KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services

Page created by Richard Osborne
KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services

 KEY STAGE 2 2018

Please ensure you have completed the Import Routine for All
    Key Stages prior to starting the following processes
KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services
PROCEDURE FOR END OF KEY STAGE 2 .................................................................. 3
OVERVIEW OF THE END OF KEY STAGE PROCEDURE ........................................... 5
RUNNING THE KEY STAGE WIZARD ........................................................................... 6
   SELECTING THE KEY STAGE W IZARD ............................................................................... 6
SELECTING THE PUPIL GROUP .................................................................................. 6
KEY STAGE MARKSHEETS .......................................................................................... 9
   KS2 A. TEACHER ASSESSMENTS 2018 ......................................................................... 11
   STATUTORY P SCALE DATA COLLECTION ....................................................................... 17
   MARKSHEET: KS2 B. P SCALE DATA ENTRY 2018 .......................................................... 18
   P SCALE EXAMPLE ....................................................................................................... 19
      INPUT P SCALE DATA TO MARKSHEET ........................................................................ 20
SENDING KS2 DATA TO NCA TOOLS ........................................................................21
   CREATION OF A KS2 CTF FOR YEAR 6........................................................................... 21
   INPUT TEST OUTCOMES ................................................................................................ 26
      MARKSHEET: KS2 C. TEST OUTCOMES 2018 ............................................................... 26
BROADSHEET REVIEW MARKSHEET ........................................................................32
   MARKSHEET: KS2 D. BROADSHEET (REVIEW ) 2018 ....................................................... 32
PRODUCING REPORTS VIA THE KEY STAGE WIZARD ...........................................33
ACCESSING THE END OF KEY STAGE 2 REPORTS.................................................34
INDIVIDUAL PUPIL REPORTS .....................................................................................36
   PRODUCE INDIVIDUAL REPORTS .................................................................................... 36
      KS2 P1 Student England TA 2018 ..................................................................................... 40
   VIEW INDIVIDUAL REPORTS IN SIMS ............................................................................... 42
APPENDIX 1 - ACCESSING DATA ENTERED .............................................................44
   VIEWING MARKSHEETS IN ASSESSMENT ......................................................................... 44
SCHOOLS (TRANSFER TO SECONDARY SCHOOLS) ..............................................47
APPENDIX 5 - IMPORTING FEEDER SCHOOL ASSESSMENTS ...............................49

Key Stage 2 2018                                             2
KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services
             Open Wizard and select Key Stage Pack

                     Select the Pupil Group

      The Wizard displays the Key Stage Marksheets

             Collect and input Teacher Assessments

                   Input P Scale Assessments

        Import Teacher Assessments into NCA Tools

      Input / Download Test Results (when available)

   Generate, Preview and Print Individual Reports for
                  the required Pupils

    Create CTF for Year 6 Pupils Destination Schools

Key Stage 2 2018                 3
KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 2018 – Important Information
Statutory guidance can be found on the website, under the title Key Stage 2:
assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA). Link

KS2 Assessment & Reporting Arrangements 2018

Various documents relating to Key Stage 2 are available from the above site, and contain
important information for schools to make an accurate record and return of data.

                                         Key dates
 21 May 2018           Teacher Assessment section of NCA tools opens
 4-28 June 2018        LAs undertake external moderation of KS2 English Writing
 28 June 2018          Final day that Key Stage 2 files will be accepted on NCA
                       tools website.
 10 July 2018          Pupil results (raw scores and scaled scores) and marked
                       script images available on NCA tool from 7:30 a.m.
                       Raw score to scaled score conversion tables available on
                       GOV.UK and NCA tools websites.

Key Stage 2 2018                           4
KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services
The Wizard Manager area of Assessment provides an easy way of managing the statutory end
of Key Stage Procedures, including the production of reports to fulfil statutory reporting
requirements, (as detailed on the previous page).

The wizard guides you through selecting the required Key Stage Pack(s); selecting the pupil
group; entering, editing and validating the results in marksheets; the generation and printing of
the reports to be sent home to parents.

