Join us as we explore the New Rural Lifestyle - Media Kit 2021 * It's where you are...

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Join us as we explore the New Rural Lifestyle - Media Kit 2021 * It's where you are...
Join us
as we
the New
Rural               Media
Lifestyle         Kit 2021

            *   It’s where you are...
Join us as we explore the New Rural Lifestyle - Media Kit 2021 * It's where you are...
            from the
                          It’s where
                          you are...
                          Here. It’s where you are: a
                          landscape stretching from the
                          shores of Georgian Bay, eastward
                          through the Haliburton Highlands
                          and south to the lakes of the
                                                                Here is about:
                                                                • Building homes that reflect
                                                                  values of quality, durability,
                                                                  sustainability and responsibility;
                                                                • How towns are revitalizing and
                                                                  reinventing themselves;
                                                                • Setting up successful
                                                                  professional practices,
                                                                  businesses, shops and
                                                                • Engaging in volunteer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   20,000 copies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4 times a year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Here is a full-colour glossy magazine that celebrates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the communities of Haliburton, Minden, Bracebridge,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Gravenhurst, North Kawartha and Bancroft with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   readership of 50,000 each issue.

                          It’s Ontario’s cottage country –      • Solving problems and building                                                                                                                    Here will be available free of charge at a wide variety
                          reimagined and revitalized.             communities;                                                                                                                                     of events, venues and retailers across the region.
                                                                • Enjoying the outdoors and
                          Central Ontario is experiencing         nature;
                          the fastest growth since              • Local everything;
                          Confederation. A population of        • Living an authentic life.
                          former city dwellers – educated,
                          travelled, skilled and savvy – is     Here connects you with one of
                          making its way north, escaping        the highest value markets in
                          the physical and mental confines      Canada. Our readership has sold
                          of city life to find something new,   their city homes – often with huge                                                                                                                                                  Join us

                          something better beyond the
                          concrete highways and glass
                                                                profits. They need new homes,
                                                                renovations and everything those
                                                                                                        FULL                                                                              HALF                      QUARTER                         as we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the New
                                                                                                        8.5 x 11 (full bleed)                                                             3.5 x 9.75 vertical       3.5 x 4.75 vertical             Lifestyle
                          towers – Here.                        involve. Here readers are high                                                                                                                                                                               Kit 2021

                                                                consumers of recreational               7.25 x 9.75                                                                       7.25 x 4.75 horizontal    7.25 x 2.75 horizontal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      *   It’s where you are...

                          Here is dotted with resort towns      equipment, travel, dining,
                          and former industrial towns. It’s     watercraft, sustainable building
                          infused with natural assets –
                          lakes, hills, rivers and forests;
                                                                products, alternative energy
                                                                systems and energy-efficient
                          peopled by industrious, storied       appliances. They have the income                                                                                                                                                   Positions Available
                          locals and those who have joined      and wealth of city dwellers,                                                                                                                                                       Back Cover
                          them to explore and invest in         without huge mortgages and
                          small-town life. It’s a region        other expenses that limit their                                                                                                                                                    Inside Front Cover
                                                                disposable income. Here readers
                                                                                                                      here* with colin+justin   - 10 -   display ad sizes – spring 2021

                          brimming with opportunities to                                                                                                                                                                                           Inside Back Cover
                          embrace and enjoy the New
                          Rural Lifestyle – nothing less than
                                                                are all-in, full-time, and you have
                                                                the opportunity to help them            SIXTH                                                                             EIGHTH                    TWELFTH                        Inside Pages
                          a more real, more fulfilling and      settle and grow.                        2.25 x 4.75 vertical                                                              3.5 x 2.25 horizontal     2.25 x 2.25 square
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4, 5, 6 & 7
                          happier way of life.                                                          4.75 x 2.25 horizontal
                                                                On any given day, Here readers
                          The New Rural Lifestyle is what       are buying and leasing
                          happens when you add                  commercial properties to start         Give your advertising
                          thousands of new, capable people      businesses; looking at better ways                               Dawn Poissant | | 705-306-9258
                          to established, small country         to heat their homes; considering
                                                                                                       message more reach and
                          communities. It’s entrepreneurial.    the right vehicle for tougher          shelf life by contacting: Michele Guite | | 705-868-8836
                          It’s real. It involves shifting the   winters and country roads;
                          focus from oneself to what’s          thinking about local adventure
                          around you, fully engaging with       activities and distant adventure
                          the people and landscape of one       vacations; hosting friends and
                          of the most beautiful places in the   family; taking up new sports;
                          world.                                managing their income and
                                                                investments; starting new hobbies
                          Here is the standard bearer of the    and pursuing old ones; optimizing
                          New Rural Lifestyle. Here shows       their lives with technology, from
                          newcomers how to settle,              internet services to smart homes.
                          connect, grow and make a
                          difference. Here gives them the       Here is where they are. Here is
                          tools and information they need       where you need to be.
                          to make the most of rural life, and
                          the most of life itself.              Enjoy, Simon Payn

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Join us as we explore the New Rural Lifestyle - Media Kit 2021 * It's where you are...
* message
            from colin
            and justin
                          .. .and we’re here too!
                          What does it mean to be Here?
                          Well, for us, it’s about connecting
                          with the great outdoors, being in
                          the moment, living one’s best life
                          and sharing, with like-minded
                          individuals, the very best that
                          cottage country has to offer.

