Page created by Katherine Deleon
JUNE 2021

L A Z A R D ’ S L E V E L I Z E D C O S T O F H Y D R O G E N A N A LY S I S

Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Hydrogen Analysis—Executive Summary
                           Lazard has undertaken an analysis of the Levelized Cost of Hydrogen (“LCOH”) in an effort to provide greater clarity to Industry participants on the
                           potentially disruptive role of hydrogen across a variety of economic sectors. Our LCOH builds upon, and relates to, our annual Levelized Cost of Energy
                           (“LCOE”) and Levelized Cost of Storage (“LCOS”) studies. Given this breadth, we have decided to focus the analysis on the following key topics:
                            An overview of the various methods for producing hydrogen and various applications of hydrogen across economic sectors
                            A discussion of FAQs pertaining to hydrogen given its relatively nascent presence across most economic sectors
                            A levelized cost analysis of green hydrogen (i.e., hydrogen produced using water and renewable energy) based on two primary electrolyzer
       Overview of            technologies and an illustrative set of electrolyzer capacities
        Analysis            Our analysis intentionally focuses on a key subset of assumptions for calculating the LCOH. The additional factors listed below have been
                              intentionally excluded but would also have an impact on the delivered cost of green hydrogen:
                               Conversion to other states and/or additional purification for the production of other chemicals (i.e., liquefaction, production of ammonia, methanol,
                               Compression and/or storage costs, whether on- or off-site
                               Transmission, distribution and transportation costs (e.g., pipeline, truck, ship, etc.)
                               Additional investment and/or retrofitting of end-use infrastructure/equipment for the use of hydrogen vs. the original fuel source

                            Hydrogen is currently produced primarily from fossil fuels using steam-methane reforming and methane splitting processes (i.e., “gray” hydrogen)
     Overview of
                            A variety of additional processes are available to produce hydrogen from electricity and water, which are at varying degrees of development and
                             commercial viability
    Production and
     Applications           Given its versatility as an energy carrier, hydrogen has the potential to be used across industrial processes, power generation and transportation,
                             creating a potential path for decarbonizing energy-intensive industries where current technologies/alternatives are not presently viable

                            Green hydrogen is currently more expensive than the conventional fuels or hydrogen it would displace—the intent of this cost analysis is to
                             benchmark the LCOH of green hydrogen on a $/kg basis such that readers may convert to the equivalent cost of a given end use of interest (e.g., as
                             feedstock for ammonia production, displacing natural gas in a power plant, etc.)
                            Applications which require minimal additional steps (e.g., conversion, storage, transportation, etc.) to reach the end user will achieve cost
                             competitiveness sooner than those that do not
                                    This dynamic is further amplified to the extent that end uses require retrofitting equipment to utilize hydrogen vs. the conventional alternatives
                            Electricity represents ~30% – 60% of the cost to produce hydrogen from electrolyzers with a capacity of 20+ MW—the LCOH is therefore highly
     Cost Analysis           dependent on the cost of the available sources of electricity
                            The next-most significant driver of the LCOH is the cost of the electrolyzer, which is expected to decrease as a result of rapid growth in industry scale
                             and technological advancement
                            In assessing the cost profile of green hydrogen, the relative cost position of green hydrogen as compared to conventional fuels or gray hydrogen is an
                             obvious core component of the analysis as is the relevant use case being compared
                            A cost of carbon, or avoidance of such costs, is not included in the LCOH nor are government support mechanisms—both of these factors could be
                             impactful to any cost/project analysis

                        Note:       Lazard’s LCOH analysis is conducted with support from Roland Berger. This analysis is illustrative in nature and should not be considered as a benchmark for any given project.                                   1
Copyright 2021 Lazard               This analysis should not be considered as a basis from which to make investment, regulatory or strategic decisions or otherwise.
                                                                                                 This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                             other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.
I   Overview of Hydrogen Production and Applications

       Leading Processes for Hydrogen Production
       Hydrogen has historically been produced primarily through the use of fossil fuels; however, improvements in the cost effectiveness of
       renewable energy and electrolyzer technology create a path for economically viable green hydrogen


                                                Fossil Fuels                                                                  Nuclear Energy

                                                                                               Water (H2O)                                                              Water (H2O)                                                              Water (H2O)