You will be able to export the results file, e.g. KS2 Test and Teacher Assessment data, in a
Common Transfer File (CTF), via SIMS to both the LA and Feeder Schools.

It is important to mention that when you commence processes within the wizard – all tasks DO
NOT need to be completed in one go. As long as you save any work you have entered into
marksheets created, the wizard can be reactivated when appropriate or convenient to continue

N.B: The wizard only deals with one group at a time for the creation of marksheets. If you
require marksheets by registration groups you would need to reopen the wizard and create
marksheets for each relevant group. However, the marksheets created can then be accessed
either via the marksheet navigator in SIMS Assessment (could be exported if required) or by re-
entering the wizard and selecting the relevant group you wish to work on.

The wizard would need to be re-entered in order to print the reports for the relevant groups.

It is worth remembering that all marksheets (including those in the wizard) display the latest
mark wherever entered. End of Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessments can be entered into
Assessment and the results will then be displayed collectively in the Wizard Marksheets, ready
for validation.

Key Stage 2 2018                             5
KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services
    Selecting the Key Stage Wizard

       From the Home Page of SIMS
       select the route:

       Tools | Performance |
       Assessment | Wizard Manager.

The drop-down list in the Filter box allows
you to display Incomplete, Complete or
All Key Stage definitions.
Each time you open the Wizard the view
will default to Incomplete.                       The Edit Date refers to the edit
                                                  date of the Key Stage definition -
                                                  when it was updated using DfE

                                                               The Complete check
                                                               box can be selected to
                                                               indicate that you have
                                                               finished the Key Stage

Select Key Stage 2 Wizard England 2018.

Other Wizards both current and previous
may be shown. Click Next.

    Key Stage 2 2018                          6
KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services
Selecting the Pupil Group
This page allows you to select the group you wish to work on. You can also use this routine to
replace a currently selected group.

                                                         Click on the Field Browser button to open
                                                         the Group Selector. The screen below will

                                                         The Wizard deals with one group at a time
                                                         for the creation of marksheets. If you
                                                         require marksheets by Reg. group you
                                                         would need to reopen the wizard and create
                                                         marksheets for each relevant group. These
                                                         can then be accessed via the Marksheet
                                                         Entry focus (and be exported or printed, if
                                                         required). It is recommended that you
                                                         select Year Group – Year 6 for the purpose
                                                         of End of Key Stage 2 administration.

                                                    Select Year Group.
                                                    Click on the + to the left of Year Group
                                                    Select Year 6 group.
                                                    Click Apply.

Key Stage 2 2018                           7
KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services
The group is displayed in the
                                                                Select Group box.

                                                          Select Next. This will initiate the
                                                          marksheet creation.


Clicking Next will create marksheets for all KS2 assessments related to the group selected.
These are then available through the normal route within Assessment Manager: Focus |
Assessment | Marksheet Entry.

Class Teachers with access to SIMS will be able to use the marksheets that they have
supervisory rights to.

Key Stage 2 2018                           8
KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services

The wizard now displays the marksheets created from the templates in the imported Key Stage
wizard for the selected group. You can open these marksheets directly from this page, enter,
edit and validate results.

The wizard shows 4 marksheets for Key Stage 2.

KS2 A. Teacher Assessments 2018
This marksheet should be used to store the Outcome for the KS2 Reading, Writing, Mathematics
and Science Performance Descriptor of the new curriculum Teacher Assessment.

KS2 B. P Scale Data Entry 2018
This marksheet enables you to enter a P Scale assessment for pupils who are working below
the standard of the Pre Key Stage (BLW) in Reading, Writing or Maths or optionally those who
have not met the expected standard (HNM) in Science.

KS2 C. Test Outcomes 2018
This marksheet should be used to enter results of the new tests that supported the Teacher
Assessments made as part of the Key Stage 2 arrangements from 2018 onwards.

