Page created by Everett Barnett
                                     The Clean Cooking Alliance (“Alliance”) works with a        Menecon Consulting is an independent, UK-based
                                     global network of partners to build an inclusive industry   energy-consulting firm offering independent and
                                     that makes clean cooking accessible to the three            professional advice on public and private sector
                                     billion people who live each day without it. Established    clients on all aspects of energy policy, strategy,
                                     in 2010, the Alliance is driving consumer demand,           and economics, including climate change, other
                                     mobilizing investment to build a pipeline of scalable       environmental challenges, and access to modern
                                     businesses, and fostering an enabling environment           energy services.
                                     that allows the sector to thrive. Clean cooking
                                     transforms lives by improving health, protecting the        The Alliance, specifically its Private Sector and
                                     climate and environment, empowering women, and              Investment team led by Peter George with Seema
                                     helping consumers save time and money.                      Patel, and its Strategy and Development team, led by
                                                                                                 Samiksha Nair with Sheridan Hyland, commissioned
                                     ENEA Consulting (“ENEA”) is an independent strategy         this report. The Alliance and ENEA would like to thank
                                     consultancy specialized in the energy transition and        all the partners who contributed their content, time,
                                     sustainability, with offices in Paris, Melbourne, and       resources, and expert insights.
                                     Hong Kong. ENEA Consulting works with a wide range
                                     of actors in the energy value chain, from global energy     The Alliance is grateful to Chevron Corporation, whose
                                     majors to major investors, from entrepreneurs to            support made this report possible.
                                     international institutions. In the energy access space,
                                     the firm has provided consultancy services to more
Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash   than 60 companies, social enterprises, NGOs, and
                                     public institutions to help them increase access to
Cover photo: World LPG Association   energy in developing countries.

1 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS | 2
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                                                        Specifically, there are safety considerations at each
                                                                                                                         stage of the journey along which an LPG cylinder
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Developing these frameworks and improving enforce-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ment can often be a long and complicated process,
                                                                                                                         travels: from the cylinder factory, to the refilling plant, to           requiring buy-in from stakeholders along the LPG value
                                                                                                                         the final household end user. Safety is also important                   chain, as well as effective and rigorous enforcement
                                                                                                                         in the supply of the fuel itself from the import terminal,               of established regulations. The effectiveness of these
Issues related to LPG safety, both real and perceived, inhibit the uptake of LPG
                                                                                                                         refinery or gas-processing plant to the refilling plant.                 regulations becomes particularly challenging once
by consumers, slowing potential market growth, and contributing to lack of                                               At each stage, there are safety risks–notably in refilling               illegal practices become pervasive, as is the case in
confidence in return on investment for both investors and companies. Innovative                                          cylinders, transporting them to local distributors and                   certain key markets including, but not limited to Kenya,
                                                                                                                         then customers, and using them in the kitchen.                           South Africa, and India.
technologies and other potential solutions are emerging that both purposefully
and indirectly alleviate safety concerns.                                                                                It is vital that all stakeholders involved in                            Technical innovations to overcome safety issues
                                                                                                                         the distribution, regulation, and consumption of                         can be an effective complementary approach to
                                                                                                                         LPG have a clear view of the various safety                              regulation and education and training by enhancing
When paired with robust policies and strong regulatory       though several studies have demonstrated that LPG           challenges and potential mitigation measures to                          safety along the LPG value chain and addressing
enforcement, complemented with consumer edu-                 is safer in practice than most other cooking solutions,     encourage increased fuel use and investment in                           barriers to market penetration, expansion, and
cation and awareness raising, the effectiveness              particularly kerosene. Aside from the human suffering       supply networks.                                                         commercialization. Several innovative technologies
and market penetration of these technologies is              and financial cost involved, LPG-related accidents                                                                                   and business models are already emerging which
amplified. In other words, prioritizing interventions to     undermine consumer confidence in the fuel. The                  » A strong regulatory framework is crucial to                        hold the promise of reducing operating costs and
address safety issues can serve as an accelerant for         dramatic nature of some LPG accidents has led to                  ensuring public safety by imposing and enforcing                   increasing the attractiveness for investors, in addition
investment and market growth.                                sensationalist reporting, which has stoked public                 strict rules on the handling of LPG along the                      to enhancing safety along the various stages of the
                                                             fears about LPG.                                                  cylinder supply chain. In particular, policies and                 LPG cylinder and fuel supply chain. In most cases,
Switching to LPG for household cooking could                                                                                   regulations that impose the branded cylinder                       these solutions are being pursued by private sector
bring environmental, economic and health benefits            Unsafe practices around LPG can impede investment                 recirculation model,1 whereby distributors and                     companies, in some cases with the explicit support of
to billions of people. Over a third of the global            flows, business growth, commercialization and                     marketers are responsible for cylinder safety—                     government authorities. Based on an in-depth industry
population continues to rely primarily on non-               market entry. For LPG businesses and large                        including inspection, maintenance, and replace-                    survey, eight categories of innovations have been
sustainable traditional biomass and other polluting          multinationals in particular, the risks and costs                 ment—throughout their lifetimes, are vital to                      identified and differentiated into two groups, each with
fuels such as kerosene and coal for cooking, causing         associated with LPG safety has reduced appetite                   providing incentives for re-fillers to inspect and                 different time-to-market horizons: low tech solutions
indoor air pollution that causes an estimated 3.8            for the sector, thereby reducing the uptake of LPG,               repair cylinders properly.                                         that can be implemented at relatively low cost, and
million premature deaths each year. By contrast,             particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. In order to build a                                                                              more complex and “game-changing” technologies
LPG burns very cleanly and does not contribute to            dynamic and financially sustainable clean cooking               » Awareness raising and education can bring                          that hold promise in the longer term.
indoor air pollution. It is also convenient and efficient.   industry, for both LPG and other clean cooking fuels,             down accident rates substantially and eradicate
Although LPG is derived from fossil fuels, switching         ensuring effective safety best practices is critical. New         misunderstandings and misconceptions about                         Low-tech solutions
from traditional fuels can reduce net carbon dioxide         innovations that can make LPG more affordable while               safety.
(CO2) when biomass is not replaced once it has been          addressing safety concerns have the potential to spur                                                                                Four lower-tech solutions represent opportunities
harvested. However, reaping the benefits of LPG              private sector investment.                                      » Together, these approaches can reassure                            for more immediate results to increase safety and
requires building profitable businesses that can scale                                                                         consumers that cooking with LPG is safe and give                   promote the uptake of LPG, at a relatively affordable
and instill long-term confidence in both investors and       Addressing issues related to safety can be both                   private sector investors–from local distributors                   cost for companies and consumers:
consumers.                                                   an asset and liability to the growth of LPG as a                  to large energy majors–confidence that the
                                                             widespread and viable clean cooking fuel. LPG                     LPG market will be healthy enough to generate                          » Home delivery of cylinders, which, in addition to
For all the benefits that LPG can bring, many                businesses, concerned about safety, may choose                    adequate returns on investment.                                          offering convenience to the customer, permits
households are reluctant to make the switch                  not to invest in LPG given the cost of managing
because of concerns about the safety of handling             safety challenges and reputational risks. Strategies        1
                                                                                                                          In the branded cylinder recirculation model (BCRM), government-licensed LPG marketers invest in and own the cylinders. They are
and using the fuel. Like all other forms of energy, LPG      that prioritize safety considerations are complex. To       responsible for cylinder safety—including inspection, maintenance, and replacement—and refilling throughout its lifetime. In the customer-
                                                                                                                         controlled cylinder model (CCCM), end users own the cylinders and bring them to filling stations to be refilled as needed. With CCCM,
is potentially hazardous if mishandled or misused.           be effective, safety standards and precautions must         cylinders in circulation tend to become unsafe due to a lack of incentives for the re-filler to inspect and repair the cylinders, as well as a
Accidents associated with LPG can and do occur,              be adopted by actors throughout the value chain.            lack of clear rules and incentives for customers to have cylinders properly inspected and repaired.

