List of Publications Stefan Guhl March, 2019 - TU Bergakademie ...

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Institute of
                                                                                                             Energy Process Engineering and
                                                                                                             Chemical Engineering

                                                List of Publications
                                                           Stefan Guhl
                                                           March, 2019

TU Bergakademie Freiberg · Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Chair of Energy Process Engineering and Thermal Waste Treatment (EVT)
Reiche Zeche · Fuchsmuehlenweg 9 · 09599 Freiberg, Germany · Phone: +49 3731 39-4511 · Fax: +49 3731 39-4555 ·

   1       Chong He, Jin Bai, Lingxue Kong, Jiang Xu, Stefan Guhl, Xiaoming Li, Zefeng Ge, Xi Cao,
           Zongqing Bai, Wen Li. Effects of atmosphere on the oxidation state of iron and viscosity
           behavior of coal ash slag. Fuel 243(2019), 41-51.
   2       E. Komarova, Z. Abosteif, S. Guhl, B. Meyer. Brown Coal Char CO2-Gasification Kinetics
           with Respect to the Char Structure. Part II: Kinetics and Correlations. The Canadian
           Journal of Chemical Engineering 97 (2019), 226-237.
   3       L. Zhou, G. Zhang, M. Reinmöller, B. Meyer. Effect of inherent mineral matter on the co-
           pyrolysis of highly reactive brown coal and wheat straw. Fuel 239 (2019), 1194–1203.
   4       C. He, J. Bai, W. Li, L. Kong, J. Xu, S. Guhl, X. Li, Z. Bai, W. Li. Iron transformation
           behavior in coal ash slag in the entrained flow gasifier and the application for Yanzhou coal.
           Fuel 237 (2019), 851-859.
   5       D. Schwitalla, M. Reinmöller, C. Forman, C. Wolfersdorf, M. Gootz, J. Bai, S. Guhl, M.
           Neuroth, B. Meyer. Ash and slag properties for co-gasification of sewage sludge and coal:
           An experimentally validated modeling approach. Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018),
   6       Victor Gonzalez, Sascha Rußig, Martin Schurz, Steffen Krzack, Jörg Kleeberg, Stefan
           Guhl, Bernd Meyer. Experimental investigations on lignite char gasification kinetics using a
           pressurized drop tube reactor. Fuel 224 (2018), 348-356.
   7       D. H. Schwitalla, A. M. Bronsch, M. Klinger, S. Guhl, and B. Meyer. Analysis of solid phase
           formation and its impact on slag rheology. Fuel 203 (2017), 932–941.
   8       D. Safronov, T. Förster, D. Schwitalla, P. Nikrityuk, S. Guhl, A. Richter, B. Meyer.
           Numerical study on entrained-flow gasification performance using combined slag model
           and experimental characterization of slag properties. Fuel Processing Technology 161
           (2017), 62–75.
   9       M. Reinmöller, M. Schreiner, S. Guhl, M. Neuroth, B. Meyer. Formation and transformation
           of mineral phases in various fuels studied by different ashing methods. Fuel 202 (2017),
 10        F. Küster, P. Nikrityuk, M. Junghanns, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, R. Ackermann, A. Richter,
           S. Guhl, B. Meyer. In-situ investigation of single particle gasification in a defined gas flow
           applying TGA with optical measurements. Fuel 194 (2017), 544-556.
 11        S. Schulze, P. Nikrityuk, Z. Abosteif, S. Guhl, A. Richter, B. Meyer. Heat and mass transfer
           within thermogravimetric analyser: From simulation to improved estimation of kinetic data
           for char gasification. Fuel 187 (2017), 338-348.
 12        C. He, J. Bai, L. Kong, S. Guhl, D. Schwitalla, J. Xu, Z. Bai, W. Li. The precipitation of
           metallic iron from coal ash slag in the entrained flow coal gasifier: By thermodynamic
           calculation. Fuel Processing Technology 162 (2017), 98-104.
 13        E. Komarova, S. Guhl, B. Meyer. Brown coal char CO2-gasification kinetics with respect to
           the char structure. Part I: Char structure development. Fuel 152 (2015), 38-47.