                                 Steam-Methane                                                              Thermochemical                    High-Temperature                                                        Low-Temperature
                                                             Methane Splitting                                 Splitting                      Steam Electrolysis
                                   Reforming                                                                                                                                                                            Electrolysis

                                              Carbon Dioxide
                                               (CO2) Capture
                                                and Storage

                   Carbon Dioxide                                            Carbon
                                                                                                          Oxygen (O2)                                     Oxygen (O2)                                    Oxygen (O2)
                       (CO2)                                              Monoxide (CO)

                         Gray Hydrogen                              Blue Hydrogen                                                                                                                                     Green Hydrogen

                   Notes                                                                             Notes                                                                                     Notes

                         Steam reforming involves injecting steam into                                    Thermochemical splitting utilizes a high-                                                 Low-temperature electrolysis is an
                          natural gas, producing “gray” hydrogen and                                        temperature process to produce “yellow”                                                    electrochemical process in which a current
                          CO2                                                                               hydrogen and oxygen                                                                        is applied to water to produce green
                             Subsequent CO2 capture and storage                                           High-temperature steam electrolysis utilizes                                               hydrogen and oxygen
                              produces “blue” hydrogen                                                      an electric current and high-temperature                                                  Alkaline and polymer electrolyte membrane
                         Methane splitting utilizes a high-temperature                                     steam to produce “yellow” hydrogen and                                                     (“PEM”) electrolyzers are currently the
                          plasma to split natural gas into “blue”                                           oxygen                                                                                     primary technologies utilized for low-
                          hydrogen and carbon monoxide                                                                                                                                                 temperature electrolysis
       Copyright 2021 Lazard   Source: World Nuclear Association (2020), Hydrogen Council, International Energy Agency, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association and National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
                                                                                                         This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                                     other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.

Hydrogen Applications in Today’s Economy
The adaptability of hydrogen to supplement or replace gaseous and liquid fossil fuels creates numerous opportunities to address the needs of
a variety of economic sectors
                         Form                            Sector                                                                                   Notes
                                                                                                                                                        Gaseous hydrogen and ammonia can be utilized as fuel
                                                                                      Power                                                              substitutes in power generation, gas distribution, and combined
                                                                                                                                                         heat and power (“CHP”) applications
                                                                   Gas Distribution/District Heating                                                           Hydrogen could also provide a means for providing
                                                                                                                                                                seasonal storage for the power grid
                            GAS &                                         Oil and Gas Production                                                        Hydrogen is used in refining and can be integrated into the
                          FUEL CELL                                                                                                                      production processes for carbon-intensive materials such as
                                                                        Heavy/Specialty Industry                                                         aluminum, iron, steel and cement
                                                                                                                                                        The production of ammonia, methanol and other industrial
                                                                    Industrial Chemical Production                                                       chemicals requires hydrogen as a primary ingredient

                                                                                                                                                        Gaseous hydrogen can be combusted directly, or when paired
                                                                    Heavy-Duty/Industrial Vehicles                                                       with fuel cells, can function as a substitute for conventional
                                                                                                                                                         fuels (e.g., natural gas, fuel oil, etc.) for use in commercial and
                                                                                                                                                         industrial vehicles (e.g., forklifts, etc.)
 H2                                                                                                                                                          Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (“HFEVs”) compete
                            GAS &
                                                                      Cargo and/or Passenger Rail                                                             favorably with battery electric vehicles (“BEVs”) in
                          FUEL CELL                                                                                                                           industrial applications that require high uptime, quick
                                                                                                                                                              refueling and the ability to move heavy loads
                                                                                                                                                        Ammonia and methanol are viable substitute fuels for various
                                                                   Maritime Shipping and/or Travel                                                       heavy-duty applications (e.g., maritime), where the energy
                                                                                                                                                         density and ease of handling of these fuels is competitive with
                                                                                                                                                         conventional alternatives

