Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.

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Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.
Lithium Report 2018
Everything you need to know about lithium! |
Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.
    Dear reader,                                    stood as guarantee of a particular price de-         shares of small and micro cap companies and
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                            Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz
Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.
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Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.
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                             Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz
Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.
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Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.

Dear reader,

it is with great pleasure that we are ente-   clean local public transport with a range     Jochen Staiger is founder and CEO of
ring the second year of our Lithium Spe-      of over 300 km. Volkswagen wants to in-       Swiss Resource Capital AG, located in
cial Report. Swiss Resource Capital AG        vest around € 10 billion in the electro mo-   Herisau, Switzerland. As chief-editor
has made it its business to topically and                                               -   and founder of the first two resource
comprehensively inform precious metals        ting 2025 sell more than one million          IP-TV-channels Commodity-TV and its
and commodity investors, interested           electric cars per year.                       German counterpart Rohstoff-TV, he
parties and the individual who wants to                                                     reports about companies, experts,
become an investor in various commodi-        All this will be an enormous drive for the    fund managers and various themes
ties and mining companies. On our web-        lithium demand and in the interview with      around the international mining
site you will         Tobias Tretter you will read how and in       business and the correspondent
                                              which directions the developments ad-         metals.
well as articles about the topic commodi-     vance. Commodities are the base of our
ties.                                         economic activities. Without commodi-
                                              ties there are no technical innovations
A year ago, we started our series of spe-     and no products that can be manufactu-
cial reports with lithium because we con-     red with new materials.
sider this metal to be one of the great
future metals in the energy sector and, in    With our special reports we would like to
spite of the already happened boom, see       give you the necessary insights and in-
big chances and potentials in the short       form you comprehensively.
term. The battery development is only at      In addition, our two Commodity IPTV
the beginning of a long road and the          channels &
electric automobile has to capture its                               are available to
place among consumers and in the auto-        you free of charge. For on the go we re-
mobile history. Lithium is the main com-      commend our new Commodity-TV App
ponent of all available large-scale pro-      for iPhone or Android which also provi-
duction batteries and accumulators and        des real-time charts, share prices and
therefore the crucial link in the electro     the latest videos.
mobility dream. The necessary charging
infrastructure is pushed along and ex-        My team and I hope you will enjoy rea-
panded in Germany which might accele-         ding this Special Lithium Report and          Tim Roedel is chief-editorial- and
rate the future trend.                        hope that we can provide you with new         chief-communications-manager at
                                              information, impressions and ideas. Only      SRC AG. He has been active in the
The annual Paris car show was dedica-         the one who gets broadly informed and         commodity sector since 2007 and
ted to the electro mobility in the past ye-   takes matters relating to investments in      held several editor- and chief-editor-
ars and the 2018 shows in Geneva as           his own hand will be in the winners and       positions, e.g. at the publications
                                                                                            Rohstoff-Spiegel, Rohstoff-Woche,
issue of the short range should resolve       times.                                        Rohstoffraketen, Wahrer Wohlstand
itself with new accumulator technologies                                                    and First Mover. He owns an
                                                                                            enormous commodity expertise and a
This will drastically increase the demand     Yours Jochen Staiger                          wide-spread network within the whole
for electric cars. According to experts                                                     resource sector.
the demand increase will be based on
the formula “500+200” meaning 500 km
range plus 200 km reserve. Then, it is be-
lieved, the die-hard driver of combustion
engines will switch to electric cars. Daim-
ler-Benz is already working on a bus for


Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.
Lithium – the most important substance of the 21st
century is just gaining momentum!

