Page created by Dennis Wagner
                YOU SPEND AND
               KEEP CHILDREN SAFE


                                THE NATIONAL GRID FOR LEARNING®

            020 8408 4455 . enquiries@lgfl.net . www.lgfl.net
LGfL is a registered charity; we don’t profit from schools – we reinvest surpluses back into education.
Welcome to LGfL
    Table of Contents
    1. It’s Time to Get Digital. Page 3
    2. Why LGfL. Page 4
    3. Why LGfL is good for MATs and Local Authorities. Page 5
    4. Save More than You Spend with LGfL. Page 6
    5. Claim Your Pupil Premium Funding. Page 7
    6. Get More from LGfL with Boost!!! Page 8
    7. Coming soon to Your LGfL Service in 2020/21. Page 9
    8. SmartBuy – Contract with Confidence with LGfL. Page 10
    9. Your LGfL Service – Key Features & Products. Page 11

It’s Time to Get

Cuts, initiatives, accountability, workload;
cuts, initiatives, accountability, workload…
and repeat! It’s no easy task running a
school, so why on earth would you want to
take the time to get digital, and why should
you do it with us?

LGfL isn’t your average school technology
provider – as a charity, we reinvest surpluses
back into schools, so we have no reason to
push services that you don’t really need.
                                                  Against that background, when you implement
With ever increasing pressures placed on          new technology or approaches, it’s got to work
schools and staff – from budget cuts and          first time, and you need to know who to turn
increasing workloads to curriculum changes,       to for support – before, during and after the
revised regulations and of course GDPR – now      change.
is the time to get on board with us, since we
believe we can support you to reduce the          Does your existing broadband provider deliver
impact of these!                                  technical and curriculum services at no extra
                                                  cost, with teachers to talk to, and centres of
Why? Because you haven’t got time for a cyber-    excellence to seek advice from? LGfL DOES.
attack to take down your school network and
impact on operation in the classroom, but         So, we would love to talk to you about how
don’t have the expertise in school. Because you   partnering with LGfL can help you with all the
haven’t got time to explain to the Information    aforementioned challenges and achieve more
Commissioner why your data got lost. Because      for less with digital platforms.
you haven’t got the time or the money…
but you do have to boost attainment, drive        We know education; we know technology;
teaching & learning and keep children safe.       we are LGfL!

Why LGfL?
LGfL provides peace of mind delivering an              n LGfL safeguards over 1.2 M children every
unrivalled range of protections and safeguards         day with one of the biggest implementations
that keep children safe and schools secure – all on    of educational filtering in the world – more at
top of superfast fibre and a lot more. This is how:-   safeguarding.lgfl.net.

n LGfL is a charity. We don’t profit from schools’;    n You don’t have to tender. Schools can award
we reinvest back into Education constantly             contracts with confidence to LGfL, achieve
innovating and improving our service.                  VfM and be procurement compliant – more at
n A secondary school can save more than
£17,000 per annum and a primary school more            n 98% of our customers stay with us for
than £7,000 by making use of LGfL’s value added        longer than their initial contract term – so
bundle - more at savings.lgfl.net.                     we must be doing something right. More at
n LGfL now services more than 3500 sites
across the UK – we are now the National Grid           n Schools say wonderful things about the LGfL
for Learning.                                          service at testimonials.lgfl.net.

n LGfL’s Free School Meal Checker has identified       n There are brilliant examples of how schools
£50M of potential funding to schools since 2014        are harnessing LGfL at casestudies.lgfl.net.
– more at fsm.lgfl.net.
                                                       n LGfL has led some of the world’s biggest
n LGfL connects your school to one of the              EdTech projects for Cloud, security and content!
world’s fastest school networks for cloud – more
at pledge2020.lgfl.net.                                n LGfL has won multiple industry awards for
                                                       the services it provides - more at
n LGfL safely and reliably connects many of            awards.lgfl.net.
the top teachers and schools in the world to
the internet.

n LGfL provides an unrivalled 12 layers
of digital defence against security threats
including ransomware, DDoS & virus – more at

         So, what are you waiting for!
Why LGfL is Good for MATs
 and Local Authorities
 LGfL’s subscription comes into its own when you purchase
on behalf of multiple schools and this is why LGfL underpins
many of the largest and most successful Multi Academy Trusts
                       in the country.

