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                                                                                                                          KIT 600

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The Eagle Logo is among the many trademarks of the U.S. Postal Service.®

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                                                                                 KIT 600
                                                                           ELECTION MAIL™
                                                                           YOUR 2018 OFFICIAL
March 2018

As the busy election season nears, it is expected that 23 million voters across the nation will cast their ballots
by domestic absentee ballot or by mail. To help you in the planning and preparation of election-related
mail, the Postal Service™ has developed the 2018 Official Election Mail™ Program Kit. The kit is part of our
continued commitment to provide you with the tools necessary to use the U.S. Mail™ as a secure, efficient,
and effective way to facilitate the election process.

New for 2018: You can order Tag 191, Domestic and International Ballots, online and they can be mailed
directly to your office: please visit or contact your Business
Mail Entry Unit at

Included in your 2018 Official Election Mail Program Kit:
■■Tag   191 Fact Sheet and Sample Tag — Information and guidelines to help your ballot mail get
    higher visibility during processing.
■■Informed    Visibility® Mail Tracking and Reporting (IV® -MTR) Fact Sheet for Election Mail —
    IV -MTR is a service that provides near real-time mail tracking data for letter and flat pieces,

    bundles, handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks), and containers.
■■Steps   to Creating Your Intelligent Mail® Barcode Fact Sheet — Learn how to create your own
    IMb to track ballots while in the mail stream and more.

■■Special     Procedures APO/FPO/DPO Absentee Ballots Fact Sheet — Tips to ensure absentee
    ballots reach military personnel who are currently overseas.
■■Official Election Mail Program: an Overview for Election Officials Fact Sheet — Overview of
    the many benefits of using mail during the election process.
■■Publication     631, Official Election Mail—Graphic Guidelines and Logos — Learn proper usage
    of the Official Election Mail logo for inclusion on mailpieces.
■■Publication     632, State and Local Election Mail—User’s Guide — Contains information that
    election officials must consider before mailing Election Mail.
■■Mailing   Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) —
    Revision to 703.8, Balloting Materials, effective October 7, 2013.
■■USPS ®    Enabled an Election Mail Checkbox — An Election Mail Checkbox in the PostalOne!®
    processing system and on the following PS Forms: 3602-R, 3602-N, 3600-PM, and 3600-FCM
    provides USPS visibility of all Official Election Mail entered into the mailstream.
■■USPS       Postmarks Mail Processed on USPS Letter Automation Processing Equipment That
    Applies Cancellations — The use of a postmark has a variety of uses including identifying the date
    of ballot materials, voter registration cards, absentee applications, polling place notifications, and tax
    filing submissions.

475 L’Enfant Plaza SW
Washington DC 20260-3100
Visit   us   @   usps . com
Tag 191, Domestic and International Ballots
The Postal Service recommends the use of green Tag 191, Domestic and
International Ballots, to identify trays and sacks that contain ballot mail. Although
use of the tag is optional, it provides greater visibility to containers of ballot mail as
they move through Postal Service processing and distribution operations.

Tag 191 may only be used to identify ballot mail addressed for domestic or
international delivery. The tag is not to be used to identify containers of other types
of Official Election Mail™ such as polling place notices, voter registration notices,
or other election-related materials. Tag 191 may not be used by organizations
or individuals for Political Campaign Mail that promotes political candidates,
referendums, or political campaigns.

Affix Tag 191 to the mail container as follows:
■■   Strapped Letter Trays: Using a plastic twist tie, attach Tag 191 to the strap at
     the end of the tray that bears the tray label.                                          Please use
                                                                                             this Tag 191
■■   Non-strapped Letter Trays: For trays permitted to be tendered without                   for ballot mail.
     strapping, attach Tag 191 to the tray with a rubber band that is double-looped          Additional tags
     through the tray handhold at the end that bears the tray label.                         can be obtained
■■   Sacks and Flat Trays with Flat-Size Mail: Depending on the type of sack,                through your
     attach Tag 191 to either the strap or label holder on the sack.                         local Post
                                                                                             Office™ facility.

New for 2018: You can order Tag 191, Domestic and International Ballots, online
and they can be mailed directly to your office: please visit
gov-services/election-mail/ or contact your Business Mail Entry Unit at https://

©2012-2018 United States Postal Service®. All Rights Reserved.
The Eagle Logo is among the many trademarks of the U.S. Postal Service®.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking and Reporting
(IV®-MTR) Fact Sheet for Election Mail
The IV-MTR application provides near real-time and expanded visibility of mailpieces
(letters and flats), bundles, handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks), and containers. This
provides you with insight as mail moves through the mailstream, enabling you to better
plan election mail resources. IV-MTR also enables you to receive the data you want, when
you want it, and how you want it through flexible data provisioning and data delegation.

