Lecture 5: Event-driven Programming, Graphical User Interfaces - CS-A1123 Basics in Programming Y2 Winter and Spring 2020 Timo Kiravuo, D.Sc ...

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Lecture 5: Event-driven Programming, Graphical User Interfaces - CS-A1123 Basics in Programming Y2 Winter and Spring 2020 Timo Kiravuo, D.Sc ...
Lecture 5:
Event-driven Programming,
 Graphical User Interfaces
     CS-A1123 Basics in Programming Y2
          Winter and Spring 2020
            Timo Kiravuo, D.Sc.
Individual Project
Project Instructions
• Topic selection is open
• Three topics for CS-A1123
   • Spectrum simulation
   • Hydrocarbons
   • Own topic
      • (E.g., use translate to select one of the Finnish ones)
• Project instructions are being translated to English as we go
Timetable for the Project
• The topic selection is open on the MyCourses page ma. 3.2.2020 (12:00) –
  Fri 7.2.2020 (14:00). Report three most interesting topics.
• General plan and technical plan must be returned by Fri 6.3.2020 (14:00)
• Guidance meeting (the plan demos) by Mon 17.2. – Fri 13.3.2020
   • The plans have to be in any case returned a day before the guidance meeting, even if
     the meeting was before the deadline
   • After the guidance meeting, one can start the project’s coding
• Period IV and the beginning of period V
   • Programming, checkpoints Mon 16.3. – Fri 3.4.2020
• The project demos after an approved checkpoint and a completed return,
  latest Fri 15.5.2020
   • The project must be returned two days (48h) before project demo. Changes made
     after that are not taken into consideration.
Some Tips
• Graphical user interfaces have lots of features
   • Don't try to use all of them
• GUIs are complex
   • They are taking care of many things and contain concurrent operations
   • Be prepared to use manuals and search engines
• Build the main functionality of the application first
   • Leave tweaking the looks as last
       • You can spend forever on the looks
• Keep things in separate layers
   • UI objects should contain no business logic or file operations
   • You should be able to replace your GUI with a text based front end without changing
     the actual logic of the application
Event-driven Programming
Control Flow in a Program
• So far our programs have had a simple control flow from start to end
   • Loops and branches
   • Calls to subroutines (functions and methods)
• Event-driven programs are controlled by events
   • E.g., user presses a button on graphical UI, which causes a function to be executed
   • Control flow is no longer as obvious
   • Something external causes functions (or methdos) to be called
• Event-based architectures are common, e.g.:
   • Graphical user interfaces
   • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), where systems pass messages to each other
Event-driven Programs
• Listener component
   • The "main" program, runs a loop waiting for events
   • Calls the event handlers according to the event
• Event handlers
   • Functions that handle events, as needed
   • Sign up with the listener to receive particular events (callback)
   • With Python and PyQt these are objects that sign up with the PyQy framework when
• Event driven software is possible in most languages
   • However, object-oriented languages make it easier
      • Each event can be represented independently by its own object
• There is lots more to event-driven architectures
Some Challenges in Event-driven Architecture
• Concurrency
   • A second event may be initiated before the first is finished
       • Multiple objects of the same type co-existing and co-operating
       • Not a problem as long as events don't try to modify same data
   • Generally a desired property with systems based on asynchronous communication models
       • A data request is sent to another server and the reply will be handled when it comes
       • FIFO lists in Python is one way to hold the event objects
• Memory management
   • Objects might continue using memory after no longer needed
   • Garbage collection integral in Python, but this might crop up with PyQt
• Complexity
   • Especially with asynchronous tasks and receipts
• These issues should not be a problem on this course
   • Just be aware that no technology is cream and peaches all the time
Graphical User Interfaces with
User Interfaces with PyQt
• PyQt framework implements the visual and control part of the
• Graphical elements are called widgets
   • Buttons, pull-down menus etc.
   • Also layout widgets, that control how other widgets are presented
   • And free form graphics
• Event listener detects when the user interacts with a component
   • Activates the component through the callback
• Components appear as objects in the program
   • Class inheritance is important in defining the capabilities of the objects
Who Does What?
• The computer hardware provides the physical interfaces
• The operating system receives the input and controls the output
   • Device drivers
   • Mouse, keyboard, displays, also network interfaces and so on
• The operating system also contains the window manager
   • Programs can request to have a window
   • The OS controls the borders of the window,
• PyQt has control of the inside of the window
• Our software requests PyQt to display various elements and receives
  events for which we have created a callback
How to use PyQt
• Initiate a QApplication to create the listener and provide other
  framework functions
• Create a window with QMainWindow
• Populate that window with widgets to get the graphical elements you
• Create the callbacks for various widgets to get the user input
• QApplication is the main PyQt object for each application
• Must be initialized for rest of PyQt to do anything
• One application has only one QApplication object
   • There may be many windows, components and threads
   • Threads are a method for concurrent execution, typical for event based
     applications, but not discussed here

• https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/PySide2/QtWidgets/QApplication.html
Creating Windows
• QMainWindow() creates a new general purpose window
   • Components can be placed into this window
   • Often layout components first
   • Then visible components
• Other window types exist, too
   • E.g, QFileDialog()
• Note that windows are provided by the operating system
   • The programmer and the application are not completely in control
   • The user may resize the window
   • The operating system's window manager influences the looks
Graphical Layouts
• PyQt QMainWindow has a default layout
Using the QMainWindow
• Add widgets to the main window
   class MyWindow(QMainWindow):
      tb = QToolBar()
      menu = QMenu()
• Using the central widget is recommended
   • setCentralWidget()
Components and Windows
• A user interface should usually be generic
   • Work on many platforms, for different users
   • Don't forget EU Accessibility Directive
• A window will usually have multiple layers of widgets
   • Some hold others in place
• Usually smart to avoid absolute definitions
   • Fixed coordinates, measurements, letter fonts
   • Creating multiplatform interfaces is its own skill set
Other layouts
• PyQt has several layouts defined, that can be used inside the widgets
   • QHBoxLayout and QHBoxLayout to simply put widgets in order in a box
   • QGridLayout to set things up as a grid
• Layouts can be used inside layouts
• Some components can also be visible
• In general, try to avoid too much clutter
   • UI design is a design art
   • Often less is more
Drawing Graphics
• PyQt supports free form graphics
   • Vector and raster
• Also support for various file formats
• QPainter, QPaintEngine for 2D graphics
   • Support OpenGL (for performance)
• Some 3D capabilities, too
   • With OpenGL
   • Or use other libraries through APIs
• 2D graphics is enough for this course
Exercise 5: XXX
• PyQt GUI task
   • Implement the necessary features for a robots game using PyQt
   • The core of the software is ready
   • GUI practice for your project
• File parsing task
   • Reading a free format text file
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