                                                                                                                                                        Hydrogen can be combined with carbon dioxide to produce
                                                                                    Aviation                                                             low- or net-zero emissions aviation and synthetic fuels,
                                                                                                                                                         depending on the initial source of carbon dioxide
                                                                                                                                                        HFEVs are a viable alternative to BEVs for larger/heavier
                         GAS & LIQUID/                                                                                                                   passenger vehicles (e.g., sport utility vehicles), where the
                        SYNTHETIC FUEL                                      Light-Duty Vehicles                                                          additional carrying capacity of fuel offsets the relatively heavier
                                                                                                                                                         vehicle platform
                                                                                      Other                                                                    HFEVs maintain an advantage over BEVs to the extent the
                                                                                                                                                                weight-to-power density profile of larger passenger
                                                                                                                                                                vehicles offsets the lower efficiency of the gas-to-electricity
                                                                                                                                                                conversion process                                            3
Copyright 2021 Lazard    Source: Hydrogen Council, International Energy Agency, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association and National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
                                                                                                  This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                              other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.
II   Frequently Asked Questions Pertaining to Hydrogen

Hydrogen FAQs—Market Drivers
Lazard has undertaken a study of the LCOH to analyze the current unsubsidized cost to produce green hydrogen through electrolysis. Given
hydrogen’s versatility as a clean fuel source, it is viewed as a potentially disruptive solution for decarbonizing a variety of economic sectors

                                                 Green hydrogen is produced when renewable energy is used to split water into its component parts through electrolysis

         What Is Green
       Hydrogen and How                          The versatility of green hydrogen as a liquid or gaseous fuel, combined with its suitability for various modes of transport,
       Can It Support the                         makes it a natural substitute for a number of existing fossil fuels (e.g., natural gas, gasoline, diesel, coal and oil)
       Decarbonization of
       Economic Activity?
                                                 As a result of its versatility, green hydrogen is a potential solution for reducing carbon emissions in traditionally “hard-to-
                                                  abate” sectors such as transportation/mobility, heating, oil refining, ammonia and methanol production, and power generation

                                                 There are four types of water electrolysis technologies that are used to create green hydrogen:

                                                       Alkaline electrolysis is the most developed and commercialized process to date

                                                       PEM electrolysis is the next-most mature process with growing commercialization
   How Is Green Hydrogen
                                                         PEM is advantageous over alkaline with a smaller footprint, ability to load follow due to lower startup and system
                                                          response times, lower minimum load requirements and greater load flexibility (i.e., optimize output based on the
                                                          availability of intermittent renewable energy)

                                                       Solid oxide and anion exchange membrane (“AEM”) electrolysis processes are still in pilot/development stages—these
                                                        processes are not expected to be broadly commercialized before the mid 2020s

                        Source: International Renewable Energy Agency, International Energy Agency, U.S. Department of Energy, Biden Administration, European Union, national government filings, National                                              4
Copyright 2021 Lazard
                                Renewable Energy Laboratory and California Energy Commission.

                                                                                                   This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                               other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.

Hydrogen FAQs—End-Use Applications
                                                 Hydrogen is currently used primarily in industrial applications, including oil refining, steel production, ammonia and methanol
                                                  production, and feedstock for other smaller-scale chemical processes
      Which Sectors Can
                                                 Green hydrogen is best positioned to reduce CO2 emissions in typically “hard-to-abate” sectors such as cement production,
         Utilize Green
                                                  centralized energy systems, steel production, transportation and mobility (e.g., forklifts, maritime vessels, trucks and buses),
      Hydrogen to Reduce                          and building power and heat systems
        CO2 Emissions?
                                                 Natural gas utilities are likely to be early adopters of green hydrogen as methanation (i.e., combining hydrogen with CO2 to
                                                  produce methane) becomes commercially viable and pipeline infrastructure is upgraded to support hydrogen blends
                                                 Material handling equipment (e.g., forklifts) and industrial use cases (e.g., oil refining, ammonia and methanol feedstock) are
          What Is the                             currently among the more widely adopted use cases for green hydrogen
                                                 Near-term (as the decade progresses), “mass market acceptability” (i.e., sales >1% of the market) could occur for
     Readiness” of Various
                                                  applications such as heavy-duty trucking, city buses, decarbonization of feedstock and hydrogen storage, among others
        Use Cases with
     Respect to Green H2?                        Longer-term (i.e., beyond 2030), commercially viable green hydrogen applications are expected to expand to other mobility
                                                  segments (e.g., drop-in synthetic fuels), steel production, blending with natural gas and heating applications
                                                 Potential infrastructure needs for the widespread adoption of green hydrogen:
                                                      Once green hydrogen is produced, it must be stored, transported and potentially converted, unless consumed on-site
                                                      Transport and storage (e.g., pressurization) are meaningful barriers for green hydrogen being broadly cost competitive
                                                      Most existing natural gas distribution infrastructure cannot accommodate pure or even low-level blending (i.e.,

