LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG

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LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG
EN, Edition 2021

LUX NEWS                                                                   B.E.G.’s in-house

Lighting control

VOC sensors

Zone control
with KNX

 Reference projects

 First hospital with Minergie-   Maintenance via smartphone –    The use of cost-efficient lighting
 Eco-Standard certification      Efficient lighting control at   control in the Bürgerwiese
                                 Imperial College London         grammar school, Dresden

                                                                                         R O N ME

LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG

                                                                   Dipl.-Ing. Friedrich Brück
                                                                   Founder and Managing Director at B.E.G.

               Dear readers,

               whether it is a new building or a renovation,       If you are equipping a refurbished property, with
               no major construction project is planned today      B.E.G. DALI-LINK we have the quick and easy
               without a well thought-out building automation      solution for retrofitting building automation.
               system. This involves much more than just swit-
               ching the light on and off appropriately. Modern    Our experts also have their say: Head of
               systems network all components with each            Technical Sales Marcel Kellermann talks about
               other, from the luminaires to the shading and air   next-generation BIM project planning in an
               conditioning.                                       interview.

               To make automation comfortable, the environ-        KNX product manager Christoph Börsch
               ment is included in the control. Sensors detect,    provides an insight into demand-based and
               for example, presence, brightness, wind, tem-       efficient temperature control with the new
               perature, etc. and thus enable the system to        KNX VOC sensor from the OCCULOG® family.
               react appropriately to the environment. This        In addition, operations manager Thomas
               creates the impression of an intelligent control    Nöthen answers frequently asked questions
               system. Humans can override the automatic           about our products.
               control at any time.
                                                                   Read our three practical examples to see what
               But how can optimal lighting control be realised?   successful building automation can look like.
               We get to the bottom of this question in our        The Bürgerspital Solothurn (CH) achieved
               technical articles in this issue. Read how ligh-    its energy label with the use of B.E.G. KNX
               ting systems can be planned correctly and           occupancy detectors, among other things. The
               get to the bottom of the phenomenon of high         efficient lighting control at Imperial College
               inrush currents with us..                           London (GB) was implemented with DALI oc-
                                                                   cupancy detectors from B.E.G. Our occupancy
               Learn more about the modular, networkable           and motion detectors also contribute to energy
               and scalable B.E.G. DALI-SYS lighting control       efficiency in the Bürgerwiese grammar school
               system, exclusively and individually planned        in Dresden (DE).
               by our B.E.G. experts.
                                                                   I hope you enjoy reading!
               We will show you how perfectly coordinated
               light control works using the example of zone       F. Brück
               control with KNX.

LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG


 1 Technology
    Inrush currents                               4

 2 Lighting control
    with DALI-SYS                                  9

 3 Reference project
    Bürgerspital Solothurn                        12

 4 Interview
    BIM-Suite                                     14

 5 Maintenance via smartphone
    Lighting control at Imperial College London   16
                                                       Lighting control
                                                       with DALI-SYS

 6 Interview
    The new KNX VOC sensor                        18

 7 Multi-room solution
    DALI-LINK Example: Medical practice           20

 8 Reference project
    Bürgerwiese Grammar School                    22

 9 Zone control
    with KNX                                      24

10 FAQ
    with Thomas Nöthen                            26

11 Imprint                                        27
                                                       Interview with Christoph Börsch

LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG

Planning lighting systems correctly
Reasons and solutions for the phenomenon of high inrush currents

Ballasts are needed to start and                     of the electronic ballasts, the luminaires are        Resistive loads
operate energy-saving light sources                  no longer operated at 50 Hz, but at frequen-          With resistive loads (e.g. halogen and incande-
                                                     cies up to 50,000 Hz. At the same time, the           scent lamps), no phase shift occurs between
such as LED and halogen lamps. Due
                                                     charge carriers are constantly present.               current and voltage in an AC circuit. The resis-
to the increased use of ECGs and                                                                           tance value can vary during operation. When
energy-saving lamps, problems with                                                                         cold, i.e. when switched on, the resistance of

high inrush currents are occurring                   ECGs offer further advantages:                        an incandescent lamp is lower than when it is
                                                     – a longer lamp life                                  heated up and glowing. This is why they are
more and more frequently. Swit-
                                                     – the possibility of direct current operation        also called PTC thermistors. When a halogen
ches, fuses or relays must be able                     (emergency operation)                               lamp is switched on, the current can be 15
to withstand these current peaks.                    – No reactive current compensation required           times higher than the specified rated current.

Achim Mauracher, Head of Product                     – a flicker-free start of the lamp
                                                                                                           The higher the working temperature and the
Management at B.E.G., gives an                                                                             purity of the metals of the filaments, the higher
overview of causes and solutions.                    ECGs represent a capacitive load in the mains         the inrush current. The heating of the filaments
                                                     and they can be the cause of high inrush currents.    extends over several periods of the AC voltage.
There are different reasons for the occurrence of    When planning larger installations today, not         Thus, it is hardly possible to reduce the inrush
high inrush currents. One reason can be that the     only the rated current but also the inrush            current by switching at the voltage minimum
material ofthe consumer has a different resistance   current must be taken into account. The rated         of the AC voltage (zero crossing).
in the cold state than in the warm state. These      current is the electrical current drawn by elec-
differences can be considerable, for example,        trical equipment when the equipment is sup-           Capacitive loads
the cold resistance of halogen lamps is up to 15     plied with the rated voltage and delivers its rated   With capacitive loads (e.g. ECG), the voltage
times smaller than the warm resistance. Heating      power. A 60 W light bulb has a rated current          lags behind the current and is 90° out of phase
takes around 5 ms, during which the power grid       consumption of 0.26 A at 230 V. The inrush            with purely capacitive, ideal loads. A capacitor
must withstand the high inrush current. With         current is the current that flows immediately         is arranged in the input circuit of an ECG,
LEDs, the inrush current can be much higher.         after an electrical product is switched on. De-       which is charged via a bridge rectifier and
However, it also takes less than 1 ms.               pending on the load, this can be greater or           supplies the operating voltage (DC voltage) to
                                                     less than the rated current.                          the ECG. At the moment of switching on, the
Lamps and ballasts are constantly being de-                                                                empty capacitor acts like a short circuit and
veloped and improved, as the total energy            Loads and their influence on inrush                   thus causes a high inrush current. The greater
consumption of the luminaire is made up of the       currents                                              the capacitance of the capacitor, the greater
lamp and the ballast. With (modern) electronic       In order to be able to reliably plan a project, the   this current can become. In addition, the
ballasts, 49 W lamps today achieve the same          loads with their different characteristics must       switch-on time also affects the size of the
brightness that previously required 58 W.            be well known. In an AC grid, a distinction is made   current: Switching on at the voltage maximum
Moreover, thanks to better luminous efficacy,        between three types of loads: resistive, capacitive   of the AC voltage is significantly less favour-
intrinsic losses are reduced to only 3 to 9 W.       and inductive. Each has a different effect on         able than at the voltage zero crossing.
Due to the semiconductor power electronics           the current flow and possible inrush currents.

LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG

The inrush current of ECGs can be up to 50 times    Impact of the power grid                              No standard for the reduction of
the rated current. Single-lamp ECGs with T5/T8      The structure of the power grid plays a decisive      inrush currents
lamps can usually cause inrush currents of          role with regard to the effect of high inrush         At best, high inrush currents should be avoided,
15-50 A with a pulse time of 120-200 μs.            currents. We speak of soft or hard grids. A soft      but this is not always possible. In the field of ligh-
                                                    grid results in a high internal resistance and        ting, we are first faced with the problem that
Inductive loads                                     low inrush currents. With a hard grid it is exactly   the specification of the inrush current for ECGs
If a DC voltage is applied to an inductive com-     the opposite. Its low internal resistance results     is currently not standardised, as it depends on
ponent (a coil), the inrush current increases       in high inrush currents. Whether a grid is soft       the impedance. There are also no legal require-
slowly at first because the induced counter-        or hard is influenced by system-specific factors:     ments to reduce inrush currents to a minimum.
voltage counteracts the applied voltage (Lenz‘s     the proximity to the nearest mains transformer,       ECGs with up to 60 A inrush current are cur-
law). A high inrush current therefore does not      the cable thicknesses used, the cable lengths,        rently available on the market, whereby the
occur. With AC voltages, the current rushes         the way the cables are laid, the number of con-       inrush currents also depend on the light
after the voltage and is 90° out of phase with      sumers and their type (capacitive, inductive,         source used. Therefore, high-quality circuit
purely inductive, ideal loads. Each coil, since     resistive).                                           breakers or contactors must be installed in
it usually consists of wound copper wire, has                                                             buildings and actuators with powerful relays
an ohmic resistance value that reduces the          If direct current flows through the line, the         must be used. This is often done at the expense
short-circuit current when the AC voltage is        current flow depends almost only on the               of size or price. It is therefore important to pay
switched on. Due to this and due to Lenz‘s law,     ohmic resistance. The shape of the line has           attention to quality products with low inrush
a maximum of twice the nominal current can          no influence on the current strength. If a high       currents during the planning stage.
flow in ideal coils after the AC voltage is         current is required, the line must be corres-
switched on (in the case of coils without an iron   pondingly thick. This corresponds to a small
                                                                                                          In addition to rated current and
core). However, switching off the voltage is        direct current resistance (see picture direct
                                                                                                          design, circuit breakers are also
more critical here, as energy is stored in the      current). If, on the other hand, the current is
                                                                                                          differentiated according to trip-
built-up magnetic field. In the worst case,         suddenly needed (impulse), its strength is de-
                                                                                                          ping characteristics:
this energy can cause high voltages and arcs.       termined and limited by the shape of the line
To avoid arcing/burning, switching off at zero      (width and surface). The resistance at the end        B – standard line protection
current is optimal.                                 of the line is not important at first. What is        C – for higher inrush current (machines and
                                                    decisive is the impedance, i.e. the resistance            lamp groups)
                                                    that the line offers to an alternating or impulse     D – s trongly inductive or capacitive loads
Much more critical are coils with iron cores.       current flowing into it. This value is a charac-          (transformers, solenoids, electronic
Toroidal transformers are often used for low-       teristic of the line and does not increase with           ballasts).
voltage halogen lamps. They have a very good        the length of the line (see figure pulse current).
efficiency, hardly hum and can be used with a
phase control dimmer. Iron has the ability to
store magnetism. The residual magnetism,
the so-called remanence, remains in the iron
after the operating voltage is switched off.
The magnetisation of the iron core takes place
in time with the applied AC voltage frequency.
The remanence depends on the moment of
switching off the AC voltage, which is why a
lot or little energy can be stored in the iron.
If the iron core has reached its saturation, i.e.
the maximum remanence, when it is switched
off and is now switched on again with the
half-wave, which has the same polarity as the
remanence, inrush currents of up to 50 times
the nominal current can occur. The iron in the
transformer core continues to be magnetised
in the same direction as before, but has already
reached saturation or maximum remanence.
This means that the transformer now has no
inductive resistance and is a short circuit.

LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG

Protection against high inrush cur-                 For the industrial sector, the switching capacity     bridged by a switching contact. This (additional)

rents with presence/motion detectors                specifications AC1 and AC3 have become esta-          switching contact now only has to carry the

In automated buildings, products are no longer      blished. These are described in the standard          rated current and is usually designed with a

switched by means of simple wall switches.          DIN EN 60947-4-1 (contactors and motor starters).     low switching capacity (see picture Inrush

With a KNX bus, for example, actuators switch       The utilisation category AC1 refers to the swit-      Current Limiter).

relays in response to a telegram. With an occu-     ching of resistive loads (up to cos phi = 0.8) and

pancy/motion detector, relays close automati-       the category AC3 to the switching of inductive

cally if movement is detected in the room. The      loads (cos phi = 0.45). In building technology,

relays are therefore the components that are        category AX devices are used because of the

exposed to the high inrush currents.                capacitive loads; these are described in DIN EN
                                                    60669 (switches for household). For 6 A devices,

With simple relays that only have a contact         a test with 70 μF and for devices larger than 6 A,

made of silver-tin oxide, there is a risk that      a test with 140 μF is required. Devices of utili-

the contact will weld due to the high current.      sation category C load are suitable for fluore-

B.E.G. uses Schrack’s RT.3T relay for its detec-    scent lamps up to 200 μF.

tors. This relay switches with two switching
processes: First, a tungsten pre-contact clo-       Reduction with Inrush Current Limiter                 Both the inrush current limiter and the occu-

ses, which absorbs the large inrush currents.       An inrush current limiter is a resistor that is       pancy/motion detector have a switching relay,

