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Brief Report
                                                                                                                            doi: 10.1111/joim.13386

Low anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibody levels predict
increased mortality and dissemination of viral
components in the blood of critical COVID-19 patients
  María Martin-Vicente1,# , Raquel Almansa2,3,4,# , Isidoro Martínez1,# , Ana P. Tedim2,3 ,
Elena Bustamante2,5 , Luis Tamayo2,6 , César Aldecoa2,7,8 , José Manuel Gómez9 , Gloria Renedo5 ,
Jose Ángel Berezo2,6 , Jamil Antonio Cedeño9 , Nuria Mamolar5 , Pablo García Olivares9 ,
Rubén Herrán-Monge2,6 , Ramón Cicuendez5 , Pedro Enríquez2,6 , Alicia Ortega2,3 , Noelia Jorge2,3,4 ,
Cristina Doncel2,3,4 , Amanda de la Fuente2,3 , Juan Bustamante-Munguira10 ,
María José Muñoz-Gómez1 , Milagros González-Rivera11 , Carolina Puertas11 , Vicente Más12 ,
Mónica Vázquez12 , Felipe Pérez-García13 , Jesús Rico-Feijoo2,8 , Silvia Martín2,8 , Anna Motos4,14 ,
Laia Fernandez-Barat4,14 , Jose María Eiros15 , Marta Dominguez-Gil15 , Ricard Ferrer4,16 ,
Ferrán Barbé4,17 , Wysali Trapiello18 , David J. Kelvin19,20,# , Jesús F. Bermejo-Martin2,3,4,# ,
Salvador Resino1,# & Antoni Torres4,14,#
From the 1 Unidad de Infección Viral e Inmunidad, Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Majadahonda, Spain;
  Group for Biomedical Research in Sepsis (BioSepsis), Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca, (IBSAL), Gerencia Regional de
Salud, Salamanca, Spain; 3 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega, Gerencia Regional de Salud, Valladolid, Spain; 4 Centro de Investigación
Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain; 5 Intensive Care Unit, Hospital
Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Gerencia Regional de Salud, Valladolid, Spain; 6 Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega,
Gerencia Regional de Salud, Valladolid, Spain; 7 Department of Anesthesiology, Facultad de Medicina de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain;
  Anesthesiology and Reanimation Service, Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega, Gerencia Regional de Salud, Valladolid, Spain; 9 Intensive
Care Unit. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón. Calle del Dr. Esquerdo, Madrid, Spain; 10 Department of Cardiovascular
Surgery, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Gerencia Regional de Salud, Valladolid, Spain; 11 Department of Laboratory Medicine,
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain; 12 Unidad de Biología Viral, Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Instituto de
Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain; 13 Servicio de Microbiología Clínica, Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias, Madrid, Spain;
   Department of Pulmonology, Hospital Clinic de BarcelonaUniversidad de BarcelonaInstitut D investigacions August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS),
Barcelona, Spain; 15 Microbiology Service, Hospital Universitario Río Hortega, Gerencia Regional de Salud, Valladolid, Spain; 16 Intensive
Care Department, Vall d’Hebron Hospital Universitari. SODIR Research Group, Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca, Barcelona, Spain;
   Respiratory Department, Institut Ricerca Biomedica de Lleida, Lleida, Spain; 18 Clinical Analysis Service, Hospital Clínico Universitario de
Valladolid, Gerencia Regional de Salud, Valladolid, Spain; 19 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Canadian
Center for Vaccinology CCfV, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; and 20 Laboratory of Immunity, Shantou University
Medical College, Shantou, Guangdong, China

Abstract. Martin-Vicente M, Almansa R, Martínez                            Results. Frequency of N-antigenaemia was >2.5-fold
I, Tedim AP, Bustamante E, Tamayo L, et al.                                higher in absence of antibodies. Antibodies cor-
Low anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibody levels predict                              related inversely with viral RNA-load in plasma,
increased mortality and dissemination of viral com-                        representing a protective factor against mortality
ponents in the blood of critical COVID-19 patients.                        (Adjusted HR [CI 95%], p): (S IgM [AUC ≥ 60]:
J Intern Med. 2021;00:1-9. https://doi.org/10.                             0.44 [0.22; 0.88], 0.020); (S IgG [AUC ≥ 237]: 0.31
1111/joim.13386                                                            [0.16; 0.61],
Low anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibody levels / M. Martin-Vicente et al.

