May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -

Page created by Nathaniel Coleman
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -
The Ascension of the Lord
The celebration of the Ascension of our Lord occurs distinctively this year, when the two most
detailed descriptions of the event, both written by Luke the evangelist, are brought together in
today's readings. We hear both the concluding verses from Luke's Gospel, the first volume of
his work, and the first verses of Acts, his second volume. For Luke, the Ascension is the hinge
of his two-volume work. The evangelist apparently thought the story of the Ascension was
important enough to tell twice. While his first telling emphasizes the meaning of Jesus' earthly
ministry, the second telling shifts to how the community of his followers are commissioned to
continue this same ministry. Now the apostles, and by implication all who follow Jesus, will
bring healing and hope to a world that desperately needs them. Luke reminds us that we the
Church are also summoned by Jesus to participate in his work.

Appreciating the Ascension within the larger story of Jesus can be difficult. This is partly
because of the mystical features of Luke's two descriptions, and also the lack of description in
the other Gospels. The Ascension describes both the absence and the presence of Jesus. Why
did Jesus have to leave? As Jesus told his disciples, his departure makes possible his continuing
presence in a new way, through the work of the Spirit beginning at Pentecost.
The Ascension is more than a departure, for it describes how the bodily, human Jesus is now
"at the right hand of God," and that the Father exalts Jesus as Lord of heaven and earth. We
need to hold these two together: that Jesus knows our human trials and joys and walks
compassionately with us; and Jesus also is our Lord, who pushes us out of our comfort zones
toward Christian maturity, and holds us accountable.

In the descriptions of the Ascension in today's readings, Jesus tells the disciples "You are
witnesses" or "you will be my witnesses." The image of witness evokes a legal proceeding,
where a person affirms the truth of an event. Sometimes physical evidence, such as a DNA
test, serves as witness to the truth. This same word is used again and again in Acts, as the
apostles witnessed to the Resurrection, or to the whole story of Jesus. We are called to witness
the truth of the Gospel.
We might witness in at least three ways. In dialogue with others, we can speak the witness, by
explicitly sharing the biblical story and what it means for us. We can do the witness, by aligning
our actions and lifestyle so as to share love for others. We can be the witness, in our
fundamental openness and faithful response to God, and in our grace-filled personal presence
with others. We are the best evidence of the truths of our faith.

Today's Readings: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23 Lk
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Seminarian Louis Jensen
               The middle child of two loving and devout parents, Louis Jensen was born in
               North Dakota before moving to Texas at age eleven. Upon graduating high
               school, Louis studied physics at the University of Notre Dame before
               earning his PhD in computer science at Boston University. During his time
               in Boston, he became closer to the sacraments and prayer, leading to his
               discernment into seminary in 2021. He has now completed his first year of
               priestly formation at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana.
               Louis is excited to start his first summer assignment at St. Martin De Porres
               and looks forward to meeting all of you!

New To Our Parish
If you are new to the area and would like to join our parish, please complete the Parishioner
Registration Form located on our website

Bulletin Deadline
Bulletin announcement is due June 3rd for the June 12 & 19 bulletin
Due June 17 for the June 26 bulletin
Submit bulletin announcements on Fridays by noon to
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -
FAITH FORMATION                                                     ORGANIZATIONS

                                                                    The Texas Trotters are St. Martin de Porres senior citizen group.
                                                                    Age, health plus Covid has drastically reduced our numbers. We
                                                                    invite all Seniors, young and old, to join with us to bring renewed
                                                                    energy and spirit and new ideas to help us grow again. We meet
                                                                    the First Friday of every month, after the noon Mass, in the parish
                                                                    hall for a brown bag lunch. In the past we planned morning trips
                                                                    to local attractions and to restaurants. With your help, we could
                                                                    do this again. Please contact Virginia at 512 858 4000 for more