One way IV-MTR expands visibility is by leveraging GPS tracking information from carrier
hand-held scanners to create logical delivery events, providing insight into when mail is
delivered without the need for a physical scan. This helps fill in visibility gaps, giving you
powerful end-to-end tracking capabilities.

IV-MTR expands visibility beyond physical scans of mail objects by leveraging the
intelligence of Full-Service Intelligent Mail® and nesting associations. For example, IV-MTR
creates assumed handling events for nested mail whenever the mail aggregate containing
the nested mail is scanned.

How does IV-MTR help Election Officials?

For outgoing mail, IV-MTR helps you do the following:
■■   Obtain near real-time notification when your mail receives its last processing scan.
■■   Identify mail delivery trends and predicted delivery dates.
■■   Know when mailpieces reach their destination so you can better manage election
For incoming reply mail, IV-MTR helps you do the following:
■■   Obtain near real-time notification when your return mail enters the mailstream.
■■   Know when voters’ return items are on the way and where they are in the Postal
     Service™ supply chain.
How do I get started with IV-MTR?

To learn more or get started with IV-MTR service, visit our website, send an email, or
contact the IV-MTR help desk.



 IV-MTR Help Desk:             1-800-238-3150, Option #2.

                               The Help Desk is available 7 AM to 7 PM CT, Monday
                               through Friday (closed on holidays).

©2018 United States Postal Service®. All Rights Reserved.
The Eagle Logo is among the many trademarks of the U.S. Postal Service®.
Steps to creating your Intelligent Mail Barcode
The Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb®) is a 65-bar Postal
Service™ barcode used to sort and track letters and flats. It
                                                                                         Information about OneCode ACS is available in
allows mailers to use a single barcode to participate in multiple Postal Service         Publication 8b, OneCode ACS Technical Guide.
programs simultaneously, expands mailers’ ability to track individual mailpieces,        Information on IMb IV-MTR is available in the
and provides greater mail stream visibility.                                             IMb IV-MTR User Guide. Users should also read
                                                                                         Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance
The Intelligent Mail barcode can be applied on Priority Mail® pieces, First-Class        for Letters and Flats, which provides in-depth
Mail® pieces, USPS Marketing Mail® pieces, Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail                 information about the Intelligent Mail program.
pieces, Periodicals, letters and flats, and Bound Printed Matter flats. The IMb          For information about address quality, go to:
can be used for IMb Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking and Reporting (IV®-MTR)
service, and it can be used for address correction services: manual address              Once the encoder and font are installed,
correction notices, Address Change Service (ACS™), OneCode ACS®, and                     verify the print quality by producing samples,
Intelligent Mail Full-Service ACS™. IMb IV-MTR application provides information          as instructed in the encoder package.
                                                                                         The Intelligent Mail Barcode Specification
about when and where the Postal Service sorts a mailpiece on mail-processing
                                                                                         USPSB-3200 and The Intelligent Mail Barcode
equipment. Traditional ACS, OneCode ACS, and Full-Service ACS provide                    Technical Resource Guide provide extensive
mailers with electronic address-correction information when a mailpiece cannot           technical information about Intelligent Mail
be delivered as addressed.                                                               barcodes.

The IMb consists of a 20-digit tracking code field (Barcode Identifier, Service Type Identifier, Mailer Identifier, and Serial
Number) and a Routing Code (ZIP Code™) field of up to 11 digits. An encoder is required to convert the numeric digits
into a 65-character string representing the bars of the IMb® tracking code, and a special font is required to convert the
65 alpha-character string into the IMb bars. Users can download a library of IMb tracking code fonts and computer
source code from the Fonts and Encoders Download page at
encoder-software-and-fonts. The Intelligent Mail Barcode Resource Download page on PostalPro™ provides many
useful links and answers to frequently asked questions.
A Mailer Identifier (Mailer ID or MID) is required for the IMb® tracking code. New Mailer IDs are assigned through
centralized USPS® processes, generally through the Mailer ID system at
signin (Business Customer Gateway). Refer to the User Access to Electronic Mailing Information and Reports Guide on
PostalPro for step-by-step instructions for using the Mailer ID system. Mail owners and mail preparers will be assigned
their six- or nine-digit MIDs based on criteria established by the Postal Service. For the PostalPro web site, go to The Intelligent Mail Mailer ID Application page on the PostalPro site explains the few
exceptions to using the Business Customer Gateway to obtain new Mailer IDs, such as when requesting multiple Mailer
IDs or Mailing Agents acting on behalf of Mail Owners.
The five IMb fields are the Barcode Identifier, the Service Type Identifier, the Mailer ID, the Serial Number, and the
Routing Code (ZIP Code). The Barcode Identifier field should be “00” (zero-zero) with one exception: automation-price
eligible flat mail bearing a printed optional endorsement line (OEL). When mailers prepare flat-size pieces using IMb
tracking codes to meet automation-price eligibility requirements, the IMb tracking codes on any pieces bearing printed
OELs must contain the Barcode Identifier corresponding to the printed OEL used. See the Barcode ID Reference Table
on PostalPro to determine the correct Barcode Identifier.
The attributes that determine which Service Type Identifier (STID) should appear in an IMb tracking code are the
class of mail, the ACS service desired, and whether IMb IV-MTR service is desired. See the Service Type ID Reference
Table on the PostalPro site to determine the correct Service Type Identifier.