   Economies of Scale! If you’re purchasing from LGfL on behalf of many schools
   then you will enjoy economies of scale and save more money.

   Single Point of Management! Many of LGfL’s bundled products can be managed
   in a central portal. This means that your MAT or Local Authority can allocate licences
   more flexibly across your school estate from a single control point – driving down
   your support costs.

   Build & Customise Your Own Wide Area Network (WAN). LGfL’s Ignite Network
   can help your MAT and Local Authority avoid the prohibitive costs of building a
   private network with expensive WAN technology and point to point connections.
   You can build your own Datacentres and go to the Cloud harnessing features such
   as VRF’s, MPLS and traffic engineering.

   Support for your IT Strategy. For MATs and Local Authorities, LGfL provides
   targeted training and support to develop your IT Strategy to maximise the impact
   of technology in your schools.

   Service Support & Management. For MATs and Local Authorities, we provide a
   Service Manager who has responsibility for ensuring that we are performing well
   and delivering a high-quality service to you.

   Contact us enquiries@lgfl.net or phone 020 8408 4455

Save More than You
                Spend with LGfL
LGfL’s bundle delivers unrivalled value
for money because we can source the
products we provide at a very low
cost due to our aggregated buying
power. Even when using only a
small proportion of what’s included
with the LGfL service, schools save
significant sums of money or achieve
considerable benefit.

For example, Sophos ransomware
protection would cost thousands of                    sch

pounds for a large secondary school if
purchased in isolation. With LGfL, the
school is covered by a licence for the
whole school at no additional cost.

Schools making use of the LGfL bundle stand to benefit greatly. For
example, a secondary school could potentially save more than £17,000
per annum by making use of all the products on offer. A primary and
special school could potentially save more than £7,000 per annum. And
that is before we count in the additional funds identified by the Free
Schools Meal checker!

It is because LGfL offers such brilliant value for money that we now distribute over 1.2 million
licences to schools worth in excess of £10M in a typical academic year!

           More at savings.lgfl.net or phone 020 8408 4455

Claim Your Pupil Premium Funding

As part of the service LGfL supports over 1,000       Over £50M of potential additional funding for
schools find additional funding to meet their         schools has been identified by LGfL’s checker
budget challenges.                                    since the service started in 2014 and since
                                                      September 2019 over £18 M of potential Pupil
Our bundled Free School Meals Eligibility             Premium claims have been identified for LGfL
Checker enables schools to identify children that     schools.
may be able to claim a Pupil Premium.
                                                      A Free School Meals eligibility
Depending upon local circumstances the level of
funding identified for each school could amount       checker is often provided as a
to many thousands of pounds - a welcome               separately chargeable service for
support for the school during challenging times.
                                                      schools costing a substantial
Given the above, it is no surprise that LGfL’s Free   amount of money. In the case of
School Meals Eligibility Checker is very popular      LGfL - It is free to LGfL schools.
and now is in use in over 100 Local Authorities
across the UK.

       Find out more at fsm.lgfl.net or phone 020 8408 4455
Get More from
               LGfL with Boost!!!
    The LGfL subscription provides brilliant value
    overall by including a bundle of products
    that can generate savings or additional value
    that exceeds the cost of the broadband
    connection. From 2020, schools that are
    renewing their contract with LGfL will also
    benefit from LGfL Boost!!!

    What is LGfL Boost!!!?
    LGfL Boost is a new way of managing your
    LGfL service which gives the school, MAT and
    Local Authority further options to secure
    even greater value from its subscription to

    How does “LGfL Boost” work for your
    LGfL will review with your school, as part of
    your renewal, the use of LGfL’s products and
    services. We will then work with you to find
    ways to gain greater value from the bundle of services that are on offer so we can help
    you save more money.

    So, when you’re renewing, not only is LGfL delivering great value through innovation and
    savings you can now fine tune your subscription and licences through LGfL Boost!!! to
    create even more added value for your school!!