                          And it’s for those very reasons
                          we’re thrilled to be building upon
                                                                To bring you the very best
                                                                magazine possible, we’ve teamed
                                                                up with Gale Beeby (previously
                                                                Homes editor at the Toronto Star,
                                                                and former Editor-In-Chief of
                                                                HOMES Publishing Group) a
                                                                trusted C+J ally for some 15 years,
                                                                thus far. A friendly force to be
                                                                reckoned with, we know that
                                                                Gale’s broad publishing
                                                                                                      2021 editorial calendar

                                                                                                      Spring: May 13
                                                                                                      • Colin and Justin: Open up to
                                                                                                      new cottaging trends and
                                                                                                      ideas for 2021.
                                                                                                      • Colin and Justin: Beat the
                                                                                                      bugs with our Sunroom 101.
                                                                                                      Tips, guidance and counsel to
                                                                                                                                        Summer: June 24
                                                                                                                                        • Colin and Justin: Docks,
                                                                                                                                        docks, docks. No longer
                                                                                                                                        simply somewhere to tie up
                                                                                                                                        your boat. It’s a sundeck, an
                                                                                                                                        ancillary dining area and a
                                                                                                                                        party zone.
                                                                                                                                                                          Fall: August 26
                                                                                                                                                                          • Colin and Justin: Take it
                                                                                                                                                                          outside! Stylish accessories for
                                                                                                                                                                          the forest hiker; compass,
                                                                                                                                                                          binoculars, utility knives,
                                                                                                                                                                          sunglasses, flasks, boots, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                          • Colin and Justin: Become a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Winter: November 18
                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Colin and Justin: Arts and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Crafts – We explore and chat
                                                                                                                                                                                                              with local artisans.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Colin and Justin: Holiday
                                                                                                                                                                                                              style 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Colin and Justin: Winter
                          the success of Home In The            experience will transport Here to     make the best of bug baffling     • Colin and Justin:               lounge wizard. Our guide to         vehicles include toboggans,
                          Highlands, the lifestyle              a whole new level.                    spaces.                           Treemendous Cabins - Log          creating a bar at home,             sleds, ATVs, snowmobiles …
                          supplement we’ve published, for                                             • Colin and Justin: Keeping it    cabins and why you should         complete with cocktail recipes.     anything to keep you moving
                          the last year, in conjunction with    Get ready to welcome a veritable      Real Estate – What to spend       build or renovate one.            • Colin and Justin: The art of      during the snowy season.
                          Haliburton’s beloved newspaper        raft of Canadian writers and          on to bring home the big          Dispelling myths about them       the buy – what art to buy and       • Holiday Cheer: It’s not just
                                                                                                      bucks if you’re selling this      being dark, focussing on how      why.                                about the eggnog. Drink a
                          The Highlander.                       lifestyle experts, an exciting
                                                                                                      spring.                           to make them cosy.                • Winter Prepping: Time to          toast with a widening array of
                                                                collective that will ensure Here
                                                                                                      • Gardening: Victoria Day         • Colin and Justin: Shake your    bring in the boat and dock          holiday cocktails.
                          Covering all aspects of the           becomes the perfect cottage           weekend is the traditional time   money maker. Make extra           and lock things down for the        • Gardening: Your winter
                          perfect rural existence, we’ll be     companion, and a bright compass       to plant.                         money on a vacation rental        winter season.                      project is to create a
                          championing a respected stable        packed with big ideas from the        • Renovations and Upgrades:       property. The highs and lows      • Gardening: Fall is the perfect    landscaping plan. And don't
                          of creative locals, whilst            best of small town Canada.            Spring cleaning is only the       of opening up to tenants.         time to to plant trees (and         forget your waterfront.
                          welcoming a new generation of                                               start. New appliances, both       • Canada Day: What’s              other things)!                      Active Living: Snow day! The
                          explorers: an ambitious collective    Sharing the creativity and            large and small, could save       happening throughout              • Travel: It’s the time to plan a   best snowshoes, cross-country
                          who’ve chosen to escape the city      individuality of cottage country,     you bundles in energy costs.      cottage country and beyond.       winter get-away. Will it be         skis and winter gear.
                          in pursuit of a decidedly calmer      our new magazine will steer us all    • Active Living: After a winter   • Entertaining: A Canada Day      Europe or a sunny                   • Gift Guide: Local retailers
                          future.                               towards an exciting future …          of lockdown, we are all           feast includes food, drinks and   destination? Or will COVID          and artisans have lots to offer
                                                                                                      anxious to get out and move.      fireworks.                        keeps us within arm’s reach?        for any budget.
                                                                whilst asking: “Where do YOU
                                                                                                      Perhaps RVing is the answer       • Sustainable Gardening:          • Indigenous: Celebrating the       • Travel: For those who want
                          Through all of this, we’ll continue   want to be?” And of course the        to our travel qualms.             Using native plants and trees     community, culture and              something different, the
                          providing inspiration for the local   answer to that simple question,       • Demographics: More people       makes our environment a little    history and the land of the         holidays offer a perfect
                          populous – and of course for our      is Here. We hope you’ll join us.      are moving into the region        healthier.                        First Nations.                      opportunity to travel to new
                          loyal army of seasoned cottagers      For adventure awaits, with the        and working from home. Who        • Travel: Destinations from       • Come From Away: Profiles of       and exotic locations.
                          – whose appetite for sage home        turning of every page …               are they and what do they do?     across the country. Something     people who have given up            • Come From Away: Profiles of
                          (and real estate) advice appears                                            What the numbers tell.            to offer for everyone.            urban life for the more relaxed     people who have given up
                          more potent than ever.                Best wishes, Colin+Justin             • Come From Away: Profiles of     • Come From Away: Profiles of     lifestyle of cottage country.       urban life for the more relaxed
                                                                                                      people who have given up          people who have given up                                              lifestyle of cottage country.
                                                                                                      urban life for the more relaxed   urban life for the more relaxed
                                                                                                      lifestyle of cottage country.     lifestyle of cottage country.

