Weight loss in bariatric surgery patients

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           OPINION         Cognitive behavioral therapy and predictors of
                           weight loss in bariatric surgery patients
                                                 Linda Paul a, Colin van der Heiden b,c, and Hans W. Hoek d,e,f

                             Purpose of review
                             Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for morbid obesity. However, 20–30% of patients
                             undergoing bariatric surgery experience premature weight stabilization or weight regain postoperatively.
                             We report on the recent literature of predictors of weight loss and the efficacy of cognitive behavioral
                             therapy (CBT) in bariatric patients.
                             Recent findings
                             Preoperative disordered eating behaviors do not appear to be significantly predictive of postoperative
                             weight loss. Postoperative disordered eating behaviors, eating disorders, and depressive symptoms have
                             been found to be associated with less optimal weight loss results. Recent studies show that CBT can
                             contribute in reducing disordered eating behaviors and depressive symptoms. Some studies also show that
                             pre and postoperative CBT interventions can promote weight loss. New applications of CBT such as by
                             telephone, internet, or virtual reality might contribute to more accessible and low-cost treatments for the
                             large group of bariatric patients worldwide.
                             CBT seems to be effective in reducing risk factors for weight regain after bariatric surgery, such as
                             disordered eating behavior and depression. Controlled studies with long-term follow-up and larger sample
                             sizes are needed to investigate the long-term effect of CBT interventions on weight loss results and
                             psychological well-being.
                             bariatric surgery, cognitive behavioral therapy, obesity, predictors, weight loss

          INTRODUCTION                                                          and improvement of psychological functioning
          The rising prevalence of obesity in many countries                    after surgery. However, 20–30% of patients experi-
          has been described as a global pandemic [1]. If this                  ence suboptimal or adverse postoperative results
          trend continues, by 2025 global obesity prevalence                    such as premature weight stabilization or weight
          will reach 18% in men and surpass 21% in women                        regain [7,8]. Medical comorbidities and complica-
          [2]. Obesity is defined as a BMI greater than or equal                tions after surgery can play a role in these negative
          to 30 [calculated as weight (kg)/height (m2)]. Obe-                   outcomes. Also the type of surgical procedure influ-
          sity is not an eating disorder according to diagnostic                ences the weight loss result [9]. Apart from these
          and statistical manual of mental disorders-5. How-                    somatic and surgical factors, psychological aspects
          ever, it is a harmful health condition, which globally                have an effect on surgery outcomes as well, such as
          causes many more disability adjusted life years than
          eating disorders do [3,4]. Morbid obesity – defined                   a
                                                                                 PsyQ, Parnassia Psychiatric Institute, The Hague, bPsyQ, Parnassia
          as a BMI of at least 40 kg/m2 – is a very serious health              Psychiatric Institute, Rotterdam, cDepartment of Psychology, Education
          condition with corresponding increases in obesity-                    and Child Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, dParnassia
                                                                                Psychiatric Institute, The Hague, eDepartment of Psychiatry, University
          related morbidity and associated health costs [5].
                                                                                Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The
          Globally, the prevalence of morbid obesity is 0.64%                   Netherlands and fDepartment of Epidemiology, Columbia University
          (95% confidence interval: 0.46–0.86) in men and                       Mailman School of Public Health, New York City, New York, USA
          1.6% (1.3–1.9) in women [2].                                          Correspondence to Linda Paul, MSc, PsyQ, Parnassia Psychiatric Insti-
               Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment                tute, Lijnbaan 4, NL-2512 VA, The Hague, The Netherlands.
          for morbid obesity and leads to more weight loss                      Tel: +31 88 357 3032; e-mail: l.paul@parnassiagroep.nl
          compared with nonsurgical treatment [6]. The                          Curr Opin Psychiatry 2017, 30:000–000
          majority of patients experience excess weight loss                    DOI:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000359

          0951-7367 Copyright ß 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.                                    www.co-psychiatry.com
CE: Namrta; YCO/300605; Total nos of Pages: 6;
                                                               YCO 300605