3 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                                                                                            EXECUTIVE SUMMARY | 4
professional delivery personnel to correctly             » Home delivery increases consumer satisfac-       Advanced technologies
    install LPG cylinders, teach customers how                 tion and customer loyalty, as well as safety.
    to cook safely with LPG, and reassure them                                                                  Four emerging, innovative technology-enabled sol-
    about safety. Home delivery is increasingly              » Cylinder tracking improves supply-chain          utions also have the potential in the longer term to
    commonplace in developing countries, already               management and reduces operational costs,        make a significant contribution to increasing safety,
    reaching 55% of Kenyan LPG customers, and                  as well as ensures supply chain safety.          as well as offering other benefits to distributors and/
    95% of those in Brazil.                                                                                     or consumers:
                                                             » Digital media not only can be used to
  » Cylinder tracking, such as through QR codes                transmit safety messages, but also cooking         » Composite cylinders, which are lighter, explosion-
    and radio-frequency identification (RFID), which           tips, special promotions, and other methods          proof, corrosion-free, provide higher mechanical
    improves the traceability of cylinders along their         to increase customer loyalty.                        resistance, and are sometimes translucent
    lifecycle and enhances safety during the transport                                                              (making the gas level visible), can enhance
    and refilling of cylinders, while improving oper-        » Advanced cooking equipment can not only              safety, as well as make cooking with LPG more
    ational management for companies. These codes              give customers more reassurance on safety,           convenient and easier for households. They are
    are becoming mandatory in many countries.                  but also create an additional revenue stream         increasingly being adopted in some advanced
                                                               for distributors.                                    economies and are starting to be rolled out in
  » Innovative digital media, such as social networks                                                               key emerging markets. They undoubtedly rep-
    and content sharing platforms, which allows          » Investors should study businesses that                   resent the future of LPG cylinders, but their
    businesses and authorities to transmit safety          are developing technologies in these areas.              relatively high cost is likely to be a barrier to their
    and other marketing messages to customers via          Increased investment is needed to support their          adoption in lower-income developing countries in
    the Internet and mobile phones, even in remote         uptake across the developing world, particularly         the near term.
    areas, to educate them and raise their awareness       in lower-income countries. In addition, these
    about LPG safety.                                      technologies all have the chance to be deployed        » Smart metering systems / pay-as-you-cook
                                                           at scale to the hundreds of millions of households       business models, which use smart valves that
  » Advanced cooking equipment, such as ad-                already using LPG, representing a unique                 allow end customers to keep track of their exact
    vanced hoses and improved valves, which can            investment opportunity.                                  gas consumption and pay with mobile money for
    significantly reduce the incidence of gas leak-                                                                 small volumes of LPG according to their needs
    ages and accident rates in homes, often at very      » Governments and development partners should              (hence the “pay-as-you-cook” expression). In
    low cost. These technologies are becoming com-         support innovation in these areas through project        addition to improving affordability by reducing
    monplace in larger emerging markets such as            funding and strategic partnerships. In the case          the upfront cost of LPG, these systems also
    India but are not yet widely used lower-income         of digital awareness campaigns, public funding           increase safety by allowing firms to better track
    countries.                                             can be used. Development partner finance can             cylinder location and customer usage, as well as
                                                           also be used to fund pilots of these technologies        integrating home delivery. The business model
With respect to these lower-tech solutions, the            in existing distributors, to encourage them to           is being tested, costs are coming down, and
following actions are recommended:                         improve safety practices, and ensure increased           regulations and standards are being defined.
                                                           customer engagement.
  » LPG distributors should explore opportunities to                                                              » Smart gas sensors, which permit monitoring of
    roll out these low-cost technologies and business    » Regulators should consider promoting these               the volume of gas in the cylinder, automatically
    practices. Most of these technologies have “dual-      solutions by introducing and enforcing at least          triggering doorstep deliveries and alerting the
    wins” for distributors.                                basic standards, such as making cylinder                 user and distributor in the event of a gas leak.
                                                           tracking and certain hose and valve technologies
                                                           mandatory.                                             » Advanced leak detection systems installed
                                                                                                                    at distribution facilities and in homes, which
                                                                                                                    are stand-alone devices that detect leaks and             LPG stove installed in a school in Haiti (Rachel
                                                                                                                                                                                            Mahmud/World Central Kitchen)

5 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                                                      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY | 6
through “IoT”2 platforms and potentially trigger
         emergency procedures.
                                                                          Among the various sessions that took place, “Safety
                                                                          First: Best Practices in LPG” gathered interested        TABLE OF
    More R&D and scaling up of these advanced
                                                                          industry specialists and other professionals. The
                                                                          overview and key takeaways of the discussion are         CONTENTS
    innovations will be needed to make them more                          available in the Appendix 1 of this report. In the
    affordable on a larger scale. Pilot projects will be                  months that followed, the Alliance, assisted by ENEA
    an important element in the process of bringing                       and Menecon, engaged with numerous and diverse
    some of these technological solutions to market.                      stakeholders to capture their insights on challenges
    Partnerships between local players and industry                       and opportunities accompanying the emergence of
    majors can also accelerate their roll-out, as well as                 technological solutions tackling LPG affordability,
                                                                                                                                   Executive Summary.....................................3
    identify sustainable business plans. These solutions                  accessibility and safety. This report is the result of
    are most likely to thrive in urban and peri-urban areas               that extensive research.                                 1. Context.....................................................9
    first before becoming more affordable and better
    adapted to rural areas at a later stage.                                                                                       2. Safety issues along the journey of an