The silver-tin-oxide contact that closes later      connected first in the supply line of electronic      whereby the weaker relay determines the

takes over the rated current. The following         loads. It reduces the inrush current. In its sim-     maximum rated current (example: the detector

information can be taken from the relay data        plest form, this is an NTC resistor connected in      can switch 3,600 W, the limiter only 690 W).

sheet: Rated current 16 A, during the first 20      series with the load. An NTC resistor (resistor

ms max. 165 A. Unfortunately, it is not pos-        with a strongly negative temperature coeffi-

sible to draw a direct conclusion from this         cient) is highly resistive at first and thus limits   Reduction with zero-crossing circuit
relay data as to which currents the entire          the inrush current. The current heats up the          Ohm‘s law describes the relationship between

device can handle. Other factors such as the        resistor, greatly reducing its resistance value       voltage U, current I and resistance R (U = R x I).

form and level of the relay‘s excitation volta-     (up to 1/15). With this simple solution, the NTC      The 230 V mains voltage is an alternating

ge, the thickness of the conductor path bet-        resistor is constantly in the supply line. Conse-     voltage which, in the ideal case, represents a

ween the terminals and the relay, or possibly       quently, losses occur here in normal operation        sine wave with a period of 20 ms (50 Hz). It

other protective circuits installed in the device   (after the inrush current has died down), as          oscillates between the values 0 V, +325 V, 0 V

(e.g. zero-crossing detection) play a role here.    its resistance does not reduce to 0 Ohm. The          and -325 V (corresponds to 230 V effective).

However, the leading tungsten contact does          larger the connected load, the larger the rated       If a capacitive load is switched on at the peak

not provide protection against arcing effects,      current, and thus the losses at the NTC resistor      point, i.e. at +/-325 V, the maximum inrush

as these occur when inductors are switched off.     also increase.                                        current occurs. If it is switched on at zero
                                                                                                          crossing, i.e. at 0 V, there is no inrush current

When using ECGs with 50 A inrush current,                                                                 (with capacitive loads, current and voltage are

even the RT.3T relay has already reached its                                                              90° out of phase).

power limit with three ECGs. Here, additional                                                             High inrush currents caused by capacitive

contactors connected downstream of the relay                                                              loads can be reduced by a zero-crossing circuit.

contact offer a solution. Contactors are designed                                                         Here, the AC voltage is analysed, whereby zero

for high switching capacities. They have arc ex-                                                          crossings and the time between them must

tinction chambers and tie rods instead of hinged                                                          be detected. With a 230 V/50 Hz mains, a

armatures. However, their use incurs additional                                                           zero-crossing occurs periodically every 10 ms.

costs that must be taken into account.                                                                    If a zero crossing is detected, it can be assumed
                                                                                                          that the next one will occur after 10 ms. Such

Use categories can be a decision-                                                                         an analysis can be done, for example, by an

making aid                                          After switching off the load, the NTC resistor        optocoupler and a microcontroller.

One possible decision-making aid for the selec-     must cool down so that it can fulfil its protec-
tion of switchgear is the so-called utilisation     tive function again. If the load is only switched     A relay consists of mechanical parts that have
category. Especially in building system techno-     off briefly and then switched on again, the           an inertia. If the coil of a relay is activated,
logy, performance categories are formed that        NTC resistor no longer has a protective effect.       the contacts of the relay close with a delay
cover typical applications. Typical applications    To reduce losses during normal operation,             of 5-20 ms (acceleration of the armature and
are, for example, motor loads or fluorescent        higher-quality inrush current limiters have           flight time of the switching tongues/lead
lamps. These performance classes are laid           an additional relay contact. At the moment of         time). If the lead time is known and if it is also
down in national and international standards        switch-on, an NTC resistor continues to absorb        known when the next zero crossing is to be
and must be verified by defined tests.              the peak currents, after which the resistor is        expected, the microcontroller can determine

LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG

when it has to activate the relay. The lead           Circuits that switch on the load when the voltage
time can be determined in different ways. In          crosses zero are optimally suited for capacitive
the simplest case, it can be found in the relay‘s     loads, i.e. ECGs. They do not provide protection
data sheet. However, the lead time is not a           for inductive loads. For these, switching off
constant value, it depends on the level of the        should take place at the zero-crossing of the
coil voltage, mechanical variations due to the        current. This avoids voltage peaks that can occur
manufacturing (tolerances) or the wear of the         during the reduction of the magnetic field and
contacts (ageing process). The most accurate          cause arcs at the relay contacts.
time can only be achieved by permanent re-
measurement. This creates a control loop that         A good solution are circuits that recognise the
constantly optimises the activation time for          connected load. Universal dimmers, for example,
the relay (see picture zero-crossing circuit).        check whether the connected load is capacitive
                                                      or inductive and then switch accordingly in
The principle of the zero-crossing circuit can be     the leading edge phase or the trailing edge
implemented in various ways. The more precisely       phase. However, integrating such automatic
the zero-crossing is hit, the lower the inrush cur-   load detection into switch actuators or occu-
rents. However, hitting the zero-crossing exactly     pancy/motion detectors does not currently
implies a higher effort and thus higher manufac-      have a cost/benefit ratio.
turing costs.

LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG

The question of how many electronic ballasts
can be connected to a switchgear cannot be
answered in a general way. The system- and
application-specific factors depend neither on
the manufacturer of the switchgear nor on
the manufacturer of the ECG.

For capacitive loads, e.g. ballasts, the sum of
the inrush currents limits the number of units.
The inrush current also depends on system-
specific factors, such as the type of supply
network (soft/hard grid). The rated current
consumption is rather subordinate, but must
still be taken into account. Only a limited
number of ballasts can therefore be connec-
ted to circuit breakers, occupancy/motion
detectors or switch actuators (see Conclusion

            Load                                                                                               Switchgear
              Resistive, inductive, capacitive                                                                  Technical data
              Rated power, inrush currents
                                                                    Factors for high
      Luminaire manufacturer                                        inrush currents                                              Manufacturer
      Transformer manufacturer                                                                                                   switchgear e.g. B.E.G.

                                                                                                   Energy supplier
                                                      Soft/hard grid
                                                      External/internal protection measure

                                        Dipl. -Informatiker Achim Mauracher is Head of Product Management at B.E.G.

LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG

Optimum lighting control with B.E.G. DALI-SYS
When people think of building                  flexible system. CAD drawings are created         Optimal brightness measurement
automation, the first image that               and lighting groups defined in close consul-      But how do multisensors detect the required
                                               tation with the planner and the building ow-      amount of light? In addition to the PIR sensors for
often comes to mind is automatic
                                               ners. For the commissioning, which is often       motion detection, the multisensors have bright-
lighting control. This is because              very complex, the B.E.G. system integrator        ness sensors via which a daylight-dependent
artificial lighting is used inten-             comes to the construction site. He optimally      control of the lighting can be realised. Further-

sively every day and accounts                  aligns the system to the building and defines     more, the multisensor only dims as much artifici-
                                               rules and user authorisations. This way, the      al light as is really needed to reach the preset lux
for a large proportion of energy
                                               users can access exactly the part of the sys-     value in the room.
consumption. Therefore, modern                 tem that is relevant to them.
building automation includes the                                                                 A prerequisite for the optimal function of the

intelligent and demand-oriented                As an example, think of employees in a large      light control is a brightness value that is as ac-
                                               building complex: as they do at home, they        curate as possible. This first requires a suitable
control of lighting. Among other
                                               can activate the light control via the light      installation location on the ceiling where the
things, this is made possible by               switch when they enter their offices. The         measurement is influenced as little as possible
multi-sensors that control the                 multisensor then takes over the intelligent       by disturbance variables such as reflections,

artificial light depending on pre-             control in the room. Via the passive infrared     direct sunlight or other light sources. The bright-
                                               sensor („PIR“), for example, movement in the      ness value should always be measured in the
sence and brightness.
                                               room is detected and thus, depending on           darkest part of the room. Nevertheless, the
                                               the programming, the light is automatically       detection range of the detector must of course
B.E.G. DALI-SYS is a DALI-based lighting       switched on and off. Thanks to the measured       first cover the action range of the room user.
control system. The optimal solution for the   brightness value, only as much artificial light
respective object is planned exclusively and   as needed is then added to the natural light.     A prerequisite for the optimal function of
individually by the B.E.G. experts using the                                                     the light control is a brightness value that

LUX NEWS B.E.G.'s in-house - BEG

is as accurate as possible. This first requires
a suitable installation location on the ceiling
where the measurement is influenced as little                                        >250 Lux

as possible by disturbance variables such as
reflections, direct sunlight or other light sources.
The brightness value should always be mea-
                                                                        >500 Lux

sured in the darkest part of the room. Never-
theless, the detection range of the detector
must of course first cover the action range of
the room user..

Suitable reflection factor
                                                                                     ca. 250 Lux

For optimal lighting control, the difference bet-
                                                                                                                             Dieter Walz, Product Manager at B.E.G.
ween the brightness at the desk and the bright-
ness at the ceiling must be balanced in the                            ca. 500 Lux

logic of the multisensor. Therefore, the actual
value measured by the light sensor on the
ceiling is not used for the control in order to
supplement the natural light with the appro-             User interface
priate amount of artificial light. Instead, a            The employees can dim the light via the push-
so-called reflection factor is used as the ratio         button if they need more or less brightness.
of light between the work surface and the                Alternatively, they can also intervene in the
ceiling.                                                 B.E.G. DALI-SYS control system via their PC.
                                                         By means of a user name and password, em-
With DALI-SYS, the weighting of the reflection           ployees are given access to areas in which
value is set individually according to the en-           they can influence the lighting control. The
vironmental variables of the respective place of         respective employee logs in via his browser
use. Here, the system administrator can select           and can control the light in his office. Via a
the ratio between 1:1 to 1:5 according to the            user-friendly interface, he selects scenes,
lighting conditions in the room. In rooms with           switches and dims the light so that he can
light floors and light furniture, the ratio bet-         work well.
ween ceiling and work surface is 1:1, in rooms
with dark floors and dark furniture 1:5. If required,    In the conference room, staff can also control
this automatic control can be overridden.                the light via their smartphone. So-called scenes
                                                         are stored in the system for different meeting     Functions
                                                         situations, which can be called up with a click.   and building management system
                                                         For this purpose, the luminaires in the room       A special function of B.E.G. DALI-SYS is called
                                                         are divided into groups and assigned dimming       „Guided Light“, which is also known on the
                                                         values. The staff can then switch from the         market as „swarm intelligence“. With this
                                                         „Meeting“ scene with full illumination of the      function, luminaire groups are synchronised
                            ca. 250 Lux   Faktor = 0,5

                                                         conference table to the „Presentation“ scene       across DALI lines. Thus, when movement
                                                         with dimmed light in the area of the projection    is detected, not only the luminaire group
                  500 Lux
                                                         screen.                                            in which the movement is detected swit-
                                                                                                            ches on the light. The adjacent luminaire
                                                                                                            groups also react, but with dimmed light.


           Thus, the user is surrounded by a „cloud of light“   cations. Key figures such as the lighting duration
           that dims towards the outside. The user can there-   of individual lamps or the energy consumption
           fore see what is happening in the adjacent           of the system can be viewed transparently at
           areas at all times; he never looks from a brightly   any time. A system administrator can monitor,

           lit area into a pitch-black area. The function is    configure and maintain the systems via PC or
           ideal for use in staircases, corridors or open-      mobile devices. This is how user-friendly and
           plan offices. Thanks to dimming, the use of the      environmentally friendly lighting controls can

           Guided Light function is more cost-effective         be set up today with networked systems.
           than the usual complete 100% lighting.

           The connection of B.E.G. DALI-SYS to a higher-
           level building management system or to parallel
           existing systems for other trades such as
           heating, ventilation, blind control or access
           control can be easily realised via the B.E.G
           DALI-SYS BACnet router. Up to 712 so-called
           nodes are provided per router via BACnet/IP,
           with the help of which lighting values, presence
           and status information can be read out. So-
           called multi-state objects allow different ligh-
           ting control commands to be routed to the B.E.G.

           DALI-SYS system from a higher-level software.
           In this way, the lighting control system can be

           overridden from a BACnet-based control centre,
           for example.

