Management 2021 The Managers' Voice: 300 global managers on what's needed, right now - World Class Manager

Page created by Bill Ryan
Management 2021
The Managers’ Voice:
300 global managers on what’s needed, right now
Our research finds new managers are excited about taking
their first managerial role but that businesses are failing to
set them up for success.
As organisations across the world emerge from the          But... this energy and passion is quickly blunted
COVID-19 pandemic the role of their managers               because 62% of managers rated the quality of the
could not be more vital.                                   training and support they received in the first year as
                                                           poor, scoring it 5 or lower out of 10. This is a travesty
Your people have worked hard over the past year.
                                                           and demonstrates an absolute waste of energy, money
Indeed, many organisations report upturns in
                                                           and resources.
productivity. But they are also tired. In some cases
close to burnout. They have juggled work, family and       Indeed, we’d go so far as to say businesses are
health concerns. And now they face an uncertain            simply burning money, letting down their people
time as businesses adjust to the new reality of            and setting up managers to fail.
the post COVID world.
                                                           How much is failing to address new managers’
Right at the heart of this adjustment are your             needs costing you today? How much better will your
managers. It’s they who are responsible for engaging       organisation be if you did get this right? For if you are
your people day-to-day. They ensure your people are        not setting up your managers for success you are not
delivering the outputs required. They will be the first    setting up your employees for success.
to spot those signs of burnout. Great managers will
                                                           MANAGEMENT 2021 is about listening to what
be critical to the success of your organisation in 2021.
                                                           managers really need to do their job well, not what
At The Global Growth Institute we have worked with         we in HR and L&D think they need. Our hope is that
more than 1,000 organisations in 50 countries and          you find this paper, the first in a series, to be practical
listened to the views of tens of thousands of              and useful.
managers over the past five years.
                                                           For management is the new battleground for
In light of these rapid changes to work we wanted          organisations. If you win this battle, you’re going to
to know whether your new managers are ready                survive in the immediate future. But our experience
for the challenges ahead and how they feel about           shows that by making a few impactful changes you
becoming a manager. So in December 2020 we                 will thrive – and continue thriving, whatever future
conducted research with managers across the                challenges you face. We hope we can help you
world to understand what they really think and             along that journey.
what organisations are doing right – and wrong.
                                                           Wayne Clarke and Mark Vegh
First the good. Our research shows that two-thirds
of managers are excited about becoming a manager.
There is a lot of passion and energy ready for the
business to harness.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                                       WORLD CLASS MANAGER 2
5 indicators that managers are not being given the support
they need to set them up for success:

 1. HOW DID YOU FEEL                   2. HOW MUCH                           3. IS YOUR CURRENT
 ABOUT BECOMING A                      TRAINING AND                          MANAGER A GOOD
 MANAGER?                              SUPPORT DID YOU GET                   ROLE MODEL?
                                       IN YOUR FIRST YEAR?

          65%                                    62%                                    27%
 Scored 7 or above out of 10.          Scored 5 or under.                    Said No.

                    4. HOW EQUIPPED                       5. WHAT ONE THING
                    DO YOU FEEL FOR                       WOULD YOU CHANGE
                    TODAY’S BUSINESS                      IN YOUR ROLE AS A
                    ENVIRONMENT?                          MANAGER?

                              36%                                   29%
                    Scored 6 or under.                    Said time was the
                                                          biggest issue.

* Managers were asked to score from 1-10 with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                                  WORLD CLASS MANAGER 3
                    of managers are excited about
   65%              becoming a manager.

 MORE THAN HALF                         MORE THAN 2 IN 10                        HOWEVER, JUST
 OF MANAGERS                            MANAGERS SCORED                          OVER A QUARTER
 SCORED 8 OUT OF                        10 OUT OF 10.                            SCORED 5 OUT OF
 10 OR ABOVE.                                                                    10 OR LOWER.

         54%                                    22%                                  28%

 Top Priorities
 – Maintain engagement
 – Ensure fast and efficient transition process
 – Align manager role to strategy

* Managers were asked to score from 1-10 with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                                   WORLD CLASS MANAGER 4
Maintain engagement by ensuring
a fast and efficient transition
process and alignment of
manager’s role to strategy.                                           “Poor
The good news is that our research shows that two-thirds of
managers are excited about becoming a manager and more                costs UK
than half are very excited. The bad news is that it’s downhill from
here. Managers may be enthused and raring to go when they
are promoted but it is clear employers are quashing this quickly      £84bn a year”
through a combination of poor and irrelevant training, lack of
support and lack of understanding of where they fit into the          HR Review June 2019
bigger picture. Organisations can keep their passion ignited
by implementing these three priorities:

 TAKEAWAY 1                           TAKEAWAY 2                      TAKEAWAY 3
 Maintain engagement                  Deliver a fast and              Align manager’s role
                                      efficient transition            to strategy
 Managers will experience a                                           This is a massive win-
 range of emotions as they            Harness the learnings           win for the CEO, for
 prepare to take on new               of previous experiences         the business, for your
 responsibilities. Engaging           of managers as they             customers and of course
 them throughout the entire           transitioned into               managers. Use the
 process, from beginning              managerial roles. Simple        promotional opportunity to
 to end, is key. What should          focus groups can save a lot     link the manager’s role with
 your ideal ‘manager                  of time, money and pain for     the organisation’s strategy.
 engagement’ plan look like?          others.                         It’s a great way to connect
                                                                      leaders to managers.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                        WORLD CLASS MANAGER 5
                   of managers are not receiving
   62%             the training they need.

            1 IN 10 MANAGERS                            LESS THAN A QUARTER
            SCORED A ZERO                               OF MANAGERS SCORED
            FOR TRAINING AND                            8 OR ABOVE

                       10%                                         22%

            Top Priorities
            – Deliver relevant and accessible training
            – Signpost the manager’s journey

* Managers were asked to score from 1-10 where 1 was none and 10 was a full programme.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                              WORLD CLASS MANAGER 6
                                                                       “People learn
Provide relevant and accessible                                        best when they
training and signpost the                                              have to learn.
manager’s journey.                                                     Applying what’s
Nearly two-thirds (62%) of the managers we surveyed rated the
                                                                       learned to real-
quality of the training and support they received in the first year    world situations
as poor, scoring it 5 or lower out of 10. Promoting or hiring people   strengthens
into management positions is a costly business. Not investing in       one’s focus and
making sure they have the tools and skills to do the job ultimately
ends up costing business more through retention issues,
low engagement and de-motivated teams. Today’s managers                to learn”
often learn uniform topics delivered at a time to suit the L&D         Harvard Business
department rather than at a time that bears immediate relevance        Review
to the manager’s role. HR can change this by prioritising these
three actions:

 TAKEAWAY 1                           TAKEAWAY 2                       TAKEAWAY 3
 Deliver relevant and                 Signpost the                     Audit seasoned
 accessible training                  manager’s journey                managers
 Some organisations                   There will be much that is       Interview a small number
 are pre-empting this by              unclear to managers with         of more experienced
 preparing all employees for          respect to the journey           managers to learn about
 future management roles.             in the short term and            their experience and ask
 This is much easier to do            longer term. We can help         them what would have
 now with so many great               managers by mapping              made their journey much
 online courses available.            out the first 100 days and       better. Most managers are
                                      explaining what great            more than willing to share
                                      looks like.                      their experiences.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                         WORLD CLASS MANAGER 7
                    of managers say their manager
   27%              is not a good role model.

      “Doesn’t take
                                                   give good
        responsibility”                                                             “Doesn’t
                                                                                      listen to
                              “Doesn’t have time
                                to manage properly”

 Top Priorities
 – Bring stories to life
 – Demonstrate what good looks like
 – Introduce mentoring

* Managers were asked to score from 1-10 with 1 the lowest and 10 the highest.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                                  WORLD CLASS MANAGER 8
Demonstrate what great looks
like by bringing stories to life.
New managers do the best they can without training. But don’t
people deserve a ‘great manager’, not one who is ‘muddling
                                                                        is the #1
through’ and ‘doing the best they can’? That’s a lose-lose approach,    contributor
for everyone. Crucially, there’s a ripple effect of this approach and   to company
what you see is only the tip of the iceberg. Poor managers lead to
ineffective teams and those teams learn their management skills         performance”
from poor role models. Unfortunately, as our research shows, just       Josh Bersin
over a quarter of managers are learning from a poor role model.
Yet in any management population you will have 5 – 10% who are
inspirational and bring good management to life. By implementing
the following three priorities HR and L&D can ensure all their
managers are learning from a positive role model:

 TAKEAWAY 1                            TAKEAWAY 2                       TAKEAWAY 3
 Bring stories to life                 Demonstrate what                 Introduce mentoring
                                       good looks like
 Using the power of social             Everything from appraisal        Everyone agrees mentoring
 video, why not create                 conversations to how to          works, but getting it to
 some short 2-3 minute                 run effective meetings is        work can be the challenge.
 videos, stories from the              in play here; much of this       To start, identify a small
 perspective of managers               is never really shared in        number of people who are
 about what works for                  a structured way. We can         really willing to be mentors
 them and how they                     massively help managers          and those who want to be
 achieve great results? This           by making these critical         mentored. Test and learn
 can be an effective and               skills explicit.                 over 90 days and evaluate
 tremendously efficient way                                             before going big.
 to build critical skills.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                          WORLD CLASS MANAGER 9
                   Just over a third of managers are
   36%             not confident they have the skills
                   for today’s business environment.