    What are you waiting for! Please get in touch with our Customer
    Services Team to see how we can help you save more money and
    Boost the use of IT in your school.

    Contact us enquiries@lgfl.net or phone 020 8408 4455

Coming Soon to Your
     LGfL Service in 2020/21
The massive economies of scale enable LGfL to
continuously drive down our costs and deliver huge
savings in the education market. As a not for profit
charity we invest those savings back into schools to
advance education. This enables LGfL to constantly
innovate. Since 2016 over 100 product innovations
and improvements have been made to the LGfL
subscription at no additional cost to the school.

In 2019 LGfL added new products such as Adobe
Creative Cloud - introduced enhanced security
protections as well as boosting the internet speed
across thousands of schools, and at no extra cost, as
part of the Pledge 2020 initiative.

In 2020/21 a number of innovations and changes
will be made to the LGfL service including:-

n Offering a second and resilient fibre
connection for schools.

n Offering a safeguarding monitoring solution to complement the filtering and protections
already in place.

n Offering a Simplified Sign On solution for schools to make it easier and simpler to access your
cloud and local systems with a single username and password.

n Improving Support for Cloud & Distance Learning. LGfL will set-up a new service called
CloudSquad to support the transition to Cloud platforms & remote learning including Google and
Office 365 to avoid schools incurring unnecessary costs.

n Delivering free backup and recovery service for primary and special schools. 50Gb of GDPR,
encrypted GridStore storage will be available to all primary and special schools to comply with its
Ofsted requirements.

n Continuing to expand the curriculum portfolio with ground-breaking technologies with a
focus on the expansion of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

    Contact us enquiries@lgfl.net or phone 020 8408 4455
     Save yourself time and effort on procurement
        as we’ve done all the hard work for you!

     Is purchasing from your existing
     broadband supplier compliant with
     Procurement Law? Do they buy on
     behalf of thousands of schools for
     the advancement of education?
     LGfL qualifies in Procurement Law
     to act as a “Central Purchasing
     Body”, on behalf of schools and
     local authorities.

     Consequently, the services and
     products schools purchase directly
     from LGfL have already been
     sourced in compliance with EU
     Procurement Law, meaning that
     you can buy from us with confidence.

     Schools also benefit from Best Value because we’re tendering, and subsequently buying,
     on behalf of thousands of schools and public sector customers, saving schools millions of
     pounds every year.

     Therefore, with our help you can avoid expensive, time-consuming tendering processes
     and access the great services provided to over one million children and thousands of
     schools across the UK.

     LGfL can boast both procurement compliancy and buying on behalf of thousands of
     schools, so why not join them and us?

                  Find out more at procurement.lgfl.net
                        or phone 020 8408 4455

Service Specifications
LGfL Bundled Services

     More at services.lgfl.net                                              Key Features & Products
         DigiSafe Keep Children Safe                                    n Appropriate web filtering				                               ✔
                                                                        n Appropriate user-based filtering including 		               ✔
         DigiSafe is LGfL’s safeguarding service and embodies
         our passion for keeping children safe as well as helping       integration with Active Directory
         schools meet their Prevent duties.                             n HTTPS filtering                                             ✔
                                                                        n Egress secure & encrypted email for sharing 		              ✔
         This includes a filtering system capable of reviewing and      sensitive information
         assessing over 1 billion websites every day and constantly     n One-stop Safeguarding Resource Portal			                    ✔
         updating our safeguarding systems to keep pace with            n Safeguarding newsletter and blog			                         ✔
         rapidly evolving threats. LGfL investments in technology       n Policy templates and Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs)         ✔
         ensure compliance with statutory duties but also goes          n Resources for classroom and home use to keep 		             ✔
         far beyond this as part of our safeguarding centre of
                                                                        children safe
         excellence that is embedded within the DigiSafe service.
                                                                        n Posters to support key messages in school		                 ✔
         As part of the LGfL service we include encryption              n Themed resources for all key stages and stakeholders        ✔
         technology that makes it possible to share sensitive and       n Online and face-to-face CPD				                             ✔
         confidential information securely that is fully integrated     n Formal Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) training          ✔
         and compliant with government and law enforcement              n Web filtering training				                                  ✔
         systems.                                                       n Annual Safeguarding Conference			                           ✔
                                                                        n Research, partnerships and training in specialist areas,    ✔
         Find out more at safeguarding.lgfl.net, including our          e.g. county lines, CSE and more
         one-stop resource portal at saferesources.lgfl.net.

