RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR

Page created by Elizabeth French
RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR
          AGM Presentation
          London Stock Exchange
          AIM Listed: RRR                    Investor Presentation: December 2018
RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR

             DELIVERING RESULTS             Investor Presentation: December 2018   2
RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR
Natural Resource Developer
     Revenue Foundations                                                    Investment Upside
• Manganese Production
• Colombian Gold Royalty                                            •   Gold JORC Resource - Kenya
• Significant Cash Inflows   £1.2m Revenue                          •   DRC Copper / Cobalt
                                                                    •   Gold Exploration - Ivory Coast
                               £78k Profit                          •   Oil Exploration - Benin

                                                                             Project Upside

                                                  PRIMED FOR PERFORMANCE               Investor Presentation: December 2018                                    3
RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR
Steelmin Ltd.

                                  Ivory Coast            Migori Gold
                 Four Points        / Benin                Kenya

                               Jupiter Mines
                                South Africa

                                                            DIVERSE ASSET PORTFOLIO                      Investor Presentation: December 2018              4
RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR
Operations Update
                              Jupiter Mines                                                   Steelmin Ltd
                              IPO Completed
                                                                                              RRR Holds 22% equity stake
                              14.5% HY Dividend Yield
                                                                                              Entered Production in 2018
                              £2.4 Million Received in 2018
                                                                                              Seeking trade partners
                              JMS Stake Value to RRR ~£2.8m

                 Colombia Disposal                        Kenya Gold Project                  DRC – Copper/Cobalt
                                                           100% Economic Interest              DD Completed
                 Royalty - $3M total Value                 JV Negotiations Underway            3 JV Tenements Secured with VUP JV
                 Est ~$50k/qtr + rising to $100k/qtr       Pending Licence Renewal             3 Additional Congo Galaxy Tenements
                 Loan Note - $750k Received in Q2          Pure Upside Potential               Initial Exploration Underway
                                                                                               Substantial 2019 Newsflow Expected

                                                       MULTIPLE HIGH IMPACT EVENTS                                         Investor Presentation: December 2018                                          5
RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR
Jupiter                                             RRR: 0.95%

   Manganese Producer – South Africa
   Iron Ore Assets – Western Australia        Investor Presentation: December 2018                6
RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR
Jupiter Mines
                                                                                               JMS Stake in Tshipi Mine
   •      Leading Global Manganese Producer – 3rd Largest
   •      Relisted on ASX April 2018 as A$800m Company
                                                                                    49.9%      Ntsimibintle Mining 37.1%
                                                                                               OM Holdings 13%
   •      One of Largest and Shallowest Resources Worldwide
   •      163MT @ 37.1% Mm + Top Cut of 145MT @ 31.58%
   •      Experienced Management Team
   •      Simple Drill/Blast + Load/Haul Mining
   •      8km Private Rail Siding Loop (5mtpa) – Exports from 4 Ports

                                                                                            Capacity of 3.6Mtpa Production

       Producing:                                                                           60 Years Life of Mine – 418Mt Resource

       over 3Mtpa                                                                           Reliable On Site Power Generation

                         Located in Kalahari Basin – South Africa
                                     JMS Alone Supports RRR Market Cap
                                                                                            Well Established Offtake Channels                               Investor Presentation: December 2018                                                    7
RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR
RRR Jupiter Investment

            18.5M                                       £2.8M                                            0.95%
                 Shares                                Valuation                                         Stake

                          $955k to RRR 2017
                                                                                     Focus on production optimisation
                          $3.2m to RRR in 2018
                                                                                     Goal to increase stake in Tshipi
                          (IPO + distributions)
                                                                                     14.5% Half-Year Dividend Yield
                          $1.2m projected to RRR in 2019                                Investor Presentation: December 2018                                      8
RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR
Results - Tshipi

    1H2019         1.88MT           US$414m                          US$205m    US$216m

    FY2018         3.34MT             US$612m                         US$259m   US$116m

                 Production      Revenues                            EBITDA     Cash

                                                       BLUE CHIP MINING ASSET                Investor Presentation: December 2018                        9
RED ROCK RESOURCES Plc - AGM Presentation London Stock Exchange AIM Listed: RRR

