Llangarron Parish Council

Page created by Timothy Martin
Llangarron Parish Council
              Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held remotely on
                                Tuesday 26th May 2020 at 7.30pm

Present: Councillors: Sylvia Matthews, Barbara Fisher, John Joseph, Simon Wainewright, Nigel Moore,
John Norman, Nick Saunders, Liz Dingsdale, Paul Lodge and Neil Wheeler.

Also present were Ward Councillor Swinglehurst, Parish Clerk Mark Hearne & 15 members of the

1. To receive apologies for absence

Councillor Paul Bailey. Councillors asked that their best wishes be conveyed to Councillor Bailey during
these difficult personal circumstances.

2. To receive declarations of interest & written requests for dispensation – Councillor
Simon Wainewright declared a non-DPI interest in agenda items 12.1,12.2 & 12.3.

3. Election of Chairman – Councillor Matthews reported that Councillor Bailey has decided against
standing for Chairman but will remain a Councillor. Councillor Matthews was nominated by Councillor
Dingsdale and seconded by Councillor Saunders. Councillor Lodge nominated himself and was
seconded by Councillor Wheeler. Both candidates for Chairman offered a short statement in support of
their candidature. Following the vote Councillor Matthews was elected by a clear majority.

4. Election of Vice Chairman – Councillor Moore was nominated by Councillor Wainewright and
seconded by Councillor Norman. As there were no other nominations Councillor Moore was elected as
Vice Chairman.

5. To consider the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25th February 2020. Councillor
Liz Dingsdale asked that the minutes at paragraph 12.2 be corrected to state that the Footpaths Officer
rather than the Footpath contractor will look at the steps leading to Stone Bridge. With this amendment
it was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes of the 25th February 2020 as a true record.

6. Open Discussion
6.1 To receive views from local residents on parish matters. The following issues were raised:
        6.1.1 – A resident commented on two planning applications at 12.5 & 12.6 on the agenda.
        With regards to planning application 201309 the resident considered there is already an
        adequate access to the site and was concerned that the current application is a precursor to
        further development beyond the boundaries set in the NDP and urged the Parish Council to
        object to the application. In terms of planning application 201219 the resident commented that
        the proposal for two further dwellings was part of a series of developments along an unfinished
        lane and is a hazard given its close proximity to the church and school and again urged the
        Parish Council to object to the application.
        6.1.2 – A resident described his distress over the destruction of trees at Trecilla Court and the
        piggeries site which he described as an illegal act and contrary to the Countryside and Wildlife
Act 1981 and urged more people to complain to the police which would improve the prospects
        of a prosecution. In response, the landowner developing the site commented that, with regards
        to the trees, she had not acted illegally in removing half of the red cedars. Another resident
        added that, whilst being content at the time of a discussion with the landowner several years
        ago for the removal of some trees, they are now unhappy with the removal of the rest of the
        trees given that subsequently the developer obtained planning permission for houses on the
        adjoining field which they no longer have screening from. It was reported that some species do
        nest in the trees at this time of year.
        6.1.3 – A resident commented on the planning applications at Biddlestone Orchard which does
        not offer any improvement on the previous submissions. If granted, the planning applications
        would lead to the further destruction of the River Garron and would have major implications
        for tourism in the area.
        6.1.4 – A resident expressed concern over Planning Application 201219 and urged the Parish
        Council, in conjunction with Herefordshire Council, to consider the safety of people using the
6.2 – Ward Councillor report – In her report Ward Councillor Swinglehurst focused on Covid 19
where Herefordshire Council have diverted resources to the Adult and Communities Directorate to
support vulnerable people and commented on the outstanding community effort across the county. The
Chairman asked about the flooding issues arising from the storms earlier in the year and sought an
update. The Ward Councillor commented that action is in hand to try to acquire a greater share of the
Bellwin fund to help with the remedial work resulting from the flooding. The Ward Councillor
supported the Chairman’s suggestion to hold a remote meeting to discuss this issue. Councillor Moore
added that he still intends to walk along the Garron Brook.

7. Covid 19 – The Chairman reported that the parish is indebted to two local groups based in
Llangarron and Llangrove respectively for supporting vulnerable people in the community and invited
views on how the Parish Council can contribute in the future. Councillor Lodge outlined some of the
work undertaken by the Llangrove community group and added that, as future local lockdowns could
occur in the future, the Parish Council should be prepared to respond accordingly. Both Councillors
Joseph and Norman commented that they were unaware of any requests made to the Parish Council for
assistance by the groups. Councillor Moore pointed out that funding had been offered to both the
groups by the Parish Council. The Chairman commented that Councillors should focus on what role,
apart from making funding available, the Parish Council should play during the crisis and suggested that
separate discussions facilitated by Zoom would be the most appropriate way forward. It was
RESOLVED that the clerk, with the support of the Ward Councillor, undertake research into initiatives
adopted by other Parish Councils for supporting their local communities.