                 Carbon was the past – Lithium                  Usually metallic lithium is produced in a
                 is the future                                  multi-stage process starting from lithium
                                                                carbonate, and is traded mostly with a
                 Rarely was a chemical element of similar       purity of 99.5 %. The metallic lithium is
                 great importance as lithium will be in the     used as a catalyst in the chemical and
                 coming decades. Since the announce-            pharmaceutical industry as well as in the
                 ment of Tesla Motors’ plans to build up to     production of aluminum lithium alloys.
                 500,000 electric vehicles per year in its
                 mega-factory starting 2017, lithium, in        The industry distinguishes three basic ty-
                 connection with lithium-ion batteries, is      pes or qualities of lithium compounds:
                 on everyone’s lips. The metal in its future
                                                            -   1. “Industrial grade”, with a purity of over
                 bon that is not only important in daily life                                              -
                 in the form of plastics but also as energy         bricant;
                 source in form of coal and crude oil.          2. “Technical grade”, with a purity around
                 Whereas carbon above all is an energy              99.5 % for ceramics, lubricants and
                 supplier and energy source, lithium will           batteries; and
                 become more and more the energy sto-           3. “Battery grade”, with a purity of over
                 rage medium of the future.                         99.5 % especially for high end battery
                                                                    cathode materials.

                 What is lithium?
                                                                Main application area: batteries
                 Lithium is a light metal belonging to the      and accumulators
                 alkali metal group. It is the least dense of
                 all known solid elements. It has half the                                                  -
                 weight of water, is silver-gray and relati-    satile properties make lithium a
                 vely soft. Lithium is highly reactive and      sought-after material used in many appli-
                 therefore found in nature only as a lithium    cation areas. It is not a surprise that the
                 compound. Contact with air tarnishes           main application area of lithium was
                 the surface due to the formation of lithi-     constantly changing in the past. Initially it
                 um oxide and lithium nitride. In pure oxy-     was used primarily in medicine and in the
                 gen lithium combusts at 1800 Celsius           1950’s the element became commercial-
                                                                ly successful as an alloy component.
                 oxide. Lithium reacts with water violently     Due to its low weight and the positive
                 forming lithium hydroxide.                     properties regarding to tensile strength,
                                                                hardness and elasticity lithium became
                                                                an inherent part of the aerospace
                 The global lithium extraction is divided in    technique. During the past 20 years the
                 several branches producing the following       situation changed. In the course of the
                 types of lithium compounds:                    beginning of the electro revolution it was
                                                                recognized that due to the low standard
                 1. Lithium carbonate                           electrode potential of lithium the metal is
                 2. Lithium hydroxide                           almost perfectly suited as the anode in
                 3. Lithium chloride                            batteries. Lithium batteries are characte-
                 4. Butyl lithium and                           rized by a very high energy density and
                 5. Lithium metal                               can generate a very high voltage, but
                                                                they are not rechargeable. This property
                                                                is found in lithium-ion accumulators


          Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz
Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.
where lithium metal oxides, like lithium      ge of lithium ions. Due to the high energy
cobalt oxide, are used as cathode mate-       density lithium-ion accumulators deliver
rial. For the production of accumulators      – in contrast to conventional mercury or
and batteries purity grades above 99.5        nickel based batteries – a constant per-
% are needed. Industrial grade lithium        formance throughout the discharge peri-
hydroxide is used, among other things,        od and not subjected to any memory ef-
as raw material for lubricants as well as     fect - that is, the gradual capacity loss
coolants and technical grade lithium          throughout their service life due to many
hydroxide is used in the production of        partial discharges. Therefore lithium-ion
accumulators and batteries. Lithium           accumulators have a clear advantage
carbonate – crystalline, granulated or as     over conventional nickel-cadmium accu-
powder – for example is used for the          mulators.
electrolytic production of aluminum, in
the ceramic and pharmaceutical industry
as well as in the alloy technique. For the    The production requires large
production of lithium-ion-accumulators,       quantities of lithium