    More detail on each of the eight proposed                                                                                      LPG cylinder...............................................13
    solutions and where in the LPG supply chain their
    implementation could be most beneficial is provided                                                                            3. Improving LPG safety............................. 21
    in later chapters of this report. The remainder of this
    report is structured to first provide a brief context                                                                          4. Assessment of technology solutions....27
    of the role of LPG and outstanding barriers to its
    market penetration. It then broadly introduces the                                                                             5. Conclusions and recommendations......55
    topic of LPG safety in the cooking fuel sector. This
    leads into a detailed discussion in the following
                                                                                                                                   Appendix 1 – Safety First..........................59
    section regarding the safety considerations at each
    step of an LPG cylinder’s lifecycle, setting the stage
    for identifying existing and emerging technological                                                                            References................................................. 61
    innovations that could be utilized as market levers by
    the private sector, policy-makers through regulatory
    interventions, and in partnership with consumers
    through education and training. The subsequent
    chapters present the findings of in-depth surveys
    of the advantages and disadvantages of each of
    the eight solutions described above, together with
    an assessment of their potential to enhance safety
    and for market roll-out. The report concludes with
    actionable recommendations for the different
    stakeholders in the LPG sector.

    The Clean Cooking Alliance launched the inception
    of this report in the context of its Clean Cooking
    Forum 2019, held in Nairobi on November 5-7, 2019.

    Internet of Things - A network of Internet-connected objects able to collect and exchange data.                                                                          Photo: Proto Energy

7 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS | 8
1. CONTEXT                                                                                                         Per capita consumption of LPG for cooking is extremely
                                                                                                                   low in most sub-Saharan African countries, averaging
                                                                                                                                                                                  to ensure public safety and private sector
                                                                                                                                                                                  confidence to invest.
                                                                                                                   less than 5 kg in most countries, compared with a
                                                                                                                   world average of 17 kg and over 65 kg in Morocco.             2. Finance along the value chain: Lack of access
                                                                                                                   LPG is used by just 17% of households in urban areas            to financing and concessional funding for LPG
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as a cooking solution is relatively mature
                                                                                                                   of Tanzania and 26% in Ghana (Table 1), with the                businesses can inhibit market expansion.
compared to other options in terms of market maturity, yet a few critical hurdles                                  penetration in rural areas remaining even lower.
remain that hinder market growth in many countries.                                                                                                                              3. Affordability: The upfront cost of purchasing
                                                                                                                   In countries where residential use of LPG remains               an LPG “starter pack,” including the burner,
                                                                                                                   limited and LPG business growth slowed, the cause               cylinder, and first refill of gas, as well as the
                                                                                                                   stems from issues broadly related to supply, demand,            recurring costs of cylinder refills, continues to be
Clean cooking challenges and the                          A high rate of switching to LPG has already occurred
                                                                                                                   and the policy and regulatory environment.                      a barrier to consumer adoption.
role of LPG                                               in several countries, resulting in major environmental
                                                          and health improvements. A government-led program
                                                                                                                   A recent report by the Clean Cooking Alliance outlined        4. Safety: Perception of safety risks and poor
LPG is particularly well suited to domestic cooking       to push households to adopt LPG in Indonesia drove
                                                                                                                   the main barriers to the development of LPG markets             safety practices in the value chain can discourage
and heating because of its clean-burning attributes       down fuelwood consumption for cooking from 50% to
                                                                                                                   in developing countries [13], chief among which are:            consumer willingness to switch to LPG and
and practical advantages over both solid fuels            24% and kerosene from 37% to 4% between 2007 and
                                                                                                                                                                                   hinder market growth. This topic in particular has
and kerosene. LPG burns very cleanly, thereby not         2015 [1]. The net social benefits from avoided carbon
                                                                                                                      1. Regulation and market structure: Clear reg-               implications for the previous three barriers and is
causing indoor air pollution experienced by the 40%       emissions and reduced forest loss that resulted from
                                                                                                                        ulations and enforcement on the handling, dis-             discussed in more detail in the rest of the report.
of the population (about three billion people) who rely   this program are estimated at US$4.9 per household-
                                                                                                                        tribution, and dissemination of LPG are needed
on open fires or inefficient stoves to cook their food    month, compared with US$1.6 for improved charcoal
[1]. Burning unsustainable biomass also contributes       stoves [6]. The economic benefits could be seven
to global warming by releasing large amounts of           times the cost of implementing the program [7].          Figure 1 - Per capita consumption of LPG in the household sector in selected developing
carbon dioxide (CO2) and black carbon into the                                                                     countries in Asia and Africa, 2017 [12]
atmosphere [2]. Although LPG is derived from fossil       Over 2.5 billion people in resource-poor settings
                                                          worldwide use LPG for some cooking tasks, including         Morrocco
fuels, switching from traditional fuels to LPG can
reduce net CO2 when considering biomass that has          millions more in developed countries [8]. Rates are         Indonesia
not been sustainably harvested. As an example, Kenya      generally highest in developing Asia and lowest in               World
loses 10.3 million m3 of wood from its forests every      sub-Saharan Africa [9]. In India, around 75% of the               India
                                                          population are now using LPG [10] and per capita               Angola
year from firewood and charcoal consumption, a major
                                                                                                                       Viet Nam
contributor to the country’s 0.3% annual deforestation    consumption has risen to around 16 kg per person           Philippines
rate. Wood and charcoal fuel use, including black         per year, thanks in part to recent large subsidized           Senegal
carbon emissions, contribute 25 million tons of CO2       programs. In some developing countries with higher       Côte d’Ivoire
                                                          average household incomes, such as Brazil and            South Africa
eq. each year, approximately 40% of Kenya’s total GHG                                                                 Cambodia
emissions [3]. It is estimated that LPG stoves emit       Morocco, LPG penetration is close to 100%.                  Botswana
50% less carbon dioxide equivalent than conventional                                                                   Tanzania
biomass stoves [4] [5].                                                                                              Zimbabwe
Table 1 - Percentage of population relying on LPG cooking [11]                                                             Niger
                         Nigeria             Kenya             Ghana             Senegal           Ethiopia         Bangladesh
       Urban               16%                24%               36%               55%                2%
                                                                                                                                    0        10            20               30          40             50             60            70
       Rural               0%                 8%                9%                 5%                0%

