KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...

Page created by Jimmie Ramsey
KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...
                                        A newsletter for friends and supporters of the Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Disease
                                        Research Center and The Memory Study. Visit us at:

                                        SPRING / SUMMER 2020                                        VOL.8 ISSUE 1

It feels like eons since we’d last produced                   and train a wonderful set of Harvard students and junior
another issue of our Center’s KEEP IN MIND                    colleagues each year, and often also get to host students
newsletter, and we’ll like to thank everyone for              from throughout our country and indeed, from Asia,
their patience as we pull together the pieces of a            Europe, Australiasia, South America and the Middle East
lengthier newsletter this time around.                        each year. As you peruse this issue, you will be thrilled to
This issue is of great pride to us, as it showcases some      learn more about the awards & achievements of some
of the talented students and scientists from all over the     of these teammates who join us in our fight against
world who travel to the MGH in order to train in our          devastating brain diseases.
labs and learn more about outstanding patient care.
The accompanying image beside this message is taken
from the front page of the October 3, 1996 issue of the
Harvard Gazette and it is certainly an ‘ancient’ image of
our Center’s Associate Director (Dr. Teresa Gomez-Isla)
and I discerning brain-cell images in our lab during that
era. Teresa was one of our first international trainees/
fellows who had travelled to our shores from Spain to
engage in Alzheimer’s disease research for a few years
before returning to Spain. It is indeed gratifying to see
her come full-circle since that time, returning to MGH
after becoming a leading clinician scientist in Europe,   Photo Credit:
to take on the challenge of serving as the Associate
Director of our Center! We have had the honor to recruit                                          Continued on the next page

             MORE INFORMATION                                         WAYS TO GIVE
             If you would like to learn more about our                For information about ways to support the clinical
             research studies, please call: 617.643.5200 or           care, research, teaching and community health
             visit us at                                activities of the Massachusetts ADRC, please contact
                                                                      Liang Yap at 617.726.3987
KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...
A MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF                                    contribute to our growing collection of specimens in
Continued from Page 1                                       our Center’s “biobank” in order to partner with us in this
                                                            innovative research!
To mirror and reinforce our efforts in training the next    I know that many of us are concerned about developing
generation of first-rate clinician-scientists, we held      dementia in early midlife, right when we are still
our inaugural “John H. Growdon, MD symposium” at            providing for our families and actively engaged in our
the MGH on November 25, 2019. The symposium is              workplaces and our beloved communities. I would
named in honor of Dr. John Growdon – the founder            urge everyone to check out page 28 for a study (the
of our Center and of the MGH’s Memory Disorders             ‘HATCH’ study – yes, an acronym again!) led by Dr. Jill
Unit (MDU) clinic and the MGH’s Movement Disorders          Goldstein to identify the risks of developing Alzheimer’s
Unit clinic. Dr. Growdon had welcomed and trained so        disease in early midlife. A close MGH colleague of ours,
many of our mentees since the beginning of memory           Dr. Goldstein has led the federally-funded Clinical
and dementia care at the MGH, and we all owe our            Neuroscience Laboratory of Sex Differences in the Brain
heartfelt appreciation to all the speakers, panelists and   ( for decades and she
Keynote Speakers --- all trained by Dr. Growdon – who’d     is an expert on sex differences in health and diseases
                                                            associated with the central nervous system such as
                                                            depression and its connection to heart disease.

                                                            In past issues, we had sometimes showcased the talents
                                                            of research participants and patients (when they permit
                                                            us!) and in that tradition, we are honored to feature the
                                                            works and life of novelist Shiao-Shen Yu in the centerfold
                                                            of the newsletter. I am sure that you will enjoy learning
                                                            more about her books!

                                                            On the home front, I am certain that many of you have
Photo courtesy of Dr. John Growden                          already met our wonderful Ambassador of Clinical
                                                            Research – Judy Johanson. We had last featured a
presented at the outstanding event. You can find out
                                                            piece written by her in the Spring/Summer 2016 of our
more about the symposium (and Dr. Growdon’s own
                                                            newsletter and four years later, we again welcome her
reflections!) on pages 40 & 41 of this issue!
                                                            perspectives on her life-paths on page 36!
Have you ever wondered about why we collect blood
                                                            In closing, I want to thank each of you for being part
samples and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from our research
                                                            of the family – it is your dedication and effort that
participants? Also, what is an “LP” (lumbar puncture)?
                                                            makes it possible to do everything humanly possible
These acronyms may or may not be found in the
                                                            to help each other fight these diseases, and we take
canned alphabet soups that we all enjoy now and then,
                                                            great strength and comfort in coming together. All my
but these are vital “biospecimens” that are collected to
                                                            colleagues join me in saying “thank you”!
hunt for specific “biomarkers” of dementia and related
neurodegenerative disorders. Do learn more about LPs        																			~ Brad
& CSFs from Dr. Pia Webb’s piece on page 29, and please

2   keep in mind!
KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...
                                                                      A newsletters for friends and supporters of the
                                                                      Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Disease Research
                                                                      Center and the Memory Study

                                                                      SPRING/SUMMER 2020
                                                                      VOL. 8 ISSUE 1
                                                                      DIRECTOR, MASSACHUSETTS ADRC
                                                                      Bradley T. Hyman, MD, PhD

Photo courtesy of                         CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                                                                      Iman Aganj, PhD
Alois Alzheimer (1864 –1915): “It was here in the years 1886/87
that he presented the disease named after him to the public for       Rachel E. Bennett, PhD
the first time in 1906 at the local psychiatric university clinic.”
                                                                      Simon Dujardin, PhD
                                                                      Maria Calvo Rodriguez, PhD
IN THIS ISSUE                                                         Nancy Coppleman, BA
                                                                      Sudeshna Das, PhD
Scenes and Celebrations								                         Page 4        Jennifer R. Gatchel, MD, PhD
                                                                      John H. Growdon, MD
Talent Spotlight												                            Page 5 - 30
                                                                      Jeanette M. Gunther, MS
More about Lumbar Punctures                                           Judith A. Johanson, BA
by Dr. Pia K. Webb 										                           Page 29       Doo Yeon Kim, PhD

Development of Clinical Algorithm                                     Masato Maesako, PhD
to Identify Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease                              Ayush Noori
in Early Midlife												             Page 31
                                                                      Derek H. Oakley, MD, PhD
Words from a Novelist -                                               Alberto Serrano Pozo, MD, PhD
Ms. Shiao-Shen Yu											                            Page 33       Ana C. Silva-Amaral, PhD
A New Path 															                              Page 36       Pia K. Webb, MD, PhD
                                                                      Liang Yap, PhD
Celebrations at the Inaugural
John H. Growdon, MD Symposium!		                        Page 40       GUEST WRITER
                                                                      Jill M. Goldstein, PhD
                                                                      Shiao-Shen Yu

