Martian Oxygen: Creating Breathable Air with Engineered Ceramics - CoorsTek

Martian Oxygen: Creating Breathable Air with Engineered Ceramics - CoorsTek
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Martian Oxygen:
Creating Breathable Air
with Engineered Ceramics
NASA scientists are working on advanced technologies that can one day enable
human exploration of Mars—and engineered ceramics will help.

                                                                                         ized tools. Thankfully, the mission came
By Joseph Hartvigsen, Principal Investigator and Senior Engineer;
                                                                                         equipped with the “oxygenator,” which
S. Elangovan, Ph.D., Principal Investigator and Program Manager; and
                                                                                         took compressed carbon dioxide (CO2)
Jessica Elwell, Program Manager and Chemical Engineer, Ceramatec, a CoorsTek Company
                                                                                         and “passed it over a zirconia elec-

                                                                                         trolysis cell to pull oxygen atoms off
       n the 2015 film The Martian, based on the novel of the same title by Andy Weir,   the CO2.”1 While this sounds closer to
       astronaut Mark Watney struggles for survival after his team is forced to evacu-   science fiction than science, the truth is
       ate Mars due to a violent dust storm—leaving him behind after mistakenly pre-     that NASA is implementing such a con-
       suming he is dead. The story highlights how a manned mission to Mars will         cept on its upcoming mission to Mars.
critically depend on a reliable oxygen supply. Through shrewd engineering and impro-
vising, Watney manages to gather and create the critical supplies needed to survive on   The Next Step
Mars until the next mission arrives: food, water, shelter, and oxygen. Watney, a bota-   in Exploring Mars
nist and mechanical engineer, plants potatoes in a modified room where he waters         NASA scientists are working on
them by burning some of the mission’s fuel supply of hydrazine with oxygen (O2).         advanced technologies that can one day
    While the “normal” supplies of food, water and shelter were created through          enable human exploration of Mars. Set
innovative engineering, establishing a steady oxygen supply required more special-       to land on Mars in 2021, NASA’s Mars

10 August 2016 • www.ceramicindustr
Martian Oxygen: Creating Breathable Air with Engineered Ceramics - CoorsTek
2020 mission will launch a new robotic
science rover with seven instruments.
Each instrument was selected to help
determine the potential habitability
of the environment, and to search for
signs of ancient Martian life. One of
those instruments is the Mars Oxygen
ISRU Experiment (MOXIE). The pri-
mary goal of this experiment is to deter-
mine the feasibility of using indigenous
Martian natural resources (referred to
as in-situ resource utilization, ISRU)
to “enable propellant and consumable
oxygen production.”2
    Delivering a sufficient, reliable sup-
ply of high-purity oxygen is a major
design challenge when planning long-          Figure 1. Illustration of planned Mars 2020 Rover incorporating seven instruments, including MOXIE.
term manned missions. Astronauts              (Image courtesy of NASA.)
would consume nearly a full metric ton                                                                    mum operating temperature. To meet the
of oxygen over the course of a three-                                                                     strenuous demands of a Mars mission,
year mission. Additionally, preliminary                                                                   the durable ScSZ ceramic electrolyte is a
models estimate more than 30 metric                                                                       superior choice for electrolysis over a liq-
tons of oxygen is required to escape                                                                      uid system. The effect of environmental
from the deep Martian gravity well for                                                                    conditions on the performance of SOXE
the return trip home. Because of the                                                                      cermet electrodes is somewhat unknown,
immense amount of oxygen needed for                                                                       and the MOXIE results will provide
both the astronauts and their return                                                                      information to build robust, large-scale
trip propellant, a Mars mission supply                                                                    devices for human exploration.
weight quickly becomes a major con-                                                                          Electrolysis essentially takes free elec-
cern. Rather than transporting this large                                                                 trons and uses them to replace one of the
amount of oxygen more than 35 million                                                                     double bonds to oxygen. Once an oxy-
miles from Earth to Mars, generating                                                                      gen ion is freed up, it is directed through
oxygen on-site from available resources                                                                   the electrolyte into the anode. The anode
on Mars would not only reduce the                                                                         then “oxidizes” the ion, thereby creating
                                              Figure 2. Prototype SOXE stack of ScSZ engineered
landed payload weight required to keep                                                                    O2. At the same time, the leftover CO is
                                              ceramic electrolytes.
astronauts alive, but also allow more                                                                     exhausted along with any unprocessed
sustainable and in-depth exploration of       much less electric energy than other pro-                   CO2. The oxygen flow will then be ana-
Mars or other parts of our solar system.      cesses, minimizing the consumption of                       lyzed for purity and output rate.
                                              the limited power in space missions. In                        The MOXIE technology demon-
Using Engineered Ceramics                     fact, the SOXE stack operates near the                      strates what could ultimately become
Unlike Earth, the Mars atmosphere is          theoretical efficiency limit. Other elec-                   a Mars-based oxygen processing plant
predominantly carbon dioxide—approxi-         trolysis systems use liquid electrolytes to                 to support future human missions. The
mately 95% CO2, with the remainder            conduct the ions to the anode. However,                     experiment will be conducted across the
largely argon and nitrogen. MOXIE uses        this system needs to remain stable in the                   seasons of the Martian year (approxi-
a solid oxide electrolysis (SOXE) stack*      harsh Mars environment (e.g., extreme                       mately 687 Earth days) to evaluate its
to produce oxygen from the CO2-rich           cold, low gravity and dusty atmosphere).                    performance and resilience through the
Martian “air.” These custom-engineered        These conditions especially influence liq-                  variety of environmental challenges.
stacks are comprised of scandia-stabilized    uid electrolytes, as their phases and vol-
zirconia (ScSZ) electrolytes with ceramic     umes are dramatically affected by exter-                    Preparing for
anodes and cermet (ceramic-metallic           nal temperatures. In addition, dust con-                    Human Exploration
composite) cathodes on opposite sides.        tamination will decrease the effectiveness                  All seven instruments on the Mars 2020
    As compressed CO2 flows through           of the electrolyte.                                         mission are designed to further its four
the powered SOXE stack, electrolysis              On the other hand, the solid-state                      goals: look for habitability, search for
breaks out oxygen ions. Using the solid       ceramic will be able prevent the con-                       biosignatures, obtain and cache sam-
electrolysis system is important for three    tamination due to its hard surface and                      ples, and create preparations for human
reasons: efficiency, durability and stabil-   exhibit excellent volume and phase con-                     exploration. While many of the instru-
ity. Solid oxide electrolysis consumes        trol, remaining solid even at the maxi-                     ments will capture and analyze data on