         PERCENTAGE OF                                   THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT
         MANAGERS WHO SCORED                             NEARLY HALF SCORED
         6 OR BELOW OUT OF 10                            8 OR ABOVE

                     36%                                              48%

        Top Priorities
        – Clearly articulate the role of the manager in delivering
           the business strategy
        – Bring the customer’s view to life

* Managers were asked to score from 1-10 where 1 was not very and 10 was very much.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                             WORLD CLASS MANAGER 10
Prepare managers for a working
                                                                    “By 2024, AI and
world of constant change.
COVID has forced a global transformation the likes of which
business has never seen before, at an unthinkable speed. However,
at World Class Manager, we believe that COVID is simply the         will be capable
essential catalyst to the future we were always heading towards.    of taking
But are managers ready for that future? While nearly a half feel
equipped for today’s business environment more than a third         on 69% of a
do not. They do not have the confidence to manage in a world of     manager’s
constant change and uncertainty. HR and L&D can help managers
build that confidence:

 TAKEAWAY 1                         TAKEAWAY 2                      TAKEAWAY 3
 Clarify the manager’s              Bring the customers’            Understanding the
 role in delivering the             view to life                    market forces
                                    Unless managers have            Using a simple process of
 Most managers are unclear          direct contact with             PEST (political, economic,
 both about the strategy            your organisation’s             social, technological) it
 and what it means for              customers (or whoever the       can be powerful to help
 them practically. Dialogue         organisation serves) then       managers to see the bigger
 is key, connect managers           it’s hard, if not impossible    picture of what’s shaping
 with leaders/exec team             for managers to really          your organisation or indeed
 members and facilitate             understand the customers        your entire industry. This
 good conversations here.           voice. There are some           can really help managers
 These conversations will           simple ways this can be         to put things in perspective
 help to clarify things for         facilitated.                    and focus on what’s
 managers and leaders.                                              important.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                     WORLD CLASS MANAGER 11

   29%             Lack of time is the biggest issue
                   for today’s manager.

       More than a quarter                                    Other areas managers
       of managers mentioned                                  would like to change include
       more time/fewer                                        more empowerment, more
       distractions as being                                  confidence and support
       the one thing they                                     with remote working.
       would like to change.

 Top Priorities
 – Help managers understand agility
 – Put in processes to help managers learn fast
 – Teach effective delegation

*Managers were asked an open-ended question about what they would change if they had a magic wand.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                            WORLD CLASS MANAGER 12
Help managers to effectively
                                                                      “65% of
manage their time.
                                                                      executives say
Our research shows that managers continue to struggle with time
management. Nearly three in 10 mentioned having more time
when asked what one thing about their role as manager they would      employees are
change if they could wave a magic wand. This is an age-old problem    an urgent or
and as the world of work speeds up managers will have to deal with
ambiguity and constant change, putting even more pressure on          important issue”
their time. Timely learning, a better process for sharing knowledge   Deloitte Human
and improving communication will all be vital if managers are to      Capital Trends
help their companies thrive. To help prevent manager overwhelm
and burnout, HR should consider implementing the following

 TAKEAWAY 1                          TAKEAWAY 2                       TAKEAWAY 3
 Auditing time                       Learn fast                       Effective delegation
 It’s often surprising for           There will be much that is       This is, without a doubt,
 managers to observe how             unclear to managers with         the key/critical skill that
 they spend their time.              respect to the journey           stands between managers’
 Asking a small number of            in the short term and            progression to more
 managers to look at how             longer term. We can help         senior roles and between
 they spend their time for           managers by mapping              an average and high
 one month, for example,             out the first 100 days           performing team. Identify
 can be enlightening. Then           and explaining what              5-10 managers who are
 look at what can be refined,        great looks like.                exemplars, learn from
 stopped and in some cases,                                           how they do this and help
 even killed off!                                                     others to replicate these
                                                                      key behaviours.

MANAGEMENT 2021                                                       WORLD CLASS MANAGER 13
Delivering what’s needed,
at the point of need.
We’ve advised over 700 CEOs and organisations in 50
countries. We’ve learnt what works and what doesn’t with respect
to world class people management. Our mission is to deliver
what managers need, at the point of need, in way that works for
the 21st century modern manager. We do this by sharing best
practices and challenging managers in a way that’s sympathetic
to the challenges managers face. We do it with the organisation’s
customers, shareholders and the communities they serve in mind.

World Class Manager is designed to bring together all the
best practice we have observed into a cost efficient, online
management course that delivers proven impacts for your
managers and your organisation. We recognise that providing
effective management training in a world where everyone is time
poor and organisations are cost constrained is one of the key
challenges they need to address.

World Class Manager was created to meet this need.

Contact us for a free demo and consultation to understand
how World Class Manager can help your business.

+44 (0) 207 947 4105
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