                                                                      DESIGN AND PRODUCTION
                                                                      Teresita O. Olson, MBA
KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...
Scenes and Celebrations!
                                                                                          with local communities, particularly those that
                                                                                          have traditionally been underserved. We have
                                                                                          worked very hard to build a welcoming path for
                                                                                          research participants from all walks of life, along
                                                                                          with their care partners. Much of our outreach
                                                                                          involves education: increasing awareness about
                                                                                          memory loss and aging in a conversational way,
                                                                                          establishing rapport and being available to people
                                                                                          wherever they may be. We do a lot of listening –
                           Wonderful Nancy (seen second from the left) with
                           community colleagues!                                          the education process definitely goes both ways! I
                                                                                          see outreach as connecting the dots, seeing how
                           CONGRATULATIONS to Nancy                                       one person can help another and finding creative
                           Coppelman of our Outreach, Recruitment                         solutions to very real, often tragic problems. It
                           & Education (ORE) Core --- on her receiving                    is an organic process similar to being a crafts
                           the 2020 Partners in Excellence Award (category:               person — weaving random threads into patterns
                           Fostering Community).                                          and relationships, creating a human design to
                           “I see this award as a recognition of all my colleagues        support the groundbreaking scientific work being
                           at MADRC, MGH, CNY & BWH - all of us who work                  done at the Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Disease
                           in outreach and recruitment. I think the award                 Research Center. My role is to be a welcoming
                           acknowledges the importance of connecting                      presence at the door to this essential research.”

                           MORE CELEBRATORY NEWS!
                                                                 by Liang Yap, PhD
                                                                                          Much congratulations to Yakeel Quiroz,
                                                                                          PhD of our ORE Core for receiving
                                                                                          the MGH’s 2019 Ernesto González
                                                                                          Award last Fall. Together with Martha
                                                                                          Muniz – a clinical research coordinator of the
                                                                                          Harvard Aging Brain study who had also receive
                                                                                          the award – both are commended for their
                                                                                          outstanding efforts to the Latino community!

                                                                                          For more information, visit:: https://www.
                                    Dr. Quiroz (L) and Ms. Muniz (R) with Dr. Gonzalez!
                                                              Photo courtesy of MGH
KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...

                                                                    ANA CLAUDIA SILVA-AMARAL, PHD

I am originally from Brazil,
specifically from the state
of Minas Gerais, the country’s
storehouse of mineral riches (as
indicated by the name). The state
is the largest producer of coffee
in the country (you’re welcome!)
and an important contributor to
farming and agriculture, which has
                                         pain. This was my introduction to       study the brain. I joined Dr. Angela
provided the ingredients to great
                                         neuroscience. I was fascinated by       Ribeiro’s neuroscience and cognition
food and drinks. My entire family is
                                         the possibility of using nutrients to   laboratory at Universidade Federal
in Brazil and yet, I have lived in the
                                         modulate neurotransmitters and          de Minas Gerais (UFMG) as a
US over the years on three separate
                                         help improve our patients’ quality      research fellow and learned about
occasions. When I was a child, we
                                         of life and I decided I wanted to       molecular and behavioral deficits in
lived in San Diego for one year

                                                                                 thiamine deficient rats. At this time,
while my mother was studying
                                                                                 I contacted a researcher in Boston
Psychology. Then back in Brazil, I
                                                                                 who used a prenatal malnutrition
took up volleyball and ended up           I was fascinated by                    model that we were establishing at
returning to the US to go to college      the possibility of using               UFMG. Through this contact I ended
in Idaho on an athletic scholarship.      nutrients to modulate                  up coming to Dr. Douglas Rosene’s
After college I returned to Brazil        neurotransmitters and
                                                                                 laboratory at Boston University. In my
and took up my graduate studies           help improve our patients’
in Nutrition. During this time, I
joined a multidisciplinary research
group treating cancer patients
                                          quality of life and I
                                          decided I wanted to study
                                          the brain.
                                                                                 PhD project I was able to combine
                                                                                 my background in nutrition and my
                                                                                 interest in the brain to investigate
                                                                                 the long-term effects of prenatal
who suffered from debilitating

                                                                                                     Continued on next page

                                                                                         newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   5
KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...
protein malnutrition in the brain of
adult rats. After having used animal
models to study the brain, I decided
to pursue research that utilized
human brains and that was more                                                      courtesy of
                                                                    Map highlighting Dr. Amaral’s hometown of Minas Gerais
clinically relevant. I transitioned to
a postdoctoral research position in
Dr. Teresa Gomez-Isla lab at MGH.         ECOR (“Executive Committee on          I consider it a privilege to be part of
Teresa’s expertise as a neurologist       Research”)/MGH titled: “Selective      this research community at MGH and
has helped me design and conduct          partial decrease of glycogen           to personally handle such invaluable
experiments that translate to human       synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK-3β)        brains daily. I am looking forward to
disease. In her lab, I have worked        diminishes tau phosphorylation,        joining MGH faculty as an Instructor
on two main projects: 1) I used a         propagation, and formation of tau      in Neurology soon, to continue
transgenic mouse model to study           aggregates in the mouse brain”.        my work on Alzheimer’s disease
the spreading of pathological tau         Presenting the results of my work      amidst other talented colleagues
in the brain, and 2) my current           to the MGH research community          at the MassGeneral Institute for
research focuses on deciphering           was a truly rewarding experience       Neurodegenerative Disease (MIND).
the traits of resilience to Alzheimer’s   and receiving the award a gratifying   It seems like the third time was the
pathology using post-mortem               recognition for the hard work over     charm and, after having been in
human brain tissue. Earlier this year     the past couple of years.              the US for over thirteen years now,
I received a Poster of Distinction                                               I consider Boston my home away
Award for a poster I presented at                                                from home.

6   keep in mind!
KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...

                              DEREK H. OAKLEY, MD, PHD
                                                                                 related dementias. I am using this
                                                                                 group of iPS cells to perform the
                                                                                 research in my AACSF fellowship
                                                                                 under the mentorship of Dr. Brad
                                                                                 Hyman, director of the MADRC,
                                                                                 and Dr. Matthew Frosch, director of
                                                                                 the MADRC neuropathology core.
                                                                                 Broadly, the project will seek to
                                                                                 understand how aggregated forms
                                                                                 of the protein “Tau” effect neurons in
                                                                                 Alzheimer’s disease.

                                                                                 In Alzheimer’s disease, brain cells
                                                                                 (neurons) become sick and develop
                                                                                 aggregations of proteins within the
I am a neuropathologist and             undergraduate studies. To complete       cell bodies. Tau, a protein normally
post-doctoral fellow at the             my MD and PhD degrees, I                 present in neurons, is the major
Massachusetts Alzheimer’s               moved to Columbia University in          component of these aggregates.
Disease Research Center                 New York City, largely due to its

(ADRC). Recently, I was awarded         strengths in neuroscience and the
the Alzheimer’s Association Clinician   emerging field of human stem cell
Scientist Fellowship (AACSF) for my     biology. Subsequently, I completed
                                                                                    I am using stem cells
project entitled “Tau aggregation       anatomic pathology residency and
                                                                                    derived from autopsy-
and toxicity in patient derived iPS     neuropathology fellowship at the
                                                                                    confirmed Alzheimer’s
neurons”. This research project         Massachusetts General Hospital/             disease patients to create
uses stem cells made from ADRC          Harvard Medical School, where I             personalized human
brain bank donors to study the
mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease.