Book Chapters
   1       S. Guhl, M. Klinger, R. Schimpke, C. Hommel, D. Vogt, P. Gehre, B. Meyer, T. Brunne:
           KORRISTENT – Grundlagenuntersuchungen und technologische Lösungsansätze zur
           verschlackungsarmen Fahrweise von Braunkohlekesseln der LEAG. In: Michael Beckmann
           und Antonio Hurtado (Hg.): Kraftwerkstechnik 2018. Power Plant Technology. Freiberg,
           Sachs: SAXONIA, pp. 545–557.
TU Bergakademie Freiberg · Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Chair of Energy Process Engineering and Thermal Waste Treatment (EVT)
Reiche Zeche · Fuchsmuehlenweg 9 · 09599 Freiberg, Germany · Phone: +49 3731 39-4511 · Fax: +49 3731 39-4555 ·

   2       E. Komarova, S. Guhl: „Veränderung der Koksstruktur“. In: Stoffliche Nutzung von
           Braunkohle. Ed. by S. Krzack, H.Gutte, B. Meyer. Springer Vieweg, 2018, pp. 441-457.
   3       M. Klinger, M. Reinmöller, R. Schimpke, M. Schreiner: „Charakterisierung des
           Hochtemperaturverhaltens von Kohle- und Biomasseaschen unter oxidierenden und
           reduzierenden Bedingungen“. In: Stoffliche Nutzung von Braunkohle. Ed. by S. Krzack, H.
           Gutte, and B. Meyer. Springer Vieweg, 2018, pp. 521-538.
   4       D. Schwitalla, A. Bronsch, S. Guhl: „Physikalische Eigenschaften von Schlacken“. In:
           Stoffliche Nutzung von Braunkohle. Ed. by S. Krzack, H.Gutte, B. Meyer. Springer Vieweg,
           2018, pp. 538-567.
   5       M. Reinmöller, S. Guhl, M. Schreiner, M. Neuroth, B. Meyer: Untersuchung des
           Ascheverhaltens bei der Co-Feuerung von Kohlen mit Biomasse und Ersatzbrennstoffen.
           In: Michael Beckmann und Antonio Hurtado (Hg.): Kraftwerkstechnik 2017. Strategien,
           Anlagentechnik und Betrieb. Freiberg, Sachs: SAXONIA, pp. 415–424.
   6       O. Turna, H. Vierrath, B. Meyer, S. Guhl, R. Reimert: „British Gas/Lurgi-Schlackebad-
           Vergaser (BGL)”. In „Die Verwandlung und Umwandlung von Kohle – Technologien und
           Projekte 1970-2000 in Deutschland” (The Conversion of Coal – Technologies and Projects
           1970-2000 in Germany). Ed. by Jörg Schmalfeld, DGMK, Hamburg, 2008, ISBN 978-3-

   1       C. Hommel, T. Vogt, D. Vogt, J. Hassler, P. Perzl, D. Wüstkamp, S. Guhl, B. Meyer:
           Optimization possibilities for analysis difficult matrices with ETV-ICP OES, oral presentation
           at European Plasma Winter Conference (EWCPS), France, 3.-8.2.2019
   2       F. Küster, M. Junghanns, R. Ackermann, S. Guhl, B. Meyer. In-situ investigation of single-
           particle gasification in CO2 and H2O. 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL
           Technologies, 3-8 June 2018, Berlin, Germany
   3       M. Reinmöller, M. Schreiner, S. Hädicke, S. Guhl, M. Neuroth, B. Meyer: Bewertung des
           Ascheverhaltens von Biomassen für die Co-Feuerung in Kohlekesseln, 50.
           Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Germany, 23.-24.10.2018
   4       M. Reinmöller, M. Schreiner, S. Hädicke, S. Guhl, M. Neuroth, B. Meyer: Evaluation of the
           ash behaviour of biomasses and waste materials for co-firing with coal, 12th European
           Conference on Fuel and Energy Research, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 05.-07.09.2018
   5       M. Reinmöller, S. Guhl, M. Schreiner, M. Neuroth, B. Meyer: Thermochemical modeling of
           the ash behavior of coals and biomasses/waste materials for co-utilization, GTT Annual
           Users Meeting 2018, Herzogenrath, Germany, 27.-29.06.2018
   6       M. Reinmöller, M. Schreiner, S. Hädicke, S. Guhl, M. Neuroth, B. Meyer: Behaviour of
           mineral matter in residual materials and biomasses studied by different ashing methods,
           poster presentation, 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC and XtL, 03.-
   7       C. Hommel, D. Vogt, S. Guhl, B. Meyer: Interpretation of element release under process
           gas atmosphere by means of ETV-ICP OES, oral presentation at 35th Pittsburgh Coal
           Conference (PCC), Xuzhou, China, 15.-18.10.2018
   8       M. Reinmöller, S. Guhl, M. Schreiner, M. Neuroth, B. Meyer: Untersuchung des
           Ascheverhaltens bei der Co-Feuerung von Kohlen mit Biomasse und Ersatzbrennstoffen,
           poster presentation, 49. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Germany, 18.-