           „Hidden“ functions such as the remote main-
           tenance option or the software update of B.E.G.
           control devices via the DALI bus contribute to
           the very high operational reliability of B.E.G.
           DALI-SYS. Maintenance is facilitated by a quick
           system overview and automatic error notifi-



First hospital with Minergie-
Eco-Standard certification
The Bürgerspital Solothurn is the first hospital in Switzerland to be certified   The new building of the Bürgerspital Solothurn

according to the Minergie-Eco standard. This energy label combines high           was implemented with a total value of 340
                                                                                  million Swiss francs. 62,800 sqm of building
energy requirements with ecological construction and operation. B.E.G. KNX
                                                                                  space are now available and must be managed
occupancy detectors are an integral part of the energy-efficient building         in an energy-efficient manner. In this context,
automation.                                                                       lighting control is also of great importance,
                                                                                  because in order to achieve the Minergie-Eco
                                                                                  standard, proof of energy efficiency had to be
                                                                                  provided for the lighting.

                                                                                  The hospital is equipped with a building manage-
                                                                                  ment system, to which the lighting control
                                                                                  was connected via KNX. The partner for the
                                                                                  lighting control was chosen early on, as the
                                                                                  hospital‘s technical service has been relying
                                                                                  on the high-quality occupancy and motion
                                                                                  detectors from B.E.G. and the expert advice
                                                                                  from Swisslux AG for years. Swisslux AG,
                                                                                  the exclusive distributor of B.E.G. products
                                                                                  in Switzerland, has been assisting the com-
                                                                                  missioned electrical planner Gode with the
                                                                                  planning since 2015. From 2019, Swisslux also
                                                                                  supported the integrator in commissioning
                                                                                  the KNX system.

                                                                                  Jannik Muhmenthaler, Head of Technical Ser-
                                                                                  vices at the hospital, says: „This is the first major
                                                                                  KNX installation in our hospitals in the canton.
                                                                                  Until now, we had only implemented small
                                                                                  applications. However, the possibilities for
                                                                                  energy savings and the flexibility of the KNX
                                                                                  installation in the new hospital quickly con-
                                                                                  vinced us.“

                                                                                  Measurements in hospitals have shown that
                                                                                  the lighting in the traffic zones (staircases,
                                                                                  corridors, etc.) accounts for the largest share
                                                                                  of energy consumption for lighting. Thus, a lot
                                                                                  of emphasis was placed on a good design of
                                                                                  the lighting automation for these areas. In
                                                                                  the new hospital, demand-oriented lighting is
                                                                                  ensured by suitable KNX occupancy detectors:


The corridors are equipped with PD4N-KNX-ST
occupancy detectors. This detector has a par-
ticularly large detection range of up to 24 m.
This means that large areas can be covered
cost-effectively with just a few detectors. In
the staircases, Indoor 180-KNX wall occupancy
detectors are installed on each floor. „The wall
detectors are simply inserted into the selected
switch range, which in the hospital is EDIZI-
Odue from Feller. This way, the occupancy
detector merges with the switch design,“ ex-
plains Stefan Kull from Swisslux.

For safety reasons, the lights in the traffic zones
are never switched off completely, even if they
are little used at night. In order to minimise energy
consumption, the lighting is reduced to an orien-
tation light value of 30 % at night when no
movement is detected. This maintains the neces-
sary safety in the traffic areas with efficient
energy utilisation.

The staircases and corridors are operated in            By choosing KNX for lighting control, the system
full-automatic mode, which means that the               can be expanded or adapted at any time. New
lighting is activated immediately when move-            components can be easily integrated via the
ment is detected. The side rooms, which are             bus. If rooms are used differently in the future,
equipped with PD2-KNX-ST occupancy detec-               the KNX occupancy detectors can be easily
tors, are also programmed in full-automatic             reprogrammed via the ETS programming
mode.                                                   software so that they are optimally aligned to
                                                        the new requirements. This flexibility was one
Light plays a central role in the hospital‘s            of the main reasons for choosing the system.
treatment rooms and offices. Even the archi-
tecture places great emphasis on plenty of light        Jannik Muhmenthaler from the technical
in all rooms: There are several spacious atriums        service: „In the planning and implementation,
that let in sunlight and are attractively designed      Swisslux AG was a competent partner, as in pre-
with art projects. The treatment rooms and              vious projects. With their expertise, they helped
offices are equipped with large windows, and            us to achieve the Minergie-Eco standard speci-
the lighting is controlled by PD4-KNX-ST occu-          fications in the lighting design. In addition, with
pancy detectors.                                        KNX we have a system that gives our hospital
                                                        long-term flexibility.“
Stefan Kull from Swisslux: „The occupancy
detectors in the treatment and office rooms
are operated in semi-automatic mode. This
means that the light control must be activated
via the light switch.“ From that moment on,
the occupancy detector takes over the lighting
control. When no more movements are detected,
the room lighting is automatically switched off.


                                                                                                   Next generation BIM project planning
                                                                             Interview with Marcel Kellermann, Head of Technical Sales at B.E.G.

Question: Mr Kellermann, this summer you            error-free process during the construction of        not 100% familiar with B.E.G. products have a
and your team launched a tool that can be           a building, a profitability analysis even before     quick and above all clear way of selecting the
used to find suitable BIM data. What exactly        construction has begun, and support in the           right occupancy detector. Customers can search
do you mean by BIM?                                 preparation of tenders.                              for products in our programme either via the
                                                                                                         technical requirements or via the room types
MK: The abbreviation BIM stands for „Building       Question: How can the trades participate in          to be equipped.
Information Modelling“, which is a process for      the process?
agile and networked planning, execution and                                                              Question: What information does the data that
subsequent building management. Product             MK: At first glance, it sounds very simple: every-   customers load into their BIM programme
information is mapped in BIM models and can         one feeds their information into the project.        contain?
even be visualised and transferred to other         Unfortunately, experience shows that it is not
trades. Each trade contributes its part to the      quite simple, because there are some questions       MK: The information in the product models is of
so-called BIM model or digital twin, so that in     to be answered. First of all, we have to find        the same quality as tender texts and provides
the best case a 1:1 image of the building with      out which tool is to be used in the process.         the trades with important information such as
all product information is created. BIM is a        Based on this, product models in IFC or Revit        voltage, detection areas for motion detection,
process rather than a method that involves          format will be used. Currently there are no          article numbers, etc. The product data is always
the exchange of information in planning, con-       norms or generally applicable standards for          kept up to date and can be „reloaded“ imme-
struction and operation.                            the German market.

Question: At what point does it make sense to       Question: As a manufacturer, what do you then
work with the help of the BIM process?              make available to customers?

