Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church

Page created by Darren Delgado
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
Our Lady              of the     Lake Catholic Church                                   Fr. Peter Richards,
         2385 Commerce Blvd. • Mound, MN 55364                                                 Pastor
          (952) 472-1284 • ourladyofthelake.com

                                                         June 6th, 2021
                                        The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
                                      “Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them
                                            and they all drank from it.” - Mark 14:23

                       Reflection of the Corpus Christi Procession
Today is the final big Feast of the Lord flowing over from the Easter Season – Corpus Christi
or The Body of Christ. It would seem that Holy Thursday would be a more appropriate day
to honor the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, but the focus then is on the
institution of the Mass as a commemoration of Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection as a
So, this Feast became a celebration of the universal Church in 1264. I think that since our faith in Jesus
was and always is meant to be public, processions of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament were a natural (or
supernatural, if you will) progression of the Feast. The Feast highlights our belief in the Real Presence of
Jesus Christ – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity – in the host consecrated at Mass. What better person to
“parade” around than the Lord and Savior of the Universe?
Once it became known what Jesus said and the wonders he performed in Galilee, Jerusalem, and the
surrounding area, every time he entered a town, village, or city, a crowd gathered to hear him, meet him,
touch him, be healed by or even just to see him (Luke 19:4 – “…So he ran ahead and climbed up into a
sycamore tree to see him, for he was to pass that way”). Just to see Jesus was a blessing.
Today, in my experience, Catholics are growing in seeing the importance of two things: 1. The importance
of faith in and being in the Real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. 2. To be more public with our beliefs by
learning and expressing them in events like a public Eucharistic procession.
Maybe next year, we can have a Eucharistic procession in Mound?
God bless you and have a great week! Fr. Peter Richards

                                                          Please join us in welcoming Terry Wenninger,
                                                            our new Music Director. Welcome to OLL!

                                    Fr. Peter’s Inaugural Supper Cruise
                                              Friday, July 23rd
                      Enjoy a beautiful summer night with a boat cruise, great food,
                       and a joke or two! We’ll depart from the Port of Al & Alma’s.
                  Boarding begins at 6:45pm with a 7:00pm departure and 9:45pm return.
                          Includes a Silent Auction, Free Raffle and a parting gift!
                               All for only $99 per person! Bon Voyage!!!

               Tickets will be available after Mass (underneath the Bell Tower) the weekends of
                 June 5/6 and June 12/13. Tickets may also be purchased in the church office.
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
USHERS NEEDED!                                    Calendar for the Week of June 6th, 2021
                                                             Monday   June 7tht, 2021
   We are in need of ushers for all Masses and               8:30am   Eucharistic Adoration (John Paul II Chapel)
  especially the Saturday Mass at 5:00pm. Men,               6:30pm   Bible Study (Presentation Room)
  women and students over 16 are all welcome.                6:30pm   Stewardship/Welcoming Committee
     Please consider this wonderful volunteer                         Meeting (Fr. Jager Room)
    opportunity. This typically involves helping             7:00pm Scout Troop Meeting (School Cafeteria)
                                                             Tuesday June 8th, 2021
      at Mass once a month. Please contact                   8:30am Eucharistic Adoration (John Paul II Chapel)
       the church office at 952-472-8200 to                  1:30pm Bible Study (Presentation Room)
           volunteer or with questions.                      5:30pm Confessions (Confessionals)
                                                             6:30pm Mass (Mass Intention: Archdiocese of
                                                                      St. Paul & Mpls.)
                                                             7:15pm Three Conversations (PACE Center)
            Mass Ministry Schedules                          Wed.     June 9th, 2021
                                                             8:00am Mass (Mass Intention: John McCormick)
  The new Mass ministry schedule is available at             9:00am Young Family Adoration (John Paul II Chapel)
         rotundasoftware.com/ministry/                       8:45am Three Conversations (Fireside Room)
OurLadyoftheLake. Please check your schedule and             Thurs.   June 10th, 2021
                                                             8:00am Mass (Mass Intention: Jim Stockinger)
make any necessary changes. We have added more               8:30am Eucharistic Adoration (John Paul II Chapel)
 Communion Ministers, another Lector, and Gift               10:30am Word Service (Lake Minnetonka Shores)
  Bearers. If you have any questions about this,             7:00pm RespectthLife Meeting (Presentation Room)
      please contact me at 952-472-8204 or                   Friday   June 11 , 2021
                                                             8:00am Mass (Mass Intention: Eleanor Quandt)
         clabore@ourladyofthelake.com.                       Saturday June 12th, 2021
                                                             8:00am Westonka Food Shelf Farmers’ Market
                                                                      (Parking Lots)
  Mound Westonka Community Blood Drive                       3:45pm Confessions (Confessionals)
   Thursday, June 10th, from 11:00am to 5:00pm               5:00pm Mass (Mass Intention: Kevin Tritz)
    Location: The Gillespie Center - Great Room              Sunday June 13th, 2021
 Sign up online at www.mbc.org/searchdrives and              8:30am Mass (Mass Intention: Parish)
                                                             9:30am Altar Server Training (Church)
 search sponsor code 0209 or call Memorial Blood             10:30am Mass (Mass Intention: Adrian and
            Centers at 1-888-GIVE-BLD.                                Thomas Meuwisssen )