I am originally from Glen Carbon,
                                        solidified my interests in dementia.

                                        At this time, I also began building a
                                        patient-derived cohort of induced
                                                                                    a dish.
                                                                                    models of the disease in

Illinois, and attended Washington       pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) for
University in St. Louis for my          research in Alzheimer’s disease and
                                                                                                     Continued on next page

                                                                                         newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   7
KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...
Photo courtesy of

The spread of tau aggregates is         the neurons afterwards. Preliminary     in neurons. Hopefully, this project
thought to drive cognitive decline      data suggest that human stem            will help improve our understanding
in Alzheimer’s disease. However, the    cell-derived neurons may become         of one of the major brain-changes
scientific community does not have      sick and die once tau aggregation       that occurs in Alzheimer’s disease.
a complete understanding of how         has occurred - an observation           It will also produce an experimental
tau aggregates in neurons lead to       that has not been directly seen         system that can be used for many
the neuronal dysfunction and death      in animal models of Alzheimer’s         future studies, including drug
seen in Alzheimer’s disease.            disease. During my fellowship, I will   discovery.
                                        perform experiments to confirm
I am using stem cells derived from                                              Being a member of the group at the
                                        this observation and use patient-
autopsy-confirmed Alzheimer’s                                                   MADRC and beginning this research
                                        specific stem cells to see if neurons
disease patients to create                                                      project is a fantastic opportunity.
                                        derived from Alzheimer’s disease
personalized human models of the                                                I am thankful for the support of
                                        patients are more sensitive to tau
disease in a dish. Our approach uses                                            the Alzheimer’s Association and
                                        aggregates than those derived
time-lapse microscopy to watch                                                  very grateful to the patients and
                                        from people without this disease.
individual stem cell-derived neurons                                            families that participate in and
                                        We will also attempt to determine
in a dish over a period of up to one                                            support this work.
                                        exactly which of the multiple forms
month, to induce the formation of
                                        of tau seen in aggregates is most
tau aggregates in these cells, and to
                                        responsible for the negative impacts
then determine what happens to

8   keep in mind!
KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...

                                                                         JENNIFER R. GATCHEL, MD, PHD

Growing up in the idyllic
central Texas hill country,
I developed a love of Texas
sports and BBQ and all
things sun and summer. I
also experienced firsthand,
in my close-knit Italian family,
the devastating impact of
neurodegenerative disease: I
witnessed my grandmother, an
Italian immigrant and one of my
primary caregivers, struggle with               Dr. Marie A. Bernard (L) – Deputy Director of the National Institute on Aging at
                                                                 the National Institutes of Health – with Dr. Jennifer Gatchel (R)
the movement and behavioral
changes of Parkinson’s Disease.         work, which led to the discovery            Following my medical school and
Seeking to better understand this       of an insulin signaling pathway             graduate school training, I went on
disease process, and, ultimately,       shared across affected brain regions        to complete Psychiatry residency
to be able to do more to help her       in neurodegenerative disease,               at Massachusetts General Hospital/
and others who were similarly           further fueled my drive to develop          McLean Hospital, and then the
affected, I went on to pursue MD/       approaches to prevent or slow               Harvard Medical School Geriatric
PhD training in the Baylor College of   neuronal degeneration. Together,            Psychiatry Fellowship Program.
Medicine Medical Scientist Training     these early personal and scientific         As I cared for older adults with
Program. There, I worked with Dr.       experiences were formative                  debilitating late life depression,
Huda Y. Zoghbi, an extraordinary        in motivating me to pursue a                anxiety and memory disorders, I
scientific and professional role        career as a physician scientist in          became increasingly interested
model, and modeled mechanisms           geriatric psychiatry, working at            in determining mechanisms
of neuronal death and dysfunction       the interface of mental health and          underlying these behavioral and
in mice and in cells in a dish. This    neurodegenerative disease.                  cognitive symptoms. Drawing

                                                                                                          Continued on next page

                                                                                              newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   9
KEEP IN MIND! - Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease ...
from my graduate school work, and                                                 there are few effective treatments.
further motivated to investigate                                                  The goals of my BrightFocus project
                                             Although my grandmother
these pathways in patients using                                                  were to determine the association
                                             ultimately lost her battle
neuroimaging and fluid biomarkers,                                                between mild psychiatric and
                                             with neurodegenerative
I sought the guidance of a diverse           disease, her memory, and             behavioral symptoms, memory
“dream team” of research mentors             the motivation to help               decline, and build-up of Aβ, tau, and
at Harvard: Dr. Deborah Blacker,
and Geriatric Psychiatrist and
epidemiologist; Dr. Gad Marshall
a Behavioral Neurologist with
                                             me today.
                                             other older adults like
                                             her, continues to drive
                                                                                  brain pathway changes in normal
                                                                                  older adults and those in the pre-
                                                                                  Alzheimer’s and early AD stages.
                                                                                  Results from this project, published
expertise in neuropsychiatric                                                     in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease                                                   and JAMA Network Open, showed
(AD); and Drs. Reisa Sperling and         changes In AD. In AD, changes occur that in healthy older adults, mild
Keith Johnson, leaders of the             not only in a person’s memory and       depressive symptoms are associated
landmark Harvard Aging Brain              thinking, but also in their mood        with tau in two brain regions of
Study, designed to identify the           and behavior. Symptoms such as          initial deposition in older adults.
earliest signs of memory decline          depression, apathy and withdrawal       We also found that brain amyloid
in otherwise healthy older adults.        are common and distressing to           influences the association between
I additionally benefited from the         patients and their families, and can    depression and memory, such that
mentorship of Drs. Brent. Forester        be just as debilitating, if not more    worsening depression over time is
and Olivia Okereke (Geriatric             so, than changes in memory and          closely associated with declining
Psychiatrists) and Dr. Steven Arnold      thinking. These psychiatric and         memory and thinking in those
(Psychiatrist and Neurologist), all       behavioral symptoms may occur           with evidence of elevated amyloid.
accomplished scientific mentors with      very early in the disease process, in   These findings from my BrightFocus
diverse expertise in neuropsychiatric     the “pre-Alzheimer’s” disease stage,    project have implications for clinical
disorders in older adults.                when a person may have the AD           trials in AD. Indeed, they suggest
                                          proteins, amyloid beta (Aβ) and         that targeting behavioral symptoms
These mentors have provided
                                          tau, in their brains, but before they   could be a potential strategy to
critical guidance as I learned clinical
                                          have developed overt signs of the       prevent the clinical symptoms
research principles. Working with
                                          disease. There is currently not a clear of AD, a hypothesis that merits
them, I was additionally awarded a
                                          understanding of why and how            testing in future work. To follow
BrightFocus Foundation fellowship
                                          these debilitating psychiatric and      up on these findings, I am now
in 2016 to support my work
                                          behavioral symptoms occur, and          carrying out an NIH/NIA K23 project
investigating mood and behavioral