(continued on back)
The Mailer Identifier (MID) is explained in Step 2, above. All Intelligent Mail barcodes must contain a valid MID,
except in the case of Origin barcodes, where the Mailer ID and Serial Number fields are combined to provide the full
15 digits for customer use.
The Serial Number, in conjunction with the MID and class of mail, can uniquely identify the mailpiece. Currently,
Serial Number uniqueness is not required to qualify for basic automation prices. The Intelligent Mail Full-Service
option requires that mailpieces be uniquely identified, and the tracking code cannot be reused for a period of 45 days.
Depending on the length of the MID, the Serial Number is either a nine- or six-digit number.
The Routing Code can contain a 5-digit ZIP Code, 9-digit ZIP+4® code, or 11-digit delivery-point code. To obtain
automation discounts, a Delivery-Point ZIP Code from CASS™ -certified (Coding Accuracy Support System) software is
required. Mailers may opt not to populate the ZIP Code and use the IMb tracking code only for tracking the mailpiece. If
populated, it must never be padded with leading or trailing zeros that are not part of a valid 5-, 9-, or 11-digit ZIP Code.
The Intelligent Mail barcode concatenates the five fields in this way:
Six-Digit Mailer Identifier
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
 Barcode      Service
                                      Mailer ID                              Serial Number                                   Routing Code (ZIP Code)
    ID        Type ID
                                       [6N]                                       [9N]                                         [none, 5, 9, or 11N]
  [2N]         [3N]

Nine-Digit Mailer Identifier
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
 Barcode      Service
                                              Mailer ID                              Serial Number                           Routing Code (ZIP Code)
    ID        Type ID
                                               [9N]                                       [6N]                                 [none, 5, 9, or 11N]
  [2N]         [3N]

IMb with Origin IMb IV Service Type ID (Service Type ID = 050, 051, or 052)
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
 Barcode      Service                              Original IMb IV Customer Number                                           Routing Code (ZIP Code)
    ID        Type ID            (Available to the mailer to use for their own identification purposes)          (Serves as “Subscriber ID” for Origin IMb Tracing)
  [2N]         [3N]                                               [15N]                                                             [9 or 11N]

Once mailers have selected service(s), received a MID, and devised a unique serial number strategy, they are ready to
put the five fields together to form the 20- to 31-digit string, encode it to 65 characters, and convert the 65-character
string using the IMb font to form the 65-bar Intelligent Mail barcode as in the example below. On letters, the Intelligent
Mail barcode can be placed in the address block or in the barcode clear zone. On flats, it can be placed on the
address side at least 1/8 inch from the edge of the piece.

Learn more about the Intelligent Mail barcode at
 EXAMPLE: Service Type ID of 270 (First-Class Mail®, Intelligent Mail Full-Service option, with IMb IV service, no address correction), Mailer ID 123456, uniquely
 identified by Serial Number 200800001, going to ZIP Code 98765-4321(01), is encoded like this:
 Digit String: 0027012345620080000198765432101
 Æ Intelligent Mail barcode encoder Æ Encoded string (T=Tracker, F=Full Bar, A=Ascender, D=Descender):

 Æ Intelligent Mail barcode font Æ Intelligent Mail barcode:

©2018 United States Postal Service®. All Rights Reserved.
The Eagle Logo is among the many trademarks of the U.S. Postal Service®.
Special Procedures: APO/FPO/DPO
Absentee Ballots
September 1, 2018 – November 30, 2018
The United States Postal Service® and the Military Postal Service have
again joined forces to expedite delivery of federal absentee ballots to
overseas military personnel. We recognize the important role mail plays
in the election process and are committed to ensuring that everyone who               APO/FPO/DPO
votes by mail experiences a smooth, well-organized process — one that                090 AE IL 62109
provides them with the highest level of trust and confidence. The following
Special Procedures for APO/FPO/DPO Absentee Ballots are provided for             Absentee Ballots 090–099
Election Officials and Postal Service™ employees.

