Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate

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Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate
Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2
An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data
Management Practices

David Reinsel – Leslie Hand – John F. Gantz
November 2018

An IDC White Paper, Sponsored by              A N A LY Z E T H E F U T U R E
Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate
Executive Summary
   DATCON stands for DATa readiness CONdition (DATCON)

   The goal of the DATCON index is to expose the strengths, opportunities, and data
   competency for a given industry, specifically as they relate to managing, analyzing,
   leveraging, and capitalizing on data. This project is designed to analyze various industries
   regarding their own Dataspheres, data management, usage, leadership, and monetization
   capabilities (see “Methodology” for more details).

    Figure 1

              DATCON Index Score Media and Entertainment 2.0
              DATCON Levels
                              Industry is        Suppliers are     A DX culture is        A skilled workforce    A strong vision
  4.1 - 5.0

              5               leading in DX      synced and
                                                                   driven throughout
                                                                   from the top
                                                                                          is executing
                                                                                          advanced initiatives
                                                                                                                 exists on what data
                                                                                                                 is needed, leveraged,
              Optimized                                                                                          and monetized

                              Industry leading   Vibrant           Many DX initiatives    Data management        Good pulse on
  3.1 - 4.0

              4               in some areas of
                                                 ecosystem         owned and
                                                                   budgeted at the
                                                                                          well under
                                                                                                                 leveraging data to
                                                                                                                 fullest extent
              Advanced        transformation                       highest level

                              Industry on        Decent            Some C-level           Corporate-owned        Usually strong

  2.1 - 3.0

                              par with the       ecosystem with    commitment             visions and            in one area of
                              average            similar visions                          initiatives in place   3rd-platform
              Average                                                                                            technologies

                              Industry is in     Limited vision,   There may be           No C-level             Most data never

  1.1 - 2.0

                              catch-up mode      though there      some limited           commitment,            monetized
                                                 are pockets of    3rd-platform           often a LOB
              Needful                            action            initiatives            initiative

                              Industry           Disaggregated     No vision for          No leadership          An impending

  0.1 - 1.0

                              disarray           ecosystem         3rd-platform           within                 data tsunami with
                                                                   technologies           companies              no survival plans
                                                                               Source: IDC’s Data Age 2025 study, sponsored by Seagate

    The media and entertainment industry is large                  media and entertainment companies will
    and varied, with a wide range of companies                     increasingly produce and distribute
    that produce and distribute films, television                  augmented reality and virtual reality content.
    programs and commercials, sports, streaming                    The industry has largely navigated digital
    content, music, audio, newspapers, books,                      disruption, yet media and entertainment
    magazines, and video games. Additionally,                      companies still face the challenge of dealing

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                                        Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 2
Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate
with increasingly competitive and fickle           managing, securing, and distributing media
   markets. Consumers have more ways than ever        and entertainment data. Yet, given the long
   to consume content, driving the need to            history of the industry, many legacy media and
   create, distribute, and manage data in smarter,    entertainment companies find that their
   more efficient ways than ever before. At the       valuable data is spread across multiple
   same time, they need to generate more              locations, contractors, and even rogue
   revenue from capitalizing on new partnerships      equipment. The need to corral this data into
   and content delivery opportunities.                centralized repositories for security is obvious;
                                                      more importantly, if media and entertainment
   The focus on revenue generation often results      companies are going to be able to deliver (and
   in IT budgets focused more on production           monetize) the type of on-demand, dynamic,
   technology than data management. Certainly,        personalized content the future portends, then
   digitally-native large production and              data consolidation is mandatory, and
   distribution companies such as Amazon,             investment in data management, analytics, AI,
   Netflix, and YouTube are at the cutting edge of    and edge computing must accelerate.

   From a DATCON perspective, the data competency of the media and entertainment
   industry overall is at DATCON 2, with a few highly competent companies operating at the
   leading edge of technology innovation and data management. Many companies, however,
   are playing catch-up (Figure 1).

   The following are some key findings earning the media and entertainment
   Industry a DATCON score of 2.0:
      Digital disruption in the media and            (CAGR). Going forward, the media and
      entertainment industry has led to rapid        entertainment Datasphere is expected to
      data growth. From 2010 to 2018, the media      grow relatively more slowly than other less
      and entertainment Datasphere grew at a         digitally transformed industries, at a
      43% compound annual growth rate                2018–2025 25% CAGR.