10   keep in mind!
Photo caption: Baylor College of Medicine,
                                                                                     courtesy of

examining associations among             impact in the lives of patients          (and being entertained) by my two
mood, memory and pathology               and their families, whether by           Russian blue cats, Cosmo and Mr.
in older adults with more severe         promoting healthy brain aging and        Whiskers. My love of Texas football
depression. In recognition of these      mental health, training the next         and BBQ have persisted, but have
efforts, in 2017 I was selected to       generation of geriatric psychiatrists,   broadened to include Boston
receive the Outstanding Emerging         or advocating for legislative action     sports teams, and to sampling and
Research Scientist award by the          to support patients and families. I      cooking a wide range of diverse
BrightFocus Foundation, and in 2019,     enjoy giving talks on these topics       cuisines with family and friends,
the Hartford-Jeste Award for Future      in the community and to fellow           including Italian recipes handed
Leaders in Geriatric Psychiatry by the   clinicians and scientists across all     down through generations of my
American Psychiatric Association.        disciplines, and raising awareness,      family. To balance this out, I am an
                                         which can translate into an overall      enthusiast of personal training and
Although my grandmother
                                         larger support network for patients      fitness (running, interval training,
ultimately lost her battle with
                                         and families.                            pilates, and yoga), fashion and style,
neurodegenerative disease, her
                                                                                  volunteering at my faith community,
memory, and the motivation to            While I have come a far distance
                                                                                  the Paulist Center, and maintaining
help other older adults like her,        from the idyllic Texas hill country,
                                                                                  steadfast pursuit of the most
continues to drive me today. Indeed,     Boston has become a second
                                                                                  beautiful beaches near and far.
my clinical research interests are       home to me. When not carrying
sub-served by a more fundamental         out research, I enjoy entertaining
desire to have an even larger

                                                                                           newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   11

                                ALBERTO SERRANO-POZO, MD, PHD

                                                                               Hyman’s mentorship, I investigated
                                                                               the associations between cognitive
                                                                               decline and brain autopsy findings
                                                                               in patients with Alzheimer’s
                                                                               disease and age-matched healthy
                                                                               individuals. I am extremely grateful
                                                                               to our research participants for their
                                                                               generosity with our brain donation
                                                                               program; without this invaluable
                                                                               ultimate gift, we would not have
                                                                               the possibility of advancing the
                                                                               research on these terrible diseases.
I was born and raised in                received my MD in 2001 at the          My scientific publications during
Málaga, a mid-sized city in the         University of Málaga School of         this period (2008-2013) resulted in
Southern Mediterranean coast            Medicine and then completed my         my PhD at the University of Seville
of Spain. Professionally, it’s been 11  first neurology residency in 2006 at   in 2013. Next, to become a board-
fantastic years in the US, but I cannot the University Hospital Virgen del     certified neurologist in the US and
help missing Málaga sunny weather Rocío in Seville (Spain). During those       caring for dementia patients while
throughout the year, the amazing        years, I became very motivated         continuing my research program,
food and, above all, my family. I try   to specialize on dementias and         I pursued a second neurology
to go back home a couple of times       decided to do a 2-year research and    residency, which I completed at the
every year to spend quality time with behavioral neurology fellowship          University of Iowa in 2017. Lastly,
my parents and siblings.                at the same institution. I came to     I returned to MGH to complete
                                        the US in 2008 attracted by the        a second research and clinical
I am a neurologist specialized in
                                        ground-breaking research being         dementia fellowship, directed by
memory disorders and a wet lab
                                        conducted by Dr. Brad Hyman at         Dr. Teresa Gómez-Isla, and was
researcher on Alzheimer’s disease
                                        our Massachusetts Alzheimer’s          recently recruited to the MGH
and related dementias. My career
                                        Disease Research Center. Under Dr.     Memory Division Faculty. To be part
path has been rather atypical. I

                                                                                                  Continued on page 14

12   keep in mind!

                                                                        AYUSH NOORI

There are few forces as
powerful as the will to live
– a stubborn conviction to keep
breathing and to fight for the
right to stand by your grandchild
at his 17th birthday, high school
graduation, and first day of college.
This summer, I was witness to
this formidable fortitude as my
grandmother battled respiratory
failure, a complication of end-stage
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP).
PSP is a rare and rapidly progressive   fortunate to have the opportunity       shared cellular pathways which
neurodegenerative tauopathy which       to participate in research efforts      underlie neurodegeneration. This
has afflicted my grandmother for        at the Massachusetts Alzheimer’s        project involved comprehensive
the past decade. Though the disease     Disease Research Center. Mentored       computational analyses of diverse
has rendered her unable to speak,       by Dr. Sudeshna Das and Dr. Alberto     datasets, with a plan to validate
see, nor swallow, when I played top     Serrano-Pozo, I am committed to         these results in worm (C. elegans)
hits of the 70s in her ICU room, my     helping further enterprising research   models of disease. To image the
grandmother gripped my hand             initiatives and seek to contribute      worms and track their health
and swayed her limbs to the beat        to the effort to develop better         and lifespan I built the WormBot,
of the music. She was determined        treatment options for patients with     an open-source robot from the
to dance.                               neurodegenerative disorders.            University of Washington. For this
                                                                                research, I was happy to receive
It is this unrelenting spirit which,    Over the past year and a half, I
                                                                                1st place in Biology at the New
since 7th grade, has inspired           have conducted a meta-analysis of
                                                                                Hampshire state science fair this
me to pursue research in                published human gene expression
                                                                                spring, and was a Finalist at the
neurodegeneration. I am a rising        data across Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy
                                                                                2019 International Science and
high school senior at Phillips          body dementia, and amyotrophic
Exeter Academy, and am deeply           lateral sclerosis (ALS) to identify the
                                                                                                       Continued on page 15

                                                                                        newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   13
Continued from page 12

of this team of smart and dedicated
clinicians and scientists is highly

I have just been honored with
the 2019 NACC New Investigator
Award (NACC stands for National
Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center
and represents the consortium of
about thirty Alzheimer’s Disease

                                                                                       Photo courtesy of

                                      to the plaques and tangles               My number one aspiration in the lab
     My number one                    that accumulate in the brain of          is to help find the mechanism that
     aspiration in the lab is to      Alzheimer’s disease patients, but        fuels the progression of cognitive
     help find the mechanism
                                      whether this response is protective      decline in Alzheimer’s disease, so
     that fuels the progression
                                      or deleterious remains unclear and is    that we could eventually develop
     of cognitive decline in
     Alzheimer’s disease, so          currently a hot topic in Alzheimer’s     neuroprotective therapies to slow
     that we could eventually         research. In this specific award-        down or even arrest this decline.