                                                                                                      Give your advertising     Dawn Poissant | | 705-306-9258
                                                                                                      message more reach and
                                                                                                      shelf life by contacting: Michele Guite | | 705-868-8836

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Join us as we explore the New Rural Lifestyle - Media Kit 2021 * It's where you are...
road trip!
                                                                                                                                 RV vacations are on the
                                                                                                                                  rise as travellers opt to
                                                                                                                                      stay close to home

                                                                           Join us
                                                                           as we
                                                                           the New
                                                                                                                                     the great
                                                                                                         Kit 2021
                                                                                                                                         with colin+justin
                                                                                                  *   It’s where you are...

                                                                        inside                                                       furnit~art
                                                                        this issue...
                                                                                                                              Minden artists and furniture
                                                                                                                               makers Chris Hanson and
                                                                                                                                  Hendrika Sonnenberg

                                                                                                                                        go wild!
                                                                                                                                  naturalist planting can
                                                                                                                               enhance your cottage and
                                                                                                                                    your own well-being

                                                                                                                                 stay home,
                                                                                                                                  stay calm,
                                                                                                                                stay happy!
                                                                                                                                         with colin+justin

                                                                                                                                      from kiln
                                                                                                                                        to table
                                                                                                                                The region is on fire with
                                                                                                                                        talented potters

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Join us as we explore the New Rural Lifestyle - Media Kit 2021 * It's where you are...
RV vacations are on the

                                Road trip!          By Marc Atchison
                                                                                                       rise as travellers opt to
                                                                                                       stay close to home.
                                                                                                       After all, is there any
                                                                                                       better place to social
                                                                                                       distance than an RV park?

                                                    It appears the RV industry is sitting in the       based on 2,903 households in Canada and
                                                    driver’s seat and ready to navigate the post-
                                                    COVID-19 world much better than most
                                                                                                       the U.S., revealed that since 2014 six million
                                                                                                       North American households have enjoyed an
                                                                                                                                                          TOP 10 PRIMER
                                                    travel sectors in Canada.                          RV experience and those who take at least          Okay, so I’m ready to shift into high gear and head out
                                                       In fact, the road ahead never looked better     three camping trips a year has increased by        on the open road for my first RV experience. But there
                                                    for Canada’s recreational vehicle industry as      64 per cent over that period.                      are important things to consider and Go Rving Canada
                                                    travellers opt for more staycations as                The Kampgrounds survey also revealed that       has supplied us with a list of 10 things first-timers
                                                    pandemic paranoia persists.                        Western Canada has the highest rate of RV          should know, like:
                                                       Is there a better place to social distance      ownership in North America – 68 per cent –
                                                    than an RV park?                                   followed by Eastern Canada at 60 per cent.         • Create a rental checklist. Some important things to
                                                       Even before the pandemic arrived, the           Interestingly, the Calgary-based Bucars Blog       keep in mind when renting an RV include insurance,
                                                    popularity of RV vacations was on the rise in      reveals that of those Canadians who went           license, deposit, reservations, cancellation policies,
                                                    Canada. A 2018 national study for Go Rving         camping for the first time in 2019, 56 per cent    mileage and convenience packages.
                                                    Canada and RVDA Canada conducted by The            were millennials, 25 per cent were gen X, 14
                                                                                                                                                          • Know your budget. Whether you’re jumping in full-
                                                    Portage Group revealed that there are more         per cent baby boomers and 4 per cent were
                                                    than two million RVs on the road in Canada         over 65 According to Go Rving Canada, 67 per       time for the season or looking for a weekend getaway,
                                                    and that 15 per cent of all Canadian               cent of RV enthusiasts are under the age of 55.    RVing is an affordable lifestyle that offers a range of
                                                    households now own an RV. Another                     Bucers Blog also reports the annual             price-points depending on what you’re looking to do.
                                                    industry report revealed that a million            household income of RVers is $62,000, but 18       For example, a Class C motorhome may cost $1,000 per
                                                    Canadians experienced their first RV trip in       per cent earn in excess of $100,000 annually.      week, while a Travel Trailer is $500 per week.
                                                    2019 and that number grew expediently in              According to long-time RVers, 24 per cent
                                                                                                                                                          • Check out the floorplans of the RVs before renting.
                                                    2020 as staycations became the norm at the         say the most important thing to remember
                                                                                                                                                          It is often worth visiting the dealership prior to
                                                    height of COVID-19.                                when picking a campground is the
                                                       In the past five years, revenue in Canada’s     atmosphere it offers. Another 22 per cent says     booking to see if it’s the right fit for you.
                                                    RV industry has increased by 3.7 per cent and      the location of the campground is the most         • Start small. If it is your first time, it’s best to keep it
                                                    last year alone the sector contributed $3.6        important factor while 18 per cent look at the     simple and get a feel for handling the rental before
                                                    billion to the nation’s tourism coffers.           quality of the campsites and 12 per cent say       setting off coast to coast.
                                                       Sales of RVs, especially big rigs that offer    campground amenities (power, water, etc.)
                                                    lots of space, have been steadily increasing       should be top of mind. People looking for pet-     • Speak to your car insurance broker to see if you’re
                                                    over the past decade and in 2019 sales             friendly campgrounds account for 7 per cent        covered for RV rentals. You may need to arrange
                                                    reached over $4 billion in Canada. That’s an       of all RVers while just 3 per cent chose a         additional coverage from the rental company.
                                                    average annual growth of 2.7 per cent              campsite based on WiFi availability.
                                                    between 2014 and 2019.                                Camping, according to GO Rving Canada,          • Understand the rules and regulations. Check if pets
                                                       But while the cost of RVs has steadily risen,   is the dominant activity among 58 per cent of      are allowed at the campground if you want to bring
                                                    RV vacations are still seen as a cheaper           RVers, 23 per cent like visiting national and      your dog or look into regulations if you plan to cross
                                                    alternative than hotel stays by most               provincial parks, 23 per cent like hiking and      the border.
                                                    Canadians. That was born out in a study            backpacking, 18 per cent hit the beach, 14 per     • Ask the rental dealers which campgrounds they
                                                    conducted by the CBRE Hotels Advisory              cent like sightseeing while the rest like to use   recommend. You can often get some great discounts.
                                                    Group, which concluded that RV vacations,          their RV for visiting family and friends and
                                                    on average, are 62 per cent less expensive         getting closer to nature.                          • Ensure you book the require spaced needed. When
                                                    compared to other vacations.                          Oh, and if you think owning an RV is for        making a campground reservation, make sure you know
                                                       We’re not talking Trailer Park Boys             men only, think again. While 57 per cent of        the size of your RV to ensure you have enough space for
                                                    camping here, either. Over the past decade,        RV owners are male, Go Rving Canada                the unit.
                                                    RV sites have become more theme park in            reports that 43 per cent of RV owners are
                                                    their appearance and now offer amenities           women and the gap between the genders is           • Pack beyond the essentials. Many rental companies
                                                    usually reserved for 5-star resorts.               closing rapidly.                                   pair the RV with accessories you will need for your trip.
                                                       Some private camping sites, for instance,          Ladies and gentleman, start your engines –      It’s important to figure out what exactly comes with
                                                    feature happy hours, restaurants, community        it’s time to go RVing.                             your rental and to pack a little more. You never know
                                                    dinners, evening programs, spas, full-service                                                         what you may need!
                                                                                                         For more information on RVing in Canada
                                                    health clubs, beaches, level patios suited for
                                                                                                       and North America, including a list of
                                                    big rigs, outdoor seating areas and                                                                   • Ask for advice. Talk to your campground
                                                                                                       campgrounds, visit Go Rving at
                                                    clubhouses with pools and games rooms                                                                 neighbours. If this is your first time RVing, there are
                                                                                                       or the Canadian Camping and RV Council at
                                                    offering lots of electronic distractions. Some                                                        tons of hacks seasoned campers can offer to make
                                                    even offer shuttle services to nearby                                                                 your experience easier.
                                                    restaurants, attractions and casinos.              Marc Atchison is the Editor-in-Chief of
                                                       A recent Kampgrounds of America survey,         TraveLife magazine.