      Extracting value from a digital library of     analytics and the ability to harness social
      media and entertainment assets requires        media are key competitive advantages for
      technology to deliver the right content at     media and entertainment companies, but
      the right time to the right audience — on      many are ill-prepared to deliver, let alone
      any screen at any time. Big data and           capitalize, on this Datasphere dynamic.

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Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate
Although there is solid support from top-level                     We have a goal
      executives for technology innovation, budgets
                                                                    of consolidating 20
      are constraining foundational elements of digital
      transformation for many industry participants.            datacenters down to three,
      For example, 85% of media companies                   with a target to move 75% of the
      surveyed had a corporate vision for cloud
                                                          datacenter assets across our company
      computing; some companies have
      aggressive goals for cloud migration.               to the cloud over the next three years.
      Although 70% of companies expected to                 Today, we have around 25% of our
      have budget available for cloud computing,
                                                                    storage in the cloud.
      less than 30% of cloud-computing budgets
      were fully funded, and 30% had no funding at all.                CIO and SVP of Corporate IT,
                                                                                Major Media Firm
      This was a consistent theme across many of the
      media and entertainment companies: The vision and
      desire did not always align with the necessary funding.

      IT investment by media and entertainment            advanced architectures, edge computing,
      companies overall was the lowest of all             cloud, and other necessary technologies.
      industries analyzed in this study. The              Particularly bothersome for media and
      investment is often highly fragmented               entertainment companies are the
      across an organization, making it difficult         seemingly endless pockets of data that are
      for IT departments to catch up with data            difficult to consolidate.
      management difficulties, let alone invest in

              There is a lot of data, especially as our marketing groups have digitized. A
              lot of that has been done by third parties, and there’s a lot of data we own,
              but it sits out with other people. A big part of trying to figure out that data
              environment … is how we might bring back that data and store it. We may
              not even know what we need it for, but we need it stored in one place so
              that others, like data scientists, can have access.

                                                            CIO and SVP of Corporate IT, Major Media Firm

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Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate
Compared to other industries, the media         analytic, and real-time data. On the other
      and entertainment industry is less exposed      hand, security of data is paramount and
      to the growth of critical, hypercritical,       receives a high priority.

      Security around the media and                   seek to pay for their investment and future
      entertainment Datasphere often is               revenue where companies seek to drive
      time-sensitive. For example, to unlock the      maximum profit. Security will need to be
      full data value potential, security is at the   more dynamic as the augmentation of
      highest level up through the release of a       sports, the growth in electronic sports
      movie. Any leak of production footage let       (esports), and the rise in socially created
      alone a complete asset has the potential to     and driven content drive consumer habits.
      decimate initial revenue where companies

      While some media companies have a solid understanding and ability to extract value from
      their data, many more media companies are limited in their understanding of data’s value.
      Consider the following dynamics that have the potential to disrupt the value of media and
      entertainment data:

             Anything a CPU touches has a deflationary impact (i.e., creating something
             virtually is cheaper than creating the real thing) … eventually the actors and
             actresses … the building out of sets … all of a sudden instead of millions of
             dollars … it's hundreds of thousands.

                                                       CIO and SVP of Corporate IT, Major Media Firm

             Longer term, think if popular game show hosts like Pat Sajak and Vanna
             White could be digitally created and forever young and speak Spanish and
             Russian … you would just have to license the avatar … that would really
             change the value of data quite a bit.
                                                       CIO and SVP of Corporate IT, Major Media Firm

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Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate
Chapter 1

   Media and Entertainment Survey Data
   The media and entertainment industry
   has a critical need to seize                                                                    Figure 2
   opportunities to consolidate and                                 1.7      2.6
   monetize libraries of digital                    Leadership               Datasphere
   content, and it is a task that                       Survey               Slowest growing
                                                   Lowest in managing        Datasphere, but AR/VR,
   is beyond the current
                                                 data, security an issue     security, and analytics are
   capabilities of many data                                                 driving it
   center managers and
   CIOs. Of the 275 media           1.8                                                                         1.9
   and entertainment               Data                              DATCON                        Digital
   data center managers            Valuation                       Index Score             Transformation

   and CIOs surveyed,              Legacy understanding                                          Blockchain, AR/VR,
                                   being disrupted by                                                 and AI require
   41% indicated there             new consumer                                                       more funding
   were plans to expand            consumption
   or significantly
   expand use of the
   cloud. However, with                                            3.4       1.0
   decentralized budgets                       C-Level Buy-in                Structural
                                                  C-level involvement is     Lowest spend and IT
   and large ecosystems of
                                                     solid, but there is a   laggard with aggressive
   content-producing suppliers,                          lack of funding     cloud aspirations
   this is simply a monumental task.
                                                                                                         Source: IDC’s Data
   Of the same individuals surveyed, 42%                                                          Age 2025 study, sponsored
                                                                                                                 by Seagate
   indicated they had difficulty in predicting
   and managing the growth of data they are experiencing (Figure 2).