8. Lengthsman – Councillor Norman reported that the lengthsman has recently been paid for routine
maintenance work which focused on the C1248 and the U712008. Looking forward, the lengthsman
will undertake work as agreed but this will be contingent upon the availability of his staff which has been
constrained during the Covid 19 crisis. Councillor Norman also reported that the collapsed wall at
Llangarron has been repaired and paid for by the Church.

9. Footpaths – Councillor Dingsdale reported that the footpaths contractor has advised that work on
the footpaths will begin during the week beginning the 1 June 2020 and the scheduled activities will be
undertaken over 3 working days. The contractor will also deal with any issues that becomes known as
he works through the schedule. Councillor Dingsdale has looked at the steps leading down to Stone
Bridge and considered that there would be benefit in making them more accessible as it would open up
LG12 which is a footpath with only gates and is therefore popular with dog walkers and probably more
elderly residents. It was RESOLVED that Councillor Dingsdale invite the lengthsman to scope and cost
the work required and submit the information to the Finance Working Group. Councillor Dingsdale
also mentioned LG36 at the bottom of Tower Hill which is very overgrown probably due to infrequent
use and urged people to use the footpath which would justify the work necessary to clear it. The
Chairman added that the footpath network is a vital resource especially during the Covid 19 crisis.
Councillor Fisher reported that part of WN11 has washed away and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk
bring this to the attention of Welsh Newton Parish Council who owns this footpath.

10. Highways – Councillor Lodge commented on the excellent relationship with the Locality Steward
who is very responsive to reported problems even against the background of only limited funding being
available for highways. Councillor Lodge advised that when he meets the Locality Steward’s new line
manager, he will ask whether the road through Llangrove could become upgrade to “classified".
Councillor Lodge referred to the proposal to introduce a 20-mph speed limit in Llangrove which will be
implemented over a 2-year period. The early stages of the project involves conducting surveys on the
road but this will be deferred until traffic flows return to close to normal which is unlikely before the

11. Clerk Correspondence – The Chairman reported that numerous residents have made
representations against the Biddlestone Orchard planning applications (173774, 173775 & 173776)
which have raised fresh issues which Councillors should take into account when they formally consider
the proposals. A further piece of correspondence draws attention to the development at Trecilla Court
where a number a trees have been felled together with photographs of birds which have fallen out of
their nest. The Parish Council finances was the subject of correspondence from a resident and the
Chairman confirmed the comments therein were noted and added that budgetary issues will be
discussed in detail during the meeting in June 2020.

12. Planning. To consider the applications to be determined by Herefordshire Council.

12.1 - Planning Re-consultation 173774- Biddlestone Farm, Llangarron, Ross - On - Wye,
Herefordshire HR9 6NT - To erect up to 28 hectares of fixed (i.e. non- rotating) ‘Spanish’ polytunnels
over arable (soft fruit) crops.
12.2 - Planning Re-consultation - 173775 - Biddlestone Orchard, Llangarron, Ross- On - Wye,
Herefordshire HR9 6NT - Excavation and ground profiling to form 3 no. surface water
balancing ponds.
12.3 - Planning Re- consultation - 173776 - Biddlestone Orchard, Garrenhill Road, Llangarron, Ross-
on - Wye, Herefordshire - The retention of 6 existing caravans/replacement residential
demountable modular ‘pods’ and the installation of 6 demountable modular welfare (on-
residential) buildings (toilets, mess etc.)

The Chairman suggested that planning applications 173774, 173775 & 173776 should be considered
together as they form part of a larger application which originally included seven applications covering a
large area of Biddlestone Orchard including polytunnels and accommodation for seasonal workforce.
The applications were discussed at length and Councillors concluded that they continue to reject the
proposals as they have done in the past and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk sets out their reasoning,
using Councillor Lodge’s written comments, in submitting the response to the LPA.
12.4 - Planning Consultation - 201254 - The Piggeries, Llangarron, Herefordshire - The erection of two
dwellings and associated works including the demolition of the piggery building. Councillors concluded
that if the planning application is approved it would lead to overdevelopment on a relatively small piece
of land. This, in turn, would exacerbate the already high risk of flooding and exert further pressure on
the existing road infrastructure in the parish. The issue of an oak tree being felled just prior to the
application was also raised. Councillors also noted that this is only an outline planning application and,
consequently, there is no insight into the type of development being proposed. Whilst the proposed
development is withing the agreed NDP boundary it does not place any obligation on the Parish Council
to approve the application. Councillors highlighted the strong opposition amongst residents to any
further development in the village. Except for one Councillor all others voted to reject the application
and it was RESOLVED that the clerk inform the LPA accordingly.