                                              The “disadvantage”: the production of
(battery grade powder). The extraction        lithium-ion accumulators requires large
and processing of (especially high grade)     quantities of lithium. Every smartphone
lithium is considered to be very expensive.   contains 5 to 7 grams LCE (Lithium Car-
                                              bonate Equivalent). In a notebook or tab-
                                              let there are 20 to 40 grams. Power tools
Lithium-ion accumulators are                  like electric screwdrivers or electric saws
considered the non-plus-ultra                 need 40 to 60 grams for their accumula-
                                              tors. A storage unit with a capacity of
Currently research is conducted and           10KWh for domestic use contains around
works done globally on increasing the         23 kg LCE and the accumulators for
power of accumulators for electric cars.      electric cars contain 40 to 80 kg. A pow-
In the meantime, it has become evident        er storage unit with a capacity of 650MWh
that the lithium-ion accumulator is a clear   contains 1.5 tons of LCE. Billions of
favorite. One reason among others is          smartphones and the high millions of
that inside a lithium-ion accumulator the     notebooks, power tools, cars, e-bikes
voltage is generated through the exchan-      etc. adds up to a demand of several
                                              100,000 tons of LCE per year.

                                              Application in the area of rege-
                                              nerative energies

                                              The application of lithium in lithium-ion
                                              batteries or accumulators in car manu-
                                              facturing is only one of many possible
                                              uses. Corresponding energy storage
                                              systems will be increasingly used for the
                                              storage of electricity derived from alter-
                                              native energy sources. The phenomenal
                                              expansion of the power generation in
                                              wind farms or solar cells is a giant advan-


Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.
tage for the environment but an enor-
            mous challenge for the power grids. The
                                                           Supply Situation
            during power generation by regenerative        Two types of lithium deposits
            energy sources. When the wind blows or
            the sun shines large quantities of electric    In general lithium is derived from two dif-
            energy are “pumped” into the grid in a         ferent sources.
            very short time creating enormous short
            lived overcapacities that are not used.        1. Brine deposits: Lithium carbonate is
            According to calculations of the German           primarily derived by evaporating the
            Federal Association of Wind Energy 20             lithium bearing brines with addition of
            percent of the annual return of a wind            sodium carbonate in salt lakes. For
            farm is lost due to turbine shutdown du-          the production of metallic lithium, the
            ring power grid overload.                         lithium carbonate is dissolved in hy-
                                                              drochloric acid which produces car-
                                                              bon dioxide that escapes as gas and
            The biggest future field of                       lithium chloride in solution. This solu-
            application for lithium-ion                       tion is reduced in the vacuum evapo-
            accumulators: Decentralized                       rator until crystallization of the lithium
            Energy Storage                                    chloride.

            Smart-Grid-Systems should prevent a            2. “Hard rock spodumene” deposits: in
            power grid overload but need a large              this case the lithium compounds are
            number of short and middle term energy            not derived from the salt of salt lakes
            storage systems to store the surplus              but from spodumene, a lithium bea-
            energy and feed it into the grid when the-        ring aluminum silicate mineral. The
            re is a lack of wind and solar power. Lithi-      spodumene is mined using conventi-
            um-ion accumulators could be the soluti-          onal techniques and processed to a
                                                              concentrate that is often transformed
            surplus energy and feeding it into the            to lithium carbonate with a purity of
            grid on demand. Many producers alrea-             more than 99.5 %. The necessary in-
                                                      -       tensive thermal and hydrometallurgi-
            tors that will be used decentralized in a         cal processes are considered as very
            family home with a photovoltaic system            expensive. This type of deposit is al-
            on the roof. An example is the Tesla Po-          most exclusively mined in Australia
            werwall, a solar battery for private homes        and the processing takes place pri-
            which is produced in the Tesla mega-fac-          marily in Chinese facilities.
            tory in Nevada, USA, since October
            2015. The electric energy storage system       Recently more and more exploration and
            consists of accumulators, charge control       development companies count on a third
            and a liquid cooling system. It is possible    source of lithium; the possibility to ext-
            for private customers to connect up to 9       ract lithium from old exploited oil reser-
            batteries to reach a total capacity of 57.6    voirs. The lithium is extracted from was-
            kWh. With this, Tesla got the ball rolling     tewater remaining in the reservoir. The
            and by doing so is making the decentra-        viability of this process was proven seve-
            lized energy storage cheaper as well as        ral times. In addition, this unusual lithium
                                                      -    production is economically feasible. The-
            portant driver for the lithium market.
                                                           become the focus of the lithium industry.


     Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz
Lithium Report 2018 Everything you need to know about lithium! - | - Liberty One Lithium Corp.
Currently, around 80 % of the total lithium
                                                                                             production worldwide originates in four
                                                                                             countries.(Source: USGS Mineral Commodity
                                                                                             Summaries / Lithium X)

Lithium is abundant                            Currently Lithium production is
                                               focused primarily in four coun-
In the past it was wrongly assumed that        tries and by four companies
a global switch from conventional com-
bustion engines to electric motors is im-      Currently, around 80 % of the total lithi-
possible due to lack of lithium. That is       um production worldwide originates in
not quite right. Lithium is not that rare in   these three South American countries
the earth, accounting for approximately        plus Australia and production is split bet-
0.006 % of the earth‘s crust, therefore        ween four companies. As a result, the
rarer than zinc, copper and tungsten but       whole lithium market is lacking transpa-
a bit more common than cobalt, tin and         rency. This is the reason the big battery
lead. According to estimates of the US         and accumulator producers like Panaso-
Geological Survey, there are 40 million        nic and the leading electric car manufac-
tons of lithium mineable globally, 65 % of     turers, above all Tesla Motors, are look-
that alone in the South American coun-         ing for long-term supply contracts with
tries of Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Cur-    relatively small development companies
rently the biggest lithium carbonate pro-      that in part are not producing before
duction takes place in the Salar de            2020. As a result of this supply oligopoly,
Atacama, a salt lake in the northern Chi-      lithium is currently not traded in the mar-
lean province of Antofagasta. Approxi-         ket and the actual trading prices are
mately 40 % of the global lithium produc-
tion originates in this region.                mentioned by the supplier is that the
                                               available and produced lithium qualities
                                               ket place.


From 2017 on, the lithium market went into a
                              supply deficit.
        Source: Orocobre, Advantage Lithium

                                                Lithium production will increase             per ton lithium carbonate. Either way,
                                                sharply                                      this is a lucrative business for the pro-
                                                                                             ducer because the mining costs at cur-
                                                In 2015 the global lithium production (for   rent projects are US$ 3,200 to 6,500 per
                                                standardization reasons LCE = “lithium       ton. Lithium hydroxide shows similar
                                                carbonate equivalent” a universal con-       numbers. From a quantitative point lithi-
                                                version factor for all above mentioned
                                                lithium compounds) was approximately         battery, but accounts for only roughly 4-5
                                                175,000 tons LCE. According to projec-       % of the costs of a battery. Hence the
                                                tions, this number will increase to
                                                330,000 tons LCE by 2020. The latter is      the production of lithium ion batteries
                                                not based on concrete mine expansions        and could be kept at an economic level
                                                or new mines.                                for the lithium producer.

                                                The price is always crucial but              Development companies work
                                                relatively negligible for the                under high pressure at new
                                                accumulator production!                      projects, …

                                                In the end the price is only important for   As the big companies Albemarle, SQM,
                                                the economic extraction of the existing      FMC and Tianqi have plans to increase
                                                lithium deposits. In the past months the     their production and at the same have no
                                                price has risen sharply. In mid-2015 the     interest in falling lithium prices, many de-
                                                price for a ton lithium carbonate was        velopment companies work on the ad-
                                                around US$ 6,000 and has climbed to          vancement of new lithium projects and
                                                the presently over US$ 25,000 and surely     the delineation of concrete deposits and
                                                just a snap shot. We can assume that the     resources.
                                                price will settle, in the middle to long
                                                term, between US$ 10,000 and 12,000