Introduction                                                                           de Salamanca”, code PI 2020 03 452. Informed
                                                                                       consent was obtained orally when clinically possi-
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) antibodies bind to mul-
                                                                                       ble. In the remaining cases, the informed consent
tiple domains in this viral protein [1]. Host anti-
                                                                                       waiver was authorized by the Ethics committee.
bodies directed at the receptor binding domain
(RBD ) mediate inhibition of viral attachment to
cell surface receptors [2]. Therefore, anti-S anti-                                    Laboratory assays
bodies could play a role in reducing viral replica-                                    We quantified SARS-CoV-2 RNA in plasma using
tion during an ongoing acute infection by inter-                                       the Bio-Rad SARS-CoV-2 droplet digital PCR kit
fering with virus entry into a cell. Interestingly,                                    (CA, USA) (File S1). Our team developed a specific
whether levels of host-produced endogenous anti-                                       immunoassay to quantify anti-SARS-CoV-2 S IgG
bodies against the S protein could influence mor-                                      and IgM antibodies in plasma (File S1). We evalu-
tality risk in severe COVID-19 has not been suffi-                                     ated the presence/absence of N antigen of SARS-
ciently studied to the present date.                                                   CoV-2 in plasma using the Panbio COVID-19 Ag
                                                                                       Rapid Test Device from Abbott (Chicago, IL, USA).
Recent works from our group and others have
demonstrated the importance of SARS-CoV-2
                                                                                       Statistical analysis
RNAemia [3–5] and SARS-CoV-2 antigenaemia as
markers of severity in COVID-19 [6]. The presence                                      Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS
of viral RNA and proteins in plasma could repre-                                       Statistics 25.0 (SPSS INC, Armonk, NY, U.S.A).
sent a surrogated marker of poor viral control. On                                     The level of significance was fixed at 0.05 (two-
top of this, viral RNAemia and antigenaemia asso-                                      tailed). Differences between independent groups
ciate with dysregulated host responses to the infec-                                   were assessed using the chi-square test or Fisher’s
tion caused by SARS-CoV-2 [3,7]. It is necessary to                                    Exact Test for categorical variables and the Mann–
elucidate whether anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies                                         Whitney U test for continuous variables.
could influence the dissemination of viral genomic
material or viral proteins at the systemic level.                                      The Kaplan–Meier method was used to calcu-
                                                                                       late survival probabilities and the log-rank test to
In this work, we profiled the concentration of                                         compare groups. We also used Cox proportional-
anti-SARS-CoV-2 S IgM and IgG antibodies in the                                        hazards models to estimate the risk of dying,
plasma of patients with COVID-19 in the first 24 h                                     adjusted by the significant covariates at baseline
following admission to the ICU. We evaluated the                                       resulting from the comparison between survivors
association between antibody levels with the con-                                      and non-survivors (full description in File S1).
centration of viral RNA and the presence of SARS-                                      The outcome was 30-day mortality following ICU
CoV-2 nucleoprotein (N) protein in plasma. In par-                                     admission.
allel, we assessed the impact of antibody levels,
viral RNA load and antigenaemia on the mortality                                       Results
risk of these patients.
                                                                                       Characteristics of the patients (Table 1): Patients
Materials and methods                                                                  who died were older than those who survived.
                                                                                       In addition, patients who died had increased
Design                                                                                 frequency of arterial hypertension and type-2
We recruited 92 critically ill adult patients with                                     diabetes, higher glucose and creatinine levels,
a positive nasopharyngeal swab polymerase chain                                        decreased concentrations of platelets and mono-
reaction (PCR) test for SARS-CoV-2 from 16th                                           cytes, and higher APACHE and SOFA scores.
March to 15th April 2020, during the first pan-                                        Patients who died received more often beta-
demic wave, at Hospital Universitario Río Hortega,                                     interferon than those who survived.
Hospital Clínico Universitario (Valladolid); Hospital
Gregorio Marañón, Hospital Príncipe de Asturias                                        Levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies: Ten
(Madrid), Spain. We obtained EDTA plasma in the                                        patients (of the total cohort) had no detectable
first 24 h following admission to the ICU. The                                         levels in the plasma of anti-SARS-CoV-2 S IgG,
study was approved by the “Comite de Etica de la                                       and 13 had no detectable levels of anti-SARS-
Investigacion con Medicamentos del Area de Salud                                       CoV-2 S IgM. Patients who died showed more
                                                                                       often absence/lower levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2
    These authors contributed equally to this work.                                    S IgM and IgG than those who survived by day