                 Exploration Underway             Investor Presentation: December 2018   10
Democratic Republic of Congo
      o      One of the most underexploited and mineral
                                                                                                                                           66%+ of
             rich countries                                                                                                                World’s
             o Estimated $24 trillion of untapped                                                                                           Cobalt
                                                                                                                                           Mined in
                 cobalt/copper/diamonds/gold                                                                                                 DRC
      o      Major supplier of the world’s cobalt needs
      o      Prolific and historic copper producer

                                  Copper                                                                                     Cobalt
       o   Demand expected to exceed                                                        o    Significant gap between supply and       220,000
           supply after 2019                                                                     demand is projected after 2020
                                                     26,000                                 o    Constrained supply – single              180,000
       o   Uses:
                                       ‘000 tonnes

                                                     22,000                                      traditional source

            •    Construction                                                               o    Uses:
            •    Electronics                                                                       •     Batteries
                                                     14,000                                                                               100,000
            •    Cables and wires                                                                  •     Aircraft engines
            •    Coins                                                                             •     Corrosion/wear resistant          60,000

                                                                                                   •     Jewelry
                                                              Supply       Demand                                                                          Supply                  Demand                                                         Investor Presentation: December 2018                                                                                                                11
Copper-Cobalt JV
  o     Multiple Copper-Cobalt Tenements in Katanga Segment                                                                        50.1%
        of the Central African Copperbelt
  o     All three assets are mining/production licenses
                                                                                                                                RRR Share in JV
  o     Enables fast-track to production and cash flows                                                                     Bring Minerals SAU 24.9%
                                                                                                                            Vumilia Pendeza SA 25%
  o     Access to some of the best Cu/Co tenements in the world

                           Kumukongo License – PE663
                 5.3km² located 20km SE of Kolwezi
                 Lies at Western end of Kansuki structural trend
                 Evidence of artisanal mining across the property
                                                                                       Musonoi License – PE4962
                                                                     1.7km² located 3 km W of Kolwezi
                 Further historical data being sought
                                                                     Lies in Kolwezi Klippe – most prolific cooper/cobalt district in DRC
                 Several significant neighbors                       Established mining area with good infrastructure
                                                                     7 major cobalt/copper deposits adjacent / within 5 km
                                                                     Surrounded by Majors – Glencore/Gecamines/Chinese Groups
                                                                     Target potential of 400,000 tons of Cu and 25,000t of Co
                     Kasombo South License – PE2360                  Regional grades range from 3-5% Cu and 0.5-1% Co
        2km²² located 5km W of Lubumbashi                            Musonoi “Super Deposit” forms part of license
        Lies at the eastern part of the Kasonta anticline
        Anticline hosts well known copper/cobalt deposits
        Nearby FE Limited (ASX Explorer) reported 25m @ 3.5% Cu
        Less historical activity relative to other licenses                             TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITIES                                                 Investor Presentation: December 2018                                                    12
Migori Gold                                                    RRR: 100%

            Gold Exploration – JORC Resource – Kenya                  Investor Presentation: December 2018               13
Migori Gold Project                                                                         JORC Resource:
                                                                                               Avg Grade:
   o    100% Economic Interest                                                                   1.3 g/t
   o    Located in Kenyan Greenstone Belt
   o    JORC Gold Resource of 1.2Moz @ 1.3g/t
   o    Longstanding Court Case with Kenyan Ministry of Mining Resolved
   o    Licence Restoration Expected Imminently
   o    Potential Partnership / JV Opportunities Developing

             Prospect     JORC Classification    Mt      g/t Au     Moz
             KKM          Indicated & Inferred   17.8        1.01   0.58
             KKM-West     Indicated & Inferred   4.02       1.04     0.14
             Nyanza       Indicated & Inferred    2.3       2.73    0.20
             Gori Maria   Indicated & Inferred    3.8        1.16    0.14
             MK           Indicated & Inferred    1.4       3.07     0.13
             Total                               29.4       1.26      1.2

                                                                                   PURE UPSIDE POTENTIAL                                        Investor Presentation: December 2018                    Slide: 14
Four Points

    Gold Producer – Colombia       Investor Presentation: December 2018   15
Four Points Mining
    o      High Grade Gold mine and Mill at El Limon, Colombia                    Avg Grade:
    o      Operated by Para Resources (CVE:PBR)                                      8 g/t
    o      Ore Sourced from Mine + Regional Suppliers                            Mining Costs:
    o      Completed $7m Upgrade Program – Mill to 225tpd+                         ~$156/t
    o      Forecasted production increase in Q4 over Q3
    o      Increasing royalty payments expected in 2019