              Of the 275 media and entertainment data center managers
                   and CIOs surveyed, 41% indicated there were plans to
                         expand or significantly expand use of the cloud.

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                              Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 6
Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate
The top three investment priorities for the media and entertainment companies surveyed were
   cloud, IoT, and big data and analytics. Blockchain, augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR), and
   robotics were the bottom three priorities (Figure 3).

   Figure 3 - Media and entertainment leading and lagging investment priorities

                                     Budget Available?






      20%                                                                                                              Yes


               Cloud      IoT     Big data/     Edge      AI    Blockchain   AR/VR        Robotics
                                  analytics   computing

                                                                                  Source: IDC’s Data Age 2025 study, sponsored by Seagate

   Getting control of digital media assets by                  Digital rights management (DRM) and anti-pirating
   moving them to the cloud is an important first              technologies can be enhanced effectively by
   step for many media and entertainment                       integrating new blockchain strategies that can track
   companies. Unsurprisingly, IT spending                      the authenticity of media throughout its entire life.
   investment in the cloud is listed as the                    New augmented and virtual realities are guaranteed
   number-one investment priority for the media                to be a part of the media and entertainment future,
   and entertainment industry. Cloud investment is             whether an augmented roller coaster experience or
   a necessary first step if companies are going to            a movie enhanced within a virtual environment. It is,
   have responsive, agile infrastructures that can             however, easier said than done.
   analyze real-time data feeds and respond with
   dynamically created, personalized content in                Creating a virtual anything requires a lot of data
   AR/VR environments.                                         analytics and intelligence if it is to be believable.
                                                               Intersecting it with consumers' preferred
   Once digital assets have been migrated and                  consumption habits at any given time also requires a
   aggregated in the cloud, then media and                     special skill set among workers (data scientists) who
   entertainment companies must invest more in                 must figure out not only what data is necessary, but
   analytics, blockchain, and AR/VR.                           also where and how it should be stored.

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Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate
Our physical reality is fraught with imperfections,        If media and entertainment companies are to
   inconsistencies, and randomness; yet, we see it            succeed with future VR initiatives, they must
   all with human eyes that perceive near-perfect             invest in capturing more data that will help
   resolution (or at least interpreted that way by            define infinite decision paths for VR users; edge
   our brains). As our physical environments                  computing that will allow content to change
   change, we react and respond based upon                    based on user responses and biometrics; and
   personal inclinations, preferences, and fears.             centralized data management tools to drive data
   Recreating a digitized and virtual replica that            analytics and infrastructure efficiencies.
   transports a person into a new and believable
   alternative reality is very difficult.                     Investment in data management has lagged
                                                              investment in media production, but this must
   Computers are designed to produce predictable              change. The importance of media production is
   results with no flaws or inconsistencies, contrary         indisputable, given that is where data intersects
   to our real world; often, they have scenarios or           with the end customers. it exposes a gap,
   decision paths that limit what a user may do in a          however, in companies having the right skill set
   virtualized environment, thereby hindering the             to improve, let alone excel, at data management.
   sense of a believable alternate reality. Also
   interfering with this task is the bulk and imperfect       Media and entertainment companies scored the
   resolution of today's VR headsets. In other words,         lowest in hiring employees with the necessary
   a believable virtual reality is beyond reach today         skill set (Figure 4).
   — but is destined to exist in the future.

   Figure 4 - Employee skills

                     Finding Employees with the Right Skill Set





                                                                                                                  Industry average
                                                                                                                  Media and

                      It’s a problem                      It’s not a problem

                                                                               Source: IDC’s Data Age 2025 study, sponsored by Seagate

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Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate
As in other industries, this creates a significant   Given the dispersed nature of the rich data
   opportunity for consultants and service              assets, the media and entertainment industry is
   companies to provide strategic support and           significantly challenged in securing the data
   direction to help media and entertainment            that requires protection. Forty-three percent of
   companies get their data management houses           companies surveyed were challenged in
   in order.                                            understanding what data required protection,
                                                        as well as protecting it (Figure 5).