KS2 D. Broadsheet (Review) 2018
This marksheet can be used to review the data entered in the previous three marksheets.

As with the first page of the wizard you have the option to filter the display to show Incomplete,
Complete or All marksheets. The default filter is Incomplete.

Key Stage 2 2018                             9
KEY STAGE 2 2018 DATA COLLECTION GUIDANCE - COMPLETING - Capita Education Support Services
The Last Used column shows when the marksheet was last used and the
       Complete check box can be selected to indicate that you have finished
       working on a particular Marksheet.

       Highlight the required marksheet and click the Edit icon

       Alternatively, double click the required marksheet.

       Choose the marksheet: KS2 A. Teacher Assessments 2018.

Key Stage 2 2018                             10
KS2 A. Teacher Assessments 2018
This marksheet contains columns for you to enter Teacher Assessments. This marksheet must
be completed by all schools for all Year 6 pupils.

Data is required in the first 4 columns. The final 2 columns are read only with formulas attached.
A more detailed example of the marksheet is shown on the next page.

           The marksheet can be printed or
           exported for the collection of data         Notes section provides details on how to
           from class teachers.                        successfully complete the Marksheet.

The marksheet contains columns to enter ALL Teacher Assessments.

Teacher Assessments for Reading, Writing, Maths and Science should be entered into the
appropriate columns (see next page).

Columns with an f in the top right hand corner have formulas attached that will calculate if there
are missing entries and if so, how many entries are missing. These formulas are activated by
clicking with your mouse on Calculate (located at the top of the page).

Key Stage 2 2018                                 11
KS2 A. Teacher Assessments 2018
Enter the Teacher Assessment into the appropriate columns as described below. Please refer to the information on the DfE website.

                                                                                        ACCEPTABLE ENTRIES

                                                                                        Reading & Maths

 Save. Ensure you save all
 entries. Remember
 unsaved entries are shown
 red, saved entries black.         Column Headers detail which
                                   data each column should



 Data Review Formula Columns (f), the Column Headers show that these are two data
 check columns to show whether data is missing and if so how many data items are
 missing. Data will not display until after you have selected Calculate.

Key Stage 2 2018                          12
After data has been entered:

                                                                                 If you right click in the column
                                                                                 heading of either of the check
                                                                                 columns, select Order Rows |
                                                                                 Descending - the Fail rows will be
                                                                                 sorted to the top of the Marksheet.

  The last two columns: Missing Entries Check and No of Missing Entries, confirms that you have entered all the
  required data. When you “Calculate” if data is missing you will receive a Fail and the number of Failures.

   If this occurs:
   Data must be checked and entered in the appropriate column
   Calculate again.
   Repeat until the columns read Ok and 0.00.

  You will need to scroll down the Marksheet to check all entries.

Key Stage 2 2018                            13
KS2 A. Teacher Assessments 2018 continued – Data Entered

                                                                         After saving Close
                                                                         the marksheet.

      When Teacher Assessments have been entered:
      Save the Data entry.

      Note: unsaved entries are shown in red, saved entries are black.

      Print the marksheet and pass to the Year 6 teachers to check data accuracy.

                                                                   You will be returned to the marksheet
                                                                   section of the Wizard.

  You can choose to select the next
  marksheet for completion or cancel the
  wizard process and proceed at a later date.

Key Stage 2 2018                           14

 When you commence the processes within the Wizard – all tasks DO NOT need to be
 completed in one go.

 If you wish to close the wizard and do further inputting at a later time, you should Cancel as
 instructed on the previous page. You will be returned to the SIMS homepage.

 You can continue inputting data at a later time via the Wizard by following the route: Tools |
 Performance | Assessment | Wizard Manager | Key Stage 2 Wizard England 2018, and
 select Next until you reach the Marksheet screen.

Key Stage 2 2018                            15
KS2 A. Teacher Assessments 2018 continued – Data Checked
Year 6 teachers must check and confirm that the data entered is correct. Any amendments that
are required should be made to the marksheet and saved.

