Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021

Page created by Francis Price
Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021
Lightly School’s
Clearly Delightful News
February 2021
A Note from Ms. O…
                      We all know what we love about February;
                      it’s I Love to Read month & Teacher
                      Appreciation week. Although, I have to say,
                      every day at our school is Teacher
                      Appreciation! Not a day goes by where we
                      aren’t spoiled with decadent meals & baking at
                      Lightly School! This year our two special
                      celebrations looked a little different though.
                      With a busy month of assessments &
                      appointments (and a couple of short work
                      weeks), we pushed Teacher Appreciation
                      Week to the end of the month so that we
                      could have clear minds to enjoy it. And in
regards to our eager readers this month, we had a few guests join
us virtually, while others fought to be first to read to our kids in
the school. Thank you for helping us instil a passion for reading
in our youngsters! Clearwater Colony is definitely the BEST
place on Earth to work!
Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021
Get Carried Away With books!
We would once again like
to thank all of our
wonderful readers who
went out of their way to
read to our students, even
going as far as reading to
them using ZOOM. Our
special line up of amazing
readers included….
 Mrs. Palcat, Mrs. Ladyka,
Mrs. Margetts, Kimberley
Massaroni, Rita, Schalin,
Islay and Vaughn and our
Phys-ed teacher, Mr.
Sobie. Several of our
colony ladies also
volunteered to be guest
readers: Sylvia, Rita, Leona, Priscilla, Megan, Chantal,
Nicole and Naomi were all eager to read their favourite
books to the kids. (Ms O thinks that they just miss school
and getting their pictures taken)
We can not forget to mention our wonderful teachers, who
not only take the time to read to the kids, but also spend
their every waking hour making school enjoyable for our
little rug rats. Seriously, they seem to have more homework
than our kids…so a very special thank you goes out to Mrs.
Meads, Mrs. Oughton and Mrs. Gorman.
Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021
Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021
The Valentine’s Party!
               Valentine Sweets
        Finally, our Valentine’s Day party was here.
Everyone was excited. In the hallway on a table we had
a lot of delicious food. Marshmallows, fruit, heart
shaped cookies and pretzels were stacked up high.
There was even a chocolate fondue. Islay, Vaughn,
Schalin, Rita and Calvin joined us for the party. We
grabbed our hot buttery popcorn and gathered up on
the couches to watch a movie. It was called “The One
and Only Ivan”. My Favourite part was when Ivan the
gorilla was finally set free. Halfway through the movie,
we exchanged Valentine’s cards. After we finished the
movie, we cleaned up and went home. It was an awesome
party with a lot of sweets!
                                                      By Ashley
                                                        Grade 3
Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021
Too Many Sweets
      Knock, knock! We heard someone at the
door. “Our guests are here!” all the children
cheered. Schalin, Islay, Vaughn, Calvin and Rita
rushed to the door with smiles on their faces. First,
we got comfortable on the couches in the classroom.
Dorothy even made hot buttery popcorn for us.
Yummy! We started to watch “The One and Only
                          Ivan”. The movie was
                          heartwarming. It was based
                          on a true story about a
                          gorilla. My favourite part was when they let all the animals go
                                   The food we had was absolutely delicious! We
                          munched on marshmallows, pretzels, grapes, pink and white
                          fudge and also heart shaped sugar cookies. I should not forget
                          to mention the chocolate fondue with fruit… it was delicious!
                          Halfway through the movie we exchanged Valentine’s cards.
                          When the movie was finished we cleaned up and did our
                          jobs. It was a fun day! What did you do on Valentine’s Day?
                                                                                By Sophia
                                                                                  Grade 4
                                              A Friday Fiesta!
        “Ring! Ring!” the bell echoed through the yard letting everyone know its time to
come in. Unlike most days, everyone excitedly piled into school, ready to get the
Valentine’s Day party started. First, we welcomed our special guests, Rita, Schalin,
Islay, Vaughn and Calvin. When everyone was seated with popcorn, we began watching
“The One and Only Ivan.” The movie is a true story about a gorilla who was part of a
circus and learned to draw. My favourite part was when all the people got together to
get Ivan and the other animals moved to a better habitat. We quickly gathered some
chocolate fondue with fruits and marshmallows to dip in. On the buffet table there was
also heat- shaped sugar cookies, chips, pink
and white fudge and pretzels. When
everyone was settled in with their plates, we
handed out Valentines. There were lots of
treats, candies and stickers attached to the
        “Let’s clean up.” Mrs. Oughton
announced, letting everyone know the party
was over and that its time to go home. The
party was the perfect way to end a week of
                                   By Tianna
                                      Grade 8
Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021
Fun at School!
                                       On Friday, we celebrated Valentine’s Day by
                                 having a party. At the party we had guests. Rita,
                                 Schalin, Vaughn, Islay and Calvin joined us. It was so
                                 much fun having more guests! We watched a movie
                                 called “The One and Only
                                 Ivan.” It was sad because
                                 Ivan the gorilla was stuck in a
                                 cage. We had lots of sweet
                                 goodies to eat. There were
                                 marshmallows, grapes
                                 pineapples and butter
popcorn. Marian, Priscilla and Megan made heart shaped
cookies with sugary icing on them. The cookies were delicious.
We handed out Valentine’s cards. It was such a fun day. Did
you have a Valentine’s Party?
                                                    By Kymber
                                                        Grade 2