     develop neuroprotective
     therapies to slow down or
     even arrest this decline.
                                      winning project, I have proposed to
                                      investigate further the nature of the
                                      astrocytic and microglial responses
                                      in Alzheimer’s disease by applying
                                                                               Next, I am planning to test the
                                                                               hypothesis that these glial cells are
                                                                               crucial to disease progression using
                                                                               Alzheimer’s mouse models. I feel
                                      a novel multi-staining technique on      privileged to have the opportunity
                                      single human autopsy brain slices        of developing my lab research
Centers across the US). In my initial from our brain bank. This method         program while caring for patients
neuropathological studies, I had      will allow a deeper profiling of these   with dementing conditions at MGH
made several intriguing observations cells with many more markers than         memory clinic.
supporting a role of glial (non-      traditional staining methods (i.e.
nerve) cells in the progression of    more than 10 instead of 2 or 3) and a
Alzheimer’s disease, therefore they   better understanding of the effects
became my research focus. These       of plaques and tangles on these
brain cells –called astrocytes and    non-nerve cell types.
microglia- are known to respond

14   keep in mind!
Continued from page 13

Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Phoenix,      serve in the same role for young         experience would find daunting! He
AZ. ISEF is the largest pre-collegiate   scientists who may not have access       was fourteen. Though only in high
science competition in the world,        to the incredible resources I have       school, Ayush quickly learned the
and I was galvanized by sharing          been offered. I plan to further my       skills required to conduct research at
my research with like-minded             work by studying computational           a post-graduate level. His meticulous
peers engaged in pioneering              neuroscience in college. Ultimately,     work succeeded in identifying
investigations across the frontiers      though my grandmother may not            molecular pathways dysregulated in
of all disciplines of science. This      live to see my first day of college,     Alzheimer’s, Lewy body dementia,
unforgettable experience has             the stories and courage of patients      and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
energized my resolution to continue      like her will forever fuel my passion    Ayush has consistently impressed

to unmask the secrets                    for research and help ensure that        me with his exceptional energy,
                                         our team of scientists will keep         creativity, and motivation. He brings
                                         hunting for a cure. This promise of      a humanitarian perspective to
   ...the stories and courage            perseverance gives both her and I        the work he conducts inside the
   of patients like her will             hope, and for that, I am grateful.       laboratory: he is driven by his passion
   forever fuel my passion                                                        for and personal investment in the
   for research and help                 Ayush approached me about a
                                                                                  issues that he is addressing through
   ensure that our team
   of scientists will keep
   hunting for a cure.
                                         year and half ago when he needed
                                         help with analyzing data. His
                                         objective was to find a common
                                         gene-expression-signature for
                                                                                  his research. I have little doubt that
                                                                                  one day this young man will bring
                                                                                  us closer to treating a disease that
                                                                                  affects millions and for which there
                                         neurodegenerative diseases, an aim
                                                                                  is currently no cure! – Sudeshna Das,
                                         that most of us with much more
of neurodegeneration, and instilled                                               PhD (mentor)
in me optimism that the we, the
next generation of scientists, will
leave an enduring impact on patient
care globally.

I am indebted to Dr. Hyman and the
Massachusetts ADRC for investing in
the research endeavors of students
like myself and am lucky to have
selfless mentors like Dr. Serrano-
Pozo and Dr. Das who have altered
the trajectory of my research
path. In turn, I hope to one day
                                                                   Photo caption: Philips Exeter Academy library designed by
                                                                                                        architect Louis Kahn

                                                                                           newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   15

                                      IMAN AGANJ, PHD

                                                                       My graduate research focused
                                                                       on electron microscopy and
                                                                       brain MRI, under Prof. Guillermo
                                                                       Sapiro’s supervision. I have always
                                                                       been fascinated by how different
                                                                       branches of science, engineering,
                                                                       and medicine came together to
                                                                       build a device that makes an image
                                                                       of my brain without opening my
                                                                       skull, and I was determined to be
                                                                       a part of the research community
                                                                       that keeps improving it. I joined Prof.
                                                                       Bruce Fischl’s Lab for Computational
                                                                       Neuroimaging as a postdoc fellow in
                                                                       2011, where I am currently a faculty
     Dr. Aganj by the Niagara Falls                                    member. Under his guidance, I
                                                                       managed to receive a pilot grant
                                         My name is Iman Aganj,        from Mass. ADRC, which then led
                                         and I am a researcher at the  to a 3-year Alzheimer’s Disease
                                         Martinos Center, Mass General Research grant from the BrightFocus
                                         Hospital, Harvard Medical     Foundation.
                                         School. I was born and raised in
                                                                               The main purpose of the BrightFocus
                                         Iran, received my Bachelor’s degree
                                                                               grant project is the study of brain
                                         in Computer Science in France, and
                                                                               connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease.
                                         my Master’s and PhD in Electrical
                                                                               The human brain has complex
                                         Engineering from the University of
                                                                               structural and functional networks.
                                         Minnesota. Besides my research,
                                                                               Network-based analysis of brain
                                         I like watching movies, playing the
                                                                               white-matter connections is helpful
                                         piano, and hiking.

16    keep in mind!
                                       indirect structural connections that    information as possible from their
                                       may not have been considered by         medical images, with the ultimate
                                       standard techniques. We recently        goal of improving human health.
  My research is focused               published our methods and results       I have sought to apply theoretical
  on innovating technology
                                       (led by my postdoc fellow Dr. Aina      ideas, such as deriving mathematical
  and developing new
                                       Frau-Pascual) in NeuroImage.            formulas or designing algorithms,
  medical image analysis
  techniques, so researchers                                                   to health-related practical problems,
                                       I am working towards securing
  and clinicians can                                                           with the long-term goal of helping
                                       future funding for this project, so I
  extract as much useful                                                       ease patients’ suffering from diseases.
  information as possible
  from their medical images
                                       can continue working on imaging
                                       Alzheimer’s disease. Generally, my
                                       research is focused on innovating
                                       technology and developing new

                                       medical image analysis techniques
                                       (and improving the ones that
in revealing the structural changes    already exist), so researchers and
in aging and Alzheimer’s disease,      clinicians can extract as much useful
and in discovering biomarkers that
are important for diagnosis and
treatment. The goal of the project
is to build on my background in
brain imaging to develop new
computational methods, especially
those that take indirect neural
pathways into account, and derive
more accurate imaging connectomic
biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease,
which will help us to better
understand how the brain is affected
in this disease. At the core of the
project are new mathematical
models to account for the brain’s
                                                                                                      courtesy of

                                                                                       newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   17

                                 MARIA CALVO RODRIGUEZ, PHD

                                                                     Dr. Maria Calvo Rodriguez (R) with her boyfriend,
                                                                     Juan del Pozo, in San Juan (Puerto Rico).