2     © 2021 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine
      Journal of Internal Medicine, 2021, 0; 1–9
Low anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibody levels / M. Martin-Vicente et al.

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients admitted to the intensive care unit. Statistics: Continuous variables are repre-
sented as median (interquartile range) and categorical variables as absolute count (%). p-values were calculated by Mann–
Whitney for continuous variables and chi-square tests or Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables. Significant differences
are shown in bold
Characteristics                               All                  Alive by day 30                    Dead by day 30                   p-value
Number                                        92                            54                                 38
  Age (years)                           66 (50; 71.5)                60 (47; 67)                       70 (66; 75)
Low anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibody levels / M. Martin-Vicente et al.

Table 1. (Continued)
Characteristics                                              All                      Alive by day 30       Dead by day 30        p-value
  Monocytes (cells/mm3 )                            300 (170; 496.9)                  350 (200; 600)         190 (120; 400)
Low anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibody levels / M. Martin-Vicente et al.

Fig. 1 Panel 1: Frequencies of patients with positive SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies (IgM, IgG) and antigenaemia by survival
status 30 days following ICU admission. Panel 2: Levels of SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies (IgM, IgG) and viral RNA load (N1, N2)
in plasma following ICU admission by survival status at day 30. Panel 3: Frequency of N-antigenaemia in those patients
with absence or presence of anti SARS-CoV-2 S IgM or anti SARS-CoV-2 S IgG antibodies. Panel 4: Heat map showing the
correlation coefficients between anti SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies and viral RNA load in plasma.

analysis evidenced that low antibody levels, high               antigenaemia in the mortality risk of critically ill
viral RNA loads in plasma, or the presence of                   COVID-19 patients. While levels of both IgG and
N-antigenaemia translated into earlier mortality                IgM anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies were positively
(Figure 2).                                                     associated with increased survival, the presence
                                                                of viral components in plasma (RNA or N-antigen)
                                                                predicted a higher risk of death.
Our work evidenced an opposed impact of anti-                   Our study is the largest one to the current date in
SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies and viral RNA load or                   profiling anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies in critically

                                                             © 2021 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine   5
                                                                                               Journal of Internal Medicine, 2021, 0; 1–9
Low anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibody levels / M. Martin-Vicente et al.

Fig. 2 Upper panel: Kaplan–Meier curves to represent survival by day 30 following ICU admission depending on the
presence or absence of SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies (IgM, IgG) (a and c), the presence or absence of antigenaemia (e), the
presence of higher/lower levels of SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies (IgM, IgG) (b and d) or viral RNA load in plasma (N1,N2) (f and
g). Lower panel: Cox regression analysis to assess risk of 30-day mortality following ICU admission. Statistics: p-values
were calculated by univariate (a) and multivariate (b) analysis adjusted by the most relevant covariates (see statistical
analysis section). Significant differences are shown in bold
Abbreviations: 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; aHR, adjusted HR; HR, hazard ratio; p-value, level of significance.