Hydrogen FAQs—Industry Landscape

                                                 The green hydrogen production value chain can be divided into five primary segments:

                                                      Process input generation

                                                      Green hydrogen production

                                                      Conversion, including compression and storage

        What Is the Green                             Transportation, including vessels and pipeline
         Hydrogen Value
       Chain and Who Are
        the Key Players?                              Reconversion to gaseous hydrogen as applicable

                                                 Key end users in the value chain include independent power producers, electric and natural gas utilities, oil and gas majors,
                                                  electrolyzer manufacturers, the automotive sector, infrastructure and transportation providers, and other end users

                                                 The electrolyzer manufacturer landscape is split between advanced manufacturers and smaller players whose technologies
                                                  are still under development or in pilot stages

                                                 Downstream value chain participants include utilities, oil and gas majors, transport and storage providers including fuel cells,
                                                  and various municipalities/governments and OEMs driving refueling station investment

                        Source: Company filings, U.S. Department of Energy, Hydrogen Council, International Energy Agency, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association and National                                                                      6
Copyright 2021 Lazard
                                Renewable Energy Laboratory.

                                                                                                  This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                              other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.

Hydrogen FAQs—Cost Effectiveness

                                                 Green hydrogen is not yet broadly cost competitive as compared to the conventional fuels it would replace

                                                      This cost disparity should diminish as the cost of renewable energy continues to decline and/or green hydrogen projects
        What Is the Cost of                            are developed in such a way as to consume renewable energy that would otherwise be curtailed
         Green Hydrogen
         Relative to Other                            Transportation, conversion, and infrastructure and end-use upgrade costs will continue to be meaningful drivers of the cost
              Fuels?                                   structure of green hydrogen vs. alternative fuels

                                                 Other forms of hydrogen (e.g., blue hydrogen) are currently less expensive than green hydrogen, particularly in the absence
                                                  of carbon pricing or other mechanisms used to account for emissions

                                                 The cost competitiveness of green hydrogen should increase as the industry grows, driving improvements in the underlying
                                                  electrolyzer technology in conjunction with cost improvements resulting from manufacturing scale and efficiency

      What Will Be the Key                       Electrolyzer stack costs currently comprise ~33% – 45% of the total capital costs while the cost of electricity represents
        Drivers of Green                          ~30% – 60% of the levelized cost of green hydrogen
        Hydrogen Cost                            Policy action (e.g., carbon prices or incentives) should also influence the relative cost of green hydrogen as compared to
       Competitiveness?                           fossil fuel alternatives
                                                 The future cost competitiveness of green hydrogen will also depend on the interplay between end use and proximity of
                                                  production, which in turn informs the transportation and storage costs associated with a given application

                                                 Given that the cost of electricity is a key driver of the cost of green hydrogen, the availability of low-cost renewable energy is
                                                  critical—the optimal locations for green hydrogen production in this regard will be in areas that:
      How Will Renewable
       Energy Production                              Have the capacity to produce green hydrogen at scale and with abundant low- or zero-cost (i.e., curtailed) renewable
      and Location Impact                              energy resources
                                                      Have inherent demand for local green hydrogen (e.g., driven by decarbonization regulations/incentives) and/or are
                                                       equipped with efficient transportation infrastructure, thereby avoiding high transportation and storage costs

                        Source: Company filings, Hydrogen Council, International Energy Agency, International Renewable Energy Agency, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association,                                                                      7
Copyright 2021 Lazard
                                California Energy Commission and National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

                                                                                                  This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                              other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.
III   Illustrative Green Hydrogen Cost Analysis

Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Hydrogen—Methodology
Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Hydrogen analysis is illustrative in nature and employs a simplified methodology. As a result, a number of
assumptions must be made to standardize the various parameters of an otherwise complex analysis, including:
     The LCOH is calculated “as delivered” by an Alkaline or PEM electrolyzer—no additional conversion, storage or transportation costs
      are considered in this analysis