I am currently a postdoctoral             PhD in 2015 at the University of        In 2016, I was very fortunate to
research fellow in Dr. Brian              Valladolid (Spain), my hometown         join the group of Dr. Bacskai, an
Bacskai’s laboratory at the               university. The aim of my PhD           internationally renowned expert
Massachusetts General                     project was to identify intracellular   in the field of intravital imaging.
Hospital and Harvard Medical              calcium alterations in healthy          Currently, I use state-of-the-art
School, in Boston. I have been            aging and disease, specifically in      microscopy techniques that
fascinated by science since I was a       neurodegenerative disorders such        allow me to observe even the
little kid. My interest in neuroscience   as Alzheimer’s disease, using primary   smallest subcellular structures
and neurodegenerative disorders           cells collected from rat brains.        like a mitochondrion in the living
was sparked when I started my pre-        After receiving my PhD, I decided to    mouse brain. My current research
doctoral training. How connections        focus my post-doctoral research on      in the Bacskai group focuses on
are made, how neurons establish           translating the phenomena               mitochondrial dysfunction in
contact with other neurons, and           that I studied in cells to a more       Alzheimer’s disease, particularly in
how everything is interconnected          complex and integrated system,          mitochondrial calcium dysregulation
in the brain (neurons, glia, vessels…)    the living brain.                       and associated oxidative stress and
intrigues me. I completed my                                                      the neuronal cell death that occurs

18   keep in mind!
Postage stamp with image of the University of
                                                 Valladolid. Courtesy of

in Alzheimer’s disease. Specifically, I   Now, I want to continue with my
use in vivo multi-photon microscopy       research and extend these novel
to study mitochondrial alterations        findings to astrocytes, which                to the BrightFocus Foundation
in neurons in mouse models of             are a relatively understudied cell           for funding this project. My future
Alzheimer’s disease. I was recently       type, that potentially play a key            aspirations are to establish and
awarded the Junior Faculty Award at       role in the pathophysiology of               lead a group that develops and
the International Conference              Alzheimer’s disease. Malfunction             applies translational technologies
on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s            in the regulation of mitochondrial           to better characterize pathological
disease that took place this last         dynamics in astrocytes may reduce            pathways in neurodegenerative
March in Lisbon, Portugal, for            the production of ATP, which may             diseases, while performing impactful
the project entitled “In vivo             disturb glial-neuronal interactions          complementary science focused
mitochondrial calcium dysregulation       and cause neuronal death. I recently         on subcellular dysfunction in
in neurons in a mouse model of            received a BrightFocus Foundation            Alzheimer’s disease, ultimately aimed
Alzheimer’s disease”.                     Fellowship that will fund this project.      at finding therapeutic targets to

                                          This study aims to find alterations in       prevent this debilitating disease.
                                          the correct function and dynamics
                                                                                       Out of the lab, I like practicing sports
                                          of mitochondria in astrocytes
                                                                                       because it helps me relaxing and
   With this project I hope I             during the development of the
                                                                                       meeting lots of people. Back in
   can contribute my grain                pathology of Alzheimer’s disease,
                                                                                       Spain, I used to be a spinning and
   of sand and advance the                with the final goal of identifying
   research towards finding
   a cure for this disease.
                                          new therapeutic targets. With this
                                          project I hope I can contribute
                                          my grain of sand and advance the
                                                                                       aerobics instructor! Now my favorite
                                                                                       activity in Boston is kayaking in the
                                                                                       Charles river when the weather is
                                                                                       good. I also enjoy making crêpes
                                          research towards finding a cure
                                                                                       for breakfast on Sundays, going
                                          for this disease. I am really excited
                                                                                       to Chinatown for dumplings, and
                                          about starting to answer these
                                                                                       travelling to new places.
                                          questions and extremely thankful

                                                                                                newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   19

                           MASATO MAESAKO, PHD

                                                                   Dr. Maesato with his wife Marie and daughters Emiri
                                                                   (l) and Sara (r). Multi-tasking (i.e. being an academic
                                                                   scientist and a good husband/dad) is truly challenging!

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS)        technical skills in molecular biology.    on presenilin (PS)/γ-secretase
cells technology was developed        My work investigating the roles           biology in the Dr. Berezovska
in 2006 at Kyoto University/          of diet and exercise in Alzheimer’s       lab since PS/γ-secretase is not
Japan. In the same year at the        disease (AD) mouse models                 only involved in many essential
same place, I was an undergraduate    resulted in a series of publications      biological events (e.g., development,
student and thus was lucky            that support the beneficial roles         neurogenesis, neuronal survival,
enough to find how impressively       of exercise. It was an honor to be        etc.) but also plays significant roles
this technology impacts scientific    selected one of my first author           in the broad range of diseases that
community all over the world. This    papers as The Journal of Biological       are related to brain, skin, immune
experience naturally inspired me to   Chemistry Paper of the Year 2012.         system, etc. Most clear link is with
become a scientist.                                                             Alzheimer’s disease (AD) since
                                      In 2014, I moved to Dr. Berezovska
                                                                                dominantly inherited missense
During my time as a graduate          lab at MGH as a post-doc fellow
                                                                                mutations in the genes encoding
student, I was trained by Dr. Ayae    to learn cutting-edge techniques
                                                                                PS have been identified in the
Kinoshita (who worked for Dr.         in microscopy that include
                                                                                families of Alzheimer’s disease (FAD),
Brad Hyman’s laboratory at MGH        Förster resonance energy transfer
                                                                                highlighting its importance in
as a post-doc/instructor and now      (FRET) imaging and multiphoton
                                                                                AD pathogenesis.
a professor at Kyoto University)      microscopy. I have mainly focused
and I could obtain broad range of

20   keep in mind!
Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto.

                                                                                  Photo courtesy of Glenn Taylor/ Flickr

Dr. Berezovska’s strong expertise       secretase within the cell. Fortunately,   association with diseases (e.g., AD,
has allowed me to recently develop      I was able to receive the BrightFocus     skin cancer, etc.). It could also enable
and validate a novel FRET-based         Foundation Fellowship, which              a breakthrough needed for more
biosensor that enables monitoring       would support to 1) improve the           efficient preclinical drug testing and
PS/γ-secretase activity in real time.   sensitivity of biosensor that we          for a successful clinical trial design.
PS/γ-secretase activity can be          have recently developed to monitor
                                                                                  My future endeavor is to develop
color-coded and mapped over the         PS/γ-secretase activity in cells and 2)
                                                                                  new assays that are useful in
entire image of a cell. Therefore,      express and validate the optimized
                                                                                  translational studies (i.g. drug
our novel biosensor would permit        biosensor in the brain of live mice.
                                                                                  discovery and testing its efficacy
to “visualize” the activity of PS/γ-    Our novel biosensor(s) would allow
                                                                                  in vivo) by utilizing my extensive