Re-open the KS2 A. Teacher Assessments marksheet, either via Focus/Marksheet entry or
by reopening the Key Stage 2 Wizard via Tools/Performance/Wizard Manager/Key Stage 2
Wizard England 2018

Make any amendments that are required.

   Save                                                                      Close.

                                                  Click into this box when Data Entry is
                                                  complete. A tick will appear indicating you
                                                  have completed the Marksheet.

    Select the next Marksheet,
    KS2 B. P Scale Data Entry 2018 and click on the Edit Marksheet icon
    or double click to open the selected marksheet.

Key Stage 2 2018                         16
Statutory P Scale Data Collection

This information is taken from the Assessment and Reporting Arrangements 2018 for Key Stage
2 Pupils, section 7.4 to 7.6:

Key Stage 2 2018                         17
Marksheet: KS2 B. P Scale Data Entry 2018

This Marksheet enables you to enter a P Scale assessment for pupils, at KS2, who are working
below the standard of the Pre Key Stage (BLW) in Reading, Writing or Maths or optionally for
those who have not met the expected standard (HNM) in Science. To help identify these pupils,
existing TA entries are displayed in read-only columns. Please read all the notes below and then
follow the five steps:-

    1. For students with an English Reading or Writing outcome of 'BLW' please ensure that
       there is a P scale entry for English or one of its components.

    2. For students with a Maths Outcome of 'BLW' please ensure that there is a P scale entry
       for Maths or one of its components.

    3. For students with a Science Level of 'HNM' P Scales are optional.

    4. Once data has been entered, click on 'Calculate' to apply validation rules. Students with
       issues will be shown as failed! Amend data as necessary and then re 'Calculate' to check

Important Notes to Remember!

P Scale parameters for an assessment cannot be present for both overall subject and for subject
component, unless all parameters are recorded as NOTSEN.

If Reading is BLW then English or Reading P Scale should be entered. Speaking and Listening
are optional.

If Writing is BLW then English or Writing P Scale should be entered. Speaking and Listening are

Reading and Writing must both be set to BLW if overall English P Scale is to be used. (Special

Key Stage 2 2018                           18
P Scale Example

The child shown below was assessed as BLW – Working below the standard of the Pre Key

P Scale/NOTSEN assessments are required for each assessment recorded as BLW.

If the pupil is below P Scale P4, separate attainments are not required – enter the appropriate P
Scale into the P Scale English & Maths columns.


                                                  for assessing, Reading, Writing, Speaking,
 P8, P7, P6, P5, P4, NOTSEN (For children
                                                  Listening, Number, Use Maths and Shape,
 with English as an additional language)
 P3ii, P3i, P2ii, P2i, P1ii, P1i, NOTSEN          For assessing English and Maths
 P8, P7, P6, P5, P4, P3ii, P3i, P2ii, P2i, P1ii,  for assessing Science
 P1i – P3ii are applicable to children in Special Schools only; children in Mainstream
 schools would be assessed against P4 – P8.

Key Stage 2 2018                            19

Enter the P Scale Assessments into the appropriate columns as previously described

     Select Calculate. This will initiate an automatic
     check for data requiring a P Scale/NOTSEN entry
     by displaying Failed. Or for Science Optional.

Check for any failed data and enter as required. Select Calculate and recheck until OK.
Reminder: Science data is optional.

When all the required data has been entered and the check columns are clear, Save the
data in the Marksheet.

Key Stage 2 2018                           20

                                        Key dates
 21 May 2018          Teacher Assessment section of NCA tools opens
 4-28 June 2018       LAs undertake external moderation of KS2 English Writing
 28 June 2018         Final day that Key Stage 2 files will be accepted on NCA
                      tools website.
 10 July 2018         Pupil results (raw scores and scaled scores) and marked
                      script images available on NCA tool from 7:30 a.m.
                      Raw score to scaled score conversion tables available on
                      GOV.UK and NCA tools websites.