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Join us as we explore the New Rural Lifestyle - Media Kit 2021 * It's where you are...
the great
with colin+justin

With summer finally upon us,               CREATE UNIQUE PERSONAL                               THE PERFECTLY                                       our modus operandi. Adding linen table            sun and then sparkle all night. And at under
                                           ACCESSORIES                                          PORTABLE CHAIR                                      runners will soften the overall vibe (while       20 bucks, the price is magical too! Available
                                                                                                                                                    delineating space) and introducing two-tier       from
there’s no better time to make             Up River Trading in Minden and Haliburton offer      Foldaway deck chairs not only look good,            platters and stands will add height and make
                                           a custom printing service which means you can        they’re also stylish and fun into the bargain.      whatever you’re serving stand out. Dress up       CITY MEETS THE COUNTRY
more of your outdoor space, and            create wildly individual personalised cushions and
                                           t-shirts. Cool, huh? Design your own family crest,
                                                                                                Practical and escapist, they’ll bring a touch of
                                                                                                the great British seaside to your al fresco hot
                                                                                                                                                    standard white crockery with cheaper
                                                                                                                                                                                                      There’s a growing trend for outdoor
                                                                                                                                                    seasonal melamine plates and bowls in bright
                                                                                                                                                                                                      furniture: you know – kit that looks like it
thereby enjoy the best season              add the name of your cottage - or lake - and make
                                           accessories that are personal and truly unique.
                                                                                                spots. So go on: give your terrace a top deck
                                                                                                vibe with chairs in blue and white stripes.
                                                                                                                                                    colours to create a fresh new seasonal
                                                                                                                                                    direction. Items shown at the top of the page
                                                                                                                                                                                                      was designed for interior application. The
                                           Great for gifting too. Check out the templates and   And hey: add a matching camp stool to your                                                            contrast of clean, smooth lines and rustic
imaginable. And let’s be honest:           order online at                  outdoor sofa (and some colour co-ordinated
                                                                                                                                                    from Homesense (
                                                                                                                                                                                                      environments make stunning – if slightly
                                                                                                                                                                                                      mismatched – bedfellows. The trick is
                                                                                                cushions) and you’ll have a fresh new look for      STRING THEM ALONG
don’t we all deserve it… after the         FIRE THE IMAGINATION                                 less. All products from Chapters/Indigo
                                                                                                                                                    Imagine capturing fireflies, putting them in
                                                                                                                                                                                                      imagining a patch of your deck or patio as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                      rectangular living room. Plot out your
                                           Outdoor fireplaces are essential, even in the
year we’ve had that’s undermined
                                                                                                                                                    jars, then using them to decorate trees in the    seating to follow the lines of your al fresco
                                           summer months, their glow being as much about                                                            great outdoors. Atmospheric, or what? To          terrain (while making the best of views) and
                                           bringing people together after dark as they are      ADD HEIGHT AND                                      allay any need for entomological entrapment,      dress everything around an outdoor rug to
so much of everyday life?                  keeping folk warm all year round. Choose an          TEXTURES                                            get the twinkly look with the ‘For Living Solar   anchor the scheme. The Landing Collection
                                           option that enhances the style of your home, and     Who says a dressed dining vignette has to be        Jar String Lights in Warm White’ from             from Cabana Coast (,
                                           one that compliments your outdoor furniture, to      formal? Certainly not us. Indeed, when it           Canadian Tire. Each pack consists of ten          shown bottom right, effortlessly captures
With this in mind, here’s Colin and        create a cohesive look.                              comes to table attire, a ‘relaxed casual vibe’ is   strung together mason jars that charge in the     this trend.