   Figure 5 - Securing data

                Ability to Secure All Data that Requires Protection





                                                                                                            Industry average
                                                                                                            Media and

                       Challenged                   Good understanding

                                                                         Source: IDC’s Data Age 2025 study, sponsored by Seagate

   There is perhaps no other industry that creates      future, but it is an uncharted future where the
   as much data for the purpose of consumption,         value of this data is hard to quantify.
   especially for entertainment purposes. Tied to
   this entertainment, however, is the all-important    One of the six DATCON assessment scores is
   advertising dollar, which exacerbates the need       related to the ability to understand the value of
   for created content to be highly consumable          and extract value from the data created and
   … over and over again.                               stored. Given the difficulties stated above, it is
                                                        no surprise that the media and entertainment
   Furthermore, how does one value the data             industry scored the lowest compared to other
   necessary to create virtual actors/actresses and     industries in terms of its competency in valuing
   storylines that cater to personal preferences        data (Figure 6).
   and draw viewership in the future? It is the

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                            Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 9
Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 - An Industry That Must Centralize Its Data Management Practices - Seagate
Figure 6 - Valuing data

                  Data Valuation Competency Industry Comparison

                                                                                                            Financial services

     3.0                                                                                                    Manufacturing

     2.0                                                                                                    Healthcare

      1.0                                                                                                   Media and


                                                                         Source: IDC’s Data Age 2025 study, sponsored by Seagate

   The final area in which media and                    entertainment respondents indicated they
   entertainment companies surveyed said they           lacked a solid understanding regarding the
   were significantly challenged was in predicting      impending data growth headed their way
   and managing the growth of their own                 (Figure 7).
   Datasphere. Roughly 42% of media and

   Figure 7 - Managing data

                              Understanding the Growth of Data




                                                                                                            Industry average
                                                                                                            Media and

                       Challenged                   Good understanding

                                                                         Source: IDC’s Data Age 2025 study, sponsored by Seagate

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                           Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 10
Chapter 2

   Revelations in the Media and
   Entertainment Datasphere
    The media and entertainment Datasphere is the slowest-growing industry Datasphere that IDC
    evaluated, including the growth of critical and hypercritical (life-dependent) data (Figure 8).

    Figure 8 - Data growth in the media and entertainment industry

                                             The Media and Entertainment Datasphere







                    2010       2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020    2021     2022     2023    2024     2025

                                                                                                     Source: IDC’s Data Age 2025 study, sponsored by Seagate

    In addition to the overall slow growth of this                                Figure 9 illustrates the growth trajectories of
    Datasphere, the types of data that typically                                  various data types that are part of the media
    elevate the need for proper data management                                   and entertainment Datasphere.
    are slow-growing — outside of security.

    Figure 9 - Critical data growth trends in the media and entertainment industry

                            Types of Data in the Media and Entertainment Datasphere
              4.5                                                                                                                    Data to be

              3.5                                                                                                                    Real-time data

                                                                                                                                     Critical data

              2.0                                                                                                                    Analytics data
                                                                                                                                     Hypercritical data

              0.5                                                                                                                    Artificial
                                                                                                                                     intelligence data
                          2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

                                                                                                     Source: IDC’s Data Age 2025 study, sponsored by Seagate

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                                                       Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 11
Of course, not all data grows at the same rate. The table below provides further insight into the
   characteristics of the data in Figure 9.

                                        2018–2025          % of 2018 Media and             % of 2025 Media and
                                          CAGR           Entertainment Datasphere        Entertainment Datasphere

     Data to be secured                   29%                     52%                               65%
     Real-Time data                       33%                      12%                               18%
     Critical data                        33%                       3%                                 5%
     Analytics data                       49%                        1%                                3%
     Hypercritical data                   48%                       0%                                0%
     Artificial intelligence data         62%                       0%                                0%
                                                                Source: IDC’s Data Age 2025 study, sponsored by Seagate