                                     Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz
… in part at new lithium hot                 Summary supply side
                                             The lithium production is (still) in the
Therefore, besides the typical lithium re-   hands of a few producers. The worldwi-
gions South America and Australia, new       de biggest lithium producer Albemarle
regions in North America and especially      acquired Rockwood Holdings, the owner
Canada, Mexico and (due to the proximi-      of the two largest lithium deposits in Chi-
ty to the future top consumer Tesla Mo-      le at the beginning of 2015. Albemarle
tors) the US, especially the US-state Ne-    and three other companies, SQM, FMC
vada emerge as lithium hot spots. In the     and Tianqui (i.a. Albemarle’s joint venture
past years the Clayton Valley in Nevada      partner in Australia) share the lithium
has become the Lithium-Eldorado              market mostly between each other. Al-
because it hosts Albemarle’s Silver Peak     though there is seemingly enough lithium
Mine, the only operating brine lithium       on the planet, the extraction can be cost-
mine in North America. The Clayton Val-      ly and time consuming so that higher
ley is one of the few areas worldwide        prices are not an automatically leading to
where commercially mineable lithium bri-     a supply increase. The supply should in-
nes are found. Recently, Pure Energy Mi-     crease in the coming years but forecas-

Tesla Motors. Another important hot spot     due to current lack of data for potential
is in Argentina’s northwest where Oro-       mine extensions or construction of new
cobre operates the Olaroz lithium mine.      mines. Increased exploration activities
In this region and in nearby Chile, some     by (smaller) development companies are
development companies like Millenial         indications of the potential establishment
Lithium and Lithium X are active and         of new mines.                                 Development of the lithium carbonate price
were also be able to announce some gre-                                                              and transformational bull events
at results.                                                                                (Source: Asian Metals, Navigant Research,
                                                                                                                    Wealth Minerals)


Demand situation                               sible that Tesla will purchase the neces-
                                                                                           sary lithium from its previous cathode
                                                                                           partner Panasonic. On the other hand,
                                            The demand is rising rapidly!                  there is the possibility to buy the needed
                                                                                           lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate
                                            One reason for the current rapid price         directly from the relevant producer. The
                                            development is a constantly rising de-
                                            mand. In 2000 the demand was at appro-         agreements with only two lithium develo-
                                            ximately 65,000 tons LCE and reached           pers in Nevada and Mexico. These two
                                            184,000 tons LCE by 2015. For 2025,            companies (Pure Energy Minerals and
                                            experts are estimating a LCE demand of         Bacanora Minerals plus their joint ven-
                                            more than 530,000 tons!                        ture partner Rare Earth Minerals) will
                                                                                           most likely not start with production be-
                                                                                           fore 2020 and satisfy only part of Tesla’s
                                            The driving factor will primarily be the de-   demand. This indicates that Tesla has no
                                            mand from the battery and accumulator          reliable lithium supplier between 2017
                                            sector in association with the automotive      and 2020 and they still have to secure
                                            industry. But also, the energy storage
                                            sector will create an immense demand.          time afterwards to guarantee acceptable
                                            2015, only one third of the lithium de-        prices and to become independent from
                                            mand came from the battery sector; by          middlemen like Panasonic.
                                            2025 it will probably reach 70 %.