MK: : The question of when the BIM method           MW: We provide the BIM data of our occupancy
should be used cannot be answered in a general      detectors in all common exchange formats. This
way. The larger and more complex the building,      means that our customers are free to choose
the more trades and materials or products           a BIM tool. In order to provide reliable data,
have to be coordinated. In infrastructure pro-      we have decided to adhere to international
jects, the use of BIM has already been anchored     standards that are already standard in other
in the last coalition agreement, and the first      European countries.
laws obliging the parties involved to use it will
most likely be passed soon. This may also follow    Question: How does the customer find the right
in the next few years for other state/municipal     product for his project in the product range?
construction projects. The use of the BIM method
makes sense: it is often understood as simple       MK: We developed the „B.E.G. BIM Suite“ to sup-
„3D planning to avoid collisions“. However, it      port our customers in their product selection.
does much more, for example, it ensures an          It was important to us that customers who are
                                                                                                                      Marcel Kellermann, Head of International
                                                                                                                       Technical Sales/Project Development


diately in the respective planning tool. In           Question: What developments do you expect
Germany, the LOI (Level of Information), which        in the BIM sector in the future?
is the benchmark for our data, is described in
VDI 2552, among others. In addition to the BIM        MK: In my opinion, the BIM process will become
files, the appropriate data sheets and instruc-       established in Germany for major projects in
tions can be downloaded directly from the             the next few years. The many committees
B.E.G. BIM Suite.                                     that have already formed will agree on a uni-
                                                      form standard that will make the process
Question: Won‘t the volume of data in the pro-        easier to implement. Until then, we will conti-
cess be too large if all trades feed in this wealth   nue to provide clients with the most common
of information?                                       formats.

MK: A prerequisite for a reliable process flow is
very good and detailed data. In order to reduce
the computing times, one then uses the level
of detail in the representation of the products.

The LOD (Level of Detail) can be changed directly     You can find the B.E.G. BIM suite here:
with B.E.G. using integrated plug-ins. The level
of detail can not only be increased, but can also
be reduced again very easily. In this way, simple
models (usually represented as a simple square)
can be used for basic planning and later high-
resolution models for customer presentations.
The important thing here is that the file size
actually changes, so that less computing power
has to be available when the models are reduced.
For those who want to view our products in
detail, they can be viewed from all sides in our
BIM Suite via 3D viewer to get a first impression
of the look.


Maintenance via smartphone - Efficient
lighting control at Imperial College London
Thanks to a donation from industrial designer Sir James Dyson, Imperial College London (ICL) was able to open the „Dyson
School of Design Engineering“ as a department of its engineering faculty in 2015. This is where the next generation of
much-needed engineers and technology leaders are trained. To provide the students with the best possible learning
environment, energy-efficient lighting control has now been implemented with DALI occupancy detectors from B.E.G.


The university‘s requirements were varied. On        This detector has been specially developed for
the one hand, the system should be user-             classrooms and lecture halls with a window
friendly and easy to maintain. The university‘s      front on one side. Up to four luminaire groups
maintenance team should be able to implement         can be set up via the occupancy detector. One
requirements themselves on a day-to-day              luminaire group is defined on the whiteboard,
basis. In addition, the system should signifi-       the light bands in the room are divided into
cantly reduce energy costs in the lighting           three zones.
area, also by integrating natural daylight into
the lighting control. A variety of different         A double push-button next to the door can be
spaces such as lecture halls, laboratories,          used to control the lighting on the white-
offices, corridors, staircases, toilets and          board and the main lighting. Offset values
storage rooms had to be taken into                   have then been defined for the lighting zones.
account. The ICL chose the lighting control          The window strip, for example, is dimmed by
                                                                                                                        Tom Greenrod, Specification Manager at B.E.G.
experts from B.E.G., who have specialised            25% in relation to the main light, as it is always
in automatic lighting control for decades. In        brighter at the window due to the natural
collaboration with Buro Happold‘s technical          light. If the brightness sensor detects a change       No occupancy detectors were to be used in the
consultants, B.E.G. drew up a plan that took         in natural light, the luminaires are adjusted          laboratories. The ICL wanted to avoid the ligh-
into account both the use of natural daylight        accordingly. Areas such as side corridors, stair-      ting being switched off completely when there
and the specific lighting control requirements       wells, toilets and storage rooms do not have           are people in the room who are not moving for
of each area.                                        to be continuously lit in the ICL. However, the        a longer period of time. This would be a safety
                                                     light must be reliably switched on when people         risk for the experimental work in the labora-
Tom Greenrod, Specification Director at B.E.G.       are in the areas. It is precisely in these areas,      tories. Therefore, only DALI twilight switches
UK, says: „The space requirements at Imperial        which are only used for a short time, that             were used in these rooms. These regulate the
College London meant that we had to care-            most energy consumption can be saved. That             light strip at the window and thus save at least
fully specify the lighting control for each indi-    is why it is important to select the right pro-        some energy.
vidual room, there was no ‚one product fits all‘     ducts for these areas that are optimally suited
solution. The luminaires selected for the pro-       to the rooms. The wide range of B.E.G. DALI            B.E.G. not only supplied all the components for
ject are DALI dimmable, so products from the         occupancy detectors available meant that sui-          the daylight-dependent lighting control. From
B.E.G. DALI portfolio were chosen to match.          table detectors could be used for all areas of         the planning stage to the final acceptance, the
                                                     the building.                                          experts are always on hand to provide ICL with
The lecture halls and offices are almost per-                                                               advice and support, even on site. For example,
manently occupied during regular working             A special feature can be found in the main stair-      it was determined for each detector whether it
hours. It is therefore necessary that the light is   case: there hangs a historic chandelier that is        would be used in full or semi-automatic mode,
switched on most of the time. However, with          still supplied with 230V. It is the only lighting in   whether it would be supplemented by a push-
the new regulation, natural daylight should          the building without a DALI connection. Never-         button for manual switching and in which con-
be included in the lighting control. If a lot of     theless, it is switched together with the DALI         stellation master-slave connections would be
natural daylight falls through the windows,          luminaires of the staircase via the occupancy          used.
the artificial light can then be reduced.            detector. This is made possible by a DALI occu-
                                                     pancy detector that has a DALI and a switching         For the initial installation, B.E.G. staff came to the
The greatest daylight yield is achieved close        output.                                                site to ensure that the correct wiring was im-
to the windows; the further away from the                                                                   plemented for each type of DALI detector used
window front, the less daylight arrives. The         These 2-channel detectors are also used in the         and that commissioning with master-slave
continuous rows across the room must com-            toilets where, in addition to lighting, ventilation    links was programmed as planned. The detectors
pensate for these differences in brightness.         should also be controlled via presence. The DALI       were programmed via the free B.E.G. app for
For this reason, the lecture halls and offices       output controls the lighting depending on bright-      Android and Apple smartphones using the
are equipped with PD4-DAA4G occupancy                ness, the potential-free contact switches on           B.E.G. infrared adapter. This app allows easy
detectors.                                           the ventilation when movement is detected.             programming of all B.E.G. DALI detectors used
                                                                                                            in this project.
                                                     In the main corridors, the light should never be
                                                     completely switched off for safety and comfort.        The on-site meetings of the B.E.G. experts with
                                                     The „orientation light“ function of the DALI master    the planners and installers ensured a quick and
                                                     occupancy detectors is used here. The illuminance      error-free installation. After the successful
                                                     is dimmed to 20% when the area is unused. In           commissioning, the B.E.G. experts trained the
                                                     this way, safety is ensured here with low power        university‘s maintenance team in the use of
                                                     consumption.                                           the B.E.G. app, so that the ICL can now maintain
                                                                                                            and manage its system itself via smartphone.