    Personalized and targeted entertainment experiences.
   The media and entertainment industry already         Data analytics capabilities give Netflix the
   provides consumers with countless options for       ability to determine how content
   entertainment content. The question is: How do      recommendations are presented to individual
   media and entertainment companies make              users. The content may be the same, but the
   consumers aware of the vast libraries of            images, talent, or story elements may be
   content they have available? Increasingly,          emphasized or presented in different ways
   companies are offering personalized content         based on personal preferences and viewing
   recommendations that are targeted to                history. Through this attention to presentation
   consumers’ interests. For example, Netflix is       detail, Netflix can build better content-to-user
   acquiring data from users to make personalized      connections that increase the value of the
   content recommendations. Typical metrics,           recommendations. For example, by leveraging
   such as what content was viewed and when,           advanced data analytics, Netflix introduced the
   are now being supplemented by more granular         series House of Cards with a high degree of
   elements such as when "fast forwarding" takes       confidence that it would be a hit. Data actually
   place. These granular elements add depth and        drove the artistic direction of the show.
   richness to the datasets used for content
   recommendations by including nuances that           Because of better data utilization and
   are user-specific rather than a simply binary       actionable insights, media and entertainment
   notion of whether a piece of content was            companies are already driving a more
   viewed.                                             personalized consumer experience with

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                         Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 12
improved content creation, ad targeting, and         better anticipate and affect consumer
   scheduling. Companies also have found new            decision-making. As an example, customer
   revenue sources. For example, in the U.S., the       experience could be improved by providing
   Weather Channel implemented a proprietary ad         complementary weather insight to a customer
   targeting platform (WEATHERfx) that it could         who is planning a trip on a travel website or
   license to other networks. It allows the insertion   providing real-time weather warnings through a
   of weather intelligence dynamically into digital     navigation application.
   marketing platforms, allowing marketers to

   Social connections.
   Social media has given rise to influencers and       Chanel experimented with computer-generated
   producers who increasingly pose competition          virtual influencer personas on YouTube,
   for traditional media and entertainment              Instagram, and Snapchat in particular. While
   companies. These individuals have attracted          these appear to be early-stage initiatives,
   significant online audiences around the globe        ever-advancing graphics, screen resolution,
   for their animated commentaries or                   immersive AR/VR experiences, personalized
   game-playing prowess via online channels such        experience targeting, and artificial intelligence
   as Twitch (owned by Amazon) and YouTube              techniques create conditions for ongoing
   (owned by Google). Many of these influencers         development and improvement. This adds a
   have gained a modicum of celebrity and play a        new dimension for data to transform the media
   critical role in shaping the value of data; more     and entertainment industry from content and IT
   importantly, they compete for screen time and        infrastructure perspectives.
   associated advertising dollars. For example, an
   estimated 50% of the 15 million Twitch users         The above examples highlight the importance
   spend more than 20 hours a week watching             for the media and entertainment industry to
   content on Twitch. How do legacy media and           improve its digital transformation and structural
   entertainment companies compete against this?        DATCON scores if it is going to compete
                                                        successfully for future viewers and advertising
   At the same time, influencers can be virtual. In     dollars. There are many opportunities for the
   2018, fashion brands such as LMVH, Prada, and        media and entertainment industry to improve.

               Social media has given rise to influencers and producers
            who increasingly pose competition for traditional media and
                                              entertainment companies.

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                        Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 13
Chapter 3

   Recommendations for the Media
   and Entertainment Industry
   The media and entertainment industry is at DATCON 2. Many of its well-established
   companies must invest in their data infrastructures to compete successfully against
   digitally-native giants such as Amazon, Netflix, Baidu iQiyi, Youku Tudou, Maxdome
   (in Germany), and Hotstar (in India).

   Media and entertainment companies are facing increasingly competitive and fickle markets.
   Consumers have more ways than ever to consume content, driving the need for organizations to
   create, distribute, and manage data in smarter, more efficient ways than ever before. At the same
   time, companies need to generate more revenue by capitalizing on new partnerships and
   content-delivery opportunities.