Justin’s roundup of what the
dreamiest decks, perfect patios
and beautiful balconies will be
wearing this season.

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Join us as we explore the New Rural Lifestyle - Media Kit 2021 * It's where you are...
                           By Simon Payn Photos by Danielle Meredith

    Chris Hanson and Hendrika Sonnenberg moved to Minden from Brooklyn, New York,
about six years ago, and now work out of their studio off Booth Street. Perhaps best known
 here for their polystyrene sculptures – their Zamboni graced the Minden Arena a couple of
             years ago - they’ve exhibited across Canada and the United States.
  If you get a kick out of home furnishings with a story to tell – items that revel in a kind of
 delicious ambiguity between art, design and utility – their work will raise a smile. Chris and
              Hendrika consult with homeowners to create one-of-a kind pieces.
                  You can find out more at their website:

                                                                                                      This lamp is made of metal street signs, bolted
                                                                                                      together then painted – or left as-is to tell
                                                                                                      their highway story. Wired up, light seeps
                                                                                                      through the gaps. Un-wired and turned
                                                                                                      upside down, you have a bucket that revels in
                                                                                                      its leakiness.

                                                                                                                                                        Part reading lamp, part street furniture.   A nail-sized dot of discoloured wood is one of the few
                                                                                                                                                        This piece is made from cedar reclaimed     clues this bed is made of wooden pallets. Chris and
                                                                                                                                                        from an old dock. It’s inspired by Chris    Hendrika collected discarded skids from around
                                                                                                                                                        and Hendrika’s sculpture of streetlights    Minden, then meticulously cleaned, planed and
                                                                                                                                                        in Halifax, called “Got Drunk, Fell Down    assembled them into a bed that gently yet
                                                                                                                                                        and Fountain.” Smooth to touch and          deliberately hints at its origins. Those discolored dots
                                                                                                                                                        adjustable, its days floating on the lake   are from the nails that kept the pallets together. Re-
                                                                                                                                                        are a misty memory.                         loved skids or finely-crafted furniture? You decide.

                                                                                                      Looks like a mattress, feels like polystyrene.
                                                                                                      “The Beds We Make and Where We Lie” is
                                                                                                      sculpture – place it next to the real daybed      Think of a crowded press-conference, all mic-ed up by network TV. That’s the inspiration for
                                                                                                      and you’ll chuckle each time you walk by.         this maple coat rack. Holes are drilled at angles, then the microphone-hooks are slotted in. Want
                                                                                                      Even the stitching is made from polystyrene.      to change it up? Just play around with the painted mics to get the look you want.

here* with colin+justin                       - 16 -                                 media kit 2021   here* with colin+justin                                              - 17 -                                                       media kit 2021
                                                                       Naturalizing, wildscaping, the New Perennial
                                                                       Movement – whatever you choose to call it,
                                                                       returning a property to a more natural statew
                                                                       is beneficial to the environment and to
                                                                       property owners.
                                                                          “The new buzzword is wildscaping,” says
                                                                       Carolyn Langdon, director of Wild Edibles
                                                                       Haliburton and a member of the Haliburton
                                                                       County Master Gardeners.
                                                                          “More and more property owners are
                                                                       discovering that nature does it best … There

                                                                       is a huge and growing interest in wildscaping
                                                                       or naturalist planting design and for good

                                                                       NEW DESIRE FOR
                                                                       SPACE AND NATURE
                                                                       “The pandemic has made more people aware
                                                                       that nature plays a big role in human health,”
                                                                       says Sable Robertson, ecologist and author of
                                                                       the Earth to Salad blog. Robertson isolated

                                   Homeowners in the                   with her fiancé and his parents at Moore Lake
                                                                       this spring as the family expanded their
                                                                                                                                    THE MANY BENEFITS OF                              Haliburton - Muskoka - Kawartha Lakes
                                                                       naturalizing work on the property.
                                   Highlands are                          “Having a space to experience nature and
                                                                       have a break from the indoors and city life is
                                                                                                                                    Native plants are generally more resistant to
                                                                                                                                                                                      Children’s Water Festival.
                                                                                                                                                                                         FEEL takes online orders for native
                                                                                                                                                                                      perennials, trees and shrubs as well as rain

                                   realizing that, in many
                                                                       very important,” said Robertson.                             pests and disease because they have adapted
                                                                          “As more people had time in the spring to                                                                   barrels. Field says they hope to begin as early
                                                                                                                                    to the area over millennia. This can eliminate
                                                                       do landscaping there seemed to be a shortage                                                                   as November this year. FEEL can also provide
                                                                                                                                    pesticide use and the resulting chemical

                                   cases, nature does it               of plants and materials for the huge influx of                                                                 advice on the best plant choices for your
                                                                                                                                    runoff into the water table. Native plants are
                                                                       interested gardeners.”                                                                                         property.
                                                                                                                                    long-living and require little maintenance. A
                                                                          In addition, many people who found                                                                             By starting to plan now, you’ll have your
                                                                                                                                    naturalized landscape provides food, shelter
                                   best. Discover how                  themselves unemployed or working from                                                                          order ready for your supplier and you can
                                                                                                                                    and protective cover for wildlife. Naturalized
                                                                       home and fearing food shortages decided to                                                                     begin preparing your property so you can
                                                                                                                                    properties can also provide food and
                                                                       grow some of their own food this year,                                                                         plant as quickly as possible when the stock