                                        for the first time to study dynamic
                                                                                  experience in molecular biology
                                        behavior of endogenous PS/γ-
                                                                                  and microscopy since I believe this
                                        secretase longitudinally in different
                                                                                  would be crucial for the transition of
  My future endeavor is                 anatomical and subcellular regions
  to develop new assays                                                           findings from basic research to clinic.
                                        in living mice. Upon completion
  that are useful in                                                              At last, I am deeply grateful to the
                                        of this work, the proposed studies
  translational studies                                                           donors of BrightFocus Foundation
                                        will provide a necessary tool
  utilizing my extensive                for better understanding of the
                                                                                  who made this research possible.

  experience in molecular
  biology and microscopy
                                        dynamics of PS/γ-secretase and its

                                                                                            newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   21

                                 RACHEL E. BENNETT, PHD

     Dr. Bennett receiving an award from Mr. Art
     Taylor (CEO of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance)

I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona            researchers could make Alzheimer’s       but sitting at the microscope one
and have been interested                 disease changes visible. Being able      day we happened to notice that
in the brain since I took a              to actually see the disease drove        blood vessels in diseased brain
high school field trip to a              me to ask questions about the brain      looked different than in healthy
brain bank, which stores tissues         works and specifically, what causes it   brain. This observation set us on
donated to research, similar to the      to stop working in Alzheimer’s.          a path to exploring new ideas
Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Disease                                                 about how the brain (and not just
                                         I joined Brad Hyman’s Alzheimer’s
Research Center at MGH. I remember                                                neurons!) is altered by disease and
                                         disease research lab as a
one of the scientists pulling out a                                               I am increasingly fascinated by the
                                         postdoctoral fellow in 2014 to try to
small microscope and a slide with                                                 incredibly interesting biology of
                                         answer some of these questions. I
a tiny piece of cortex on it that                                                 brain vasculature.
                                         was drawn to the lab because Brad
had been stained for Alzheimer’s
                                         is at the forefront of developing        Blood vessels play an important
disease plaques. On the slide we
                                         microscopy tools to help visualize       role in supplying the brain with the
saw neurons and cells packed
                                         changes taking place in the brain.       oxygen and nutrients necessary to
together with splotchy, plaque-like
                                         As a recent neuroscience graduate,       keep neurons alive, and the blood
protein deposits spread throughout
                                         I initially focused on neurons and       vessels in your brain are unlike those
the section. When I looked at it, it
                                         watching what happens to them            found in other parts of the body.
felt like an “ah-ha!” moment: using
                                         as Alzheimer’s proteins accumulate,      Like neurons, blood vessels can also
a few simple science techniques
22   keep in mind!
Identifying these important vascular
                                                                          changes has led to an innovative
                                                                          way of thinking about how we
                                                                          might treat Alzheimer’s —
                                                                          if we can find treatments that reduce
                                                                          inflammation and white blood
                                                                          cell “clogs” in brain vasculature we
                                                                          might be able to slow or prevent
                                                                          neuronal loss.

                                                                          This research was funded by the
    The Wave at Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona.                                BrightFocus Foundation and I
    Courtesy of Flickr
                                                                          was recognized as their 2018
                                                                          Outstanding Emerging Scientist
                                                                          and in 2019 as one of three Donors
                                                                          Cure New Vision Investigators. In
                                                                          the future, I am excited to continue
                                                                          this research by testing drugs that
                                                                          are already FDA-approved to treat
                                                                          vascular inflammation to see if they
                                                                          might be effective in Alzheimer’s
                                                                          models. I am fortunate to be at
                                                                          MGH and have access to world-
                                                                          class collaborators in the Radiology
                                                                          Department who are developing
    Dr. Bennett being interviewed by Mr. Richard Liu of MSNBC             new MRI and brain imaging
                                                                          methods that will help us identify
                                                                          individuals who might benefit from

                                                                          these treatments. It’s thrilling to see
be affected by the same proteins
                                                                          a small observation turn into a full-
that accumulate in Alzheimer’s,
                                                                          blown research project that has real
which causes them to become                  Identifying these
                                             important vascular           implications for helping in the clinic
inflamed, changing their shape and
                                             changes has led to an        and I’m looking forward to guiding
recruiting white blood cells to their
surface. Similar to clogging a pipe,
these changes restrict blood flow
vessels and could have devastating
                                             innovative way of thinking
                                             about how we might treat
                                                                          this project forward over the next
                                                                          few years.

consequence to brain health.

                                                                                   newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   23

                              SIMON DUJARDIN, PHD

                                                                       Dr. Dujardin receiving an award!

I was born more than 30                    to join an undergrad program of        reactions. I think I really found my
years ago in Belgium. After                engineering in biotechnologies in      way at that moment! I pursued
spending 5 years there, we moved           Paris and obtained a master there.     with a PhD program in Lille and
to France where I grew up near             While I studied mostly genetics of     started to study the dysfunction of
the city of Lille! Lille is a quite nice   hematology during my undergrad, i      a protein called tau in Alzheimer’s
and active city at the intersection        wanted to join a program studying      disease. After my PhD, I wanted
of Paris, London and Brussels, all         cell biology and physiology and        to improve again and nothing
linked by a high-speed train!! My          therefore I did a second master        better for that purpose than joining
father is a nurse and my mother a          in cell biology at the university      Massachusetts General hospital /
professor of neuropsychology at            of Lille where I started to study      Harvard Medical School! So I joined
the university of Lille so I guess that    neuroscience. Again, what struck       the lab of Pr. Bradley Hyman, one
I had a “background” for science           me right away is the beauty and        of the most prominent scientist
but surprisingly, I really found a         perfection of this network of cells    worldwide working in Alzheimer’s,
passion for science only in high           all interconnected with specific       here at MGH and continued to
school when I realized how perfect         functions. Reacting in microseconds    study tau. I developed a project to
and beautiful Life is! I decided then      and all based on biochemical           understand how tau dysfunctions

24   keep in mind!
progress through the brain and
ultimately invade the whole brain
killing neurons on its passage... more
importantly we are trying to translate
this knowledge in novel potential
diagnosis and therapeutic tools. We
actually had great results confirming
our hypothesis that the progression
of tau dysfunction in the brain is
closely associated with cell death
and disease progression in patients.
We identified a specific species of
tau that was particularly prone to
                                         Dr. Dujardin with Dr. Brad Hyman
induce pathological formation. We
also understood partially how this
pathology spreads in the brain of
patients. Finally, we try to tackle
the formation of tau dysfunction
by the use of antibodies and got
promising results even if the way is
still long before the translation to
clinic. I got awarded a grant from the
Alzheimer’s Association to continue
and extend this work and I also
obtained the junior faculty award
from the Alzheimer’s disease and
Parkinson’s disease international
conference! I have now the ambition
to extend these results and pursue
other studies that we are currently
developing in the lab. Long term, I
wish I could settle a lab and continue
to work in these passionating              courtesy of

subject! But the way is still long!

                                         newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   25

                                                                     fairtale village

                     Incheon Chinatown

                                     Jajangmyeon Museum

                                                                 Jayu Park

                                                          Courtesy of

26   keep in mind!