6   © 2021 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine
    Journal of Internal Medicine, 2021, 0; 1–9
Low anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibody levels / M. Martin-Vicente et al.

ill COVID-19 patients, suggesting a protective role         reactive protein in COVID-19 [3,7]. The potential
of endogenous anti-S antibodies against mortality           role of anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies in the con-
in these patients. Fourati et al, in a small study          trol of viral replication/spreading is also suggested
with 25 ICU patients, found that patients who were          by the results from Röltgen et al, who found that
still alive at day-28 displayed significantly higher        the appearance of these antibodies correlated with
anti-S1 IgA or IgG titers upon admission than those         a decrease in viral RNAemia along the course of
who had died [8]. Asif et al reported that plasma           COVID-19 [14]. In turn, Li et al found higher anti-
concentrations of anti-S1 IgA, IgG and IgM anti-            S IgG levels in those recovered patients who were
bodies tended to be higher in COVID-19 patients             SARS CoV-2 RNA negative in respiratory samples
who survived, at both early and late timepoints fol-        than those who were RNA positive [15]. Lucas et al
lowing ICU admission [9]. Nonetheless, this work            reported that a delayed seroconversion correlates
involved only 19 patients.                                  with impaired viral control and mortality in COVID-
                                                            19 [16]. In our cohort, patients with the lowest
Previous studies have shown that critical COVID-            antibody titers were those more promptly admit-
19 patients develop higher titers of SARS-CoV-2             ted to the ICU since the onset of the symptoms,
antibodies than those with milder disease, sug-             which suggests their inability to timely mount
gesting that antibody response alone is insufficient        effective humoral responses. Our patients with no
to avoid severe disease [10]. Our results support           anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies at ICU admission
nonetheless that critical COVID-19 patients would           showed more often antigenaemia, further support-
need to mount a robust anti-S antibody response             ing a protective role of these antibodies in prevent-
to survive.                                                 ing the dissemination of the virus or viral com-
                                                            ponents. In a small study with 39 (critically and
In turn, the connection between viral RNAemia               non-critically ill) patients, Ogata et al observed that
and mortality in COVID-19 has been demonstrated             seroconversion was followed by antigen clearance
in a metanalysis from Tang et al, involving 2181            in plasma [6]. Also, recent findings from Hingrat
patients of different severity [11]. In ICU-COVID-19        et al support the implication of anti-SARS-CoV-2
patients, Gutmann et al have recently reported that         antibodies in the clearance of antigenaemia [17].
SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia is associated with higher
28-day mortality [12]. Our work identifies the levels       Our findings pose several potential translational
of viral RNA in plasma predicting fatal outcomes.           implications. 1) Profiling anti-SARS-CoV-2 S anti-
As far as we know, this is the first study demon-           bodies following ICU admission could contribute to
strating that the presence of antigenaemia is also          personalizing treatment with exogenous antibodies
an independent predictor of mortality in critically         targeting the S protein of the virus and perhaps
ill COVID-19 patients.                                      with convalescent serum [18,19]. Results from the
                                                            RECOVERY trial support this notion since only
The inverse association found between levels of             the patients with an absence of anti-S antibod-
anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibodies with viral RNA                 ies seem to receive clinical benefit from exogenous
load/antigenaemia suggests that these antibod-              monoclonal antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 S-
ies could be mediating their beneficial effects (at         protein [18]. 2) Quantification of viral RNA load in
least in part) by contributing to the control of viral      plasma could be helpful to identify those COVID-19
replication and preventing systemic dissemination           patients at risk of suffering a fatal outcome. 3) Pro-
of the virus or viral components. In this regard,           filing antigenaemia using point of care tests could
whether the presence of viral RNA/antigens in               also contribute to early identify those patients at
plasma of severe COVID-19 patients corresponds              risk of clinical deterioration.
to the presence of infective viral particles is cur-
rently unknown, but spreading of viral material at          A limitation of our work was that we profiled anti-
the systemic level could by itself stimulate innate         bodies, viral RNA load and antigenaemia on sam-
immunity through TLR or pattern recognition                 ples preserved from the first pandemic wave. The
receptors leading to unabated pro-inflammatory              findings reported here should be confirmed with
responses, which could contribute to the patho-             prospective studies with patients from subsequent
genesis of multi-organ failure in severe COVID-             waves. Another limitation is that we did not evalu-
19 [13]. In this regard, it has been described that         ate the neutralization activity of anti-SARS-CoV-2
viral RNA load in plasma and antigenaemia are               S antibodies. Further studies should clarify if the
associated with increased levels of cytokines or C-         quantitative results provided here correlate with