                                                                        n CISCO Meraki Device Management to manage your IT              ✔
         CyberCloud Keep Schools Secure                                 assets and apply security policies such as the remote
                                                                        deletion of information on lost devices
         LGfL connects your school to a very secure network             n Sophos Server Advance Protection provides very high levels ✔
         providing 12 layers of defence.                                of security to keep your servers protected
                                                                        n Sophos Endpoint Protection (Inc. Ransomware)		                ✔
         LGfL’s security starts before the internet even leaves the
                                                                        n Sophos Anti-Virus which can be installed on machines to       ✔
         starting gate, with the Janet feed from Jisc providing
                                                                        protect against viruses
         resilience and daily mitigations against DDoS attacks and
         other malware, helping to ensure the all too common            n Sophos Phish which helps train staff to recognise emails      ✔
         headline ‘Student pays for DDoS attack on school to avoid      that carry security threats
         exam’ isn’t one that LGfL schools need to worry about.         n DDoS Protection to keep your network from being               ✔
                                                                        compromised or brought to a halt from an attacker
         Double firewalling with Cisco Firepower at the core and        n Malware Protection on all IPADs, Chromebooks and Windows ✔
         edge of the network provides unprecedented visibility          protection to keep the devices safe from rootkits and malware
         and threat protection for our state-of-the-art resilient       n Email Scanning and Spam Protection (MailProtect) to strip ✔
         ISO-270001 data centres, which host the LGfL security          out viruses and spam
         operations centre for constant network monitoring and
                                                                        n Encryption by default, where possible, for emails		           ✔
                                                                        n LGfL Double Firewall protection including a locally installed ✔
         LGfL security doesn’t stop at the school gate though;          CISCO firewall at the school and massive firewalls in the core
         all schools are allocated Sophos Antivirus licences for        of LGfL’s network to protect from the internet
         workstations, servers and even home use, helping to            n Freedom2Firewall allows you to view the LGfL firewall rules ✔
         protect users and devices even when they aren’t on             and implement considered changes to them
         site. This is further bolstered by Sophos Intercept X          n Unified Sign On to provide secure and authenticated access ✔
         for workstations and servers, as well as Malwarebytes          to the LGfL network and your school
         enterprise scanning and remediation.                           n 2 Factor Authentication including purchasable tokens and ✔
                                                                        unlimited software One Time Passwords (soft OTP’s) to provide
         But it doesn’t end there! LGfL secure schools boast
                                                                        an added level of security when accessing information remotely
         Meraki MDM licences to centrally manage installs and
                                                                        n Network vulnerability scanning service to identify potential ✔
         avoid the unauthorised software that often leads to
         malware, as well as Egress licences to encrypt sensitive       vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the school network (available
         emails, and managed web and email filtering. We filter 1       on request from LGfL)
         million emails daily, using the expertise of global security   n Cybersecurity newsletter                                      ✔
         specialists at Cloudmark to ensure safety and security are     n Access to research and advice			                              ✔
         always priority number one.                                    n Daily network screening and malware mitigation		              ✔
                                                                        n Annual Technical Conference covering security 		              ✔
         LGfL holds Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus          products and best practices
         accreditation which means we’re trusted to provide
                                                                         Home Use
         secure services by government
                                                                         n LGfL’s provides a version of sophos anti virus that can be   ✔
         For more information about LGfL’s cyber defences please         used by governors, parents and teachers at home
         go to cybersecurity.lgfl.net                                   Optional Services – Price on Application
                                                                        n Sophos Encryption Services are now available to purchase ✔
                                                                        n Additional licences for Sophos Server Advance, Meraki      ✔
                                                                        Device Manager., Sophos Phish can all be purchased from LGfL
                                                                        n Layer 7 Firewall Service to provide more granular          ✔
                                                                        protection including controlling which applications
                                                                        can access the internet
LGfL Bundled Services