     The electricity utilized as an input for electrolysis is produced by a renewable energy facility, thereby making the hydrogen “green”—
      the potential intermittency of the renewable energy resource is captured in the utilization assumption which is sensitized in the
      subsequent pages

     The analysis horizon is 15 years. Input costs are grown by a fixed escalation rate over this term—see page titled, “Levelized Cost of
      Hydrogen—Key Assumptions” for additional detail

     An availability factor of 98% is assumed across technologies and system capacities—adjustments to utilization rates do not impact
      the operational characteristics, and associated maintenance costs, of a plant beyond the consumption of inputs and resulting
      hydrogen produced

     Stack replacement occurs at an interval determined by plant availability, utilization and stack lifetime (measured in hours)—stack
      replacement costs are identical to the original cost of the stack

     This analysis calculates the revenue requirement, on a $/kg basis, needed to achieve a 12% levered, after-tax return to the project
      investor. See page titled, “Levelized Cost of Hydrogen—Key Assumptions” for additional details on assumed capital structure

Other factors would also have a potentially significant effect on the results contained herein, but have not been examined in the scope of this
analysis. These additional factors, among others, could include: development costs of the electrolyzer and associated renewable energy
generation facility; conversion, storage or transportation costs of the hydrogen once produced; additional costs to produce alternate fuels
(e.g., ammonia); costs to upgrade existing infrastructure to facilitate the transportation of hydrogen (e.g., natural gas distribution pipelines);
electrical grid upgrades; costs associated with modifying end-use infrastructure/equipment to use hydrogen as a fuel source; potential value
associated with carbon-free fuel production (e.g., carbon credits, incentives, etc.). This analysis also does not address potential
environmental and social externalities, including, for example, water consumption and the societal consequences of displacing the various
conventional fuels with hydrogen that are difficult to measure

                        Note:   See page titled, “Levelized Cost of Hydrogen—Key Assumptions” for detailed modeling assumptions for all project types evaluated in this analysis.
Copyright 2021 Lazard
                                                                                             This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                         other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.

Current Levelized Cost of Hydrogen Production(1)—1 MW Electrolyzer
Green hydrogen is a relatively expensive fuel as compared to conventional alternatives; however, the increasing penetration of renewable
energy in power generation, technological and cost improvements in electrolyzer technology, and carbon pricing collectively have the
potential to substantively alter this dynamic
     This analysis evaluates the sensitivity of the LCOH, in $/kg, to changes in capex, cost of electricity and electrolyzer utilization
     We have compiled market data for “low-”, “medium-” and “high-” efficiency electrolyzers across capacities of 1, 20 and 100 MW
     The sensitivities below and on subsequent pages evaluate the “medium-” efficiency units across scale and technology

                                                              Sensitivity to Electricity Cost and Electrolyzer Capex(2)
                                              Alkaline (1 MW)                                                                                                                   PEM (1 MW)
                                            Electrolyzer Capex ($/kW)                                                                                                              Electrolyzer Capex ($/kW)
                  $/kg    $1,180          $1,310          $1,460          $1,610           $1,770                                             $/kg           $1,420             $1,580              $1,760             $1,940              $2,130
                    $10   $1.33            $1.43           $1.54           $1.65           $1.77                                                 $10          $1.84              $1.97               $2.12              $2.27              $2.43
    Energy Cost

                                                                                                                                Energy Cost
                    $20   $1.60            $1.70           $1.81           $1.92           $2.04                                                 $20          $2.15              $2.28               $2.43              $2.58              $2.74

                    $30   $1.87            $1.97           $2.08           $2.19           $2.31                                                 $30          $2.45              $2.59               $2.74              $2.89              $3.05

                    $40   $2.14            $2.24           $2.35           $2.46           $2.57                                                 $40          $2.76              $2.90               $3.05              $3.20              $3.36

                    $50   $2.41            $2.51           $2.62           $2.73           $2.84                                                 $50          $3.07              $3.21               $3.36              $3.51              $3.67