                                                                    The Other 325 Days – Pro-Life
                                                                        Would you be willing to donate 1 hour per month to pray
                                                                    with fellow St. Martin de Porres parishioners outside of the
                                                                    Planned Parenthood facility? Imagine helping pregnant mothers
                                                                    and the facility workers who open their hearts towards God and
                                                                    choosing a Pro-Life solution.
                                                                        Pro-Life is a fundamental human right, a tenet of
                                                                    Catholicism and we need your prayers. Perhaps, you feel the
                                                                    Holy Spirit calling you to support the Pro-Life movement.
                                                                    Answer that call and join us monthly to dedicate 0.14% of your
                                                                        Our next session will be on Saturday, June 11 from 9:00-
                                                                    10:00am. You can choose to pray in Group Prayer (Rosary,
                                                                    Divine Mercy) or in Silent Prayer. Choose the optional carpool
Young adult group: Souls of the Christian Apostolate is a           (Belterra Village parking lot at 8:30am – EVO Cinema) or meet
catholic organization with the mission of forming soldiers for      us there (Planned Parenthood - 201 E Ben White Blvd, Austin,
Christ through the interior life of prayer and studying topics      TX 78704). Contact Patrick Manning at 512-704-5895 or
over spirituality, tradition, culture, and authentic masculinity, if you are interested in
and femininity. Souls of the Christian Apostolate, also known       participating. Parking: Behind Wendy's along the fence or if
as “SOCA,” is forming a young adult group to begin this July        full, a few blocks south on Congress at the Salvation Army
(ages 17-30). If you are interested, please contact by email        (park near Congress). or phone 571-258-8283


Save the date for Pilgrimages
Fr. Justin is planning to host 2 pilgrimages in the future.
October 2-13, 2023: Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Avila,
Zaragoza, Lourdes, Barcelona.
January 2024: Holy Land.
If you want to join Fr. Justin, please email him, and let him

Corpus Christi Procession After Saturday Vigil Mass on
June 18: The Bishops of the U.S are calling for a three-year
grassroots revival of devotion and belief in the Real Presence of
Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. It is time for us to show our
belief in action.

Sacrament of Baptism
          Our next baptism class will be held on June 21,
          2022 from 6:45pm - 9:00pm. Register online
 by June 10.
          For more information on baptisms/baptism class,
          visit our parish website at
          baptisms. English Baptism class held on 3rd
          Tuesday of the month.
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -

Grief Sharing Support Group
Are you missing a loved one? Lost a job? Dealing with a
chronic illness? Grief is a normal reaction to loss. Our Grief
Sharing support group will convene Thursday, June 2, 2022 in
the St. Dymphna Room #1 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. We will
meet on the first Thursdays of the month and we hope to see
you there. For more Grief Sharing information, contact Abby
Caswell at or Candy Rosilier at


             Today as we celebrate the feast of the Ascension
             we are reminded that Christ’s saving work on
             earth continues through his disciples…and now
             through us.
            Our Helpline for financial aid is 512-859-3740.
We can respond to messages in English and Spanish.
The Food Pantry will be open Monday evenings from
6:00pm - 7:30pm in addition to the morning hours of
9:00am - 11:00am.
Food Pantry Needs: Rotel Tomatoes, Canned or Packaged
Tuna and Chicken, Chili, Soups, Canned Peaches, Granola Bars,
Dry Pinto Beans, Cereal, White Rice.
Items can be dropped off in the St. Vincent de Paul Box
located at the entrance of the St. Dymphna and church.
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -

First Friday Holy Hour
All are invited to the First Friday Holy Hour in the Church on
June 3. We will begin at 7:00pm with exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament. In addition to the individual prayer that you wish to
bring to the Blessed Sacrament, we will offer special intentions
for all souls in Purgatory.