The Return to NCA Tools of Key Stage data will be in the form of a Common Transfer File (CTF)
via the NCA Tools website.

Creation of a KS2 CTF for Year 6

Schools are able to create CTFs where the destination is an LA. Remember, that all pupils
require a UPN (Unique Pupil Number) before you are able to send CTFs.

Open SIMS you will need the appropriate access level to create CTFs.

 Follow the route:
      Routines
      Data Out
      CTF
      Export CTF

                                   Highlight KS2 and click

Key Stage 2 2018                          21
Export CTF Screen.

 Please ensure that the tick is activated in - Include students already exported.

 Select Refresh Students.

 The Student selector by default shows all pupils currently on roll, alphabetically
 by surname.

 Click the drop-down arrow in the Year Grp column.

 Choose to show only pupils in
 Year Group 6. However if you
 have included any Non Year 6
 pupils in your Assessments they
 must also be included in the CTF –
 Refer to Appendix 3 page 46.

Key Stage 2 2018                            22
Year 6 pupils will now be shown.

    Right click in the Destination LA/Other cell for the first pupil.

    Select All will appear. Click on this to highlight all pupils.

           Left click on the down arrow in the first
           cell and a list of LAs will appear.

           Type NA. This should take you to NAA
           – National Assessment Agency (now
           referred to as NCA TOOLS.

           Click on NAA to select it as a
           destination for the CTF.

               Select Export CTF.

               The production of the file may take some time,
               please be patient.

Key Stage 2 2018                               23
Please ignore this
                                                                     message and select

                                                                Make a note of the file name
                                                                and select OK.

   Upon completion an Exception Log will be displayed showing the number of pupils
   contained in the file and the number of pupils processed. There should be no pupils not

   Please note:- Information may appear in this box. It does not normally mean that the
   pupils’ information has not been exported. It is alerting you to any information that may
   be incorrect in the pupils’ record.

   Check that the number of pupils in the file is correct.

   The CTF file has now been created and is saved to the CTFOUT folder waiting for the
   upload to NCA tools.

Key Stage 2 2018                              24

All schools must submit their teacher assessments for Key Stage 2 core subjects in English,
Mathematics and Science electronically.

More information on the submission of Teacher Assessment and P Scale data can be found on
the Website at:

KS2 Assessment & Reporting Arrangements 2018

or by email:

Schools must submit Teacher Assessments as per the DfE rules for 2018. These should be
submitted via NCA Tools no later than Thursday 28th June 2018.

Open Internet Explorer and go to

Please note the instructions relating to passwords, etc.

If you experience any problems uploading Teacher Assessments or downloading results from
the NCA Tools website please email or contact the national
curriculum assessments helpline on 0300 303 3013

Key Stage 2 2018                            25
Input Test Outcomes

                                          Key dates
 21 May 2018           Teacher Assessment section of NCA tools opens
 4-28 June 2018        LAs undertake external moderation of KS2 English Writing
 28 June 2018          Final day that Key Stage 2 files will be accepted on NCA
                       tools website.
 10 July 2018          Pupil results (raw scores and scaled scores) and marked
                       script images available on NCA tool from 7:30 a.m.
                       Raw score to scaled score conversion tables available on
                       GOV.UK and NCA tools websites.

This Marksheet contains columns that will enable you to record results of the reformed
curriculum tests that support the teacher assessments. The new tests assess the range of
ability that the majority of pupils are expected to demonstrate. The outcomes of these tests will
be provided in the form of a scaled score, where a score of 100 represents the standard
expected at the end of the key stage. The new tests consist of:
Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary.
Maths arithmetic.
Maths Reasoning.

From the Wizard select the next Marksheet for completion: KS2 C. Test Outcomes 2018.
                           The default view of this screen is
                           Incomplete Marksheets.

    Highlight the Template KS2 C. Test Outcomes 2018
    and select the Edit Marksheet icon or double click to
    open the marksheet.