                                                                 Sensitivity to Electricity Cost and Utilization Rate(3)
                                              Alkaline (1 MW)                                                                                                                   PEM (1 MW)
                                              Electrolyzer Utilization                                                                                                                Electrolyzer Utilization
                  $/kg    100%             90%              80%             70%             60%                                               $/kg            100%                90%                80%                 70%                60%
                    $10   $1.54            $1.61           $1.76           $1.93           $2.16                                                 $10          $2.12              $2.25               $2.39              $2.65              $2.98
    Energy Cost

                                                                                                                                Energy Cost

                    $20   $1.81            $1.88           $2.03           $2.20           $2.43                                                 $20          $2.43              $2.56               $2.70              $2.96              $3.29


                    $30   $2.08            $2.15           $2.30           $2.47           $2.70                                                 $30          $2.74              $2.87               $3.01              $3.27              $3.59

                    $40   $2.35            $2.42           $2.57           $2.74           $2.97                                                 $40          $3.05              $3.18               $3.32              $3.58              $3.90

                    $50   $2.62            $2.69           $2.84           $3.01           $3.24                                                 $50          $3.36              $3.49               $3.63              $3.89              $4.21
                          Source:   Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Lazard and Roland Berger estimates.
                          Note:     See page titled, “Levelized Cost of Hydrogen—Key Assumptions” for detailed modeling assumptions for all project types evaluated in this analysis.
                          (1)       The LCOH analysis is based on data collected from industry and a discounted cash flow analysis which calculates the revenue requirement to achieve a levered equity return of 12%.                                9
                          (2)       Sensitivity is based on a 98% electrolyzer utilization rate for both technologies.
Copyright 2021 Lazard
                          (3)       Sensitivity is based on the capex assumption for medium-efficiency electrolyzers for each technology.
                                                                                                 This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                             other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.

Current Levelized Cost of Hydrogen Production(1)—20 MW Electrolyzer

                                                              Sensitivity to Electricity Cost and Electrolyzer Capex(2)
                                             Alkaline (20 MW)                                                                                                                  PEM (20 MW)
                                            Electrolyzer Capex ($/kW)                                                                                                              Electrolyzer Capex ($/kW)
                  $/kg    $690             $770            $860             $950           $1,050                                             $/kg            $890                $990              $1,100             $1,210              $1,330
                    $10   $0.93            $0.99           $1.06           $1.13           $1.20                                                 $10          $1.33              $1.42               $1.51              $1.60              $1.71
    Energy Cost

                                                                                                                                Energy Cost
                    $20   $1.20            $1.26           $1.33           $1.39           $1.47                                                 $20          $1.64              $1.73               $1.82              $1.91              $2.02

                    $30   $1.47            $1.53           $1.60           $1.66           $1.74                                                 $30          $1.95              $2.03               $2.13              $2.22              $2.32

                    $40   $1.74            $1.80           $1.87           $1.93           $2.01                                                 $40          $2.26              $2.34               $2.44              $2.53              $2.63

                    $50   $2.01            $2.07           $2.14           $2.20           $2.28                                                 $50          $2.57              $2.65               $2.75              $2.84              $2.94

                                                                 Sensitivity to Electricity Cost and Utilization Rate(3)
                                             Alkaline (20 MW)                                                                                                                  PEM (20 MW)
                                              Electrolyzer Utilization                                                                                                                Electrolyzer Utilization
                  $/kg    100%             90%              80%             70%             60%                                               $/kg            100%                90%                80%                 70%                60%
                    $10   $1.06            $1.10           $1.18           $1.28           $1.42                                                 $10          $1.52              $1.60               $1.68              $1.85              $2.05
    Energy Cost

                                                                                                                                Energy Cost

                    $20   $1.33            $1.37           $1.45           $1.55           $1.69                                                 $20          $1.83              $1.91               $1.99              $2.15              $2.36


                    $30   $1.60            $1.63           $1.72           $1.82           $1.96                                                 $30          $2.14              $2.22               $2.30              $2.46              $2.67

                    $40   $1.87            $1.90           $1.99           $2.09           $2.23                                                 $40          $2.45              $2.53               $2.60              $2.77              $2.98

                    $50   $2.14            $2.17           $2.26           $2.36           $2.50                                                 $50          $2.75              $2.83               $2.91              $3.08              $3.29

                          Source:   Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Lazard and Roland Berger estimates.
                          Note:     See page titled, “Levelized Cost of Hydrogen—Key Assumptions” for detailed modeling assumptions for all project types evaluated in this analysis.
                          (1)       The LCOH analysis is based on data collected from industry and a discounted cash flow analysis which calculates the revenue requirement to achieve a levered equity return of 12%.
                          (2)       Sensitivity is based on a 98% electrolyzer utilization rate for both technologies.                                                                                                                              10
Copyright 2021 Lazard     (3)       Sensitivity is based on the capex assumption for medium-efficiency electrolyzers for each technology.
                                                                                                 This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                             other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.