                                                                   Nowhere on earth are we more welcomed or more loved than
                                                                   by Jesus living and truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
                                                                   Can you spend a regular holy hour in prayer with our Lord?
Legion of Mary ministry continues to invite you to join them       Monday 4pm
for “the Five First Saturday Devotion”                             Tuesday 1pm
*Father Justin will be offering a 9:00 am SATURDAY Mass on         Wednesday: 2pm
June 4th followed by the devotional Rosary at 9:30am recited       Thursday: 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 8pm
by the Legion of Mary ministry.                                    Friday: 7am, 9am, Noon, 2pm, 3pm
     The intention for this devotion is to console the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, offering reparation for the              Sign up for an Adoration Time
blasphemies and ingratitude of unrepentant sinners and peace       For further information contact Abby Caswell at 512-636-
in the World.                                                      5918 or Brian Caswell at
 The four elements of this devotion to faithfully fulfill the
devotion each First Saturday of the month is:                      VOCATION
1. Go to Confession
2. Receive Holy Communion
3. Reciting Five decades of the Holy Rosary                        We need more Vocation Prayer Warriors!
4. Meditate for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the Holy
     Rosary. (Separate from reciting the rosary).
(For more information please contact: Rachel Palacios or (915-227-4747)

It's never too late to join the MOMS group! We love to support     We need you! Vocations come from the support and prayers
each other in faith and in parenting. We will be meeting           offered for strength, direction, and perseverance! Please
throughout the summer as well so please see our page on the        consider signing up to pray for a week for more holy vocations
parish website to register and join the email list or just come    to the priesthood and religious life! Pray especially for our
meet us on a Tuesday. We hope to meet you soon!                    parishioners Kelly Rice, Lindsay Oborny, Megan Oborny, &
Gatherings every 2nd Tuesday @7:15pm in SDC Rm.3                   Marissa Oborny and our Seminarians Scott Fyall & Kevin
Please reach out if you have any questions!
Email:                                        Sign up online at
                                                                          May 28               Kelly Kelly
Nursing Home/Homebound Ministry                                           June 4               Michelle Lopez
We take communion to, and pray with, parishioners who are                 June 11              Family Needed
homebound, or in nursing homes. If you have a loved one who               June 18              Family Needed
is at Stonebridge, Hill Country Care nursing homes or is                  June 25              Laura Rogers
homebound or if you would like to volunteer, please contact               July 2               Family Needed
Benita Temple at                                  July 9               Family Needed
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -
May 29, 2022 The Ascension of the Lord -
MASS INTENTIONS                                                                           STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURER
   Saturday, May 28                                                                                                    FY 7/1/21 - 6/30/22
   5:00pm -     David Bell, +Lew Scholl,                                                                      Envelopes, loose checks, cash and WeShare
                +Helen & Mike Cerone
   Sunday, May 29                                                                                      May 16 - 22                     $17,977
   8:00am -     Parishioners of St. Martin de Porres
   10:00am -    +Belinda Osborne, +Joseph M. Kovach                                              Upcoming Collections
   10:00am-LM The Seymour Family                                                                 May 29 ~ Archdiocese for the Military Services
   12:00pm -    +Alberto Arguijo, +Maria Cruz Perez,                                             June 19 ~ Society of St. Vincent de Paul
                                                                                                 June 26 ~ Peters Pence
                Almas de Espurgatorio
   5:00pm -     +Leonard Cibic
                                                                                                 Our parish uses an Online Giving system
   Monday, May 30
                                                                                                 called WeShare that is strengthening
                No Mass
                                                                                                 stewardship as well as making it easier for
   Tuesday, May 31
                                                                                                 members to support our parish. If you
   5:30pm -     +Julie F. Forbis
                                                                                                 would like to enroll, please visit our web
   Wednesday, June 1
   12:00pm -    Anne O’Sullivan
                                                                                                  or use our QR Code.
   Thursday, June 2
   5:30pm -     Joey Dwyer
   7:00pm -     Evelia Huerta                                                                    Sanctuary Candles
   Friday, June 3                                                                                The Sanctuary Candles will burn from Saturday, May 28 thru
   12:00pm -    +Larry Temple, +Ed Tixier, +Douglas Caswell,                                     Friday, June 10:
                +Douglas Pickrel                                                                 The Church Sanctuary Candle is burning in loving memory
   Saturday, June 4                                                                              of Bobby Salmons from the McAden Family.
   5:00pm -     David Bell, +Bell Family,
                                                                                                 The Chapel Candle is burning in loving memory of Martin
                +Dorothy Rivet
                                                                                                 Munshower from Willard Stanley.

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