Key Stage 2 2018                            26
KS2 C. Test Outcomes 2018

                                                                          The Marksheet can also be
                                                                          exported to Excel as a
                                                                          spreadsheet should you wish to
                                                                          record data via the export and
                                                                          import routine.


          Explains that the marksheet is used to enter results of the
          reformed curriculum tests that support teacher assessments as
          part of the 2018 key stage 2 arrangements.

Key Stage 2 2018                            27
KS2 C. Test Outcomes 2018 continued

The Marksheet contains Data Entry columns to enable achievements to be recorded for Spelling Mark, GPV Mark, GPVS Scaled
Score, GPVS Outcome, Reading Mark, Reading Scaled Score, Reading Outcome, Maths Arithmetic Mark, Maths Reasoning 1
Mark, Maths Reasoning 2 Mark, Maths Scaled Score, Maths Outcome. For each of the marks columns there are additional formula
columns to calculate total marks for GPVS and Maths.

Details of acceptable entries for some columns are shown below.

                                                                  Column Headers:
   Result Date
   Remember to change the date to reflect the date when           The Column Headers clearly inform you that a Mark, Scaled
   each test was completed.                                       Score or Outcome is to be entered into the column.
   These may be different for each test.
   DO THIS BEFORE ENTERING ANY DATA.                              Acceptable Entries

                                                                  Right clicking on a column heading allows you to select View
                                                                  Aspect Details which shows acceptable entries for the

Key Stage 2 2018                          28
KS2 C. Test Outcomes 2018 acceptable entries for each marks column

                                                                                Maths Arithmetic Mark allows entry of 0-40.
         Spelling Mark allows entry of 0-20.                                    Maths Reasoning Test 1 & Test 2 Mark
                                                                                allows entry of 0-35.
         GPV Mark allows entry of 0-50.             Reading Mark allows entry
                                                    of 0-50.                    Maths Total Mark will be calculated on total
         GPVS Total Mark will be calculated                                     of both marks.
         on total of both marks.

Key Stage 2 2018                               29
KS2 C. Test Outcomes 2018 acceptable entries for each Scaled Score and Outcome column

              Outcomes for each – GPVS, Reading and Maths will be based on a grade as per the graphic

                   Scaled Scores for each – GPVS, Reading and Maths will accept entries of between 0 – 999.

                   N.B. The STA will use a scale that will centre around 100. (E.g. A maximum score of 120 and
                   a minimum of 80.)

Key Stage 2 2018                              30
KS2 C. Test Outcomes 2018 continued

    When all entries have been made, Select Calculate and then Save

    Indicate that the marksheet is complete by ticking the box.

    Close the marksheet to go back to the Wizard.

                                                                  Highlight the next Marksheet,
                                                                  KS2 D. Broadsheet (Review) and
                                                                  select the edit Marksheet icon (pencil).

Key Stage 2 2018                            31
Marksheet: KS2 D. Broadsheet (Review) 2018

The Broadsheet (Review) 2018 is a read only marksheet that shows all the results, for each
pupil from each of the data entry marksheets. This includes each Teacher Assessment plus the
Test mark, total, scaled score and outcome.

The Broadsheet is designed to review all data, and allow schools to analyse each column on
one marksheet.

As with other marksheets you should indicate that it is Complete and Save. Close the
marksheet to return to the Wizard.
                                                    Select Narrow – this will narrow the columns to
                                                    assist in viewing the marksheet.

                   Select Summary
                   to view the
                   aggregation of                                                 Blank columns
                   each column.                                                   indicate no data input
                                       Teacher Assessment data for
                                       Reading, Writing, Maths and

                                                    Maths Test data
                    GPVS Test data                                               P Scale/NOTSEN data
                                                                                 displayed where
                                     Reading Test                                applicable

Key Stage 2 2018                           32
When entry is complete in all marksheets and you have received official validation from
Northamptonshire Local Authority you can continue to produce End of Key Stage reports.

It is important that you do not send Reports to Parents until “Official Validation” has been
received from the LA

The following guidance is taken from the KS2 Assessment and reporting arrangements for 2018,
Section 10.