                                   using naturalist
                                                                                                                                    medicine for people. Deforestation causes
                                                                       according to Langdon.                                                                                          arrives, notes Field.
                                                                                                                                    erosion, drought and climate instability, says
                                                                                                                                                                                         Rebecca Krawczyk, owner/operator of
                                                                                                                                                                                      Botanigals native plant nursery, promotes
                                   planting can enhance                                                                                Wildscaping can save money otherwise
                                                                                                                                    spent on expensive, less hardy plants and on
                                                                                                                                    gas for the carbon-emitting lawn mower. Air
                                                                                                                                                                                      “greenscaping” over landscaping with hard
                                                                                                                                                                                      materials. She sees trees, shrubs, wildflowers

                                   your cottage - and
                                                                                                                                                                                      and groundcovers as “a gentle way to guide
                                                                                                                                    conditioning costs can drop with the addition
                                                                                                                                                                                      traffic flow through an outdoor space”.
                                                                                                                                    of trees and the reduction of reflective
                                                                                                                                                                                         “Once these paths are established, cottage-

                                   your own well-being.
                                                                                                                                    surfaces such as hardscaping.
                                                                                                                                                                                      style stonework can be introduced to prevent
                                                                                                                                       There are also benefits to personal health,
                                                                                                                                                                                      compaction and erosion along favourite trails
                                                                                                                                    says Robertson.
                                                                                                                                                                                      to activity areas.”
                                                                                                                                       “Physical health is improved by the activity
                                                                                                                                                                                         Krawczyk recommends consulting the
                                                                                                                                    of planting the species and the oxygen
                                   By Lisa Harrison                                                                                 increase nearby, mental health through the
                                                                                                                                                                                      right experts, such as ecologists and arborists,
                                                                                                                                                                                      before you dig. They may be able to save you
                                                                                                                                    exposure of nature, even looking out their
                                                                                                                                                                                      money by avoiding the need for hard
                                                                                                                                    window, and spiritual health because of the
                                                                                                                                                                                      materials, tree replacement and more.
                                                                                                                                    deep-rooted sense of belonging that humans
                                                                                                                                                                                         Waterfront property owners are advised to
                                                                                                                                    and nature have imprinted in their genetic
                                                                                                                                                                                      consider the County’s proposed shoreline
                                                                                                                                    and biological coding.”
                                                                                                                                                                                      preservation bylaw when planning. The first
                                                                                                                                                                                      step in shoreline preservation can begin
                                                                                                                                    DESIGNING YOUR                                    immediately by allowing the 30-metre-deep
                                                                                                                                    WILDSCAPE                                         “ribbon of life” along the shoreline to naturalize.
                                                                                                                                    Autumn is a good time to work on both your           “These [ribbons] are nature’s grocery
                                                                                                                                    plan and the land, according to Stephanie         stores, daycare centres, community spaces,
                                                                                                                                    Field.                                            mating spots, and shelter,” says Krawczyk.
                                                                                                                                      Field is president of Friends of Ecological        Naturalizing the ribbon will filter runoff,
                                                                                                                                    and Environmental Learning (FEEL), a              protect slopes from erosion, provide an
                                                                       Carolyn Langdon on her naturalized property with Blue Wood   charitable organization that hosts a popular      important corridor around the lake for small
                                                                       Aster and white-flowered Yarrow.                             native plant sale in May to raise funds for the   wildlife, and more.

here* with colin+justin   - 18 -                      media kit 2021   here* with colin+justin                                                          - 19 -                                                      media kit 2021
THE RIGHT CHOICE                                   miscanthus and phragmites).
                                                                                                         Shrub suggestions include Red Berried
                                                    When choosing plants, you’ll want to look for      Elder, any of the Serviceberries, Red Osier
                                                    those native to two distinct environments.         Dogwood (red branches for winter interest),
                                                       Haliburton County was originally covered        Pagoda Dogwood, and High Bush Cranberry.
                                                    primarily by forest, which means native              For full-size trees that are resilient in a
                                                    plants and shrubs love shade. However,             changing climate, Langdon likes Basswood or
                                                    development has reduced the tree canopy            American Linden, Ironwood, Red Oak, Wild
                                                    and created properties with full sun               Black Cherry, and any of the nut trees.
                                                    conditions, so those owners will need to
                                                    consider plants native to the tallgrass prairies
                                                                                                       BACK TO THE FUTURE
                                                    of Southern Ontario, said Langdon.
                                                       The county is in Zone 4 of the Canadian         A bonus with many of these old-world plants
                                                    rating system for plant hardiness. This is         is their ongoing value in the new world for
                                                    tempered by location, such as a south-facing       food and medicine.
                                                    sheltered spot versus a flat, open space on the       Langdon is taking the next step in
                                                    north side of a property.                          cultivating native plants on her property by
                                                       Other factors to consider when choosing         developing an edible and medicinal garden
                                                    your plants include sun exposure                   called Windfall Food Forest.
                                                    preferences, soil type, symbiotic species,            The Master Gardeners are also branching
                                                    pests, and overall fragility, since much of the    out. Members have been visiting property
                                                    county is windy.                                   owners to help them resolve issues from
                                                       Langdon’s suggested plant choices include       failed perennial beds to waterfront
                                                    Black-eyed-Susan, Coneflower, New England          rehabilitation.
                                                    Aster, Canada Anemone, Cylindrical Blazing            “Horticulturalists were to have met in
                                                    Star, Culver’s Root, Tall Ironweed, and Wild       Toronto this autumn to talk about re-wilding
                                                    Roses. She also lists Foxglove Beard Tongue,       their landscapes, “ said Langdon. “They want
                                                    Wild Bergamot, Multi-coloured Blue-flag Iris,      back what we have – a natural landscape that
                                                    Sneezeweed, Wild Strawberry, Boneset and           is a bit woolly and wild. It’s up to us to value
                                                    Spotted Joe-pye-weed, plus various grasses,        what we have and see the beauty that is
                                                    sedges and rushes (avoid the invasive              around us. No rototiller or herbicide required.”