   More at services.lgfl.net                                              Key Features & Products

                                                                     n Fibre to the Premise (wherever possible)		                    ✔
      SuperCharge Superfast Connectivity                             n UK wide connectivity provided in partnership with             ✔
      SuperCharge is LGfL’s broadband service.                       Virgin Media Business
                                                                     n Connection options now up to 100 Gbps		                       ✔
      LGfL’s supercharged broadband connection links the             n Bundled Bandwidth upgrades for Schools after initial          ✔
      school to one of the world’s fastest school networks.
                                                                     contract term to ensure schools keep pace with their needs
      LGfL’s high speed connection is needed to harness cloud
                                                                     n High performance connection engineered for 		                 ✔
      technologies and support increased levels of remote
      access and distance learning.                                  minimal contention, jitter or latency
                                                                     n Synchronous connectivity delivering identical upload and      ✔
      LGfL’s commitment to advancing education means that            download speeds at your stated bandwidth
      we connect nearly all schools to the internet using fibre      n Up 2 x the total internet capacity of your stated bandwidth   ✔
      as opposed to copper services. Fibre is much faster and        speed. For example, for 100 Mbps of capacity the school
      scalable than a corresponding copper based connection.         receives up to 200 Mbps of internet capacity
      It is therefore better suited to support your school move      n Market leading CISCO equipment that has future capacity       ✔
      to the Cloud and deliver effective Remote Learning.            built in to support future growth and needs.
                                                                     n LGfL's next generation platform has capacity to enable        ✔
      LGfL is currently boosting bandwidth across all schools
                                                                     most bandwidth upgrades to be delivered over the wire as
      for FREE delivering between 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps of
      connectivity as part of an initiative called Pledge 2020.      opposed to disruptive on site equipment changes
                                                                     n Annual Technical Conference showcasing innovation and         ✔
      The majority of LGfL schools are generally provided on         best practices for technically minded staff
      a 1 Gbps circuit by default and serviced by high quality
      equipment enabling simple and effective upgrades to be         Additional Services – Price on Application
      implemented remotely.
                                                                     n LGfL Voice Services including Voice over IP in LGfL 		        ✔
      Find out more about our commitment to build a brilliant        Wifi Service
      and world beating network at pledge2020.lgfl.net               n Bronze resilience for fibre with a backup copper line         ✔
                                                                     n Silver resilience delivered via new fibre to the school       ✔
                                                                     terminating on the same equipment
                                                                     n Gold resilience delivered via new fibre to the school         ✔
                                                                     terminating on a separate firewall and router
                                                                     n Platinum resilience delivered via a diversely routed fibre    ✔
                                                                     terminating on a separate router and firewall
                                                                     n For resilient fibre connections there is an option to load    ✔
                                                                     balance connectivity to boost bandwidth and optimise use
                                                                     of the resilient line capacity

       Ignite A Next Generation                                      n National Network enabling safe, reliable and high speed       ✔
       National Education Network                                    connection across the UK
                                                                     n Interconnects with other Telco’s to support Cloud Services    ✔
       Ignite is LGfL’s own network that hosts over 3,000
                                                                     n Resilient Design                                              ✔
       customers across the UK. This helps us to ensure that
                                                                     n Peering to ensure fast access to content and resources        ✔
       LGfL can deliver a high quality of service to schools and
       other customers.                                              n DNS Hosting                                                   ✔
                                                                     n Quality of Service Support				                                ✔
       LGfL Schools are routed to the internet safely and            n MPLS Support                                                  ✔
       securely via LGfL’s core Ignite Network. This is secure and   n VRF Support                                                   ✔
       engineered for high performance and resilience.               n Support to build your own private Wide Area Network           ✔
                                                                     to support secure access to shared facilities including a
       This means there is redundant power supplies at               private datacentre
       aggregation points in the Ignite network and diverse          n Ignite is compatible with GovRoam to integrate your WiFi      ✔
       routes in our core network reducing the risk of unplanned
                                                                     network with other public sector networks
       outages and downtime. We also provide “peering”
                                                                     n Ignite is compatible with EduRoam to link your WiFi           ✔
       points with major companies with cloud services which
       means that in many cases you have the fastest possible        network to the wider education community
       connection to services in the cloud.
                                                                     Additional Services – Price on Application
       Our national coverage means that LGfL can provide a
       consistent level of service across your MAT or cluster. We    n Advice on developing your own Wide Area Network (WAN) ✔
       can also help you build your own private networks.            or configuring your network for top performance