9 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                                                                           1. CONTEXT | 10
LPG safety – The role of perception                                                                                   Safety concerns also can discourage investment              Figure 2 - Main reasons for not using LPG
and reality                                                                                                           in the sector, particularly by large multinationals.        by households in Indonesia [14]
                                                                Box 1 - Examples of surveys on LPG                    Ensuring zero accidents is a priority for multinationals,
When discussing LPG safety, the topic should be                 safety perception in emerging markets                 and LPG has risks which are described in detail below.      4.8
viewed from multiple angles, starting from the                                                                        A lack of investment in safety measures around LPG,
sourcing of the LPG all the way to the usage of the                                                                   particularly in a context of weak regulation and poor
                                                                In Indonesia, safety has been identified
cylinder in the household.                                                                                            enforcement therefore poses both a reputational risk
                                                                as the most important reason for
                                                                                                                      to businesses, as well as increasing operational costs.
                                                                people not adopting LPG [14].
Although LPG is a relatively safe cooking fuel,                                                                       As one actor working for a major LPG player stated in
perceptions that it is more dangerous than other                                                                      an interview for this study: “LPG safety is the key issue
                                                                A survey conducted in Lagos, Nigeria                  for us in Africa and stops us investing in the sector at
cooking solutions have proven to be a barrier to
switching and hence, market development. The
                                                                with a sample size of 519 households                  scale. We have even stepped back from certain countries
dramatic and devastating nature of some LPG                     has indicated that 90% of non-LPG                     due to safety concerns.”
accidents has led to sensationalist reporting and               users were willing to switch to LPG
public fears about LPG. A few examples of LPG safety            but cited safety issues and high cost                 In Nigeria, public authorities are calling upon the
perception surveys in emerging markets are compiled             as potential barriers to switching [15].              establishment of public-private partnerships (such as
                                                                                                                      the upcoming one between the Ministry of Energy and         4.4
in Box 1 to the right.
                                                                In Peru, 87% of the participants                      Mineral Resources and Ibile Oil and Gas Corporation)
Serious accidents involving LPG are relatively                  of a survey reported their general                    to deepen LPG adoption by making sure that the
infrequent in most countries. The most common                   perception that it is dangerous to                    product is available at an affordable rate. Lagos State’s
types of accidents involve non-fatal burns caused               cook with LPG due to the risk of risks                Head of Service recently cited the fire incidents in the
directly by the flame from the burner or fire caused                                                                  region as one of the reasons for increasing awareness
                                                                of fires and explosion [16]. In another
by the flame setting light to objects in proximity,                                                                   on the proper use of the commodity as well as the           4.2
                                                                survey conducted in Puno, Peru, many
comparable to other cookstoves. More serious                                                                          need to raise standards of LPG activities in the State.
                                                                participants perceived LPG stoves
accidents can occur as a result of a leakage of gas                                                                   The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is
                                                                as dangerous and risky, and there                     trying to change the narrative about LPG use in order
from the pipe or burner and the subsequent ignition of
                                                                were fears about the “possibility” of                 to increase penetration from the present 15% to 80%
the released gas. The most serious, yet extremely rare,
type of accident, involves the gas inside the cylinder or
                                                                an explosion, even though none of                     in the next five years. It is estimated that at least
storage tank exploding–an incident known as Boiling             them had ever experienced any LPG                     $2 billion worth of investment is still needed in the
Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosions (BLEVE). This type            incident [17].                                        sector in Nigeria to reach this target [20].
of accident can only occur if the safety valve on the
cylinder fails to release the gas inside in the event of        In a market survey of 400 house-                      Ensuring that LPG is handled safely along the
the cylinder heating up (for example, if a fire breaks out      holds in Pemba, Mozambique, 79%                       supply chain, from importer to the final consumer,
in the building where the cylinder is stored), increasing       believed LPG to be toxic, explosive or                is of paramount importance to both customer
the pressure.                                                   dangerous [18].                                       acceptability and investment appetite.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Less tasty
                                                                                                                                                                                         Cooking needs to be watched

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Size of canister too big


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Afraid of explosion
In general, LPG-related accidents occur more
frequently in the least developed countries, where
safety standards are less respected and ill-enforced.        people that live in households and use LPG for cooking
In Indonesia, where a strong regulatory environment          [1]. By contrast, in Cameroon, 20,955 households
was adopted to frame the Zero-Kero program aiming            experienced LPG-related accidents accounting for
at boosting LPG adoption, 582 LPG-related accidents          279 deaths and 4,270 injuries in 2004 alone [19].
were reported over the period 2007 to 2012, resulting
in 16 deaths–just three per year out of the 220 million

11 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1. CONTEXT | 12
                                                                                                                                 Example of LPG two-burner modern equipment
There are a set of safety considerations at each                  will go through many customers’ hands, travel via
stage of the journey along which an LPG cylinder                  various modes of transportation, and undergo filling
travels, from the refilling plant to the final household          and requalification (repair) at different facilities. This     Equipment manufacturing                                  accidents. A study analyzing burn admissions at a
                                                                  section examines, in detail, the different safety risks                                                                 clinic in India has shown that most of those involving
end user. Safety is also important in the supply of the
                                                                  at each stage.                                                 Ensuring the quality of the equipment used for           LPG cylinders were caused by leaks from the hardware,
fuel itself from the import terminal, refinery or gas-
                                                                                                                                 cooking with LPG at the manufacturing stage is           usually either due to cracks on the connecting hoses
processing plant to the refilling plant. A typical cylinder
                                                                                                                                 the first step towards the safe use of LPG. The          or defect valves and regulators [24].
                                                                                                                                 most common manufacturing defects include poor
Figure 3 - Break down of the LPG cylinder lifecycle
                                                                                                                                 cylinder welding (noted in interviews as the key stage   Leakages of gas can also occur with the cooking
                                                                                                                                 where manufacturing faults can happen), faulty valve     equipment. In addition to the LPG cylinder, cooking
                                    A           Equipment manufacturing
                                                                                                                                 outlets and pressure gauges, and defective cook-         with LPG also requires a cookstove or a “burner”. LPG
                                                                                                                                 stoves (the figure below depicts the configuration       can also be used in ovens. In both cases, faulty knobs
                                                                                              LPG bulk transportation            of an LPG cylinder and associated fittings). If manu-    on the burner or oven can lead to gas escaping even
                                    B                  LPG sourcing
                                                                                                 and bulk storage
                                                                                                                                 facturing defaults go unnoticed, leaks can occur         when turned off, leading to a risk of fire.
                                                     Cylinder refilling                                                          leading to the accumulation of gas in enclosed area
                                                                                                                                 and the risk of fire.                                    New innovative cookstove equipment is emerging
                                    C              Cylinder distribution
                                                                                                                                                                                          which deals with several of these risks and is discussed
                                           Cylinder management by retailers                                                      Studies of LPG-related incidents demonstrate that        in more detail in the technology section.
                                                                                                                                 poor manufacturing can be a leading cause of
                                                                                         Gas production, refining (e.g. in
           Key stages                                                                    Saudi Arabia) and bulk transportation
   Throughout the lifespace         D               Last-mile delivery
   of a cylinder, ranging                                                                                                        Figure 4 - LPG cylinder and associated fittings [21] [22] [23]
   from 20-40 years, it will                       End-customer usage
   repeatedly go through
   stages C & D to be
   refilled numerous times                                Installed
   (typically once every 2-6
   months)                                           Used for cooking
                                                                                         Bulk storage of Liquid Petroleum
                                                  Stored when not in use                 Gas (LPG)