Perfect indoor climate
thanks to the new KNX VOC sensor
The new B.E.G. wall sensor with VOC function from the OCCULOG® family measures air quality (VOC) and humidity and is also
a temperature controller. We spoke to B.E.G. product manager Christoph Börsch about the possibilities of the innovation.

Question: Mr Börsch, you talk about „perfect              differently (dew point, absence, building protec-      Question: So the rotary wheel is for temperature
indoor climate“ via KNX, what does the indoor             tion, comfort temperature and night setback).          control?
climate depend on?                                        In this way, the control is automatically adapted
                                                          to the current situation..                             CB: This is not necessarily the case, as almost
CB: The indoor climate is made up of different                                                                   everything can be set up individually according
factors. On the one hand, there is the tempera-           Question: But surely there are ways for the user       to the user‘s wishes. The rotary wheel can also
ture, which should be within the user‘s comfort           to intervene in the regulation?                        be used for the air quality or the humidity, the
zone. On the other hand, we are also talking                                                                     system integrator can set this in the ETS. Then
about air quality and humidity. If there are too          CB: Yes, of course: If, for example, the user needs    either the set value for the air quality or the
many volatile substances in the air or if it is too       the living temperature (comfort temperature)           set value for the air humidity can be changed
dry or too damp, this has a negative impact on            for longer on some days, he can use the „Comfort       accordingly via the rotary wheel.
the user.                                                 extension“ button to postpone the night set-
                                                          back until later. We also have the option for the      Question: How is air quality determined?
Question: If we now start with the temperature,           user to regulate the stored temperature via the
how is this optimally set?                                rotary wheel on the WS-VOC-HVAC-KNX. To do             CB: The measurement of air quality is carried
                                                          this, an offset value in relation to the stored com-   out using volatile organic compounds (VOC).
CB: First of all, there is the set value, which is sto-   fort temperature is set in the ETS, for example        The optical sensor determines the saturation
red in the ETS. The temperature controller has            +/-5°C. An LED shows in red and blue whether the       of suspended matter in the air. Alternatively,
various operating modes that are prioritised              system is currently heating or cooling.                the CO2 eq can also be output. We all know it:


                                                         humidity in the air can quickly accumulate,
                                                         even then the appropriate LED traffic light
                                                         warns or the follow-up programming provides
                                                         a remedy.

                                                         Question: In order to use this, limit values have
                                                         to be set up. According to what criteria is this

                                                         CB: We have factory-set limit values. We had
                                                         these determined and defined by an indepen-
                                                         dent laboratory. Our limit values are signi-
                                                         ficantly below the values prescribed in the
                                                                                                                          Christoph Börsch, Product Manager at B.E.G.
                                                         standard. As with all B.E.G. KNX products, the
                                                         VOC wall sensor can be put into operation
                                                         directly with the factory settings. The values
                                                         cover a good 90 % of the standard require-          Question: There are endless possibilities in the
                                                         ments. However, and we are also known for           KNX area. What kind of links are conceivable?
                                                         this, the integrator can also change each value
                                                         himself and thus adapt the product to the           CB: Of course, additional KNX components en-
                                                         individual requirements of his project.             able even more comfort, for example, the mea-
                                                                                                             surement data can be output via a visualisation.
                                                         Question: That‘s quite a lot of technology for      The user then has the option of specifying his
                                                         such a small device. How and where can the          or her desired values via the visualisation. The
                                                         new sensor be installed?                            control can also be linked to presence via a KNX
                                                                                                             occupancy detector. In this way, the temper-
                                                         CB: We have built the wall sensor so compact        ature is controlled efficiently and according to
when you enter a meeting room where people               that it can be used as a normal wall installation   demand.
have been meeting for two hours, you want to             in a standard flush-mounted box. It fits into all
open the window quickly. The limit value has             common 55 x 55 mm switch frames, an additi-
certainly been exceeded.                                 onal adapter for 63 x 63 mm switch frames is
                                                         included. The installation is particularly useful
Question: What happens if the stored limit               in rooms where people spend long periods of
values are exceeded?                                     time, such as offices, classrooms and meeting
                                                         rooms, but also in living areas.
CB: The VOC sensor displays the air quality in a
traffic light system, i.e. green, yellow, red. In this
way, users are visually reminded to ventilate,
which is extremely useful in times of Corona. In
the KNX system, it is possible to go even further
by using limit values for follow-up programming.
Then, when the limit is exceeded, the ventilation
is automatically switched on or the window is
opened. By the way, there are separate limit
values, two each for the traffic light and four
each for the switching of a sequence program-
ming. If you only want to use the sequence pro-
gramming, you can also switch off the LEDs.

Question: This then also works similarly for

CB: : Yes, the particles in the air are measured
optically as well. Every living being evaporates
water, especially when breathing and through
the skin. If there are many people in a room, the


DALI lighting control:
easy retrofitting
Demand-oriented lighting control with DALI occupancy detectors that detect movements and switch and control the
lighting accordingly can save energy and thus costs in areas with different levels of traffic.

