Page created by Samuel Davidson
MASS SCHEDULES                                                  SACRAMENTS & PRAYER
Daily Mass Monday & Tuesday | 8:00am                            Baptism
Daily Mass Wednesday - Friday | 8:00am & 12:05pm                English | Second Saturday of each month 10:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass | 5:00pm                                    Español | Cuarto Sábado de cada mes 10:00am
Sunday Masses | 9:30am, 11:30am, 5:00pm                         Confession
Misa en Español | 1:30pm                                        Thursday | 5:00pm – 7:00 pm
*Nursery is not available during the 9:30am & 11:30am Masses    Saturday | 3:00pm – 5:00 pm (In Grace Hall)
BAPTISMAL CLASSES                                               Contact Fr. Ryan or Fr. Saenz six months in
English | First Saturday of each month 9:00am-12:00pm           advance of desired wedding date.
[Please call church office to register]                         Anointing of the Sick
Español | Segundo Sábado de cada mes 9:00am-12:00pm             Contact the parish office
[Porfavor llamar a la oficina de la Iglesia para registrarse]
                                                                Eucharistic Adoration
HELP WITH ANNULMENTS                                            Thursday | 5:00pm – 7:00 pm
English | Jack Rader | iyaayas03 @ gmail.com
Español | Zulma Diaz | zulma@stlouiswaco.com                    BISHOP LOUIS REICHER
                                                                C A T H O L I C S C H O O L (PK3-12TH)
THE PARISH                                                      Lower School Campus | 254.754.2041
Parish Office Hours:                                            High School Campus | 254.752.8349
M–Th 9:00am – 5:00pm | Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm                   bishopreicher.com

Pastor: Fr. Ryan Higdon | frryan@stlouiswaco.com
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Fernando Saenz | frsaenz@stlouiswaco.com   Blake Evans |bevans@bishopreicher.com
Deacon: Richard Menchaca | dcnrmenchaca@yahoo.com               Principal
                                                                Rob Whitworth |rwhitworth@bishopreicher.com

       2001 North 25th Street | Waco, Texas 76708 | phone: 254.754.1221 | website: stlouiswaco.com
Sunday |Dt 18:15-20/Ps 95:1-2,6-9/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28
Monday| Heb 11:32-40/Ps 31:20-24/Mk 5:1-20
Tuesday | Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7-10/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40
Wednesday | Heb 12:4-7,11-15/Ps103:1-2,13-14,17-18/Mk 6:1-6
Thursday | Heb 12:18-19,21-24/Ps 48:2-3-4, 9-11/Mk 6:7-13
Friday | Heb 13:1-8/Ps 27:1,3,5,8-9/Mk 6:14-29
Saturday| Heb 13:15-17,20-21/Ps 23:1-3-6/Mk 6:30-34
                                                                    FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK
PARISH STAFF                                                           In Christian circles pride is not something that we like to
                                                              promote for rather obvious reasons. Pride attempts to say, in a
Office Administrator: Jennifer Varga                          thousand and one ways, that man doesn’t need God because he’s
jennifer@stlouiswaco.com                                      either a god himself or beyond God’s help. And yet within our
                                                              everyday expressions, there is room for some pride. There’s room
Director of Finance: Kari Klaskin                             for the confidence that comes from respecting oneself enough to
kari@stlouiswaco.com                                          cherish what is good. In spiritual terms, if this is done in a healthy
                                                              way it’s called humility, which is accepting love as it comes without
Spanish Ministry: Adriana Menchu-Johnson
                                                              the temptation to add or subtract. This means that the humble
                                                              person has enough pride in themselves to say thank you when a
Director of Religious Education: Zulma Diaz                   compliment is given or to glow with pride at the accomplishment
zulma@stlouiswaco.com                                         of another. It is with this joy then that I’d like to say that I am so
                                                              proud of our school’s dance team, which recently won the TAAPS
Director of Youth Ministry: Alyssa Trutter                    State championship. Please join me in congratulating them, their
youthministry@stlouiswaco.com                                 families, the coaching staff on their recent accomplishment.

                                                                                                                 Fr. Ryan
Saturday| January 30, 2021
5:00pm Kenneth Knippel                                        VOCATION MINISTRY
Sunday| January 31, 2021                                      Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time...
9:30am E.L. Kuehler                                           God chooses ordinary people to speak his message. Can
11:30am Lucille Castillo                                      you perceive the voice of God in those around you? If you
1:30pm Andrew Alvarez                                         hear God’s voice, harden not your heart. (Deuteronomy
5:00pm Parish                                                 18:15-20). If you think God is calling you to be a priest,
                                                              brother, or sister, contact the Vocation Office at
Monday| February 1, 2021                                      512 .949.2430 or Godiscalling.me
8:00am Robert Cuevas
Tuesday| February 2, 2021
                                                              Collection Report for January 24, 2020
8:00am Alfredo Melgar
                                                              Pew Offering…………...10,537.10
Wednesday| February 3, 2021                                   Electronic Giving……...3,764.34
8:00am Harry Tichavsky                                        Electronic Giving is encouraged
12:05pm Joe Dvorsky                                           Did you know that you can easily give on-line in a safe and
                                                              hassle free way? E-giving is the safe and a highly preferred
Thursday| February 4, 2021
                                                              way for many to give to St. Louis Catholic Church. You can
8:00am Lynn Susan Kilker
                                                              signup for e-giving on the church website: stlouiswaco.com.
12:05pm Michael Sodek

Friday| February 5, 2021                                      ST.LOUIS PASTORAL COUNCIL
8:00am Lucille Castillo                                       The pastoral council meets monthly as an advisory group to
12:05pm A.C. & Margaret Haberl                                our pastor. For questions or concerns please contact
                                                              Tayla Nicholas at taternicholas@yahoo.com. Thank You!

