmente alcanzar la paz a menos que haya un
más contra todo deseo de dominación y destrucción:        diálogo convencido de hombres y mujeres que
                                                          busquen la verdad más allá de las ideologías y de las
                                                          opiniones diferentes. Continuara...

                        Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                        7
January 12, 2020 Baptism of the Lord - Parishes Online
CLASES DE BIBLIA                                  Grupo de Oración “San Juan Pablo II”
 Te invitamos a participar en las clases de Biblia.             Te invitan este Jueves, 16 de Enero de 2020
           El Jueves 09 de Enero 2020                                             a las 6:30pm
              de 6:30 pm a 8:00 pm                              en el Templo de San José. 103 S Richard Pryor
                                                                              Pl, Peoria, IL 61605
         En: “Family Resources Center”                           A una familia que hace oración no le faltará
           415 NE Monroe St. Peoria                                              nunca la conciencia de la
       Necesitas: Biblia, Disponibilidad,                                   propia vocación fundamental: la de
                                                                            ser un gran camino de comunión".
                Lápiz y Cuaderno
                                                                                     (Sn. Juan Pablo II)
                Ven, te esperamos!
                      Alma de Cristo                                    El viernes tenemos
               Alma de Cristo, santifícame.                        la Santa Misa a las 8:30 a.m.
               Cuerpo de Cristo, sálvame.                           seguida de la Exposición del
             Sangre de Cristo, embriágame.                         Santísimo hasta las 5:00 p.m.
           Agua del costado de Cristo, lávame.
                                                                    en la Capilla de la Catedral.
              Pasión de Cristo, confórtame.
                 ¡Oh, buen Jesús!, óyeme.
            Dentro de tus llagas, escóndeme.
            No permitas que me aparte de Ti.
           Del maligno enemigo, defiéndeme.
           En la hora de mi muerte, llámame.
                    Y mándame ir a Ti.
            Para que con tus santos te alabe.
            Por los siglos de los siglos. Amen

                     Teresa de Lisieux
              (oración por las vocaciones)
  Santa Teresa, respondiste a la llamada del Señor a ser
 Amor en el corazón de la Iglesia por entrar en el Carmelo
y vivir la vida oculta de la oración contemplativa, el ayuno,
  y la ofrenda de sí misma para la misión de la Iglesia y la
                    salvación de las almas.
 A través de tu intercesión, pedimos se atiendan nuestras
 oraciones por un aumento de vocaciones al sacerdocio y
a la vida consagrada en nuestra Diócesis. Suplica al Señor
  que nos envíe obreros que sean discípulos verdaderos
 del Señor, fieles al servicio de su Iglesia, la búsqueda de
   la santidad ;          y siempre dispuestos a poner las
necesidades de otros antes que sus propias. Especialmen-
                te, pide a Jesús nos envíe una
 abundancia de sacerdotes según el Sagrado Corazón de
                         Jesús. Amén
            Santa Teresa, Patrona de las
          vocaciones, Ruega por nosotros!