TU Bergakademie Freiberg · Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Chair of Energy Process Engineering and Thermal Waste Treatment (EVT)
Reiche Zeche · Fuchsmuehlenweg 9 · 09599 Freiberg, Germany · Phone: +49 3731 39-4511 · Fax: +49 3731 39-4555 ·

   9       M. Reinmöller, S. Guhl, M. Schreiner, M. Neuroth, B. Meyer: Ash behavior during co-firing
           of coal with different admixing rates of biomass, waste, and residual materials, 2017
           International Conference of Coal Science & Technology (ICCS&T), Beijing, China, 25.-
 10        F. Küster, R. Ackermann, S. Guhl, B. Meyer. Experimental investigation of single-particle
           gasification. 8th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, June
           2016, Cologne, Germany
 11        M. Junghanns, R. Ackermann, M. Kerstan, F. Küster, S. Guhl, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann: In-
           situ spectroscopy for the gas analysis during coal gasification. 8th International Freiberg
           Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Köln, Deutschland, 12.-16.06.2016.
 12        M. Junghanns, M. Kerstan, F. Küster, S. Guhl, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann, R. Ackermann: In-
           situ Raman spectroscopy for gas analysis at high pressure and high temperature. XXV
           International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS 2016), Fortaleza, Ceará,
           Brasilien, 14.-19.08.2016.
 13        F. An, A. Richter, F. Küster, S. Guhl, B. Meyer: Numerical Study of the HITECOM Reactor
           for In-Situ Measurement of Single Char Particle Conversion. 33st International Pittsburgh
           Coal Conference (PCC), Kapstadt, Südafrika, 08.-12.08.2016.
 14        D. Schwitalla, A. Bronsch, T. Rosenhagen, S. Guhl, B. Meyer: Viscosity of partially
           crystalline slags. 7th International Freiberg/Inner Mongolia Conference on IGCC & XtL
           Technologies, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia, China, 7-11 Juni 2015
 15        E. Komarova, Z. Abosteif, S. Guhl, B. Meyer: Brown coal char CO2-gasification kinetics
           with respect to the char structure. 7th International Freiberg/Inner Mongolia Conference on
           IGCC & XtL Technologies, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia, China7-11 Juni 2015
 16        V. Gonzalez, S. Russig, M. Schurz, M. Zink, S. Guhl, S. Krzack, B. Meyer. Investigations of
           char gasification kinetics under CO2 atmosphere at mid pressures. 7th International
           Freiberg/Inner Mongolia Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia,
           China, 7-11 Juni 2015
 17        Komarova, E., Abosteif, Z., Guhl, S.: Linking Surface Area Development during Coal Char
           Gasification to the Reaction Kinetics. International Forum-Contest for students and young
           researchers "Topical Issues of Rational Use of Natural Resources", 23-25 April, 2014, Saint
           Petersburg National Mineral Resource University “University of Mines”, Russia.
 18        A. Bronsch, D. Schwitalla, S. Guhl: Results on Experimental Investigation and Modelling of
           Slag with Consideration of Partial Crystallization. The 31st Annual Pittsburgh Coal
           Conference. 06.10.-09.10.2014, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US.
 19        D. Schwitalla, A. Bronsch, S. Guhl: Investigations on Slags under Gasification Process
           Conditions. 6th International Freiberg Conference, Dresden Radebeul, May 2014.
 20        L. Zhang, V. Kahlenberg, S. Guhl: Thermodynamic database development of the Al2O3-
           CaO-SiO2-M2O (M=K, Na) systems. CALPHAD 2014 Conference Changsha, China.
 21        M. Kestel, A. Richter, F. Küster, S. Guhl, P. Nikrityuk, B. Meyer: The new HITECOM reactor
           for single-particle conversion: Numerical and experimental studies on the interactions
           between measuring unit and reacting particle. 31st International Pittsburgh Coal
           Conference (PCC), Pittsburgh, USA, 06.-09.10.2014
 22        A. Bronsch, Daniel H. Schwitalla, Stefan Guhl: Comparison of calculated and measured
           thermophysical slag properties: Viscosity and solid phases. Proceedings of 2013
           International Conference on Coal Science & Technology, Pennsylvania, United States of
           America, 2013.