*Developed by CoorsTek company Ceramatec.
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] Breathable Air with Engineered Ceramics
                                                                                                                 Due to the potential need for high
                                                                                                             production volume and the vitality
                                                                                                             of having a constant oxygen supply,
                                                                                                             MOXIE focuses on the use of solid
                                                                                                             engineered ceramic ScSZ electrolytes
                                                                                                             over other methods for superior effi-
                                                                                                             ciency, durability, and stability, which
                                                                                                             are critical to flight qualify this ISRU
                                                                                                             concept. The inherent durability of a
                                                                                                             scandia-stabilized zirconia electrolyte
                                                                                                             comes from its ceramic nature. As with
                                                                                                             most ceramics, the ScSZ is very hard
                                                                                                             and resists wear better than most met-
                                                                                                             als. These properties are vital for the
                                                                                                             mission, as the secondary nature of the
                                                                                                             project is to analyze how the system
                                                                                                             stands up to surface operations in the
                                                                                                             severe Martian environment. On top of
Figure 3. Schematic of electrolysis using SOXE stack.                                                        its durability, SOXE has the advantage
                                                                                                             of working in a solid state throughout
                                                                                                             the whole process. MOXIE’s electrolysis
                                                                                                             cells will not have the inherent problems
                                                                                                             of controlling the phase and volume
                                                                                                             that stem from using liquid electrolytes.
                                                                                                                 By testing and proving the con-
                                                                                                             cept behind MOXIE, NASA hopes
                                                                                                             to verify that SOXE can be used as a
                                                                                                             viable source of oxygen on Mars, and
                                                                                                             to understand how dust will affect
                                                                                                             any surface operations. These two ele-
                                                                                                             ments will be vital for human explora-
Figure 4. The process of solid oxide electrolysis converts CO2 to O2.                                        tion of Mars. By eliminating the need
                                                                                                             to shuttle in oxygen for astronauts and
the Martian environment, MOXIE’s                                having hospitable air is an intuitive        for return flight fuel, future manned
purpose is to actively use and change                           requirement for manned missions,             missions will be able to include better
that environment. This will drive the                           the ability to produce oxygen from           equipment and dramatically extend the
goal of preparing for human explora-                            the atmosphere will allow on-site fuel       potential scope of missions. MOXIE
tion through proving both the science                           production. Using the produced oxy-          will help open a new frontier for space
behind the experiment and the feasibil-                         gen, those missions could land on and        travel and exploration.
ity of using in-situ resources to supply                        explore Mars, and then return to Earth
the necessary amounts of oxygen. Fac-                           or continue exploring other sections of      For more information, email or
tors for a successful mission will include                      the solar system.                            visit
durability of the vital system, ensuring
the energy consumption matches antici-                          A New Frontier                               Acknowledgements:
pated values, and that production levels                        With success, the MOXIE project will not     MOXIE development is supported by the NASA Human
and purity meet what would be needed                            only prove the science behind The Mar-       Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD)
for human exploration.                                          tian, but also shape the vision of what      and NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD).
    Beyond the 2020 mission, SOXE                               long-term space exploration missions
technology could be used for expand-                            could look like. This technology uses the    References
ing the concept of space exploration.                           concept behind solid oxide electrolysis to   1. Weir, Andy, The Martian, The Crown Publishing
                                                                                                                Group, Random House, New York, N.Y., 2013,
Because the conversion of CO 2 uses                             take energy and break the bonds in CO2
                                                                                                                p. 231.
Mars atmosphere instead of transported                          to free up an isolated oxygen ion—mean-      2. M.H. Hecht, J.A. Hoffman, “The Mars Oxygen ISRU
O2, future manned and unmanned mis-                             ing a CO2-rich atmosphere on Mars can           Experiment (MOXIE) on the Mars 2020 Rover,” pre-
sions may have the potential of reduced                         be used to create oxygen, eliminating a         sented at 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Confer-
payload, cost, and complexity. While                            heavy part of the mission’s payload.            ence, 2015.

12 August 2016 • www.ceramicindustr
Martian Oxygen: Creating Breathable Air with Engineered Ceramics - CoorsTek Martian Oxygen: Creating Breathable Air with Engineered Ceramics - CoorsTek
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