              Eating disorders

                                                                               PREDICTIVE AND RISK FACTORS
                  KEY POINTS
                                                                               In search for predictors and risk factors for weight
                   Postoperative and not preoperative behaviors predict       loss and psychological well-being after bariatric sur-
                    weight loss results.                                       gery various factors have been investigated. These
                                                                               factors concern a variety of psychiatric symptoms
                   CBT seems to be effective in reducing risk factors for
                    weight regain after bariatric surgery, such as             and disorders (e.g., depression), dysfunctional
                    disordered eating behavior and depression. Whether         behaviors (e.g., disordered eating), presurgical
                    this also promotes long-term weight loss results needs     weight, and variations in presurgical preparatory
                    further research.                                          procedure (e.g., mandatory weight loss). Reviews
                                                                               from 2014 addressing predictive and risk factors will
                   New applications of CBT such as telephone, internet or
                    virtual reality-based might contribute to more             be discussed first, followed by a presentation of
                    accessible, lower cost treatments for the large group of   recent studies.
                    bariatric patients worldwide.                                   In 2014, Wimmelmann et al. [20] reviewed stud-
                                                                               ies on psychological predictors of surgical weight
                                                                               loss. Results regarding the predictive value of severe
                                                                               binge eating appeared to be inconclusive, which
              depressive, anxiety, and eating disorders, but also              could be related to differences in study design
              disordered eating behaviors such as emotional eat-               and assessment of binge eating. Personality and
              ing and loss of control over eating [10–14]. The                 moderate psychiatric comorbidity were not the pre-
              addition of psychological treatment to bariatric sur-            dictors of postsurgical weight loss, whereas cogni-
              gery might contribute to optimizing long-term                    tive impairments and severe psychiatric disorders
              weight loss and psychological well-being by reduc-               appeared to be negative predictors of weight loss.
              ing psychological risk factors and promoting                          A review by Meany [21] of 15 studies on binge
              healthy lifestyle.                                               eating, binge eating disorder (BED), and loss of
                  Most psychological interventions for bariatric               control over eating showed that these were associ-
              surgery patients include behavioral life style com-              ated with suboptimal outcomes in terms of less
              ponents like healthy eating behavior and physical                weight loss and more weight regain in the post-
              activity. In addition to behavioral interventions,               operative phase.
              cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) consists of                        In line with these findings, a review of predictors
              techniques to identify and modify dysfunctional                  of postoperative weight loss [14] also concluded that
              thoughts. Interventions may be applied pre or                    various postoperative disordered eating behaviors
              postsurgery. The research field for psychological                such as BED, loss of control over eating, and emo-
              treatment in bariatric surgery patients is relatively            tional eating were associated with poorer weight
              new, so empirical support is still scarce. In a system-          outcomes. Also, life style factors such as physical
              atic review and meta-analysis of studies conducted               activity and adherence to postoperative diet recom-
              until 2013 Rudolph and Hilbert [15] examined                     mendations predicted weight loss.
              the effects of various postoperative behavioral life-                 In the following, we will describe new studies
              style interventions, including eight studies on CBT.             which have been published since these reviews. In a
              Their review showed that weight loss in patients                 first cross-sectional study on maladaptive eating
              in the treatment group was larger than in the                    behavior and weight loss by Conceição et al. [10] a
              usual care or no treatment groups in 13 out of                   group of preoperative bariatric surgery patients
              16 studies. However, because of uncontrolled                     and two postoperative groups (respectively, 2 years postoperative) were compared. Loss
              interventions, generalizability is limited. In recent            of control over eating was found to be present in
              years, several randomized clinical trials (RCTs) on              26.7% of the patients in the preoperative phase, in
              CBT in bariatric surgery patients have been con-                 11.8% of patients within the first 24 months after
              ducted, showing promising results on reducing                    surgery and in 16.9% of patients after 24 months.
              disordered eating behavior and promoting weight                  Loss of control was associated with poorest weight
              loss [16,17,18 ,19].                                             loss outcomes, most weight regain, highest BMI, and
                  The article provides an overview of the out-                 most psychological distress, specifically in the long
              comes of studies on predictors of postsurgical weight            run. In a second cross-sectional study by the same
              loss since 2014. Also current knowledge regarding                research group [11] a preoperative group and three
              the effectiveness of CBT in bariatric patients is out-           postoperative groups (6 months, 1 year, 2 years
              lined, as well as the development of new treatment               postoperative) were assessed. The presence of mal-
              applications.                                                    adaptive eating behaviors was found to increase as