8                       Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
SERVIDORES MISA DE ENERO 7:30 AM (SJ)                           Misa diaria en catedral
                                                    A partir del 1 de noviembre, la Misa de 7am que se
12 Victoria Ochoa                                       celebra actualmente en el Convento de las
19 Araceli Osegueda                                 Misioneras de la Caridad se trasladará a la Catedral
                                                            de Lunes, Martes, Miércoles y viernes.
12 Marlene Montellano y Lizbeth Guadarrama          La misa del jueves seguirá en la capilla del
19 Juanita Rodríguez y Paty Garcia                  convento.
                                                    Únase a nosotros en la Catedral mientras
OFRENDAS                                            celebramos la fuente y la cumbre de nuestra fe.
12 Miguel y Luz Álvarez
                                                    Nuevo horario diario de misas: a partir del 1 de
19 Antonio y Linda Ayala
HOSPITALIDAD                                        Catedral
12 Oscar y Paty Garcia                              7am Lunes, Martes y Miércoles
19 Gabino y Lizbeth Guadarrama                       8: 30am Viernes (español); Adoración 9a-5pm
MINISTROS DE COMUNION                               Sagrado Corazón: 12: 05p Lunes a Viernes
12 Alfredo y Juana Garcia ; Bernardo Quintero       (Confesiones a las 11: 15a); 7: 30a Sábado
                                                    (Confesiones a las 7a)
                                                    San José: 7: 30am Lunes y 7:00pm los primeros
 SERVIDORES MISA DE ENERO 12:15 P.M. (SM)           viernes
BIENVENIDA                                          San Bernardo: 8: 45am Miércoles
12 Erika Flores                                     Sábado:
19 Lupita Ramirez                                    7:30 a.m. Sagrado Corazón (7am Confesiones)
LECTORES                                             16:00. San José (2:45 pm Confesiones)\
12 Rosy Vázquez y Silvia López                       Domingo
19 Guadalupe y Juana Pérez                           7:30 a.m. San José (español)
                                                     8:30 a.m., San Bernardo
                                                     10:00 a.m. Sagrado Corazón
12 Jorge y Maricarmen Martínez.
                                                     10:30 a.m. Catedral de Santa María
19 Arturo y Carla Vargas
                                                     12:15 a.m. Catedral de Santa María (español)
12 Alejandra Fdez. Edna Rolón,
   Vanessa Almaraz, Cithlaly Vázquez.                                       Recuerda con Gratitud el
19 Blanca y Teresa Brown                                                   pasado , Vive con pasión el
   Jorge y Maricarmen Martínez
                                                                            Presente y Ábrete con
12 José González; Herminio Almaraz                    EL GRUPO DE ORACIÓN SAN JUAN PABLO 11
    Esteban y Melania Ceron                             CELEBRANDO SU PRIMER ANIVERSARIO
19 Carlos y María Hernandez.
                                                           Te invita a participar en el retiro que se
                                                                     llevara acabo este
              Intenciones para Misa
                                                     18 de Enero en Bishop Franz Center (613 NE
7:30 am † Hnas. Amparo Reyes y Liduvina Vega (SJ)
12:15am † Eulalia Y Elpidio Lopez (SM)               Jefferson Street, Peoria   ).   De 9am a 2:30 pm
                                                                   !No Faltes te esperamos !

                           Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                             9
Liturgical Schedules and Staff Information
           Saint Bernard • Saint Mary                            Heart of Peoria Community Staff
            Sacred Heart ● St. Joseph                     Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, Bishop of Peoria
Lectors                                                   Monsignor Paul Showalter, PA, In residence-St. Bernard
Saturday, January 18, 2020                                Fr. Alexander Millar, Rector/Pastor
(SJ)       4:00 pm     Nicole Reese                       Fr. Jim Pankiewicz, Parochial Vicar
Sunday,   January 19, 2020
                                                          Toby Tyler Deacon
(SB)       8:30 am     Allie Redington
(SH)      10:00 am     Stefanie Rupert                    Jenny Caughey, St. Mary’s Cathedral/St. Bernard /
(SM)      10:30 am     Steve Young & Joseph Berlinger                  Sacred Heart/St. Joseph Secretary
 Ministers of Holy Communion                              Claire Crone, Director Sophia’s Kitchen
Saturday, January 18, 2020                                Jo Ellen Lohnes, Sacred Heart/St. Joseph
(SJ)       4:00 pm    Jeremy Ruck & Margie Barnes                Finance Office
Sunday, January 19, 2020
                                                          Matt Meads, Youth Director
(SB)       8:30 am    JoAnne Winkler, Tom Eertmoed,
                      Ron Smith                           Sr. Vicky, Hispanic Community
(SH)     10:00 am     David Rupert, Jim Hackett,          Julie Enzenberger, Consecrated Virgin
                      Sandy Chatwood                      Weddings
Altar Servers                                             Contact our wedding coordinator at least six months
(SB)       8:30 am    Nia & Bryn Sherwood                 before desired date.
            St. Bernard (SB) • St. Joseph (SJ)            Georgette Williams
           Sacred Heart (SH) • St. Mary (SM)
                                                          Contact parish office for formation programs and
                                                          Knights of Columbus
                                                          Clinton Coulter-Grand Knight
     Readings for the Week of January 12, 2020            217-979-1488

Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10 [11b]/                  Office phone number:
Acts 10:34-38/Mt 3:13-17                                           309-673-6317, fax 309-673-6330
Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8/Ps 116:12-13, 14-17, 18-19                 Emergency after hours contact number:
[17a]/Mk 1:14-20
Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20/1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd [cf. 1]/                     673-6317, Ext. 0
Mk 1:21-28                                                 For email addresses and complete staff listing,
Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20/Ps 40:2 and 5, 7-8a,              please visit www.CatholicPeoria.com
8b-9, 10 [8a and 9a]/Mk 1:29-39
Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11/Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25                                Prayer Chain
[27b]/Mk 1:40-45                                                           mcm86@mtco.com or
Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a/Ps 89:16-17, 18-19 [2]/Mk                      309-685-9103 (home)
2:1-12                                                                     309-648-0229 (cell)
Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a/Ps 21:2-3, 4-5, 6-7
[2a]/Mk 2:13-17
Next Sunday: Is 49:3, 5-6/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 [8a,
9a]/1 Cor 1:1-3/Jn 1:29-34

10                        Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
Mass Intentions
                     Saint Mary                                                  Sacred Heart
Sunday, January 12, 2020                                     Sunday, January 12, 2020
   10:30 am         All Parishioners                 (SM)         10:00 am †        Steven & Nelda Salata
   12:15 pm †       Liduvina Vega & Amparo Reyes     (SM)    Monday, January 13, 2020
Monday, January 13, 2020                                          12:05 pm †        Claude Rashid
    7:00 am †       Delores Johnson                  (SM)    Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Tuesday, January 14, 2020                                         12:05 pm          Kate Smart
    7:00 am †       All Souls                        (SM)    Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
                                                                  12:05 pm †        Hanna Samara
    7:00 am †       Floyd & Dorothy Hicks            (SM)
                                                             Thursday, January 16, 2020
Thursday, January 16, 2020
                                                                  12:05 pm          Fr. Jim Pankiewicz
    7:00 am †       Maria Ngo Thi Phuong             (MC)
                                                             Friday, January 17, 2020
Friday, January 17, 2020
    7:00 am †       Fr. Raymond Lukoskie             (SM)         12:05 pm †        Michael Hennessey
    8:30 am         Spanish Mass                      (SM)   Saturday, January 18, 2020
Sunday, January 19, 2020                                            7:30 am †       Thomas Kramer
   10:30 am †       Steven Alan Godinez              (SM)    Sunday, January 19, 2020
   12:15 pm †       Liduvina Vega & Amparo Reyes     (SM)         10:00 am          All Parishioners

      Missionaries of Charity (MC) • St. Mary (SM)

                                                                                 Saint Joseph
                                                             Saturday (vigil), January 11, 2020
                                                                   4:00 pm †          Jesse & Mary Flores
                   Saint Bernard                             Sunday, January 12, 2020
Sunday, January 12, 2020                                           7:30 am †          Eulalia & Elpidio Lopez
       8:30 am †      Pat Ring                               Monday, January 13, 2020
Wednesday, January 15, 2020                                        7:30 am            Ministry of Sophia’s Kitchen
       8:45 am †      Jim Moehlenhof                         Saturday (vigil), January 18, 2020
Sunday, January 19, 2020                                           4:00 pm †          Carroll Huber
       8:30 am †      Bill & Rosie Crowley                   Sunday, January 19, 2020
                                                                   7:30 am            Community of Tuxpan &

                                                              "I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I
                                                              is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his
 Special Days for the Week of January 12, 2020                sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and
Sunday: The Baptism of the Lord                               fire." - Lk 3:16bc
Monday: St. Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Friday: St. Anthony, Abbot
Saturday: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Next Sunday: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                                                                † Denotes deceased.

                         Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                           11
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