LGfL Bundled Services

     More at services.lgfl.net                                                  Key Features & Products
         SuperCloud Supporting Your
                                                                           n Freedom2Roam – Secure Remote Access to access
         School’s Journey to Cloud and                                                                                                   ✔
                                                                           resources held on your school network
         Remote Learning                                                   n Neverware CloudReady to turn old laptops into fully         ✔
         SuperCloud is LGfL’s service that is about enabling the           functioning Chromebooks
         move from on-premises services to cloud services.                 n Remote Backup and Disaster Recovery to store your           ✔
                                                                           data secure and in a GDPR compliant way
         LGfL is cloud agnostic and supports the use of private            n Website Hosting (WordPress sites)			                        ✔
         cloud, public cloud across multiple suppliers. A key part         n StaffMail secure email including access via the Web         ✔
         of that support is a secure Remote Access Service called          n Help with Google and Office 365 transition to the Cloud     ✔
         Freedom2Roam which enables your teachers and staff                n Email Archive to enable recovery of deleted emails          ✔
         access school-based information securely. We also want            n Google CPD                                                  ✔
         to help schools improve access to cloud services by
                                                                           n Office 365 CPD                                              ✔
         improving the ratio of computers to children. To enable
                                                                           n Assurance that LGfL services are provided from ISO27001     ✔
         the school to recycle old computers we provide a product
         called Neverware which enables the conversion of                  Accredited Datacentres
         Windows laptops into Chromebooks.                                 n Resilient Datacentre Design ensures that LGfL services      ✔
                                                                           such as StaffMail continue to operate with the maximum
         With our partners we will also support your schools               of availability
         transition to the Cloud avoiding excessive charges and
         costs for migrating to a new generation of technology.            Optional Services – Price on Application
         Finally, LGfL continues to provide cloud-based e-email
                                                                           n Additional GridStore backup capacity			                     ✔
         (StaffMail) and secure backup for schools (GridStore)
         which is an Ofsted requirement.

         TechSquad Support for Your School,                                n EasySwitch transition service to advise and support a       ✔
         MAT & Local Authority                                             transition to LGfL from your existing provider
                                                                           n UK based helpdesk providing 1st, 2nd and 3rd 		             ✔
         LGfL wants to make sure the school receives the support
                                                                           line support
         needed to take advantage of the extraordinary range
                                                                           n National Operations Centre monitoring the LGfL 		           ✔
         of products and technologies that are included in your
         subscription to LGfL. Our support starts with our EasySwitch      network round the clock
         service which is about giving your school help to transition      n Network monitoring includes device availability, 		         ✔
         to LGfL as painlessly as possible. This includes the allocation   bandwidth utilisation, jitter, packet loss, latency and
         of a Customer Success Manager to provide personalised             many other things
         support through this service.                                     n Security Operations Centre monitoring the LGfL 		           ✔
                                                                           network for security threats
         Once connected to LGfL our Service Management team will           n Security monitoring includes virus signatures, ransomware   ✔
         look after you to ensure your service runs smoothly. The          signatures, DDoS attacks, malware, rootkits and many attack
         support package for your school includes an online portal
         where you can track your schools technical and
                                                                           n National engineering support and cover		                    ✔
         configuration information, log support calls, request
         information and find out about the latest developments.           n Replacement of faulty or broken router at no 		             ✔
         The school can also check things such as the speed of             additional cost
         connection, how much bandwidth is being used and what             n Self-service portal providing full information about        ✔
         the firewall configuration includes.                              your LGfL service
                                                                           n An online case management system to track your 		           ✔
         LGfL’s connection includes around the clock monitoring            service requests and incidents
         of the network for faults and potential matters of concern        n Self-service access to network performance analytics        ✔
         through National Operational Centres. LGfL has also               and information
         recently established a Digital Transformation Partnership
                                                                           n Text Alerting Service including major outages		             ✔
         with a number of IT companies who are collaborating and
                                                                           n A technical newsletter 				                                 ✔
         support LGfL to accelerate digital innovation into schools.
                                                                           n Technical news bulletin featuring product and service       ✔
         LGfL receives fantastic support from its partners (VMB and        improvements
         Adept Education) along with a range of global and                 n A Customer Success Manager to support you make              ✔
         household names such as Sophos, Adobe, Google,                    the most of your service
         Malwarebytes, Egress, Microsoft, Busythings and J2e.              n A comprehensive SLA covering installation, support          ✔
                                                                           and the management of performance for incidents and
         Find out more about who partners with LGfL at dtp.lgfl.net        service requests