Program Summary:
■■   Election officials should mail absentee ballots at least 45 days prior to
     the November 6, 2018, Mid-Term Election. All military absentee ballots
     mailed by election officials from September 1 through November 6,
     2018, will be subject to special handling procedures.
■■   Local election offices are requested to segregate military absentee
     ballots to the Chicago International/Military Service Center (CI/MSC)          ADC MIAMI FL 331
     gateway and the Miami International gateway (ISC).
                                                                                   Absentee Ballots 340
■■   Trays or containers of absentee ballot mail may be identified using Tag
     191, Domestic and International Ballots, and presented to the Post
■■   Contact your local Post Office facility for more information on standard
     procedures for election offices.
■■   APO/FPO/DPO absentee ballots will be sent from local Post Office
     locations to the nearest Processing & Distribution Center for further
                                                                                     962 AP IL 62196
■■   At the International Service Centers, absentee ballots receive special
     handling.                                                                   Absentee Ballots 962–966

ELECTION OFFICIALS: Separate military absentee ballots by preparing
bundles for the two ISC military gateways: Chicago and Miami.
 Directions for marking the bundles.
 ISC Name             ISC State Abbreviation               ISC ZIP Code™ Range
 Chicago                             AE                               090–099
 Chicago                             AP                               962–966         APO/FPO/DPO
 Miami                               AA                                    340           MIXED
                                                                                     Absentee Ballots
If fewer than five (5) pieces will be in a separate bundle, a mixed bundle
may be prepared. This bundle must have the facing slip marked,
“APO/FPO/DPO MIXED – Absentee Ballots.”

©2018 United States Postal Service®. All Rights Reserved.
The Eagle Logo is among the many trademarks of the U.S. Postal Service®.
Official Election Mail:

Before they go to the ballot box, they’ll go to the mailbox.
States and localities are increasingly using mail in the election process. That’s why
we’re committed to providing you with the training and tools necessary to implement
successful and cost-effective mail strategies for any official state or local election.
The following overview highlights the many benefits of working with USPS® on your
Vote-by-Mail program. Get more details at

Track the Vote.
With Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking and Reporting service, you can track incoming
and outgoing mail as it travels through the Postal Service™ system. This powerful tool
helps you manage the election process.

For added security and peace of mind, Official Election Mail™ is
protected by the United States Postal Inspection Service®, the
oldest federal law enforcement agency in the nation.

More details and mailing resources are available at
Official Election Mail Program:
an Overview for Election Officials.
U.S. Postal Service Training Program                                                              For
The U.S. Postal Service® makes it easy to add the benefits of mail to your next
election. We provide training, tools, and resources to help you and your staff get                on preparing
started. We’ll even help you plan your program, improve the quality and accuracy of               and sending
your address file, and design smart, cost-effective mailpieces. The information below
introduces you to the services and assistance we provide.
                                                                                                  mail, visit
                                                                                                  our election
Training                                          Addressing
The U.S. Postal Service has developed             Address quality is critical to the timely
presentations and has resources to help           and efficient delivery of your mail. Your
Election Officials prepare, induct, and track     address lists should be up-to-date,             resources site
mail sent to voters and returned to the Board     accurate, and complete. To assist you           at
of Elections. Please contact your Election Mail   with this, the U.S. Postal Service offers
coordinator at for          several products and services, including
more information.                                 software to help you improve the                You’ll also find
                                                  accuracy of your mailings.                      resources to
Planning your mailing in advance will             Designing                                       help you plan,
help ensure that it goes out in a timely,         Mailpiece design analysts (MDAs) can            address, and
efficient manner, which is vital during an        greatly improve your mail service and           design Official
election period. Our team of Election Mail        reduce postage costs. Postal Service
specialists can help you:                         MDAs will help ensure quality and show          Election Mail.
■■ Determine the appropriate class of             you how to choose a layout according to
   mail and the eligibility of the contents       Postal Service guidelines and regulations.
   of the mailpiece based upon the                MDAs can be reached by emailing
   specific purpose of the mailing (e.g., or by calling
   information, ballots, voter registration).     855-593-6093, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST.
■■ Choose the best postage payment
                                                  Official Election Mail™ Logo
   options for outgoing and return                Display
   mailpieces.                                    the logo
■■ Identify any extra services that may be        on your                                      ©2018 United States Postal
   needed.                                        mailpiece                                    Service®. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                               The Eagle Logo and the
■■ Provide extra lead time for mailings to        to indicate                                  trademarks identified in this
   armed forces personnel and overseas            your mail is from a                          document are among the many
                                                                                               trademarks of the U.S. Postal
   voters.                                        state or local voter registration or         Service®.
                                                  election official. You can download it at

More details and mailing resources are available at
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal
Service, Domestic Mail Manual
Reports about ballots being mailed back to election officials with insufficient postage are on the
rise. Each election cycle presents a different set of parameters for ballot creation and for the size
and weight of the return mailpiece. As a result, many voters do not know the correct amount of
postage required to return their ballots by mail.