TU Bergakademie Freiberg · Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Chair of Energy Process Engineering and Thermal Waste Treatment (EVT)
Reiche Zeche · Fuchsmuehlenweg 9 · 09599 Freiberg, Germany · Phone: +49 3731 39-4511 · Fax: +49 3731 39-4555 ·

 23        Z. Abosteif, S. Guhl: Kinetic Studies for CO2 Gasification of HOK Coke using
           thermogravimetric Analyzer. Proceedings of the Pittsburgh Coal Conference - Beijing,
           CHINA, 2013.
 24        L. Zhang, S. Guhl: Thermodynamic database development on the CaO-SiO2-M2O (M= Na,
           K) systems. 39th Edition of the Joint European Days on Equilibrium Between Phases
           (XXXIX JEEP), Nancy, France, 18-22 March 2013.
 25        S. Guhl, B. Meyer. “Thermodynamic Modelling of the BGL-gasification process with
           particular consideration of alkali metals”. Oral Presentation at Fourth International
           Conference on Clean Coal Technologies 2009 - CCT2009, Dresden, Germany, 2009.
 26        S. Guhl, P. Brüggemann, A. Jochmann, B. Meyer. “Thermodynamic modelling of
           gasification processes with respect to trace elements”. Oral Presentation at 23rd
           International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 2006.

   1       DE 102007006981 B4. Meyer, Bernd; Seifert, Peter; Krzack, Steffen; Ogriseck, Sirko;
           Rauchfuß, Hardy; Rieger, Mathias; Trompelt, Michael; Guhl, Stefan. Verfahren,
           Vergasungsreaktor und Anlage zur Flugstromvergasung fester Brennstoffe unter Druck
           (Process, gasification reactor and plant for entrained flow gasification of solid feedstocks
           under pressure).
   2       DE 102007006980 B4. Meyer, Bernd; Seifert, Peter; Krzack, Steffen; Ogriseck, Sirko;
           Rauchfuß, Hardy; Rieger, Mathias; Trompelt, Michael; Guhl, Stefan. Verfahren zur
           Vergasung fester Brennstoffe in der Wirbelschicht unter erhöhtem Druck (Process for
           gasification of solid feedstocks in a fluidized bed reactor at elevated pressure).
   3       DE 102007006977 B4. Meyer, Bernd; Seifert, Peter; Krzack, Steffen; Ogriseck, Sirko;
           Rauchfuß, Hardy; Rieger, Mathias; Trompelt, Michael; Guhl, Stefan. Verfahren und
           Vorrichtung zur verschlackenden Vergasung fester Brennstoffe unter Druck (Process and
           apparatus for slagging gasification of solid feedstocks under pressure).
   4       DE 102007006982 B4. Meyer, Bernd; Seifert, Peter; Krzack, Steffen; Ogriseck, Sirko;
           Rauchfuß, Hardy; Rieger, Mathias; Trompelt, Michael; Guhl, Stefan. Verfahren und
           Vorrichtung zur Vergasung fester Brennstoffe in der Wirbelschicht unter erhöhtem Druck
           (Process and apparatus for gasification of solid feedstocks in a fluidized bed reactor at
           elevated pressure).
   5       DE 102007006979 B4. Stefan Guhl, Steffen Dr. Krzack, Bernd Prof. Meyer, Sirko Ogriseck,
           Hardy Rauchfuss, Mathias Rieger, Peter Dr. Seifert, Michael Trompelt. Verfahren zur
           Schlackebadvergasung (Process for slag bath gasification).
   6       DE 102007006984 B4. Meyer, Bernd; Seifert, Peter; Krzack, Steffen; Ogriseck, Sirko;
           Rauchfuß, Hardy; Rieger, Mathias; Trompelt, Michael; Guhl, Stefan. Verfahren und
           Vorrichtung zur Konvertierung von Rohgasen bei der Flugstromvergasung (Process and
           apparatus for conversion of raw gas for the entrained flow gasification).

TU Bergakademie Freiberg · Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Chair of Energy Process Engineering and Thermal Waste Treatment (EVT)
Reiche Zeche · Fuchsmuehlenweg 9 · 09599 Freiberg, Germany · Phone: +49 3731 39-4511 · Fax: +49 3731 39-4555 ·
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