                                                                                           … but the action is elsewhere
                                            North America is Tesla                         by now!
                                            Country …
                                                                                           Although Tesla’s share at the global lithi-
                                            Outside Asia, North America in particular      um demand will be 10% after completi-
                                            is dominating the lithium demand. Tesla        on of its Gigafactory 1 it is already clear
                                            Motors is playing an important part abo-       that Asia will need much more lithium.
                                            ve all. The company is constructing its so     China alone accounts for one third of the
                                            called “Gigafactory 1” in Nevada. Since        total demand, today. Experts estimate
                                            2016 lithium-ion cells, battery packs,         this will not change soon because China
(Source: McKinsey, Bloomberg New Energy     electric motors and drive units for up to      produces the most accumulators, batte-
Finance, Deutsche Bank, Wealth Minerals)    500,000 electric vehicles per year are         ries, glass, lubricants, air conditioning
                                            built there. In the future it could be pos-    units and synthetic rubber by far. This
                                                                                           stimulates      the   immense       lithium
                                                                                           consumption of the country. According
                                                                                           to expectations China will have the
                                                                                           strongest yearly increase in lithium de-
                                                                                           mand of all important market partici-
                                                                                           pants during the coming 5 to 10 years
                                                                                           due to an expected tripling of the quan-
                                                                                           tity of rechargeable batteries. Additional
                                                                                           important suppliers of lithium-ion batte-
                                                                                           ries including South Korea and Japan
                                                                                           will also guarantee a robust increase of
                                                                                           the lithium demand. The highlights are
                                                                                           by far the electronic giants Sony, Panas-
                                                                                           onic, Samsung, LG, BYD, Boston Power,
                                                                                           Lishen and CATL.


                                     Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz
In the coming years, around 300 new electric
                                                                                          car models are in the pipeline
                                                                                          (Source: Benchmark Mineral Intelligence,
                                                                                          Nemaska Lithium)

Additional giga-factories in the            2. The car manufacturers and (initially)
construction stage                             above all Tesla Motors, but also from
                                               all other leading car manufacturers.
Tesla is not the only lithium consumer      3. The producer of power banks i.e.
who plans a bigger production of lithi-        decentralized energy storage units
um-ion accumulators. LG Chem has al-           which are used in the private and in-
ready begun production for Chevy in Mi-        dustrial sector where electricity is
chigan in October 2015. Also, Foxconn,         produced by photovoltaic cells as
BYD (largest producer of rechargeable          well as wind power stations and used
accumulators especially for cell phones),      for their own needs.
Lishen, CATL and Boston Power are buil-
ding their own giga-factories for, among    This constellation will increase the lithi-
other things, so called power banks, i.e.   um demand by 100% and beyond during
decentralized energy storage units. The-    the coming 5 years whereby the power
refore, the produced capacity of lithi-     banks will generate the biggest demand
um-ion accumulators could more than         increase and could eclipse the other sec-
triple by 2020.                             tors.

Summary demand side                         Conclusion

                                            Currently, the lithium market is clearly a
                                            supply oligopoly-market. This means few
                                            suppliers face many customers. Unlike
1. The Asian electronic groups, which       rare earth elements the market power is
   aim primarily for the mass production    not with one country (China) but with four
   of powerful lithium-ion batteries and
   accumulators for the daily use in mul-   four countries: Australia, Argentina, Boli-
   timedia devices etc.                     via and Chile. Currently, several (smaller)


In the coming years, around 300 new electric
car models are in the pipeline
(Source: Scharfsinn/          development companies advance and
                                               try to bring to production good projects       not interested in a lower market price.
                                               not only in the previous production coun-      This is the reason why smaller lithium
                                               tries but also in Canada, USA (above all       companies will have very good develop-
                                               in Clayton Valley a downright playground       ment and production opportunities. Be-
                                               for lithium developers), Australia, Zim-       sides, from a quantitative point lithium
                                               babwe, Mexico, Serbia and some other                                                     -
                                               countries. One reason is the rapidly gro-      tery, but it accounts for only roughly 4-5
                                               wing demand which, in the course of the        % of the costs of a battery. Hence the
                                               electro revolution, is exploding. The low                                                -
                                               price for crude oil is playing, if at all, a   duction of lithium ion batteries and could
                                               minor part because lithium is used above       be kept at an economic level for the lithi-
                                               all as a medium for energy storage and         um producer. The lithium companies
                                               not for energy generation.                     whose projects are at a very advanced
                                                                                              stage should see the biggest upward
                                               emerging on the market from now on,            price potential in the coming months and
                                               because the demand increase will               possibly consolidation that is via takeo-
                                               exceed the supply expansion in the fu-         ver scenarios.
                                               ture. Because there is no end of the de-
                                               mand increase in sight past 2025 and           Following we present a few of these acti-
                                               there are no big noteworthy lithium pro-       ve lithium development companies.
                                               duction projects in the pipeline, that con-
                                               dition could last for a foreseeable time.
                                               In addition, the few suppliers have a sig-