                                                                     SOURCES FOR PLANTS AND EXPERT ADVICE
                                                                             BOTANIGALS                                                        THE LAND BETWEEN
                                                                    Native plant: nursery installation                                         Shoreline naturalization
                                                                          Algonquin Highlands                                              Consultation/implementation
                                                        |                                       Haliburton. 705-457-1222
                                                                  COUNTRY ROSE GARDEN CENTRE
                                                               Perennial & annual plants, shrubs and trees.                          GROW WILD NATIVE PLANT NURSERIES
                                                                13513 Hwy 118, Haliburton • 705-457-3774                             Native plants, trees. Landscape restoration
                                                                                                                3784 ON-7, Omemee.
                                                                  GROUND COVERS UNLIMITED
                                                            Wholesale nursery Cultivated and native plants                               ROCKWOOD FOREST NURSERIES
                                                                       useful as groundcovers.                                           Trees, landscape design, soil analysis
                                                              1045 Porter Rd, Bethany. 705-277-3005                                         437 Mark Road, Cameron ON
                                                                                                         705-374-4700 / 1-888-833-0473

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stay home,
stay calm,
stay happy!
with colin+justin
                                                                                                   BE BRIGHT WITH BLOOMS
                                                                                                   Ditch formal floral arrangements in favour of
                                                                                                   lazy, casual flower bunches. Be inspired by
                                                                                                   your garden and place foliage and flowers in
                                                                                                   a much more organic way – use lots of small,
                                                                                                   delicate blooms and mix with droopy foliage.
                                                                                                                                                   CHANGE UP YOUR
                                                                                                                                                   Brighten rooms by swapping heavy fabrics for
                                                                                                                                                   lighter alternatives. In the living room,
                                                                                                                                                   remove thick curtains and replace with floaty
                                                                                                                                                   white sheers, or pare back the swags and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   dispensed via your iron. Hang laundry
                                                                                                                                                                                                   outdoors to take advantage of the warmer
                                                                                                                                                                                                   weather (and count those hydro savings!) or
                                                                                                                                                                                                   add summertime fragrance dryer sheets
                                                                                                                                                                                                   when you tumble. And let that uplifting
                                                                                                                                                                                                   summer light flood in; ensure windows are
                                                                                                                                                                                                   sparkling, crystal clear to brighten your
                                                                                                   Ditch the crystal vases and instead use large   hang simple crisp blinds. Change wintery        home… for free. Vinegar and newspaper,
                                                BRING THE OUTDOORS IN                              milk jugs, teapots and tins for a funky         knitted sofa cushions and throws for linen      anyone? Aye, we’re SUCH traditionalists…
                                                                                                   farmhouse feel. The look is whimsical,          and cotton alternatives, and pepper a plain
                                                Indoor wicker furniture immediately makes          relaxed and colourful – the ideal way in        scheme with occasional floral motifs to add a
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ADD SOME COLOUR
Staying in has become the new normal, so        us think of the great outdoors and of exotic
                                                terraces basking in extreme temperatures.
                                                                                                   which to put a smile on your face!              touch of summer. In the bedroom, layer in
                                                                                                                                                   crisp cotton linens, and add soft lambswool     The simplest way to create fresh summer
go on: put a positive spin on it all and make   Try using artwork featuring cottage themes
                                                or use furnishings and accessories that have       MAKE YOUR HOME SMELL                            throws for a touch of luxury. So dreamy. So     mood is to replace darkness with light, and
more of your abode. Yup, be inspired by the     a driftwood appearance for a beachy feel.          LIKE SUMMER                                     comfy. So do it!                                that means… reaching for the paintbrush. Be
                                                                                                                                                                                                   inspired by flowers, greenery and the summer
summer months to create an oasis that’s         And don’t think you have to spend loads of         If fresh flowers aren’t enough to get your
                                                                                                                                                   CLEAN NEST, HAPPY NEST                          sun, and use a tonal palette that feels fresh.
                                                dosh, do yourself a cash saving favour and         nose twitching, use scented candles or                                                          Move away from neutral shades and express
ideal for cocooning, nesting and future         ‘shop smart’ in second-hand stores, yard sales     room diffusers to add a gentle aroma            Nothing feels cheerier than a wonderfully       yourself with ‘naturals’ like bark, moss and
investing, say Colin and Justin.                and markets. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll
                                                find. Antique garden tools, sun baked
                                                                                                   wherever needed. Imagine the smell of
                                                                                                   fresh coffee, baked bread… or even clean
                                                                                                                                                   clean nest, so find time to take your spring
                                                                                                                                                   cleaning to the next season. Indulge your
                                                                                                                                                                                                   stone. Blue and white will immediately make
                                                                                                                                                                                                   you feel coastal, while white painted
                                                benches and weather-beaten painted signs           laundry – there are so many scents that         place with scented candles, and give your       horizontal shiplap will evoke dreamy,
                                                will all import a little outdoor escapism inside   truly make us feel happier.                     laundry and bedding a lift with linen water,    clapboard New England homesteads.
Being stuck indoors has given us all a chance   without breaking the bank. Double bubble!
to examine our abodes under the                 And who doesn’t like that?