KS2 Assessment & Reporting Arrangements 2018

The next step of the Wizard is the production of the Statutory Reports.

The Key Stage Wizard will provide schools with individual reports for TA only or TA and Test.
Both reports will also contain P Scale data where applicable.

Key Stage 2 2018                            33
When all Key Stage 2 data has been entered and validated, you will be able to print the statutory
report for parents.

From the Home Page of SIMS select the route:

Tools | Performance | Assessment | Wizard Manager.

                                                     Select Key Stage 2 Wizard England

                                                                Select Next.

                       The Year 6 group should appear in the
                       Select Group box. If not use the
                       browser icon to locate it.

                                                             Select Next.

Key Stage 2 2018                           34
If you have not indicated that the
                             marksheets are complete, the
                             Wizard will default to show the
                             incomplete marksheets.

                             All relevant Marksheets must be

                        If all processes are complete, you
                        can ignore this screen. Select

Key Stage 2 2018   35
Produce Individual Reports

There are two reports for selection in 2018. The report KS2 P1 Student England TA 2018 will
display only teacher assessment data. The report KS2 P1 Student England TA and TT 2018 will
display both teacher assessments and task/test data.

KS2 P1 Student England TA and TT 2018

It is likely that most schools will issue the Teacher Assessments and Test data to parents.

                     Highlight the Report:
                     KS2 P1 Student England TA and TT 2018.

                             Group Membership Date
                             This defaults to the current
                             system date and will include all
                             pupils currently on roll.

Key Stage 2 2018                            36
View Report – (you can only view
                                                                one pupil at a time).

                                                                                Print Report.

                                                                                Export Report.

                                                                 Upload Report – sends a copy
                                                                 of the Report to the Document
                                                                 Management Server, attached
                                                                 to the pupil’s record.

The Pupils within the Group appear in alphabetical order by Surname. You can sort the list by
any of the columns by clicking in the Column Heading.

It may be useful to sort by Registration Group, which will enable you to print the reports in
Registration Group Order (Recommended).

                                                   In this example, the
                                                   pupil list has been
                                                   sorted by Reg
                                                   Group, by clicking in
                                                   the column header.

                     The pupils are chosen by clicking with the mouse in to the box to the
                     left of each pupil’s name or using the Select All option.

If you select to preview the report, Microsoft Word will be launched and the Individual Report for
the pupil selected will be displayed.

Reports can be produced without previewing by clicking on the Print Icon.
Make your selection from the options above and click the Preview Icon.

Key Stage 2 2018                             37
You may receive a Macro Security Warning when you try to produce the reports, if so please
enable the macro as per the version of Word you are using.

Key Stage 2 2018                          38
This is an example of the KS2 P1 Student England TA and TT 2018 report.

The child in the example below does not have P Scale assessments.

The child in the example below does have P Scale assessments.

Key Stage 2 2018                        39
KS2 P1 Student England TA 2018

To produce the Teacher Assessment report, follow the same processes as above but select the
KS2 P1 Student England TA 2018 option.

            Highlight the Report:
            KS2 P1 Student England 2018.

This is an example of the KS2 P1 Student England TA 2018 report.

Key Stage 2 2018                           40
End of Key Stage Individual Reports can be generated and saved to the SIMS Document
Management Server allowing access via an individual pupil record in SIMS.

                                                               Select pupils as previously
                                                               Select Upload Report.

                                                               This will automatically save the
                                                               Individual Reports for the pupils
                                                               selected to the Document
                                                               Management Server.
                                                               You will receive an “Extracting
                                                               Tags” message whilst this process
                                                               is taking place.

It is recommended that schools save the KS2 P1 Student England TA and TT 2018lreports to
the Document Management Server in order to access a pupil’s report at any time.

                                                          Upon completion a message will
                                                          be displayed informing you that
                                                          the Reports have been uploaded

                                                          Click Cancel to close down the
                                                          Wizard process.