                                                         © 2021 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine   7
                                                                                           Journal of Internal Medicine, 2021, 0; 1–9
Low anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibody levels / M. Martin-Vicente et al.

the functional ability of these antibodies to block                                  Elena Bustamante, Luis Tamayo, César Alde-
viral replication.                                                                   coa, José Manuel Gómez, Gloria Renedo, Jose
                                                                                     Ángel Berezo, Jamil Antonio Cedeño, Nuria
Conclusion                                                                           Mamolar, Pablo García Olivares, Rubén Herrán-
                                                                                     Monge, Ramón Cicuendez, Pedro Enríquez, Juan
Low anti-SARS-CoV-2 S antibody levels predict                                        Bustamante-Munguira, Milagros González-Rivera,
mortality in critical COVID-19. Our findings sup-                                    Carolina Puertas, Felipe Pérez-García, Jesús
port that these antibodies contribute to prevent                                     Rico-Feijoo, Silvia Martín, Anna Motos, Laia
systemic dissemination of SARS-CoV-2.                                                Fernandez-Barat and Wysali Trapiello contributed
                                                                                     with patient recruitment and data acquisition.
Acknowledgements                                                                     María Martin-Vicente, María José Muñoz-Gómez,
We would like to thank the IBSAL and CIBER for                                       Isidoro Martínez, Vicente Más and Mónica Vázquez
administrative support to run this study.                                            developed the antibody assay and profiled anti-
                                                                                     bodies levels in plasma. Ana P. Tedim, Cristina
Conflict of interest                                                                 Doncel, Alicia Ortega, Noelia Jorge, Jose María
                                                                                     Eiros and Marta Dominguez-Gil set up the viral
The authors declare that they have no competing                                      RNA quantification assays and profiled viral RNA
interests                                                                            load in plasma. All the authors critically reviewed
                                                                                     the article and provided final approval of the
Funding information                                                                  version submitted for publication. All the authors
This work was supported by awards from the                                           are accountable for all aspects of the work in
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, (CIHR                                        ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or
OV2 – 170357), Research Nova Scotia, Atlantic                                        integrity of any part of the work are appropriately
Genome/Genome Canada, Li-Ka Shing Foun-                                              investigated and resolved.
dation, Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation
(David J. Kelvin), David J. Kelvin is a recipient                                    Data availability statement
of the Canada Research Chair in Translational                                        The data that support the findings of this study
Vaccinology and Inflammation, and the “Subven-                                       are available from the corresponding author upon
ciones de concesión directa para proyectos y pro-                                    reasonable request.
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16 Lucas C, Klein J, Sundaram ME, Liu F, Wong P, Silva J, et al.      Supporting information
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   fatal COVID-19. Nat Med. 2021;27:1178–86.                          Supporting information

                                                                   © 2021 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine   9
                                                                                                     Journal of Internal Medicine, 2021, 0; 1–9
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