                                by DOO YEON KIM, PHD

                                                                                      disease mechanisms, which seems
                                                                                      to be much more challenging and
                                                                                      interesting (to me) than general
                                                                                      cell biology. I wrote a letter to
                                                                                      Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi and Dora M.
                                                                                      Kovacs (mADRC faculty member)
                                                                                      in early 2001. Rudy and Dora are
                                                                                      top Alzheimer’s disease experts
                                                                                      and extremely popular among
                                                                                      Korean scientists. I was surprised
                                                                                      (and happy) to get their response in
Dr. Kim (with cap) with members of the ‘3-D culture’ team. Dr. Tanzi is
                                                                                      a couple of days. They became by
standing right behind Dr. Kim
                                                                                      mentors and my journey towards a
                                                                                      cure for Alzheimer’s disease started.
I am a neuroscientist studying                interest in science and engineering
pathogenic mechanisms of                      made me to choose a track               In 2014, we developed a three-
Alzheimer’s disease. I was born               toward science and engineering.         dimensional (3D) human brain cell
in Incheon, South Korea, a mid-sized          I had entered the college as the        culture model of Alzheimer’s disease
city in the northern area, which is           mechanical engineering major            (a.k.a. AD-in-a-dish) (Choi et al.
quite close to North Korea. Actually,         but later switched to the biology,      2014). In a conventional cell culture
my father was a refugee from North            fascinated by complicated biological    system, brain cells are growing
Korea. He escaped to the South                machineries that make the life exist.   in two-dimensional surfaces as a
before the Korean war. As many                                                        flattened single layer, which limits
                                              After getting Ph.D. degree in
Korean parents do, my father and                                                      the recapitulation of 3D brain cell
                                              cell biology at Korea Advance
mother scarified a lot for the better                                                 networks in human brains. Therefore,
                                              Science and Technology (KAIST),
education of their children, my                                                       we created a 3D cell culture system
                                              South Korea, I had been looking
brother and me. My father wished                                                      where human brain cells are growing
                                              for the best place to study
me to study law, but my strong                                                        in 3D gels that are composed of
                                              neuroscience and neurological

                                                                                              newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   27
brain matrix proteins. Interestingly,
we found that 3D culture system
was not only increasing brain
cell interactions but also robustly
accelerated toxic amyloid beta
                                            We soon realized that
                                            this unique 3D human
                                            Alzheimer’s disease
                                            brain cell culture
                                                                                disease. Recently, we have been
                                                                                awarded another NIH/NIA grant
                                                                                (1R01AG062547-01), together with Dr.
                                                                                Winston Hide (Beth Israel Deaconess
                                                                                Medical Center) to identify resilient
accumulation and amyloid beta-              system can provide an               pathways for Alzheimer’s disease
driven damages when we grew                 exciting cellular model             patients using human brain
human Alzheimer’s disease brain             to study Alzheimer’s                transcriptomic database and our 3D
cells, which is the central pathogenic
mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease.
We soon realized that this unique
                                            disease in a dish.                  culture models. Our 3D Alzheimer’s
                                                                                disease brain models play a central
                                                                                role in these two projects. If the
3D human Alzheimer’s disease brain                                              similar projects were performed
cell culture system can provide an                                              using mouse models, it would
exciting cellular model to study                                                cost much higher price and pose
                                       (Huston Methodist Hospital) to
Alzheimer’s disease in a dish.                                                  potential ethical problem due to the
                                       screen ~2400 compounds including
                                                                                sacrifice of too many mice.
Since then, we started multiple        FDA-approved drugs for their
collaborative projects around our      efficacy in reducing pathological        My goal of our studies, of course,
human 3D Alzheimer’s disease           markers of Alzheimer’s disease in        is to find a cure for Alzheimer’s
models. We have been awarded           our 3D culture model. In this project,   disease. I also hope that our studies
grants from Cure Alzheimer’s Fund      we are using bioinformatics tools        contribute to develop more precise
and NIH/NIA (1R01AG057635-01A1),       to accelerate identifying additional     and comprehensive human brain
together with Dr. Stephen Wong         candidate drugs for Alzheimer’s          models that can be used to study
                                                                                various neurological diseases as
                                                                                well as Alzheimer’s disease. In line
                                                                                with this direction, we recently
                                                                                developed modified 3D Alzheimer’s
                                                                                brain models that mimics the brain
                                                                                inflammation (Park et al., 2018)
                                                                                and the deficits in blood vessels in
                                                                                Alzheimer’s disease patients (Shin et
                                                                                al., 2019). Of course, many challenges
                                                                                lie ahead. But I am optimistic and will
                                                                                continue my research path aimed at
                                                                                ending this horrendous disease.

Dr. Kim (with hands waving) with members of Dr. Rudy Tanzi’s Genetics &
Aging Unit’s members

28   keep in mind!

                                                                          PIA K. WEBB, MD, PHD

I joined ACTRU, the
Alzheimer’s Clinical &
Translational Research Unit,
as a staff scientist last winter
to work with the MADRC
biobank and biomarker core.
I am originally from Sweden and
completed my medical and graduate
degrees at the Karolinska Institute       around the brain and spinal cord.        test numbs the skin with a local
in Stockholm before moving to             CSF functions as a cushion or “shock     anesthetic before inserting a thin
the Cleveland, Ohio, to do a post-        absorber” for the brain, but because     needle between two of the lumbar
doctoral fellowship. My intention         it is in direct contact with the brain   vertebrae into the lumbar cistern, a
was to stay in the U.S. for four years,   tissue itself, CSF reflects many of      long sac containing CSF and some
but I met my husband in Boston and        the molecular changes taking place       of the nerve roots extending below
am still here 20 years later!             locally within the brain in diseases     where the spinal cord itself has
                                          like Alzheimer’s disease. These          ended. CSF collection is a routine
An important part of my current
                                          proteins and other molecules are not     procedure in the clinical work-up
position is to collect biospecimens
                                          detectable in more easily accessible     of many brain disorders and LPs are
such as blood and cerebrospinal
                                          fluids, like blood samples.              commonly done in patients with
fluid (CSF) that can be used to
                                                                                   dementia to determine CSF levels
investigate biomarkers, which are         A small sample of CSF can be
                                                                                   of Alzheimer biomarkers such as
molecules that provide information        obtained through a lumbar
                                                                                   amyloid and tau. In research, we also
about a disease or condition, in          puncture, also called an LP or a
                                                                                   measure many other brain proteins
these samples. I am especially            spinal tap. An LP is a relatively
                                                                                   to detect if there is any inflammation,
excited about working with CSF. We        easy procedure that can be done
                                                                                   metabolic abnormalities, or other
all have about a pint of this crystal-    without any special preparations.
                                                                                   markers of brain cell injury. We learn
clear fluid that circulates in and        The clinician performing the
                                                                                                       Continued on next page

                                                                                           newsletter issue: winter spring 2020   29
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