Current Levelized Cost of Hydrogen Production(1)—100 MW Electrolyzer

                                                              Sensitivity to Electricity Cost and Electrolyzer Capex(2)
                                            Alkaline (100 MW)                                                                                                                 PEM (100 MW)
                                            Electrolyzer Capex ($/kW)                                                                                                              Electrolyzer Capex ($/kW)
                  $/kg    $510             $570            $630             $690            $760                                              $/kg            $680                $760               $840                $920              $1,010
                    $10   $0.78            $0.82           $0.87           $0.91           $0.96                                                 $10          $1.12              $1.19               $1.26              $1.33              $1.40
    Energy Cost

                                                                                                                                Energy Cost
                    $20   $1.05            $1.09           $1.14           $1.18           $1.23                                                 $20          $1.43              $1.50               $1.57              $1.64              $1.71

                    $30   $1.32            $1.36           $1.41           $1.45           $1.50                                                 $30          $1.74              $1.81               $1.88              $1.94              $2.02

                    $40   $1.59            $1.63           $1.67           $1.72           $1.77                                                 $40          $2.05              $2.12               $2.19              $2.25              $2.33

                    $50   $1.85            $1.90           $1.94           $1.99           $2.04                                                 $50          $2.36              $2.43               $2.49              $2.56              $2.64

                                                                 Sensitivity to Electricity Cost and Utilization Rate(3)
                                            Alkaline (100 MW)                                                                                                                 PEM (100 MW)
                                              Electrolyzer Utilization                                                                                                                Electrolyzer Utilization
                  $/kg    100%             90%              80%             70%             60%                                               $/kg            100%                90%                80%                 70%                60%
                    $10   $0.87            $0.89           $0.95           $1.02           $1.12                                                 $10          $1.26              $1.32               $1.37              $1.50              $1.65
    Energy Cost

                                                                                                                                Energy Cost

                    $20   $1.14            $1.16           $1.22           $1.29           $1.39                                                 $20          $1.57              $1.62               $1.68              $1.81              $1.96


                    $30   $1.41            $1.43           $1.49           $1.56           $1.66                                                 $30          $1.88              $1.93               $1.99              $2.11              $2.27

                    $40   $1.67            $1.70           $1.76           $1.83           $1.93                                                 $40          $2.19              $2.24               $2.30              $2.42              $2.58

                    $50   $1.94            $1.97           $2.03           $2.10           $2.20                                                 $50          $2.49              $2.55               $2.60              $2.73              $2.88

                          Source:   Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Lazard and Roland Berger estimates.
                          Note:     See page titled, “Levelized Cost of Hydrogen—Key Assumptions” for detailed modeling assumptions for all project types evaluated in this analysis.
                          (1)       The LCOH analysis is based on data collected from industry and a discounted cash flow analysis which calculates the revenue requirement to achieve a levered equity return of 12%.
                          (2)       Sensitivity is based on a 98% electrolyzer utilization rate for both technologies.                                                                                                                              11
Copyright 2021 Lazard     (3)       Sensitivity is based on the capex assumption for medium-efficiency electrolyzers for each technology.
                                                                                                 This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                             other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.