12.5 - Planning Consultation - 201309 - Land South of The Elms, Llangrove, Ross - On -
Wye, Herefordshire HR9 6EW - Proposed field access on to the public highway. In discussion
Councillors questioned the need for a further access when the field already benefitted from an access
which is sufficient for all types of farm machinery. Councillors were also concerned that the highway on
which the proposed entrance would emerge has a speed limit of 60mph and is a narrow single
carriageway road. To create access at this point would be hazardous and contrary to Policy MT1 as
there will be limited visibility when leaving the field from the proposed entrance. The proposal would
also involve the removal of 21 feet of hedgerow which Councillors considered represents a needless and
unacceptable destruction to wild habitat and contrary to Polices LD1 – 3. In rejecting the application
Councillors considered that, if granted, the introduction of the field access would lead to a subsequent
application seeking development of housing on the site. Councillors unanimously rejected the planning
application It was RESOLVED that the Clerk inform the LPA of the Parish Council’s objection to the
planning application.

12.6 - Planning Consultation 201219 - Land at Kentrev Nursery, Llangrove, Herefordshire, HR9 6EZ -
Demolition of commercial greenhouses and construction of two residential dwellings along with
associated infrastructure. Councillors were concerned that the access (Church Road) to the proposed
development is extremely narrow and unsurfaced with very few passing places and would not
accommodate large vehicles or the emergency services. Further, Councillors noted that the proposed
access is only some 150m from the junction with the U711224 road and visibility at the junction is
clearly inadequate. The road leading to the site is also a public right of way and provides access to the
church and school and any increased traffic would heighten the safety risk to pedestrians including
school children. Councillors unanimously rejected the planning application and it was RESOLVED that
the Clerk inform the LPA accordingly.

12.7 - Planning Consultation - 201351 - Land at Old Trecilla Buildings, Old Trecilla Buildings, Lower
Herberts Hill, Llangarron - Application for variation of condition 2 following grant of
planning permission 191276 (Erection of three dwellings and associated works) - to allow design
changes to plot 1. Councillors noted that the variation would substantially increase the footprint of the
property which would have implication for the neighbouring property at Box Bush Cottage. The
Chairman also commented that the latest plan bore a striking resemblance to the original plan which had
been rejected. With the exception of Councillor Lodge, who supported the application, all other
Councillors voted to reject Planning Consultation 201351 and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would
notify the LPA application accordingly.

12.8 - Planning Consultation - 201378 - Land At Little Trecilla, Langstone Lane (South), Llangarron,
HR9 6NZ:Application for variation of conditions 2 and 3 following grant of planning permission
182359 to re-position garages of plots 1 & 2, revised layout of vehicular & pedestrian access. Change
roof cladding to plot 2 dwelling and garage. Councillors noted the proposed re-positioning of the
garage to the front of the property. Councillors reiterated they were not generally sympathetic to
modifications to plans already approved. There was some discussion on the fact that purchasers of plots
will seek modifications. Councillor Lodge suggested that the Parish Council make friends with the land
owners Mr and Mrs Farr as they would then be more likely to get a development to their liking in the
future. Other councillors stated that parishioners did not want further development in the future.
Apart from one abstention all other Councillors voted against the proposed changes to the planning
application and it was RESOLVED that the clerk notify the LPA accordingly.

13. Communications Protocol - Councillors unanimously agreed to adopt the Communications
Protocol but it was RESOLVED that the Clerk provide details of the Complaints policy for discussion at
the next meeting.

14. Finance - The Clerk reported that the current bank balance over both the Santander and Lloyd
Bank accounts is £26,251.36. It was noted that the end of year accounts (2019/20) will be included on
the agenda for the next meeting.

15.Training - The Clerk reported that HALC can offer remote training and it was RESOLVED to
establish which courses might be suitable especially any which covers NDP issues.

16. To note the date of the next Parish Council Meeting as Tuesday 30th June 2020 - The
Chairman advised that this meeting would also be held remotely.

                                        Meeting closed at 21.50
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