                       Royalty Estimates to RRR
                       2018: $50,000
                       2019: $300,000
                       2020: $525,000

                                                                INVESTMENT PAYING OUT                            Investor Presentation: December 2018                   16
RRR: 22%

          Ferrosilicon Production – Bosnia             Investor Presentation: December 2018              17
Steelmin Ltd.
                                                                                         22%   RRR Equity Stake in Steelmin
  o     Refurbished Ferrosilicon Smelter Complex
  o     Built in Yugoslavia in Early 1970s
  o     Two Electric Arc Furnaces on Site
  o     Total Capacity of 48,700t of Ferrosilicon + 9,700t of Microsilica

   Access to Cheap Hydro Power –                                                                  Targeting €36m Revenue + €7m EBITDA
   Pending Contract Negotiation
                                                                                                  Low Cost Brownfield Investment

                                            Located in Jajce, Bosnia Herzegovina                  Strategic Position Close to Euro Customers                                    Investor Presentation: December 2018                                                         18
Steelmin – Background

 •      Plant Built in 1897 by Wacker Chemie - DE
 •      Owned by Electrobosna – Closed after War
 •      Steelmin Ltd Refurbished - ~€18m Spent to Date

                                                                                       Primary by-product of FeSi Production
                      Used to Improve Steel Products                      Microsilica Used to Make High Performance Concrete
             FeSi     Contains 75% Silicon + 25% Iron                       €200/t     Utilized in Refractories and Ceramics
           ~$1,500+   Adds Electrical Conductivity
                                                                                       Alternate Main Product to FeSi
                      Improves Corrosion Resistance                      Silicon Metal
                                                                                       98-99% Si – Higher Purity
                      Demand Growing 4.7% CAGR                             $2600+/t
                                                                                       Used in Aluminum/Silicones/Solar                                 Investor Presentation: December 2018                                            19
Furnace V
                                                                               Furnace IV

                   48MW Elkem (Norwegian) Furnace
                 o Built 1973
                 o Largest Furnace                                          30MW Tagliferri (Italian) Furnace
                 o Est. 28,560t FeSi/pa                                o   Built 1971
                                                                       o   Has produced both silicon and FeSi
                                                                       o   Est. 20,160t FeSi/pa                          Investor Presentation: December 2018                                    20
Other Projects / Investments
             RRR:80%                         RRR:100%                      RRR:0.35%                     RRR:5.11%                      RRR:1.57%                          RRR:2.67%

                                               Mining                 Mining + Oil & Gas
         Exploration                                                                                     Oil & Gas                          Mining                        Exploration
                                              Ivory Coast              Battery Metals
                 DRC                                                                                     Elephant Oil                   Para Resources                    Amulet Diamond
                                                                          Regency Mines
                                                                           (AIM: RGM)                                                                                       Corporation

       Gold/Copper/Cobalt                        Gold                         Various                         Oil                            Gold                           Diamonds
    Multiple licenses covering Cu/Co   Early Stage Gold Exploration   Natural Resource Developer   Onshore Exploration – Benin   In Colombia, Arizona and Brazil      Option to Acquire 100% of
     and Gold prospective areas         Underexplored with Huge       Battery Metals/Technology    Underexplored West African         Multiple Gold Assets         Kimberlite Operation – Botswana
               80% Interest                      Potential                Metallurgical Coal           Transform Margin             Burgeoning Gold Producer        Existing Plant in Place – 100tph
                Early Stage              Birmian Greenstone Belt              Base Metals           Activity Planned for 2019                                          Bulk Sampling Underway

                                                                                   SIGNIFICANT UPSIDE POTENTIAL                                                             Investor Presentation: December 2018                                                                                        21
Key Takeaways
   Multiple Sources of Cashflow

   Deep Project Portfolio

   Significant Exploration Upside     Investor Presentation: December 2018   22
Contact Details
                                               Positioned For
                                              Outperformance         Investor Presentation: December 2018     23
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     Statements made in the Slides and accompanying verbal presentation may include forward-looking statements that necessarily involve risks
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     statements regarding the future financial position of the Company, business strategy, projected levels of growth in its market, projected costs,
     estimates of capital expenditures and plans and objectives of management for future operation, are forward-looking statements. The actual
     future performance of the company could differ materially from these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual
     results to differ materially from these expectations including known and unknown risks. Undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-
     looking statements.                                                 Investor Presentation: December 2018                                                            24
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