At 18.3 %, energy consumption for lighting         We would like to show the advantages of               with voltage via the DALI bus and therefore
accounts for a significant share of the total      retrofitting with DALI-LINK and how easy it is        do not require an extra supply voltage feed
energy demand in non-residential buildings         for the installer to set it up using the example      line..
(BMWi, 2017c). Many companies are replacing        of a doctor‘s practice. The practice consists of
their outdated lighting systems with systems       a reception, a waiting room, two treatment            The 44 luminaires are distributed relatively re-
with LED luminaires. This is the easiest way to    rooms, two WC rooms and a laboratory, all con-        gularly over the entire area. To set up presence-
save energy costs and achieve better illumina-     nected by a corridor. Daylight shines in all rooms.   dependent control, a multisensor is installed
tion at the same time. Often, the LED luminaires   In order to optimally align the system, the re-       in each luminaire group. The model is selected
are directly DALI-capable, which makes the ad-     quirements are recorded at the beginning, in          according to the room size: for the large rooms
dition of an intelligent lighting control system   this case:                                            such as reception and treatment rooms, the
conceivably simple.                                                                                      PD4N is used, which covers a range of max. 24 m.
                                                   - Full automatic, presence-dependent                 The PD11 is used for the smaller rooms (labora-
Adding smart control to the lighting opens          switching on and off of all rooms/areas              tory and WCs). It is very inconspicuous due to
up further savings potential. When occupan-        - Daylight-dependent control in the reception        its flat lens and covers a range of max. 10 m.
cy detectors are used, the light is only swit-      and waiting area
ched on when it is really needed. In this way,     - Manual override via conventional buttons in        In order to override the automatic light control
areas that previously had to be constantly          both treatment rooms and in the laboratory           if required, DALI-LINK push-button interfaces are
lit for safety reasons to ensure that enough       - Orientation light in the waiting and sanitary      installed in the examination rooms, the labo-
light is available when someone is present          area                                                 ratory and at the reception. For the connection,
can now be lit depending on presence. In ad-       - Central off via conventional button on             the two wires of the old light switch are used
dition, DALI also means dimmable. The light         reception counter                                    for the DALI bus. The old switch can be replaced
sensors integrated in the detectors measure                                                              by conventional 2- or 4-way push-buttons with-
the brightness in the room and only control as     At the beginning of the renovation, the old           out the need for rewiring. The interface at the
much light as is really needed.                    fluorescent lamps are removed and replaced            reception is equipped with Bluetooth and can
.                                                  by modern DALI luminaires with LED light              thus be used to set up the DALI-LINK system.
                                                   sources. A 5-core cable is used for wiring the        The free B.E.G. DALI-LINK app is required to para-
                                                   DALI luminaires so that the DALI BUS can be           meterise the system. This can then be used to set
                                                   set up via the two remaining cores. It is im-         up the lighting control via the Bluetooth inter-
                                                   portant for the DALI-BUS that the NYM cable           face of the smartphone. First, the QR code printed
                                                   is not laid as a ring. The DALI power supply          on the DALI-LINK push-button interface is
                                                   is installed in the control box. The multimas-        activated with the app. The code is also enclosed
                                                   ter-capable DALI multisensors are supplied            with the product in paper form. It is advisable


to attach it to the project documents. This way,
access can be reactivated later without having to
uncover the push-button interface again.                      3       4       5
The „smart addressing“ command automatically
assigns addresses to all units in the DALI line. If the
system is newly set up on an old DALI system,
it makes sense to deactivate the „smart addres-
sing“ command at the beginning. This deletes
all short addresses of the DALI devices. After            1       7           6
address assignment, the devices are grouped
and named. The luminaires are divided into
eight groups according to their position (see
graphic). The occupancy detectors and push-
button interfaces are assigned to the luminaire
groups with a few clicks in the app. Afterwards,
the parameterisation is carried out. In this pro-
cess, all of the customer‘s requirements can be
easily implemented.


All areas optimally controlled
The use of a cost-efficient lighting control system in the Bürgerwiese grammar school, Dresden

With 950 pupils and 54 teachers,                    Learning in homogeneous lighting                    Long corridors frequented for a short
the Bürgerwiese grammar school                      conditions                                          time
                                                    A fundamental requirement is the uniform illu-      School buildings are usually characterised by
is one of the largest schools in
                                                    mination of all workplaces in the classrooms.       the long corridors leadingtothe classrooms. Not
Dresden. The central location on                    The one-sided window frontage of the rooms          so at the Bürgerwiese grammar school:
Lennéplatz and the modern rooms                     must be compensated for. The system should          The modern building form is curved like a boome-

with large windows and lots of light                be able to control and switch reliably, but also    rang. This creates a sheltered schoolyard on the
                                                    to be overridden by push-buttons if neces-          outside and corridors with long and short areas
make the school particularly attrac-
                                                    sary, for example when a film is being shown.       on the inside. The long corridors are additionally
tive. The occupancy and motion                                                                          interrupted by partition walls that open up niches
detectors from B.E.G. contribute to                 In all classrooms, the PD4-M-TRIO-DIM is in-        for lockers, washbasins and doors. These de-

energy efficiency.                                  stalled. This occupancy detector was specially      manding corridors require a well thought-out
                                                    developed for use in classrooms. It is aligned in   lighting design.
                                                    such a way that one light sensor is directed at
From the beginning of the new building project,     the workstations by the window and the other
the school board knew that the building would       light sensor is directed at the workstations on
be equipped with the latest technology. In addi-    the wall. In this way, two lighting zones can
tion to an energy-efficient lighting system, this   be defined. The same lux value is specified for
also includes sensible lighting control, because    both zones. The light strip on the wall is then
often the last pupil left the room without swit-    dimmed up earlier and more strongly than the
ching off the lights. Switching them off auto-      one on the window, so that the same bright-
matically after leaving the room is probably the    ness prevails at all workplaces.
most obvious way to save energy. But today,         Another decisive argument in favour of the
planners have many more options open to them        classroom detector is the additional relay that
than automatic switching. Each area of the          is used to switch the blackboard lighting in the
Bürgerwiese Gymnasium has its own individual        Bürgerwiese grammar school. This is thus de-
requirements, and each has been equipped with       coupled from the dimmed light strips and en-
the appropriate, customised solution.               sures good illumination of the blackboard area.

You can also read