                                              Refilled/replaced when empty

                                           Transport to cylinder testing facilities
                                           Requalification & return to market
   Revalidation after repair                                                                  Cylinders may be
   & requalification                                                                          repaired and returned to
   according to state of
                                    E         Or (if too old or too damaged)
                                                                                              the top market to close
   cylinder & regulations                                                                     the loop

13 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                                    2. SAFETY ISSUES ALONG THE JOURNEY OF AN LPG CYLINDER | 14
LPG cylinder filling                                             LPG cylinder distribution to retailers

                                                                                                                       The filling stage is a crucial step in the life of an            Distribution of cylinders from refilling stations to
                                                                                                                       LPG cylinder. Any error in the way the cylinder is filled        dealers and retailers is usually carried out by road
                                                                                                                       can result in a serious accident further down the                transport, which results in a risk of traffic accidents. In
                                                                                                                       supply chain.                                                    addition, cylinders may be damaged during transport,
                                                                                                                                                                                        on-loading, or off-loading. Transportation can be the
                                                                                                                       Cylinder filling plants vary in scale and sophistication,        responsibility of the marketer itself or contracted
                                                                                                                       but all need to follow safety standards to ensure                out to logistics companies. The three main safety
                                                                                                                       safety [29]. LPG filling facilities include simple single-       concerns with respect to the distribution of cylinders
                                                                                                                       station operations filling small numbers of cylinders,           are as follows:
                                                                                                                       to high-technology plants serving hundreds of
                                                                                                                       thousands of consumers. Cylinder filling operations                 » The state of the vehicle used for transportation.
                                                                                                                       should be carried out in accordance with a reputable                  Resorting to second-hand trucks to transport
                                                                                                                       technical standard or code such as ISO 10691 [30].                    goods is a common practice in developing
                                                                                                                       An important element of the refilling process is the                  countries. However, these carriers are often
                                                                                                                       testing and validation of the integrity of each cylinder              antiquated and in a poor state of repair, increasing
                                                                                                                       as fit for service at every refill - before, during, and after        the risk of the cylinders being damaged. Trucks
                                                                                                                       the filling process. Re-fillers must avoid over-filling               regularly employed for transporting cylinders
                                                                                                                       cylinders, as this can lead to excessive pressure and                 should be designed or adapted to minimize
                                                                                                                       the risk of a gas leakage or explosion. To avoid such a               the risks of the cylinders being damaged. They
                                                                                                                       risk, a cylinder must never be filled beyond 85% of its               should be inspected before they enter service
                                                                                                                       liquid capacity [31].                                                 and be properly maintained [29].

                                                                                                                       Illegal, unlicensed refilling operations that do not                » The conditions under which the cylinders are
                                                                                                                       respect safety standards, sometimes involving                         transported in the vehicle. Cylinders must
Men cooking with rudimentary LPG stoves in Jaipur, India.                                                              adulterated gas, is a serious problem in some                         always be transported in a vertical position to
                                                                                                                       emerging LPG markets. These operations put the                        prevent damage and over-pressurization in the
                                                                                                                       lives of those working in the plant and further down the              event of a shock. Whenever possible, full and
LPG sourcing                                                  can lead to fires and, in exceptional circumstances,     supply chain at risk (see “Cylinder requalification and               empty cylinders should be segregated on the
                                                              explosions. Accidents at this stage of the LPG supply    cylinder scrapping” paragraph below for a discussion                  truck. Cylinders should be loaded onto the truck
At the first stage of the distribution chain, LPG is          chain can prove to be very harmful for the operators,    of counterfeit equipment and the grey market).                        in crates with anchorage holes, straps, or ropes
transported in bulk into the country, typically by ship,      the economic viability of the investments, and the                                                                             (natural hemp not nylon) to restrain the carried
rail, or road. It is then transported to major storage        reputation of the sector, undermining confidence in      Consistent training and regular checking and                          cylinders and prevent them from being damaged.
facilities within the importing country. LPG is stored        future investment. Anecdotal evidence suggests that      maintenance of the filling equipment according to                     Valve caps are particularly important at this stage
in bulk at the port terminal, refinery, or gas-processing     they can also undermine confidence in the safety of      strict procedures is vital to ensure its functionality                in helping prevent moisture and dirt from entering
plant before being transferred to regional hubs and           using the fuel at the household level, even though the   in the long-term. For instance, at the post-filling                   the valve of the cylinder, in addition to providing
facilities, ready for filling activities or industrial use.   consequences of household accidents are generally        stage, a fixed seal (shroud or dust cap), usually made                protection from any potential impact [33].
The largest spherical storage tanks each hold up to           much less severe (cf. introductory chapter). This is     of plastic, is normally fitted to the valve to protect it.
100,000 tons while mid-scale storage sites usually store      what was observed in Accra, the capital city of Ghana,   Increasingly, LPG marketers are fixing a tamper-proof               » A lack of training and absence of emergency
between 50 and 1,000 tons. Improper management of             in the wake of an explosion at a gas station [28].       seal to the cylinder valve after refilling to reassure                action plans. Drivers and operators share the
storage facilities can result in spillages.                   Coverage of such accidents by mainstream media           future customers of the integrity of the cylinder [29].               responsibility of ensuring safety and minimizing
                                                              can further exacerbate these fears and concerns,                                                                               the likelihood of accidents on the road. Drivers
Leakages of LPG from bulk storage or transportation           discouraging switching to LPG cooking.                                                                                         should receive proper instruction and training
facilities, when in contact with an ignition source,                                                                                                                                         from their employer or vehicle operator [34].

15 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                                 2. SAFETY ISSUES ALONG THE JOURNEY OF AN LPG CYLINDER | 16
LPG cylinder management by retailers