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                                                                                                  Cognitive behavioral therapy Paul et al.

          time progresses after bariatric surgery, and to be                        Hindle et al. [27 ] reviewed 39 studies into early
          associated with weight regain. This was especially                    postoperative variables and later weight loss and
          true for picking and nibbling (unplanned and repe-                    found that a better early postsurgical weight loss
          titious eating of modest amounts of food). In a                       was the most predictive factor of successful weight
          longitudinal study, Conceição et al. [22 ] found                    loss in the period up to 24 months postsurgery.
          that the pre and postoperative frequency of prob-                         To sum up, results of studies into preoperative
          lematic eating behaviors was comparable (37.7 and                     predictors for weight loss after bariatric surgery have
          45.9%). However 43.5% of patients stopped disor-                      been inconclusive. It appears that postoperative
          dered eating preoperatively. Postoperatively 39.5%                    behaviors influence postoperative weight loss more
          of patients developed problematic eating behaviors.                   directly than preoperative factors. Especially post-
          Whereas preoperative disordered eating was not a                      surgical disordered eating behaviors, eating disor-
          significant predictor for postoperative weight loss,                  ders, and depressive symptoms have been found to
          postoperative disordered eating predicted worse                       be associated with less optimal weight loss results.
          weight loss outcomes.                                                 These results highlight the importance of continu-
               In the Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Sur-                 ous and long-term monitoring of these risk factors
          gery-2 study Mitchell et al. [12] examined eating                     and behaviors postoperatively and early interven-
          behaviors and eating disorders before bariatric sur-                  tion in case of stagnation of weight loss. Also early
          gery in a large sample of 2266 participants. Disor-                   postoperative weight loss predicts better medium-
          dered eating behaviors, such as skipping breakfast                    term weight loss (
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              Eating disorders