Key Stage 2 2018                         41
View Individual Reports in Sims

Select the Individual Pupil via Focus | Pupil | Pupil Details or by using the Pupil Details icon
on the Shortcut bar.

                                                                  Select Links |

                                                 All linked documents will
                                                 be displayed. Highlight
                                                 the KS2 P1 Individual
                                                 report that you uploaded
                                                 and select Open.

                                           Select View.

                                                  You are advised that the
                                                  document will be “read
                                                  only”, select OK.

Key Stage 2 2018                            42
The End of Key Stage individual report will be displayed as a Word document. This can be
printed if required.

Key Stage 2 2018                          43

Viewing Marksheets in Assessment

You can access any of the Marksheets through the Marksheet Entry Browser in SIMS. They will
be listed under No Owner.

   Select the route:
   Focus | Assessment | Marksheet Entry.

   Type KS2 in the Template Name box and click

   N.B. Marksheets for previous Key Stage years
   may also be present in the search.

                                      Double click or highlight and select Open to
                                      display the Marksheet.

Key Stage 2 2018                         44
Open an Individual’s Pupil Record in the usual way via: Focus | Pupil |Pupil Details

                                                   Select: Links | Assessment.

  Any Assessment Results for this academic year that exist for the selected pupil will be

  If you wish to see earlier results, for example, Early Years Foundation Stage: you would
  need to amend the From Date to prior to when the EYFS results were recorded. Click
  Refresh to see the data on screen.

Key Stage 2 2018                           45
APPENDIX 3 – Including additional pupils in the KS2 CTF
 export to LA

 In order to select pupils from different year groups – do not restrict the year group column to
 view Year 6 pupils only.

SORT the pupil selection by Year
Group, by left clicking on the
column header.

FIRSTLY SELECT all Year 6 by
clicking on the first pupil and then
Hold the Shift key down and click
on the last pupil in Year 6 (all will
be selected).                                 To locate any additional pupils to
                                              be included, hold down the CTRL
                                              Key and select the additional pupils
                                              – they will then be highlighted along
                                              with Year 6.

                        NOW CONTINUE AS DESCRIBED ON PAGE 23.

 Key Stage 2 2018                             46
APPENDIX 4 – Creating Common Transfer Files (CTF) for
receiving schools (transfer to secondary schools)

All Schools should create an initial CTF to Secondary Schools for receiving Year 6 pupils
and repeat after recording the End of Key Stage 2 Test Results into Assessment.

The following information is taken from the Assessment and Reporting Arrangements 2018 for
Key Stage 2 Pupils – section 11.3.

Key Stage 2 2018                         47
Select the route:
  Routines | Data Out | CTF | Export CTF.

                                           Highlight General and then Select.

                                                                     Select all relevant fields,
                                                                     but ensure that:

                                                                            Student Basic
                                                                            Assessment Data
                                                                            Include KS1

Continue to create a CTF in the usual way, by selecting the pupils for each destination school.

Use your usual secure file transfer routines to transfer the data to the receiving school/s.

Key Stage 2 2018                             48
APPENDIX 5 - Importing Feeder School Assessments


All Schools are required to send Common Transfer Files for pupils transferring school. The CTF
should contain all applicable End of Key Stage assessments including Early Years Foundation
Stage assessments.

In order for the import of a CTF to include the Assessment results it is important that all fields
(Aspects) that hold the necessary data are imported prior to bringing in the CTF.

The AMPA folder contains wizards; similar to the one used for the end of Key Stage 2
administration. These are available for; Early Years Foundation Stage, Phonics Screening Year
1, Phonics Screening re-check Year 2 and End of Key Stage 1. When these are imported, the
relevant templates and marksheets will be available in the system to accept the Assessment
data within the CTF.

All Templates imported via the Wizard are available for use under the Template focus in
Assessment, under No Owner.

Marksheets can be attached for any New Intake Groups (that have a status of accepted), which
would allow you to track data throughout a pupils academic career.

Key Stage 2 2018                             49
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