Levelized Cost of Hydrogen—Key Assumptions
                                                                                                     Alkaline                                                                                                     PEM

                                           Scale                   Small                            Medium                               Large                               Small                             Medium                              Large
Capacity                                     kW                     1,000                            20,000                             100,000                              1,000                              20,000                            100,000
Total Capex                                 $/kW          $720     $1,460     $2,150       $430       $860      $1,270         $310       $630       $920         $970      $1,760     $2,490         $610      $1,110     $1,570        $460       $840      $1,190
Electrolyzer Stack Capex                    $/kW          $240      $480       $710        $170       $345       $510          $145       $295       $435         $320       $580       $820          $245       $450      $635          $215       $395       $555
Plant Lifetime                             Years                     15                                15                                  15                                  15                                 15                                 15
Stack Lifetime                             Hours         60,000    67,500     75,000      60,000     67,500     75,000        60,000     67,500     75,000        50,000    60,000     80,000        50,000     60,000     80,000       50,000     60,000     80,000
Heating Value                          kWh/kg H2                     33                                33                                  33                                  33                                 33                                 33
Electrolyzer Utilization                     %                      98%                               98%                                 98%                                 98%                                98%                                98%
Electrolyzer Efficiency                    % LHV          42%       67%        70%         42%        67%        70%           42%        67%        70%           40%        58%       66%           40%        58%        66%          40%        58%        66%

Operating Costs:
Annual H2 Produced                           MT           109       171        180        2,179      3,426      3,606         10,897     17,128    18,030          102        149        170         2,048      2,988      3,400        10,241     14,939     17,000
Process Water Costs                        $/kg H2                 $0.021                            $0.021                              $0.021                             $0.021                              $0.021                             $0.021

Annual Energy Consumption                   MWh                     8,585                           171,696                             858,480                              8,585                             171,696                            858,480
Electricity Cost                           $/MWh                   $30.00                            $30.00                              $30.00                             $30.00                              $30.00                             $30.00

Warranty & Insurance (% of Capex)            %                      1.0%                             1.0%                                 1.0%                               1.0%                               1.0%                                1.0%
Warranty & Insurance Escalation              %                      1.0%                             1.0%                                 1.0%                               1.0%                               1.0%                                1.0%

O&M (% of Capex)                             %                     1.50%                             1.50%                               1.50%                               1.50%                              1.50%                              1.50%

Annual Inflation                             %                     2.25%                             2.25%                               2.25%                               2.25%                              2.25%                              2.25%

Capital Structure:
Debt                                         %                     40.0%                             40.0%                               40.0%                               40.0%                              40.0%                              40.0%
Cost of Debt                                 %                      8.0%                             8.0%                                 8.0%                               8.0%                               8.0%                                8.0%
Equity                                       %                     60.0%                             60.0%                               60.0%                               60.0%                              60.0%                              60.0%
Cost of Equity                               %                     12.0%                             12.0%                               12.0%                               12.0%                              12.0%                              12.0%
Tax Rate                                     %                     21.0%                             21.0%                               21.0%                               21.0%                              21.0%                              21.0%
  WACC                                       %                      9.7%                             9.7%                                 9.7%                               9.7%                               9.7%                                9.7%

Levelized Cost of Hydrogen (1)              $/kg         $2.30      $2.10     $2.45        $1.90     $1.60       $1.80         $1.75     $1.40      $1.55         $2.90      $2.75      $2.85        $2.40      $2.15      $2.15         $2.15      $1.90      $1.85
Memo: Natural Gas Equivalent     Cost (2) $/MMBTU        $20.20    $18.45    $21.50       $16.70    $14.05      $15.80        $15.35     $12.30     $13.60       $25.45     $24.15     $25.00       $21.05     $18.90     $18.90        $18.90     $16.70     $16.25
Memo: Natural Gas/Hydrogen Blend (3)$/MMBTU              $6.80      $6.45     $7.06        $6.10     $5.57       $5.92        $5.83      $5.22      $5.48         $7.85      $7.59      $7.76        $6.97      $6.54      $6.54         $6.54      $6.10     $6.01

                                 Source:   Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Lazard and Roland Berger estimates.
                                           Figures rounded to $0.05.
                                           LCOH is converted to the energetic equivalent natural gas cost based on a conversion factor of 8.78 kg of hydrogen per MMBTU.
Copyright 2021 Lazard            (3)       Based on an 80%/20% blend of natural gas and green hydrogen. Cost of natural gas is $3.45/MMBTU. Cost of the green hydrogen component is based on the natural gas equivalent
                                           cost of green hydrogen in a given technology/scale scenario. This study has been prepared by Lazard for general informational purposes only, and it is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, financial or
                                                                                                             other advice. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior consent of Lazard.
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