     Significantly upgrade the data-management infrastructure.
     Companies should identify opportunities to         leverage the cloud more aggressively. This is a
     create, distribute, and manage data more           first step to consolidating data, improving
     efficiently to improve cash flow from current      management efficiencies, and increasing its
     operations. Many media and entertainment           DATCON structural score.
     companies expressed a strong desire to

     Operationalize outcomes-based planning.
     Set targets to grow consumer engagement and        infrastructure to somewhat inadequate client
     loyalty against new data-driven key                devices (set-top boxes). In this case, data
     performance indicators (KPIs) that will help       collection about consumer viewing habits lies
     bring context to the value of data. Advertising    with the distributors, out of the hands of the
     dollars follow viewership. The sector in large     content creators. Media and entertainment
     part has relied on content distributors to         companies must take more ownership of their
     manage delivery and customer experience.           customer relationships so that they can
     Look no further than cable TV for evidence:        manage, anticipate, and monetize the
     Media and entertainment produce great              engagements and experiences.
     content that is distributed over legacy

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                     Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 14
Improve the utilization of analytics and AI to optimize performance
     and determine how best to market content to optimize its consumption.
     Media and entertainment companies should         Dataspheres. Fine-grained data utilization is
     not simply focus on keeping up with the          key, but so too is data collection. Thinking
     competition in terms of content production.      creatively to anticipate new data elements to
     Rather, the competitive environment              capture drives a growing dataset on which
     dictates that user experiences continuously      to enhance the user experience. Key
     improve, and companies must use innovative       components of this shift include the need to
     ways of harnessing data as a means to            process more sources of data in real time,
     achieve this. Market leaders, such as Netflix,   protecting data security and privacy, and
     set an example that others can follow as         making data actionable.
     they work to improve management of their

     Weave a plan for security and privacy throughout all
     data and analytics initiatives.
     Beyond traditional security practices            around newly acquired consumer data.
     surrounding content, media and                   These must be leveraged to characterize and
     entertainment companies must integrate           profile customer viewing preferences and
     new security and privacy technologies            behaviors.

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                  Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 15
Chapter 4

   The DATCON index is an indication of how well a particular industry is prepared to
   manage and capitalize on the data that is forecast to grow within that industry. Any
   given company within a particular industry may be above or below the calculated
   DATCON index for the industry.

   The DATCON index is a calculated score that is synthesized across six vectors and numerous metrics
   that emerge from surveys, research, industry experts, and other sophisticated modeling techniques.

   The six assessment vectors are:

   1.   Industry Datasphere
   This vector score is derived by analyzing the                   analytics, data that is leveraged in artificial
   growth trajectory of multiple types of data within              intelligence applications, and real-time data.
   IDC’s Global Datasphere calculation for each
   industry. These types include critical and                      The Datasphere is the amount of new data that is
   hypercritical data, data that requires various levels           captured, created, replicated, and consumed in any
   of security, data that is leveraged in big data                 given year.

   2. Digital transformation and the third platform
   This vector score is derived by assessing an industry’s         Digital transformation is the application of
   activity, initiatives, corporate sponsorships, investment,      third-platform and related technologies to
   and other insights relative to a set of IDC’s                   fundamentally improve all aspects of society. For
   third-platform and innovation accelerators. These               business, this means transforming decision-making
   innovations include the IoT, blockchain, big data, artificial   with technology.
   intelligence, and digital transformation progress.

   3. Structural score
   This vector score combines various metrics related              IT spend as a percent of an industry’s gross output,
   to an industry’s structure (e.g., investment in edge IT,        and leader/laggard condition).

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                                     Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 16
4. C-level buy-in
   This vector scores the involvement of a company’s
   C-suite in sponsoring, leading, and budgeting for
   the various technologies across multiple metrics in
   the DATCON construct.

   5. Data valuation competency
   This vector assesses the skills necessary to
   understand the value of data, as well as to
   monetize it or treat it as an asset.

   6. Leadership (self-scored)
   This vector assesses a company’s perspective
   on its own competency in data management,
   data security, data leadership and vision, and
   availability of skilled data workers. It also
   evaluates how a company sees itself compared
   to its peers.

   IDC surveyed more than 2,400 companies worldwide across
   various industries to gather insight on current and future
   plans to invest in technologies important to digital
   transformation. Each metric within each assessment vector is
   weighted relative to its importance in achieving a high level
   of competence.

   Each assessment vector has also been weighted relative to
   its importance in achieving an optimized data-readiness
   state. The aggregate score becomes the DATCON level for
   the respective industry. All scores were informed by IDC
   proprietary models, primary surveys (as described above),
   expert insight, and direct interviews with various Fortune
   1000 companies.

IDC White Paper I Doc# US44446618 I November 2018                  Media and Entertainment: DATCON 2 I 17
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