                                                         Safety is also a concern at the point of delivery of
                                                         cylinders to retail premises and their storage on site.
                                                         When taking deliveries, retailers may not check for
                                                         irregular markings and logos on the cylinders. Labelling
                                                         of cylinders by marketers ensures compliance with
                                                         national regulatory frameworks or industrial best
                                                         practices. This includes information such as the exact     Common last-mile LPG cylinder delivery practices in India [41], China [92] and Jordan [94].
                                                         content of the cylinder (propane or butane), the name
                                                         of the supplier, the volume or weight of the gas in the
                                                         cylinder, and a warning of the flammable nature of the     Injuries can also occur in lifting cylinders, especially         and installed by distributors in 2014 [37]. In other
                                                         contents using symbols or text in the local language.      if they are heavier than the weight marked on the                countries, like India, self-installation is common: in the
                                                         The retailer should check this information, as well as     outside. A full steel cylinder weighs about twice that           state of Uttar Pradesh, only 29% of households obtain
                                                         checking for defects when they receive the cylinder.       of an empty one, i.e. a full 6 kg cylinder weighs up to          their cylinders through home delivery [38]. Where self-
                                                         Doing so reduces the risk of accidents and the             12 kg [35]. The handling of cylinders should be done             delivery is common, additional efforts are required
                                                         penetration of illegally filled cylinders on the market.   with mechanical lifting devices and trolleys wherever            to educate consumers on the best way to carry the
                                                         Cylinder tracking, as described below in the innovation    possible to avoid injuries to employees. Manual                  cylinders home without damaging them and how
                                                         section, is a step towards this.                           handling of cylinders can also lead to accidents                 to install them safely. Home delivery is discussed in
                                                                                                                    caused by falling of cylinders if employees do not wear          more detail later in this report.
                                                         Safety concerns often arise from temperature,              protective equipment such as suitable safety shoes.
                                                         pressure, and humidity conditions in the store and         Chronic harm due to repetitive manual lifting is also            The risk of LPG being delivered to final customers
                                                         from the way cylinders are stored. Problems can            common with wrong posture causing work-related                   in an unsafe manner is particularly acute in rural
                                                         occur when cylinders are not stored away from direct       musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), such as pain and               areas, away from modern transport infrastructure.
                                                         sunlight and sources of ignition or other flammable        injuries to limbs and joints [36].                               Most poor rural households do not own cars, so
                                                         materials. It is also important that they are stored                                                                        they must rely on other forms of transport such as
                                                         vertically (to prevent damage to the valve), in a dry,     It is essential that retailers provide staff with                bus, taxi, motorcycles, animals, or boats to carry the
                                                         clean, ventilated space on a flat surface and not left     adequate training and supervision. Training is                   cylinder. The risk of damage to the cylinder through
                                                         standing in water or in the rain. Humidity can cause       the first step towards reducing employees’ risk of               mishandling is inevitably that much greater in those
                                                         corrosion, which in turn can leads to leaks, while dust    injury and ensuring that the integrity of the cylinders          cases [39]. Many also travel long distances on foot
                                                         or dirt can obstruct the valves and regulators. High       is preserved. For instance, valves should only be                while carrying heavy cylinders, which poses a risk
                                                         temperatures can result in excessive pressure inside       removed by trained personnel using procedures which              of injury as well as damage to the cylinder by being
                                                         the gas cylinder, increasing the risk of leakage.          ensure that the cylinder is no longer pressurized [33].          dropped. For instance, many rural LPG customers in
                                                         The way in which cylinders are handled on retail                                                                            India must travel several kilometers to the nearest LPG
                                                         premises can be a source of risk. Dropping, rolling,       Last-mile delivery                                               retail outlet [38]. The long distances to LPG retailers
                                                         or dragging cylinders can result in damage to their                                                                         was one of the main reasons cited for the low rate of
                                                         integrity, increasing the potential for leaks. LPG         The delivery of cylinders to households either by the            LPG adoption in a recent case study of Ghana’s rural
                                                         leaks can cause cold burns if the gas touches the skin.    retailer or the customer themselves if they collect              LPG scale-up program [40].
                                                         Propane, with its low boiling point, is more hazardous     the cylinder from the retail premises is particularly
                                                         in this respect than butane which, in cold conditions,     prone to safety risks. In several countries, delivery to         End customer usage
                                                         is slower to vaporize and disperse. The eyes and body,     the home by retailers of sub-contracted professional
                                                         when not protected, are particularly exposed when          delivery companies is common. In Brazil, example,                There are several safety risks involved in using LPG
A gas filling station in El Fasher, Sudan [32]. Every    handling LPG [29].                                         95% of the cylinders used by the country’s 42 million            in the home or business, associated with the poor
morning, dozens of shop keepers come to the station                                                                 households that rely on the fuel were delivered                  installation of the equipment, ill-adapted cooking
to collect LPG cylinders for distribution to the city.

17 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                             2. SAFETY ISSUES ALONG THE JOURNEY OF AN LPG CYLINDER | 18
methods, unsafe storage of the cylinder, and poor            » Improper storage at the end customer’s home:
maintenance of the equipment.                                  When not in use, the best practices for storage
                                                               of the cylinder applicable to professional retailers
  » Incorrectly performed installation: As for delivery        are also valid for households, especially in rural
    to the home, a newly purchased or exchanged                areas where houses’ vulnerability to extreme
    cylinder may be installed by the customer himself          weather conditions and parasites is higher. It
    or by the LPG marketer or retailer. The operation          is also important to note that in developing
    is repeated every time the cylinder needs to be            countries, many poor families live in one-room
    refilled, i.e. everyone to six months depending on         houses and don’t have the luxury of a separate
    consumption. When the company is responsible               kitchen [43]. This means there may be multiple
    for installation, trained professionals can ensure         cooking sources located close to one another,
    that all the conditions for safe use of the cooking        increasing the risk of fire.
    system are met. Furthermore, this interaction
    represents an opportunity for the professional to        » Lack of care and irregular maintenance of               Mobile money being used to purchase specific quantity of LPG
    inform and educate the customers on the correct            equipment: Whether the cooking equipment
    use and placement of the cylinders and answer to           is their property or that of the marketer, end
    any questions about how to cook safely with the            customers are still responsible for keeping             and sometimes replacement–of the valve, a thorough             tion of existing ones, as nameless re-fillers who
    fuel. This greatly reduces the risk of any mishap.         appliances in good condition. Failure to regularly      internal and external visual inspection of the cylinder,       could not be made accountable for safety breaches
    When customers take care of the installation               inspect the cylinder, valves, or hoses to identify      a hydraulic test (for leakage), and other tests such           resold cylinders [45].
    themselves, there is a greater risk of inappropriate       potential leaks can lead to fatal accidents. It seems   as an acoustic check. After the cylinder has passed
    practices, such as horizontal positioning of the           obvious that leaks should never be detected using       the test, a new inspection date is stamped onto the            When a cylinder has reached the end of its life it
    cylinder, proximity to ignition sources, hoses left        a candle or cigarette lighter, yet accidents caused     neck ring. Cylinders requiring urgent maintenance or           must be destroyed in a safe manner. Even an empty
    at the mercy of rodents, and soiling of valves             by such practices still occur. Equipment must be        repair should be dealt with immediately by trained and         LPG cylinder will contain small amounts of hazardous
    and regulators. It is of critical importance that          serviced regularly by qualified professionals [42].     properly supervised employees as they are potentially          vapor and therefore must be handled safely. Empty
    customers are made aware of these risks and                A lack of information about how to respond to a         hazardous, and a backlog should never be allowed               cylinders should always be treated as if they contained
    how to handle disconnecting and installing the             gas leak or, worse, fire can worsen the danger.         to accumulate within the cylinder testing area [29].           liquid, especially if they are to be disposed of [46].
    cylinders to their cooking system safely.                                                                          The requalification of LPG cylinders is a government           Disposal techniques include punching large holes into
                                                           Overall, poor safety practices at home due to a lack        requirement in most countries, with the frequency              both halves of the pressure vessel. Punching a hole
  » Ill-adapted cooking methods: Another source            of awareness and education create a misperception           typically ranging from 1-15 years.                             in only one half leaves the possibility of the other half
    of safety hazard resides in cooking practices.         on the part of end users that LPG is dangerous and                                                                         being recovered and reused. Domestic cylinders which
    The most common examples of imprudence and             discourage others from switching to the fuel. In a          In a similar fashion to what can happen at the                 are re-made using the “good” halves of condemned
    negligence include cooking at floor level without an   study conducted in Guatemala in 2015, participants          refilling station, a lack of control of the requalification    cylinders present a serious risk as they are rarely heat-
    elevated slab for the cooktop, leaving the cylinder    reported feeling unsafe using the LPG cylinder and          process can allow illicit practices to proliferate, and        treated after welding [46]. This was an issue in the
    valve open, or letting children play in proximity      stove. They had received no information or instructions     LPG cylinders showing no markings or with wrong                Philippines until disposal procedures were tightened.
    to the equipment. In addition, some end users          on safe installation or use [44].                           or misleading information may be wrongly put back
    continue to use traditional fuels intermittently in                                                                into circulation. A major problem hampering safety             As at other stages of the LPG supply chain, illegal
    a stove placed next to the gas cylinder, increasing    Cylinder end-life                                           of requalification practices is the existence of               or unauthorized operations impede efforts to build
    the risk of an accident. In some cases, kerosene is                                                                parallel grey markets, adding counterfeit or unsuited          a safe image of LPG and diminish the attractiveness
    stored alongside the LPG cylinder. Other potential     LPG cylinders typically require regular maintenance         products in the market. That is why new regulations            of cooking LPG generally. In addition, such practices
    causes of accidents include forgetting about a         to ensure they are still functioning properly. In           were approved in Kenya in 2019 after it was discovered         can prove to be major obstacles for corporations
    saucepan placed on the stove, which can lead to        addition, at periodic intervals, cylinders need to          that the interchange of LPG cylinders, which had been          seeking to enter emerging markets with their products
    liquids overflowing, extinguishing the flame and       be removed from the filling line and given a much           permitted under previous regulations, had seen brands          and services, exposing them to serious operational
    causing a gas leak [42].                               more rigorous check–a procedure known as                    lose track of 90% of their cylinders, discouraging             and reputational risks.
                                                           “requalification.” This usually involves the removal–       investment in further cylinders and requalifica-