ST. 2001
    LOUISNorth 25th Street | Waco, Texas 76708 | phone: 254.754.1221 | website: stlouiswaco.com
             CATHOLIC CHURCH
COMMUNITY NEWS                                                               SPANISH MINISTRY
Catholic School Week                                                  DESDE EL ESCRITORIO DEL PASTOR
Bishop Reicher is looking forward to celebrating Catholic School
Week on January 31-February 6. Starting with Mass at 9:30am                      En los círculos cristianos, el orgullo no es algo que nos guste
this Sunday. Please go to bishopreicher.com for all planned           promover por razones bastante obvias. El orgullo intenta decir, de mil y
                                                                      una maneras, que el hombre no necesita a Dios porque él mismo sea un
                                                                      dios o esté más allá de la ayuda de Dios. Y, sin embargo, dentro de
Financial Peace University                                            nuestras expresiones cotidianas, hay lugar para algo de orgullo. Hay
Financial Peace University is a class offered to our parish to help   espacio para la confianza que proviene de respetarse a uno mismo lo
us apply the wisdom of the scriptures and best practices for our      suficiente como para apreciar lo que es bueno. En términos espirituales,
finances. The class will start February 2nd at 6:30pm in the JPII     si esto se hace de manera saludable, se llama humildad, que es aceptar
Building. Please email Mike Millerick at                              el amor tal como viene sin la tentación de sumar o restar. Esto significa
                                                                      que la persona humilde tiene suficiente orgullo en sí misma como para
mikemillerick@gmail.com if you have any questions.
                                                                      agradecerle cuando se le da un cumplido o para brillar de orgullo por el
Wednesday Night Bible Study                                           logro de otra persona. Es con esta alegría entonces que me gustaría
Spring Session: The Ascension Press Bible Study, "Jesus, the Way,     decir que estoy muy orgulloso del equipo de baile de nuestra escuela,
the Truth and the Life" will begin in March. There will be a short    que recientemente ganó el campeonato estatal TAAPS. Únase a mí para
introduction and registration meeting Wednesday, February 10th        felicitarlos a ellos, a sus familias y al equipo técnico por su reciente
at 5:30 pm in the JP2 building-Acts Room. Cost of the 10-week         logro.
course which includes a book and notebook is $35. The first                                                             Fr. Ryan
lesson will be on March 10th, from 5:30-7:15 and will run thru
the middle of May. For more information, please contact Diane
Schlecte at dschl@swbell.net or 254-776-4241.
                                                                      NOTICIAS DE LA COMUNIDAD
Covid protocol will be followed.                                      Semana de la escuela católica
                                                                      Bishop Reicher espera celebrar la Semana de la Escuela Católica
NOTES OF SPECIAL INTEREST                                             del 31 de enero al 6 de febrero. Comenzaremos con la misa a las
2021 Calendars                                                        9:30 am este domingo. Visite el sitio web de la escuela https://
We still have calendars available if you would like one. Please       bishopreicher.com/catholic-schools-week para ver todas las
come by the church office to pick up your 2021 calendar. We           actividades planificadas.
would also like to thank DR. Jim Moshinskie of Oakcrest Funeral
Home for sponsoring the beautiful calendars again this year.          Estudio de Biblia
                                                                      Son bienvenidos a participar en el studio de biblia con el Padre
Offering Envelopes                                                    Saenz los Martes a las 6:30pm en JPII
We still have offering envelopes available if you would like a box.
Please come by the church office to pick up a envelope box and a      Calendarios 2021
calendar. Thank you so much!                                          Todavía tenemos calendarios disponibles si desea uno. Pase por
EIM Training                                                          la oficina de la iglesia para recoger su calendario 2021. También
The EIM Office has developed a temporary online EIM training to       nos gustaría agradecer al DR. Jim Moshinskie de Oakcrest
fulfill the compliance requirement. This training is only available   Funeral Home por patrocinar los hermosos calendarios
for renewing applicants. Please go to www.austingdiocese.org/         nuevamente este año. Muchas gracias!
workshop (it take about an hour to complete). You will need to
access your EIM account to gather information needed for              Sobres para Ofrenda
training verification—information on how to login to your             Todavía tenemos sobres para ofrenda disponibles si desea una
account is included on the workshop page. The temporary online        caja. Por favor comuniquese con la oficina de la iglesia para
EIM training fulfills the compliance requirements for up to 3         recoger una caja de sobres y un calendario. Muchas gracias!
years as usual;. Please call the church office if you have any
questions. Thank you!                                                 FORMACION DE LA FE 7-12 GRADOS
                                                                      Formularios para el 4 de febrero
FAITH FORMATION 7TH-12TH GRADE                                        Cualquiera que desee ser confirmado este año debe tener los
Forms Due February 4th!                                               siguientes formularios entregados antes del 4 de febrero:
Anyone who desires to be confirmed this year needs to have the        Formulario de registro de confirmación y registros sacramentales
following forms turned in by February 4th. The St Louis               de San Luis y Formulario de inscripción para el retiro de
Confirmation Registration and Sacramental Records and the
Confirmation Retreat Registration form.
Packet Pick-Up & Adoration Night!                                     Dia para recoger paquetes y noche de adoración
Sunday, February 21st we are having an Adoration night in the         El domingo 21 de febrero tendremos una noche de adoración en
church from 7-8pm for youth and their families. Packets from the      la iglesia de 7 a 8 para los jóvenes y sus familias. Los paquetes del
previous month will be due and we will have the next set of           mes anterior se vencerán y tendremos el siguiente paquete para
packets to be picked up during the night.                             recoger durante la noche.

ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                                                           Waco, Texas
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