              Three Conversations                                       Wednesday Morning Mass
All are welcome to join us for Three Conversations!           Beginning Wednesday, June 9th, the Wednesday
Sessions are held on Tuesdays at 7:15pm (following             morning Mass will be at 8:00am through the
6:30pm Mass) in the PACE Center, and Wednesdays                            summer months.
   at 8:45am (following the 8:00am School Mass)
    in the Fireside Room. Hope to see you there!               Altar Server Training • Sunday, June 13th
                                                                Altar Server Training is scheduled for Sunday,
     Bible Study: The Bible and the Mass                     June 13th, following the 8:30am Mass. Children in
                                                             4th grade and above are welcome to attend. If you
 “Biblical Worship is Ritual and Sacrifice” This first             are already an altar server, please come
 lesson looks at the rituals of worship that started                  for updated instructions. Thanks!
   in Genesis and continued through the Book of
    Revelation. Although the word “Mass” is not
 used in the Bible, the liturgy and the sacrifices are                      Church Office Hours
found in all of Scripture. Please come to either the         The Church office has changed to its summer hours.
    Monday sessions (June 7th) at 6:30pm or the                We will be closed all day on Fridays. As always,
      Tuesday sessions (June 8th) at 1:00pm in                   pastoral emergency numbers are available.
               the Presentation Room.

  OLL Cemetery: Please remove cut flowers and                If you would like to schedule a Mass Intention for a
 plants from the graves of your loved ones within              loved one, please stop by the Church Office. The
    ten days after Memorial Day. Thank you!                     suggested offering for a Mass Intention is $7.00.

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
Ever Wonder What God has Planned for Your Life?
                        Discover God’s Plan of Sheer Goodness in the Class of St. Joseph!
    We are excited to announce that Holy Family will be a satellite site this fall for the Archbishop Flynn
Catechetical Institute’s two-year Pillars Program! Student’s will meet on Monday evenings from 7pm – 9pm
  at the parish, participate in the small group dynamic, and gather together to watch the lectures via live
   stream. Taught by the best instructors in the Twin Cities, such as Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Jeff Cavins,
   Deacon Joe Michalak, Fr. John Klockeman, Dr. Bill Stevenson, Deacon Dan Gannon, Dr. Todd Flanders,
  Christina Smith, Alyssa Bormes, Linda Corrigan, Fr. Steven Hoffman, and more. The program follows the
       four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and will make sense of all things Catholic,
                            deepen your faith, and layout the roadmap to heaven.
   The classes are divided into four eleven-week modules with two in-person Saturday morning formative
     sessions per module. Applications for the Class of St. Joseph beginning in September are now being
    accepted through August 1, 2021. For more information and an application visit, www.CIstudent.com
               or call (651) 962-5072. Be sure to fill out the application for the Holy Family site.

                                                   OLL School is Hiring!
Our Lady of the Lake School is looking for a Spanish teacher who loves teaching preschool-8th grade students. This is
a part-time position. If interested, please contact Becky Kennedy at bkennedy@schoololl.com.
We are looking for an experienced and enthusiastic professional to be our Director of Fundraising. In this position,
you will be responsible for the overall planning, management, coordination, and evaluation of the fundraising opera-
tions of the school. This position will be part-time and will report to the Principal of OLL School. If you are interested in
this position, please submit your cover letter and resume to Principal, Becky Kennedy, at bkennedy@schoololl.com.

   Please support our advertisers. Because of them, the printing of the bulletin is possible. This week we feature:

           In Loving Memory of                                     Lake Minnetonka Shores
                                                                   Senior Living Community                 presbyterian
           Roger & Jerry Greene                                    952.471.4000
                                                                                                        homes & services
                   and                                             www.lakeminnetonkashores.org
            Jack & Jane Sutton                                     Equal housing opportunity. All faiths welcome.

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