                                        Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz
Interview with Tobias Tretter –
Manager of Structured Solutions Lithium Index
Strategic Fund

Mr. Tretter you are the manager of the
Structured Solutions Lithium Index              doing so. Currently the resources graphi-
Strategic Fund. Which strategies do             te, cobalt or magnesium are very interes-
you follow and what does the fund               ting. For example, cobalt used as catho-
represent?                                      de has some superior properties like a
                                                faster recharging of batteries. But cobalt
The fund was established in 2010 becau-         is not fully used by the battery producers
se we were aware of the potential for the       because the biggest part of the global
resource Lithium at that time. We couldn’t      production comes from the Congo and is
realize our original idea of a physical ba-     thereby not a reliable source of this metal.   Tobias Tretter has been active in the
                                                Also, the mining conditions in the Congo       mining sector since 2000. During his
                                            -   are very questionable and not only inves-      activity at Dr. Jens Ehrhard Wealth
delible and cannot be stored in a safe.         tors but buyers as well avoid this produc-     Management he supported the
The only interesting possibility for our cli-   tion. The demand for reliable sources and      management of the DJE Gold &
ents was a public fund which invests di-        ethically and environmentally clean mined      Resources Fund, which was awarded
rectly into the 25 biggest producers and        cobalt is enormous and will be another         as the best performing commodity
developers of lithium deposits. We didn’t       trend in the years to come. We have di-        fund of 2003. From 2005 to 2008 he
want to invest directly into the battery                                                   -   co-managed the Stabilitas Funds,
producers, because in contrast to the lit-      versify even more in the future. Regarding     which have been awarded as the
                                                the risks we think that it is not too risky.   "best performing Gold Fund" in 2006.
the higher lithium prices in the long term      As soon as the trend weakens and other         Since 2009, Mr. Tretter acts as CEO
but rather have to pay these. Our inves-        resources due to a shift in demography or      and responsible person for the
                                                the reduced exploration activities, beco-      Index- and Portfolio-Managements of
directly from the coming boom for lithium       me interesting the fund can be realigned       Commodity Capital AG. He is
brought on by the demand for lithium bat-       at any time. The fund is a niche product       managing the Commodity Capital
teries, based on electric cars or power         and thought as an addition in a broad di-      Global Mining Fund (ISIN:
walls, without the risk of single invest-                                                      LU0459291166), the Structured
ments. In the past year we rearranged the       in the success of electric cars and power      Solutions Lithium Index Strategie
investment universe of the fund from pure       walls he has the choice to buy shares of       Fund (ISIN: LU0470205575) and the
lithium investments to battery metals. We       one or two companies in the sector or a        Managed Accounts of Commodity
think that besides lithium the demand for                                                -     Capital. Tobias Tretter holds a
cobalt, magnesium, graphite or zinc will        tions of the sector the investors should       business diploma degree from the
also increase in the coming years and we                                                 -     University of Bayreuth.
want to give our investor the possibility to    tments in order to minimize the risk of a
                                                single stock. That it can be useful having
                                                a “niche product” in the portfolio for the
                                                long term we could demonstrate last year
Is such a fund which is focused at a            with the receipt of the Lipper Fund Award
niche resource not too specialized and          for the best resource fund of the past
thereby too risky?                              three years.

Yes and no. The fund is very specialized,
but the success of the lithium sector con-      In the past 10 years we have observed
                                          -     once in a while the formation of
tial for the resource lithium but also see      bubbles in “trend resources”. The
the demand for other resources needed           uranium bubble and the hype around
in lithium batteries. Therefore, we have        the rare earth elements, graphite etc.
together with the restructuring of the fund     comes to mind. Why should it be
expanded our investment universe and            different for lithium?


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