19 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                              2. SAFETY ISSUES ALONG THE JOURNEY OF AN LPG CYLINDER | 20
3. IMPROVING LPG SAFETY                                                                                                          Regulatory frameworks                                      Regulatory entities, certification agencies, and
                                                                                                                                                                                            national LPG associations all need to play a role in the
                                                                                                                                 A strong and robust regulatory framework is crucial        enforcement of LPG-related laws and regulations:
                                                                                                                                 to ensure public safety, reassure consumers, and
At each stage of the LPG supply chain, different levers are available to mitigate                                                give the private sector confidence in its ability to         » Regulatory authorities: In Kenya, for example,
                                                                                                                                 generate adequate returns on investment. As stated             the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority
safety risks, and different sector actors have a role in pushing those levers.
                                                                                                                                 in the report “Scaling LPG for cooking in developing           regulates, monitors and supervises the
                                                                                                                                 markets: insights from Tanzania,” the government               importation, refining, exportation, transportation,
                                                                                                                                 must enforce LPG regulations concerning ownership              storage, and sale of petroleum and petroleum
Several complementary approaches that can be                       cylinder filling, refilling, and requalification. Education   and operating practices throughout the distribution            products [50].
adopted to improve safety along the LPG supply                     is important at all stages of the chain once the              network that both ensure safety and enable and
chain. They may be categorized as concerning the                   cylinder is in circulation. The greatest potential for        encourage the private sector to make ongoing                 » Licensing and certification agencies: In South
regulatory framework, training, education, and aware-              new technologies to improve safety lies in equipment          investments, given that LPG cylinders and other                Africa, LPG installers are required to register
ness, or new technology-based solutions. The first two             manufacturing, filling and refilling, home delivery and       equipment used in supply of fuel can be dangerous if           under the SAQCCGas (South African Qualification
approaches are largely the domain of the authorities,              installation, and its use in cooking.                         not well maintained or managed [13].                           & Certification Committee for Gas) to be able
though the private sector can play an important role.                                                                                                                                           to operate, and a Certificate of Conformity
The third is largely in the hands of LPG distributors or           Each of these levers is described below and                   The LPG business is generally regulated via national           (CoC) must be issued after completion of a gas
marketers, which are often privately owned.                        categorized as ‘major’–meaning the lever is critical to       policies and laws. Whilst many parts of the LPG                installation [51].
                                                                   resolve the safety challenge, and ‘minor’–where these         business generally fall under national energy and health
The potential for each of these levers to enhance                  mitigation measures can play a non-critical but helpful       and safety legislation, most countries have developed        » LPG industry associations: National LPG
safety in developing countries varies according to the             role to improve LPG safety. This section assesses             regulations specifically for LPG. Regulations often            associations, whose members generally include
stage of the LPG supply chain (see Table 2 below).                 the principal emerging private-sector technological           draw on international standards, which complement              marketing companies, cylinder manufacturing
In general, regulation can have the greatest impact in             solutions and their potential for improving safety in         local and company-specific standards. For instance,            and maintenance companies, government
ensuring the safety of equipment, LPG sourcing and                 developing countries based on surveys conducted.              for cylinder requalification, countries usually have           representatives, and consumer organizations, can
                                                                                                                                 their own inspection standards [47]. For example, in           contribute to regulation and policy formulation,
Table 2 - Main mitigation levers per identified safety barrier by supply chain stage                                             the Philippines, the local PNS 03-2-2014 standard              promotion of fair competition, adoption of
                                                                                                                                 is used; in Indonesia, there is a combination of local         international safety standards, collection and
                                                                     Mitgation levers          Minor              Major          and international guidelines (SNI1452:2011-Indonesia           dissemination of information, and education and
    Stage      Exact process involving potential safety barriers                            Training,          Emerging          National Standard to guide cylinder design and the             training [52].
                                                                                          education and       technogical        ISO 10464:2004-Gas cylinders inspection and testing
                                                                                           awareness           solutions
                                                                                                                                 standard. In addition, LPG marketers, particularly large   Policies and regulations governing the ownership of
      A        Equipment manufacturing                                                                                           multi-national corporations often also apply their own     cylinders are of crucial importance to ensuring safe
      B        LPG sourcing                                                                                                      standards, which are often stricter than the national      practices along the LPG cylinder supply chain.
                                                                                                                                 standards or regulations [48].
      C        LPG cylinder filling
                                                                                                                                                                                            Two LPG cylinder distribution models exist worldwide:
      C        LPG cylinder distribution to retailers                                                              –             Standards evolve constantly over time with                 the branded cylinder recirculation model (BCRM)
      C        LPG cylinder management by retailers                         –                                                    changing attitudes to safety and the emergence of          and the customer-controlled cylinder model (CCCM).
                                                                                                                                 new technologies. For example, the Kenya Bureau of         The BCRM has proven more successful, especially
   C D         Delivery and installation at end-customer home
                                                                                                                                 Standards launched a new standard for LPG smart            in early-stage markets (see the Alliance’s report on
      D        Cooking                                                                                                           metering in 2019 (KNWA 2885:2019) in collaboration         scaling LPG in developing countries), in large part
      D        Storage and care of cooking equipment
                                                                                                                                 with the company PayGo Energy [49].                        because it is more compatible with safety practices.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Under the BCRM, distributors and marketers are
   C D         Cylinder refill or replacement when empty                                                                                                                                    responsible for cylinder safety—including inspection,
      E        Cylinder requalification or scrapping                                                                                                                                        maintenance, and replacement—and refilling the