              physical activity contributes to physical and mental     eating, and mood and anxiety symptoms at
              health-related quality of life preoperatively. Unfor-    posttreatment.
              tunately, no postoperative measurement has been               The online and smartphone application of CBT
              conducted, nor was weight loss included as outcome       is currently being investigated in Canada and
              measure. This makes it unclear whether these results     Portugal [31,32]. These programs may contain a
              were retained after surgery and whether this inter-      CBT-based self-help manual and psychoeducation,
              vention also improved postsurgical outcomes.             a feedback messaging system, and scheduled chat
                   Marcon et al. [19] compared the relative efficacy   sessions with a psychologist and are aimed at train-
              of preoperative exercise groups with and without         ing relevant skills in the postoperative period, pro-
              CBT to a control group. In total, 66 patients were       moting important health behaviors, improving
              randomly assigned to these three conditions. The         compliance to life style adjustments, and early
              exercise program included two weekly sessions dur-       detection of risk behaviors. Efficacy results are not
              ing 4 months. In the CBT condition weekly group          available yet.
              therapy aimed at life style modification was added            A final recent and innovative application of CBT
              to the exercise program. The control group only          is virtual reality-enhanced CBT [33 ]. Although not
              received routine clinic appointments and informa-        investigated for bariatric surgery patients yet, results
              tion meetings. Measurements were conducted at            of a preliminary RCT comparing CBT, virtual reality-
              baseline and post-CBT. Results showed that the           enhanced CBT, and the standard behavioral pro-
              exercise intervention had a positive health effect       gram among 163-female patients with morbid obe-
              including weight loss. The control group on the          sity were promising regarding weight loss. CBT
              contrary showed an increase of medical risk factors      consisted of a 1-week inpatient program followed
              during the waiting time for surgery. No statistically    by five weekly group sessions and 10 biweekly indi-
              significant differences were found between the in-       vidual sessions. The virtual reality-enhanced CBT
              tervention groups with and without CBT.                  group received the same program as the CBT group
                   To sum up, several studies on preoperative CBT      but instead of 10 biweekly individual sessions, 10
              interventions have shown positive effect on psycho-      biweekly virtual reality sessions were offered. In 14
              logical well-being and weight loss, but long-            high risk virtual environments, like a supermarket or
              term postoperative effects still need to be further      restaurant, patients directly practiced coping, deci-
              examined.                                                sion-making, and problem-solving skills. Significant
                   Developing new treatment applications of CBT        weight loss was achieved in all three groups. No
              is important regarding the large number of patients      significant differences between the three groups
              and the need for long-term monitoring. Moreover,         were found at posttreatment assessment, but the
              face to face treatment can be problematic because        virtual reality-enhanced CBT had a greater probabil-
              of practical barriers such as limited mobility and       ity of maintaining or improving weight loss at 1-year
              limited accessibility of specialized bariatric surgery   follow-up.
              centers in some countries or rural areas. To improve          Worth mentioning is a case series of three gastric
              accessibility and cost-effective treatments, tele-       band surgery patients receiving a 6-week virtual
              phone, internet, and virtual reality-based applica-      reality CBT protocol aimed at improving body
              tions of CBT are being examined.                         image disorders and weight loss [34]. The CBT
                   A 6-week telephone-based CBT intervention was       consisted of five group sessions focused on improv-
              tested both pre and postsurgery [18 ,29]. In a pre-      ing motivation to change and assertiveness and
              operative pilot RCT [18 ], 47 patients were randomly     10 biweekly virtual reality sessions identical to the
              assigned to standard preoperative care (routine clin-    virtual reality intervention mentioned above. Post-
              ic visits and information meetings) or six sessions of   treatment results showed 15–20% further weight
              tele-CBT. The tele-CBT protocol consisted of six         reduction, apart from reduction of body dissatisfac-
              weekly sessions focused on psychoeducation, self-        tion, anxiety, and bulimic behaviors. Currently
              monitoring, problem-solving, and goal setting [30].      these researchers are conducting an RCT.
              Although the control group showed a small increase            In addition to the development of both pre
              in binge eating and emotional eating at postinter-       and postoperative CBT packages for optimizing
              vention, the CBT group experienced statistically         results of bariatric surgery, in the past 3 years,
              significant improvements with large effect sizes in      several postoperative CBT interventions were spe-
              eating behaviors and psychological well-being. In        cifically developed for patients experiencing post-
              a postoperative uncontrolled pilot study [29],           operative weight regain. So far, those treatments
              19 patients received 6-months postoperative six          have only been examined in pilot studies, so no
              sessions of the same tele-CBT. Results showed sig-       definitive conclusions regarding their efficacy can
              nificant reductions in binge eating, emotional           be drawn.

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                                                                                                             Cognitive behavioral therapy Paul et al.

              In a pilot study [35], pre and post-CBT results                   Currently, a longitudinal RCT in 128 patients on
          of a 6-week group intervention based on CBT                           the effects of CBT, with follow-ups at 1, 3, and
          and dialectical behavior therapy principles for 28                    5-years postsurgery, is being conducted by the
          patients experiencing postoperative weight regain                     authors [38].
          showed statistically significant improvements for                         New techniques for applying CBT by telephone,
          depressive symptoms, subjective binge eating, graz-                   internet, or virtual reality potentially make CBT
          ing, and weight loss. Treatment included self-moni-                   more accessible and less costly, meeting the needs
          toring, stress management, and diet skills as well as                 of treating a large number of patients worldwide
          interventions for preventing emotion dysregulation                    and for long-term postoperative monitoring of
          and changing disordered eating.                                       patients.
              Beaulac and Sandre [36] examined the efficacy
          of an 8-week postsurgical CBT group among 17                          Acknowledgements
          patients experiencing difficulties in weight loss                     None.
          and adjustment to postoperative status in a compa-
          rable pilot study. Patients were assisted in develop-                 Financial support and sponsorship
          ing coping strategies for managing stress and                         None.
          conflicts, and in becoming more aware of triggers
          for negative moods. Results showed improvements                       Conflicts of interest
          in well-being and a decrease of psychological
                                                                                There are no conflicts of interest.
          symptoms and distress, although statistically not
              Robinson et al. [37 ] examined a skills-based                     REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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          Psychological skills deficits associated with sub-                    && of outstanding interest

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