                               The Perfect Heart!
        The recess bell rang and all the students were a colourful steak in the air on the
way to the classroom to start the Valentine’s Party. We were hardly seated when a
knock travelled through the school. All the students raced to the door. Our guests
scurried in from the frigid cold. Floating puffs of fresh air followed them. We
welcomed Schalin, Rita, Vaughn, Islay and Calvin. We hurried to Mrs. Oughton’s
classroom and settled down in our seats with delicious heart- shaped cookies and a pile
of fresh fruit with melted chocolate to dip. Priscilla started the movie and everything
went silent. After a while we handed out Valentine cards…with those came even more
treats to devour after school. Then everyone piled their plates full of treats and we
                          finished watching the movie, “The One and only Ivan.” When
                          the movie was done, we dashed to clean up, that was the worst
                          part. Matthew and I played with Calvin’s VR headset. That was
                          blast. If I could afford one, I would buy
                          one. That was the best way to enjoy a
                          Friday and the end of a week.
                                                           By Avian
                                                            Grade 5
Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021
Creating a Heavenly Hamburger using
Juicy Vocabulary…
                              Savoury Sculptures
  As soon as a mouth-watering burger crosses my mind, my taste buds light a fire. The
appetizing smell meets the air causing everyone to shout, ‘hamburgers’! We all follow
the heavenly smell that leads us to our master chef. As we gather around the barbecue,
we are all handed a patty. I carefully place it on my soft bun and lovingly bathe it in
relish. As the sound of the sizzling grill floods my ears, I
also squirt barbecue sauce on. I peel a piece of cheese
from the stack. “Splat!” I hear as I slap it on. Finally, I lay
the pickle in with a big smile on my face. As I lift the
burger up to my lips, anticipation spreads over my body. I
sink my teeth into it. A mix of flavors forms in my mouth.
Which makes me want to dance. What’s your favorite
type of patty?
                                                    By Janelle
                                                      Grade 6

                                                 Barbecued Beauty
                                        As we are hanging out in the fresh air on a
                                 beautiful summer day, the smell of grilled beef rises
                                 into the air. The smoke from the barbecue lets
                                 everyone know its time to eat. While all the
                                 condiments and fresh buns are carried into sight, we
                                 patiently wait for the best part of the meal. Finally, the
                                 burgers are spotted! Our taste buds dance and jump
                                 for joy. I grab the relish and load it onto one of the
buns, ketchup soon follows. I gently place the juiciest looking burger I could get my
hands on. My masterpiece is finally finished., but I don’t let my self admire it before
my teeth sink in. When all the plates are empty and the savoury smell in the air slowly
fades, everyone knows, its time to clean up.
                                                                                By Tianna
                                                                                  Grade 8
Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021
Yummy Hamburgers
       Juicy hamburgers are my favourite! When
Linda barbecues, the news quickly spreads. The smell
is so yummy. I could never get tired of burgers! I take
the ketchup and I drizzle it on my burger. The cheese
melts off of the warm bun. I get ready to taste the first
bite. My teeth sink into the soft bun and then my
tongue tastes the ketchup and cheese covering the
juicy patty. I feel like I am floating on a cloud as I
enjoy the delicious meal. Do you like juicy hamburger?
                                                                               By Ashley
                                                                                Grade 4
The Best Lake Day Dinner
         The barbecue fires up. I inhale the savory
smell of the burgers as they sizzle on the grill.
When we saunter up from the beach at Falcon
Lake the heavenly smell of beef burgers fills the
air like a fog. We stuff our burger with fried
onions, tomatoes, ketchup and a patty with fresh
grill marks. The first bite makes my taste buds
fire up into a steel guitar and a loud, loud drum.
The fried onions add a warm and crunchy touch
to it. I’m sure the bears are ready to come out of
the woods, but they only have a flash before they
watch it disappear. Then they have to stand there
and drool as I go back for my second one. As I wash down the last crumb I beg for
another one tomorrow. That night I dream of a scrumptious soft burger. Do you like
                                                                            By Avian
                                                 A Scrumptious Snack
                                         Hamburgers smell like heaven! When I take
                                       that first bite, my taste buds explode like
                                       fireworks. My mouth waters every time I smell
                                       them. The hamburgers are so juicy. When I hear
                                       that barbecue sizzling, I know they are making
                                       something delicious. I grab a fresh bun and I
                                       plop the grilled burger on the bottom half. Then
                                       I load it up with ketchup, mustard and finally a
                                       slice of cheese. The heat from the burger melts
the cheese. When it is time to dig in, my mouth opens wide and I take a very big bite.
The cheese oozes down my chin. That is what I call a scrumptious snack! What
yummy, scrumptious snack do you like?
                                                                                 By Sophia
                                                                                   Grade 4
Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021
Explore the Arctic with Us!   Avian
                                        Grade 5

      See the beautiful Northern
      Lights through our students’

                      Grade 6

                                        Grade 2

                     Grade 8
Grade 4                                 Ashley
                                        Grade 3
Lightly School's Clearly Delightful News February 2021
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