21 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                                                                        3. IMPROVING LPG SAFETY | 22
cylinders throughout their lifetimes. Under the CCCM,                                                                  A study carried out by the World Bank in 2011
end users own the cylinders and bring them to filling                                                                  found that the downstream petroleum laws and
stations to be refilled as needed, without regard to
                                                              Box 2 - Case study: regulatory changes                   general regulations governing the LPG sector in            Box 3 - Non-exhaustive list of good
the brand. With CCCM, cylinders in circulation tend
                                                              to improve safety in the lPG industry                    many developing countries are incomplete and               practices for personnel working in the
to become unsafe due to a lack of incentives for the                                                                   often antiquated [48]. The study assessed the legal        lPG industry supply chain [46]
re-filler to inspect and repair the cylinders, as well as a                                                            framework, industry and market structures and
                                                              In 2019, the Kenyan government
lack of clear rules and incentives for customers to have                                                               practices, supply arrangements and infrastructure,         At bulk distribution & storage phases:
                                                              enacted new laws aimed at putting an
cylinders properly inspected and repaired [13]. For                                                                    and pricing policies of 20 developing countries around
this reason, many countries have introduced or are
                                                              end to illegal refilling by disbanding                                                                               » Training should include product
                                                                                                                       the world to examine how LPG can contribute to
in the process of introducing a requirement for the           the LPG cylinder exchange pool that                                                                                    safety and emergency response
                                                                                                                       reducing household energy poverty in developing
BCRM. For example, the Government of Ghana is                 previously allowed up to 50 marketers                                                                                  procedures;
                                                                                                                       countries. It found that regulations typically do not
currently transitioning as rapidly as possible from           to sell gas to end customers and led                     contain specific provisions for LPG. Very few countries
                                                              to a number of illicit cylinder refill-                                                                              » Housekeeping should be under-
CCCM to BCRM to reduce deaths caused by LPG                                                                            have special regulations for LPG, though many have
                                                              ing operations springing up. The aim                                                                                   taken regularly.
accidents and to attract investment to scale up its                                                                    issued at least some national standards and/or
LPG industry [13] [53].                                       is to protect consumers from acci-                       formally adopted international or regional standards       At refilling plants:
                                                              dents caused by damaged and faulty                       for quality control and protection of occupational
In practice, the establishment of a traditional               cylinders, which have been on the                        health, safety, and environmental (HSE). International      » Having adequate parking space
regulatory regime for LPG distribution is not always          rise in the last decade. The reform                      standards are often applied by the regulators and             and good traffic flow for vehicles
effective in preventing accidents and ensuring safety,        allows oil marketing companies to                        the industry as a matter of fact, but without having a        moving through the plant reduces
especially in the poorest developing countries:               get together and form a mutual                           formal legal basis. Whether the rules are really applied      the risk of a collision;
                                                              LPG exchange agreement to enhance                        and enforced depends more on the institutional
   » The regulatory framework is not always clear
                                                              their access to the LPG cylinder                         structures and capacities of the authorities than on        » Cylinder-filling plants can be noisy
     or stringent enough: For example, In Nigeria,                                                                     the completeness and sophistication of the regulatory         facilities–it is important to protect
                                                              market [54].
     a review of downstream petroleum industry                                                                         framework, as well as on the characteristics of               the workforce from high noise levels
     operations revealed the “limitations of the                                                                       the suppliers and distributors in each country. The           for their health and to maintain
     framework such as incoherent laws, overlaps,                                                                      subsidiaries of major international oil companies             good levels of concentration.
     duplications, and conflicting regulatory functions”                                                               and well-organized local operators, privately or state-
     [55]. For example, there may be a lack of clarity        » Corruption and smuggling undermine safety              owned, tend to apply their own basic standards             At the requalification premises:
     between the roles of government ministries, and            regulations: For instance, illicit cross-border        regardless of the mandates and efficiency of the
     national petroleum corporations in the monitoring          activities in Thailand, mainly in the form of state-   applicable legislation in the country [48].                 » Destroying beyond repair when
     and enforcement of LPG safety regulations.                 subsidized LPG being smuggled into Myanmar                                                                           scrapping cylinders.
                                                                and Cambodia, have led to an increase in               Training, education, and awareness
   » A lack of a safety culture and poor enforcement            accidents involving cylinders [57] [58].                                                                          At the dealers’ and retailers’ level:
     of regulations: According to the World LPG                                                                        Engaging in education and awareness campaigns
     Association, the withdrawal of some of the               » Budget constraints impede the development and          on how to handle LPG safely is essential to promote         » Cylinders should be stored in well-
     larger multinational companies from the global             enforcement of regulations: In Kenya, setting up       and spread impactful messages on best practices               ventilated and secure areas that
     LPG business over recent years has increased               requalification centers or obtaining certification     with regard to LPG for cooking. Such awareness                have good access for emergency
     the need for enforcement of safety regulations,            from official regulated entities can prove to be       raising and education can bring down accident rates           removal in the event of an incident.
     including heavy penalties for non-compliance               very expensive for certain organizations [59],         substantially and eradicate misunderstandings
     [56]. For example, poor enforcement of illegal             even where distributors systematically comply          and misconceptions about safety that continue              Set up service agreements to provide
     refillers not only damages the reputation of the           with the national industry’s standards. In addition,   to discourage households in many markets from              delivery of the cylinder and connection
     sector, reducing customer demand, but also                 governments and regulators often do not have           switching to LPG [60] [61].                                to the appliance if requested by the
     leads to below-market prices, reducing the ability         adequate budget to properly enforce standards.                                                                    customer.
     of investors to achieve a return on investment.

23 | CLEAN COOKING ALLIANCE                                                                                                                                                                        3. IMPROVING LPG SAFETY | 24
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