microscope. Hmm: do we actually like that       ADD NATURAL ELEMENTS
which we see? Or are our homes failing to       Choose rolled up bamboo blinds and swap
                                                heavy wool floor rugs for natural alternatives
deliver the feel-good factor that, these days   such as seagrass and sisal to proffer a cool
especially, we so badly need? As summer         aesthetic. Beach house chic is inspired by all
                                                sorts of elements, not least white painted
temperatures begin to play ball, be inspired    floorboards with bright cotton rag rugs, and
by brighter, warmer days and let the            bird and fish motifs.

sunshine flood your home to create a place      GO BACK TO THE LAND
of beauty, safety and sanctuary.                Create your own market garden by using
                                                fruits and vegetables as colourful room
                                                accessories. Pop a dozen fresh lemons into a
                                                clear glass orb vase for a modern burst of
                                                colour in the kitchen, dress your dining table
                                                with a basket of fresh carrots, onions and
                                                lettuce, or use ornamental cabbages as ‘floral’
                                                alternatives as part of a table centrepiece. The
                                                good news is that, when you’ve finished
                                                looking at them, you can eat them too.
                                                Double bubble! And who doesn’t like that?

here* with colin+justin             - 22 -                                  media kit 2021         here* with colin+justin                                            - 23 -                                                  media kit 2021
                                                                                                                                                                      Charlene McConnell’s daughter thought the
                                                                                                                                                                      mottled texture of her pottery resembled the
                                                                                                                                                                      shell of a mythical dragon egg. And so an idea
                                                                                                                                                                      was hatched, so to speak. McConnell decided
                                                                                                                                                                      to call her line of pottery the ‘dragon egg
                                                                                                                                                                      series’. To create this signature dappled look,
                                                                  AMAZING GLAZE

                                                                                                                                                                      Charlene blows bubbles onto the clay of the
                                                                  For potters Grahame and Debbie Wales, the glaze is the most important part of the process.          formed piece. After firing and glazing the
                                                                  They use propane to fire the kiln so that by adjusting the gas when they bake the glaze, they       effect becomes permanent. The result she
                                                                  can reduce the oxygen flow. This is called ‘reduction firing’. It pulls oxides from the clay and    says is pottery that’s “functional yet fun”.
                                                                  especially the glazes. 1234 Crooked House Road, Minden. Open by chance or appointment               2368 Eagle Lake Road, Haliburton. See
                                                                  throughout the year. See                                          

           The region is on fire with talented potters.
             Here are some pieces that would grace                                                                                                                    RUSTIC SIMPLICITY
                                                                                                                                                                      For Lisa Barry of Homestead Pottery, it’s all

                   any table this season...or anytime!
                                                                                                                                                                      about honouring the past. Her Haliburton
                                                                                                                                                                      studio is in her great grandfather’s
                                                                                                                                                                      homestead and she fires her ceramics the
                                                                                                                                                                      original way – using wood as a fuel for her
                                                                  OPEN TO INTERPRETATION
                                               By Linda Boyle                                                                                                         kiln. As the clay bakes, it’s affected by the path
                                                                  Potter Renée Woltz uses a technique she calls ‘openwork’ to create stunning ceramic latticeworks.   of the flame through the kiln, leaving ash
                                                                  She carves holes in a leaf motif in platters and vases to evoke the beauty of her Kashagawigamog    deposits and darkening or lightening the hue
                                                                  Lake surroundings. After carving, Woltz fires the pottery at 1,000 C and quickly cools it. This     depending on the type of wood. Each piece is
                                                                  methodvit creates interesting colour and crackle effects on the open carvings. You can find         utilitarian. Barry believes there’s elegance in
                                                                  Renee’s work at the Ethel Curry and Rail’s End galleries. See   simplicity. See

here* with colin+justin      - 24-               media kit 2021   here* with colin+justin                                               - 25 -                                                      media kit 2021
Sylvia and Wayne Rose’s clients often request a demonstration of their pottery specialty, Raku. And it’s quite a show. They remove red-hot pottery
from the kiln and place them in small pits with combustibles. The combustibles flame up before the pit is covered to eliminate oxygen flow into
the pit. The process gives the pieces a certain luster that can’t be achieved with normal firing. 2254 Duck Lake Road, Minden. See

                                                                                                                   CRAFTED LAYERS
                                                                                                                   For April Gates of Blackbird
                                                                                                                   Pottery, it’s all about layers.
                                                                                                                   She paints, draws, etches and
                                                                                                                   inlays materials on pieces to
                                                                                                                   create vivid imagery. Each
                                                                                                                   piece is meant to tell a story or
                                                                                                                   evoke a memory. At the same
                                                                                                                   time, her pottery is functional
                                                                                                                   and serves a purpose. Recently,
                                                                                                                   one of her works graced the
                                                                                                                   cover of ‘The Crafted Dish’, a
                                                                                                                   national industry publication.
                                                                                                                   Blackbird Pottery, 5843
                                                                                                                   Gelert Road, Haliburton.
For Lisa Barry of Homestead Pottery, it’s all about honouring
the past. Her Haliburton studio is in her great grandfather’s
homestead and she fires her ceramics the original way –
using wood as a fuel for her kiln. As the clay bakes, it’s
affected by the path of the flame through the kiln, leaving
ash deposits and darkening or lightening the hue depending
on the type of wood. Each piece is utilitarian. Barry believes
there’s elegance in simplicity. See

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