Effective October 7, 2013, the Postal Service™ revised Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) ( 703.8 requiring that
the balloting materials for all types of ballots, whether disseminated in hardcopy or
electronically, must indicate in a prominent location the proper amount of First-Class
Mail® postage that must be applied. This information must be included in the balloting
materials (i.e., on the ballot, ballot instructions, mailing instructions, or the envelope) with the
marking “First‑Class Mail postage must be applied.”

Alternatively, the marking “Apply First-Class Mail postage here” could be printed in the upper-
right corner of the address side of the envelope used by the voter to return the ballot to election
officials. The Postal Service will also accept approved variations of the above markings.

Additionally, balloting materials must indicate, in a prominent location, the specific amount of
First-Class Mail postage required for the return of the ballot to election officials. The marking
requirements will not apply to balloting materials that meet one of the following exceptions:
■■   The balloting materials are qualified under the special exemption for military and overseas
■■   The ballot is returned under Business Reply Mail® service.
■■   Return postage is guaranteed through a postage due account.
■■   Postage on the ballot is prepaid by stamps, meter, or Permit Reply Mail.

Election officials should consult with Postal Service officials to assist with mailpiece design and
barcode placement and to determine the proper amount of postage required for mailing ballots
to voters and the return of ballots to election officials.

Noncompliant Mailings
For mailers who submit election ballot mailings that are noncompliant with current return postage
requirements, the following acceptance procedures are to be observed: The mailer can submit
a written request to the manager, Business Mail Entry, requesting a one-time-exception to
allow the mailing to be accepted. The Pricing and Classification Service Center will review the
exception request.

©2018 United States Postal Service®. All Rights Reserved.
The Eagle Logo is among the many trademarks of the U.S. Postal Service®.
USPS Enabled an Election Mail Checkbox
The Postal Service™ is committed to improving election mail processes. As such,
effective January 26, 2014, USPS® enabled an Election Mail Checkbox in PostalOne!®
processing and the following Postage Statements: PS Form 3602-R, PS Form 3602-N,
PS Form 3600-PM, and PS Form 3600-FCM. The purpose of this change is to provide
USPS visibility of all Official Election Mail entered into the mailstream. Please check the
“This is Official Election Mail” box for each mailing presented for acceptance. This will
provide the USPS insight about election mail volume by entry point that may help with
future Postal Service capacity planning.

As an example of the postage statement changes, PS Forms 3600-FCM, Postage
Statement—First-Class Mail and First-Class Package Service and 3602-R, Postage
Statement—USPS Marketing Mail™ are illustrated below.

PS Form 3600-FCM, Postage Statement—First-Class Mail and First-Class
Package Service

PS Form 3602-R, Postage Statement—USPS Marketing Mail

©2018 United States Postal Service®. All Rights Reserved.
The Eagle Logo is among the many trademarks of the U.S. Postal Service®.
USPS Postmarks Mail Processed on USPS Letter
Automation Processing Equipment That Applies
The U.S. Postal Service® recognizes         The result of this improvement is that
elections for political offices are the     First-Class Mail® processed on Letter
bedrock of our system of government.        Automation Compatible Postage
We greatly value our role in the election   Cancellation Systems identifies the date
process as well as the relationships we     the mail was processed at the mail
have with Election Officials.               processing facility near origin or drop
In response to mailers’ and municipal       shipment location (see Figures 1, 2, and
officials’ requests, the Postal Service™    3). This change has a variety of uses,
began applying a cancellation mark to       including identifying the date the Postal
all letter pieces processed on USPS®        Service™ accepted custody of ballot
Letter Automation Compatible Postage        materials.
Cancellation Systems in March 2014.

Figures 1, 2, and 3
Sample Alternative Cancellation Marks (Images not to scale)

                                                              ©2018 United States Postal Service®.
                                                              All Rights Reserved.
                                                              The Eagle Logo is among the many
                                                              trademarks of the U.S. Postal Service®.
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