         LGfL loves supporting schools and has twice been named
         the ERA Not for Profit Supplier of the Year to the Education
         Sector and is an EdTech Top 50 “Mover and Shaker”.

LGfL Bundled Services

   More at services.lgfl.net                                           Key Features & Products

      Inspire Helping Teachers &                                   n Adobe Creative Cloud included			                              ✔
                                                                   n Just2Easy site licence included			                            ✔
      Schools Make the Most of Digital                             n BusyThings site licence included			                           ✔
      Innovation                                                   n Professional Music database (Audio Networks)		                ✔
                                                                   n Access to a large library of curriculum resources across      ✔
      LGfL provides much more than a connection. LGfL is           all key stages and the majority of the National Curriculum
      totally committed to helping teachers harness the            n Immersive Augmented and Virtual Reality resources             ✔
      power of online technologies to engage all learners and
                                                                   including Fossils and Dinosaurs
      help them achieve their full potential, at all ages and
                                                                   n A bank of high-resolution images from the cultural            ✔
      across all parts of the curriculum. At LGfL it's all about
      helping schools to harness and accelerate digital            sector including the Royal Collection
      innovation into the classroom.                               n Annual Curriculum Conference                                  ✔
                                                                   n Access to a team of education professionals experienced       ✔
      LGfL has pioneered new technologies including the use        in the products and services on offer
      of Augmented and Virtual Reality in the classroom as         n CPD offer to help schools make the most of LGfL’s resources   ✔
      well as enabling the transition to Cloud.

      Many in-house productions feature experts in their field
      showing artefacts from locations that often members of
      the public are unable to access or where many children
      might never be taken outside of school time.

      This enables LGfL to provide a wide range of award-
      winning online curriculum content learning resources
      and products that you can use in the school at all key
      stages. for use anytime, anywhere. Find out more at

      There is also support for a comprehensive
      programme of harnessing technology with a range of
      CPD opportunities in school, at centralised training
      events and conferences to help your teachers harness
      the power of online technology and get the most from
      the platform. Find out more at training.lgfl.net

      IncludED – Supporting SENCOs,                                n Annual SEND, Inclusion and Wellbeing Conference               ✔
                                                                   n Regular face to face training on topics most important        ✔
      support staff and a whole school                             to SENCOs and inclusion staff
      approach to inclusion, mental                                n Large Widgit Symbol library				                               ✔
                                                                   n Advice on use of technology within your school to
      health and wellbeing.                                                                                                        ✔
                                                                   support inclusion and accessibility
                                                                   n A portal of mental health and well being resources            ✔
      LGfL provides access to a range of support for inclusion     available for use in your school or Multi Academy Trust
      and wellbeing through regular CPD sessions on topics
      related to SEND and Inclusion as well as Mental Health
      Designated Lead Training and Mental Health First Aid at
      School training.

      Our expanding library of online staff training include
      topics such as supporting learners with EAL, meeting
      sensory needs and a whole school approach to mental

      Our bank of specialist resources includes tools vital for
      inclusion such as a large Widgit symbol library.
      The IncludEd team can also provide advice about how
      to get the most out of cloud platforms and your existing
      technology to support accessibility and inclusion to your

      Find out more at included.lgfl.net and for wellbeing
      resources at wbc.lgfl.net

LGfL Contacts and Support
   Phone us: 020 8408 4455

                The National Grid for Learning®

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